Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline looked around the large hotel room, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. She was nervous and completely out of her element. Here she was in the middle of New York City after months of being in a secluded Safe House. It made her stomach turn a little. "Where's your father?" she asked out of curiosity, raising her eyebrows. Glancing over at Hugo, she noted how it looked like there was no color in the man's face. "Everything okay?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

Hugo was pacing, his hand over his mouth as he tried to process everything. "Voldemort is inviting me to the Manor," he murmured, and the tone of his voice showed that he was well aware of the fact that he might not leave the Manor alive. After all, mudbloods are supposed to be disposable. "He must know something. Why else would he bring me there? I don't do anything to grab attention. Not in the past few months. I keep my distance when she is with him, and I keep out of trouble in public..."

Beth screamed out in pleasure as he thrust inside of her, her nails biting into the flesh of his back. "Draco! Oh! Ah...." she hissed, moving down to bite his shoulder. Her hips tried to move and thrust upward, but her strength was no match for his. Soon, she was letting whines of frustration in order to get some sort of release. "You're teasing me, and I don't like it," she whined, but she did like it. Oh, she love it when he took charge.
Scorpius smiled a little as he loked around, unlike evanagline, he was used to over the top opulance and crowds. Even after months at the safe house, it wasn't bothersome to him. Laughing at evanageline's question he smirked a little."Oh, with beth. He's been dating someone since we've been here."He said looking disturbed not because he was dating, but because he had no idea how to tell her about her half sister. Paling slightly at hugo's words he tried to stay calm."FEyn's there. She's probably bored and stupid enough to mention it. Don't worry, not yet. If he knew that there was a chance she was pregnant with your liid, or we were hunting horcuxes, he'd be here looking for you himself, not letting feyn write.He's probably testing her."Scorpius said showing more insight then one would usually give him credit for.

Draco growled moaning as her nails bit into his skin, lowering his head to press a kiss to her shower,"Hmmm no, I think you're lying to me. I think you love it."He smirked laughing as he lowered his head to her breast, lips teasing a nipple as he thrust into her harder, holding her still, not realizing he was bruising her hips with his fingers, just having the intention of holding her still, enjoying being with her.
Evangeline looked confused, but didn't comment. Instead, she looked startled at Hugo's news. Swallowing hard, she moved to pull her knees to her chest. "Scor's right. If he was angry, he'd be much more aggressive with his search? He's a smart man, but not the most reasonable person if he's angry. That's what my father always told me." Hugo didn't look hopeful, turning to the others. "Well, I don't think he's inviting me for tea," he grumbled, fumbling to take his ring off his finger. He handed it to Scorpius. "Wear it. I can't have it on when I see him, and if something crazy happens, it has a trace on it. It can get to Feyn's ring at anytime, anywhere. She's supposed it have it on the other finger so he doesn't get any ideas." He shrugged, pulled his wand out of his pocket, and apparated to the Riddle Manor.

When he left, Evangeline looked up at Scorpius. "Do you really believe everything is okay?" she murmured, "Scor, if he figures out about Hugo and Feyn, he could very well figure out about Leo." Reaching up, she pulled at her hair a little. It seemed like this was only the beginning of a fall out.

Hugo appeared in the bedroom Feyn was in, glancing at her with worry before clearing his throat and bowing toward Voldemort. "My Lord," he greeted. Voldemort scoffed, looking bitter and irritated, but amused. "I am not your Lord, Weasley. Your parents caused me a lot of grief in their day, do you think I believe for a second they raised you to believe I am your lord? No. In fact, I should have put them both to death, but I liked the idea of them watching Potter die and living with it much better..." He walked over to Hugo, flicking his wand and making him kneel. Hugo let out a grunt, refusing to look at Feyn. He could not make it look like they had a connection. "Kitten? What do you think of Weasley? You think, now that you no longer need his service, that he should be roaming the wizarding world as he pleases?" With that, he raised an eyebrow and pressed his wand to his neck.

