Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Lucius smirked a bit, a cruel idea forming inside of his head as he took a sip of his Imperia. "Oh... she will be here," he murmured, then watched as his son and granddaughter left. He looked up at Scorpius and sighed. "Get the Weasley out of my sight, Scorpius," he snapped, "I'm in no mood to deal with his presence." Hugo rolled his eyes, seemingly unaffected, and turned to Scorpius. "Come on. I'll go with you to check on the horses," he murmured, eager to hear what the other man needed to tell him.

Once the boys were gone, Narcissa ordered Lucius to bring Evangeline down. Naked. Narcissa did as she was told, telling Evan to not put up any sort of fight; to go with it so she wouldn't get hurt. Little did she know that Lucius was planning on getting a taste of her while Draco was gone, just to get under his skin...

Voldemort chuckled a bit, nodding to Feyn before turning back to Draco. "Ah, well, it must be something very important to make you separate from Astoria. I had the impression you two were very happy," he murmured, raising his eyebrows. He had an elf bring them all drinks into the sitting room, relaxing in his usual arm chair. He took a sip of his drink and smirked. "Well, you are in luck. I have no meetings today, so Miss Ceralina's impeccable timing with come in use."
Scorpius nodded as they headed out to the stables, quiet and thoughtful as they walked. STill feeling out of sorts from being with evangeline. He loved being with her, and yet it tore him up to be with her to. Sighing he smirked a little as they walked inside,"Evangeline has a horcrux."he said having every intention of startling the other man, to distract him from what feyn was doing.

Lucius smirked watching the girl walk into the study, standing as he walked over to her, reaching out eh wrapped his hand in her hair."You vex me mudblood. You have both my son and grandson panting after you like your a bitch in heat."He growled shoving her to her knees even as he started undoing his slacks.

Draco leaned back in his seat as he sat down, sipping his drink as he turned his head to study feyn before nodding."Nothing more then a difference of opinions."He said swallowing hard, before sighing. As much as he would lke to tell on astoria and mckinze, he wouldn't sacerfice them all for the revenge, not when he knew voldemort would react badly. Swallowing hrd he thought about it before sighing."My lord, there is something you need to know." "un-" "No."Draco said his voice cold nd cruel, knowing feyn would be hurt by it, by voldemort knowing but it would be better for them all if he found out now."Since your last visit with my niece, McKinze... assaulted her while in Diagon alley."He said the anger icing his eyes leaving no doubt what kin of assualt it had been."My lord, I am still in your debt... no matter what else had happened."Feyn said her face and eyes growing anxious, scared of his reaction.
Hugo looked over at him with wide eyes, making sure to get into the barn before saying anything. "She has one? Like right now?" he asked, looking frazzled and excited. He smirked a bit, shaking his head in absolute shock. "Which one? I mean... wow..." Walking along side the other man, they came to Gwendoyn's stall, and she was laying on the floor in the corner.

Evangeline looked up at Lucius with horror, yelping when she was pushed to her knees. He looked so much like Draco and Scorpius, but different. So different. There was a darkness in his eyes that could only be seen as maliciousness... Her eyes teared up and she looked at his cock, fear in her eyes. She had only learn to give oral sex an hour ago, and Scorpius was so gentle... "B-but, my Master has not given me permission," she quickly said, not knowing any better. She thought that maybe Lucius wouldn't touch Draco's property, believing in a sliver of hope out of sheer fear.

Voldemort looked over at Feyn, his eyes growing dark. "Is this true?" he snapped, wanting a straight answer. "Has McKinze taken your virginity?" He was not any where close to a nice guy, but he viewed Feyn as his. And if McKinze interfered with this, Voldemort thought of it as something being stolen from him... He looked angry, ready to burst. "Draco, I am going to have one of my specialists give Miss Ceralina an inspection," he said, "I want to know what damage he caused to my mistress. The amount of damage with decide how I will deal with the situation." He clenched his jaw, his nostrils flaring with rage.
Scorpius snickered at the man's reaction. "Not on her,but yes, at grighotts. In her father's vault.The diadem.She recognized the drawing on my dresser this morning"He said before paling slightly as he pushed open the stall door and checking on the horse, settling down beside her, stroking her side as he realized there wasn't much to do but be with her, make sure things didn't go wrong.

