Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Narcissa looked over at the man, and her pleasant expression disappeared now that all the younger ones were out of the room. She sighed and put her face in her hand, looking worried and tired. "Severus, I'm so worn down... Lucius has gone out of control with power, and for the first time in all these years, he's actually starting to take it out on me. I think it's because Draco and the grandchildren aren't around anymore, and then the stress of Voldemort putting him in charge in France. I stay with him in France to keep him from suspecting anything, but it's getting hard to deal with him alone." She swallowed hard, looking up at the man that used to be her husband's bestfriend; the man she would have chosen for herself if she were able.

Beth nodded to Draco and stood up, reaching out to hug him. "I'm sorry for reacting badly," she murmured, obviously not the type to usually explode. She looked at the boys and nodded. "I'll bring by dinner tonight, and then we can go down to Queens. You're staying at the hotel down the street, right?" She raised her eyebrows, trying to remember what he said through the shock she was feeling. Turning to Scorpius and Hugo, she smiled. "It was nice to meet you, and I hope that we can get some answers for you and your girlfriend." It was so weird to think she had a sister, but part of her was excited at the idea. "I have to go." Pulling back, she gave them a grin and trotted up the stairs in her heels, heading back to work the rest of her shift.
Severus looked worried about him before getting u, wrapping his arms around the other, pressing a kiss to the woman's head, looking worried for her."I'm sorry Narcissa."He swallowed as he considered lucius."I wish that I could talk to him.He needs to be put down."He muttered sounding sad, because he knew there was no saving lucius, and that made him extremely sad considering what he remembered of the man. Swallowing hard he sighed softly,"If she's truly pregnant,Feyn being that way, will make him happy.It'll give him something to focus on."He muttered because he knew there was nothing they could do with lucius, at least not yet. Not without having voldemort realize something was truly wrong.

"Its okay."Draco said leaning into her a little, hugging her back, kissing her quickly and briefly before pulling back. smiling a little."That sounds good. We are,the ritz, room 305. Come up, we'll eat then go to queens."He said looking worried before smiling as he watched her go, gthering up the folders to take with them. Scorpius sighed softly looking amused even if his eyes were serious."Well. I guess the world didn't think things were already complicated enough, just had to give me something else to have to tell evangeline."He sighed looking at hugo."You want to tell her?You're good with the emotional crap."He grumbled because he was soooo sure that this was going to blow up in his face.There was just no good ending for any of this[/align]
Narcissa leaned into his arms and let out a shaky breath. "All hope is lost for him, Sev. It has been for a long time... Now all we can hope for is for him to be distracted enough to not see what is coming." Pulling back, she looked at the other man and rested a hand on his cheek. Her thumb brushed across his cheekbone. It seemed that after all this time, she could still be comforted by the man who was once her husband's best friend. "I've never felt so lonely in my life," she admitted, "When Draco was born, I was happy. Raising him kept me happy. But now it is just me and Lucius, and his mind is always on plans... I have no doubt that if Voldemort asked him to kill me, he would... What have I done, Severus? Why did I rush into marrying him so young?"

Hugo scoffed and shook his head. "I don't know who told you I'm good with that stuff," he murmured, "But I already have a wife to comfort. You can take care of Evangeline yourself." He smirked a little at that, heading back up the stairs and out of the bank. Once outside, he glanced at Draco with a chuckle. "So you were in New York for one day, and not only landed a beautiful girl, but the only girl in the world that is your son's lover's half-sister," he commented, looking amused.
Severus leaned his cheek intoher hand a little cloaing his eyes. Even after all this time,and watching her love gis best friend,and having the son he had practically raised as his oen, he still was affected by her. "Because you loved him cissy, and your parents approved,which is something they would have never done for me."he muttered sighing softly sadly. Because it was true the blacks would have never approved of one of their daughters marrying nof only poor but a half blood."he was good for you, in those first years."he sihed trying to make her feel better about her choice.