Beth moaned, reaching up to cradle his head to her breast. Her legs moved up to wrap around his waist. "You don't know what I like," she panted, smirking, "You don't even know my middle name.... Oh! Ah..." Her body tensed and convulsed, her head throwing back in extacy. "Draco! Oh, so good... so good...." She hung on to him and rode out her orgasm, leaning down to kiss his neck and whisper in his hear. "Cum for me," she whispered, licking the outer shell of his ear.
Scorpius swallowed hard looking up at hugo before lookingdown at the ring he was holding."Fine,but you better come back for this otherwise I'm going ot bring you back, just to kill you."Scorpius growled looking at the other man, unwilling to voice the worry that showed in his eyes."I think feyn's scared, and it made her reckless. I have to believe it'll be okay, because she's smart, they're smart enough to not lose their heads."he muttered sliding on hugo's ring, looking slightly disturbed before nudging her a little."Uh...there's something else I forgot to tell you..."He muttered looking her over, moving to get up, looking for the cell phone draco had gotten him

Feyn swallowed hard as she looked up at voldemort, tilting her head a little. Wondering why he was doing this, and he seemed amused more then anything else. Hopefully she'd be able to keep that mood. "I think he's to smart to kill out of hand my lord.If you must, confine him to the manor, uncle Draco foound endless amusement in talking to him"She said with a sigh, shifting to lay back, as if bored by the thought though her stomach was in knots, and she ust wanted to hug her husband

"Hmm I'm pretty sure you like me."Draco panted laughing as he nuzzled her a little shivering at hers, gasping a little as he came. Wrapping his arms around her waist he groaned softly as he slumped against her, closing his eyes."Bloody hell that was fun..."he growled looking amused, but feeling emotionally exhausted.Between everything happening at home, and cassandra, he was tired. Pulling back he kissed her lightly before moving away, heading for the bedroom to get his clothes."Come on sweetheart, if you can walk."he snickered a little."We have someplace to be."
Evangeline looked up at him, her face paling. "Scorpius, this isn't the time to be keeping things from me," she murmured, rubbing a hand over her face. She knew how he was; he'd avoid things to protect her feelings. "What's wrong?" Swallowing hard, she stood up and moved over to him, grabbing his hand and making him turn to look at her. She raised her eyebrows at the handsome man, looking anxious and worried. "Tell me."

Hugo didn't even flinch, closing his eyes and trying not to move away from the wand poking at his neck. Voldemort curled his lip up in irritation. "The smart ones are the ones that need watching..." he murmured, "Like his mother." Hugo clenched his jaw at the mention of his mother, but didn't say anything. His hands were in fists at his side, but he dared not to look up from the floor. "I think that he needs a little reminder of who is the one in power here, don't you?" And with that, he spit out the crucio curse, making Hugo sprawl out in the floor with a shriek of unbelievable pain, nearly sobbing.

Beth grinned about followed after him, walking a little funny. She moved to the closet and grabbed a pair of jeans, a low V-neck shirt, and a blazer. "I've never had a man call me Sweetheart," she murmured, smirking, "I like it..." Her eyes rolled up to look at him for a moment before she turned around to check her outfit in the mirror. She was a little on edge about not only meeting a new sister, but having to be around her mother. She usually stayed away, or atleast limited it to once a month, so this was a lot on her shoulders.
Scorpius swallowed hard looking down at her, fiddling with hugo's ring, twisting it around his finger as he looked down at her."You have a half sister. which is actually where father is...he' her."He said wrinkling his nose a little, "he's happy evan, happier then I've seen him in awhile..."He muttered looking anxious because he didn't know how she'd react to it, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.

Feyn sighed softly, a quiet whimper escaping at the sound."Stop!please!This is how you protect me and your child, by torturing someone in the bedroom where I'm supposed to be resting?This is doing nothing but proving that you are cruel, my lord."She said soundng anxious and upset, but not losing it so much that you could question if her feelings were deeper then voldemort thought. She just sounded upset that he was doing this in her bedroom, even if inside she was falling apart.

Draco smiled a little as he glanced at her as he tugged on his pants, "I call everyone sweetheart,much to my son's disturbance. He doesn't like it."He snickered, because while he'd mostly gotten over the habit, watching scorpius freak out at being called scorpius was just to amusing to let go. Looking at her he moved over,wrapping his arms around her from behind, kissing her head."Don't worry.I'll be with you. And evangeline's not nearly as in love with herself as scorpius is, so you wont hate her on principle."He said snickering a little."And as for your mother, do what I do, and imagine all the wys you could kill her in new york city, it makes for a pleasant thought."He said showing the side of his temper that came from his father, that psychopathic streak that was usually tempered by his kindness but cassandra brought out the worst in him
Evangeline's throat went dry, and she gripped the arm of a nearby chair. "A s-sister? What are you talking about?" She sat down in the chair, looking as if she was about to pass out. With everything going on, this kind of news had her so caught off guard that she had no idea how to handle it. A half sister that her boyfriend's father was dating? She put her head and her head. "Holy shit, I didn't need this," she mumbled, looking frustrated. It was just... weird to think that she was about to meet her mother, but a half-sister. "So I'm guessing your father is bringing her here? Now I don't have one person to worry about liking me, but two! What if they both don't like me, Scor?"