Lucius smirked his eyes dark and amused. "Your master is not here girl, and he is not master of this house. Now suck."He ordered his hand tightening in her hair, hand fisting his cock as he drew it out, glaring down at her. "Now,girl."He ordered waiting for her as he drew her towards his cock, not about to give draco the priviledge of winning a fight, and the girl would be there when he got home...just not as well as draco had left her.

Feyn looked anxious scared as she nodded a little staring down at her lap before allowing the house elves escort her out to see the specialists. Draco's eyes were dark and angry, not only for feyn,but anger at his father making him more emotional then normal."You know what they'll find. After all, the world knows what mckinze is like."He muttered as he down the last of his drink.

When the specialist returned, the man bowed slightly as he stepped in."He broke her my lord. There was damage, but it has healed.The emotional damage is done she can't stand to be touched, but that to is easily taken care of with time."The man said being clincial and reporting everything that he'd discovered, knowing voldemort didn't care about the emotional damage, but knowing that his lord expected a report on anything hedidn't dare not say anything.
Hugo grinned. "Wow," he murmured, "So all we really need is to get it out of gringhotts? That's fantastic. Plus, it should be safe until we can figure out a way to get it..." He moved to leaned against the stall's wall, frowning with concern at the sight of the horse. He didn't know much about horses, but he knew that them laying like that was rare... Not to mention Scorpius' horse Haven was about to break down his own stall. It was ridiculous... Maybe horses had deeper relationships that he thought. "Is she okay?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Can I get anything?"

Evangeline felt tears spilling out of the outer corners over her eyes, yelping as he tugged at her hair. Considering the only men she had were so gentle with her, this was shocking her. How could Lucifer be so different from his son and grandson? Leaning forward, Evangeline began to take the man's cock in her mouth, her right hand moving up to stroke his base. She was unsure about it all because of her lack of experience, but she tried her best to get him off and make him satisfied. She just hoped that he wouldn't take this farther; that a blow job would be enough for him. Of course, she didn't know Lucius that well...

Voldemort pressed his lips together. There was only one thing worse than a damaged virgin, and that was an emotionally damaged virgin. He waved the doctor away, looking unhappy with the news, and looked down at Feyn. "I will give you a while to recooperate, assuming your allegiance is still with me and that you are still willing to pay off your debt," he said, his eyes dark, "I have no desire to have my way with a woman who is not 100% willing." The last thing he wanted was to see her emotional damage in her eyes as he fucked her. He'd rather wait. "I have plenty of women to keep me entertained until I call on you again." He took a gulp of his drink and turned to Draco. "I will see to McKinze."
"Eventually yes. And she pointed out something. Since both her and her father are condemned crimminals, and my father his his godson, all we have to do is convince father to go to gringhotts.When we can get in and out safely."He smirked stroking gwendolyn's side,"Bring haven over here.He'll break the door down if we leave him to it."He said looking anxious before giving hugo a smile."She's going into labor, its a long interesting process."She said shrugging a little stroking gwendolyn's head, looking so worried about him.

Lucius smirked as he looked down at her, stroking her hair as he shuddered, tilting his head back and enjoying what she was doing before pulling her away."Well, I can see why my grandson and son have been acting like fools. You have such a nice mouth."he smirked before shoving her back onto the table starting to undress her with a flick of his wand. "Now, I will see just how much tighter the rest of your body is."He growled moving between her legs, thrusting into her with a sharp snap of his hips, uncaring if he hurt her or not.

