Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Scorpius grinned a little looking amused."Well, if we choose a couple houses, we'll go look at them when Feyn can get hugo to let her out of bed."He smiled a little before smiling."That would be cool."He said looking interested in the idea of going to law school. Draco smiled a little looking amused listening to them talk, cause it was something adorable about watching them talk about settling down together, starting a life.

"Then stop blaming yourself to."Feyn said looking at him, leaning into him ,resting her head against his chest."I'm sorry Hugo...I wish we could have a funeral..."she sighed quiestly hating that the world had come to the point they couldn't even do the normal end of life things for their loved ones. Smiling as she got dressed to, "I'm coming hugo. Let me go tell the others what's going on."She said walking out, and after a quick word with draco returned wrapping her arms around him."Okay. Lets go.You get to apparate us,cause I have no idea where we're going."She muttered pressing close to him,needing the comfort, knowing how very close she'd come to losing him.

Draco frowned slightly as he watched feyn leaving, looking pained as he glanced at the other couple,"Things have gone to hell at home.Hugo's sister was killed yesterday."He said looing pained, because despite knowing that it would be better eventually without voldemort, his heart was taking a beating for the lves it was going to cost while the death eaters struck out at the people around them.
Hugo was suddenly a little distant, too far gone in his thoughts a grief to really return her affection at the moment. With a flick of his wand, he apparated them to his Grandma and Grandpa Weasley's house. Everyone, including all his aunts and uncles, were there. Some of them were mourning in the living room, some in the kitchen mourning with a couple of coffee. It was still early, because the young kids were all still in bed. "Oh, Hugo, honey..." Hermione murmured as she saw her son appear. Her eyes were swollen and red, and she opened her arms up to her son. Seeing his usually strong mother look so sad affected him even more, and Hugo let her wrap him up in her arms. As soon as he was embraced by his mother, he lost his stoic demeanor and began to sob into her shoulder. Hermione rubbed his back and held him like she used to hold him when he was a child. Ron was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, his head in his hands so no one could see him cry. "Feyn, would you mind putting on a pot of tea and letting Hugo's grandmother know he's here?" she whispered, looking over her son's shoulder and her daughter in law.

Evangeline frowned at what Draco said, her eyes sad. "Poor Hugo..." she whispered, snuggling down into Scorpius' lap. She couldn't imagine what they were going through. Unlike her family and Scorpius' family, the Weasley's were a close-knit bunch. "We should do something for them, Scor. Maybe get them a present for the baby. It might raise his spirits when he's reminded of what's on the way," she suggested, then looked at Draco. She pushed the books toward him, suddenly feeling weird about looking at houses when other people were dying. "How late does Beth have to work? She might want to look at the these with you, you know." She gave him a little smile. "After all, I can't really see you letting her live in that tiny apartment she talks about for very much longer."
Feyn looked at a loss when they arrived,letting go of her husband as he embraced his mother. Feeling out of sorts. Afyer all,her family didn't do this,weren't close enough except for the two malfoy men she was living with and narcissa they just wouldn't mourn like this. Swallowing hard as she moved into the kitchen, speaki.g wuietly with molly who left her in chage of the tea as she went to see her grandson."hugo?"molly muttered looking worried about him as she wrapped her arms around both motyer and son.

Scorpius nodded a little."we should. You said you wanted to explore the city anyways. We'll go find somethi.g for the kid."he said worried about both feyn and hugo,who no matter how much he protested, was a friend. And he knew his cousin, zhe wasn't good with grief,she was going to be so lost in tye closs knit weasley clan. Draco blushed slightly at the idea of getting a house with beth before smirking."well,I was going to let her get used to the idea of dating a rich wizard before I rescued her."he said smiling a little before shrugging."she didn't say in her note,but I thought me and leo would go get her to have lunch with us,mybe take a walk in centeral park."
"Hey, Nana," Hugo murmured, turning to embrace his grandmother. He sniffed and kissed her cheek, then pulled back to wipe his eyes. Clearing his throat, he tried to get his composure back. Hermione frowned and rubbed his back. "Sweetheart, I'm going to talk to Feyn, okay?" Hugo nodded and moved to sit on one of the couches next to his grandmother. "How's dad?" he whispered, looking pained at the sight of his father all the way across the room, his guard up.

