Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Draco looked torn and upset as he looked down at her. Not upset at her,but that she was in pain and there was nothing he could do. There were few times he regretted being a dark wizard. But when one of his family was hurt. He did because he had no talent for healing charms or such."come on then. Were going to the hospital."he said bracing himself to deal with muggles and picking her up before she could protest and apparatjng them to the nyc city hospital. Pausing outside the doors before pushing his way into the er the woman cradled in his arms.

Feyn smiled in bemusement as she drifted off to sleep. In the other room scorpius grinned nodding."hopefully. Nos go get some sleep. We can show ourselves out."he said walking downstairs and quietly starting to pack the baby pen up glaninc at leo every once in awhilr to make sure he stayed out."you sure we shouldn't stay?" muttered looking at evan, worried both his cousin and, not that he'd ever admit it, his best friend hugo.
Beth sighed and leaned into him. She blushed out of embarrassment, even if she knew he was just trying to help. "Draco, I'm fine. I promise. You didn't need to bring me to the ER..." She could barely get the words out of her mouth before she was rushed into a room and put in a hospital gown. After having a million (or what felt like a million) needles stuck into her arms, a nurse came out to give Draco the news. "Her appendix is rupturing, so she will need to have it removed immediately. You can go see her for a few minutes. The doctor will be in shortly." With that, she led him back to the room she was in, hooked up to IVs and a heart monitor. Beth looked up at him tiredly. "Babe, I'm sorry for all of this -" She was interrupted when the door opened, revealing an older, dapper looking doctor. Beth let out a heavy sigh. "Draco, this is my father. Dad, this is Draco," she mumbled, not sounding surprised at all. No wonder she didn't want to go to the hospital....

Evangeline nodded. "Yea, we would just be in the way. Besides, our house is just next door..." She moved to the front door, walking with her lover to their house. They tried to hold off on apparating, since it cost the most magic and risk of being traced. Once home, she put the sleepy baby in the nursery and moved to the master bedroom, stripping out of her clothes. "Want to take a bath?" she asked, looking up at him with a smile. "I can't go to sleep right now. Too wound up."
Draco frowned a little."I don't care. I'm not taking the chane."He muttered letting the woman go pacing the waiting room. He wasn't a patient man, and not knowing what made it even worse. Thankfully, neither beth or his mother were there to witness him playing minor hexes on the other waiting guests, watching them jump and fuss. He was a sadist, at least when he was anxious. Otherwise he was quite willing to forget that he grew up in a decidely dark family. Walking into the room he looked a relieved, bending down to press a kiss to her forehead."It's okay. At least I was home."He muttered before tensing as he looked at the doctor, his eyes widening slightly. Unconsciously his hands fussed with his clothing, slipping easily into the mask of the malfoy heir, that coldly polished, sophiscated man, because he had no idea how to deal with suddenly meeting his girlfriend's father, so he was retreating into the persona that everyone knew him as, the distant closed off death eater,even if beth didn't know that was what it was, it was obvious he was uncomfortable. "Hello."He said smiling charmingly, and it was easy to see where scorpius had learned to be charming as he held out his hand. "It's good to meet you,even if the circumstances could have been better."

Scorpius nodded looing amused as they walked next door. 2 years ago he would have never considered he'd actually just walk down the street when magic was there to apparte them. 2 years ago he would have never considered living like a muggle. By far, as much as he sometimes missed the innocence of childhood, and the granduer of his life, he was actually truly loving living like this, not having to worry about failing his father or grandfather's expectations. Even as a child, he'd known his father loved him, but he'd always been afraid of disappointing him or repulsing him. Now... seeing his father, like this, more relaxed, he realized his father was truly happy for him and their life here, not just dealing with the events around him. Grinning as he looked at Evangeline he shook off the dark thoughts as he undressed,"Always willing to be naked with you."He grinned even if they had been lacking in sex sometimes, lasses left him both mentally and physically exhausted some days, but he was always wanting to be with her. Turnning on the bathtub he smiled as he slipped into the tub.
Beth's father stepped in and shook Draco's hand, then leaned down to stroke Beth's hair out of her face. "Well, Elizabeth would have rather you not met me at all, I'm sure," he said, looking at her chart. Beth rolled her eyes a little. It was true. She was trying to keep Draco away from her father, only because all her father had done since she was fifteen years old was run off her shitty boyfriends. The man didn't have a lot of faith in her ability to find a good man anymore. "Dad..." Beth warned, but the older man shook his head. He called in the nurse to take some blood, then started to make out a chart of surgery. Normally, he would have a nurse do it, but this was his daughter... "We need to get you into surgery immediately, Honey," he said, then looked up at Draco. He was not smiling at all. "Do you plan to stay?"

