Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Scorpius smiled looking amused as he pressed a kiss to her hair."Hmm well, I can't let you starve then."He said amused glancing at his father, tilting his head a little looking slightly uncomfortable, but relieved. "Well good.Maybe he'll come back in a better mood."The younger blond said thinking about it before nodding."I'll go get them, though they might choose to study instead of eat."He said rolling his eyes as he walked out of the room. Draco snorted leading the two woman downstairs with a amused laugh."He's handling this better then I thought he would."Draco said looking thoughtful as they stepped into the dining room.

"A date?"Feyn said twisting to look at him, blushing as she looked up at him. "I've never been on a date...not a real one anyways. I mean I've been on dates to dances and..."She stopped flushing, embarassed at her over reaction as she looked up at him before nodding."I would like a normal calm date."She muttered wrapping a arm around him, pulling him closer for a hug as she nuzzled him a little.
Evangeline smiled a bit as she settled at the table, thrilled to see a large lunch in front of her. Now that she knew she was eating for two, she felt a lot less insecure about how much she ate or getting a tummy. That's what she was supposed to do, right? Narcissa laughed bit, shaking her head. "I was hungry like that with Draco," she murmured, "And if I remember right, Astoria had a large appetite with Scorpius. I suppose it's Malfoy men that will do it to you." She winked at that and began to eat, and Evangeline blushed a bit. She was really beginning to love Narcissa, probably because she was the woman figure in her life that she had never had before. "I have a Healer that works for the light side that is willing to help Evangeline give birth when the time comes around. He's good at what he does, and he has no intention of going to Voldemort about it. We made a Vow. He also said that he could do a DNA test immediately after the child is born," Narcissa murmured, sipping a glass of wine. "I will also do monthly checkups with her." Evangeline's eyes widened, not expecting how incredibly kind and generous she was being...

Hugo grinned ear to ear. "Then a date it is," he stated, leaning in to nuzzle her back before turning at the knock at the door. He jumped up and opened it, raising his eyebrows at Scorpius. "Someone looks like they just got hit by a muggle vehicle..." he said, surveying the out of sorts look on his face. "Everything okay?"
Draco smiled a little as he leaned back in his chair, eating as he blushed slightly."Well, I guess if you must blame us for making you eat I guess I can't stop you."He said snickering amused at the idea, before growing serious, tilting his head a little."Thank you mother."he said looking thoughtful before swallowing. Knowing he had to tell her, otherwise his mother was going to beat him bloody when he found out."There is also...a chance of another...malfoy man being...the father."He said looking towards evangline, sighing a little."It seems that she is just as fascinating to us all as food was irresistable to you while pregnant."he said teasing the two woman for eating before sighing. Because he knew scorpius was being to calm about this, scorpius was going to lose it. Maybe he should see about sending teh man away for a vacation...though he knew it would drive him absolutely insane.

feyn smiled looking worried, pushing up off the bed she frowned."Scor, what's wrong?" "Uh...evangeline's pregnant...."He said still looking shell shocked the news truly starting to sink in."We're having lunch downstairs. Come on."e said already heading downstairs. "What?How?"eyn said looking concerned and scare at the idea as she walked downstairs with her cousin, sharing a concerned look with hugo, not liking how off scorpius was.
Narcissa sighed, not near as surprised as she wished she was. "Well, it lowers Lucius' chances, and that's all that matters," she murmured, "I have also made the Healer aware that if the DNA test comes back positive for Lucius, he's to document you as the father and never speak another word of it," she told Draco. "It will be much more pleasant to think you are going to be a father again than a brother." Evangeline paled at that, looking down at her plate and shoving mashed potatoes into her mouth. When Scorpius came back into the room, she smiled, then looked nervously at Feyn and Hugo. Surely the knew... How humiliating. "Well, I guess we can just start getting jokes out of the way," she grumbled, trying to keep the mood light. It wasn't working, it seemed.

