Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Feyn blushed as she kissed him back, her kiss gentle before she raised her head to look down at him in bemusement."only you, eould worry you were being horrible to me."she said in soft wonder, amazed that he cared. Resting her hands on his chest she squirmed a little, sighing ever so softly."please.I want you, to be my first. Not mckinze."she muttered because she had no doubt she was still going to be married, it was just a matter of time.

Scorpius looked dazed as he raised his head at the arrival of the dementors, frosning slightly as he shivered, even this far away he could feel their presence. Before he looked at her fear darkening his eyez."they're to arrest someone. They're voldemorts personal guards."he said already moving towards the door."ill go find out who they're here for. You stay here."he said the silent hide not being needed said to be a command
Hugo looked up at her, a tad startled at what she said. He, like her, knew that she was still going to get married to McKinze. Stuff like that didn't just disappear. In fact, with her home, it would only be easier to follow through with. "Feyn... I..." He looked her deep in the eyes, and he immediately understood. McKinze might be able to take her young life away from her, but he shouldn't be able to take something so innocent and dear from her. If she wanted him to do it, Hugo would. "Okay," he agreed, "But it can't continue after this." He frowned, knowing that it wouldn't only hurt worse if they kept this thing going longer. They need to get used to the idea that she was going to be married soon. "Only this once..."

"Scorpius!" Evangeline snapped, reaching out and grabbing his arm. "Who do you think they are for? You don't think it's m- the Headmaster, do you?" she asked, stumbling over her words. What if it was her father? She couldn't let that happen... However, she also knew that she would not be helping her father at all by going down there and getting in the middle of everything. "I will hide, but you will come back?" she whispered, fear in her eyes. "You'll be careful?"
Feyn looked ready to protest when he started to talk, before relief filled her eyes at his understanding. She knew that nothing could work between them, she better then anyone else, knew just how demanding mckinze would be now that she was home and away from the school halls that had little protection. And even if she eanted it to continue, she knew it couldn't."the only thing that will continue after this, is you staying here to help me with classes."she said dadness in her eyes, because she wanted so much more then to just be a broodmare for mckinze, she wanted a life with hugo.cbut not even her uncle could make that dream come true, even if he wanted to.leaning down she kissed him slowly, flushing as she smiled a little."I'm assuming you know where to go from here?like you said, books aren't the same."she muttered.

Scorpius frowned at her a little, shaking his head."I'm sure theyrr not. Father would have besn here hoeling if it was."he muttered with a worried smile. Because he knew while the two men disagreed on things, godson and godfatheir cared deeply for eaach other, and he knsw draco wouldn't let snape go quietly."ill be riht back. I promise."he said heading for the door to the common room,down the hall from his dorm, paling slihtly at the sight of his grandfather stepping through the door."scorpius. Where is your mudblood whore?" Scorpius frowned looking at a loss for words, because he couldn't remember a time when his grandfather had talked to him as such."w-what?" "Where is evangeline prince scorpius?"lucius asked patiently
Hugo smirked a bit, his hands moving up her thighs and over her back, feeling all her silky skin as he kissed her back. "Oh, I'm fairly certain I know where to go from here," he assured, slowly rolling them over until he was hovering over her, settled between her legs. He leaned down to kiss her neck, on hand disappearing between them to direct himself toward her opening. "It hurts for a minute or two," he admitted, "But it goes away. You just have to be patient..." He gave her an encouraging kiss on the lips before thrusting inside her with on swift movement. He didn't do it slowly, afraid to prolong the pain.

Evangeline swallowed hard and nodded, turning to put her clothes back on as he left. She quickly looked around the room, trying to find a decent hiding spot, before settling on the closet. It wasn't perfect, but there were hardly any good places that she could fit... Settling in the back, behind all of his robes and suits, she balled herself up and closed her eyes, trying to think of something else. Anything else. Her wand was clutched in her hand, ready to fire back if she needed to.
Feyn shivered moaning quietly as he stroked her back, yelping in surprise as he rolled them over, looking up at him with wide eyes as she looked up at him, tilting her head back as he kissed her neck, whining quietly in pleasure. "O-okay."She stuttered a little as she wrapped her arms around him, gasping in pain as he thrust into her, nails biting into his back as she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him still. Tears misted her eyes as she looked up at him,swallowing hard as she started to relax,"Oh...I'm okay... Hugo...I'm okay."She whispered as it faded to a dull ache, shifting her hips a little, not wanting to waste of moment of them being together.