Hermione moved into the kitchen and grabbed a couple tea cups. "He was very close to his sister," she murmured, "They were inseparable... It was hard for them to make friends when so many people either looked down on them because of their origins, or because of Ron and my choices. They had to stick together most of the time." She moved to pour a few couples a tea, then setting them on a tray with a small glass of sugar. " I will have a room set up for you two for the night," she said with a smile. "I think it would be good for Hugo to spend some time with the family."

Evangeline grinned. "Oh, I think Leo would love that," she murmured, reaching over to smooth the baby's hair back. His grey eyes opened, and he looked up at Draco, making Evan giggle. It was crazy how fast he was growing and catching on to things. "Hand him over. I'll feed him before you take him, considering you don't have the equipment." She grinned and took the baby, moving into the bedroom to breastfeed him before he started to fuss and cry.
Molly sighed softly,sadly as she sat down next to her grandson,before looking at her son,"as well as to be expected...hes not talking to anyone though..even your mothers had a hard time getting a word out of him since we found out.."she muttered looking worried, knowing her son he'd just bottle everyone up until he reached a exploding point. Very much like draco did, though both men had different forms of explosing when they reached that point.

Feyn looked up at her mother in law bwfore looking down again,guilt and pain of her face. She knew shed made it even harder for the two, because her uncle still couldn't get over hermione always beating him,so unconsciously he'd made it even harder for feyn to accept second place. Glancing up she nodded a little."with...him...gone I have free reign to do what I want again, and I agree. He needs to be with family."she said still looking guilt, faced with hermiones greid she couldn't help but feel that it was her fault, because she had wanted hugo with her.

Draco grinned as she took the baby."beth would not be happy if I did have that equipment.""we could let you have it though,you'd look good as a're already that pretty."scorpius said his face going soft as he watched mother and son, starting to gather the things the two would need in a baby bag as leo fed
Hermione nodded and smiled, moving back into the living room the place the tray of tea on the coffee table. Hugo looked sad at the idea of his father having everything built up inside, but not surprised. His father had always been that way. Turning back to his grandmother, he wiped his eyes. "I just hate that I didn't get to say goodbye to her or anything, you know? And the idea that she could have been in pain... But at least she was with the one she loved," he murmured, running a hand through his hair. When he saw Feyn step into the room, he gave her a small smile and reached his hand out to her. "Are you going to be okay with staying the night tonight?" he asked, "We can go back to New York if you want."

Evangeline giggled at the men from the bedroom, then turned to coo at Leo as he fed. She loved that little boy so much; enough to make her forget about the troubles that lied ahead for him. To her, he's be her son no matter what. "Scor, it's just a day trip," she laughed, watching him back a few days worth of clothes in the bag. "He'll be fine, won't you, Sweetheart?" She cleaned the little boy up, then changed him into a new outfit. As Scorpius packed, she had the baby on his back, and she was leaning over and playing with him, making him giggle and squirm.
Molly nodded a little,"its always harder when you hadn't been talking,but you knew they were there..and to have them suddenly gone."she swalloqed hard amiling slightly at the sight of her grandson and his wife. Even through thevmalfoy stillness and calm mask,she could see that feyn loved hugo, and would do anything for him, even if it meant ataying in a house she wasn't exactly comfortable in"its hugo. You need to be with them, and I need to take care of you."feyn smiled a little at her husband as she sat down next to him, hesitanting, as if unsure how to break that cold reserve that had for so long protected her in public before leaning into him."as long as there's toast in the morning,ill be perfect."ahe muttered trying to ger a laugh.

