Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Severus smiled looking relieved to know that she was well taken care of, no matter how well he knew draco, he was reassured to hear it said again."No there hasn't, but I'll enjoy living with you."He said smiling. "He will. A few weeks tops, I have a feeling he's going to be coming here, to not only be with you, but to search for the things you know are hidden here."Draco said eyeing the dark haired man, smirking at his look of shock. "You're hunting horcruxes?" "I am."Draco said shrugging, ignoring the curious look he was getting and severus let it go as his head snapped around to look at evangeline, anger in his face as he wrapped his arms around her."I'm sorry evangeline, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there."He mttered his heart breaking.

Lucius frowned sighing a little."Scorpius will be going to the next dark meeting, along with feyn."He decided,"The dark lord has decided he's old enough, and feyn, feyn has shown promise of being a good mistress and shown interest in all the dark order things."He said believing her. After all, Scorpius had a reputation of being nasty and cruel, even beyond his bedpartners, which was something Draco could never claim. He'd always been sympathic and kind, if arrogant. Scorpius had a cruel streak a mile wide.

Scorpius made a face."What can I say?My mother's a whore."He said snickering a little because astoria had always been as in love with draco's fortune as she had been the man. And everyone but draco had known it. Feyn frowned looking up from her inspection of hawaii, tilting her head."She did.Wait, why would you say that?"She said frowning in confusion at the idea they might be related.
Evangeline swallowed hard and leaned into her father's arms, pressing her face into his shoulder. "It's not your fault," she assured, hugging him tight. "All that matters is that you are here now, okay?" She pulled back and kissed his cheek before looking over to Draco. She didn't know if she would every truly be able to repay him for bringing her father to her. It meant the world to her. "Just... as long as he's here before the baby is born," she murmured, swallowing hard. She was still young and frightened at the idea of going into labor and giving birth to another human being. It scared her to death. Looking around the cozy two-story house, she sighed. "How many bedrooms are there?" she asked out of curiosity. "Enough to have a nursery when they time comes?"

Narcissa fought the urge to shiver at the idea of her grandchildren being at one of the Dark Order's meetings. "I think it's about time," she lied, giving him a smirk. "It will do them good. Even if Draco is having a bit of a mid-life crisis, the children shouldn't suffer." Leaning down, she kissed her husbands neck, taking in the scent that she fell in love with. Even if Narcissa's loyalty belonged with her beloved son, she still knew that a part of her loved her husband. Or atleast the man he was so many years ago.

Hugo sat in thought for a moment, trying to think of how Voldemort would think; what kind of strategies he would use. "I'm saying that it's definitely a coincidence," he admitted, "Why would she go to the States? She gave up her daughter. Women do that all of the time, but they don't go jump ship and flee to a different continent..." He stood up and began to pace. "Think about this - Every story I have ever heard about Snape from my parents was that he was a lonely, but content man. He wasn't married, he didn't have lovers... His life was dedicated to his double life. So why, out of all people, would Severus Snape be weak enough to fuck some prostitute in London after a few drinks? He never put his guard down. Ever... Which is why I think she was no ordinary muggle. In fact, I think she was set up." He looked up at the two of them with his hands on his hips.
"okay."Severus said though he still looked concerned about her but he sighed quietly, leaning over to kiss her head. "He will be. Don't worry, I have no intention of keeping scorpius nearby. Hell, I might try and convince weasley to go away,but I dont think he'll leave feyn."The blond said making a face at the idea, he wanted to protect them, but taking feyn away from voldemort would have them all in even more danger, because the dark lord would hunt her because he wasn't done with her. "There's 4. One for severus, you,a nursery and one for scorpius."He teased because he knew there was no chance in hell that the younger malfoy was going to be in a different room if given the chance.

Lucius nodded shivering as she kissed his neck, wrapping a arm around her waist, absently stroking her back."He is having a midlife crisis, but I will make sure they are well taken care of."He muttered moaning quietly before leaning back to look at her, raising a amused eyebrow."Want to leave now?IT's night in paris. And the house to ourselves."He smirked.

