Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline stirred a bit, her eyes opening up to the older man. She smiled sleepily up at him, leaning into his hand. "I'm fine," she whispered, sitting up to look at him. "I..." She shook her head, seemingly at a loss for words. His actions last night left her confused about not only her feelings, but his. Crawling over, she slipped into her master's lap and looked up at him with big, dark eyes. "Why did you do that last night?" she murmured, her eye brows creasing in concern. "Did I upset you when I brought up my father?"

Hugo looked up at her, rubbing his eyes and wondering why he felt so hungover. "What's gotten in to you?" he murmured, raising his eyebrow. He looked amused though, wondering why she had such a goofy smile on her face. "Did you get any sleep last night?" Standing up, he started to unbutton his shirt, feeling the urge to get a shower before it got to late. Throwing the shirt to the floor, he gave her a good view of his muscled chest before turning toward the bathroom.
Draco bit her lip looking down at the woman in his lap, looking thoughtful. Trying to think about how to answer her question, resting his forehead on her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist."No...not so much."He sighed quietly. "You were teething, a baby, the same time Scorpius was..I...Its hard...for me to concern you as..having sex. I mean...I'm not astoria.I don't' want to cause harm."he scowled annoyed, because it upset him so much to consider himself a pedophile, wanting her like he did. The poor man had been torturing himself all night for wanting her, "You wanted Scorpius....I deserved having the man you wanted, for your first time."He shrugged a little no meeting her eyes.

Feyn looked up at him startled, realizing he didn't know she'd put him to sleep. Relaxing as she tried to think of a good excuse fo her odd behavior. "N-nothing. Just worried."She muttered before rubbing a hand over her face."No, not really. I just couldn't sleep."She said blushing a little as she watched him undress, glancing towards the door before getting up, waving a hand at the door to lock it before following him to the bathroom. Wanting just to be with him. Leaning against the sink she watched him, smirking a little."Did you sleep well?"
Evangeline frowned and looked down at him, bring her hand up to stroke his hair. "I'm of age," she whispered, "What Astoria was doing was illegal, what you are doing... Well, what you are feeling is not illegal... And you've done nothing harmful to me." Leaning down, for the first time being the one doing the comforting, she kissed the man's forehead. "I do want Scorpius... I started falling for him the day I met him," she admitted, "But... I, uh, I want you..." She swallowed hard and let out a frustrated sigh. There's no way she could start to explain her feelings, but all she knew was that there was no way she could break the heart of the man holding her, or the man that held her last night.

Hugo smirked as she followed him inside, letting his pants fall to the ground to reveal all of his glory. "Yea, slept better than I have in months," he said, sounding a bit surprised. He flipped on the water and stepped inside, not pulling the door closed. He wanted to be with her as much as she wanted to be with him. "Would you like to join me?" he murmured, raising his eyebrows. Damn. He shouldn't have asked that, but he wanted her to... He knew that they couldn't do this, but he could already feel himself get hard at the thought.
Draco sighed a little as his head raised some, responding to her touch without even realizing it. Even married, even happily so, like he'd been before now, the man was touch starved. "Oh...well.This is awkward."He said laughing a lttle shifting her a little, rubbing a hand up nd down her back, nuzzling her a ltitle."How do you feel?"he asked raising his head to look down at her, concern showing in his eyes, relaxing at her reassurance that he wasn't like Astoria.

Feyn swallowed hard, flushing a little as she looked him over. Both at the sight of him naked, but also because she knew why he slept well."Good.I'm glad."She said smiling a little before looking startled at his question.While she knew she shouldn't, espicially considering where she had to spend her evening, she couldn't help but want to. Watching him grow hard at his question she blushed before smiling a little."I-I would."She stuttered a little stripping down before slipping in with him, her hands running over her bare skin, needing to touch him.
Evangeline smirked and leaning into him, letting him hold her and rub her back. She wondered how such gentle, caring man -even if a bit mysterious- could be so lonely. It hurt her heart to think about it. She wrapped her arms around him, leaning in to kiss his neck. "I feel... good," she whispered, "Better. At least I'm safe here, right? I just wish I could see my father..." She sighed and moved to lay down on the bed, pulling him to lay down with her. "Do you have to work today? Or go out to the Quidditch pitch again?" She looked up at him with interest, concern in her eyes. She really didn't want to be alone today, not with Lucius in the house.

