Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline let him hold her, resting her head on his chest and under his chin. Her heart was so heavy, and all she could do was cry for what felt like hours... After a while, she looked up at him a sniffed. "You know, if I were never born, none of this would have happened," she murmured, bitterness and guilt in her voice. "Or at least, if my mom would have kept me. I suppose being a heartless bitch got in the way of that." Reaching down, she grabbed his hand and laced her fingers through his. "Why were you drinking earlier?" she asked, "Was it because of me? I didn't do anything to upset you, did I?"

Hugo scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm an animagus," he murmured, "I can get in and out of there easily. You can glamor yourself as Feyn..." He smirked at that and leaned against the wall and crossed his legs. "Actually, I think Feyn could hold her own... I mean, if she wanted to. She'd have her wand, and she's the smartest witch of our generation. Plus, you could be there too. He wouldn't do anything in front of you. Your excuse could be that you left a textbook or something..."
Draco was quiet as she cried, shifting to leave back against the headboard. Sighing quietly as he closed his eyes he sighed quietly. "No, it would have happened. Evantually, the world implodes on itself. Sort of like my marriage."He muttered wincing a little as she grabbed his hand, avoiding her eyes as he shrugged a little."No, not really. You just...made me do what I knew I had to do."He closed his eyes his head aching. "I'm getting divorced."he said ater a moment.

Scorpius laughed raising a eyebrow. "Oh man, feyn's going to kill you.She's pissed she can't do that."He smirked amused at the glare that feyn shot him as she sulked."Shut up Scor."He grumbled. Scorpius snorted laughing before nodding."we could do that. And.. what are you?You could come to. Search with us."He said smirking, because it amused him that weasley of all people was the one to figure out the illegal magic where feyn couldn't even get her head around the idea.
Evangeline tensed, swallowed hard at the thought of him leaving his wife. She knew that he was probably not in love with her, but she also knew this probably crushed him. "Y-your leaving her?" she murmured, eyes going a little wide. "I'm so sorry, Draco... I know this is not what you wanted." Reaching up, she caressed the older man's cheek and brushed a few strands of hair away from his forehead. She kissed his cheek slowly, letting her lips linger for a moment with a gentle touch. "I guess we are both two very lonely people," she whispered, frowning a bit. Why did their world have to be so fucked up? Why wouldn't everything be more simple and fair...

"That's the idea..." Hugo murmured, rolling his eyes. "You two are going to distract him while I get in and search... And I know exactly where I'm going to look first." He looked proud of himself, crossing his arms over his chest. He sighed a bit and watched the other man brush the horse. "What's wrong with Evangeline?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. "I heard her crying and yelling at your father on our way out." He shrugged a bit, figuring their grandparents were gone. If they were home, they would have surely heard her.
Draco sighed a little,turnng his face into her hand, pressing a kiss to her fingertips. "It is, but Astoria's...astoria. I am sure she will be fine."He said not thinking about himself, he was crushed and reeling. He might have not loved her as strongly as he once had, but he mourned the fact that he didn't, and that his life had ended up in this moment. "We are. Though you are less lonely, you have to malfoy men wanting to spend time with you."he teased her, hoping to distract her.

Scorpius nodded moving away from the horse before helping her back into the stall before stopping, frowning slightly."What do you mean?"he said looking startled having not realized the two were even home."I-I dont know. Father took her out for the day. Something must have happened."he said before pushing past the two heading for the house. Feyn snorted laughing a little though she looked a little worried, looking at hugo."You just had to mention her, he's not going to want to leave until he finds out what happened."She said rolling her eyes a little as they followed scorpius back towards the house.
Evangeline smirked a bit, blushing wildly at what he said. "Ah, well, maybe I do... But you have be, so that counts." Tilting her head up, she kissed him over so gently. Standing up, she walked over to his dresser and picked up the bottle of fire whiskey, turning it in her hands. "I've never had fire whiskey before... Can I have some?" She looked up at him, raising her eyebrows at him. "You and your son seem to have a love affair with it... I want to know what's the fuss." With that, she slowly started to unscrew the top, seeing what he would say.