Evangeline giggled and slipped into the tub, straddling him with her hands on his shoulders. Reaching over, she grabbed a small towel, soaked it in the hot water, and began to run it over his muscled torso. "It's been a while since we've been able to do this with out you passing out as soon as you get home," she teased, leaning over to kiss him. Of course, she was more than proud of him, and she could go without attention so he could focus on class and homework. She knew he was doing it for her and Leo as much as for himself. "I haven't seen you so happy in a long time, Scor. Law school really suits you," she admitted.
"Well, seeing as I'm avoiding introducing her to my father, I can understand the sentiments."Draco said his lips quriking up into a small smile even as he sat down, wathing the other two before nodding looking up at her father serious."I am."He bit his lip, before clearing his throat a little."But I have a niece that's days away from going into labor. Will I be able to use a cell phone in here while I wait?"He said looking slightly anxious about having to turn off his phone because he knew that if no one could get ahold of him, his family would think something was seriously wrong. But even if he had to turn off the phone, he wasn't going to leave. He needed to be there for Beth, in a way he had never needed to take care of astoria. Beth made him want to be protective and violent to those who would harm her, in a way that never happened before.

Scorpius groaned as she settled on his legs, sighing in peace as he rested his head back against the back of the tub, hands resting on her hips."Hmm I'm sorry.I'll make it up to you while I'm home. Though I have a feeling you'll be to busy with the newborn to spend time with me."He said pouting playfully before grinning. "Well, of course it suits me. I get to tell people what to do, or if they've already done something wrong, how to get away with it. It's a good job for a death eater's son."he said a small teasing smile on his lips. While he might pretend he enjoyed the fact that he could be helping his client get away with a crime, anyone who could read those grey-blue eyes knew that he didn't, that the man was going to go for the DA's office after school. After all, he'd spent a lifetime with death eaters, he knew how to take care of a guilty party, and it wasn't always with a well placed killing curse, much to his delight. He loved being in court, loved wrapping them up in miles and miles of red tape, and knowing he was good at it.
Beth's father looked a little surprised that Draco was planning on staying at her side. It was a new characteristic when it came to Beth's boyfriends... Of course, it was no secret that her father blamed himself for her attraction to bad boys. As hard as he tried through the years, he could never keep her bat-shit crazy mother away from her, and in turn, Beth dealt with it by engaging in borderline abusive relationships. And when her father tried to get her help from a therapist, she only pulled farther away from him. "You can keep the cell phone on, but don't let a nurse see you with it. The procedure will be about an hour long, and luckily, we caught it pretty fast. She will have a lot of recovery to deal with, and I'd feel more comfortable if she stayed at the hospital a few days." Beth huffed. "Dad, I'll be fine at home! Draco and I live in a good neighborhood, and I can call in to work... You can even check on me there if you insist." Her father looked frustrated. "You live together?" He glanced at Draco with a look of anger, only because he felt offended about not knowing. "You think you can shack up with me daughter without even meeting me?" His voice was gruff and irritated, because he didn't understand the situation. Usually, Beth's boyfriends would take advantage of her and move in with her, living off her pay check. He didn't realize that Draco was the very opposite.

