Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline nodded and leaned into her lover, her arms going around his middle. "The wolf's bane might be a good idea. A small dose," she said worriedly. She hated that this was having to happen to her son. She wished that she could have been the one bitten. This was just beyond wrong. "We will keep a good eye on him." Leo finished the potion, and just by his coloring, she could tell he was starting to feel better. "Momma," he whined, and she gently leaned down to take him into her arms. Her snuggled her, pressing his warm face against her neck. "Will you make him a bottle of formula, Scor?" she asked. Normally, they tried to let Leo experience normal food, but she knew he'd feel better to simply have something on his stomach. "Thanks, Daddy," she said, feeling relieved to be holding a non-fussy baby at the moment. His fever was even going down.

Narcissa winced, looking pained at what Draco said. "Oh, Draco, I'm so sorry..." she whispered, reaching up to rub his back gently. She knew, even when he looked cold and formal, he needed comfort. Looking over at Rabastan, she sighed. "Fine. You have to be there. And you will give me an unbreakable vow, promising that if something happens to him, I get to kill you. And don't you dare think I won't," she snapped, at her brother in law. Normally, Narcissa was the calm and sweet one of the family, but she could be as fierce and cold as the men in her life when she had to be. It was exactly why, years ago, she made Severus give her an unbreakable vow to protect Draco and kill Dumbledor in her son's place.
SEverus nodded,"A small one. I didn't dare mess with how strong it was..but.."the potions maaster shrugged a little before sighing. "Do you want me to stay?"He asked looking at his daughter, looking relieved as Scorpius headed towards the kithen to get a bottle."I could watch him if you two wanted to get some sleep before going to see Feyn and Hugo. I talked to hugo earlier and he said they were going home today."he said smiling at the two, though he was interested in seeing how things went. He knew they needed to be with family, otherwise Scorpius and Evangeline would worry themselves to death with what if's.

Draco nodded a little relaxing at the touch, a small smirk curling his lips at his mother's words. If anyone would have thought Narcissa Malfoy wouldn't be as cold and vicious as the men, had never seen her when driven to protect them. "You know, if we were smart Draco, we'd just let her organize things and terrify your father into submitting."Rabastan teased the blond woman even as he held out a hand, fingers closing around hers as she took his hand. "I promise I will protect Draco Abraxus Malfoy on pain of death, and if I should fail, his mother will be my executioner, or be able to deem whatever punishment she sees fit."He said shuddering as the magic twined between them,binding him.
Evangeline swallowed hard, then nodded. It would make her feel about a billion times better if her father was there. She knew that he was the most capable of all of them to deal with Leo's condition, and with him around, the young parents would be calmer. "Yea," she murmured, "If you don't mind, I think it would be best." She pressed a kiss to her son's head, then took the bottle from Scor and began to feed him. "Leo needs to be re-introduced to his cousins, and Da needs to be the one to show him that nothing is wrong with sharing a little attention," she murmured, smirking a little at her lover. After all, even at such a young age, she could tell Leo idolized his father, and he would accept the babies if his father said it was okay.

Narcissa nodded, shaking the man's hand then leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Thank you," she murmured, grateful that he seemed to be on their side and was willing to protect her son. "Go see Beth before you go," she said to Draco, "You don't want her to worry about you not coming back when you said you were." She looked sad for her son and his girlfriend, because she knew he was heartbroken over the miscarriage. If anything one knew that Draco wanted more kids through the years, it was Narcissa. She was the one he confided in, after all.
Severus nodded looking amused as he thought about that."Well, maybe we'l have more luck teaching it to him then his father."He said looking amused. Scorpius sulked rolling his eyes a little at the teasing."I'm perfectly capable of sharing attention. It's not my fault that I'm more interesting and everyone wants to pay attention to me." "Narcissist." "Am not."Scorpius sulked before standing to get himself some food. "I'll call and see if they're there."Severus said smiling as he dialed the house, looking startled when hermione answered."Well...hello. It's severus. I'm here with Evan and Scor, and was wondering if we could join you for dinner. Since leo needs introduced to his cousins."He said looking out of sorts and nervous about talking to the woman he hadn't seen in 20 years. Since the battle that killed harry actually, so it disturbed him.