Hugo grinned and pulled the shower door closed, turning to press her against the wall, sandwiching her between it and his body. "You should have come to wake me up if you were having such a hard time sleeping," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her forehead. He reached over her to grab a bottle of soap, pouring so in his hand before rubbing it into her arms, gently moving down to massage it into her breasts.
Draco smiled a little letting her pull him down onto the bed, shfting to lay on his side, wrapping a arm round her waist as he rested his head on her shoulder."I'd let you see him, if I could. But I am sure even I can't get to see severus."He said his voice pained, because he missed his godfather. And was afraid for him. Sighing quietly he smiled, "No, i'm caught up on my cases ,and at the moment, don't want to take any more."He said shrugging a little, he only worked because otherwise he was bored, and astoria didn't understand why the man did something as common as work as a lawyer. "And I only play once a week, the others don't have as much free time as I do."he said mostly because while it was mostly true, he didn't want to leave her alone in a house with lucius, even if he knew scorpius would protect her. With his luck, lucius would kill them both if something happened.

Feyn whined moaning softly as she tilted her head back as he masasged her breasts, whimpering quietly."Hmm so you could give me a even harder time sleeping?"She muttered squirming against him, her eyes dark with lust as she remembered the night before, what had been splattered across her chest. Even now, with the man she loved, she couldn't forget the twisted fantasy. the woman was to scarred, to broken from her abuse, to not have a interest in the dark lord. Tensing a little at the thought she looked up at hugo, leaning up to kiss him hard, desperte to think of something else.
Evangeline sighed and nodded. "I know you would," she whispered, reaching up to let her finger tips graze his prickly cheek. A little frown played on her lips, but she knew he'd let her see her dad if it was possible. However, it wasn't, and she could do nothing about it. Leaning up, she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "So what are you going to do today?" she asked, "I just... It makes me nervous to be here when Lucius is here. He scares me by the way he looks at me." She bit her lip and blushed, cuddling up against him like he was her lover. Surely he didn't think of her that strongly, but she liked how his arms felt around her. He was so strong and mature and level headed. Oddly enough, he gave her the comfort of a lover and the comfort that she lacked with her father being locked away.

Hugo grinned a little, looking a bit cocky as he let his hand moved around to her back, and lower to up her ass in his palms. He squeezed it gently. "I may have made it a bit more difficult for you to sleep at first, but when I would have been done, you would have been spent... trust me," he murmured with a chuckle. Leaning down, he began to kiss her neck, letting his erection press into her stomach. "A move like this is going to get me sent to Hell, and I don't mean the one under our feet," he murmured, considering what Voldemort's prison was like... Probably much worse than anything he could imagine.
Draco sighed smiling slightly as she stroked his cheek, bsently stroking his fingers over her side in a caress,kissing her back before sitting up."I was thinking about going riding."He said, his perverted smirk curling his lips. "Have a father son outing...with you of course."he said tilting his head a little."I'm not about to leave you here alone with my father, but I don't want to spend the whole day inside.So.Get dressed, we'll go out."He said already getting up, searching for the invisiblity cloak he'd stolen from potter when the man had died. He hadn't been about to let something as vaulable as that disappear into a death eater's home when he could make good use of it. And it had, it'd gotten him out of some interesting positions over the years.

Feyn moaned squirming a little, shifting. Resting her hands on his shoulder she moaned as he kissed her neck, shifting and wrapping her legs around his waist. "Oh, are you so sure of your talents?"she said laughing quietly wrapping her arms around him."I...i wont let that happen."She muttered nuzzling him, even if the idea of him in voldemort's jail made her sick, or what she'd have to do if they were ever found out to keep him out of there, she'd do it. She loved him, desperately, recklessly....and knew she could never tell him
Evangeline's eyes popped open. Good God, was he trying to torture her? Her feeling for the both were complicated on their own, but now she was going to have to spend alone time with both of them... at the same time? "I... Wh-what? Really?" she murmured, following his orders by standing up and walking over to the dresser. She opened up one of the large doors where Feyn's clothes that had been given to her stayed. Biting her lip, she chose a white sweater, which was a bit too snug in the bust area, and a pair of jeans and riding boots. Pulling her hair back, she tied it into a pony tail. "When you say riding... Do you mean horses or brooms? I'm awful at flying, D- Mr. Malfoy." She blushed, unsure if they were at a point where it was appropriate to call him by his first name.