Hugo smirked a bit. "I just thought he'd like to know, that's all," he murmured, walking up the path way along with her. "Besides, we can't go tonight. It's too late. McKinze probably leaves at night, considering what his past times are, and he's probably got the place on lock down. Oddly enough, the middle of the day would be best..."
Draco smiled a little, kissing her back."Its not just ecause I have to be."he said blushing ever so softly as he watched her, smirking slghtly."Living with my father, would make anyone have a love affair with it."He said snickering before shrugging, willing to let her taste it. It was like swallowing fire, but by far less potent then swallowing the russian imperia that his father drank, now that was like drinking a liquid crucio."But we don't drink it all the time, its just when we do drink, we do it to the extreme."He snorted looking amused, glancing towards the door at the knock. "Come in."he said smirking at scorpius. The younger blond frowned a little as he looked at the two of them,"Are we having a drinking party?"

feyn snickered looking amused."True."She sighed a little as they walked inside, pausing outside her bedroom door, not ready to say goodnight but knowing she had to recover first had to put herself together again before she could stand to be with him. "We'll go tomorrow afternoon then. Then I can search voldemort's room tomorrow night."She said shuddering at the thought, but sounding more...positive now that she had something besides sex to think about. While in the back of her mind she was still attracted to the older man, she wanted the quiet, loving life hugo offered more then the vicious perversity of a dark lord.
"I may be here because I have to be, Draco, but that doesn't explain my feelings for you," Evangeline murmured, then began to pour herself a small glass. She blushed at her words, completely shocked at what she said. She yelped at the sound of Scorpius walking in, then smiled. She put down the glass and walked over to him, throwing herself into a hug. It was nice to see him after what had happened, even if Draco was doing a good job at comforting her. Looking up at him, she sighed. "I've never had it before, and your father is letting me try it... Were you out with the horses?"

Hugo grinned and nodded. "Tomorrow it is," he murmured, then leaned forward and pressed a innocent kiss to her forehead. "Get some sleep, okay? I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast." He gave her an assuring smile, then turned and headed for his bedroom.
Draco looked startled at her words smiling slightly looking vaguely embarassed. It wasn't every day a man got divorced from his wife to have his younger lover confessing feelings. It was weird. Scorpius smiled as he lowered his head to kiss her forehead, nuzzling her a little as he wrapped a arm around her waist in a hug."I was. Gwendolyn's starting to fret, and Haven damn near kicked his stall door down until I put them in the same stall."He said smiling as he nodded towards the glass."ARe you sharing that?"He teased. Draco rolled his eyes a little watching the two, though his heart hurt. It was good to see his son so happy, after so many women that he had gone through. Even if he had feelings for evangeline, he wished he could step aside to let them be together.
Evangeline looked happy at the idea of Haven seeming so concerned for Gwendolyn. "Wow, really? She's okay, right?" she asked leaning into his kiss. She wrapped her arms around his waist, letting him nuzzle her a moment before turning to grab the glass. "Sharing? Are you saying I couldn't drink this on my own?" She raised her eyebrows a little, then put the glass to her lips. Taking a huge gulp, she made an awful face as it went down, clamping a hand over her mouth as she started to choke. "Oh, Shit," she cursed, shaking her head. "How can you drink this stuff?" She looked up at him with a humorous expression, as if someone punched her in the gut.
Scorpius grinned."She's fine. Just nesting.She's getting ready to go into labor."He said looking amused, before backpedaling at her words."I mean, I'm sure you could but I want a sip."He stuttered glaring at draco as the older man laughed. Draco snickered looking at her face, amused at her disgusted look. "Father made us drink Imperia. It's like drink battery acid. Firewhiskey after that wasn't that bad."draco said shrugging a little. It wasn't so much that he'd drunk worse alcohol, it was that when he'd become addicted, it had been at 17 and the only way to dull the emotions. He'd been teetering on the edge of alcoholism when Astoria had pulled him back. They'd have to watch him, make sure he didn't totally lose his control, even after 18 years, it wouldn't be hard to lose control.
Evangeline shook her head and pushed the glass toward Scorpius, already starting to feel the effects. The thing about wizard made liquor was that it as fast acting and strong. Soon, she was giggling and handing on to Scorpius. "I don't even want to know what Imperia is," she laughed, her hair getting in her face and her cheeks turning pink. I guess there was a reason her father always told her never to drink, because it would have been to mask the lonliness, and that was never healthy. And here she was, drinking away the sorrow of having to leave him this evening... Her heart was breaking, but the other two men and liquor helped.
Father and son laughed looking amused at her before stepping away."come on Evan, time to sleep it off."Scorpius muttered picking her up amused as he settled her in bed. Draco smirked raising a eyebrow,"Ohh do we have to put her to sleep?she looks amusing like this."draco smirked a little."Are you drunk?"Scorpius said eyeing his father as the elder poured himself a drink."No,but I have every intention of being so." "Well, pass it over here."Scorpius said taking the bottle from his father and forgoing the glass as he downed a swig.
Evangeline pouted as Scorpius started to put her to bed, then laughed as they began to pass around the bottle of whiskey. She sat up, watching them with an amused expression, then crawled over to them. "Hey! I don't want to be left out of this party," she whined, moving off the bed and toward the liquor cabinet. "Do you have something that tastes better? Like wine? Or any muggle stuff?" Her voice was slurred a little, and her hips swayed a bit as she looked into the cabinet, almost like she was listening to music. She wasn't wasted yet, but it was obvious that she could get there. However, it might be good for her considering how upset she was.
"You know, we could give her imperia." "I'm not sure she's wasted enough to make that acid taste good." "Yes, but then she'd be wasted." "I thought I raised you better." "Nope.Here. Let me get you something."Scorpius grinned as he stood, walking to the cabinet he pulled down a bottle of cognac, handing it to her."here." "Hey!I spent a small fortune on that bottle." "Well, when the rommanovs come back to claim it, I'll pay you back." "Hey, you don't get a revelution bottle every day." "Oh shut up you stuck up prick." "Hey is that any way to talk to your father?" "Yes it is, because you are ARE a stuck up prick. drink, and you'll get to watch my father turn a interesting shade of red."Scorpius urged cracking open the bottle for her.
Evangeline giggled a little, taking the bottle from him. "Do you two always banter like that? You're more like brothers than father and son..." She rolled her eyes and took a swig of the bottle. It went down smoother thanks to her buzz from the whiskey. Soon, she was taking drink after drink. "Wow, this stuff... It's great," she murmured, slurring a little. She was just happy to not being thinking of he heart break. Right now, all she could focus on was the way the alcohol was making her feel and the two handsome men in front of her. "It's hot in here," she whined, unbuttoning her jeans and slipping them down her thighs. Soon, she was just in a large sweater and panties, holding the liquor by the neck of the bottle.