Voldemort looked up at her, and after a few moments, let up on the curse. Hugo was shaking violently on the floor, turning over to vomit. "Oh, is that what your are concerned about?" Voldemort asked, narrowing his eyes. "Then you won't mind if I take him down to the dungeon and finish?" He walked over to her and growled, obviously angry. He was an idiot. He could see the way Feyn looked at the man on the floor, and it was all about to end. "Kitten, don't forget. I am cruel, and I have no intention on hiding it."

Beth sighed and leaned back into his arms, her eyebrows raising at his words. "You have a dark side, I see," she murmured, smirking a bit with amusement, "That might explain the tattoo on your arm. Kinda intense, don't you think?" She turned around and kissed him slowly, her hands moving up his chest. "Just adds to your mystery..." Walking over to the coffee table, she grabbed her purse, her cigarettes, and her keys. "Let's go and get this done before I run for the hills."
"Yes, her name's beth."He said looking at her, swallowing hard as he looked her over. Shifting to crouch down in front of her he looked at her worriedly, hands resting on her legs."i know,and father wouldn't have asked you to meet her yet...but he likes her. Which considering your mother, is a amazement that she's as kind as she is."He said looking thoughtful before leaning up to kiss her."Evanageline, you are to kind, beautiful and loving to hate. You'll love her."He said gently running his fingers through her hair.

Feyn swallowed hard watching hugo, fear in her eyes, not only for hugo, but for the man who was angry with her, and a chance of being her child's father. More then anything, she was afraid of him being the fahter.Even her fear for hugo paled against her extreme fear of that."I would mind, only because he is a friend my lord and I would consider it a kindness to me, if you wouldn't hurt him."She said sitting up slowly, moving to get out of bed.To anxious and afraid to stay in bed, needing to get away from voldemort and hugo before she did something stupid like outing their marriage.

'Draco smiled a little before tensing absently rubbing his forearm against his side, self conscious about the dark mark that was so very dark against his skin."Hmm I guess."he muttered trying not to focus on how very intense things were. kissing her slowly he smirked as he headed for the door."It'll be fine. I can always just pay your mother to get away from us, which will please everyone."He said shrugging a little as he headed downstairs, gettig into the cab to go get cassandra. Nervous now despite his words of reassurane.
Evangeline swallowed hard, leaning in to kiss him. Maybe he was right. Taking his face in her hands, she leaned her forehead against his. "You will be with me through all of this right?" she murmured, "I need you at my side no matter how much you don't like the idea of me meeting Cassandra." It was hard not to have hope for having the mother she always wanted... She knew it was probably not how he wished her to feel about it, but she couldn't help it.

Hugo would have went to his feet to protect her in a heart beat if his body was not shaking and forcing himself to vomit - in shock from the curse. Voldemort glared at her. "If a mudblood is your friend, than we have much more to worry about!" he growled, reaching over to take her forecefully by the chin. "Is there something you want to tell me?!" His eyes were dark with anger, and he pointed his wand at Hugo. "If there is nothing you need to tell me, then I assume that you would not mind if I rid our world of one more mudblood!"

Beth looked over at Draco with a sigh. "You can't fix everything with money, Draco," she murmured, frowning a little as she slid into the cab with him. Her hands were already shaking, and she really wanted to reach for a cigarette. However, she was trying her damnedest not to smoke. It always gave off a red flag that she was nervous, and she was trying to not let him know that. Leaning over, she kissed his cheek. "I deserve a date after this."
Scorpius smiled a little as he met her eyes, closing his eyes as he leaned aainst her. "I'm not going anywhere.."He said smirking a little."Besides, meeting your mother gives me a chance to pretend to a be a good little death eater, and it's always a pleasant thought to put grandfather's lessons to work."He muttered smiling slightly.

Feyn's eyes went wide as voldemort grabbed her chin,forcing herself to hold still even if tears gathered in her eyes, "Please, leave him alone.He is a good man,even if he is a mudblood.Show mercy, and you will win his parents loyalty, and you wont have to worry about them."She said tears starting to slide down her face, so very scared for her husband.