Hugo laughed a bit, pressing her back against the wall. "Oh, I'm very sure of my talents," he murmured, then moved to kiss her hair as he lined himself up with her entrance. He figured that Lucius was going to realize that this shower was a bit too long for a normal shower if they didn't get a move on. "Ahhh," he moaned, biting down on her lip as he thrust inside her. His hands clamped down on her ass, and he immediately started to go into a more reckless, fast pace compared to his gentle thrusts when he took her virginity away.
"Yes, really. I don't want either of you alone in the house, Scorpius is depressed enough to be sarcastic with my father, and you...well I can't leave you alone here."he said before watching her dress, swallowing hard as he did. She looked so good in his niece's slightly to small clothes. Feyn was ust to slender and small busted for her clothes to be a truly good fit for Evangeline."I was planning horses."He said tilting his head a little as he opened the door for her."And it's draco when we are alone, or with Scorpius. Only among the others, do I have to be mr. malfoy, or master."He said walking out and knocking on Scorpius' door, smirking at his slightly disheveled son, though the man looked ready to go to. Riding boots and leather pants hugged his form, looking ready to go on horseback or in the air."Ready to go?"Draco said. "Yea.Are you sure this is a good idea?"scorpius muttered, feeling just as awkward. "Of course not. But we're going to go anyways."He said looking amused.

Feyn moaned laughing a little as she wrapped her arms around him, shivering as she shifted her hips to meet each thrust. The words abandoning her for a moment, just enjoying the recklessness of this as she met him thrust for thrust, gasping as the world shattered for her in a sudden blistering moment, her body tightening around him as she came, nails digging into his back as she slumped against the wall.
Evangeline took in the sight of Scorpius in his snug pants and smirked a bit. Bloody hell, he was sexy... She gave him a shy smile when she saw him, still a little nervous about what had happened the night before. As awkward as it was, it was hard to not want to be around them. They were each so sexy in their own right, and so kind and protective over her. She'd never had that before, aside from her father. "I had a horse in France. An Appaloosa, actually," she murmured with a smile once they got out of the manor. "She was beautiful and so sweet... She was a birthday present from my father when I was thirteen." She shoved her hands in her pockets and let out a sigh. Who knew she'd got from owning a pet to being a pet in just a few years.

Hugo grunted, biting his lip as she came and pulsed around him. Trying to be careful about their situation, he held back, pulled out of her, and set her down on the floor before he came. It was hard to control himself for those few seconds, so when she was down, he came all over her abdomen, not thinking that it would bring back kinky memories of the night before. "Oooh..." he moaned with relief, "Might want to wash up again." He smirked at that, then reached to grab the soap again, trying not to give in to weak knees.
Scorpius smirked a little as they walked outside, blushing ever so slightly. It was weird be having sex at home, much less with the girl his father was going to be having sex with to. This was just tooo weird. Smiling slightly as he glanced over at her as they walked, he raised a eyebrow at his father, who seemed to have relaxed even more then before. IT was as if away from his own father, draco was quite willing to do away with the cold formality that had been a trademark of the last few years. "We have a few appaloosa's here.Though my favorites the demonkyn."Scorpius said smiling as they walked into the barn, Scorpius' personal mount sticking its head out over the stall door and whickering at the sight of him, the demonkyn horse that was similar to a unicorn, but where a unicorn was pure and innocent, the demonkyn horse showed every sign of being wicked and smart, and it was obviously well cared for, since it was a birthday present from his father. "You always did enjoy things that are dangerous for you."Draco said rolling his eyes a little at his son, amused.nudging Evangeline a little he nodded towards the stall next to him."This girl's sweet tempered and kind. And a real lady."He said smirking as the unicorn stuck its head out over the stall door. over the years the malfoys had always collected rare and magical things, Scorpius' obsession with horses only being the last in a long line of obsessions.