Scorpius whined a little as he followed the other two out of the bank, finding his fathers silent freaking out amusing."but you are weasley. You married feyn, by far the most emotionally woman I've ever met, you should handle this."he whined before grinning."yea, so how is that?" "Shut up both of you."draco snarled pissed and angry with himself as they headed for the hotel
Narcissa's eyes watered at his words, because it was true. Her parents would have never approved of Severus, and she was too scared to go against them. "I was always the weak sister," she admitted, "Andromeda ran off with her muggle husband, and Bellatrix was devoted to the being a Death Eater. Me? I just gave in to what my parents wanted for me and let Lucius run my life." Leaning forward, she rest her forehead against his, happy to have him close. "I should have fought for something different." Her hand moved to hold his, and she closed her eyes. While she loved Lucius for giving her Draco, her heart had belonged to Severus (secretly) for many years.

Hugo bit the inside of his cheek, stepping inside the large villa and looking around. There was the room that he and Feyn had shared the night before, then two attached rooms. He looked delighted to see a wet bar in the back corner, something he didn't see the night before. "Hey, hey," he murmured, "Don't get pissy with us over it. She's pretty and nice, and it makes sense. Fathers and sons tend to go for the same time of women. My parents started out hating eachother just like Feyn and I did." He shrugged a bit, then started to make a drink.
Severus sighedsoftly, wrapping his arm round her tighter,holding her close. "Then we wouldn't have the wonderful children we do have, or standing so close to destroying voldemort."He closed his eyes, squeezing her hand."Everything happened like it did for a reason Narcissa, it just had to happen."He muttered before smiling a little,"Just think, you're about to be a great grandmother. Again. And at a such a young age."He teased trying to not let her get to upset. "And you're in a house, with your great grandson, without either his father or grandfather in the house. You'll actually get to hold him."He teased.

Scorpius grinned as he headed for the bar, making himself and draco a drink, grinning amused as draco downed teh whole thing in a single go before answering. "Your parents hated each other for like, a month. You and feyn nearly killed each other for 6 years. Hardly the same.And Beth's not like evangeline.She's a muggle."He said looking anxious because it scared him badly, nd shook him up to much to consider he was seeing a girl that was so much like evangeline.
Narcissa smiled a little. "I'm too young to be a grandmother, let alone a great grandmother," she murmured, wrinkling her nose. "But that what I get for having Draco so young, then Draco having Scorpius young, and Scorpius having Leo young. Don't forget that it was a process. I'm not old." She sighed and leaned into him. "But you are right... It happened for a reason, and little Leo is adorable..." Reaching up, she brushed Severus' hair out of his face. "I wish I could have been there for you when your were raising Evangeline... You know I would have helped."

Hugo rolled his eyes. "There's nothing wrong with a father and son having the same type," he murmured, not understanding why Draco was freaked out. He sipped at his drink and shook his head. "Stop beating yourself up about it. Beth is a nice girl, and so is Evangeline." Taking the file from Draco, he looked at all of Cassandra's information. Everything looked identical to Sirius' file, meaning it was all real.
"It was process to get here."He snickered a little,"He is adorable, even more when he's got his father wrapped around his fingers."He said looking amused before sighing softly."I know.But I knew I couldn't tell you, it would have put all of us in danger....though it seems stupid now, since Lucius always knew."He mtutered before looking at her."I wish I had more to offer.All I have is a house that's not mine, or anything thats mine."He said studying the other.

Draco frowned as he sat down on the couch, stretching his legs out in front of him as he closed his eyes thinking. Beating himself up because it scared him badly that maybe he was wanting evangelien back, that maybe he he bonded to closely to his son's lover, and had chosen the one girl who in ll the world looked like her. Freaking out because he was so very scared of allowing anyone close anymore, that he was sabotaging the chance of a relationship with beth.