Rabastan nodded,"Draco's not the only one capable of seeing what is wrong with our world, cissy."He muttered because it wasn't so much draco he was protecting, though he did love his nephew, he was protecting the small slender hope that the people of england needed. "I will.Bast, I'll meet you at maloy manor."Draco said watching his uncle apparate before kissing his mother's cheek."Go home. Rest. I'm going to go see beth then go to england."he said apparating to the hospital, walking into the room with a small worried frown, not liking the idea of leaving her here,but knowing he needed to handle things. The man was just so twisted up and lost.
Hermione pressed her lips together. She had heard the rumors of Snape having a daughter and escaping Azkaban with the help of Draco. It wasn't until recently that she found out his daughter had a child with Draco's son. It was all amusing, and not really surprising. Draco and Severus had always had a bond, even at Hogwarts. And while Ron hated Severus and Draco, she could see something different about them - something troubled, but good. "Dinner will be ready in an hour if you'd like to come over then," she said, smiling a bit. She knew Ron would be uncomfortable, but he'd get over it.

Narcissa nodded, looking worried as hell, but did as she was told. Apparating home, she noticed Severus was gone, then walked over to Scorpius' and Evan's house. "Hey," she said, looking worried and pained. "Draco left to visit with Beth, then he is going to England... He's going to talk to Lucius." She swallowed hard and moved to sit on the couch, feeling weary and shaking at the idea of her son being in so much danger. Evangeline frowned, looking at her lover with worried eyes, and rocked Leo in her arms. As soon as he started to fall asleep, she gently shifted him into Severus' arms. "We won't nap long," she promised, leaning up to kiss his cheek, before heading up to the bedroom with Scorpius. Laying down, she sighed. "Why would your father be going to see Lucius?" she asked, feeling her stomach knot up at the thought.
"We'll be there."Severus smiled sounding amused as he hung up. Sitting down next to narcissa he wrapped a arm around her shoulders,pressing a kiss to her head as he held leo ever so gently letting him sleep as he sighed softly. "Don't worry. He's to much of a malfoy to be totally reckless. He probably has a plan."Severus said knowing his godson, and adopted son to well to know that the man was doing it on the spur of the moment. While it might have been a sudden thing with this happening, it probably had been building for awhile.

Scorpius sighed as he laid down, wrapping a arm around her waist as he snuggled against her. Trying to decide what to tell her, because he had a thought about what had brought it on, seeing draco with beth made him realize just how much his father wanted a family, a bigger one.But as long as the curse was in place...he sighed softly nuzzling her neck."Grandfather was named minister of magic.Father probably went to see how things were going....and because well.."He looked pained."there's a malfoy curse that needs to be taken care of..."he muttered trying to figure out how to tell her.

"Beth?"Draco said softly as he moved into the room, looking worried about her, and wondering if she was going to be mad at him for leaving again.But he couldn't just leave, not when he might not be coming back.
Narcissa snugged and nodded, leaning into him and reaching down to stroke Leo's hair. "I know," she whispered, the nodded to the infant. "How is Leo? Is he still not feeling well?" She frowned, studying the baby in order to keep her mind off of her son. Leo was sleeping soundly, his fist gripping the usual black clothing that his grandfather wore.

Evangeline turned in his arms, looking up at him with concern. "Lucius is Minister of Magic? Bloody Hell, Scor, that's awful..." She bit her lip, shaking her head at the thought. Nothing like an insane man with even more power than he was used to. "What Malfoy Curse? You never said anything about curse before..." She sat up a little, her black hair hanging in her eyes a bit.

Beth stirred a bit, opening her eyes and smiling. "Hey," she whispered, happy to not be hooked up to any machines. "My father said, as long as you don't allow me to get out of bed for a couple weeks, I can go home to be on bed rest." She reached up with her hand, wanting him to sit by her and be near her. She was still really sore and tired, but happy to see him, and happy at the thought of finally behind home. "My father was a little surprised. He said I'm recovering well. My body will need to heal, but my organs are working properly again..." she murmured, sounding confused.
Severus sighed softly shaking his head."No.Its to close to the full moon, he's reacting like a werewolf, running a fever, feeling bad."He said sighed,"I'm glad I made some wolf's bane, it looks like we're going to need it sooner then I thought."He sighed quietly."Feyn and hugo are home. Hermione and ron are there to, invited us to have dinner with them, so leo can meet his cousins."He said trying to distract her.