Feyn frowned, eyes widening a little."That's...that's devious. And...why would e let him?Even if voldemort had set him up surely he wouldn't want one of his top people left with a mudblood daughter. That doesn't make sense."She said looking confused. Scorpius frowned thinking about it,"Unless Voldemort knew he wasn't loyal, and was setting him up to be exposed eventually...with a non normal muggle."The malfoy heir frowned thinking.
Evangeline grinned at Draco, blushing a little before standing up. "Good," she murmured, rubbing her stomach with one hand. "I just... want to make sure everything is right for a little while, even if it doesn't last." She swallowed hard, thinking about the likely hood of her child ever getting to grow up. It scared her to think that the baby would most likely be taken within days of his birth, and that's if she would not be found out before she went into labor... "I'm going to go take a nap," she murmured, then moved around to give Draco a kiss on the cheek. "You'll owl us to make sure everything is okay?"

Narcissa grinned, happy that her diversion worked. She had his mind on sex, not their son. "Oh, Lucius, that sounds divine," she murmured, kissing him passionately before standing up from his lap. "And I even bought new lingerie for the weekend." She gave him a wink before moving across the room to grab her bags.

Hugo shook his head. "What if it wasn't Voldemort who wanted to set him up," he said, "What if it was a man who seriously wanted Snape to be put in his place; a man who has enough money to blow on a woman to go along with his plan... Like your grandfather." He reached up and rubbed his temples a little, trying to think out all the details. "I mean, what's worse than a Death Eater knocking up a muggle and deciding to keep a baby? It's the perfect way to get someone knocked off... Maybe Lucius was starting to get a irritated at how high Voldemort held Snape's loyalty.... Maybe he started to sense that he was not the man he said he was, which makes since, because he would have had to known that Snape would take the baby and not abandon it."
Draco smiled as he bent his head to kiss her forehead,"It will be. I'll have him and everything well taken care of."He said smiling as he watched her move,"And I'll owl you when I can. I will."He muttered hugging her before letting her go before heading back to the house, which seemed empty without her, pausing at the sound of his parents leaving, shaking his head in amusement at his mother's easy manipulation of her husband

Lucius smirked a little laughing as he followed her out."Now, there's something good to think about."He said his eyes darkening with lust as he considered sexing up his wife. There was very few times in his life anymore that he truly enjoyed, but being with narcissa was one of them.

Feyn's eyes widened, thinking over it."Grandfather is vindictive enough to do it...and knowing severus well enough...hell, he named him his son's godfather, surely Lucius had to know how caring severus would be to a child,even one he hadn't expected."Feyn got up pacing, thinking, that cute little frown on her face that said she was thinking to hard. SCorpius shook his head a little."Only problem with that is, if he knew, why didn't he rat him out earlier. He only said something when she came to hogwarts."
Evangeline sighed as Draco left, smiling down at her father. "Everything is going to be fine," she murmured, though stress was evident on her face. She looked back over at her father, sitting back down across from him and looking over at his with guilt in her eyes. She bit her lip and played with her hands. "Are you disappointed?" she whispered, "I know that you didn't want this for me... I mean, having a baby this young. I can see it in your eyes." She frowned a bit and put her hand on her stomach. "I just can't give it up," she murmured, "That's what my mother did to me, and I'd hate myself if I did the same to my own child. No matter who the father is."

Hugo shook his head. "But why would he rat him out so early? It would only mean that he was involved in it. He's smarter than that," he argued, "He waited until she was at Hogwarts because, not only does it make it more dramatic, but he could make it sound more like a suspicion than something he knew all about. After all, she was hanging around you, his grandson. All I'm saying is, he played it out to look like he wasn't involved, but he had to have been... And what's more dramatic? Finding out Snape knocked up a muggle, or finding out he raised the baby for eighteen years?" He raised his eyebrows, feeling like he was seriously making progress.
Severus nodded a little before looking over at her, shaking his head."It will be fine."He said before wincing a little, before smiling slightly."It's not what I wanted, but I know you couldn't give it more then I could give you up."He muttered watching her, before smirking a little."So.Is it just draco and lucius in the running, or do we have all three malfoy men claiming the baby?"He teased lightly, though his eyes were serious. Draco and scorpius had softer hearts then they'd ever admit to, but if the child was his- or even if he was just aware of its existance- lucius would destroy mother and child."We should lay down....both of us have no business sitting up so long."He said smiling slightly.