Evangeline giggled a little, leaning down to kiss his neck gently. "You don't have to make anything up to me," she whispered, her hands running up his sides. Leaning up, she looked him in the eyes and shook her head. "Scorpius... You aren't a Death Eater's son anymore. And New York doesn't view you like that. I don't view you like that..." She kissed him passionately on the lips, then raised up enough to slide down on to his member. She let out a raspy moan, shaking in pleasure. It had been quite a while since they had sex...
Draco smiled a little "Thanks."He said turning the phone down to vibrate, looking startled when he realized her father was angry with him, his eyes icing over, to anxious about beth, worried about her enough that he wasn't being his usual calm self. "Yes we do, and I didn't think I needed permission to move her into my house.She's old enough to decide for herself."He snapped back, irriated with the idea that he would be living off her, that he needed her to pay for his things. The man's ego taking a blow, after all the man was a malfoy, and there was loads of pride, and he didn't like the idea that he could be viewed as a person who'd take advantage, though if he'd been less anxious about beth, he'd be more understanding about his assumption.

"Hmm but I feel like you've been neglect...ohhh..."Scorpius moaned shivering as she kissed his neck, the thought he'd been having, totally derailed by the pleasure wracking his body. Looking up at her he smiled a little."I know."He said kissing her back, letting his thoughts go for the moment as he kissed her back, moaning as he thrust up into her."Bloody hell....need to do this more..."He panted as he leaned back for a breath grinning up at her in amusement.
Beth looked up at her father in irritation. "Dad, he's not living with me like that... I moved in with him. It's his house." Her father looked over at Draco, nodding at him. "I apologize. Thank you for taking care of my daughter." He didn't seem satisfied with that answer, but he'd let it go for now. He was just so used to her other boyfriends that he was suspicious at all times. Turning over her chart to the nurse, he had them prep her for surgery and moved her out of the room. When she was gone, her father came back to talk to Draco. "I'd still like her in the hospital over night. Possibly two nights," he said, "If you can convince her to do that for me, I'd have quite a bit of respect for you." With that, he followed the nurses as the wheeled his daughter into surgery.

"Ohhh," Evangeline groaned, sitting back for him so he could watch her body as he road him. Soon, the water was sloshing all around them, getting on the floor. She didn't care though; she was lost in the pleasure of making love with him. "Yes, w-we do," she gasped, holding on to his shoulders as she moved up and down on him, her breasts bouncing with each thrust. This was one of the advantages of having their own house. They could have sex as loud as they wanted. Well, as long as it didn't wake the baby.
Draco grinned at her father."Oh I will."he said watching them go, amusement in his voice because he knew he would convince Beth to stay....even if it took a silencing spell and a sticking charm to keep her in bed, and to keep her from whining about it. Settling back into the seat to wait he sighed leaning his head back against the wall and falling asleep, only to jolt wide awake, hand moving for his wand when the nurse wheeled her back in, before relaxing, realizing that it was just the nurse. Shaking his head to relax he stood, rubbing a hand over his fae as he moved to the edge of the bed, looking down at her."Beth?How are you feeling?"He said, even with how calm he appeared to be, you knew the man was a mess of nerves and fear for her.

Scorpius moaned as he watched her, shivering as he watched. Moaning as he came he grinned as he wrapped his arms around her, laughing quietly. Because he felt so mugglish. AFter all most wizards would have had sex anytime with a silencing spell on the room. But not them, which he was actually felt grateful for. After so many screwed up, twisted things in his life, he was glad for the normalacy of worrying about waking up leo with sex. Nuzzling his face against her neck,content to be in her company even if the water was starting to get cold.
Beth was extremely groggy, half awake and half asleep. She peered up at him through squinted eyes, then closed them again. Her father walked in and smiled a little. "Give her until morning. She won't be up to conversation for a little bit," he admitted, "Like I said. She needs to stay a couple nights. No moving around... I've arranged for her to be transferred to the executive suite. It has a pull out couch." He nodded to his daughter's boyfriend, then had the nurses start to move her to the elevator. Normally it would cost a lot of money to house someone in the executive suite of the hospital, but he had pulled some strings.