Scorpius pouted before finishing as he sighed."but its still chilly out and sometimes warm,so they need clothes."draco rolled his eyes at his son knowing he was overreacting because he didn't know how else to take caee of his suddenly werewolf son,but it was good for him."don't worry. I've raised a kid before. I know how to do this." "Oh and look how well that turned out."scopius said snidely anxious about leaving leo now that they were back together
Hugo nodded gently, his hand holding her's in her lap. "I love you, you know?" he whispered, leaning in to kiss her head. Hermione went up stairs and put them together a guest room before returning. "How's your uncle and cousin, Feyn? Well, I hope?" She smiled a bit and sat down in an arm chair beside Ron, reaching over to place her hand on his knee and using her other hand to bring her tea cup to her lips.

Evangeline giggled a little. Nothing was cuter that Scorpius' concern for Leo. When he snapped at Draco, she narrowed her eyes, then turned to the older man. "He didn't mean that, Draco," she assured, "He's just anxious." With that, she went back to playing with Leo, making him giggle and kick his legs. "The first the your daddy and I are doing, Leo, is getting mommy some new clothes..." With that, she smirked and rolled her dark eyes up to look at Scorpius. "All my clothes are at the safe house. And plus, I've been wearing Feyn's clothes and clothes your grandmother got me for a long time. I'm ready to get back into things that feel more... me. Can I? Please?"
"I know.I love you to."She muttered stroking her thumb over his skin, trying to not let it show how much it bothered her to be here. It wasn't so much that she was worried about being related to them or anything, it was just...she didn't know how to relate to this close knit family who was grieving. And faced with that grief, she felt awkward and guilty. Jumping a little at hermione's question she smiled, laughing a little."They are. Better really...Uncle Draco's dating a muggle actually. He met her while taking care of the horcruxes..."She said blushing a little, hating to admit that something that had been done to better the world, had ended so badly for others.

Draco nodded watching his son, worry showing in his eyes before nodding."I know he didn't. But if you don't trust me, beth is a sane, reasonable, helpful adult who can babysit me with your son."Draco said snorting a little amused as he walked over and picked up leo, smiling as he made him giggle. "We can. Shopping first, I should probably get some clothes myself."Scorpius said looking thoughtful leaning down to kiss her as he smiled a little."Then we'll go shop for feyn and hugo."He glanced at his father."They'll probably stay the night with his family, so don't worry if they're not here when you get back." "I know. Now go."Draco ordered looking amused as he pulled his jacket on to get ready to go.
Hermione gave her a smile. "Well, who would have known Draco Malfoy was capable of dating a muggle of all things," she murmured, sarcasm in her voice. She sighed, shaking her head at the guilt she could see on Feyn's face. "Sweetheart, Draco did a very good thing for the world in general. No need to feel bad about it." Reaching up, she wiped at her eyes a little, and it didn't surprise her at all when her husband pushed up from his chair and stomped up the stairs. It was no use to talk to him when he was angry, because she knew that as much as she wished he didn't, Ron blamed Draco for Rose's death. "I think your Aunt Ginny is on her way..."

Evangeline smirked a bit. "Well, you tend to need babysitting, Draco," she murmured, then moved off the bed to slip her shoes on. Before they left, she pressed a kiss to Leo's head and reminded Draco about five million times that there were bottles in the fridge and diapers in the bag. Once they were walking down the street, she grabbed Scorpius' hand and sighed. "I'm ready to get some of my own clothes and get back into my own style," she admitted, "I think it was you who appreciated my garters under my school skirt, correct?" She grinned. "I need to get some more of those."
Feyn laughed a little."Yes, well, I think it's surprised him to. I've never seen him so flustered over trying to explain things before."She said before looking away from the other woman, starting a little a when ron stomped upstairs, biting her lip a little. "I... I don't have to stay Mrs."She tested after a moment, flushing, but looking hopeful. The girl who'd been robbed of a mother in both her birth mother or astoria, longed to have some kind of relationship with Hermione. "If..if it's going to be harder for him for me to be here..."She said glancing towards the stairs twisting to look at her husband, leaning into himwrapping a arm around him,offering comfort and taking it.

