Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Hugo stood up and nodded, thinking about it for a moment. "Well, I think I'd like to pick out an owl... I've never had one before," he admitted, "Except our family owl that stays at the house. Mum uses it, mostly, and then my father uses it for work..." He shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets, following her wherever she planned to go. He trusted her, even if the place made him weary. It was the kind of place, while nice, was not the place he'd want to actually live in. He liked warm, cozy homes... And for some reason, he imagined Feyn in a warm, cozy home with him one day. Stupid thing to imagine, but he did.

Evangeline flinched, her heart hurting a little. "I know that feeling," she murmured quietly, "Definitely." She frowned, because she did know what it was like to hide things and put up with things to protect another. She loved her father, and while she hated living a lie everyday, she's do it for him. A smiled spread across face, and she tilted her head to the side. "Really? I mean... You wanted to go to the dance with me?" She bit her lip, unable to hide her giddy feeling about it. She would have loved to attend that dance with Scorpius, as dangerous as it would have been.
Feyn nodded, looking amused as he lead the way throug the manor to the back doors, "That's sad.Everyone should have a pet."She said smiling as she pulled on a jacket and handed him draco's winter coat. "It'll be snug through the shoulders, but he wont mind."She said before walking outside, stepping into the barn she smiled as she made her way to the owlry at the end, smiling at the sight of the chicks Draco was raising- well helping raise with narcissa's help- and the older owls that were already rained. Looking at hugo she gave him a smile. She was a woman who would do better in a cozy home, instead of the cold manor, she just didn't know it. Having known nothing else, she didn't know what she needed, she just knew that she wanted to be with him."We raise them from chicks, they are well trained. There's eagle owls, snowy owls...really anything you want."She said shrugging a little.

Scorpius looked over at her tilting his head a little at her words. Wondering what she was hiding, but unlike Feyn who was obsessive about knowing things, he let it go. It was her business, and he had his lap already full with unburied secrets, he didn't need to go digging for herself. Blushing as he looked over at her, he smiled a little.'I did. But, since you were hanging out with me...I never actually considered asking you...I wrongly assumed you would just go with me..."he muttered blushing at the confession
Hugo walked through the barn of owls, taking in all of the gorgeous creatures. However, after only a few minutes, he was drawn to an eagle owl. He smirked and reached down to pet it, finding it to be incredibly friendly. He stroked it's feathers a few times, the held out his arm for the bird to climb on to his shoulder. It did. "I like this one... Buy you don't think Malfoy will care? I mean, I can't imagine he'd want to just give something like this to me..." He looked at the owl with a smirk, petting it gently.

Evangeline laughed a little, because she just had no idea he was even interested in her, let alone wanted to be seen with her in public. "Well, you should have just asked," she murmured, blushing. She twisted the sucker around in her mouth, glancing out the window. "So... What do you think about showering, and then we can go to town? Maybe eat at one of the restaurants? I still haven't explored everything." She shrugged, wanting to encourage him to feel better and relax, but she also simply wanted to be with him.
"Papa said let you have whichever you want. He says what he means.He meant take which one you want."she said amused watching as the bird settled onto Hugo's shoulder with a soft chirp and allowed itself to be petted. "Come on, we'll take him inside, we have a room set up for our personal owls inside. This is just where we keep the ones to be raised for others."She said smiling as looked back towards hte house, feeling more comfortable with him then she had ever before.

Lucius curled his lip a little as he stepped into the town house, glad that his son had already left, because he had business with his daughter in law. While he knew his wife did not like her, he found her useful. Espcially in making sure that both his grandson and adopted granddaughter were molded into exactly what he wanted. Pawns to be used for his own gains. "Astoria, dear, how could you lose control of so much?"He said that coldly arrogant voice going along with equally cold features. He could almost hate her for losing control this much, if he didn't still see how to use her to get what he wanted. He had every intention of making Feyn repay the debt of being adopted, and making scorpius marry well and not for love. Love made men foolish, like his son had so well proven.He had no intention of letting his family go down in flames, for love.