After letting their orgasms ride out, Evangeline collapsed on top of him, her head resting on his shoulder. She nuzzled him gently for a few moments, then moved to get out. "Come on," she said, drying off her naked body with a plush white towel. "It's getting late, and we may have a new nephew or niece in the morning." Grabbing some lotion, she slowly started to work the moisturizer over her body before slipping into one of his large t-shirts to sleep in.
Draco nodded, tilting his head a little."Thank you. A couch would be more comfortable"He said following the others out, looking thoughtful. Pressing a kiss to beth's forehead before settling onto the couch to sleep. In the morning Draco yawned as he stretched, grumbling as he rolled on his stomach, pulling the pillow over his head as the sunlight hit his face.He didn't want to be up, it was to early, and the bed was uncomfortable. Sighing as he remembered where he was he smiled, slipping out of bed to check on Beth, for once not noticing that the usually impeccibly dressed man was deliciously rumpled as he sat down on the edge of beth's bed his usually tidy hair sticking up every which way."Beth?"He muttered.

Scorpius groaing, smiling as he dried off."Fine. But if I have to claim a red head as a relative, and be nice to wealsey, I might sulk."He said grinning because everyone who knew them, knew him and hugo got along, better then anyone would imagine. Snuggling into her as she got into bed he smiled as he went to sleep. in the morning Scorpius yawned as he rolled on his back, stretching as he grinned."Evan.Time to get up. Leo's demanding food, and I don't cook."He teased grinning as he stole a kiss from his sleepy lover before bolting out of the door, excited not only over the idea of having a new niece or nephew, but to be home for two weeks with his own son with no other demands on his attention. It was going to be great.
Beth whimpered a little, looking up at him and smiling. He looked so cute with his hair so disheveled... "Hey," she croaked. "I'm really sore." She pouted, and like him, she looked tired and disheveled. "How was I out?" She reached up enough to grab his hand, just wanting to touch him in some way for a little bit of comfort. She hated hospitals, mainly because (thanks to her father) she grew up knowing all the dirty details. "I already know my father will probably make me stay, but Draco, I don't want you to have to sleep here... You can go home. I'll be fine."


Evangeline whined a little and moved to get up and out of bed. "I have some blended pumpkin in the fridge. Let's see if he will eat some of that before you give in and give him something sweet." She wrapped a robe around herself and walked down the stairs, smiling at her two boys. They were just so sweet together, it was truly heart-warming. "Come now, Sweetheart, let's get you some breakfast." She put Leo in his highchair and sat down to feed him. The baby giggled, and to her surprise, was eating without a fight. "You look happy," she commented, looking up at her lover. "Was it nice to sleep in a little?"
"You were out all night. It's about 8 in the morning."e said smiling at her as he leaned don for a kiss, squeezing his hand around hers, biting his lip. He so wanted to be better at healing charms. He hated how dark wizards, had a harder time dealing with healing charms, though considering how destructive dark spells could be, you'd think they'd be better at them. Biting his lip a little he smiled."You know, I could see if mother could stop by... a healing charm would probably make it okay to go least as long as you stayed in bed."He said helpfully seeing how uncomfortable she was.

"I wouldn't do that. Do you have no faith in me?"Scorpius snickered, amused because they both knew he'd give in and feed his son something exceedingly sweet. Smiling as he sat down to eat some frozen berries he'd gotten the day before he smiled as leo ate without fighting. "I am. And it was. Amazing in fact.I guess I didn't realize how exhausted I was."He smirked."Hogwarts didn't have super early morning classes, so it really didn't cut into the sleep."He said shrugging a little.

Feyn sighed a little as she whined, moving to the edge of the bed and slowly getting up, trying to let hugo sleep. Moving to the bathroom to wash up and get ready, she grumbled as she sat down on the toliet, to uncomfortable to stand and brush her teeth and everything, giving in and using the morning charms every pureblood knew. Vain enough that even if she was going to been in labor today, she wanted to be looking nice when she did. "Hugo?You hungry?"She called as she stood and waddled back to the bedroom.
Beth sighed and nodded. "That would be nice... but until then... I'm gonna sleep," she mumbled, not being able to fight the medication any longer. She let it pull her under, and she fell asleep nearly before the words left her mouth. Not long after, Beth's father came in, checking all of her IVs. "Everything went normal, so her healing process shouldn't be too hard," he said, then took off his glasses and sat in a chair. He rubbed his temples a little and waved for Draco to sit as well. "While she is a sleep, I'll take the time to explain myself," he said, "See, Elizabeth has a had a hard time with relationships. I mean, since the days he was fifteen, she's been dating boys that were no good for her. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't have an ounce of Cassandra in her. She's more like my mother, which makes sense, because we lived with her when I was finishing up college and before I met Elizabeth's stepmother. I think her lack of a real motherly figure had her searching for something that was missing." He frowned a bit and sighed. "I wasn't surprised when she had stopped visiting for a while. That ratty apartment? She got that herself after refusing the nice apartment in Manhattan that I offered to pay rent for. She's a stubborn, independent girl... And I knew when she started to avoid me that she was dating someone knew - someone that she didn't want me to scare off." He smirked a little at that.