Feyn shuddered as he sat her down, eyes widening as he came over her stomach, trembling as she stared down at herself. Shivering as she moved away from the wall."Y-yes, I'll just clean up."She stuttered a little as she shivered at the memory of voldemort doing the same. When she was done cleaning up she bit her lip as she looked up at him, moving to get out of the shower."I have to go out this afternoon after we get some studying done.And you can't come with me."She said because while voldemort had said that evening, she figured he'd be pleased if she came early, taking it as a sign of her wanting to be with him-and she did, even if she didn't want to admit it- it was more she was running away from hugo,because if she stayed here with him, she was going to be in bed with him all day, doing reckless things.Like telling him she loved him.
Evangeline's eyes went wide at the sight of all the horses, looking absolutely taken off guard at the collection around her. She loved horses, and she missed her horse, Gwendolyn, more than anything. In fact, she often wondered who ended up with her after she was auctioned off when she moved. It broke her heart to do that, but no one would be there to take care of her with both her and her father at Hogwarts. "Mine was a silvery-grey with black legs, mane and tail..." When Draco, nudged her, she looked up at the unicorn with surprise. "Wow... You have a unicorn? I thought all of them had to be turned over to Voldemort..." She walked over and began to pet and nuzzle the head of the beautiful creature, smiling at how sweet and gentle she was. Leaning in, she pressed a kiss to the animals head, some of her black hair that fell down from her braid blowing around her face.

Hugo finished washing up, the stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. He looked confused at her words, leaning against the counter and watching her. "Oh... Well, where are you going?" he asked, concerned for her safety. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, but their were some shitty people that lurked around lately. "I mean, is it some kind of Death Eater thing that I'm not invited to?" There was a bit of bitterness to his voice, but it wasn't directed at her. He turned around to look in the mirror, styling his hair before grabbing his wand and making the facial hair on his face disappear. It wasn't the most effective way, but he didn't have a razor in her bathroom.
Draco's horse :D
"All of them did go to him,all but this pretty girl. I spent a fortune to add it to Scorpius' collection."Draco snorted laughing as he moved to the next stall pulling open the door he led the Caspian horse from the stall, absently petting the stallion's black head before frowning slightly at Evangeline's description of her horse. Leaving Valdan standing where he was, he walked to another stall and while Scorpius watched on with a bemused look he drew the last horse out of the stall, the dark colored appallosa following him out of the stall. "Like this pretty girl?"Draco snickered as he looked at Evangeline, having not known why Severus had asked him to add the horse to his collection, but having done it, because Severus didn't ask alot of things from him.

Feyn smiled a little as she dressed, flushing a little. "Well, I talked to McKinze last night, and went to talk to Voldemort after you went to sleep....I convinced them that it was a bad idea to keep your father in jail, stirs unrest and all."she shifted nervously avoiding his eyes because she knew he wasn't going to like it, and she hated lying to him, but she had to. He'd lose it if he knew what she was really doing."Voldemort demanded that in exchange for this, I had to have dinner with him. Seems his dinner conversation isn't simulating enough, what with aunt bellatrix being old and all."
Evangeline smirked and walked over to pet Draco's horse. "What a beauty," she murmured, then looked over at Scorpius. She would have never pegged him for a lover of horses, though she could have pegged him for a guy who would spend a fortune on one easily. Raising her eyebrows, she watched as Draco went to the back stall and pulled Gwendolyn out. At first, she couldn't believe it. That couldn't be her... But sure enough, the horse whined at the sigh of her, obviously excited to see her. "Oh... Oh my God," she whispered, moving over to the horse. Reaching up, to put and hug the horse, Evangeline felt tears in her eyes. "How did you get her? How long has she been here?"

Evan's horse :)

Hugo looked over at her suspiciously, his jaw clenched. "Why would you do that? Feyn, I don't need you fighting my battles for me!" he snapped, looking at her incredulously. "How could you do something so reckless? He could have killed your or raped you or watched as others raped you." He shuddered at the rumors he heard about what Voldemort did to women... He shook his head, swallowing hard. "Look, you have no idea how appreciative I am that my father is out, but don't do that anymore. You can't use yourself as a pawn." Reaching up, he ran a hand through his damp hair. It's not like he could tell her she couldn't have dinner with Voldemort... It was only dinner, and she was a grown woman. "I'm going to get dressed. We have a lot of stuff to cover today..."
Scorpius' demonkyn
Scorpius smiled as he petted the demonkyn's head, looking amused before shaking his head."Uncle severus brought her this summer, he said he knew I was going to breed Haven here, and thought the appaloosa would be a good match, since black and white appaloosa's aren't that common and pure black demonkyn aren't either."Scorpius said rolling his eyes a little because it was obvious that his uncle had played Scorpius like a master violinist on a strativius. Ddraco smiled as he watched the horse and girl,"You can't ride her now, she's pregnant, but she is your..gwendolyn you said?"Draco said looking amused because Severus had so easily played on Scorpius' whims, having presented the rare horse to the younger malfoy, who in turn had demanded that his father allow him to spend a small fortune to by her.