Feyn looked startled before nodding."No, lucius is to smart to be the only one involved. He waited until he knew there was other's to blame for something that was his fault. And making sure severus raised the child, hid this is better then just getting the woman pregnant."Feyn sighed softly before slumping down onto the bed between the boys, looking exhausted at the mental hoops that one had to jump through to get her grandfather.The man was so damned twisted. What hurt worse was as a child, he had been kind, at least to them.While he'd always bene dark, it had only been in recent years that the man had turned on even his family. Scorpius ran his fingers through his hair, slumping."What do I tell evangeline?I have to tell her dnt I?"He muttered hating the idea of telling her, because he was afraid she might be angry with him for it. While his heart told him he had to trust evangeline to not do that, his head was coldly logic and said she would. Torn he glanced at his cousin, eyes widening slightly at the sight of the diamond ring, twisting to look at hugo."You're insane, weasley."He muttered.
"All three," Evangeline murmured with a blush, looking a little disgusted with herself. Never did she think that she'd be pregnant at nineteen, waiting to see if the baby belonged to one of a possible three fathers... She swallowed hard and nodded, standing up and biting her lip. "You're right... I'm going to go take a nap, and then I'll come down and make us some dinner, okay?" She gave him a smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Luckily, Nanny Cromwell had taught her to cook. Climbing the stairs, she moved to a room that was obviously made for her with a queen sized bed, and mature yet feminine decor. There was even private bathroom... Draco had out done himself.

Hugo laughed a bit and blushed. "You don't have to tell me," he murmured, "I know. Trust me." He took Feyn's left hand and kissed it, before kissing her cheek. "We may never get a chance to marry, but I might as well get my basis covered just in case we do." He smiled at that, then looked down at the map. His eyebrows creased together. "Would Draco know where Evangeline's mother is? I mean, him and Snape are close... Surely he knew about Evangeline before everyone else..." He shrugged. "I say we find her, then go from there."
Severus sighed, standing as he pressed a kiiss to her cheek."I'm proud of how your handling this, darling.'He muttered pained at the disgust on her face. hating that this was happening to her, but trying not to worry."That's sound good. Its a good thing one of us can cook."He teased before heading to bed himself.

Scorpius smirked a little, rolling his eyes, but not offering the solution that had occured to him. After all, there was brillance, then stupidty. And he didn't trust feyn to not get married in priate, recite the ritual vows and be weasley's wife in private. not when she still had to pretend to want to be voldemort's mistress. "Father might."He said standing, intending on leaving the two alone."I'll talk to him when he gets..."He paused hearing the other man."Well, I'll go talk to him now, and then we'll talk later."He said smirking as he walked out."Behave you two!We don't need explaining another pregnancy."he teased over his shoulder as he shut the door behind him. Feyn flushed resting her head on hugo's shoulder as she shifted to cuddle into his lap, "We'll find her. uncle always knows things,even when he's not supposed to.And he didn't look as surprised as everyone else, at evangeline's existance....either way, it looks like you and scorpius are going to the states."She muttered sadly, because she knew she couldn't go with themm.
Evangeline was officially eight and half months pregnant, and she was miserable. Her legs and the rest of her frame was still slender, which left little to support her large, rounded stomach. She was supposed to be on bed rest (she was spotting a little last week, and Narcissa's Healer gave her strict orders to slow down) but she couldn't help it. She hated being cooped up in bed. So, since her father and Scorpius were still asleep, she slipped into some clothes and went out to the rose garden, sitting out on the stone bench and reading a book. One of her hands rested on her stomach, and the book was propped up on it as well. It was barely dawn, but she could hardly sleep at night any more. She could never seem to get comfortable, but she hated to wake up Scorpius...


Hugo sat on the edge of the bed in their hotel room in Dallas, Texas. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration, waiting on Feyn to get out of the shower. He was so irritated at how Evan's mother had managed to simply disappear... Over five months, they had covered more than half of the States with absolutely no clues, no horcruxes, and no hope. It was starting to become pointless... Standing up, he looked out the window. It was sunny, and hot, for it was summer down in Texas. It was easily over 100 degrees... "Feyn, come on," he whined, "I'm starving and I want to get down to that corner street diner before they stop serving lunch..."
Scorpius stirred after awhile realizing he was alone. Having grown attuned to when evangeline was near him in the past few months of being here, to the point that he woke when she left his side. Rubbing a hand over his face as he stood, stumbling out of the bedroom as he woke up."You okay?"He asked as he stepped barefoot and in sweats into the rose garden, the sleepiness making the worry on his face even more adorable as he took in the sight of his pregnant girlfriend.He just wanted to protect her, and with each passing day he fell a little more in love with mother and child.