A few hours later Scorpius grinned as he got up to open the door, smirking slightly at beth."Hey, you got here just in time to see a tipsy father."He said letting her inside, amused as he glanced towards the other room."I am not tipsy. Just hungry."Draco frowned looking annoyed,"Why don't you go make your phone call, and stop being a coward?" "I'm not being a coward. It's just really late at home." "Coward."Draco said snickering a little as he sipped his coke and gin, more pop then alcohol,definately more sober then the night before. Smiling a little as he looked up at beth,"Did you have a good day?"he said, now that they were almost about to meet cassandra, it was making him nervous to meet her.
Narcissa gave him a saddened look, shaking her head. "Sev, you have everything to offer," she whispered, "Lucius offered my riches and materialistic promises, and look where that got me? You have become an incredible father, and now grandfather, since then. You've fought for what you believed in, and that's more that I could ever ask from anyone in a world like this." She leaned in and kissed his cheek then stood up. "I'm going to make some tea. Would you like some?" She needed something to keep her awake, because she wanted to keep Leo taken care of during the night so that Evangeline could get some sleep.

Beth laughed a little and walked into the suite, moving over toward Draco. "Are you that stressed?" she asked curiously, leaning over to kiss his cheek. She set a bag of Chinese food on the table, setting out each carton. Her blond hair was tied up into a pony tail, showing off her delicate neck. "Are you boys hungry?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. She got a little of everything, afraid of what they liked and didn't like. Once she had everything set out, she moved over to pour herself a glass of wine.
Severus smiled at her,"I would.We'll give the girls a break, and spend some time with leo. Since its the only time we'll get him without the boys."Severus snickered a little as he followed her into the kitchen

A few days later Feyn grinned a little as she plopped down onto the blanket next to evangeline, looking amused as severus and narcissa walked around the small pond with leo. The two grandparents had become like the missing malfoy men, spending as much time as they could with the small baby. Looking relaxed as she looked up at the clear sky, she was glad it was spring and starting to warm up finally. "Is it just me, or are those two being....couply?romantic like?"Feyn said after a moment, thinking over her word choices, glad that not only it was warm but she'd finally managed to keep something down. The day was turning out to be good.

Draco grinned smiling as she kissed his cheek,"No." Scorpius rolled his eyes a little looking amused,"he's disturbed that he's seeing his almost daughter in law's half sister. Seriously screwing with his head."He said though he knew that it wasn't just that, he knew it was a big part of it. Astoria hadn't just messed up scorpius, the younger malfoy knew that she had managed to make draco feel horrible about himself and his choices. "Definately hungry."Scorpius grinned as he grabbed a plate to start eating. "It's amazing you stay skinny. You eat like a horse."Draco said amused at scorpius' eating, before looking at beth as she sat back down, blushing ever so slightly.
Evangeline looked up from the book she was reading, her eyes narrowing as she peered over at the older couple. "Well, they have known eachother forever, right? Maybe they are finally getting some quality time together with out Lucius." She watched her father, and it made her happy to see him so comfortable with the woman and baby. She knew, deep down, that her father had been lonely for a very long time. Even if he refused to admit it, she knew it was true. "You think my father fancies Narcissa? They do look sort of... I don't know... smitten," she commented, shrugging a bit. "It's cute."

Beth loved the way the older man blushed at his son's teasing. Their relationship made it easy to be around them both. "I'm sorry for screwing with your head," she murmured, amusement in her eyes. Leaning forward, she began to pile on a healthy amount of chinese food on to her plate, digging in with a pair of chopsticks like a pro. After all, she had many nights of take out chinese when she was a kid. if she was with her father, he worked late, and if she was with her mother... Well, she just didn't give a damn. "I don't want you to get your hopes up on my mother's cooperation. She's hard as nails," she said. They way she looked over at Draco, her eyes so youthful and innocent, no one would believe she was raised by a bitch like Cassandra.

Hugo started chowing down on his food, then glanced up at Scorpius. "You better call Evangeline sooner than later, or she's going to never let you hear the end of it," he warned, "especially if she thinks you were hiding it from her." He showed a fork full of rice in his mouth, chewing on it for a moment. "I'm probably going to call Feyn before I go to bed, just so she doesn't worry, which she will."
Feyn grinned looking amused."They have. Maybe she'll be happier now."She said wanting the two happy, after having to put up with lucius being between them, they deserved to be ahppy."I do. Even if they don't want to admit it."She snickered a little before smirking. "We should make them realize it. How about we plan a date?I mean, something just for the two of them, sicne we're sadly, without our men. It could be a picnic or something."Feyn said rambling a little getting comfortable.