Scorpius swallowed hard as he looked at lucius."I don't know,grandfather. Why are you here?" "For her and her father of course. Headmaster snape has been hiding things."Lucius smirked, and in that moment, scorpius' heart shattered, and there was only one hope to hold onto. That his father would be present at the auction, that draco would correct things. But even as the youngest malfoy stared at his grandfather, he knew that was what this was, Lucius' punishment for them all, for not having obeyed. "I-I'll get her."He said slowly, because he knew if he drew it out, his grandfather would punish them both even more severly. Stepping into his room he ignored the smirking lucius, pausing to find Evangeline, tears misted his eyes as he stepped to the closet, he held out a hand."Evangeline....come.Please."He whispered, "I can't protect you here. Not from him."He whispered, his voice broken and pained, because he was failing her, failing her by not fighting.
Hugo gripped her hips tightly in his hands, his eyes squeezed shut. He was trying to keep his composure and not fuck her like his body wanted him to. She didn't need that kind of treatment after what she had been through... He let out a long sigh at her words, nodding slowly. He started to withdraw his member from her entrance, then thrust back in. A moan erupted from his deep within his chest. She was so tight that it was hard to keep himself calm. "Oh, you feel incredible," he whispered, leaning down to kiss her neck. Slowly, he began to thrust in and out, in and out.

Evangeline yelped when the closet door opened, and her eyebrows creased together at his words. Immediately, she took his hand, because she trusted him. "What?" she whispered, "Scorpius, what's going on?" She leaned into him, shaking with fear, and glanced up to see Lucius. She color drained from her face. They were here for her... "No," she snapped, tears in her eyes. She raised her wand, hold it out with a shaky hand. "Get away from me! Stupefy!"
Feyn shuddered a little as she looked up at him, nuzzling him a little."You don't...feel so bad yourself..."She panted, teasing him as she turned her head, blushing hard as she held him, just enjoying being with him. Just being in the cold stillness of the moonlight and just them. Nothing else existed but them. Shivering as she buried her face against his neck,holding onto him, tears falling because she couldn't think of anything more perfect....and it was over before it began. Clinging to him as she came she hedl onto him tightly, as if she was never going to let go.

Scorpius looked pained as she took his hand, hating that she trusted him enough to come out.Burying his face against her hair he shuddered, tightening his arms around her as she tried to stun Lucius, not even bothering to turn his head to watch the man deflect it with a shield charm. He knew his grandfather would have came prepared for an attack.Tightening his arms around Evangeline he swallowed."Look for my father. He'll be there."He muttered hating that he couldn't go with them, stepping back. "Grandfather..."He muttered. "Oh no, Scorpius, you are coming. You are of age, it is time you saw what awaits all the mudbloods."Lucius said, the cruelty in that look leaving no doubt what was going to happen as he crossed the room in two quick steps and closed a hand around their arms, letting the tug of the dark mark force the wards to buckle and allow him to apparate.

Draco leaned back against the gravestone, the stone cool against his back as he looked at the other gathered death eaters. He knew there was only one reason they were here, because they all found the graveyard creepy, and therefore the perfect place to terrorize their victims. But he didn't know why he was there yet. Looking up at the sound of apparation, the look on his face shuttered as he glanced at the dark lord to keep from going to the two. Before looking back he straightened, staring at his own son and evangeline,even as the gathered death eaters jeered, waiting voldemort to call the auction to order. The only hint that he was disturbed at their presence was the meer flicker of his eyelashes, the grey eyes that refused to meet scorpius' as his son stood his ground next to Evangeline and Severus.