"Oh yes, I'm the one who needs babysitting. That would be my children."Draco muttered rolling his eyes a little amused as he headed to the bank. Looking adorable and like a young father, definately not looking like a grandfather, as he walked inside and headed for beth's window."Hello. I would like to open a account for my grandson here. It seems my family forgets I'm responsible, and a adult, so I thought I would do the responisble thing and open a fund for him."He said wisely, as if he didn't know her, teasing her a little.

Scropius looked amused."Oh, and I'm insane for ussing over the clothes. You fussed as much as I did!"He pointed out with a laugh before his smile faded, feeling... out of sorts, and weird for having such a good time when he knew things at home where getting so bad. "Oh yes that was me. No one else better had been apperciating them."He sulked as they walked, pausing to get his bearings before heading to macy's, looking at the 9 story building he grinned as they headed inside."Come on. Let's get some shopping done. Surely they have something in here for us.Even if its not wizard stuff."He said looking unsure of muggle fashion sense, but willing to try.
Hermione smiled at Feyn's words, shaking her head. "Oh, no, Sweetheart," she murmured, "Ron will be okay. He probably won't come out of the bedroom much." She frowned a little at that. "Your Uncle and my husband did not have a very good relationship in school. It's nothing personal. He's just a little sensitive about it." She took a sip of her tea, watching as her son leaned in his wife, taking her offered comfort. Hugo sighed and rest his head on her shoulder. "Mom, I think Feyn and I are going to head upstairs for lunch..." Hermioned nodded. "I'll call you two down for dinner later." With that, Hugo stood up and grabbed Feyn's hand, walking her up the stairs and toward one of the small, quaint guestrooms.

All the women in the bank had there eyes on Draco, taking in his handsome appearance, then turned to coo at Leo. Beth grinned when she heard his voice, moving around the counter and into the entry way to meet them. "What a surprise!" she murmured, looking delighted. Leaning down, she tweaked Leo's cheek and moved to press a kiss to Draco's lips. "My lunch is in five minutes," she murmured, smirking, "Is that why your here?" She looked hopeful and surprised, because no one had every taken her to lunch on her lunch break before.

Evangeline laughed a bit. "It doesn't matter if anyone else appreciated them, because the only person I was appreciating was you," she said, grinning, "Even if you were a man whore." Stepping into the mall, Evangeline moved over to grab a few modern cocktail dresses, jeans, skirts, sweaters, and blouses. She looked over to Scorpius and sighed. "Why don't you start with slacks and button down shirts? You always looked great in that. And if you be good about shopping, we can go to the lingerie store next." Giggling, she moved to a dressing room.
Feyn studied the woman for a moment before nodding a little."If it helps, uncle draco doesn't grumble anymore when the word weasley is mentioned in his presence. Though he does whine about getting punched on occassion."She said trying to get a smile closing her eyes as she pressed a kiss to hugo's hair."You know what i want?Peanut butter. And cookies. And maybe some pasta."Feyn muttered trying to make hugo smile, because he always teased her about her weird cravings. Collapsing back onto the bed she smiled as she looked around the room.blushing a little."I could see us having a house like this...its a home...not like the manor. The manor's cold."She said looking up at her husband as her stomach growled.

Draco grinned a little as leo giggled, "I am most definately here to take you out for lunch. Though the idea of a quickie over lunch is sorta ruined by the kid, I thought you'd enjoy his company as much as you did mine."He said amused as he kissed her back.

"Well good. Everyone should apperciate my awesome beatiful body."He preened a little, playing up the part of narcisst, before pouting."Not as big of one as my grandfather. I am definately not the man whore in my family."He whined before grinning as he started picking out clothes for hismelf, "I am most definately behaving, because the biggest lingerie store in the country is around the block."He said which left to reason just how in the world did he know these tings?He was always on the lookout for shops to shop in,even if he was supposed to be doing something else.
Hugo laughed a bit, flicking his wand to make a peanut butter sandwich appear. "Eat," he murmured, looking amused. He collapsed on the bed and leaned back, his hand on her knee as she ate. "Really? You wouldn't rather have a really nice place?" he asked, looking concerned. It was good though, because it was distracting him from the pain of his sister's death. "It might be nice to have a cozy place to settle down in... A kid-friendly place." Deep down, Hugo really wanted a lot of kids, but he was not about to start pressuring her on more kids when she was only pregnant with their first child.