"I can most definately fix the problem with your mother with money."Draco said rolling his eyes a little as he wrapped a arm around her shoulder,tugging her closer to him smirking slightly at her words."A real date?I dunno.I've never actually dated, I might suck at it."He pointed out, trying to get her to laugh.
Evangeline smirked and kissed him back, leaning forward to hug him. It was nice to be in his arms for a moment, feeling his strength surrounding her. "I love you," she murmured, nuzzling him, "Maybe before I have to go back home, we can make use of that big bed over there." With that, she grinned and moved to stand in front of the floor length mirror in the corner of the bedroom. "Okay, I'm ready," she said, after making sure she looked decent. She really, really wanted this to go well...

"I will NEVER win their loyalty, and I don't WANT their fucking loyalty," Voldemort growled, shoving her away. "Tell me what it is about this man you value! If you can't say it Miss Ceralina, then I'm going to put him out of his misery." With that, he moved over to kick Hugo on to his back, pressing his foot into his stomach and pointing his wand toward his chest. It was obvious, to Hugo, that he knew. There was no doubt about it. Voldemort was very intelligent and he could see it in Feyn's eyes... He may not know that the child is his, but he can see her true feelings through her act... And now he wanted her to admit it.

Beth grinned, rolling her eyes. "We had a date a few days ago and I think it ended well," she murmured, leaning over to kiss his cheek. The cab stopped in front of the small coffee shop that they were all supposed to meet at. No one but one barista was in there, so it would be perfect. Better than brining Cassandra to the boy's hotel. "Come on. Let's see how this will go... I need a latte and a cigarette," she admitted.
Scorpius grinned pressing a kiss to her head,"Hmm definately. though I might have to make them change the mattress and everything. Weasley had sex on that bed, I dont want to be in it."He whined trying to make her lap as he slipped her hand into his heading downstairs to go to teh coffee shop. When they arrived he smiled a little, glad that they'd arrived before cassandra, "Beth.Father."He muttered, a protective arm around evangeline's shoulders, as if he could protect her from the emotional battering he was sure was to come.

Draco smirked a little, looking at her."okay, so I have had a date before. And it ended well. But this date isn't going to. Why can't I just kill her and spare us all the trauma of dealing with cassandra?"The death eater whined, and from the dark pleasure in his eyes, he meant it. Smiling a little as he nudged her, "There's scorpius and evan."He muttered watching the two coming in the door and heading for them.

Feyn yelped as she was sent sprawling across the bed as he shoved her away, whimpering as she watched them, knowing it was futile to pretend. She'd known at the beginning, that voldemort had guessed, she'd just hoped it was wrong. Now...pain filled her eyes as she looked up at him, hoping that voldemort hadn't guessed the child could be hugo's and not his, swallowing as she pushed up to her knees, getting up off the bed and touching voldemort's hand, almost pushing his wand away but not, shaking."I love him my lord.Despite him being a mudblood and unworthy....I love him."She whispered looking down, meeting hugo's eyes, tears running down her face, sure she was about to witness her husband's murder her breath coming in fast pants as her heart started beating faster, her body starting to respond to her panic.
Beth immediately stood up and walked around the table, feeling that since she was the older one, she should get things started. She smiled, looked at the younger woman. They really did look alike besides the hair color, and Evangeline was a little shorter. "I'm Beth," she said, shaking Evangeline's hands. "I, uh, I guess I'm your sister." Evangeline smirked a bit, looking up at Scorpius, then back at Beth. "Wow... I guess you are." It was awkward for a few moments, but eventually the two hugged, and they both were thrilled to meet each other. After all, they both had nearly similar experiences. Beth maybe knew her mother, but it didn't make it any better.

"Mother is coming in a few minutes," Beth said, looking to Evangeline and Scorpius. She looked a little nervous, squeezing Draco's hand under the table. "So your 18, right?" Evangeline shook her head. "I just turned nineteen today." Beth grinned and looked over to wink at Scorpius, assuming that he had something special planned. Of course, she had no idea how complicated things were in the wizarding world. "Happy Birthday," she murmured.