Severus paled as he saw the two men and his daughter waiting for him, paled even more as he realized exactly what was going to happen. Looking at his godson across the way from him, he watched the white blond lean casually against the headstone, and hoped that the man was the man he thought he was, and would do the good thing, even if evangeline hated him for condemning her to a life as draco malfoy's sex slave, at least she would be alive.
When she came, it was all Hugo could do to control him self with a few more thrusts, letting her ride out her pleasure before he came with a grunt and a roar. He spilled his young seed inside of her, kissing her hard and moaning into her mouth. Collapsing on top of her, he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into her neck. For the first time in a long time, Hugo wanted to cry... Because this was the beginning of the end.

Evangeline looked around the graveyard, dark eyes taking in her surroundings. She dropped her wand helplessly, smart enough to know that it was useless to fight them. She couldn't even look at Scorpius. It was her fault that he was here. She should have stayed away from him like her gut told her to... Now he was in the middle of her mess. "Daddy!" Evangeline screamed, trying to fight and get away from Lucius. She just wanted her father. She wanted him to make all of this go away, even if she knew damn well that he didn't have the power to do so. Tears streamed down her face and her body shook with fear as she reached out for him. "Daddy, I'm so sorry..." she cried, feeling like this was all her fault.

Voldemort appeared not a moment later, and a grin was spread across his face. After the past several years, the man had become more normal looking in appearance, and less snake like. However, this didn't make him look more dangerous. In fact, it proved how powerful he was becoming. His body was hardly aging at all. "Ah, she's a beauty," he commented, glancing at Evangeline. He walked over and cupped her face, making her grow silent with fear. He wiped away a tear with his thumb, chuckling a bit to his self. He raised his hand to his mouth, tasting her tears. "Ah... A virgin," he murmured eerily, "You will make someone a very happy man, Miss Snape... A very happy man indeed." He looked over to Severus, cruel amusement in his eyes. "Why would you hide such a prize from us, Severus? You know, if you would have just told me that you knocked up some whore at a pub, I would have taken care of all of this... And we wouldn't be in this very situation."

Feyn whined as she kissed him back, curling up against him as he collapsed. After a few minutes squirming to get comfortable, gently pushing him to the side so she could tug the blanket up around them, content to lay under him, because she knew it was going to end as soon as she got up."....I'm sorry Hugo."She whispered, her voice pained and broken as she gently touched his cheek, closing her eyes as she struggled to stop the tears, not wanting to go to sleep,even though she was exhausted, because it would end.

Scorpius swallowed hard as he saw the dark lord, his fingers twitching a little, wanting to go for his wand, even though he knew that it would be useless to do so.Wincing at Evangeline's words, his heart broken that she hadn't trusted him enough, to tell him. It hurt him, and yet...he still wanted to protect her.

Severus winced a little even as he watched Voldemort move cloer to Evangeline, resisting the urge to turn towards her, even as he struggled a little against the bindings lucius had left him in. "Because I know how you deal with situations like this, and I wanted the child."He said after a moment, knowing that there was no use in lying, and that if he was going to go down, he was going to have evangeline know that she had always been wanted,even if her presence in his life had come as a surprise. Glancing towards draco quickly, he tried to gauge what the man was feeling, but there was no hint that he was even paying attention.

Draco sighed quietly, buffing his nails against the front of his shirt as he shifted, glancing towards Scorpius as the man moved to his side, his eyes blank and so very lifeless before he looked towards his master and father, ignoring the rest of the death eaters he could hear around them."Can we get a move on?My wife is at home, and in need of my attention." "I thought you weren't talking to her."Lucius said frowning at his son, trying to see what the man was up to. "Sex does not require talking to her, though..."Draco smirked as he crossed the clearing, moving to his lord's side, bowing his head slightly to the man, cold amusement filling his eyes, cruelty and pain mixed in as he raised a hand twirling a lock of Evangeline's hair around slender pianoist fingers, so like scorpius, but with a lifetime of pain reflected in his eyes."I think I want this one. Not only has she caused my act like a idiot, she is vaguely pretty. And not as annoying as my wife. surely, my lord, would indulge me in letting me take the virgin."
Hugo looked over at her, turning on his side and pulling her into him. "Feyn, you have no reason to be sorry," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her shoulder. He swallowed hard and reached up to stroke her hair away from her face. "I just hope I made your first time worth while." He gave her a smile, though it was an obviously sad one, and rested his head on the pillow. "Get some sleep," he murmured, "We will need it." And he would, because he was going to need the strength to keep himself at a distance with her from now on. This would be hard.