Beth grinned and moved to grab her jacket. "Well, how could I say no to such a pair of handsome faces?" she said, walking with him out of the bank. She looked thrilled to have him surprised her at work. "I'm sorry I left with a note this morning. I just knew you needed the rest and I had to get going since I called in sick the day before." As they walked down the street, the three looked like a cute little family. It was giving Beth baby fever like no other.

Evangeline scoffed. "The fact that you know that is a bit disturbing..." she admitted, then went to try on clothes. By the end of the hour, she had several sexy, but practical out fits, then a few sexy dresses for dates and special occasions. One thing she was excited about was being back in heels... She really missed her high heels. "Are you finding anything, Scor?" she asked, walking out of the dressing room. It was nice to be doing something so casual and couple-like with him. No dramatics or anything...
Feyn smiled a little as she ate slowly, sitting up as and leaning back against the headboard. "Well.A little bigger maybe, its slightly clauserphoic in here."She said glancing around the room, flushing a little as he looked at her and looked so concerned. "Well, its not like the manor's exactly kid friendly. You wouldn't believe how many times we got yelled at for sliding on the marble floors in our socks. Uncle Draco swore we were going to slide right off the stairs, and break out necks."She said trying to distract him, gently stroking his hair as she finished her sandwich, sighing pleased as she closed her eyes. She knew hugo, she knew he wanted a lot of kids, and even the idea of buying a kid friendly place, even if she was pregnant with their first, made her slightly panic. Because after all, she came from a family that had almost religiously only had one child, so lots of kids scared her.

Draco grinned as he watched her,"Very true.I will try not to use our superpowers of handsomeness for evil."He said nodding a little looking amused as they walked, shrugging. "I did need the rest, the last few months have been hard on us all."He said smiling a little."I know. Don't worry, I apperciated sleeping, though I missed my goodbye kiss."He said sighing a little."You want italian?"He said nodding to the small bistro they were approaching.

"It's a girl store, pretty such sex store, and I am a man whore...its not that weird."He said laughing as he gathered some clothes. When she found him he'd already paid for his and stolen the dressing room to change back into one of the outfits, the man had discovered the fine leather pants and bd boy look. Turning to look at her as she approached he smirked, raising a eyebrow, standing there in snug leather pants, a form fitting black t-shirt, and a cropped leather jacket. He did indeed look like he belonged in a dangerous group like the death eaters, if only they wore muggle clothes."Well?"He said smiling at her as he leaned over for a kiss.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Madam," Hugo said, smirking, "Not all of us grew up with bedrooms the size of most department stores." He closed his eyes and let her fingers soothe him, leaning into her hand. It was a nice feeling to have her near and safe, even if he lost his sister. Deep down, he knew that Rose would have wanted him to pick his lover, just like she picked her's. However, he had a hard time not feeling guilty. "Don't mind my father, Feyn," he said after a moment, "He just hates your uncle..."

Beth nodded enthusiastically, happy that he remembered that she loved Italian. "Ah, but I bet I can make up for that good bye kiss later." When they got to the restaurant, she helped Draco get Leo into a sling-like high chair, then ordered a class of water and the Chicken Marsala. "So how are the others? I'm surprised that they let you leave with the little guy. They looked like they were very intent on not letting him out of their sight after the accident..." She looked down at the baby, grinning as she watching him look around the room in awe. "He has your eyes. I mean, I can see Evangeline in him, but he is most definitely your grandson."