Hugo's eyes flew wide open, following Feyn and Scorpius down to the dining room. He knew better than to ask questions but... damn. He was interested to hear more about this, or atleast see how it turned out. Sitting down next to Feyn, he began to eat his lunch, avoiding everyone else's eye contact. Never had he felt so intrusive in the house before; like he was totally out of the loop.
Draco sighed sipping his wine, while he knew it was early in the day, the shocs of the last 24 hours deserved some numbing. Giving a diginifed sniff he smiled a little."I really would hate being a sibling. Everyone knows how spoiled I am."He said eating with a smile, looking up at his niece and hugo. "Well, there's a running joke about the malfoy men being totally irresistable,but I don't want to boost Scorpius' ego even more."Feyn said smiling slightly, trying to mae evangeline feel better as she started to eat, dropping a hand down under the table, slipping her fingers into hugo's,squeezing gently. Looking curious about what was wrong. Sensing he was feeling out of the loop,but confused as to why. Wanting so much to make sure he felt part of her life.

"Shut up Feyn. I could make fun of you finding a dark lord more appealing then the red head bookworm,but we're not going there."Scorpius scowled looking annoyed with his cousin for her teasing, and striking out against her as a way to deal with the emotions running rampant.
Hugo stopped eating, looking over at Feyn as if to ask why Scorpius would say such a thing. His eyes were filled with confusion and tension. Evangeline immediately raised her head to give Scorpius a disapproving look, her eyebrows scrunched together. "Scorpius," she snapped, not believing that he's say something like that. She understood he was upset, but the last thing he needed to be doing was lashing out at the family... Reaching under the table, she placed her hand on his knee, trying to comfort or soothe him.

Narcissa took a sip of her own wine, not even flinching at Scorpius' rude comment. She was far too used of the Malfoy temper to have much of a reaction. Turning to Feyn and Hugo, she smiled. "Your grandfather will be gone for a few months in France per Voldemort's orders," she murmured, "So there will be less tip-toeing around the house... However you need to be careful about the outside. You know you grandfather probably has people to keep and eye on you. He doesn't trust me, says I'm too soft. He's probably right." She smiled a bit. "I have most everything figured out for Evangeline's pregnancy, but once the baby is born, I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. Lucius is too smart of a man to hide a baby under his know in his own house." At that, she frowned, and Evangeline paled a bit.

Hugo seemed in a daze as Narcissa talked, taking off guard by Scorpius' question and lost in his own thoughts. His hand dropped from Feyn's without really thinking, and he began to pick at his food.
Feyn winced at Scorpius' words, looking at a loss for words before frowning."Shut up scor.You're being a ass."She muttered pushing her food around her plate, looking lost. Because while she was attracted to the good looking madman that ruled their world, her heart belonged to the redhead looking at her with such confusion. Wincing again as he dropped her hand she pulled away, shoulders hunching a little as she ate.

Scorpius sighed rolling his eyes a little but squeezing evangeline's hand."Sorry."he muttered tilting his head towards his cousin before smiling at his grandmother."I'm prefer to soft grandmother, instead of anger."He said looking amused before sighing."Let's absourb the fact that there's a possibility for 3 fathers, before I try to figure out what to do. That's making my head hurt."Scorpius whined trying to distract evangeline from worrying to much.

Feyn smiled a little at Narcissa,"We'll be careful. Me and hugo are going out to dinner tonight. And catching a show at the opera house, see one of the historical plays...."She said looking at hugo, her smile unsure. As if she wasn't sure if Scorpius' comment had tangled him up enough to not want to go out with her.Draco nodded,"Just be aware of how badly it could go if you are less then...composed in public. We don't need to explain why the dark lord's mistress is flirting with a weasley."Draco warned watching them, looking sad for all four, hating that they just couldn't be together.
Evangeline sighed and squeezed his hand; she knew he was just stressed and worried. She understood as much as she wished he had not snapped at Feyn for it. Glancing at Feyn, she gave the other woman a sympathetic glance, mouthing a quiet "I'm sorry". When he mentioned the fact that her baby could possibly have one of three different fathers, she shot him a look of irritation. She knew he didn't mean it in a rude way, but her hormones were up, and she was not having it. "Oh! You have a headache? Oh, wow, I'm sorry! I thought I was the one that was carrying this baby. It's mine no matter what, and I'm fucked either way! You have two out of three chances of not having to deal with it." She shoved her chair back, making the glasses on the table rattle, and stomped out of the dining room.