Voldemort raised his eyebrows at Severus. "You are obviously not the man I thought you were," he murmured, "But no love lost. I have many men who would love to take your place as not only a Death Eater, but the Headmaster." He grinned at that, then laughed a little as he heard Evangeline start to sob behind him. Evangeline flinched when she heard Draco's words, closing her eyes when he began to touch her. She was so beyond knowing what was going to happen to her, but it broke her heart to see her father in those bindings... And it hurt even worse when he admitted to Voldemort in front of so many Death Eaters that he always wanted her. She opened her eyes and locked gazes with him, telling him with her eyes that she loved him; she didn't blame him.

Voldemort tilted his head to the side. "Malfoy, I'm honestly surprised... You haven't ever made an offer in an auction before," he murmured curiously. Like Lucius, Voldemort feared Draco was growing soft, however Draco did nothing that was worth punishment. "I would certainly not deny such a loyal Death Eater such a pretty virgin, but to satisfy my own curiosity, I must know why you want her." With that, he looked up and Lucius, nodding for him to let Evangeline go.. Evangeline stayed quiet, wondering if Draco was not the "nice" man that she thought he might be. Maybe he really was a cruel person... but maybe he was trying to help her. Turning, she looked at Scorpius, as if maybe he knew what was going on.
Feyn sighed softly as she looked up at him, the soft pleased sound escaping, she loved having her hair played with. Shifting she closed her eyes as she cuddled him, returning his sad smile."It was.Goodnight hugo."She muttered, yawning as she drifted off to sleep, knowing this was going to be bad, but she could do it, she had to.

Scorpius flinched at his father's answer, and snape's words. The man seemed to have no sense of self preservation, or maybe he ws tired of trying. Meeting Evangeline's eyes as she looked at him, he gave a barely perceptible shrug, not knowing what his father was up to, but giving him the benefit of the doubt, because he knew better then anyone, that draco wasn't cruel without a reason.

Draco flinched a little at voldemort's words turning his head slightly to look at severus, though his face was impassive, the man knew what was awaiting the other. Looking at Voldemort as the man spoke he smirked, reaching up, fisting his hand in Evangeline's hair, pulling her head back as he leaned down to kiss her slowly, before raising his head to answer the question. "Because the mudblood whores had no interest to me, not when my wife was more then enough. Now...she's not."He said vaguely smirking a little before glancing at Scorpius, then at Voldemort again. "My son's panting after her like a bitch in heat, and you wonder why I want to punish her?My wife fears that I have grown soft.I have not, I just do not enjoy the game as I once did....but this one, yes I will play with her."He purred tightening his grip in her hair, holding her still.

lucius frowned a little but let Draco move Evangeline away from him, turning to look at the other death eater approaching. "My lord, I would see to another matter, if we are done discussing the traitor and his mudblood."Mckinze smirked as he lowered his hood, the darkly featured man meeting Draco's eyes. And for a moment, the malfoy heir faultered, before he regained his composure. "I have no desire to discuss my niece, when I have such a bounty waiting for me to take her home."Draco said twitching a little, knowing that there was only so long he could put off Feyn's wedding, espicially if McKinze pushed it.

Evangeline yelped when Draco pulled her hair, whining as the older man kissed her. She was scared, confused, and shaking like a leaf. She just wanted to leave this place and figure out a way to free her father. She had to. There was no way she could let him rot in a cell for raising her despite the danger it caused. He was a good man who didn't deserve this. "Malfoy is right," Voldemort murmured, "I need to deal with Severus tonight. McKinze marriage issues can wait until another night." He looked a bit irritated at the idea; as if he didn't care about the issue at all. He had been worn down about approving it, when he could really care less. He had much more important matters.