"I'm sorry that me being sick and throwing up is a inconvience to you.Go ahead if your so impatient."Feyn snarled, irritable and tired, having not been sleeping well over the last few months as they criss crossed time zones, the loss of hope crushing her more then she wanted hugo to know. With each passing day her hope of being allowed to have her own life was lost a little more....and now she was sick.The last thing they needed was her to get the flu and not able to help. Running her fingers through her hair to straighten the wet strands as she stepped out of the bathroom, "Let's go."She said glancing at him as she slipped her boots on heading for the door.
Evangeline looked up from her book and frowned a bit. "I think I slept a total of two hours all night," she admitted, putting the book down. Her hands were on her stomach, rubbing it gently. "I just can't explain it. I am never comfortable." She pouted and stood up (after two unsuccessful tries) and walked into his arms. It was a little harder to hug him these days, but it didn't stop her. She rested her head on his bare chest and sighed. Between them, she could feel the baby shifting inside of her. It made her wince and giggle a little; it didn't hurt, but it always felt weird. "You're going to make me go back to bed, and I don't want to," she whined, pouting a bit. "And if you don't, my father will. You two are tyrants."

Hugo looked over at her with a sigh. "I had no idea you were in there sick," he murmured, "I thought you were just getting a shower..." He pulled her into his arms and kissed her cheek. His hand slid over her's, and he smiled at the feeling of the engagement ring still on. It was so nice to know she was his. All of the time, even when they fought. "Come now, Sweetheart," he said, "Let's just get some lunch. It will make you feel better. Then we can get into a nicer hotel. One with a pool." He smiled at her and led her outside, holding her hand as they walked along the pavement. He was worried about her, wondering how she could get the flu so deep into the summer...
"We're not tyrants, just worried.We'll lay down on the couch,rest. Since we expanded it with the cushionng spell and expanding charm to give them enough room to lay on it. Walkng inside with her he made her lay down with her pressing a kiss to her head."Now, you know what the healer said, you have to rest."He muttered."And you're big...I mean bigger then over course you cant get comfortable."he muttered stroking a hand over her stomach,trying to make her feel better.

"i was getting a shower, along with throwing up."She grumbed refusing to be calmed as she leaned into him, resting her head on his chest, relaxing a little when he held her hand. Even irriated and tired as she was, she enjoyed being with him."A pool would be nice. We need some rest time. We haven't been taking care of ourselves. Its amazing I'm the only one sick."She smiled looking happy, and despite being as tired and queasy as she was, happy to be with hm,even if she knew had to head back to england in a few days.She hated returning, even more then she had before, because after the days of total freedom with hugo, it bothered her to be ristricted to being just a mistress again.
Evangeline whined a little but nodded, letting him help her settled on her back on the couch before pulling him down with her. She snuggled into him, smiling as he began to rub his hand over her stomach. Scorpius and her father were the only ones who have seen her so big, for Draco was trying to not attract attention to the safe house by coming around... "That's what a girl likes to hear; that she's bigger than normal," she teased, tilting her head to kiss him gently. She was starting to get really, really nervous. The Healer even admitted that he thought she would go into labor soon, and... Well, she was not even near ready. Yes, maybe Narcissa had been sending in baby stuff by the truck loads, and Evangeline had read what felt like hundreds of books. But she was still young and scared. "Any owls from your father this morning?" she asked, trying to keep her mind off of her fear.

"I have a great immune system," Hugo murmured with a smirk, sitting down on the outside of the patio of a bistro-like restaurant. "I know, trust me... We a really just need to check into a nice hotel and stay in it for a few days, no searching for a while. Then we will go back to England for you visit, then start back up in Louisianna or something..." He looked down at his menu, scanning the different items. "Your uncle sent an owl while you were in the shower. Evangeline is getting close... So I thought we could stop by the safe house in Salem before we head back to England if you want."
Scorpius smiled as he pressed a kiss to her head, blushing slightly as he wrapped his arms around her."Hey, its nicer then any way else there is how to describe how big you've gotten."He muttered pouting a little at her teasing, kissing her back.Not about to admit have nervous he was about things. She didn't need his fears for the baby along with her own. "Only to say he was going to write hugo and feyn, and see if they'd' stop in for a few days.Seems he's worried about them to.Wants them to rest."He mutered pressing a kiss to her forehead with a sigh.