Scorpius frowned a little when she laughed, tilting his head a little."Well, I guess I should have. But I'm not used to having to ask peope for things."he said as he said up finishing off his sucker before raising a eyebrow."Is this your way of saying you want to shower with me?"He teased getting up, knowing that's not what she had meant, but having every intention of showering and thengoing out with her. She was indeed well on er way to making him feel better.
Hugo nodded, looking pleased at the idea of having his own owl. For the moment, it was making him forget about everything else... Walking back into the house, he put the owl in the private mail room and then followed her up to the bedrooms. Once when they got to his bedroom, he sat on the foot of the bed and looked up at her. "This... this is going to be strange," he admitted, tilting his head a little.

Astoria glared up at her father in law. "You ask your son," she snapped, "He cares more about the feelings of those children than their future." She shrugged a bit and sipped at the blood red wine in her glass. "McKinze has been sending owls like crazy. I haven't even read them, because I fear what they say. Draco also has a damn Weasley in the house, per Headmaster's orders. What is the deal with Severus?" She shook her head, looking surprised at the Headmaster's actions. He was going soft, and that was no going to do. "Then my own son is prancing around Hogwarts with some transfer student that I've never laid eyes on before, but of course, Draco gives him the benefit of the doubt. Things are falling apart, but Lucius, it's far from my fault. It's your son's fault."

Evangeline blushed and shook her head. "I, uh, I've had a shower," she murmured, watching him stand up. It definitely made her feel better to know that he was willing to get up and go out with her... As he showered, she laid down on the bed, practicing her transfiguration on a sucker. It was getting better, but it was still rough. Not that she minded... She had an attractive tutor.
Feyn smiled, pleased that he was so happy with having his own owl. It was something small, but it pleased her to be able to give him something that made him happy. It loosened something tight in her chest. Looking at him startled when he spoke, having been thinking over her own thoughts, she looked at him sitting on the edge of the bed, blushing a little."Yes, it will be."She said before blushing a little, moving to stand in front of him, looking nervous before leaning down to kiss him gently, a hand moving up to cup his cheek."Thank you."She said softly as she straightened, blushing as she avoided his eyes. Having wanted to do that for awhile, she felt awkward now having done it.

Lucius frowned at that."I will deal with Draco, he must know that catering to their...feelings will bring nothing good."He scowled regretting that he had ever allowed Draco to marry for love, it seemed it had given his son a odd idea of what would be allowed. Looking at her at the annoucement of who was in the manor, he stared."A-what?"His mouth fell open a little shaking his head."I will deal both our sons, and with the weasley."He said looking at the stack of letter."You better read those and respond Astoria, before McKinze decides that he needs to deliver his message in person."He said having a idea what was in them and knowing that McKinze would not take kindly to having his demands for his bride ignored

"Okay."Scorpius grinned at her blush as he disappeared into the bathroom, returning in a few minutes, running a towel over his hair dressed in just a pair of jeans, the long blond strands curling just a little around his face as he dried it off before tugging on a dress shirt as he turned to face her."Well. Do you want to go to dinner, or stay and practice your transfiguration?"He said smiling as he watched her.
Hugo sighed a bit into the kiss, letting all those built up feelings out. He had wanted to do that, but he didn't really know how badly until she did it. He'd gotten talented at ignoring his emotions. "For what? Doing the right thing?" he whispered, standing up and towering over her. He smirked and reached down to cup her jaw with his large hand, pulling it up to angle her face up to his. "Feyn, I live in a world where doing the right thing is just what you do, not something you do to be applauded for." He sighed and stepped closer, still holding her face as he leaned into kiss her, letting his lips massage their way into her's. It felt so good, making him wrap his arms around her, but he knew it wasn't right. This would never work, no matter how great it felt.

Astoria nodded and moved to the stack of letter. "Of course, Lucius," she said politely. "But I suggest you talk some sense into both your son and Severus. They seem to be playing a game of who can go soft the fastest." She rolled her eyes and began to read the letters, not surprised to see that McKinze was none to thrilled at Feyn's attitude.