Feyn scowled at her. "Because you were upset and I could fight this battle."She scowled at him as she angrily brushed out her hair, annoyed with him for being angry, and even more angry with herself for having enjoyed the perversion the night before. "I'll always be a pawn, no matter what the game."She said looking away from him, pain in the words, because she knew the stakes, knew that as long as the current order was in charge, she would never be more then a female pureblood to breed. Sighing quietly she nodded."Let's go then."She said before walking out to get ready for the day.

That evening she looked up at him, looking tired from a day spent in the library, glancing quickly around to make sure neither her grandfather or grandmother were nearby, before hugging hugo quickly leaning against his chest."I'll be home in a few hours. Rest. And don't stay up for me."She said looking up at him worried, because she didn't want to worry him, and she knew that if he did wait up for her, he was going to be pissed when he saw the state of her, because if last night was any indication, she was going to look worse for wear.
Evangeline kissed her horse on the nose, petting her gently. A smile spread across her face. "Wow... She's pregnant?" she whispered, looking over at Scorpius' horse. Both were beautiful animals; it was no doubt that the filly would be gorgeous and unique. "Yes, Gwendolyn," she murmured, moving around to pet her back and stomach. Sure enough, the horse was heavily pregnant, and very well taken care of. It was obvious that she was under special care. "Thank you so much... I mean, I understand you didn't know she was mind at the time, but she looks so good," she whispered, "I thought I'd never see her again." She shook her head, looking at the horse that had been her best friend through the years. "I guess her pregnancy as went well so far? I'm surprised honestly surprise... Gwen never liked being around other horses."

Hugo sighed and looked down at her, wrapping his arms around her. "You're going to be careful?" he murmured, "Don't do anything stupid for me. I can take care of myself. You think about you, okay?" Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. He was so not ready to watch her go away and see what would happen to her. Bloody hell, he was afraid she'd never come back. And then her uncle would kill him for letting her go...
"She is."Scorpius grinned as he moved around his horse so he could stand next to gwendolyn, obviously excited about the foal as he stroked the horse's side."You're welcome, but Severus was right, she's a good pair for a demonkyn, and since I couldn't find a pureblood female demonkyn, this was the next best thing, breeding him to a relative breed."He said talking so excitedly about it his father burst out laughing from where he was getting the unicorn and caspian saddled. "You're going to wet your pants if you don't calm down, scorpius. You still have a month till she delivers, don't go insane.And yes, it's been going well, better then expected really."Draco said swallowing, his voice muffled because he was trying so hard to not give in to the insane urge to laugh at his son. Scorpius blushed before calming, smiling a little as he stroked Gwendolyn's side looking at Evangeline."Well, she wasn't happy about being here at first, but after I spent a few days over break out here, and feyn to, just getting her used to being with haven, she wasn't so eager to get away from him." "What he wont say, is he slept out here in the stables for those nights and in the stall with them both, making sure they were both happy."Draco snorted laughing as he led the two horses out into the courtyard waiting for the two youngsters.

Feyn sighed quietly pressing her face into his chest. Because she knew she'd do all kinds of stupid things for him, even if she couldn't tell him she was in love with him, she'd take care of hm."I will.It's just dinner, Hugo.I'll take care of myself."She muttered looking up at him, stepping back,gently touching his cheek she leaned up to kiss him softly before stepping back, apparating away before she could change her mind about this. She couldn't not go, but she was afraid she wouldn't if she didn't leave before he could convince her to stay. Taking a deep breath she stepped into the riddle manor, going in search of the dark lord.
Evangeline giggled a bit at his excitement, walking around Gwendolyn to hug him. It was so sweet that he took such good care of his horses. They were more than a collection; he cared about them. "Well, it makes me feel so much better to know that she was with you this whole time. No wonder she looks so happy." She grinned, reaching up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek, then turned to get on to the unicorn that Draco had saddled. She didn't even know that a unicorn could be broken in for riding... A smile appeared on her lips that reached her eyes, leaning down to pet the horse's mane. After the men had gotten on their horses, she eased the unicorn out of the stable and began to ride out toward the vast land that surrounded the manor, he loose braid blowing behind her.