Feyn watched the doctor leave before looking up at voldemort, startlement and hope showing in her eyes. Emotionally off center enough to apperciate the wait,but looking unsure. Wondering if it was a trick, that she would be punished for not being comfortable or willing to do anything right at that moment. Looking up at voldemort she nodded slightly."Of course my lord. My life is given to your pleasure.'She said smiling slightly, hesitating. Mckinze had managed to destroy that part of her that had been enjoying sex,knock her confidence off. So she was feelng odd dealing with voldemort. "Good. You talking to him will scare him worse then me dealing with him."Draco said his eyes growing darker as he thought about it, wanting, so wanting, to tell on astoria, but love for her, no matter how faded, and the fact that she gave him a son he loved, kept him from saying so.
Hugo nodded, looking a little nervous at the idea of the horse going into labor. He swallowed hard when she began to make whining noises... Moving to the other stall, he slowly led Haven into the stall with the mare, thankful it was large enough to fit them all... "I didn't realize horses had bonds like that," he murmured, reaching up to pet Haven. Something was just so... different about the other man since Hogwarts. It was actually throwing him off a little. "You don't seem to hate me near as much as you used to," he noted, smirking a bit. Never did he think that Scorpius and him would be sitting in a barn together one day by choice.

Evangeline let out a painful scream, holding on to the desk and squeezing her eyes shut. If anyone else had been in the house, they would have surely heard. However, there wasn't. She was alone with this man, and she was honestly scared what he might do to her when he was done with her. "Please, please stop," she sobbed, pain spreading through her privates and out toward the rest of her body. She may no longer be a virgin, but she was not used to being treated so roughly.

Voldemort nodded. "Very well," he said, "You may leave until I call upon Miss Ceralina again. I would rather meet with Mckinze now." He waved his hand for them to leave, in no mood to be polite about it all.
Scorpius cooed softly as he shifted watching amused as haven lowered his head to nudge against gwendolyn. "Most don't, though they develop friendships. Haven's demonkyn, bred for intelligence and a subspeices of the unicorns.They're fiercely loyal, even if its to another horse and not their rider."Scorpius said for a moment sounding like feyn in lecture mode, one of the rare times he did lecture, it was on horses. Glancing up at hugo before returning his eyes to the mare, he smirked."My cousin loves you, if I knew nothing else about you, that would make me like you."Scorpius was quiet for a long moment before sighing."But you didn't even like feyn, and you stopped Mckinze from doing anything. That...that kind of honor deserves respect, espicially since it could have gotten you killed."

Lucius growled smirking as he fucked her, not caring. "Go ahead scream. There's no one else here."He growled cruelly closing his eyes as he enjoyed how her body tightened painfully around her before coming with a gasp, pulling out when he was done. Slapping her playfully on the thigh he smirked as he cleaned blood and bodily fluids off his cock."That was fun, mudblood. We'll have to do it again."He smirked walking towards the door, his smirk widening when he saw draco and feyn walking back in. "Evanangeline...?"Feyn scooted around the two men, leaving her uncle looking at a loss for words and approched the girl."Evan?Will you let me carry you upstairs?"the red head said softly, wondering how long it would take the two malfoy men to get in a screaming match again.

"My lord?You summoned me?"Mckinze said as he stepped into the room, feeling relief when he didn't see feyn. Surely she hadn't been stupid enough to tell voldemort. He was very secure thinking that he was safe, not realizing just how posessive voldemort was over his mistresses.
Hugo looked down at the other man, swallowing hard. "I come from a family where we do those kinds of things," he said, shrugging. He watched as Gwendolyn started to twitch and fidget, obviously in pain. She started to look back toward her hind end, then shifted to lay all the way down on to her side. Haven stood beside her the whole time, watching her carefully as she began to give birth. Hugo was amazed and queezy all at the same time. The only thing that kept him from running away was the fact that Scorpius might need help.