Evangeline told her thank you, then looked up at Draco. This was more than a little awkward. "We wanted to bring Leo to you, but we figured that he was safer at home," she said, "My dad and Narcissa have been taking him on walks, and now he's completely spoiled to it. Only way he will calm down now." Beth grinned at that, moving to say something about how cute the baby was, but she could see Cassandra approaching the door of the coffee shop. Evangeline turned to Scorpius, looking nervous. "Is that her?"

Hugo tried to get her to stop, but was silenced by a charm. Voldemort looked like his head was about to explode, his eyes narrowing and his entire being shaking. "You are nothing better than a mudblood are you?" He growled at Feyn, "Only a whore would love a mudblood." He yelled for a few death eaters to come in, and they carried off a kicking and thrashing Hugo to the dungeons. "I won't kill him, because I'm going to wait until the child is born to kill you both!" With that, he left the room, locking it from the outside. '
Scorpius smiled a little as he sat down, wrapping a arm around evangeline's waist, he smirked a little.He had dinner planned,but it mattered just how badly this went, and if anything had happened to hugo and feyn.The fact that they hadn't heard anything scared him a little."Well, its a good thing your father doesn't mind going on walks."Draco said looking amused at the idea of leo being spoiled,"besides, scorpius was a spoiled baby to."he said looked amused."Yea.Infortunately."Scorpius said making a face when he saw cassandra approaching.

Feyn winced, having just wnted him to stop, she hadn't considered everything. Whimpering quietly as she sank to her knees she cried as she watched the death eaters drag him off, knowing that this had to end soon, hoping that draco would destroy the horcruxes soon, because the confusion of a dark lord would get tehm both out of here. She just had to wait until the moment that it happened ,because she had a feeling that the moment voldemort realized his horcruxes were gone, he'd be coming for her, because he would guess that there would be only one man desperate enough to be looking for them.The beloved draco malfoy who stood the chance of losing everything.
Evangeline slowly moved to stand up and greet her mother like Beth had her. She was nervous and scared, and the older bombshell that wore the skin tight red dress was not the woman she had pictured in her head. "Oh, wow, hi, I'm Evang-"

"I know who you are," Cassandra snapped, moving to sit at the head of the table. A barista came over, and she ordered an expresso. Looking at Draco, Cassandra raised her eyebrows. "I came, like you asked. What would you like me to tell the girl? That I had missed her?" Looking at Evangeline, she gave her a cold smirk. "Those nine months felt like nine years. Do you understand? I did this for money, because this one's father " -she pointed to Beth- "was suing me for child support, and I owed a few people some money. It was my pleasure to drop you off that day, and I have regretted it for a second." She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. Evangeline looked like she had been punched in the gut, her friendly smile fading. She looked down at her lap, and Beth glared at her mother. "You have no right to talk to her like that," Beth snapped, but Cassandra looked like she was not fazed in anyway.
Scorpius glared at cassandra, but remained quiet as he wrapped a arm around evangeline's shoulders,regretting that he'd even let this happen,even if he knew it was what evangeline wanted. It killed him to let her mother treat her like this. "Be kind cassandra, otherwise I might just tell lucius where you're going to hide."Draco said rolling his eyes a little before looking at the sister's, leaning down to kiss their cheeks looking between them."evan?Do you want to spend more time with her, or can I get her the hell out of here?"Draco growled, not only because he wanted the woman away from two of the most important women in his life, but because he was anxious to end things wanting to destroy the horcruxes soon,before lucius had a chance to figure out what he was up to.
Evangeline didn't look up at them. She felt ashamed and embarrassed. They were right, and her dreams were crushed. It really hurt to think that not only was her mother a bitch who never wanted her, but she seemed to be the last one to fully realize it. "I... No, I can see she wants to leave," she murmured, swallowing hard. "Let's just go." With that, she quickly stood up and quickly moved out of the coffee shop, walking fast because she didn't want to Scorpius to see her start to cry. She felt so stupid.

Beth watched Evangeline rush off, and she looked over at her mother. "Bitch," she spat, then turned to Draco. "Let's just leave." With that, she grabbed her purse and started to stand up. Cassandra made no move to leave, sipping her coffee like nothing happened. "Vault 573," she murmured, then slid a key across the table. "All I ask is that you wait a hour before entering it. My plane leaves at noon." She licked her lips a little, then turned away from them and ignored their existence. As far as she was concerned, she would never had to see their faces again.
Scorpius stood following evangeline out, ignoring his father in favor of taking care of his girlfriend. Trusting draco to take care of what needed done, at that moment, scorpius needed to take care of the mother of his son."Come on,we'll go back to the hotel love."He muttered wrapping his arms around her as he flagged down a cab helping her inside as he held her,not saying anything, willing to just be with her until she wanted to talk.