Voldemort was in his study, drinking a scotch as he waited for the dinner to finish. He was a smart man, and he could see the over achiever in his new lover. So just in case, he had her a plate made as well... "Ah, Miss Ceralina, haven't you ever heard of being on time? You are several hours early, my dear. I said midnight." There was something dangerous in his voice, even though he looked amused. He poured her a drink, then handed it to her. "Drink," she snapped, "And sit." He nodded to the fancy dining room where the first course was already being served.
Scorpius smiled lowering his head to kiss her hair as he wrapped a arm around her waist to hug her back."Well good. And wouldn't any woman be happy to be with me?Even if she's on four legs, instead of two?"He said snickering a little as he stepped back getting on haven he smirked a little as he followed her out onto the land."You'll have to thank Feyn for the fact your riding a unicorn. Damned girl wouldn't let me and scorpius anywhere near her, but feyn and her get along splendly. So much so that Sara let Feyn saddle break her."Draco said he walked wth them, nudging the caspian into a trot, nodding towards the back fields. "Head that way, its more private."he said eager to get away from the chance his father might see.

Feyn smiled a little as she sat down, taking the glass from her as she did, sipping it as she raised a eyebrow. Something dark in her eyes, fear tinged with lust, fear starting to give away to the stronger emotion."Since my place on earth is to please you my lord, I thought you would rather look at someone beautiful over dinner then your house elves and followers."She said tilting her head. The pureblood woman was arrogant, as arrogant as draco had ever been, and knowing that she was one of a handful of pureblood young women that hadn't been born uglier then a pit bull. Her parents had the good grace to make her beautiful and brillant...and like he had observed, she was a overachiever, her studies proof of that. The need to please him, and protect Hugo were driving her to new heights....and her lust for him,even if she would never admit that it was part of it. Unlike Mckinze who scared her to much to make her want him, there was something about this highly intelligent, brutal, beautiful man.
Evangeline looked out toward the more private fields and leading her horse out into the middle of it. It was nice to ride again, the wind blowing through her hair. Her horse trotted between Draco and Scorpius' horses, acting a bit frisky to be with the two males. "I would have never pegged the Malfoy family as horse lovers... My father never told me," she murmured, smirking a bit. The land around them was beautiful with a creek running down the middle, clear fields, and majestic looking trees. It almost look too beautiful, as if maybe there was a bit of magic involved. A nice little cottage-style house would be adorable out there; so cozy and inviting... "Draco," she murmured suddenly, looking over at him, "I was thinking... Since your such a high-standing Death Eater, don't you think Voldemort would let you see my father? Maybe if you tried to pull it off as a punishment... You could dress me up like last night and take me out there... I just... I really want to see him. I'd do anything." She looked over at him, sadness in her eyes despite how happy the horse ride was making her. Nothing would ever change the fact that she missed her father. He had been all she had so very long.

"You're correct about your place," Voldemort murmured, reaching down to stir the lamb stew. "But don't over estimate your value. Everyone is replaceable, Miss Ceralina- Even you. I enjoy dinner with my followers, because they know their place. They are well aware that their is only room for one arrogant person at the dinner table." His eyes went dark at that, and he took a bite of his food. Silence over took the dining room for a moment before he cleared his throat. "I have a meeting with McKinze tomorrow to tell him that your engagement no longer holds my approval. Before I do this, I want to know that you are serious about your commitment to... Well, me." He gave her a deadly smirk. "That means you obey every command, you come to my castle any time I call... And this is no game. You get no safe word or say in what I do or don't do. After all, I let out Ron Weasley on magic parole this morning, so you are in heap of debt."
"Severus does not talk about a lot of things, even to the people who he cares for."Draco said shrugging a little as they walked, looking around he looked startled at her words, before going quiet, thinking. Biting his lip a little he tilted his head."I-I will see what I can do. I'll go after we finish the ride."He said, though he smiled, his eyes didn't hold much hope. He might be able to talk his way around letting him see Severus, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to convince Voldemort that he wanted to punish Evangeline by letting her see how badly treated her father was. Scorpius smiled sadly nudging the horse closer to Evangeline, reaching out an slipping her hand in his, squeezing her fingers."If anyone can do this, father can."He said before moving away, looking at the beautiful scenery around them.