Evangeline swallowed a little as she looked at his bare chest, then shook her head. "No, I want to go out to dinner," she murmured, "Transfiguration can wait." She grinned and began to slide her boots back on, zipping then up, then moving over to the mirror to make sure that her hair didn't look like a complete mess from laying with him for so long. "I hope you know a nice place, because I'm starving," she teased, looking at him over her shoulder.
Feyn sighrd softly as she looked up at him,emotions clouding her eyes."doing the right thing, is not common among death eaters."she pointed out moaning quietly as she leaned into him, her arms wrapping around his waist s he held her,looking so small and breakable against the larger man. Looking up at him love and pain filled her eyes, she knew this wouldn't work, and he didn't deserve to have to deal with a woman so emotionally screwed up. Swallowing hard as she stepped back from him, hands lingering on his hips,not wanting to pull away but knowing she needed to,for him."we...we can't do this."she said,though her eyes showed just how much she wanted to.

"Leave them to me astoria. I will see that they both see the error of their ways."lucius said coldly as he walked from the room, having evedy intention of making sure everything went as planned.

Scorpius smiled a little s he pulled on his boots looking over at her amused as they left the room,looking vaguely insulted.?of course I know somewhere nice. I am a malfoy, I do not eat at plain restaurants, I eat at the nicest."he said with a touch of arrogance before smiling.."though, since we're restricted to hogsmwade, we will have to settle for cozy and nice at the three broomsticks."he sid as they headed outside and towards the village
"I'm not a Death Eater," Hugo whispered against his lips, a fierce loyalty in his tone. When she pulled away, he frowned, but he knew she was right. He dropped his hands and nodded. "Yea, I know," he admitted, looking away from her. He was embarrassed, mainly because he usually is the one that can hold out on irrational emotions. He swallowed hard and turned away, moving toward window. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stared out into the private land that the Malfoys owned... This was going to be a lot trickier than he thought, because for once, he was having a hard time pushing away his feelings.

Evangeline rolled his eyes. "Calm down," she murmured, walking along beside them. "You don't have to prove anything to me. I didn't become friends with you because you have money. Trust me." She smirked at that, because it was so true. In fact, she shouldn't be friends with him at all... And she definitely shouldn't be having the feelings that she was starting to develop for him. With a deep red blush, she slipped her smaller hand into his as that walked, her fragile fingers interlacing with his own. "I love cozy and nice, believe it or not," she murmured, her tone a bit teasing as she looked up at him with big dark eyes.
Feyn smiled a little as she watched im, pain in her eyes as she watched him go to the window. Swallowing hard as she stepped back."I'm going to go wash up..get ready for dinner."She said as she left the room, because she couldn't be there, not know. That evening after dinner and when everyone had gone to bed, having deided she was to tired to go down, and ignonring the demands from her uncle and grandmother to see her, she slipped into hugo's room, climbing up on the bed she settled next to him, sitting crossed leg, needing to see him, having spent the evening sulking and thinking over their....problem."Hugo?Are you still up?"She muttered quietly.

Scorpius smiled a little looking amused as he bent his head to kiss her cheek."Well good, beause despite what my father says is apporiate, I do enjoy the little cozy places sometimes."He said amused as he slipped his fingers through hers, gently cradling her smaller hand in his. stepping into the pub he smiled as he moved through the tables, sitting down as he waved rosita over to get butterbeers and a order of fries and soup for hiself and whatever Evangeline wanted.
Hugo shifted a little, opening his eyes in a slow, groggy sort of way. "No, but I am now," he murmured, reaching up to run a hand through his messy hair. "It's okay though... I can't seen to sleep well in this bed. Too soft." He sat up on his elbows and looked up at her, his head tilting in curiosity. It wasn't that he didn't want to see her, but he knew that she shouldn't be here... They were clear about that earlier. He sighed. "What's wrong, Feyn?" he asked in hushed tones. "You know better than I do that if Mr. Malfoy sees you in here, he will kill us both. And my death with me much more painful, I'm sure."