"I know. And yes, he is. Which means he has even more influence to look for us."He said pressing a kiss to her head, because he just knew his grandfather was going to be on a power trip. It had been bad enough when he'd just been a inner circle death eater, now it was going to be even worse. "I didn't know about it. Well, I did but I didn't realize it was atually a curse."he sighed quietly looking at her. "There's a actual spell in place, to keep malfoy men from having more then one child.And so that we always have boys. Something about malfoys being treated like royalty, so they wanted princes.."He sighed softly.

Draco smiled at her, "I wont allow you to."He smiled sitting down next to her, gently squeezing her hand. "Good. I was worried.We'll get you settled at home."He said willing to put off dealing with his father,because he knew he couldn't deal with him, he couldn't kill him, which is what he really needed. But he couldn't. Sighing quietly as he stroked her hair he smiled softly,"Can we leave now?"He asked eager to get her home.
Narcissa frowned and continued to stroke Leo's hair. "Poor baby," she whispered, "He's not acting like himself at all... I guess it's only a glimpse into the future." She looked sad at that, but perked up a bit at the sound of having dinner with everyone. "That sounds lovely," she murmured, leaning up to kiss him deeply on the mouth, happy to atleast have him there with her. "You are such a good man, Sev. I'm lucking to have you around."

Evangeline winced at his words, sitting up against the head board and pulling her knees up to her chest. She was heartbroken. Now if they even wanted another child, it was impossible. "How could you not tell me, Scor?" she said, looking hurt. Why wouldn't he let her in on all of this when he found out? She bit her lip and tucked her hair behind her ear. All of this new news was pretty depressing...

Beth nodded and leaned her head into his hand. "Yes. My father just checked me over, so I'm ready when you are." She tried to sit up a little, but was way to sore to do it. She winced and let out a deep breath. Damn. All of this had really done a number on her body. "Ugh, I'm so ready to be home in our big bed," she whined, "And in my pajamas." She pouted a little. "Let's go, love."
Severus smiled a little, watching the child before nodding."IT will be okay. We can take care of him."He muttered desperate to help his grandson before smiling sligtly. "It does doesn't it?Even if it means listening to ron."he grumbled a little because he had no doubt that ronald weasley wouldn't be able to stay quiet, not with both malfoy children and him in the room with him. Flushing a little at her praise he smiled,"Are you so sure I'm a good man?"He muttered interested in seeing what she saw.

Scorpius winced letting her go, "I just found out. When we were at the hospital. And then leo was didn't seem like the time to tell you..."He said slouching a little, feeling bad about hurting her now. Twitching a little because he wanted to hold her, but he didn't know if she would let him.

"Good."He said gently helping her sit up, wrapping his arms around her he apparated them home, settling her into bed before looking for her pajamas, helping her change as he gently stroked her hair out of her face."Love, I have to go to london."He said looking anxious, because he so wanted her to tell him not to go, but he knew he was being a coward. He just didn't want to face his father, not even now that he knew he had to with the curse. He couldn't risk beth's health again, it was just...hard on him.Lucius was the only man who'd ever made draco unsure of himself, not even voldemort had ever managed to cause so many conflicting emotions in him
Narcissa gave him a look, shaking her head and sighing. "How can you not see it? Sev, you have protected Draco and I a number of times, you have put your life on the line for a daughter who absolutely adores you, and you are willing to do anything you can to help the grandchild that is in your arms... I've known you were a good man sense we were very young," she whispered, caressing his cheek. "You just got lost for a while, but we all did.

Evangeline sniffed, her eyes welling up with tears. She dropped her face in her hands. "We are in so much danger, Scor. Your grandfather is Minister, Leo is sick and will never be cured, and now this?" She swallowed and bit her lip. All of this seemed so unfair. So very unfair. "I'm not sure how much I can handle..." Leaning over, she pressed her face into his shoulder. "I'm sorry for snapping at you," she whispered, swallowing hard.

Beth snuggled down into the huge bed that she and Draco shared and frowned. "What? You have to go?" She looked sad at the idea, wanting him to be close. Reaching up, she took his hand and turned her head to press a kiss to his palm. "Come back to me soon. Promise?" she asked, pouting a bit. "I need someone to snuggle with. It will get lonely without leaving the bed and only having the television for company..."
Severus smiled a little as he leaned over to kiss her gently, "well, I guess I did. Sometimes I forget that I've done all this good, even if I made a mistake."he muttered because he sometimes did lose sight of everything in regretting what had come before. Smiling at her he sighed, glancing towards the stairs."We probably should go get them. Hermione said dinner would be done soon..."