Narcissa nodded, agreeing with Draco before flinching at Evangeline's explosive. She let out a sigh. "You two should go now," she admitted, "Feyn, there is money on your dresser... No public display of affection in two, okay? Your uncle is right. You have no idea who could be watching you and reporting back to the Dark Lord. There is more of the dark in this world that the light these days." She frowned at that, then gulped back the rest of her wine.

Hugo nodded, knowing that they were right. They had to be incredibly careful. "Yes sir... Yes ma'am," he murmured quietly, still feeling the sting of what Scorpius had said. He knew he shouldn't take something like that to heart, but why would he even say that if he didn't think it was a little true?
Scorpius looked up at evangeline as she left, staring after her as he tried to get his mouth to move. Draco gave a frustrated sigh before looking at scorpius"Get outside. Spend some time on horseback, it'll do you good."He ordered before gettin up and following Evangeline out of the room, gently tugging her back into his arms as he pciked her up, pressing a kiss to her hair as he walked through the back way, stepping into the gardens. "We're going to go for a walk."He said carryin her for a few steps before setting her down,"You know he loves you.He'd deal with who ever the father was. Be it sibling or uncle. Or his own."Draco sighed softly"I'd give you alcohol if you wouldnt slug me for endangering the baby."He said wishing heartly, that he could indulge the need.

Feyn nodded a little standing, glancing over at hugo. waiting until they'd gotten upstairs to say anything, turning to look up at him."What are you thinking of?"She said whispering as she gently tucking his hair behind his hair looking worried about him.
Evangeline was sighed, her cheeks red from irritation. She was through with crying, even if she really wanted to deep down. "I know he loves me, but I just... I don't know what to do," she whispered, looking around at the garden with a sigh. Reaching up, she rubbed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. This could not be good for the baby... "Draco, I'm scared. Not just about raising a kid -which is terrifying in it's own right - but that it might be taken away from me, or worse, they kill me and leave the child without a mother." What she really wanted to mention, was what she was going to do about the two men in her life. She loved Scorpius, and if the baby was his, she'd love for them to be together. But if it was Draco's or Lucius', then what? Would it be more sane to be with Draco; a man she had strong feelings for as well? He had already raised a child and knew what to do, something that her and Scorpius would be lost at... "Have you put any thought in getting my father back?" she asked, knowing she would feel ten times better if her father was there with her.

"What do you think I am thinking of?" Hugo murmured softly, looking through his closet for the suit he wore to the dance a few months ago. It was the only suit he had and he had only wore it once. Surely it would be appropriate for an opera house. "What did your cousin mean?" he finally asked, turning to look at her. "Why would he even say something like that?" He frowned a bit, not wanting to believe it, but remembering the night she came home and begged him to make her cum... He shook his head and grabbed a blue tie and a green tie. "Which one?"
Draco sighed looking over at her as he set her down on the bench before sitting down next to her. Stretching out his legs in front of him he ran his fingers trhough his hair as he bit his lip."I wont let nything happen.I'll deal with this."he muttered because he knew that there was a way to do it, but they'd have to get the horcruxes, and he was as lost as he ever had been. From feyn he knew there were more,and he still didn't know where. "I have. There are a few ways to get him out, but all would put you in even more danger, and he wouldn't want that evangeline."he said watching her, even if he felt even worse because he wanted severus to want out of jail as much as she did. He just couldn't figure out how to do it without endangering them all even more.