"Oh, I have faith in you. Just not very much," Evangeline murmured, continuing to feed the baby. She smiled and glanced up at him. "I'm glad you got some rest, then. So did I, considering our big boy slept through the night." Reaching over, she cleaned up the child's face and let him down so he could crawl around. It was nice to raise their child around muggle concepts, because while she wanted him to have magic in his life, she didn't want him to depend on it. "You should call over to your cousin's house and see if everything is okay," she suggested, "I'm going to go get dressed. Will you get Leo into a clean outfit when you get the chance? And you know... I haven't heard from your father in a couple days. That's not normal at all..."

Hugo sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I am, actually, but you don't think my pride would allow my pregnant wife cook do you?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Why don't I run down the street to that donut shop? I can get you a few of your favorites." He stood up and leaned down to kiss her cheek. He grabbed his jeans and started to pull them on. He didn't sleep well the night before, simply because he woke up every hour to check on his sleeping wife.
Draco smiled as she went back to sleep, glancing up at her father as he came in. Looking vaguely awkward as he stood before sitting on the couch he studied her father. This was...weird. With astoria, he hadn't worried about her father, after all he was a malfoy, and any wizarding family would have been happy marrying into his. But that was his problem now...Beth wasn't magical, so it left him out of sorts on how to deal with her father. He looked thoughtful staring at the floor, biting his lip a little looking amused before grinning. "Well, I'm just as stubborn and I refused to trek across manhattan to visit her, and since my son and niece moved out on stanton island, I moved us into a house near them."He overexplained,talking because he felt neverous. the man had had limited amounts of dealing with muggles, so he was soooo confused on what he should be doing. "Eventually...I...I would like to marry her...but things are...complicated with my family. When...When I figure things out..."He shrugged a little, asking permission to marry her, proving that he had indeed thought of it, he just couldn't bring himself to marry Beth, not when he might make her a widow. He'd deal with his father first then see about that.

"Awww, that hurts."Scorpius pouted before nodding. "I'm so proud. He did sleep all night."He grinned looking amused because between classes and leo waking up, he'd been tired. Frowning slightly he tilted his head, realizing that his father had indeed been out of touch."Well, he did have the bar exam earlier this week, and he's probably celebrating by having sex..."He said trailing off, trying to not sound as worried as he was. After all, his father was extremely aware of how panicked he could leave people if he didn't talk to him, and even more extremely protective over both his grandson and feyn, usually checking on them at least once a day. The fact they hadn't heard from him, was odd. "I'll call him after hugo."He said picking up the phone and dialing his cousin as he headed to get leo a outfit.

"Hmm I can cook."She whined before grinning. "I was told to walk remember?Help me get dressed and we'll both go down for donuts."She said perking up at the idea of having her favorite treak before looking at him worriedly."You look tired."She muttered running her fingers through his hair before sighing softly as the phone rang, answering.Frowning after talking to scorpius for a few minutes then hanging up she looked at hugo."Have you heard from Draco in the last few days?"She said as she started to dress to go out.
Her father looked a little startled at the man's words. "Well... I... Well, I'd like to have dinner with the two of you at some point before you make such a commitment," he admitted, "But as far as I can see, you are different from the others. Hell, her other boyfriends would have not thought to even bring her to the hospital, which I know was your idea, because she hates the hospital." He smirked a little and leaned his head on his hand. He was surprised at the age difference Draco had hinted at, but wasn't opposed. After all, it was nice to know Beth was with an older, responsible man who would take care of her when she wasn't taking care of herself. "When you say complicated, you don't mean married, right? You divorce is legal? Beth doesn't need to be led on in anyway."