"Go on. Take the girl home," Voldemort murmured, waving at Draco. "You know our policy. I can show up at any time, and I want to know that you are treating her no more than a... pet." He smirked at that, reaching over to caress Evangeline's cheek. "I want her visibly broken by the next meeting... You see all of that pride and life that she has in those dark eyes? I want that gone when I see her next." A whimper left Evan's lips, and he turned away. "That will be all for tonight. Put Severus in one of my more private cells. I'll deal with him later." With that, he walked off, apparating mid stride toward his own mansion; a over the top decorated home. He snapped at one of his own whores, needing the stress of the day to taken away for the moment.
Draco glared at Mckinze, his own eyes dark and annoyed."I'll see you tomorrow."He scowled before apparating home, his fingers wrapped in Evangeline's hair as he left for home, leaving his father to deal with Severus and his son."Get some sleep Evangeline. I have no use for you tonight."Draco snarled as they appeared in his bedroom,shoving her towards the bed even as he turned away. Angry and annoyed as he started to get ready for bed.He had no intention of dealing with her tonight, at least not for the moment. Leaving the bedroom, leaving her to her own devices as he retreated to the connecting sitting room for the night.

In the morning Draco sighed softly as he laid on his back,rubbing a hand over his face before he moved back into the bedroom to look down at envangeline, pain flickering over his face."Evanangeline.Wake up."He ordered annoyed, annoyed because he was still angry over having to be in this position.

Feyn sighed softly as she stirred, snuggling against Hugo even as she yawned, "Good morning."She muttered blushing when she realized he was awake, but making no move to get away. Enjoying being in his arms to much to do so,even if she knew that she had to be getting up, to start acting the part of a woman about to marry, even if she had no desire for a wedding
Evangeline woke up, looking toward Draco with fear in her eyes. She still wanted to know why he took her the night before, when he seemed so friendly when she met him... Her eyes immediately started to water with tears, feeling the pain of being away from her father and Scorpius; yes, she already missed her new Master's son. However, as scared as she was, she was still confused. What "pet" sleeps in their Master's king sized bed while he sleeps on the couch? And where is his wife? "Mr. Malfoy..." she murmured, "I... You ... own me now?" She swallowed hard, staying in the same place on the bed that she had earlier been sleeping in a ball in. Pain was in her eyes as she studied him, wondering what was to come. And Voldemort made himself clear; she was not to be a virgin next time he saw her.

Hugo lifted his head and smiled. "Morning," he murmured, moving to sit up in the bed. He ran his hand through his hair, looking around the room. It wasn't exactly early in the morning, and he was actually pretty surprised that no one caught her in bed with him. He was so sure that she would have left to go to her room some time during the night... "Did you father ever come in last night?" he asked, curiosity in his tone. "The manor felt eerily private all night."
Pain flickered through draco's eyes because he couldn't bring himself to take her yet. He...he knew his son, he was going to break his heart. And the night before, he'd been to angry to gentle, even if he knew Voldemort expected her to be broken, he couldn't do it. His wife was afraid he was going soft, but he knew the truth. He'd never had the stomach for this. "I do."he swallowed summoning a elf."Would you like something for breakfast?"He asked as he ordered some breakfast for himself, having every intention of burying himself in work and try not to think about the sex he was going to be forced to have. It was one thing to choose to sleep with someone but...he wasn't astoria, and the girl was young enough to be his daughter. Not to mention he was pretty sure his son was in love with her.He sighed quietly eyeing her, knowing she was wondering what the hell was going on."I will be forced to have sex with you, but I don't do rape, I'd rather give you the choice of when."He said after a moment realizing she was staring at him, blushing at the admittance, looking away from her.

Feyn smiled watching him, flushing with embarassment as she remembered the night before, watching him. Sitting up slowly she stiffened,her body felt sore and achy. Actually shocked herself that no one had figured out where she was. "He was gone most of the evening. Him, grandfather and Scorpius came home early this morning."She said in explaination, the fact that all three were still in bed explained why no one had realized she was gone, though she hadn't counted on her grandmother being up and about yet. Standing slowly she reached for her clothes, knowing she had to leave before the men in her life got up."I think something happened."She whispered, worry in her eyes, wondering what Scorpius was doing here, instead of school.Even though she hadn't left the room, she was keyed to the wards, and the wards were always aware of which of them were home, and allowed them all to keep track of each other
"I'm... I'm not hungry." Evangeline swallowed hard, looking down at her hands. "Sex is sex. Does it really matter?" she murmured, shrugging a bit. Honestly, she didn't care. Draco was at least a well groomed man. She could have ended up a lot worse. No, Evangeline was worried about other things. About what he was going to do with her, and what would happen to her father. "Are they going to hurt my father?" she whispered, her bottom lip quivering at the thought, "He's all I have, Mr. Malfoy, I'll do anything to keep him from getting hurt... All of this is my fault. I should have stayed away from Scorpius... He must hate me." She put her head in her hands, tears running down her cheeks as she thought about Scorpius and her father, and the danger they were in because she existed.