Evangeline bit her lip as she watched him walk over, feeling her self getting a little turned on. "Very nice," she purred, "And what about me?" She twirled around to show him the slim-fitting royal blue dress, then leaned up to kiss him back. It was a passionate kiss, her hand moving to the back of his neck. "Let's go down to the lingerie shop, okay? I had my eye on something I wanted to try on for you..." With that, she headed out of the department store, gently pulling him along by his hand, then made him sit on a couch out side of the lingerie dressing rooms. "Stay." She grinned, looking like she was up to something, and was gone for a several minutes.

Opening the dressing room door, she stuck her head out and waved him inside. It was large dressing room (the size of most small bedrooms) with mirrors all around to where he could see every angle of her body. "What do you think of this one? I thought you might like the color..." She smirked, lust in her eyes. Something about those leather pants had her turned on like never before.

"Hey my bedroom wasn't that big. Scorpius' was though.If you hadn't noticed, being the malfoy heir and all, he got all the best stuff."She said pouting a little at the teasing, She relaxed as he leaned into her hand, leaning down to kiss him before sighing quietly. She should have known better then to think to hide her worry about that from him. "You know, we could always lock them in a room together, without their wands, and let them slug it out."She said."Sometimes fighting it out helps. Look at us, we fought it out, talked, kissed and made up."She muttered, trying not to think about that. Realizing after a moment they really hadn't had a true couple fight, they'd been to busy doing everything else.Sometimes the oddity of their relationship worried her,but she tried hard not to think about it

Draco grew serious at her question, his eyes darkening a little as he considered why they'd let him out of sight."Oh, they were. But hugo got news this morning this his sister was killed in london."He said biting his lip, wondering ow to explain everything, knowing eventually he would have to explain everything, and what had happened. "Well, Hugo and Feyn left to go, obviously. So meanwhile, scorpius and evangeline had decided that they would need cheering up when they got back, and went to get something for the baby."He stopped."Oh. Well, I guess you didn't know. Feyn's pregnant."He said blushing a little at his forgetfullness."Anyways, they decided to make it a shopping job to get everything everyone needed since I volunteered to take leo, and I was coming to get you for lunch anyways."He shrugged a little.

Scorpius grinned, "Oh good. They even have nice boots. I might have to shop in the muggle world more often."the malfoy heir laughed a little as he looked down at his knee hair boots before swallowing flushing as he looked at her."You look beautiful."He mtutered looking amused as he nodded letting her lead him outside. "Stay?Do I look like a dog?"He pouted a little but longued back on the couch ignoring the looks he was getting from the women around him. Even a year ago, the man whore would have enjoyed the attention, now his attention was focused on the dressing room door. Swallowing hard as he stepped in the dressing room he swallowed hard,"I most definately love the color. Very slytherin."He smirked as he kissed her slowly, hands resting on her hips before lifting her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he backed her up against the mirror.
Hugo shook his head. "Not the same thing, Feyn. They had more than a rivalry," he murmured, "I mean, I like your Uncle now. He's done a lot for us and I have the utmost respect for him. But he was a dick during his school years." He smirked a little, shrugging. "You have to remember, you and I know your uncle for who he is now... My father has not talked to Draco since the last war. I think he still blames him for a lot. Not just the teasing, but his involvement with the dark side."

Beth frowned at the mention of Hugo's sister's death. "That's awful... Things must really be dangerous." She swallowed hard and reached across the table to touch his hand. "Well, it's good that they trust you so much with the baby, and it's good for them to get out and see the city." She took a sip of her water, tilting her head a little. "I have a question," she murmured, biting her lip. "I'm sure this sounds so stupid to you... But they are having this little dinner party at work. It's the anniversary of the opening of the bank, and I hoping you might like to be my date? It's tomorrow night, so I understand if it's late notice."