"Goodbye."Draco said as he picked up the key, looking at beth."Let's go."He muttered paying before leaving with her, pausing long enough to watch scorpius and evangeline leave in a cab before flagging one down so him and beth could get to the bank. Quiet the whole way there, staring down at the key in his hand, because either this was going to be everything they needed, or it was going to blow up in his face. Turning the key over and over he sighed sotly as he got out looking at beth as he did."Do you want to come in with me, or meet with me back at the hotel?We could celebrate evan's birth help her cheer up a little..."he said torn between wanting to involve her more in his life, and scared to death of doing so
Evangeline pressed her face into the fabric of his shirt, tears sliding down her cheeks and soaking it. "Did you see the way she looked at me? Like I was dirt?" She let him hold her, not fighting it. As embarrassed as she was, she needed his comfort and she was not about to deny it. "You were right, and I'm stupid." She sniffed and ignored the weird look she was getting from the cab driver. It hurt to know that her mother not only wanted nothing to do with her, but was bribed to meet her and never wanted her to begin with. At the moment, she really ached to be near Leo, almost as if she wanted to shut out her disappointment of her own mother by being the best mother she could be.

Beth looked up at him from the cab. "Why don't you meet me at my apartment and give your son and Evangeline some privacy?" she asked, looking worried for him. It seemed that she could see the anxiety radiating off of him. "I'll make you dinner." She gave him a smile, reaching up and squeezing his hand. "Are you going to be okay?'
"I know sweetheart.I'm sorry."Scorpius muttered pressing a kiss to her hair, his eyes going icy and cold looking so much like draco, or even lucius in a cold fury as he looked at the cab driver. His own anger over cassandra's words making him angry."Do you want to go home?"He muttered as the cab stopped. Picking her up he arried her towards the hotel room, and even in the upsetting moment, the weight of her made the wedding ring he was wearing dig into his finger, and it felt...right.Even with this, there was something good about feeling it there. Nudging open the hotel room door he set her on the bed before sitting next to her,holding her close..

"I'll do that."Draco said smiling a little as he squeezed her hand back, nodding a little."I'll be fine. Go.I'll see you in a bit."He said straightening watching the cab leave before heading into the bank. Taking a deep breath he opened the vault, and looked relieved when he saw not only the money, but the slytherin, gryffindor, ravenclaw, and hufflepuff rings and crests, all nine there, the 10th, the one feyn had known was at riddle manor under voldemort's care, a last ditch protection should something happen. Swallowing hard as he considered what to do, he put the jewelry into the bag he'd brought before pocketing it..... shaking his head he wondered how he would explain this to beth he sighed tiredly, emotionally exhausted as he apparated to the manor, smirking as he looked around the malfoy home. There seemed to be a poetic justice in these items being destroyed in voldemort's most loyal servants home.

Quickly destroying the horcruxes, using both fiendfyre and baslisk venom, the man buried the pieces on the grounds, not realizing that his niece and hugo were still at the riddle manor, and were about to be caught unaware. Apparating back to Beth's apartment he grinned as he headed upstairs, looking alot more relaxed then he had before, the weight of the world off his shoulders for the moment as he knocked on her door."Hey."
Evangeline would normally protest him carrying her like that, but at the moment, it was nice. She sighed and leaned in to him, drawing her legs into his lap. "If I go home, Scor, you can't go with me. I want to spend time with you on my birthday and just in case everything... goes badly." She looked up at him with teary eyes. "The safest place for Leo is with my father... And the best place for me to be is with you." She swallowed hard and leaned her head on his shoulder, looking at Hugo's ring on his finger. For some reason, it hurt her even more. Because it was not Scorpius' ring, and that's because he didn't want to end up like his parents. "I guess I just had it in my head that my mother would be happy to see me, love me, and everything will fall in to place. Instead, everything is just so... fucked up."