Hugo stood up, going over to his unpacked suit case and sliding on a pair of jeans and a sweater his mom had made him. "Really?" he murmured, his eyebrows raising in concern. After a moment, he tilted his head to the side. "Why would Scorpius be home? It's not close to winter holiday yet... You think he got in some trouble?" He moved to comb his hair, looking in a mirror above his dresser as he did so. He looked at her in the reflection of it, taking in her body as she moved to get dressed.
"No, I guess it doesn't."Draco said after a moment as he leaned back against the headboard, before looking over at her,willing to talk to her like this,because he didn't want her to fear him, at least not more then she needed to. "They will.But they will not kill him. At least not out of turn."Pain flickered through his eyes.He hated this, but..."evangeline, if I could, I would have made sure this never came out...but my father is more...determined then I am, more vicious to.He doesn't care.You and Severus were just the means of punishing me and Scorpius."Pain filled his eyes because he knew, he hadn't done a good enough job of hiding what he had guessed the very first time he'd seen her. "He should have never named you after his mother, evangeline."He muttered shaking his head before growing serious looking at her, "Scorpius is....scorpius. He is refusing to talk to me, so I do not know how he is dealing."He said after a moment, because while he knew his son was grateful for what he had done, he knew the man still found it disturbing and upsetting.

Feyn blushed a little as she watched him dress before nodding a little."He is. And it wouldn't' surprise me if he got into trouble. He's always doing something."she said worry in her voice even as she stood, swallowing hard."We better get down for breakfast. Grandmother will be up by now."She said knowing that she had to get to her normal breakfast with narcissa, otherwise the woman would know something was up, and the last thing she needed was anyone to know that she had indeed slept with hugo.
Evangeline frowned, bringing her knees up to her chest. It was hard to think that her father was being tortured; it was even harder to believe that Draco Malfoy owned her now. She swallowed hard and wiped her eyes, her heart hurting at the idea of Scorpius being angry with her over this. Looking up at Draco, she bit her lip. "Are you mad at me?" she asked quietly, "You did have to do this, you know... I could have taken care of myself..." She was trying to hard to be her usually stubborn and strong self, but it was hard this morning.

Hugo nodded. "Go on down," he murmured, "I'll follow after you in five minutes." He looked over at her and smiled, his smile showing exactly how satisfied he was with getting laid last night, no matter the situation. Down stairs, Narcissa was getting breakfast ready for everyone. These days, she didn't use a house elf as much anymore. If she did, she wouldn't have anything to do... Looking over to her husband, she frowned. Her stomach felt a little sick. "Lucius, are you ever going to tell me what happened last night?" she asked, raising her eyebrows as she sat her breakfast down in front of him. Leaning down, she kissed his cheek, then went back to fixing everyone else's food.
"I'm mad at my father for maki.g it necessary, but not you. I could have told scorpius to stay away, and this would have never happened."he said guilt playing through his eyez because he was feeling bad that his own inability to tell scorpius to not make himself happy was the cause of this. Sihing he looked at the girl, moving over and gently wrapping his arms around her."I had to do something, I couldn't let you die, not when I could have saved you."he muttered, because it was true. Not only for his sons sake, but for severus.