Evangeline couldn't seen to slap the smile off her face. Here she was with Scorpius in a cozy little restaurant at a private table, her hand in his. The butterflies in her stomach were large and giddy. After ordering a bowl of lamb stew, she looked up at him with a smirk. Their faces glowed among the candlelight in the middle of the table. "Scorpius..." she murmured, her smirk fading a bit. She looked down at their interlocked hands. "I need to tell you something... It's something that I should have told you a long time ago." She knew that she couldn't tell him the whole truth; that would be too devastating. However, she wanted to tell him a little... She needed to know that he knew the real her, even if he didn't know who her father was. That was something he could never know. "I'm muggle born," she murmured, "Well, uh, half really. My mother? The one I told you that left me? She was a muggle... And my scar?" She reached up and pulled her hair away from her neck. "It's a burn, not a scratch." She winced. "When she noticed that I was... different, I guess it freaked her out and she was testing me. So she burned me with a lit cigarette, or atleast that's what my father always said. It was very fresh when she dumped me off on him."
Feyn sighed softly as she sat next to him, staring down at the blankets, picking absently at fake fuzz, biting her lip."I couldn't sleep."She muttered before sighing softly. Glancing at him, flushing before looking away, looking pale and beautiful in moonlight."i...I know.But...I...I like that.I...I know its hopeless, that it doesn't matter...but to me it does."She said softly, sadly, looking so defeated in the soft moonlight. After a lifetime of abuse, of denying her feelings, Hugo had managed to touch her heart, and make her trust him. "..I'm sorry...I shouldn't have told you...but I couldn't....deny it...I..."She looed so confused, so very lost.

Scorpius tilted his head growing serious as she said she wanted to tell him something. Paling a little as she talked, swallowing hard as he stared at the table. "Fuck...."he whispered because he knew this was bad. Even if he could reason his head around accepting it, he knew it would never be okay. Not really. "Fuck just had to tell me?"He said lashing out at her, because he was scared. Reacting badly because he was so worried because he knew even without thinking it through, he couldn't walk away from her, even if he knew it would be better for them both. He'd listened to Feyn rant to long and loudly about the purebloods breeding themselves into madness-like aunt bellatrix- or inpurity and infirmity, that he knew why the muggleborns and mudbloods were vital to the magical community. They kept new blood, new genetics in the bloodlines, and he knew a truth that no one wanted to admit. Even the purebloods hd traces of muggle blood in them, because no line had escaped the need to for new least according to Feyn, who's obsession had had her searching for answers. But no one but his father had listened to her, and even then he knew there wa nothing they could do, not with the current balance of things.

Looking up at Evangeline he sighed softly, "You can't tell anyone else, evan.Not... not now."He looked pained."There's a law right now, that says that we have to turn muggleborns or mudbloods in if we discover them..."
Hugo looked up at her, pain in his eyes as he watched the beautiful girl, bathed by moonlight, stumble over her words and feelings. He knew how she felt, because he felt the exact same, and it sucked. Sighing, he reached over and put his hand on her knee. "Feyn, you... you don't have to apologize," he murmured, blushing even in the darkness. "I think it's obvious that I have started to feel the same way... But that doesn't make it right. They'd never approve of anything like that, and I'd be lying to you if I told you that it was going to get better. At this rate, it's going to get worse and I'll be in shackles before I'm thirty." He frowned and pulled her down in to the bed with him, his arms that were muscular from years of Quidditch moved to circle her waist. "Of course, that doesn't mean I don't like you too."

Evangeline flinched when he cursed and lashed out at her, pulling away her hair and looked away from him. Her dark eyes welled up in tears. Well, that was definitely not the reaction she expected. For some reason, she painted this awfully unrealistic image in her head of what he might say, and that was no even close. "Well, I thought you should know!" she snapped, "You don't think they will find out eventually? Why did you think I left Beauxbatons, hm? The papers say it's because I'm too advanced for France, but you know that's not the truth. I can't barely turn a piece of paper into a fucking canary!" She arched her eyebrows at him. "I'm here because they are killings muggleborns like insects over in France right now... Sticking them in gas chambers and hanging them like it's the fucking 1800's." She reached up and wiped a tear away from her cheek, though the tears kept coming. Mostly out of a frustration, but also from sadness. Because it was true. France refused to cooperate with the Dark Lord, so he's killing them off rather quickly. She was lucky her father was able to get her out of there without a trace.
Feyn winced as he touched her, jumping a little a she looked down at his hand, blushing lightly as she looked at the strong long fingers, reaching down she gently cradled his hand in hers, small fragile fingers tracing over his stronger ones. Yelping softly as he pulled her down with him, she shifted a little laying on her side, curling up against him, head resting on his chest. "well, this will definately convince McKinze I'm to mentally unstable to marry."She said snorting a laugh after a moment, trying very hard to not worry about what could happen, what this would do to him because she knew she should walk away, but...she couldn't. She wanted to be with him, even if it meant breaking every rule.Though, if she thought about it, he was just as much a pureblood as anyone, it shouldn't matter. To her it didn't, it would take more to convince everyone else.