Coming down the stairs, Evangeline bounded into the lap of Scorpius, grinning as Leo played on the living room floor. "Did you talk to everyone?" she asked, sounding concerned. After all, it was odd not hearing from Draco and it was nerve racking to know Feyn was supposed to give birth at any given moment. "Da! Da!" Leo said, crawling around on his blanket toward where Scorpius was sitting on the couch. The little boy leaned against his father's legs, holding a teddy bear in the crook of his arm. The television was on to a kiddy show, like always, because Leo was the only one who liked watching television sometimes.

"That sounds good," Hugo said, giving in and helping her get dressed. He looked confused at her question, shaking his head. "No... Not in at least two days." He grabbed the house keys and his cell phone before helping her down stairs. He was watching her very carefully, not wanting her to strain herself at all. He knew he was being annoying, but she was the most important thing to him in the world... He couldn't handle losing her or the baby.
Draco smiled a little before nodding."I am and my divorce has been over for over a year now."He said going quiet before nodding slightly, running his fingers throug his hair, looking thoughtfully."My father and I do not get along, and since I am his only son, he has made sure that....I can't do anything without his express permission,despite my age. I've been working on getting the problem worked out,but its not going as easily as I thought."He said looking disturbed because he so wanted to have things do with.

"I did.Well sort of. Father didn't answer and his cell phone and beth's kicked over straght to voie mail.I was just getting ready tocall grandmother."He said dialing even as he grinned smiling as e picked Leo,settling the boy in his lap."Better?"He muttered pressing a kiss to his hair.

FEyn smiled a little as she was dressed before frowning."Damn.WE should stop and see if he's home to. Scorpius hasnt heard from him either."She said looking worried, because she knew her uncle.He usually checked in unless something happened. Frowing slightly as hugo watched her amused as she wrapped a arm around his waist as they walked."I'm fine. Really.I would have told you if its to much."she said in amusement, knowing why he was hovering, and not really minding since it reminded her that she was dearly loved
Cal, Beth's father, nodded while thinking it all over. There was something about the other man that struck him as odd, but not dangerous. He didn't dislike Draco, he just wasn't the most trusting person when it came to his daughter's boyfriends. "Well, I'll give you two pieces of advice when it comes to being with Beth," he said, leaning back in his chair. Just by his looks, it was obvious Cal had spent his life working very hard and that he'd been through some tough times. On top of being tied to Cassandra in his youth, his wife had left him a few years ago for working too much. Of course, she had nearly full custody of Beth's half-siblings because the evenings he was aloud to be with them, he almost always had to be at the hospital. "She hides things. I mean, she's just not always as happy as she says she is. Her mother did a real number on her growing up, no matter how hard I tried to keep her away from her. If you can get her to open up a little, you'd be doing her some good. The second thing? I'd keep her the hell away from her mother."

Leo snuggled down in the arms of his father, and Evangeline reached over to run her fingers through his soft dark hair. She looked up at Scorpius with concern, listening in as Narcissa answered the phone. "Hey Sweetheart," Narcissa answered, sitting beside Severus on the couch. "You're calling awfully early this morning. Everything okay?" It was still unsual for her to be using a phone, but she'd gotten used to it like the others. The less magic in their lives, the safer they would all be.

Walking into the donut shop, Hugo motioned for her to sit while he went up to the counter and got them a box. He grabbed her some juice and a cup of coffee for himself before sitting down beside her. "I'm sure your Uncle is fine. I mean, he's been working hard for his test and Beth has been working a lot. Maybe they took some time off and secluded themselves to their bedroom. I wouldn't blame him." He smirked a bit and took a bite out of his chocolate donut. "I think he's getting ready to pop the question, anyway."
Draco tilted his head, being respectful as he straightened, treating him like he would have...say his own father, or voldemort, at least how he did when he was younger and didn't realize just how...wrong they were. With that complete focus and respectiveness. "Well,I'll just make her talk to me. Surely she will."He said though he looked a little nervous at the idea. Because of his marriage to astoria, and the woman hiding things- such as screwing her own son- from him, it had left him deathly afraid of messing up enough that Beth wouldnt tell him if she wasn't happy. Like scorpius who used to blame himself, draco blamed himself for astoria's failing, not the woman. At the mention of Cassandra his smirk darkened a little, showing the inner death eater before it smoothed out to a smile. "I've met her mother. And we don't get along. Cassandra refuses to come near me, and we haven't seen her in months."He said not telling the truth, at least not that he paid cassandra to get the hell away from them.