Feyn flinched at his words as she watched him getting his suit, swallowing hard as she looked at him before looking away."Because Scorpius is a dick who tortures others when he's in a foul mood."She sighed heavily, trying to figure out how to think about how to answer, not wanting to hurt him."Because...because...I..can we talk about this later?Maybe over dinner?"she said shuddering a little looking at a loss, because she didn't know how to put it into words without destroying their relationship.Afraid that he'd pull away from her if he knew that she had-as twisted as it was- had enjoyed the perverted abuse dished out at voldemort's hands."The blue. It'll match my dress."She said."I'll be right back."She said before dashing out of the room, to change into the soft blue cocktail dress before rreturning.
Evangeline swallowed hard and looked over at him with a hopeful expression. "Draco, I don't care," she said quickly, "How much danger could I really be in? I'm a mudblood, carrying the child of one of the highest pureblood families in the Wizarding world when I was supposed to be sterilized months ago. Please[i/]..." She reached over and grabbed his hand, turning to him. "I need my father, okay? And if he knew the situation, he might think differently... He'd want to be here to see his grandchild before it's too late." Moving over, she leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his middle, her head on his shoulder. "I'm not ready to be a mother. Not even close... I'm 19, Draco, and that's why I need my own father here."

Hugo was changed in his suit when she returned, reaching up to put on his tie. "Fine," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "We will talk about it at dinner... Now let's hurry. We'll miss the show, and as much as my mother would have loved to go to one, I have never been to some fancy opera house before." He laughed a bit and grabbed her hand, apparating to town before letting go of her hand. He needed to be careful, as much as he hated it.
Draco sighed sotly as he slumped over his knees, resting his elbows on his knees as he rested hs forehead on his hands, pressing the heels against his eyes to stave off the wicked headache that was making his head pound."Fine."He growled, anger in the tone because he was tired. Tired of a world that had left him with few options but to make this choice, to watch his world go up in flames."It'll be a few days to make sure I have a house for him."he said looking worried before glancing at her."You know that I can't let you visit with him. At least not until you reach the point we cant hide your pregnancy. Then I will send you to the house with him."Draco sighed tiredly. Because he hated to think about how very complicated this was going to be.

Feyn smiled but looked sad as he let go over her hand, but she knew how careful they had to be. Settling back into her chair as they walked into the opera house she smiled a little as she heard the opening strands of Les Miserables, closing her eyes as she just listened to the music.Afterward when they reached the dining house she was glad to see that they had her uncle's usual private booth, both set out of the way and while the other diner's would be able to see them, she knew from experience that there was silencing charms on the booths to keep others from eavesdropping. "You know, I just realized just how many of the operas are seriously depressing."She said laughing a little, not wanting to think about what they hd to discuss, because she didn't want to see the disgust in his eyes, not when he'd already put up with so much from her.
Evangeline bit her lip, wincing at his angry tone. She was not prepared for him to tell her that he was going to send her away eventually. "Okay," she murmured, happy that he was giving in but upset that he seemed so distraught over it. She didn't like putting him in such a situation, but they were running out of options. "What happens when you send me there?" she asked quietly, "Will... Will you or Scorpius be able to see me and the baby?" Her tone proved that she was not really upset with Scorpius on a serious level, but his snappy attitude had pushed her over her hormonal edge. Among the confusion, fear, and anxiety, she wanted her child to have a father one way or another. She was raised without a mother; she definitely didn't want to raise her child without a father.

Hugo shook his head, laughing a bit. He took a sip of his blood red wine, enjoying the taste of the quality alcohol. "I just realized how seriously depressing they are," he murmured, smirking. After ordering himself a steak and some roasted sweet potatoes, he turned to her and raised his eyebrow. "Don't avoid the one thing you promised to talk to me about, Feyn," he murmured, "It worries me that we even have to talk about it."
Draco sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, glancing over at her with a small smile. "I think I'll be sending him with you."Pain filled his eyes as he looked at the ground, at the thought of losing his son. Afraid that this would go badly, and whoever was left, would pay the price."I don't know if I'll be able to come see you though..."He bit his lip, smirking slightly. "You might want to find Scorpius and reassure him that you don't hate him."He teased, raising a eyebrow."Me, I'm used to hormonal women screaming at me while pregnant, scorpius isn't nearly that awesome."He teased leaning over to kiss her, wnting her to think of somethin else, and maybe smile.