"well, ten you'll just have to take care of me."She said smiling as she sat down, looking over the menu before looking up at him."Into a better hotel?Does tht mean we wouldn't be leaving the rooms for those days?"She teased before nodding."I want. I haven't seen either of them in months, and we could rest for a little bit there,not that I want to stay to long, it's going to be overwhelming with a baby, they don't need us crowding them."She said smiling a little as she ordered a steak and fries, along with pickles which she normally hated, but wanted today.
Evangeline rolled her eyes a bit, rubbing her stomach and letting out a sigh. "Haven't you ever been around someone that is pregnant?" she asked with a smirk, "They get pretty big toward the end, and according to the Healer, I'm at the very end." She bit her lip and nodded, worried about Feyn and Hugo as well. They've been going constantly, only owling every couple of weeks to check in. "I'm glad that they will be coming in. It will be nice to have everyone together, even if it's temporary." She leaned up to kiss him gently, laying there with him until it became a decent hour in the morning. A smile spread across her face when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Morning, Daddy," Evangeline murmured, slowly sitting up. "Want me to make you and Scorpius some breakfast?"

Hugo began to eat his food, smirking a bit. "Awe, you don't want to spend some time with the baby?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "I have to admit. If I have a weakness at all, it's a baby - Well, other people's babies." He tossed a french fry into his mouth and chewed, thinking about how fucking weird it was going to be with Evangeline having a baby, being their age and all. Of course, he wasn't sure about the father ordeal, even if he was almost sure that Scorpius wasn't going to leave her side no matter what came of it. "I thought you hated pickles..." he suddenly commented, nodding to her plate.
"No, not really. I mean, my father's cousin tonks had one when I was younger, but I only saw her once."He said pouting a little at the teasing before smiling."WEll, its a good thing your towards the end. Might make weasley and feyn sit still long enough to really rest."he said worried about them more then he'd ever admit. After all, he was a malfoy, he couldn't admit he was worried about a weasley, it was unbecoming. "Morning. And Scorpius can cook, you lay there and be on bedrest. like your supposed to."Severus said as he moved to the kitchen with scorpius, the two men starting to cook. They sucked at it, but they tried so hard to make good food so evangeline would just rest.

Feyn blushed a little looking at him amused."I've never been with a baby, so I think I'll pass on the privledge. Its just to...weird.and good, cause we're not in any position to have that conversation, much less be there."She said shrugging because it was and she was glad for the other two, but she had no desire to get pregnant, at least not till they dealt with voldemort,because she wanted to be with hugo only, and build a lie together"Besides, I'll do something stupid and break it or something."She said mostly teasing though her eyes were serious, she really was afraid of breaking the kid. Glancing down at her plate as she really saw what she was eating she wrinkled her nose, pushing it away."I do....urgh...damn."She said sighing a little as she started picking them off, before starting to eat her steak again.
Evangeline whined a little and laid back on the couch, pulling a blanket over her legs and resting her book on her belly as she started to read from her book again. "You two are going to drive me crazy," she snapped, a little irritable. She knew they were just trying to take care of her, and she knew that she should be resting, but it was starting to make her a little stir crazy. She was getting treated like a piece of glass, but she felt as big as a hippo. "Oh! Ah," Evan winced, bit her lip as she felt a pain in her lower stomach. It was short and sharp, making her feel a little queasy, but it left as soon as it came. Maybe she really did need to slow down...

"You can't break a child, Feyn," Hugo murmured, rolling his eyes and smirking. "You have to at least hold it once during our visit. Everyone should get that experience." Hugo had plenty of experience with children, for the Weasley family was a big family. It seemed everyone was having a kid on his dad's side of the family... After they got done eating, Hugo paid and reached out to grab her hand. "Come on, we will find a place to apparate... Maybe we can stay a few days at a half-way point between here and Salem? We'll get that nice hotel with a spa." He grinned and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
Scorpius was at her side in a instant, a bit of toast in his hair from where severus had accidently blown up the toast they'd been making."What?What is it?"He sadi sitting down next to her, looking her over, "I have your food."He said smiling a little as he held a plate out towards her, slightly burned toast, and semi runny eggs, but good. "You want the pain stuff the healer left for you?"He said smiling.