Scorpius sighed shuddering as he bowed his head, resting his forehead on his upraised hands, pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes, trying to relieve the headache that was setting in. "They're doing worse here. We've given in to making them sex slaves, instead of giving mercy and killing them. At least in france, they're dying, instead of being forced to service every death eater that wants them."He snapped, because he had no idea what to do. "fuck..."He cursed quietly, "Well."He muttered sighing softly."Father's going to kill me."He muttered because he knew just how apocolypic when he found out- and Draco Malfoy would find out, he found out everything, and was obsessive enough to research everyone that came in contact with them, if only out of personal curiousity and a need to keep them safe.
Hugo sighed a little, pressing his face into her sweet smelling hair. Embarrassingly, the scent when straight to his cock, and his erection pressed into her thigh. "Oh, you're crazy alright," he murmured, smirking a bit. His strong hand moved to the middle of her back, pulling her close. Their embrace was far from "friendly". No, it was full of young love and lust. He didn't say anything, because he didn't really need to. He was going to hell, that was for sure, but he'd be the happiest guy there... Leaning in, he began to kiss her, his lips moving along her own with a possessive, yet gentle movement.

Evangeline flinched every time she cursed, her face moving down to her hands. Sex slave? They would do that to her? She hated seeing him so upset, and she was taking his emotions as anger at her, not at himself for wanting to be with her. And when he mentioned his father hating him, she took it as a dig at her; that it was her fault for making Draco hate his son. "Fine!" she snapped, her voice coming out angry, but weak. It cracked with tears with every word she said. "Maybe I should just do you a favor a leave you alone! I wouldn't want to ruin your life with my awful pedigree." She quickly stood up, slapping a couple coins on the table, and began to storm out of the restaurant.
Feyn whined quietly as she felt his cock hardening against her thigh, shivering a little, the sound full of want and need. "I definately am.Wanting a man I hated for 6 years...oh yea."She muttered shivering as he pressed her closer, kissing him back as he kissed her raised a hand she gently touched his face, sliding her fingers through his hair, shifting, a leg resting across his waist smirking against his lips, thigh flexing against his cock as she squirmed, dropping her hand to his chest, before sliding her hand up under his shirt, hesitating, nervous and despite everything, feeling very uneducated.

Scorpius' head snapped up as he realized that she'd misunderstood his anger, that it came from fear and anger at the world, not her. Scowling he tossed the coins onto the table before scooping up hers, having every intention of giving them back. Hurrying after her he waited until they got to the edge of town before closing his hand around her arm, glancing around to make sure they were alone before looking down at her. "I'm not angry at you Evangeline, I'm angry because I'm scared for you."He snarled angry, but under that anger was a mountain of fear.
Hugo moaned into her mouth when she pressed against his cock, a deep, hungry growl escaping his chest. "You have no idea what you are asking for," he teased, even if his voice held very little humor. He was no virgin, having been with a girl at Hogwarts before, and a couple during the summers at his grandparents house. But this was a beautiful, pureblood witch whom was not only attractive, but gave him a run for his money academically. That turned him on more than any of those other girls did... Reaching up, he swiftly grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked it over his head, giving her a view of his well sculpted torso.

Evangeline whipped her head around to look at him, her cheeks damp with tears. "Wh-what? Why would you be scared for me? I'm everything your family stands again, Scorpius," she murmured, attempting to yank her arm away from his grip. She underestimated his strength though, unable to get away from him. Not that she wanted to, but she was too stubborn to let him think that she was just going to be his damsel in distress. Her dark eyes looked into his silver ones, and she bit her lip. Oh, fuck. What did she do?
"You're right, I don't."She said a shy smile curling her lips as she studied him, shifting away from him as he tugged off his shirt, blond hair slipping across the bed behind her as she sat up on her elbows watching him, smiling amused. Here was a man who was not only handsome and brilliant, but he was kind, and to her amaement, he wanted her. "Well, I do, in a purely academic, studying way."She said blushing as she tugged off her own clothes, avoiding his eyes nervous, and hating the queasy nausousness in her stomach.Even knowing he wasn't anything like McKinze or her aunt, the girl was to used to being hurt, to being forced, to be totally at ease.