Scorpius smiled a little as he cuddled his son, "Hey. I know, and it is, but we just realized we haven't talked to father in a few days, and were sorta worried. What with Feyn almost ready to pop-which by the way, the doctor said she'd probably deliver today. But have you talked to father?"He said looking worried.

Severus frowned slightly as he leaned against Narcissa,"He wasn't home when I took over the potion.I thought maybe the stopped to get some medicine or something."He muttered to her now looking concerned because draco wasn't one to just go out of touch.

Feyn smiled a little as he got her to sit down, sighing softly as she sat, sipping the juice before biting her lip."True. And...ewww. It's bad enough I know he does...that. I don't want to think about that."She whined looking amused before starting to eat her sprinkles and chocolate donut. "That's true. And he's probably nervous. He's probably avoiding everyone until he has a answer."she said smiling as she sipped her juice,looking happy despite being uncomfortable. but that was normal, she just wasn't going to be uncomfortable anywhere for awhile.
Cal smiled. "Good. No wonder she seems so content with you. Take care of my baby girl, okay?" he said, raising his eyebrows. He looked at his watch for a moment, the scratched his beard. "I have to get going before the nurses hunt me down. The three of us should have dinner. Maybe this weekend? Also, what's your niece's name, if you don't mind me asking? I'm actually on call for a delivery for today and tomorrow, so there is a good chance I'm her doctor." He shrugged. "I go back and forth from delivery and ER, depending on where I'm needed. Keeps things interesting."

Narcissa frowned a little bit. "Well, Beth was not feeling well the night before... In fact, Severus went over to give her a potion, but they were gone. Why don't you try calling the hospital? Call me back if you get a hold of them." She looked over at her lover worried, just as Evangeline was looking at Scorpius. When they hung up, Evan raising her eyebrows. "What's wrong? Did I hear her say 'hospital'?" she asked nervously.

Hugo nodded in agreement, taking a sip of his coffee. It was nice to be in such a casual environment with Feyn. Nothing to worry about (at the moment) except when his child was going to arrive. "I'm nervous," he admitted, letting out a sigh. "You know, it seems to come natural to Scorpius and Evangeline. What if we get a baby that's more complicated? What if it doesn't bond with me like Leo bonds with them?" He looked down at his donut with a troubled expression. Now that they were getting close, he was get scared that he wasn't going to be a good father.
"I will."Draco said smiling a little before nodding."I'll talk to Beth, and I'm starting a new job, but we should be able to find a day all of us can have dinner."He said before looking startled at the idea of the man being on call before grinning. Now that did sound like interesting."Feyn Weasley. Her husband's named hugo."He said before be looked slightly nervous, realizing that he hadn't told anyone where he was going. His family was probably freaking out by now, yelping as his phone went off. "I'll talk to you later cal."He said smiling as he piked up.

Scorpius frowned a little."Okay, I'll try."He said before haning up looking down at the phone in his hand before nodding."Yea. Beth wasn't feeling good last night. SAid father might have taken her in."He said before trying his father's cell phone again, looking relieved when the man picked up.After a few scolding words he hung up before looking at evangeline. "Beth had to have her appendix out, and he didn't think to tell anyone. Idiot."The youngest malfoy grumbled about his father's idiocy when he was worried about something.