Scorpius sighed softly sitting up, wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her hair."FAther's going to deal with Lucius. I don't know how, or when, but Father will deal with it with our help."he said stroking her hair."And leo might never be cured, but we will be able to handle this."He shuddered a little."Also, this curse is able to be fixed. And father knows it. He'll probably beat the answer out of grandfather before that happens though. It might seem unfair, but we an do this."He said stroking her back before glancing at the clock."But it's late enough we probably should be getting up even if we didn't sleep."he said not feeling like sleeping anyways.

Draco winced a little slumping slightly as he sat on the edge of the bed."I don't have to leave now...just in the next few days..."he said before toeing off his shoes and laying down with her. Even as anxious as it was to be under a death threat from his father and worry about her, he wasn't about to leave her when she was hurting so badly."besides I can't leave you here alone when you can't do things for yourself....I just wanted to tell you since I do have to go in a few days..."He said rambling a bit.
Narcissa nodded toward Leo. "Did he get enough of a nap?" she asked, not wanting to wake the infant too early, especially with his condition. Leaning over, she stroked Leo's hair and saw him begin to stir. His grey eyes opened up to his grandfather, and he smiled a little. "Pa," he said, unable to say the whole name. However, he was on a roll. It seemed that the past week or so, he was really paying attention to words, but with that Malfoy stubbornness, he hid them for a while. "Pa," he whined, reaching for the half full bottle from earlier that was sitting on the coffee table. Narcissa grinned. "Well, isn't that sweet," she said, nuzzling Severus.

Evangeline sniffed and leaned into him, letting him comfort her. If he thought they could do it, then she did too. Reaching around, she caressed his cheek. "I love you," she whispered, wanting him to know that even though she was irritated, this didn't change anything between them. She was bound to him in more ways that one. "Just let me wash my face and change clothes," she said, moving away from him and toward the bathroom. There, she washed her face and put on a little makeup, then slid on a pair of jeans and a blue V-neck, sweater - it was one of her favorites, because Leo loved how soft it was, and it was just low cut enough for Scor to like it too.

Beth smiled a little, reaching over to turn on the television as she shifted against him. "Well, okay, that makes me feel a little better," she said, leaning up to kiss him gently. She was so tired and sore, but being with him in their own bed, in their own home... It made her feel a million times better. "My father will probably drop by late to night after his shift," she said, rolling her eyes a bit, "He wants to check on me and everything. I think he's using it as an excuse to come over and see where I live now, but I figured I'd let it slide. He's lonely these days after the divorce..."
"probably not, buut we can put him down at feyn's if we have to."Severus smiled before laughing at leo's words, before giving him the bottle, helping him hold it before glancing at his lover."You know, he keeps reminding me of drao every day. You remember that month Drao first learned to talk?Boy didn't shut up until he figured out to say everyone's name just how he wanted them."He snorted laughing.

Scorpius smiled softlytightening his hold on her at her words. "I love you to."he muttered glad to hear it, because it was so hard on him, even if he knew that she would never walked away from him, it was still hard when they were fighting. Smiling as he watched her dress he snickered as he pulled on a pair of jeans and t-shirt, smirking slightly."Are you setting out to please all your men today?"He teased pulling her against him,kissing her softly.

Draco nodded a little kissing her back, gently stroking her hair with a sigh as he snickered."Okay. Well at least I don't have to worry he wont approve of you leaving your house or something."He said yawning as he settled."get some sleep. WE'll be up late with your dad."He muttered tired himself, drifting off to sleep as he nuzzled her, content in her arms.
Narcissa laughed and nodded at the memory. "Of course. He was a perfectionist at a very early age," she said, smiling down at the little boy. Oh, yes. He was definitely like his grandfather and father in many ways. Leo began to drink from his bottle, his hands over his grandfather's and his eyes closed. Apparently, he was getting hungrier as well, which was probably another side-effect of the full moon. "Sweet boy... I hate to see him being taken over by such a horrible condition. Seems hardly fair." She gently reached down to stroke the feeding boy's head and leaned her own head against her lover's shoulder. "I can hear them moving around up there. They won't be long," she said.

Evangeline giggled and leaned into him, tilting her head up to kiss him back. "Maybe," she murmured, a smirk on her lips. Scorpius Malfoy looked amazing in suits, but there was something about seeing him dressed casually that was really sexy. It reminded her that she was the only woman he was truly comfortable around, aside from his grandmother. "Come on. Let's go see the others. Leo needs to start getting used to the babies."