"Scor!" Evangeline giggled, holding on to his shoulder and kissing him back. She moaned as she was pressed into the mirror, and she reached up to rake her fingers through his hair. "Mmm, I didn't realize how excited you would get over this." She nipped at his lower lip when her pelvis gently rolled into his clothed member. "Oh, Scor... Cast a silencing charm," she purred, then went to kissing his neck.
Feyn bit her lip nodding a little."I know. Uncle draco doesn't like talking about when he was in school...oddly enough the only thing he's really ever said was bitching about getting punched,beaten in class scores, or whining about potter...."She sighed a little."But it doesn't surprise me he was a dick.He still can be, if he wants. I think that's where scorpius gets it."she laughed a little before shifting down, biting her lip,closing her eyes as she cuddled her husband."...I was involved with that side to you know. More then Draco. I got to sleep with him."She muttered shuddering a little, because she'd managed to not really talk to hugo about her visits, beyond that she had to go, so he hadn't had a chance to truly see that the woman was truly climbing the walls at the thought of her new family hating her for being so involved with voldemort.Rolling on her back she stared at the cieling."We're being depressing."She stated after a moment, frowning.

Draco looked down nodding a little biting his lip as he closed his fingers around hers."They are.And getting worse....I'll...explain.Just give me time. I'm not used to having someone who didn't grow up in the war with me."He said tilting his head a little before paling slightly, looking a little anxious."I'll have to go shopping, but I would love to go with you."he said looking worried because he wasn't about to go to a party in what he called his every day clothes, even if the dress slacks and dress shirt looked good on him, the malfoy heir was used to parties-espcially death eater malfoy run parties- meaning over the top nice dressing up.

Scorpius grinned smirking as she ran her fingers through his hair."Hmm well, I like you dressed up like a slytherin's wet dream."He muttered moaning as she pressed into him, shuddering as he cast the silencing and just as a precaution locking charm. "Minx."He muttered before smirking moving to lay on the floor letting her sit on top of him, before pointing his wand at the cieling and muttering a charm, grinning as a mirror appeared there. He was so going to enjoy the show of watching evangeline ride him."Now are you ready to go for a ride?"He teased running his hands over her legs, pulling her tighter against him.
Hugo tensed, reaching up to rub his eyes with the palms of his hands. "Feyn, why did you have to bring that up? I'm fully aware you slept with Voldemort," he sighed, moving to stand up. He clenched his jaw, looking out of sorts. Reaching into the dresser, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey that he left in there from the summer before seventh year. It was unopened, thankfully. Popping it open, he waved his wand to make a cup appear and poured a drink. He just needed a few drinks to help him sleep... That was it.

Beth sighed a little, taking his hesitance as not wanting to go. "Draco, it's okay... You don't have to," she murmured, pulling her hand back when the food arrived. She started to eat, watching him out of the corner of her eye. "I will give you as much time as you want, Draco. I trust you to tell me things when you're ready."

Evangeline giggled a little, leaning down to give him a slow and passionate kiss. "Oh, I'm ready," she purred, leaning down to kiss his neck. When her lips reached his ear, she whispered a soft, "induviae abolesco" and their clothes disappeared. Shifting, she slid down on to his cock and let a groan of pleasure. "Uh... Yesss..."
Feyn winced looking away from im but letting him get up without stopping him."Beause it bothers me, and we were talking about people involved in the dark side?"she muttered watching him pour the drink and looking sorry she couldn't join him before shifting to get under the covers snuggling down into the bed."I'm sorry Hugo, i'm just feeling defensive and out of place."She muttered shrugging a little as she watched him, ignoring the screaming fear that tightened her stomach at the sight of the alcohol.She trusted her husband, unlike lucius and voldemort who could be extremely violent drunks.And draco and scorpius drank so rarely around her, that it really didn't bother was just she was already feeling emotional, so the sight of the alcohol made her think of other things.

Draco sighed a little."It's not that I don't want to go."He reassured biting his lip a little before starting to eat, "It's just I don't have any clothes to wear and I wouldn't want to embarass you with showing up underdressed."he sai smiling as he ate, blushing slightly when he realized she was watching him. He felt so...weird doing the normal dating thing, that he was truly confused on how things were going. Mostly just going with it as he thought of things. "Is there a certain dress code or anything?"He hesitated for a moment before smiling at her.