Feyn smiled a little."They are depressing."She said as she pushed the bites of rice around her plate, looking the steak and rice meal over, looking for all the world like she was eating slugs rather the her favorite meal from the resturant. Her shoulders slouched a little at his words, looking distraught."I...he's attractive Hugo. in a dark dangerous way...he's interesting."She bit her lip, because she didn't want to say everything she was thinking, because even if she trusted the silencing charms, she couldn't, wouldn't put him in danger. And loving her, was a very dangerous activity.
Evangeline sighed, nodding a bit and reaching up to kiss his cheek. "I'll go find him," she murmured, sighing a bit. She knew he was right; that Scorpius needed to be reassured more than anything. "We will figure out a way to make all of this... work. There has to be a way." She looked hopeful as she stood up and made her way down to the barn, getting a saddle on Gwendolyn before riding her out to the private land, knowing Scorpius well enough to know that's where he probably went off to. Bringing Gwendolyn to a trot, she rode around for a while until she finally spotted Scorpius by the creek with Haven. "Hey," she said, riding up beside him. "I'm sorry... I over reacted... Can we talk?"

Hugo looked over her, considering her words, then going pale. He looked like he tasted something sour. "So... You are trying to tell me that Scorpius was right?" he murmured, looking over at her. "That you find the man that would watch me burn alive if he could... attractive." He sat back and rubbed his hand over his face, feeling as if he had been stabbed in the chest. The one man that she found attractive had to be the man that made his and his families' lived miserable for decades...
Scorpius looked over at her, tilting his head a little. Looking as aloof and untouchable as he had the first day they'd met,"We can.I always want to talk to you."He said shifting in the saddle, smiling slightly as he watched haven raise his head to nicker at gwendolyn, yelping a little when the horse shifted under him to get closer to his mate making scorpius' legs brush gainst her. "Sorry."He muttered absently petting haven's neck, fiddling with his mane. Despite his usual self assuredness, the three way relationship between father, son and evangeline had been hard on the younger malfoy's ego and self confidence.

Feyn winced feeling sick, pushing food around her plate."I find him attractive, but I don't want him more then I want a life with you."She whispered softly brokenly, as if she was waiting for him to get up and leave. Her shoulders slouched a little, staring at her plate."I knowhe doesn't want more then a hole to fuck, and if it buys us search for the horcruxes..."and protect hugo"I can do this.But..."She stopped stealing a glance up at him before stopping and looking down again.Looking so defeated, after four months of rebuilding her self confidence and strength, having to admit this was threatening to crash everything down again.
Evangeline reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it and making him look up at her. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, wanting to make sure that she said what needed to be said. It hurt her to see his personality droop over all of this, and she knew what she needed to do. "Scorpius, I love your father. I do. He's a good man and has done a lot for me.... But I'm in love with you; I have been since we were at Hogwarts together." He thumb moved across the top of his hand. "I want to be with you, and I really want this baby to be your's. Downstairs, I guess I got the impression that if you ended up being the father, you would be disappointed, and I lashed out..."

Hugo looked over at her, and as much as he understood what she was saying, it didn't take away the pain he felt. "Why do you look so upset? I didn't go tell you that I find Astoria hot," he snapped, "This... This is a man who was love to see me dead, and while I understand your reasoning for sleeping with him to get information on him, enjoying it? Feyn, how am I not supposed to feel sick at the idea?" He waved the waitress over, ordering another strong drink.
Scorpius swallowed hard before looking over at her, flinching at the admittance about loving his father, his shoulders tensing a little, waiting for the fatal blow, that she wanted his father. Before shock flickered across his face, having not been expecting her to admit tht he was in love with him Giving her a hesitant smile he looked nervous before shrugging a little."Not disappointed...but afraid. And..scared because I know nothing of kids."He said smiling a little.