Beth grinned, having no idea that Draco was up to dangerous matters, and opened the door for him to come in. "Hey," she said, reaching back to untie her apron strings. It was obvious that she had made a great deal of effort in cleaning the tiny apartment up, even putting flowers and a tablecloth on the small table. "I hope everything turned out okay," she murmured, looking a little flustered. She really wanted things to be nice for him, because she knew he was very used to a lavish lifestyle. Reaching into the oven, she pulled out a chicken and rice casserole, then placed a bowl of salad on the table. "Is white wine okay?" she asked, reaching into the top pantry.
Scorpius sighed a little pressing a kiss to her head,holding her close."Well, I'm glad we all agree that the best spot for you is with me."He muttered absently stroking her hair, a bemused frown curling his lips as her hair tangled around the ring. It elt...odd to be wearing it. Not something he disliked, just something he wasn't used to. "Evan, You know that though.She left you with your father, who loves you.I love you.Does one bitch's opinion and selfsihness really matter?"He muttered holding her closer, nuzzling her a little as he shifted back onto the bed laying down, holding her gently in his arms as he tried to relax

Draco looked starlted as she answered the door, smiling at her as he realized she had indeed cooked. Blushing softly as she looked her over, he leaned down to kiss her cheek, trying to relax despite the tight uneasiness in his chest despite destroying the horcruxes, it still made him nervous to know that there was still a dangerous dark lord out there who knew his every fail safe had been destroyed. "It smells amazing in here."He muttered wathing her, before grinning."White's fine."He said his cheek dimpling, disesmbling as easily as ever. Looking completely at ease with everyhing, even if he wasn't. He wanted to enjoy this night. In the morning...well he'd deal with voldemort in the morning."ou didn't have to do this for me.."He said looking flustered himself at making her feel bad for her lifestyle.
Evangeline sighed and leaned back with him, rolling to where she was nuzzled against his side. "You're right... She doesn't matter. Not at all." Tilting her head up, she pressed a kiss to his lips. "I love you too, and you mean a lot more to me than she ever could." Reaching up, she wiped her eyes and took a deep breath, calming herself down. She was still sad, but she refused to let her mother ruin her birthday any longer. She wanted to enjoy her time with him. "Let's do something. I don't want today to end like this... I have not been out of that guest house since I was four months pregnant with Leo, and I don't want to waste it."

Beth leaned over to pour him a glass of wine, then poured one for herself. "I've just never dated a guy who... you know, was used to fancy things. I just don't want you to feel comfortable." She sat down across from him, taking a sip of her wine before moving to cut into her chicken. It was just a little embarrassing to have him come back to a tiny apartment on the sketchy side of town. Taking a bite of her food, she looked up at him hopefully. "Taste okay?"
"See, I'm the only one that matters. Me and leo of coure."he muttered nuzzling her a little looking her over, still looking concernred for her as he gently tugged her close to kiss her again."We'll go out, do the tourist thing. I haven't bene the to the empire state building, or to the statue of librety yet."he said sitting up settling her on her feet."Are you sure you want to go out?We could have a quiet night in."He said smiling at her.

Draco smiled as he picked up the glass, sipping his wine."Well..."he stopped realizing that he had no idea what to say to that before smiling."I'm more comfortable here then I have been anywhere, in awhile..."He muttered looking thoughtful as he sat down, blushing a little as he started eating. Grinning he nodded,trying hard to relax and not only not think about what he'd done, but also not worry about evangeline, trusting scorpius to take care of her."It tastes wonderful. At home, we don't eat alot of casseroles...its just not a english dish, so this is something new to."He said smiling at her.
Evangeline looked down at him moving to stand between his legs. Her hand moved up to rake her fingers through his hair. "Hmm... A quiet night in? Would this include room service and lots of sex?" She raised her eyebrows at him, grinning a little as she bent down to kiss him. He was starting to cheer he was starting to cheer her up, like he always managed to do. It was truly amazing how a man who had such a off the wall reputation at Hogwarts was the source of most of her happiness. "I guess no wand, huh?" she murmured, assuming he wasn't able to get one with having to be in America and all. "It's okay, I just feel so weird being the only one who can't do magic."

Beth looked thrilled to know that he was happy to be there and that the food was to his liking. "Good, because I like having you hear and I like cooking," she said, taking a sip of her wine before digging into a dinner roll. "Do you think Evan will be okay? I mean, I'm used to the things my mother says... But I was even a little surprised that she said the things she did when just meeting her." She frowned and that, looking down at her food. "Look, I know my mom says some things about boyfriends that I've had in the past... a lot of that is true. I had a habit of dating men who controlled me." She shrugged a little and continued to eat. "Not in the way you think though. I'm not exactly the weak, push over type."
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