Evangeline slumped to the floor, her inner thighs coated with blood. She swallowed hard, looking up at Feyn with tears in her eyes. "No, I just want to be left alone," she whispered, slowly pushing herself up. She was in pain, and she felt broken, but she couldn't allow herself to fall apart. It only meant she was submitting to this life; that things weren't ever going to get better. Evangeline bit her cheek and slowly started to make her away up the stairs and toward Draco's bathroom, flipping the tub on and sitting on the bath tub rug as it filled up, too weak to stand. It was only then that she began to let herself cry, looking down to see the rug stained with her own blood.

"Yes... Yes, I did," Voldemort said from his chair. "Sit, McKinze, and tell me exactly why you felt it was appropriate to rape the young girl that I have chosen for myself." His eyes darkened, looking ready to attack, and glared at the man until he answered. He wanted to know what this man was going to say to try to defend himself.
"well, its a novelty here, in my world."Scorpius said shrugging a little as he helped the small mare give birth, blood smearing on his forearms, looking oddly disheveled at doing something so obviously below his station yet something he was good at. Smiling happily as the small coal slid to the straw, he looked at the darkly colored foal as he cleaned it up as gwendolyn rested. "Now, don't go getting sick weasley."He teased glancing towards the stall door at the sound of footsteps, recognizing them. There was only one person who could sound like she was running and walking at once. "Feyn's home."he said glancing at his watch wondering what he was doing back so soon. "Hugo?Scor?"Feyn said looking strained and worried as she walked quickly to the stall."What's wrong?" "Grandfather...hurt evangeline. You should go inside."She said before looking at the foal, and scorpius' look."Don't worry.Go. Me and hugo will stay down here with them."She said stepping aside as he ran for the house.

"Evangeline?"Draco said softly as he stepped into the bathroom,gently picking her up as she cried,not bothering to strip down himself he climbed in the tub with her,settling her in his lap as he gently wiped her skin off with a rag. "Father?Evan?"Scorpius said stepping into the bedroom looking scared, but not knowing if she would want him there or not, staying near the door till he got a answer.

A panicked look past through his eyes as he moved to sit down, clearing his throat a little."I did not know you were taking her for yourself my lord, only that I was not to be marrying her.I was...angry. It made me reckless my lord."He said bowing his head as he avoided looking at the man's face.
Hugo watched as Scorpius rushed off, looking at Feyn with concern. "What do you mean hurt?" he asked, tilting his head a little. He looked down at the foal, smirking a bit as it began to nurse from Gwendolyn. He was just so amazed by it all... "This is... crazy," he whispered, "I mean, it's truly amazing. I never thought that child birth and all that could be so cool and interesting..."

Evangeline cried into Draco's shoulder, feeling so... so used. "Why would he do that?" she sniffed, leaning into him. She wondered why a man who thought she was so disgusting and turning his son soft would want to have sex with her that badly... Why would he rape her like he did? It all confused her. At the sound of Scorpius' voice, Evangeline raised her head, tears streaming down her face. She didn't want to him to see her like this... She was humiliated. "I-I'm fine, Scorpius," she whispered, her lip trembling. She shifted, wanting out of the tub because all she wanted was to be in clothes. Bruises on her hips were already started to form, but she chose to ignore them.

Voldemort growled standing up and taking his wand out of his robe. "You do not go raping pure blood virgins! You save that barbaric act for the filthy little mudbloods, but not women that can bare the next generation of Death Eaters!" he snapped, pointing his wand toward him. "Kneel to me!" Once the man was on his knees, he cast the Crucio curse, torturing him on and off for the next hour...
Feyn looked up at him, pain filling her eyes before moving over to him, stepping into his arms as she buried her face against his chest. Not able to say it but really, that look on her face said it all. Shuddering a little she sniffled, amused at his reaction,even if her heart was breaking for her cousin and evangeline."Well, its not human childbirth. It's a horse."She teased, starting to move away from him remembering what he said, though the look n her face said she just needed held, even if she wouldn't admit to the need."It's pretty cool that the foal will be on his feet in a few minutes."She said smirking as she watched haven fussing over both mother and foal.Watching the horses to keep from thinking of evangeline.