FEyn frowned at him."I'll pretty sure you can."she pouted before smiling as she ate. When they left she squeezed his hand, before nodding."A spa would be nice. I haven't been spoiled nearly as much as I am used to. This running around trying to save the world seriously cuts into your fawning over me time."She teased stealing a quick kiss before stepping back."My turn to choose where to go."she said before thinking about it for a moment and apparating, smiling a little as she saw new orleans, even in the end of winter just in the beginnings of evening, the town was in full swing of party mode, the warm weather balmly. Squeezing his hand as she nodded towards the upscale hotel across from them. "Come on, you need spoiled to. You've been keeping us to reasonable hotels. We need a good one, a relaxing time."she said leaning up to kiss him slowly.
Evangeline took a couple deep breaths. "N-no, it's okay," she said, shaking her head. She didn't like taking the pain potions. They didn't make her feel right... "I'm fine." Leaning over, she kissed his cheek and grinned at the food. "It looks great, Scor, thank you..." With that, she fought to sit up and put a pillow behind her, sitting up to begin eating her breakfast. It was just so sweet that a man who was used to being served hand and foot was willing to do things like cook and clean for her. It wasn't until after she was eating and had settled back to reading that she felt another sharp pain. It was a little longer this time, and it made her gasp and squeezed her eyes shut. She sat up and moved her hands down to her stomach, trying to breath through the pain. "Oooh...."

Hugo smirked and walked with her toward The Sheraton Hotel. "I've been keeping them reasonable because I feel weird blowing all of your Uncle's money," he admitted, shrugged a bit. He walked with her up to the check in desk, got the key to a nice suite, and led her up to it. When they opened the door, he grinned. "Wow..." he murmured, pulling her into his arms and kissing her passionately. "What do you say about testing out that huge bed?" he asked, leaning down to kiss and suck at her neck. They had not had a huge amount of sex, believe it or not, because they were always so tired. But tonight, he really wanted her, not matter how tired he was.
Scorpius smiled a little settling on the couch next to her, eating his own breakfast."You're welcome."He said blushing a little about cooking. He knew he wasn't good at it but she was so good about eating it anyways. "I think you're going into labor, sweetheart."Severus said as he walked into the room, looking her over. Pressing a kiss to her head before heading for the floo to call the healer. "What?No. Not yet. We're not ready yet."Scorpius said flushed at the idea as he loked at her. Even if he said he was good with this, he was still a 18 year old guy, who was so totally out of his element at the idea of having a kid.

"I hardly doubt that he'd actually notice it if we blew the whole thing. I've bought a horse before, and it took me fussing over the mare for him to know I bought her instead of noticing the dent in his bank account.we could have been living the high life."She said though she to felt odd spending her uncle's mney, and even a better reason, flying under the radar was better for them to hide from voldemort. Smiling slightly as she kisse him back, burying her hands in his hair, moaning as he kissed her neck. Whimpering quietly as her body presed tight against them."Hmm you know, that bed does look good."She said squirmnig away before heading for the bed, letting her clothes drop to the floor, as eager as him to be with him. It'd been awhile and she wanted him,here in this beautiful room, before she had to go home.
Evangeline looked up at her father and shook her head, pain still etched on her face despite how hard she was hiding it. "Daddy, no, I'm fine," she tried to argue, then looked up at Scorpius. He looked ready to pass out. "Calm down," she whispered, kissing his cheek. "Everything is going to be f - OH! Ahhh... Bloody hell," she gasped, her hands on her stomach. The pain was incredibly intense all of the sudden, and she was starting to get as nervous as Scorpius. What the hell were they doing trying to have a kid? Reaching down, she grabbed Scorpius hand. "Oh, shit, it hurts..." she panted, and then all of the sudden, her thighs were soaking wet. Her water broke. Okay, now she was definitely freaking out. "You need to tell Narcissa so she can get here. She promised me she'd take care of a few things."