"I know, but I'll let you in on a secret darling."He smirked a little, fear and anger making him reckless,"There are no purebloods left. For centuries, we've all been part blood, bred with muggles because magic dies in magic only lines.It's why muggleborns exist, to keep from killing ourselves."He growled softly, paling a little because he knew just how dangerous the knowledge was, Feyn had been beaten bloody for trying to tell Lucius, even if Draco had looked thoughtful and pensive at the knowledge. "I care about you evangeline, and it scares me, because of my family, I know better then anyone what will happen."
Hugo watched her undress, swallowing hard at the sight. She was so beautiful with her soft, yet fragile curves. He could barely wait long enough for her clothes to hit the floor before he rolled on top of her. He gave her a smile. "Well, believe it or not, it's a bit different than textbooks tell you... especially in our case," he murmured with amusement. He lowered his head and placed a kiss between her breasts, then turned his head to place a kiss to each soft globe. Meanwhile, his hands stayed at her hips and his body rest between her legs. "I won't do anything you don't want me to," he swore, his blue eyes glancing up to look at her.

Evangeline swallowed hard, a chill running up her spine when he said he cared about her... Only her father said he cared about her. Oh, and Nanny Cromwell, but she was dead. Not even her own mother gave a shit about her... But here was this handsome man who had the world in his hands, and he was gradually throwing it away. Her stomach was in knots at this revelation. "I'm scared too," she whispered, "Really, really scared." She sniffed a bit and looked away from him. Her arm slid from his grip, only to had her hand land into his. She sighed, letting her fingers curl around his again. She studied their interlocked hands, taking note how masculine, but well groomed his hands were. He had the fingers of a piano player.
Feyn smiled a little as she looked at him, "Nothing is what the books say."She said amused as she shivered as his lips touched her skin, swallowing hard as she tried to relax, slender legs resting against his sides as she reached up, gently sliding her fingers through his hair,"I know you wont."She said softly, pain flickering through her eyes, pain and fear. Not of him,but...she'd been badly hurt, not just by astoria, but my McKinze's demanding gropes.While it hadn't escalated to rape, he'd scared her so much that it was a reactionary fear to be with him. Swallowing hard she looked up at him."I want you Hugo,I'm just...nervous."She said softly looking nervous and upset. Hating that she just couldn't relax.

Scorpius sighed a little looking at her, sueezing her fingers before jerking his arm, making her stumble into him, twisting her as she stumbled so he could enclose her in his arms, burying his face against her hair as he held her. Pressing a kiss to her hair he shuddered a little."We better head back.Even on the weekends, someone will notice we're gone, and the last thing we need is someone to pay more attention then they already do to me, and therefore you."he muttered stepping back, feeling as protective of her as he did of feyn, which he knew could get complicated and messy quickly, but he didn't want to change things. He wanted to be with her, even if he wouldn't admit it yet. He couldn't, not until he figured out how much danger he would put her in by being with her....but maybe a relationship with him, would protect her?Maybe.he'd have to think.
Hugo gave her a soft, gently smile. "It's okay to be nervous," he murmured, kissing her stomach gently. He knew this much be hard for her, and he was willing to take it slow. It's not like they were in a rush. He wouldn't force anything on her. "Here," he said, rolling off of her and on to her back. "I'll let you do the exploring, okay?" He smiled at her encouragingly, knowing that she probably had never been able to do such a thing. Reaching down, he slid his sleep pants down his legs, revealing his large and erect cock before laying back down against the pillows. Even his thighs had a beautiful definition to them, used to hugging a broomstick.