"Because, both me and Scorpius care for you. He didn't want you, he wanted to punish us.I am sorry Evangeline."He muttered his voice sounding so sad. "But ev-" "Go scorpius. Now."Draco ordered wincing a little at the silence that followed and the door shutting behind the younger blond as he left. Helping Evangeline get out of the tub he dried her off, shivering as he dried his own clothes before dressing her in some of his sweats and a t-shirt knowing the looser clothes would help."Now, lay down."he ordered helping her to the bed.
Hugo shrugged. "I know it's not childbirth," he murmured, "But... it makes you think about it, I guess. And it's amazing to see Haven so concerned for them..." He looked back over at them watching as Haven stood over the mare and her feeding foal. Sighing a bit, he looked over at Feyn. "Come here," he murmured, opening his arms up to her. "... Friends can comfort eachother, if that's what they want." He motioned for her to come back into his arms, seeing the worry in her eyes.

Evangeline crawled into the bed, curling up in the middle of it with the large sweats and blankets surrounding her. She sniffed, laying her head on the pillow and wiping her eyes. As much as she didn't want to say it, she needed to. She knew it was the only thing that could calm her down and make her feel better... "I want Scorpius," she whispered, looking up at Draco. "C-can he come back? I wanted him to leave because I was embarrassed, but I n-need him here..." She swallowed hard, hoping Draco wouldn't take offense to her needing his son's comfort, but she couldn't help it. It was like something came over her, telling her she needed him to be with her.
"Haven used to bully scorpius around, damned horse bullies everyone he thinks needs help."He snorted laughing amused before looking at hugo, stepping into his arms, cuddling against his chest as she pressed her face into his chest starting to cry.To upset about both the exam earlier and evangeline now."I do want."She muttered blushing slightly before sighing quietly."....I had to do a exam earlier...with one of voldemort's doctors...I don't think anyone's ever going to have to worry about mckinze again....the dark lord was pissed."She snorted laughing quietly, remembering the look on the man's face, trying to distract herself from worry and bad feelings, knowing that there was nothing she could do for scorpius or evangeline.

Drao sat on the edge of the bed as she looked at her settling into the bed, nodding a little as he leaned over to kiss her forehead."Whatever you want sweetheart...I'll see you in the morning."He muttered, the fact he was willing to give up his own bed said how much they both meant to him. Standing as he walked out, scorpius walking in a few minutes later, looking confused and out of sorts."Evan?"Scorpius said quietly, hesitating as he stepped towards the bed, as if despite his father asking him to come back that he wasn't sure of his welcome.
Hugo laughed, shaking his head. Scorpius wasn't the type, he thought, to have anyone boss him around... but one of the horses. When Gwendolyn was giving birth, he seemed so calm and focused... Wrapping his arms around her, he rested his chin on her head and closed his eyes. "Good," he murmured, "That bastard needs to be put in his place." He rubbed her back and held her close, trying to make her feel comfortable. "Everything is going to be okay," he murmured, "Scorpius will take care of her... Aside from those horses and you, I've never seen him look so protective over someone as he is Evangeline."

As Draco left, Evan swallowed and nodded, leaning into his kiss. He was such a good man that didn't ask for anything in return, and it broke her heart. Evangeline rolled over and sat up, reaching out and taking his hand. "Please stay with me," she whispered, her eyes glassy and her chin quivering. "I just need you..." Her chest started to heave a little, showing that she was fighting back in the tears really hard. She didn't like coming off weak or used or sad. She wanted to be a fighter... Not this.
Feyn smiled, melting into his arms, relaxing fully at the sound of his laughter. If he could laugh, it meant things would be okay. That there could still be happiness in the world despite everything. Snifling as she tried to calm down she shuddered, feeling so protected in his arms that being close to him didn't bother her. Despite the freaking out she'd done earlier at being examined, she was easy with resting in hugo's arms. She'd probably freak of if they tried to do anything,but for the moment, she was content to rest in his arms."I know.He'll do what he must, so will uncle draco.They'll take care of her."She muttered mostly reassuring herself, that it was true. That they would both be taken care of while they found their way again.