Draco smiled looking at her, though the fretful look in his eyes, anxious and afraid, said there was more then what scorpius said.It said whatever was really behind his anxiety was bothering him a great deal, but like scorpius, the elder malfoy had been trained from the cradle to not talk about anything, and it would take alot for him to actually talk. Grinning as he ate, he smirked."She'll cooperate, because after dealing with my father, I can make anyone feel helpful."He grinned though he was sure it was going to be something closer to being afraid of lucius, or that he'd stop paying her, that would make her cooperate.

Scorpius growled looking annoyed as he ate, "I AM hiding it from her. If I could get away with telling her the bitch was ead, I would."He growled as he chewed, glaring over at the married man, before rolling his eyes. Because he knew that he was going to be talking to evangeline, and telling her they'd found cassandra, even if he didn't want to. "Feyn worries if you get a papercut, much less being across a ocean away from her. Let her worry, it'll do her good to not think about other things."he said, wondering how his cousin was indeed dealing with being pregnant.
Evangeline looked amused. "I'm willing to do whatever will make them happy," she murmured, shrugging, "maybe we can set them up a table in the rose garden? Dinner out there would be pretty..." She bit her lip, thinking really hard about it. It would be good for her father to have someone. After all, he had not had anyone but her since the day she was born. With her starting a family with Scorpius, she was a little afraid he might get lonely. Looking over at Feyn, she smiled. "Heard from Hugo yet?" she asked, a little anxious. It scared her to think that Scorpius hadn't called in days, and maybe he was avoiding her for a reason.

Beth let out a sigh, not sounding very confident. "You just don't know her very well..." she murmured, then continued to eat. She couldn't explain it, but she already felt really comfortable with Draco. Like she could talk to him about anything. "I'll give it a shot, though. Just so you can get what you need... And if Evangeline really wants to meet her. Though, I think she will be beyond disappointed. I've been disappointed for a long, long time." She shook her head a little.

Hugo winced a bit. "You can't protect her by hiding things from her," he said, shaking his head. "But I guess I have no room to talk. If I was in that position, Feyn would have already gotten the call about her mother's passing." He shoved a wonton in his mouth, trying to bring light to the situation. "I don't want her to stress out while pregnant," he argued, "it's not good for her or the baby..." He frowned a bit, because even talking about her made him sad about being away from her, even if he wouldn't say it outloud. Not in a room full of men who woudl tease him.
Fen grinned, perking up. Distracted from how worried and sick she'd been feeling at the idea of setting the other two up."Let's. They have Leo.Come on, the rose garden's outback, they wont be able to see us setting things up from here."She said grinning as she looked towards the lake trail the two were on before stopping, biting her lip as she looked at evangeline."N-no. Not yet. I'm hoping tonight."feyn sid rubbing her stomch as itknotted up, trying to relax as she climbed to her feet."Come on. Let's go get the romantic dinner set up."She said, smiling happily, though the pleasure of setting the two up was dimmer in her eyes, showing just how worried she was.

"Well,we'll just have to see."raco said looking worried as he ate before finishing, leaning back in his seat as he glanced at hugo, wrapping a arm around beth's shoulder, tugging her close, pressing a kiss to her head."Ready?"He muttered his heart hurting for making her go with them to meet a woman who seemed altogether unpleasant.

Scorpius sghed looking frustrated before snickering."well, sadly we can't tell her mother's dead, otherwise I would. We'd all rest better for it."He muttered wrinkling his nose a little before snickering. "Just think about it this way, your missing her puking on you, or waking up at odd hours...or eating weird crap...its a good thing."he muttered teasing him a little because he was worried about meeting cassandra. standing as he pulled on his jacket he looked at the others as he headed for the door."Come on, let's go get this over with so I can try and convince evangeline she really doesn't want to meet her."
Evangeline nodded, following after Feyn. She helped her get a candle lit dinner going in the rose garden, she skipped off to find her father. Grinning, she gently took her happy little boy and leaned up to kiss her father on the cheek. "We have a surprise for you out back," she said, looking excited, "And no, you can't take Leo. I like to have my son for at least five minutes a day." Narcissa laughed and shook her head. "What are you to up to?" she asked, but Evangeline was already walking back into the house to be with Feyn. She sat on the couch and pulled her shirt down, starting to breastfeed Leo while she had the chance.