Feeyn smiled blushing as she looked at him heading downstairs. Arriving just in time to hear her grandfathers answer to the question she paled a little as she sat down,at a loss for words."evangelinr prince,the girl scorpius has been seeing, is severus's dauhter and a mudblood. We...dealt with them both last night..and for once, your own son showed he had a backbone."lucius said well pleased because no matter how it happened. He knew his son was going to be coldly cruel and his grandson would never forgive draco. They'd be the perfect weapons against each other
Evangeline was touched by his words, surprised that he seemed to really, truly care. Tensing when he wrapped his arms around her, she looked up at him, seeing that handsome man she ran into in the hall that very first day, and relaxed. She curled into his side and rest her head on his broad chest, letting him hold her like she so desperately needed.... And it felt nice. "Thanks for saving me," she whispered, reaching up to wipe her eyes. "What about your wife, Mr. Malfoy? Won't she be a bit upset that you, uh, bought me..."

Narcissa frowned at his words, looking at Feyn with a look that told her to not saying anything. "Well, I'm just sorry that Scorpius had to be dragged into this... Where is he, Feyn? Surely he will come down for breakfast... I only made enough for the five of us. Astoria left for the town house last night and Draco didn't look well when I saw him come in last night..." Leaning over, she put a plate in front of Feyn and one beside her for Hugo, seeing him move down the stairs.

Hugo awkwardly sat down, not making eye contact with Lucius and smiled. "It looked great, thank your Mrs. Malfoy," he murmured, moving to eat. He didn't look at Feyn too much, not wanting them to see what he was feeling.
"Don't thank me. It shouldn't have been necessary."he said sighing heavily resting his head back on the headboard before tensing at the mention of astoria."me nd my wife have come to a understanding corcerning some...other things."he said slightly awkward not sure if she knew or not what had driven scorpius to his man whore ways."as a result,she no longer lives here,and if she wants to stay married,with access to my bank account, she won't say anything."he said after a moment.

Feyn looked worried but didn't say anything, busying herself with eating and trying to act normal."I tried to adk if he wanted something, but he said he'd get something later."she said looking at narcissa with woery afraid now that she knew what was wrong. Lucius ccurled is lip into a snarl at the sight of a weasley at his table,looki.g at his wife."does he have to be here?mckinze doesn't care if she finishes or not."he said cruely, becaause he knew just how much school meant to feyn
Evangeline looked up at him, her eyebrows creased together. His wife didn't seen like too good of a woman, especially if she could make a man like Draco turn on her. I mean, he saved her without really knowing her, so what did she have to do to make him force her to move out and make her keep her mouth shut? Despite her growing curiosity about the mysterious man holding her, she didn't say anything. "Oh, well, if you say so," she murmured, enjoying the comfort his arms provided. She couldn't quite explain it, but she felt safe that she had in years... And that said a lot considering the situation. Sighing, she looked up at the man and studied him... He was so handsome, and his age made it... sexier. Wait. What was she doing? She couldn't be attracted to him, especially when she was developing feelings for his son. "Scorpius looks a lot like you," she murmured quietly, reaching up to let her index finger run along his sharp cheek bone. She blushed, her dark eyes darting away from his after she realized what she was doing.

Hugo clenched his jaw, keeping his eyes on his food and pretending he was deaf. Because if he looked up, he might jump across the table and strangle the old man. Narcissa's lips pursed together as she sat down, not looking happy that her grandson was so upset that he wouldn't come downstairs for breakfast. It usually took a lot to rattle Scorpius... He must have really had feelings for that girl... The girl that was now owned by his father. "Lucius," Narcissa murmured sweetly, "Intelligence is something that the Dark Lord cherishes. Her education is important, no matter what McKinze thinks. Because when it comes down to it, it's Voldemort's approval that she must need. A Hogwarts drop out doesn't look good on any counts." With that, she began to eat her breakfast, glancing at Feyn with that "be good" look in her eyes.
"We both look like my father. Thankfully,scorpius takes after me in personality instead of his mother or grandfather."draco said thouhtfully, turning his cheek into his hand, enjoying the touch. Even when him and astoria were together, she wasn't given to casual affectionate touches. Only in the beginning, and he was sure, to only make him fall in love with her, had she casually touched him for no reason. Looking at her he smiled a little."I've pulled scorpius out of school. You both will be tutoring with feyn and hugo,if you want to,...while its not the bestand I know you'd rather be with him, I can't allow it. Not with my father still living here."he sihed looking down at the beautiful girl in his arms. And despite everything, how weird it felt, not only to have a girl his sons age,but the girl his son eanted...he was lonely. And wanted her. Lowering his head he kissed her slowly, gently, having no intention of taking it further then a kiss but he needed to kiss her.