Scorpius smiled a little looking worried as she looked at him, slipping into the bed with her, he grinned."I am yours to command my lady, anything you shall ask, it is yours."His smile was strained, despite the usual gallentry and over the top charm, his eyes gave it away as a act, that he was just trying to make her laugh. Slipping under the covers with her he gently pulled her into his arms, holding her ever so gently, as if afraid she might break as he rested his cheek against her hair."Its okayto cry you know. I wont hold it against you, evan."He muttered nuzzling her a little.
Hugo nodded, continuing to rub her back and comfort her. "Exactly," he whispered, "Now why don't we leave the new family alone and go get some tea? It's getting pretty cold our here..." Releasing her from his embrace, he reached down and grabbed her hand, slowly walking toward the house. Making his way up the stairs with her, he moved toward her room and asked the house elf if she could please bring them some tea and a snack. Honestly, he'd get it himself if Narcissa would actually let people in the kitchen.

Evangeline sniffed and held on to him tightly, as if she was afraid that if he left, she'd break down completely. "But I want to be strong... It's all I have any more, Scorpius. Everything has been taken from me - My freedom, my education, my father, my future... I want to keep my dignity, but it's so hard." Tears streamed down her face, and she looked up at him with big brown eyes. The only light in the room was from the moonlight out side and the fireplace in the corner. "And I don't want to fall in love with you, Scorpius, because it's so dangerous and complicated for us both... But I am; I am falling in love with you. I knew it from the moment your grandfather pushed me to my knees, and the first thought that went through my head was not humiliation or fear, but the thought that you may never be able to love me after knowing what he did to me." She bit her lip, her shoulder shaking a little as her body started to force herself into the breakdown that she was holding back from. This was going to get her killed, or worse, Scorpius killed.
Feyn smiled looking amused as she held his hand, walking with him. Settling onto the bed with a smile as she started to nibble on the crackers the house elf brought, curling up in bed with hi as she shifted, leaning against him. Needing the contact. Tomrrow she'd keep her distance,but tonight she needed the comfot of being eld."We should get some sleep.I have a feeling it's going to be a long few days."She muttered sipping her tea with a yawn.

"Its okay to give it up sometimes, it means your strong enough to be sure you'll be able to come back later."he muttered kissing her hair, closing his eyes. Tensing a little at her words before sighing softly, sadly,burying his face in her hair as he shuddered, hatred and anger at his grandfather twisting up his stomach, and only the fact that his father would be better to deal with lucius, and that evangeline needed him, kept the youngest malfoy from going after him."I love you. I've been falling in love with you this whole time.Now rest."he muttered stroking her hair, trying to kepe her calm, but knowing it was useless. There was no way to keep from breaking down, not when so much had happened in to short of a time."Shh I'm here, and we're both fine. Or will be. sleep."he muttered holding her gently as he snuggled down into the bed with her.
Hugo nodded, keeping his arms wrapped around her. A smirk spread across his face, and he shook his head. "You are the only one I know who can yawn and drink a cup a tea at the same time," he murmured, rolling his eyes. Sighing, he laid back against the pillows letting her press against him as he closed his eyes and started to drift to sleep. It felt comforting to know that she was safe beside him all night.

Evangeline's heart swelled a little at his words, and she pressed her damp face into his neck. "Just don't leave, okay?" she murmured, scared he'd be gone when she woke up. However, not but a few seconds after she said those words, she started to drift to sleep. Even in her sleep, she managed to stay close to him all night long. If he said things were going to be okay, maybe they were... They could only go up, right?