Narcissa raised her eyebrows at Severus. "Am I the only one oblivious to what is going on, or are you as clueless as I am?"

Beth leaned into Draco, happy to have his comfort. He really was such a sweet man. "I'm okay," she told him, sensing what he was thinking. "Let's go." With that, she stood up and cleaned the table, then grabbed her coat. She looked up at the three of them. "Are we taking the subway? She lives all the way over in Queens, so it might be an expensive cab ride." She slid her purse over her shoulder, so oblivious to how wealthy and powerful these men were.
Severus frowned slightly as his daughter kissed his cheek, smiling slightly."You had him all this morning."He muttered pouting a little as she took the baby, looking amused as she went back inside. Watching her for a moment before looking at narcissa. "I have no idea. Though she looked excited, and she's been spending time with Feyn. Which might mean they've blown something up, and want to surprise us by letting us clean up."He said looking amused as he took her hand, heading for the garden, staring."....those two need something to do. They're bored."He said blushing slightly.

"Evan, they're sooo cute!"Feyn whined excitedly looking amused as she stood near the window, hiding behind the curtain as she looked out at the two. Distracted from her worry about her husband and the others, before moving to sit down on the couch, laying down on her side, settling down into the couch as she pulled the blanket up around her, trying not to worry about how the boys were.

Draco smirked a little as they walked downstairs, "The...subway...would be fine."He said, sounding slightly....unsure?As if he wasn't quite sure it was, but willing to go with it. "I am not riding the subway. That's to close to strangers, and they might touch me."Scorpius scowled as they headed downstairs, flagging a cab. Having spent some time in muggle london-having gone with feyn on a rebellious trip when lucius told them not to at 16, and discovered the...wonders of muggles. "You're not that desirable. Not everyone wants to touch you." "Lies.Even weasley here, figured out eventually that I'm to pretty to stay away from."Scorpius said as they got into the cab and headed for queens. "...I think you and your grandfather could be sharing a padded room for those narcissists that also suffer from a god complex." "Hey, that's not fair. I'm not nearly as in love with myself as grandfather." "Yes you are, you're just not insane to go with it." "Very true."

And so, father and son provided the entertainment for most of the drive.
Evangeline cradled Leo as she fed him, grinning. "I know... They really are," she murmured, "It's so sweet." Looking down at her feeding son, she stroked his soft hair. "Did you have fun with your crazy grandparents, sweetheart? They just can't get enough of you, huh?" Leaning down, she cleaned him up and dropped her shirt down, bringing him up to kiss his cheeks. The baby giggled, and his smiled looked so much like his father's. It made her happy and sad at the same time. why had he not called her yet? was there something wrong, or was his fears about ending up like his parents making him distance himself from her?

During the cab drive, Beth laughed at father and son. It was just so amusing... Slipping her hand into Draco's, she sighed. "We're here," she murmured, climbing out of the cab with the three boys. Walking up the steps of the apartment building, she moved inside and toward the elevator. Once they got to the third floor, she went to room 306 and knocked. "Mother, it's me," she said, and her voice wasn't enthusiastic... It took Cassandra a full eight minutes to just come to the door.

"What the fuck is this about, Elizabeth?"

At the door stood a beautiful, sexy bombshell of a woman. She was older, but it hardly showed. However, the pissed off look on her face said that she was not at all pretty on the inside; she was a stone cold bitch... Beth winced a little, but not enough. She was used to it. "Mother... Can I come in? And I will let my friend Draco explain." Cassandra's eyes narrowed and she flung the door open. "You know I don't like you showing up here unannounced, but get in. You have five minutes." And with that, she walked into the apartment, moving toward the wet bar and pouring herself a large scotch and lighting a cigarette.
Feyn grinned looking amued before looking over at evangeline."You know he's not old enough to talk yet."she said looking amused as her friend talked to the baby, amused as leo laughed at her. Rubbing her stomach she tried hard to not worry about what it would be like to hold her own, because being pregnant scared her badly, and she had no idea what to expect."I'm sure there's a reason he's not called. None of them have..."She said after a moment, still sounding anxious though.