Feyn gave her grandmother that wide eyed innocent look,and while she may only be related to draco and scorpius through her aunt, it was that same innocent look that often crossed malfoy boys faces before they started something."besides, if mckinze is going to be headmaster now that snape's gone...his position as potions master is open. And I'm sure he'd appreciate his wife staying in the same castle as him...which means I need the best tutor,the only one to ever beat me in anything."feyn said knoeing that mckinze had every intention of becoming headmaster even without asking. It would appeal to the mans ego...and hopefully keep him so busy he forgot he was married. Lucius frowned at the girl,as if sensing she was up to something up not seeeing whag it could be,before he looked at narcissa."yku will set up the wedding ceremony. The whole dark order will be attending, it is not every day a malfoy,even a adopted one,gets married. And hopefully soon we can marry scorpius off and stop this ridiculous business with the mudblood."lucius said, shoeing he didn't understand his grandson at all, not realizing that once scorpius was committed to something, he stayed that way, because scorpius had been so careful not to fall in love'd kind of snuck up on him this time
Evangeline smirked a bit, tilting her head to the side. "You were like Scorpius when you were in school? Were you that popular with... women?" She blushed a bit, watching him lean into her hand. He responded to touch like puppy who was deprived of affection, and it made her heart break a little. It was in his words or facial expression, but the way his head nuzzled her hand... She was caught off guard by the kiss. Here she was, being kissed by this mature, handsome, older man; a man that was the father of the guy she had been falling for... And it felt good. His kiss screamed that he had years of experience and that he knew exactly what he was doing, but it was gentle as well, and dammit... She was lonely too. Her father was in prison, Scorpius wasn't allowed around her... Before long, she was kissing his back, her hand moving through his hair as she slipped into his lap completely. It was so nice to be held and to have someone not only know her situation, but still care for her.

Narcissa nodded and patted her husband's hand. "Of course I will be planning the wedding. It will be lovely," she assured him. After years of marriage, Narcissa knew her husband well, and she knew just what to say to him to make sure he stayed calm and pleasant. "Lucius, worry about marrying one grandchild at a time, okay? Scorpius needs time to get his head straight, and then he will be back to his old self. There are families lined up to get their daughters to marry him..." Reaching over, she poured some syrup on her husbands pancakes, then did the same for Feyn and Hugo. Hugo gave her a smile which she did not return, but he could see it in her eyes that she wanted to; she was watching herself in front of her husband. "Feyn, Sweetheart, I have a list of things I need from town if you don't mind going to fetch them this afternoon," she murmured, implying that she should bring Hugo. She wanted them out of the house when her sister came in for tea that afternoon... Bellatrix would kill the boy on the spot. No doubt she was coming over to see how Draco was treating his knew pet, and if she needed to intervene. She was practically Voldemort's pitbull here lately.
"Oddly enough,no not really."draco flushed, because while he hadn't remained a virgin for long, he'd kept the same girl for a few months or a year before going to the next. Scorpius was going throuh thrm as fast as he could, though given what his mother had done, draco now understood.draco moaned as she slipped into his lap,buryi.g his hands in her hair before pulling away,smirking that self assured smirk that scorpius had inherited.looking her over he spilled her back onto the bed, moving to lay on her he kissed her again, just enjoying acting lime a teenager again getting into a make out session for the first time.

"Scorpius shoulsnt have to get his head riht! He shouls have never gotten involved with the girl."luciys scowled thouh he was pacifed by narcissas answer."well, we'll worry about one wedding at a time."he muttered before opening his paper to read,seemingly ignoring them all."I would be glad to grandmother...should I stop and see aunt astoria to?"she asked wondering if narcissa wanted her tl stop and make sure astoria was behaving herself at the town house. Finishing her food she stokd,looking at hugo and tilting her head to the door to get him to follow
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