Three months later, Evangeline going through her drawer in Draco's closet, trying to find something to wear. Why he sat on his bed and looked at his cases, she was getting ready to sneak down to the barn and visit the horses with Scorpius. Of course, the only person she was sneaking past was Lucius, but still... "Have I been eating more than I usually do lately?" Evan asked, pulling up a pair of jeans. They wouldn't go over her hips, and even though Feyn's jeans were snug to begin with, she never could remember not being about to button them, let alone get them up. "I mean, this is the third pair of jeans I've tried on, and I can't get them up..." She pouted, looking in the mirror with frustration. Her hands were on her hips as she stood in her panties, trying to decide whether she should give up, or keep trying to shove herself into a pair of jeans.

Hugo was sitting on the foot of Feyn's bed, eating lunch and reading a book as he waited for her to get out of the shower. He knew that they should have a talk or something, considering that he over heard that Voldemort has called on her to go to him that night. They hadn't said anything about it the past few months, just trying to focus on the good, but it was getting closer...
Draco looked up from where he'd been pretending to read, having been watching her get in and out of the jeans. Before focusing a little more at her words."you have, some."He said looking thoughtful before biting his lip a little. He couldn't think about it. The only other time he'd had a woman outeat him, had been when astoria was pregnant, and he really couldn't think about that. Not now, not when his son had finally settled into a easy mood, not quite omfortable with their arrangments, but the three of them had managed to make a life long as they avoided dlucius."Do you want me to see if I have any of astoria's things still?She's a little bigger then feyn was..."He said trying to find a gentle way, a kind way of saying that she might need bigger sized clothes.

Feyn walked out of the bathroom, her hair done up and curling around her face, the clinging high slit skirt and corset top shaping a toned body that had over the last few months filled out more as she took better care of herself. Pausing in the door as hugo she tried to figure out if it would be more embarassing to let him see how nicely dressed up she'd gotten, or hide in the bathroom. Swallowing hard she crossed the room, nudging his legs apart to stand between his knees,wrapping her arms around his neck."You know, you could have come join me."She muttered running her fingers through his hair, looking amused that he'd sat out here and waited for her, instead of joining her in the shower.

Evangeline pouted and moved over to the bed, sitting down and groaning in frustration. It wasn't that she was necessarily fat, it seemed, but her hips and stomach had gotten rounder that usual. There was a definite change in her body and she was just so young and far away from the idea of children that pregnancy had not crossed her mind in the slightest. "But I don't want, bigger clothes, Draco," she murmured, "I just don't get it! I'm so hungry all of the time... Maybe I'm just getting used to Narcissa feeding me." She shrugged a bit, figuring that she just needed to hold back from Narcissa's delicious cooking... Sighing, she crawled over beside him and rested her chin on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" she asked, taking his sudden change in mood as a disappointment in her weight gain.

Hugo licked his lips a little, looking mesmerized by the lingerie and her body in it... After a few moments, he looked up at her. "I was trying to give you privacy," he murmured, swallowing hard. He set his book aside, then ran his hands up her thighs. He felt himself getting hard just looking at her, and it was an incredibly disappointing thought that it was all for another man... "When do you have to go?" he whispered, his hands on her hips.
Draco smiled a little wrapping her arms around her as she crawled next to him, pressing a kiss to her head."Nothing. Just thinking to hard."He muttered kissing her hard leaving no doubt that he was still attracted to her, before moving away and finding a pair of astoria's pregnancy jeans before handing them to her."Go. Scorpius is waiting, nd if you keep him waiting he's going to whine for hours."He teased leaning down to kiss her head, needing to talk to his mother before he talked to the teens about her being pregnant. He was just to out of sorts and worried to talk to evangeline first.