Cassandra frowned annoyed as he paid the taxi driver, following beth upetairs. Looking evene more annoyed with each minute that past. Much like his father, the man had a arrogant streak that didn't enjoy being kept waiting. raising a eyebrow he smirked."Ms. Wilcox, I am here about your daughter, and to make yuo tell me everything that happened while you were in london."He looked annoyed because he had no idea how o ask after the bank accounts without making beth curious. not wanting to put her in danger even more, by letting lucius worry that he had told her.
"Yea, but you have to talk to them. Dogs don't talk, but people always talk to them," Evangeline countered, bouncing the baby a little bit. Leo smiled at her, and she leaned in to kiss his cheeks. After a few moments of silence, she sighed. "Well, I just get nervous when Scorpius becomes too quiet. It makes me think that he's getting scared of me; that he thinks I'm going to turn into Astoria." She swallowed hard. "I don't want him to pull away from me, Feyn." Pulling Leo into her chest, she cuddled the little boy and kissed his head, worry in her eyes.

"You the fuck do you think you are?" Cassandra snapped, taking a puff of her cigarette. "I get it if you are one of Beth's new boyfriends. She likes to go around tellin' em what a god awful mother I am, and they always come over her pointing fingers, being the knight in shining armor. Of course, they always get sick of that approach, don't they, Baby? They always decide to take it out on your face, and you let them."

Beth withered like a flower at that, moving to the chair in the corner of the room. No, Cassandra was not a kind woman. She was the very opposite. Raising her eyebrow, Cassandra looked back over at Draco. "London? I've never been to London in my entire life. Barely left Queens." Beth knew she was lying (everyone did) but she didn't say anything. Beth was a strong woman, but her mother scared the shit out of her. Of course, Cassandra knew exactly who was standing in front of her, but she was a pro at bluffing. She could see the resemblance in him and Scorpius to Lucius any day, and the accent tipped her off immediately. But Lucius was the only person in the world who scared Cassandra, and she was not about to cross him.
"Well at least your not as bad as scorpius with a baby talk. Boy's got his father wrapped around his fingers."Feyn said snorting a laugh, looking amused before growing serious, watching mother and son. Biting her lip, before deciding that her cousin couldn't get mad at her, she was saving him from having to have this conversation. Yes she'd try telling him that if he ever found out about this."You know uncle draco got aunt astoria pregnant before they were married didn't you?Only reason lucius allowed them to marry, since she wasn't as rich as him, despite being pureblood. Thought there were others uncle could have married."she looked thoughtful before sighing."I don't think it's so much astoria he's afraid you'll change into, I think the sequence of events is what is freaking him out. That if they could have had everything, been in love like how everyone says they were...."feyn shrugged. "He'll talk when he's ready."

Draco raised a eyebrow looking amused."I don't think I've ever been accused of being a knight in shining armor before."He said refusing to let this woman ruffle him, even if he wanted to snap her neck for her words. Scorpius sighed a little glancing at hugo. "You said I shouldn't lie to evangeline?Think I can convince him to kill her, so I can really tell evangeline she's dead?"He muttered.

Draco frowned before sighing a little, "Cassandra."he said before closing his eyes briefly, because he couldn't talk freely, but he needed her to give him what they needed,even if it destroyed his relationship with beth. Getting rid of voldemort was more important than him being happy, no matter how much he wanted to. "I need what my father gave you. Not the money, I don't care about the money. I need the goblet and the others."His eyes were sad but angry."The fact that you slept with Severus for money, is despicable, but it is useful to me now. I can outpay whatever my father gave you for it, if you let me have what I need."
Evangeline sighed and shook her head. "Everyone tells me that, and I'm starting to wonder if he really will." She looked sad for a moment and stroked Leo's hair, looking over her shoulder and out the window. The sight of her father and Narcissa warmed her heart. They at least deserved to be happy after both enduring lonely lives. "You think you could... maybe convince Scor to talk to me?" she finally said, "Please? Normally I wouldn't ask such a thing, but I lose sleep over it. He worries me."