Scorpius grinned as he kissed her back,moaning as she slid down onto his cock, hands resting on her hips as she looked up at him.""he muttered shivering as he tightened his hands on her hips looking up and groaning at the sight they made in the mirror. Damn that was hot.
Hugo took a big gulp. "I know, but Feyn... my family isn't like your family," he murmured, "They have nothing against you. My mother loves you, I can tell. And when the baby comes, everyone will be thrilled. You just need to stop worrying so much. He's dead Feyn, and he admitted that the baby is mine." He sat on the edge of the bed, sipping his drink and thinking. "I just... I don't want to talk about him anymore."

Beth grinned a little. "Not tux formal, but suit formal," she said, happy that he wanted to go with her. She glanced over at Leo, who was conked out in his sling. Smiling, she leaned over to cover him up with his blanket, then went back to finishing her food. "Draco... I know you mentioned your mother was still in London? If you want someone to visit her with... I'd go with you." With that, she gave him a hopeful smile.

Evangeline reached up to grab at her breasts, moving at a slow rhythm up and down his cock. It was obvious that they had a bit of pent up sexual urges over the past few months... "Scor, I need you to take me hard," she panted after a few moments of riding him. Lust swirled within her eyes. She needed him badly, and she wanted his aggressive side.
Feyn sigehd a little watching him, running her fingers through her hair."I l know. But I'm good at worrying. Always have been."She said sighing a little as she shifted over, leaning against his back as he sat there, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder."Then we wont talk. I'll do whatever you want love."She muttered.

"WEll, I can do that. Shopping still, but that souns fun."He said grinning a little as he watched her with the baby biting his lip a little as he looked at her."Oh...well, I would like that.""He said a little disturbed at the idea of going home, but his eyes were worried, because he still wanted to make sure his mother was okay.

Scorpius moaned as she moved before smirking looking at her."Hmm I can do that."He said sitting up before laying her back on the floor thrusting into her hard as he pinned her there kissing her slowly a teasing kiss even if he was giving the woman exactly what she wanted.
Hugo gulped down the rest of his drink, then sat it aside and leaned back into Feyn. He closed his eyes and let the alcohol sink in for a moment. "Let's get some sleep," he murmured, turning his head to nuzzle her a moment before laying back on the bed and pulling her into his arms. He rest his head on her shoulder. "Will you stroke my hair until I fall asleep?" he slurred, looking a bit like a little boy. It was obvious that things were wearing on him, and his sister's death was not making it better.

Beth looked happy that he was willing to let her meet his mother and take her home with him. "Great," she said, grinning. "We could go tonight? Draco, I can see your worried about her... The sooner you know she's okay, the better." She finished her meal and looked up at him, tucking her hair behind her ears. She looked young with her hair like that. "You think she will like me?" she asked anxiously.

"Uh! Yes!" Evangeline moaned, her nails biting into his back as he began to fuck her harder. She so needed this... Tilting her head up, she kissed him back, giggling as he teased her. "Stop being a tease, Scor," she whined, arching her back into him. "You feel so good, Baby... Oh, I'm close." She began to heavily pant, her head lolling a little as the pleasure took over her.
Feyn smiled a little as he pulled her into him, closing her eyes as she snuggled into her husband."I will.I'll watch over you."She mutered shifting so his head was resting on her stomach,gently stroking his hair as he went to sleep,falling asleep herself like that, with her fingers buried in his hair.

"We can.As soon as scorpius and evangeline get back."he decided smiling as he finished his food,looking amused that she'd so easily seen how worried he was about his mother and severus."I think she will love you sweetheart."He muttered looking amused as he stood, bending down to kiss her forehead.Picking up leo he cuddled his grandson before picking up the check and dropping a few bills into the holder to pay before looking at her."Come on, I better get you back to work."

Scorpius moaned shivering as he kissed her,"Hmm but I like teasing you."He muttered grinning as he nuzzled her neck hands tightening on her hips as he came, biting down on her neck and sucking ginning as a hickey started to form right away.
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