Feyn sighed quietly as she got a drink herself, sipping the vodka looking as calm and collected as she ever did, evenif she was scared and disgusted with herself. She knew that this had been a idea, her stomach turning over avoiding hugo's eyes, knowing she'd be sick if she saw the disgust in his face.,"Am I not supposed to be upset that..."She glanced around the room at the other diners discreetly watching them. Even without being able to hear them, it seemed to many people were curious. Shaking her head before standing, she set the galleons on the table to pay for dinner."I'm going home. I want to be roaring drunk, which means being in private."She said before apparating home, not even bothering to wait before she went into the master bedroom and stole some of draco's good alcohol, before retreating to her bedroom. And despite her words, she didn't drink right away, just sipping. To heartsick and feeling physically ill to do it.
Evangeline grinned a little and began to climb off of Gwendolyn, trusting the horse to stay close with its mate. Reaching up, she grabbed Scorpius' hand and made him come down from Haven. "Why do you look so surprised?" she laughed, wrapping her arms around his middle. She sighed and shook her head. "I don't either... But I'm willing to give it a shot. Hell, we might be able to give this kid the childhood neither of us ever had..." She tilted her head to the side, liking the sound of that. Two parents present; to loving, caring parents. "If Gwendolyn and Haven can do it, we can too, right?"

Hugo grunted in frustration and apparated after her, intending on making her talk to him... But he was just too angry to do so. He could not understand how she could lay something like that on him, then leave him in the middle of a bloody restaurant. No, he wasn't in the right mind to deal with this. Instead, he went down to living room and stood in front of Draco. He hesitated a moment, putting a hand through is hair. "It's getting close to spring break and I haven't seen my family in months... I'd like permission to go see them for a few days, with Lucius being gone and everything."
"Well, my father is charming."He muttered nuzzling her a little, because he idolized draco, he couldn't believe anyone would want him more then they wanted draco. Scorpius smiled, laughing a little as he ducked his head to press a kiss to her forehead, nuzzling her a little before nodding."We can."He said looking excited at the idea. They really would be able to do it.

Draco looked surprised at is appearance, frowning slightly as he studied the other man. Wondering what had happened, but not willing to but into their private business, because whatever was happening, he figured it was going to be dramatic, and at the moment, he didn't want any more personal trauma then he already had."Go.I'm sure Feyn can do without your presence for a few days."He said watching the younger man leave.

A few days later Draco sighed a little as he walked into the dining room, glad that evangeline was alone. as much as he loved his son he didn't need more complications, but he knew evangeline would kill him if he didn't give her the option of choosing what to do. "Evangeline.I am going after your father. Do you want to go with me to the jail, or do you want me to take you to the safe house. remember this is the last time you will see him until you are further along."He said wrapping a arm around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Worried about his godfather, and worried about evangeline.

Feyn sighed softly as she ran her fingers through her hair, looking up at the house in front of her. While it wasn't the huge manor home of the malfoys, or even the nicely sized place the weasley's had, it looked comfortable, and something in her chest loosened, and said,home. Looking up at the house she shook her head a little, brushing her red hair out of her face, staring at herself in the glass door. She looked tired, worn.the last few days hadn't been easy, she'd missed hugo with a ache that had been physical, making herself sick with the idea that he had left because he was so disgusted with her. She was disgusted with herself, so she could understand why he would be. All his carefully done hard work over the months, had been undone in a few guilt ridden nerve wracking days as draco convinced her to give him space, and time. But 4 days was all she could do, and she needed to talk to him, even if she couldn't convince him to leave.raising a hand she knocked lightly, smiling wanely as she saw Hermione opening the door."Good morning.."She said looking hopeful. "Is hugo around?"
Evangeline looked up at him, taking what he said into consideration. "I want to see him at the safe house," she murmured, "It will be more private there... I also really want Scorpius there." She smiled, leaning in to the kiss on her forehead. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of jeans today, something that made it very clear that her rounded stomach was all baby. Her hand strayed down her belly, not really thinking about it, and sighed. "Be careful okay?" Leaning up, she gave him a kiss on the forehead before heading up the stairs. It was still painfully early in the morning, and she thought she'd crawl in bed with Scorpius for a couple more hours... Walking inside, she grinned and got under the covers, snuggling up against his side and laying her head on his chest.