Cassandra immediately threw her glass of wine to the tile floor, letting it crash and spill red liquid everywhere. "Despicable? You think I'm despicable?! I slept with that man, because your despicable father threatened my life." Her voice was in a growl. While she had gave in to the arrangement at first, she tried to back out... and Lucius threatened to kill her if she didn't go through with it. "You think I wanted to have another fucking kid? I spend my whole damn life paying for that one right there!" She pointed at Beth, and she flinched. She didn't look surprised though. She'd seen and heard worse for her mother. "That kid was better off with the man Lucius was trying to frame, because I would have left her at the door step of the orphanage if he made me keep her another fucking day. All she did was cry and cry and cry! I wanted to strangle her!" With that, she took another puff of her cigarette, her hand shaking violently with anger. "You want those antiques sittin' in my bank account? Then you better may big bucks to replace them. Enough money to get me a knew damn identity and a house in Tahiti so you crazy fucking father doesn't find me."
Feyn looked startled before following the woman's eyes outside. While she had no desire to EVER have that conversation with scorpius, because she knew he would be violent but.."I will.Because he needs to talk. If lucius and draco are any signs of what not talking about things does to people, he'll be insane in a few years."She teased, trying to lighten the mood a little before sighing."I'll talk to him when they get home. I know hugo was going to call-"She hoped"-but this isn't a conversation I want to have over the phone."Running her fingers through her hair she groaned, "I don't want to go to riddle manor tonight."She muttered looking put out at the idea, because she didn't want to leave home, not when there was a chance hugo would call but she knew better then to skip out.

Draco tilted his head slightly."You know, I was feeling sorry for you for getting tangled up with my father but at the moment I'm thinking you both deserve the same corner of hell."Draco said taking a step back as the wine splattered over his shoes, curling his lip in annoyance."Dammit, I should make you pay for new shoes."He grumbled before nodding. "I do.That and only one other thing. You are going to meet your daughter, because for some ungodly reason, she wants to meet you. Though I do hope she tells you to go to hell."Draco said as he reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a wallet and holding it out towards her, glad that he'd had enough forsight to empty out cash, just in case he'd needed it. inside, not only was there enough to get what she wanted, but she could probably buy a small country with how much he paid her. "Tomorrow. You will meet evangeliene, and then give me the antiques, and I will see you safely to tahiti."Draco said calmly, rationally though he had every reason to think it wouldn't be that simple. Nothing was ever that simple, even if he knew the boys were eager to get home.
Evangeline smiled a little. "Thank you," she said, letting Leo fall asleep on her chest. It was starting to get late, and the little guy just couldn't keep his eyes open. A frown spread across her lips. "Just think. This may be your last visit, especially if the boys get to the horcruxes in the next few days." With that, she patted the woman's thigh and rest her head on his shoulder. Her birthday was tomorrow, and she had a feeling Scorpius might forget with everything going on. Of course, she'd never hold it against him. She just hated that their life had come to this.

Hugo looked a little shell-shocked at the sight of Cassandra's fit. After all, he was the only person in the room who wasn't used to such things. It really took him off guard... Turning to Scorpius, he shook his head. "Tell her she's dead," he murmured, though he knew Scorpius wouldn't. He just knew that this was not going to be a pleasant event... Cassandra snorted, counting the money and taking it out. She shoved it into a drawer on the other side of the wet bar, then tossed him back his empty wallet. Normally, she wouldn't be so compliant, but she wanted that money. And hell, she'd love to be out of Lucius' clutches. She wanted to get the hell out of this place. "I'll meet with her, but I have no intentions of making her believe this situation is anything it's not. I didn't want her - never did. I would have threw myself down a flight of stairs while I was pregnant with her if I didn't have your father holding a wand to my head."