Feyn blushed as she looked at him shivering as he slid his hands up her thighs."In a few minutes."She muttered resting her hands on his shoulders, leaning down to kiss him slowly, blushing softly."I bought....other things along with this if you want...when I get home..."She said looking down away from him, embarssed about how very naive and unseductive she was being, but she wanted him. More then anyone else, she wanted to be held by the man touching her. And if she was going to live with voldemort using her body, she needed to know that no matter what, hugo still wanted her.
Evangeline sighed, nodding a bit as she pulled away from him and slipped the jeans on. She had to admit that they felt a lot more comfortable. Of course, the elastic in the front made the small rounded bulge of her tummy much more visible under her sweater... Moving across the hall, she bounded into Scorpius room, grinning at just the sight of him. "Ready to go see the horses?" she asked, "We have to hurry... You're grandfather will be coming out of the study soon, and we don't need to run until him." She blushed a bit, because the anxiousness in her voice when she talked about Lucifer was still very much there.

Hugo swallowed hard, his eyes swimming in lust. "I... Yea, I'd like that," he murmured against her lips, reaching down and hooking his hands under her knees, pulling her down to straddle his lap. He rubbed her erection against her thigh, showing her how much his body wanted her's. "I'll be waiting for you," he said, leaning down to press a kiss between her breasts. He wasn't scared, because deep down, he knew she was strong. And now that she was using this night in her advantage to look for horcruxes, he had not doubt that she would be even more dangerous if threatened.
Scorpius looked worried about her, frowning slightly, trying to figure out what was different about her before grinning back at her."I am. Lets go."He said taking her the back way down, just to make sure they wouldn't run into lucius. "Gwendolyn's always so good to see you."He said once they were out of sight of the house, wrapping a arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her head. "Are you okay?"He muttered studying her. Trying to figure out how she was feeling about things.

Feyn smiled, her smile more self confident, her eyes as glazed as his. Yelping as he picked her up and settled her down on him, moaning as the man rubbed against her. Whimpering quietly as her hips rocked into his without thinking, shuddering as he pressed a kiss to her chest."I-I'll be home as soon as I can."She said, her voice breathy and full of lust, shuddering. Standing she kissed him again."I promise, I'll be careful and home soon."She said before quickly leaving before she blew off the dark lord to make love to the man in her bed.

When she got to the riddle manor she blushed as she past both death eater and servants as she made her way to voldemort's office. Flushed and turned on,her red hair curling around her face, accenting her breasts and slender shoulders. Looking like a pin up girl for slytherin, pureblood, and dressed in green and black, the small serpent necklace she was wearing completing the look, a echo of slytherin's house crest as she stepped into his office."My lord?"She said her voice high and breathy, eyes bright, pratically squirming in spot at how turned on hse was. Not only from the teasing hugo had given her, but the idea of this man taking her. She'd worked through alot of her problems, but she'd never be able to admit that she still wanted the dark lord.
Evangeline pouted and leaned into him. "I've apparently been gaining weight or something," she murmured, "I tried to get in a pair of jeans for an hour and couldn't get the over my hips. Your father finally had to go fetch me some of your mother's jeans..." She let out a sigh and moved into the barn, smiling at the sight of Gwendolyn and he growing foal. "When are you going to name her?" she asked, trying to get off the subject of weight. She just hoped he had not noticed how round her middle was getting; she still wanted to be attractive to him... "He looks like a... Onyx. Maybe." Reaching out, she pet the foal, then moved to pet Gwendolyn.

Voldemort smirked at the sight of her, tilting his head to the side and taking in her new and improved appearance. He could already feel himself getting hard with arousal, so ready to finally fuck her pretty little brains out... "Very good, Kitten, I see that you have put yourself back together well..." He licked his lips and pushed his chair out from his desk and turned it, leaning back in the chair. "Come now, and greet your master's cock properly." He nodded to his zipped slacks and the bulge that was forming within them.
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