Hermione sighed a little bit at the sight of Feyn, but eventually smirked. "Sure, he's in the living room with everyone else." She stepped aside letting the young woman in and nodded down the hall. In the sitting room, Rose and her fiance, Patrick, were cuddled up on the couch. Ron was in an arm chair and Hermione's mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner... They all shifted uncomfortably, and Hugo stood up from his spot on the floor. He quietly led her into the guest room he was staying in, shutting the door behind him. "I was going to come back this weekend..." he murmured, shoving his hands in is pockets. He felt weird, because he knew he shouldn't have ran away, but he was just so... confused.
Draco nodded a little, "I'll come get you."He muttered kissing her head as he looked left. Scorpius groaned, whining a little as he stirred, nuzling her a little."You're cold."He whined squirming as he tugged the blanket closer, shivering as her cold hands found bare skin."You okay?"He muttered yawning as he rubbed a hand over his face trying to wake up as she cuddled him.

Feyn flushed a little as she saw hermione's smirk biting her lip as she smiled slightly at the sight of all the weasley's looking uncomfortable, jumping little as the door shurt. Looking up at him she looked so closed off, after 4 days on her own, she'd managed to convince herself that he wasn't returning, no matter what her uncle had said. She was convinced that hugo was so fed up with her and her problems, that he wouldn't come bck.Shoving her hands into her pockets she wrapped her jacket tighter around herself, looking up at him with a small, hopeful smile."Oh...uncle hadn't known when you'd be I thought I'd come see if you were coming back.."She said biting her lip, cursing herself for sounding so hopeful that he would indeed be coming back sometime.
Evangeline laughed a bit and helped pull the blankets around them. "Sorry," she murmured, leaning up to kiss him gently. "I'm fine. You're father is getting my father to the safe house today." She grinned with a super excited expression, nuzzling him a little. "I want you to go with me. Will you? Please? It would be so much to me..." Her arms wrapped around his middle, content on being with him. The past few days she had been making a point to show him that she was very much in love with him.

Hugo raised his eyebrows. "I told your Uncle that I was just leaving for a few days, week tops, to see my family... I needed to clear my head and everything," he admitted, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "I had not seen my parents in months and I hadn't seen my sister since August." He shrugged a bit and sighed. "Any more visits with Voldemort? Information on horcruxes?"
"Of course ill go with you...after its a reasonable hour in the morning to be awakeScorpius groaned, whining quietly."you're to awake"He uttered kissing her back, looking tired and starting to wake up.Smiling sligtly he wrapped her arms aournd her, blsuhing a little.'Get a shower with me?"He asked as he gently slid his fingers through her hair looking amused.

Feyn blushed a little, embarassed at her disbelief now. "I know..he told me. But I thought maybe you said that so he woulsnt stop you leaving,so you could leave for good...I know what I told you was disgustinf,and I know I shouldn't have left,but I thought you'd come talk to me...not leave."she said staring at the floor,the unspoken forever at the end of her sentence. Even with his and dracos reassurance the girl had managed to convince herself that he wasn't coming back. Not that she could blame him, she'd leave to if she could. It wasn't so much a testiment to her faith in him,that he'd leave without saying goodbye, obut how little she thought of herself and despite her search for horcruxes,how disgusting she found herself for being attracted to voldemort. Flinching at his question she nodded a little."last night...and no. At least not in the house...I think he took them to the states, like you said there's very few witches and wizards livinf there, and..he has contact with the few there. They're his possessions would be safely hidden there."she said staring at the floor, hating herself for not being able to help more, that the only help she could give was to be his mistress and hope he was distracted.

Taking a step towards the door she looked up at him,eondering if he wanted her to go. Feeling like she should have never come,but now that she was there,she didn't want to leave. Something about this home made her feel comfortable."ivshould probably go..your parents and grandparents probably don't want me here..."she muttered remembering dracos teenage exploits she remembered keenly who's house she was in,and what they must think of the girl he raised.
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