Evangeline giggled and toppled into Draco's lap, putting her legs up on the arm of the chair and taking another sip of the alcohol. "I don't think there is going to be much left for the Rommanovs to claim," she murmured, pouting with an amused expression.
"Oddly enough, we do."Draco said looking amused shaking his head as he watched her swallowing hard as he watched her undress. Scorpius blushed a little laughing as Evangeline toppled into her lap, feeling relaxed and more comfortable drunk. "Oh I don't think so.But thats okay."Draco said laughing as he stroked her hair, shuddering a little as he found her pressed into his lap before shifting, looking at scorpius. Well. "go to sleep evangeline."Draco ordered, shifting to lay down. No matter how comfortable, and unlike father and son they acted, the two were still at odds and not nearly drunk enough for this to work.

"Come on Evan.Sleep."Scorpius smirked pulling her down between them, snuggling him,settling her against him as Draco laid down with them. Both malfoy men content to be with her,even if it was uncomfortable to be together. It was just...freaking them out even if they were trying hard to not think about it.
"What is it with you two men? You're always ordering me to sleep... Makes me think you actually like having me around," Evangeline murmured, pouting a little bit at both of them. Sitting up on her knees and looked down at both of them, obviously wildly drunk, she began to giggled. Normally, something like this would be awkward, but she was drunk and lonely... Well, all three of them were. "Can't we have some fun or something? We never get to..." She crawled over Scorpius, moving back to the floor and over to Draco's record player. Leaning over, she found an upbeat song, and played it. It soon started to fill the room, not loud enough to wake up the others in the house, and she began to dance. She giggled and moved her hips around in circles, closing her eyes and running her hands through her long black hair. Just trying to forget.
Both scorpius and draco sat up on their elbows staring at her."I...I think I'm leaving now."Scorpius said before bolting for the door and walking out. Poor man just couldn't consider having sex with his father in the same bed. It was just to weird for the teen. Draco watched him go before sighing quietly sitting up as he crossed the room, resting his hands on Evangeline's hips, leaning down to kiss her softly."You, are going to drive us insane."He said nuzzling her a little.
Evangeline pouted when she saw scorpius running out, drunenly wondering if she made him mad... Giggling, she got up on her toes and kissed him back. Her hand strayed downward to cup him groin. "In a good way?" she raised her eyebrows at him, then suddenly frowned and stepped away. A hand went to her mouth and the other went to her stomach. "I don't feel good," she groaned, then sped off to the bathroom. Within seconds, she was on her knees at the toilet, vomiting and groaning. Poor Evangeline at the alcohol tolerance of a kitten.
Draco groaned as she cupped him,swallowing hard as he watxhed her run for the bathroom. Biting his lip to keep from laughing. It was truly adorable.

In the morning draco ws leaning back against the headboard, his blond greying hair falling in his eyes as he read over his case files for the week, a pair of small stylish reading glasses on his face. He was vain enough to want to wear them all the time like he needed to,but working he just read to much to not wear them. Glnicing over he smiled when he saw her wake,tilting his head a little."how do you feel this morning?"