Hugo licked his hips and started to tear his clothes off, then crawled after her on the large bed. Pulling her on to her back, he spread her legs and dove in to eating her out. He held her legs apart as she licked and sucked around her cunt, flicking her sensitive and engorged clit with his tongue. It was obvious that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. "Mmm, you get sweeter and sweeter every time I'm down here," he whispered, thrusting two fingers inside of her, fingering her as he continued to work on her with his mouth. He was determined to get her off multiple times before the night was over with.
Severus nodded as he left the room."I'll get her. Don't worry sweetheart. Its all taken care of."He said though he to looked a little worried. After all the man hadn't been there for her birth, and it freaked him out to see her in pain. When he flooed the manor he was relieved that both draco and narcissa were at home, and smiled slightly as Draco stepped through with his mother, and calmly took control of things. "Scorpius. Go. Severus, keep him outside. He wont do anything but upset her more."Draco ordered glaring as his son fought to get back before shutting the door behind the two. Turning to look at Evangeline as he sat down next to her, slipping his hand into hers."See, I'm the better malfoy to be here. I've already done this once."She said teasing her a little as he kissed her head,"Now relax sweetheart, it'll be better.i promise, don't tense up."He said gently.

Feyn yelped a little in surprise as he dove between her legs, moaning as her back arched, hands buried in his hair as she squirmed."Hugo!"She whimpered in pleasure hips bucking against his hand, wanting more. "Not..not sweeter,'ve gone to long between turns doing this."She gasped eyes squeezed shut as she came, absentince and a newer sensitivity rocking her world.Gasping as she panted, tugging gently at his hair, wanting more. Slumping back onto the pillows as she came down from her high, she shoved at his shoulder a little."My turn."She muttered.
Evangeline whined a bit as Scorpius was shoved out, even if she knew it was for the better. She squeezed Draco's hand through the pain for nearly an hour before the Healer got there. He was a rather large man, so he carried her up the stairs and got her into the bed, while Narcissa helped her strip down to a gown. Once she was starting to get close to push, Narcissa grabbed Draco and pulled him aside. Oddly enough, she looked very excited. She had always wanted more children, and even more grandchildren, but with Lucius around, it seemed safer to keep their family small. It meant less people that would be tortured in the long run. "Sweetheart, Evangeline asked me to not have you or Scorpius in the room when the baby is born," she said, leading him back down the stairs to sit with his son. "She made very clear that she didn't want either one of you seeing the baby until you know if you're the father or not. She wants to be careful of your feelings, and she thought it would be best." Leaning up, she kissed his cheek, then pushed him down in the arm chair. "You two are banned from upstairs, you here me?" Narcissa warned the men, "Severus has his eyes on you,so don't try anything funny. I will be upstairs with Evangeline, and when the Healer gets done with the DNA tests, I'll come get you." With that, she gave them a nervous smile before disappearing back upstairs.

Hugo wiped his mouth clean from her juices and sat up against the head board. Reaching down, he stroked her hair and brought her mouth down to his member. "Please, Feyn..." he whispered, his abs tensing a little. He was so turned on and ready to burst, his head lolling back to rest against the head board. After all the time they had spent working and searching, they needed this. They needed some sort of release of their tension that had been building up for months now...
"What?But thats not fair. No. She's not thinking right. We should be up there."Draco whined looking annoyedat being shoved out of the room like he was as upset and young as scorpius. He felt like a kid again. Severus snickered a little as he settled back in his chair, watching both malfoy men as they paced, shaking his head a little."You two are going to give me a headache. Sit. Now."The former headmaster of hogwarts glared the two men down until they settled onto the couch. And by the time Narcissa came down, they were snoring quietly. Seeing narcissa's look, Severus shrugged."They were being annoying, spelled asleep?Not so much. Besides,I should get to see my grandchild before they do. You know I wont get to hold them, no matter who the father is."He said looking amused because he knew that the moment that the father found out they were a father, that kid was never going to be leaving their arms.

Feyn laughed raising a eyebrow as she swirled her tongue over the head of his cock, smirking a little."Hmmm since you were so nice to me..."She looked amused as she shifted,pulling her hair out of the way so he could watch her suck him off, attacking him with a eagerness that said she'd missed this, no matter how tired she'd been.
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