Feyn smiled a little as she leaned back in her seat, resting her hands on her stomach before raising a eyebrow."IT does..."She swallowed before laughing a little."But it could be worse you know. At least we don't have to deal with...his...child."She pointed out because no matter how much she was afraid of screwing up, she knew they dodged a bulet. Sighing she grumbled, tugging on his arm."Come on over her, cuddle me, since I can't really cddle you, and I'm going to tell you what I told Scor when he freaked out. You'll do the best you can.After all, your father did well with you. And we have help. WE'll do fine..."She said though her voice trembled ever so slightly said that she was more afraid then she was willing to say.
Evangeline let out a sigh of relief. "We should go to the hospital and check up on Beth," she said, "And we need to take your father some clothes. I'm sure he hasn't left her side long enough to get any." Reaching down, she picked up Leo and stood up, sitting the babe on her hip. Leo immediately started to fuss (he didn't like to be moved around when it wasn't his idea) so she moved to the kitchen to get him a bottle of pumpkin juice. While balancing the baby in one arm, she grabbed her phone and dialed her father.

Hugo wrapped his arm around her and pressed a kiss to her hair. "I hope so..." he admitted, letting out a sigh. After finished their breakfast, he nodded up the street. "You want to walk up the street to that baby store? Make sure we have everything we need?" he asked, wanting to keep her happy and pleased. Helping her up from the booth they were sitting in, he threw away their trash and led her outside.
Scorpius nodded laughing quietly hen leo fussed, amused his son didn't want moed when he didn't decide to do."I'll get him some clothes."He muttered as he headed upstairs, glad that him and his father were close enough to the same size draco'd fit his clothes. "Evan?"Severus said sounding slightly worried when he picked up, after talking to Scorpius, he figured to have evangeline calling back so soon wasn't a good thing.

Feyn smiled as he let him help her up, nodding."Yea. Might as well."She said leaning against him a little, knowing he was just trying to keep her from being unhappy. It wasn't that she wasn't excited about being a mother, it was just she was so deathly afraid of failing.Her only example of how mothers were supposed to act was evangeline and narcissa, and she didn't think she was as capable as them, was as able to do it. So it scared her.Wincing a little as they walked she stopped, shuddering a little."I...uh think we need to go to the hospital hugo...its starting to hurt more..."She whimpered quietly wincing as she felt her pants soak through, looking down at the dark stain on her jeans as her water broke.
"Daddy?" Evangeline answered. "Hey, Draco and Beth are at the hospital. Beth had to have her appendix removed." She winced at the thought, the moved to put Leo on the floor so she could back him some things. "Do you mind babysitting? Scor and I are going to check up on them at the hospital, and I feel weird about bring Leo up there. I don't want him to get sick or be fussy." Putting a few bottles and snacks into a bag, she tilted the phone away from her mouth. "Scor! Will you get Leo's blanket while you are up there? And a pair of pajamas?" Looking at the clock, she decided it might be best if Leo stayed the night with his grandparents, considering it might be late before they got home. "Daddy, Leo won't be a problem, will he? I can take him if I need to..."

Hugo looked down at her with a panicked expression before nodding and grabbing his wand out of his pocket. Pulling her into a small alley way, he apparated them back to the house. "Stay right here," he said, "I'll go get your bag and everything. I'll call the others when we get there." Leaning over, her kissed her cheek before moving up stairs to grab her overnight back, then ran back downstairs. Quickly, he apparated them to the hospital and phoned their doctor, Dr. Cal Davis.
"Well, at least that's not to bad."SEverus said sounding relieved to know what was going on before grinning. He loved babysitting his grandson and was of the opinion his parents didn't let the boy out of their sight nearly enough. "He'll be fine. Me and cissy enjoy having him you know that."he said already getting up."I'll be right over."he said heading for the door and walking the few blocks to the house, letting himself in just as Scorpius was handing over the blanket and pajamas to evangeline, before crouching down in front of his son, helping him stand up so he could give him a smacking kiss on the cheek."You'll be good right buddy?You get to go see grandpa."He grinned ruffling the boy's hair.

Fen winced a little as she was apparated twice, feeling a little sick and out of sorts before grinning at the doctor when he arrived, settling back into the bed the nurse had helped her into with a happy smile. "Hey doc. It's good to...ohh...that hurt..."She whimpered distracted from greeting her doctor and observing the niceties that usually dictated pureblood greetings in the wake of being in so much pain. Hopefully it would get better, though she knew it wouldn't.Looking up at her husband she gave him a shaky smile, trying to reassure him that both her and baby where fine.
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