Beth's eyebrows knitted together at the sound of the word "wand" but she shook her head. Standing up, she grabbed her purse and put it on her shoulder. "See you next year, mother," she grumbled, then walked out of the apartment. She needed some air and a cigarette - the only bad habit she had picked up from Cassandra. Lighting on, she sat on the ledge of the apartment building and closed her eyes...
"Your welcome."She said smiling as she stood, leaning down to kiss leo's head, and evangeline's cheek."Its not just for you.He'll feel better talking."She muttered before grinning,"That would be nice.And since I wont see you in the morning....happy birthday."Feyn grinned at her as she went upstairs to get ready to go. Leaving in a few moments she stepped into riddle manor leaning against the wall for a moment, feeling dizzy and out of sorts, her body despising her for apparating. Straightening she swallowed hard, jumping out of her skin when lucius appeared at her side. "Grandfather."She sai respectfully, swallowing hard as they walked towards voldemort's office. "My lord."Lucius bowed slightly as he walked in with her, smirking slightly as feyn curled up in a chair near the dark lord, looking as comfortable as if she'd been at home.

Scorpius smirked, looking at hugo. Amused that he looked so shell shocked, for scorpius, who was used to not only lucius' fits of rage, but his mother's, this was a every day event, a disturbance that didn't even rank in his top ten things that disturbed him. "I wish. She'd kill me, since she knows her mother's alive. If I could convince him to kill her though...."The younger malfoy smirked, looking so much like his grandfather when the death eater was complating murder it was sorta scary.

Draco looked sick at the sight of her counting the money hating her for this. "That is fine by me. I will come and get you in the morning so we can get the antiques."Draco said walking out with beth, tilting his head towards the boys."Get a cab, scorpius. And go back to the hotel. I'm going to see Beth home."he said pausing, watching the boys snag a cab and head home, knowing the girls would be informed soon enough what happened, before looking at beth."I'm sorry you had to go through that..."He said looking uncomfortable. He had known it would be unpleasant, he just hadn't realized it would be THAT unplesant.
Evangeline grinned when Feyn wished her a happy birthday, watching her leave before settling to lay down on the couch with Leo on her chest. Eventually, she felt asleep with the infant, her hand on his back. It was just too hard to sleep in the bed without Scorpius beside her... It felt weird. And it made her feel better to have Leo as close as possible... Stirring the, her eyes opened just enough to see her father and Narcissa walk in. "Did you two have a good time?" she whispered, letting out a yawn. Narcissa grinned, her hand in Severus', and nodded to the girl and baby. "Why don't you get the baby and let her get some sleep?" she whispered to him, noticing that Evangeline was barely awake while talking.

Hugo slid into the cab with Scorpius and looked at his watch. "Fuck," he cursed, "I was supposed to call Feyn, and not she's at riddle manor... I have to wait until morning." He frowned a bit, hating that she was not going to hear from him again. Leaning against the seat, he looked over at the other man. "I hate leaving them, you know? As much as I know it's good for all of us, I hate it." He rubbed a hand over his face. "I guess you are going to have to go home tomorrow and get Evan long enough to bring her here to meet Cassandra, because that woman can't show her face in London..." His lips twitched a little into a frown, because he knew the other man was conflicted about it all.

Voldemort grinned and reached over to place his hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently. "How are you feeling, kitten?" he purred, "The doctor is coming in to check out your progress." Leaning over, he kissed her full on the mouth. As gentle as it was, it was still very possessive. Even his hand clinched a little too tight on her thigh; it signaled that he had no tolerance for her to withdraw from him. This was all about the child now - his heir.

Beth looked up at Draco and shook her head, her guard up. "Through what? It's nothing new, Draco. You didn't cause it to happen. In fact, that was pretty subdue compared to what I dealt with growing up." She took a puff of her cigarette, letting out a straight stream of smoke into the night's air. Part of her wanted to ask him to stay the night with her again, but she hated to sound needy. She didn't want him to think of her that way, especially after how she acted a few moments ago. He probably thought she was beyond weak.
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