Evangeline yelped when he jerked her into his arms, but eventually, she embraced him, pressing the side of her cheek into his chest. As he spoke she looked up at him, only to feel a tear drop on her cheek. "You're right. We don't need any added attention," she admitted, even though she knew that if anyone would be annoyed by her absence, it would be her father, and she knew that it was very unlikely he'd drawn attention to them. Tilting her head to the side, she bit her lip. "Can I stay with you again tonight?" she whispered, wanting to be close to him. It was just so rare to know that someone other than her father cared about her, and she just wanted to soak it in, even if their relationship was progressing slowly.
Feyn let out a soft whine as he pressed a kiss to her stomach, yelping quietly in surprise as he rolled away, smiling a little as she sat up on her elbows to watch him, her eyes trailing over his body as she blushed, swallowing hard."You're beautiful."She muttered shifting, lowering her head to trail her lips over the hard planes of his stomach, smirking against his skin."You know, I never really apperciated how good a workout quidditch is."She said smirking as her hands trailed over his skin, lips finding every inch of his skin even as her hands touched, enjoying the freedom to touch and taste, before smirking up at him, before lowering her head to his cock, sliding her mouth down over him wth a practiced skill.

Scorpius smiled kissing her head."Nope,definately not."He said smiling as he stepped back taking her hand as they headd back to school."Y-you can."He stuttered a little blushing even as his body responded to the idea. Now that he was more himself, less focused on everything else, the man was reverting to his usual ways, and dammit he was attracted to her, and was enjoying the thought of her naked and willing in his bed.
Hugo watched her, smirking a bit at her compliment. His abs tensed with each kiss, and his eyes stayed on her. "Fuck," he gasped, feeling her mouth on his cock. Instead of doing what he wanted to by gripping her hair, he gripped the sheets on either side of her. He panted in pleasure, his hips lifting up off the bed to meet her skilled mouth. "Oh... Bloody hell," he whispered, his head lolling back. He was surprised at how... talented she was. He wasn't complaining though. Not at this point... "Feyn, you don't have to do this," he murmured, his eyes squeezing shut from the pleasure.

Evangeline followed him back to his dorm, holding his hand the whole way there. Once inside, she started to slip her clothes off, turning to him in only a pair of emerald green, lacy panties and a matching bra. "Can I borrow one of your shirts again?" she asked, smirking a him a little. Her father would kill her if she knew she was spending the night with Scorpius, but at the moment, she didn't care. Because she wanted to be with this man... this man who seemed to care for her above his family's beliefs.
Feyn laughed against her skin as he cursed, eyes flashing with amusement as she rested her hands against his sides, raising her head at his words, confusion in her eyes. in her experieince, people enjoyed blowjobs. Looking amused even though she was confused as she moved up, lowering her head to kiss him softly."You look like your in pain."She said looking amused as she nuzzled him a little, blushing as she moved to straddle him, sitting on his stomach as she looked down at him, looking so very pale and beautiful in the moonlight.

Scorpius smiled a little as they walked into his room, flushing as he watched her undress, lust shining in grey blue eyes, darkening them to the color of storm clouds. "Oh, but I think I like you dressed like this."He smirked as he looked her over, crossing to the girl, lowering his head to kiss her slowly, skillfully.No matter what the world could say about Scorpius Malfoy, it would never say that he was a bad lover.
Hugo chuckled a bit, making his stomach bounce as he looked up at her. "I'm not in pain. It feels good... I'm just trying to keep my cool," he admitted, his hands moving up to rest on her thighs. "I don't want to be like... all those other times for you. I don't want you to think of me like that." Lifting his head off the pillow, he kissed her softly, his tongue moving to lick alone her bottom lip. "You're beautiful, you know that?" he murmured, "I guess I was too busy trying to beat you for top student all those years to realize it."

Evangeline sighed into her very first kiss, moving up on her tip toes and putting her hands on his shoulders. He was so good at it; it blew her mind. His lips and tongue tasted sweet, and it was nearly intoxicating. At that moment, she was not the slightest aware of the word around her. All she was concerned with was moving her lips against his. "Scorpius..." she whispered, wondering what the hell he was thinking. He knew better than she did that this was crazy... However, a smiling curled up on the edges of her lips.

And like that, it all came crashing down. A noise was heard right outside the castle, making Evangeline look out the window. She gasped, holding on to Scorpius as she watched the Dementors surround the school. At first, she was scared for herself. Surely they didn't figure it out... And then she remembered her father, and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. "What's going on?" she whispered, fear in her eyes.
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