Feyn sighed a little leaning back into her seat even as she ate a piece of lamb, bowing her head a little."As you wish.It seems I have picked up bad habits from uncle Draco, can't keep to my own place.You'll just have to teach me."She said eating for a moment before her eyes grew dark with both lust and anger, even if she understood his questions about her commitment. yet she wasn't used to being questioned over things.. "I am always serious in my commitments."She said before going quiet, resting her head back against the headrest of her chair, swallowing hard. She knew Hugo would kill her for this, for sacrificing so much to help his father, and to protect him. It wasn't her commitment to voldemort that kept her in her seat, willing to pay this debt. It was her commitment to Hugo."I am at your every command, my lord."She said, though her voice shook ever so slightly, as she raised her eyes to look t him, there was sincerity in her words. She wanted, so desperately wanted a life with hugo, free of everything. But she couldn't have that, without getting her marriage set aside, and hopefully,eventually the dark lord would grow tired of her, and she would be allowed having the life she wanted, and not the life forced on her.
Evangeline grinned a little as Scorpius squeezed her hand, and she watched him trot off into the scenery with longing in her eyes. He was just so... so kind and gentle; two things she never would have expected him to ever be. She bit her lip and looked over and Draco. "You'd have no idea how appreciative I would be," she murmured, smiling at him. "He's sacrificed too much for me to ever think about giving up on him." With that, she let her horse run out into the land, moving at a quick speed. It was obvious that she had skill while riding, but the unicorn still had a bit of a wild streak. When it started to rain and thunder, the unicorn began to scare, bucking a little. "Shhh.... Shhh, girl, everything's okay," Evangeline murmured, a little worry in her eyes. She'd never been thrown from a horse.

Voldemort grinned, looking satisfied with her answer. "Good, good," he murmured, taking a sip of his drink. "Finish your dinner, and then we will get to dessert." A smirk came over his face and he began to dig into the next course, eating a healthy amount before pushing it away and waving a maid to come in and take it. The maid had a gag in her mouth, for she was a mouthy muggle born who's father was in a great deal of debt with the Dark Lord. He didn't like her attitude, but her legs were astounding, and the girl was flexible. "Come, kitten," he murmured to Feyn, "Let's go down to the master chambers..." He couldn't wait to try a few things on her and test her pain limits.
Both malfoy men were happy and content to ride with her, though they were enjoying a riding competition with each other. When the unicorn bucked a little draco turned away from the jumps, getting scorpius' attention he nudged the caspian close to evangeline,"Hey sweetheart,you want to get on here with me?"he asked looking nervous. "I have her."Scorpius said as he caught the unicorn's bridle in his hand as he moved to the other side, cooing softly to the unicorn, before glancing at evangeline."Get on in front of father, she's fine, but if the storm gets worse I don't think she'll stay calm."Scorpius said already turning the horses back towards the house as the unicorn fretted. "Come evnageline."Draco muttered helping her onto his horse, letting her lean back against his chest as they headed back towards the house.

Feyn smiled a little as she ate, raising a eyebrow at the sight of the maid, even if she didn't seem disturbed, she looked intereste in why she was bound and gagged. For a girl who'd been abused, she was astoundingly naive about the darker side of sex, so voldemort's perversity was going to be as arousing as it was surprising to the girl. She might not be a virgin anymore, but in his world, she was. Raising a eyebrow as she walked with him she looked up at the taller man, looking so fragile and breakable next to him."Kitten?"She muttered curious, not protesting the name, just curious about why kitten. Even when it could get her in trouble, she had a curious streak, so much like a kitten.
Evangeline frowned and shifted on to Draco's horse, settling in front of him and leaning against his chest. "I'm sorry... I've never had that happen," she murmured, cuddling back against him. "She must not care for thunder..." She blushed, but it was hard to tell now that the rain was coming down like crazy. Her clothes were stuck to her and she had wet strands of hair splashed across her forehead. As Scorpius put up the unicorn, Evangeline slipped her hands over Draco's on the reigns, leaning back on his shoulder to look up at him. Rain came down on her face as she tilted her chin up, kissing him gently, with almost an unsure movement of her lips.

Voldemort chuckled as he led her down the long, candle lit hallway. "I never call anyone by their first names," he murmured simply, "And I like kitten." His hand moved to the small over her back. "So small and fragile, but frisky with a lot of potential... Just like a little kitten." He nodded for her to walk into the bedroom. A large, circular bed was in the middle of the room with candles floating all around. Other than that, it was a cold place... "First things first. Strip." He nodded to her, then reached over and rang a small silver bell. Immediately, four maids walked in. "They are going to get you groomed to by standards."
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