Feyn smiled as she held the trah of food, balacing it on her palm as she knocked on hugo's door instead of just walking in.trying to make it easier on them both while she got her head straightened out,trykng to treat him like a friend instead of the man she was recklessly in love with
Evangeline turned over on to her back and rubbed a hand over her face. "Awful," she admitted, vaguely remembering that she threw up half the night. Her eyes glanced over at him, and she smirked wryly. The glasses he wore made him look like some sort of naughty professor, and she liked it. Sitting up, she winced at the headache she had. It made her ears ring. "Since your doing... whatever your are doing... is it okay if I head over to Scorpius' room and apologize for last night?" she murmured, blushing as she moved from the bed and grabbed her jeans. "I have a feeling I embarrassed myself." Sighing, she walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek, glancing at his papers. "I thought you said you weren't taking anymore cases for a while," she asked, curiosity in her tone.

"Morning," Hugo murmured, smirking at the tray. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, his hair messy from sleep. "What's with the tray? I'm surprised Narcissa let you take it. She's usually so weird about you and Scorpius having meals with her..." Reaching over, he grabbed a piece of bacon and went to town on it. He noticed right away that she looked happy, and he liked it. Maybe his talk with her really helped... Or at least hoped so. She needed to understand that she was just as strong as the rest of them. "Get some sleep?"
Draco laughed smirking at her as he pushed the glasses up to the top of his head rubbing his eyes with a sigh."Go ahead.But don't be surprised if he's hung over to."He warned looking amused before smirking."You most definately did something embarassing."He smirked but refused to comment on her actions before sighing softly."I wasn't going to...but faced with obsessing over my own divorce, or working, I figured I better work."He said shrugging a little embarassed.

Feyn grinned at her, "Well, scorpius refused to leave his room, so grandmother let me have a tray...which means I have probably 10 minutes before she demands we go downstairs to eat."She said grinning as he ate before blushing a little."Not really. i kept waking myself up with thoughts of what voldemort could have used as horcruxes."
Evangeline blushed a beet red, leaning into him. She placed her hand on his papers and leaned down to kiss him gently on the lips. "Don't work yourself into the ground," she murmured, nuzzling him. "You should probably stop to have breakfast or something, okay? You're already so much older than me, you can't go wearing yourself out..." She pulled back with an amused grin, showing that she was most definitely teasing. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss on his forehead. "Thanks for taking care of me last night..." she murmured, blushing all over again.

Hugo took a big gulp of his juice, smirking a bit. "Ah, you know, I but that's normal to you," he murmured, "I bet you sat up at night wondering how you could beat me at NEWTS all of the time..." He laughed a bit and looked up at his owl came in the window with a news paper. Reaching up, he grabbed the paper and handed it to her. "Have you already read it?" he asked, nodding to the moving pictures on the black and white paper. "Anything interesting?"
Draco smiled as he kissed her back, shaking his head a little."I wont. I'll go have breakfast with mother....I should tell her I'm getting divorced before the papers report it."He said wincing a little at the idea before smiling wider."Well it was my fault you were drinking, at least I could do was take care of you."He teased before walking out with her, shaking his head amused as he headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Oh!oh that's not nice."She pouted sulking as she balled up her hand and slugged him playfully in the arm."I did no such thing!As if I would have spared the time of day to think of you."she said before picking up the paper, glancing it over before paling slightly, but looking unsurprised."My uncle's getting divorced....aunt astoria's told the papers everything she knows about him, all the dirty little secrets."She muttered looking worried about how pissed draco was going to be.
Evangeline watched him go before padding across the hall and walking into Scorpius' room. Smirking down at his sleeping (and probably hungover) form, she shut the door behind her and crawled into the bed, moving to straddle his waist. Leaning down, she kissed him awake until his eyes opened. "Okay, before you throw me out, I apologize for whatever the liquor made me do," she murmured, raising her eyebrow. "Your father held my hair half the night, so if it makes you feel better, I paid for it. A lot." She blushed and sat on top of him, her hands resting on his chest.

Hugo's eyebrows shot up, and he leaned over to look at the paper. "Oh wow... Fuck," he murmured, shaking his head. "Did you know he was actually divorcing her? I thought he was trying to keep her happy for reputation purposes. Or that's the impression I got." He frowned and continued eating, having the stomach of a race horse. In fact, Narcissa had taken a liking to Hugo simply because he always loved and ate a tone of her food. His eyes glanced at the back of the page Feyn was reading. "Holy shit," he murmured, "Look at the picture they posted of Snape... He looks awful... I guess they are making an example of him."
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