Beth nodded, drifting to sleep with ease. She was cuddled up against him gently, but not too tight. She was still pretty sore... A few hours later, Cal was knocking on the door. He was now wearing his normal clothes - a red and black checkered shirt and a pair of jeans and boots. Now that he wasn't in the hospital, it seemed that it was even more noticeable that he was a very tall man. There was no question that Beth did not have a boyfriend who was not scared of her father... Beth stirred at the nose, sleepily nudging Draco. "Dad's here," she whispered, reaching up to rub her eyes.
severus smiled as he stroked leo's hair, looking amsued at the boy as he held him close."We'll have to make sure to take some bottles with us.he's probbaly going to be hungry again soon."He said looking thoughtful because he was trying to remember everything from the few werewolves he'd actually had known personally. Scorpius nodded grinning as he walked downstairs with Evangeline.Gathering the others he walked over to feyn's, after a quick knock on the door walked inside."Hey you guys."He said forgetting hermione and ron where there, tensing a little before relaxing, bowing his head slightly. Deciding that it was easier to treat them like his own parents, with respet and manners."Good evening.How is everything?"He said smiling as he realized it was just ron nd hermione downstairs with the twins.

draco smiled a little pressing a kiss to her head."I'll get him."he muttered looking sleepily as he stumbled out of bed, barely awake enough to think about pulling on a shirt, looking sexily rumpled in a pair of sweat pants and his hair sticking up every which way."Hey Cal."he smiled as he pulled open the front doorletting him in, polite and sounding like it was every day that he was having people over this late
Hermione smiled and nodded to all of them, looking a little... surprised to see her old professor. He looked a lot less cold than she remembered, and a little aged. Of course, wizards don't age like muggles. It wasn't much of a surprise to still see him with black hair, and to see Narcissa with her natural hair as well. It just... caught her off guard. "Good evening," she said, "Dinner is on the table." With that, she moved upstairs to place the sleeping twins in their cribs as they all ate, the called for Hugo and Feyn. After a few moments, the two of them helped Feyn down the stairs and into a chair at the table. Ron looked over at Scorpius for a moment, studying the child in his arms. "Is he your's?" he asked, looking curious, "With that black hair, I'm surprised he wasn't shunned from the family." He snorted a little, obviously teasing the younger Malfoy, then began to dig into his wife's cooking. Hugo grinned at his father. "Dad, you realize he gets his black hair from the Snape side of the family, right?" Ron paled a little, not putting two and two together. It was just so... odd to think of Snape as not only a father, but a grandfather.

Evangeline turned to Scorpius. "I can hold him while you eat," she offered, brushing Leo's hair out of his face. He was already napping again, considering he didn't get much rest at home. However, she had a feeling that Leo wouldn't take lightly to being taken away from his "da" at the moment.

Narcissa looked over at Feyn. "How do you feel, Sweetheart?" she asked, leaning over to kiss her forehead. "I'm so proud of you. The twins are beautiful." She smiled at her grand daughter and sipped at a glass of wine, her other hand placed in Severus' hand under the table.

Cal gave him a sleepy smile and rubbed his eyes a little, just like Beth did. "Sorry for coming by so late, but I figured it was better to check on her now," he murmured, obviously tired from his long shift. He followed the man up the stairs and smiled at his daughter. "How has she been? No fever, I'm hoping," he said, moving around to check her temperature and everything. He also brought some pain medication, which Beth gladly took. After he was done, he sat on the chair beside the bed and sighed, looking around. It was a very nice house, and for once, he was glad to see his daughter living with a man. Because this man obviously took care of her.
Severus and Scorpius both snickered at Ron's words, looking amused. "He is mine.And father is pouting that he has to share a grandson with his own godfather, but not about the color of his hair. Said he needed some way to tell all the malfoy's apart."Scorpius snorted looking amused at ron's face. Severus smirked a little as he started to eat, looking at Ron, "Draco's sulking because he feels old."Severus smiled a little shaking his head in amusement.

Scorpius shook his head as he shifted a little, leo resting on his thigh, leaning aginst his chest."No, its okay. I got him.Don't want to wake him up yet."He said before glancing up, remembering something draco had once said. "Hermione?You knew a young werewolf once that was bitten young."He said trying to figure out how to ask without hurting her feelings because he assumed that the werewolf had probably been hurt sometime but he needed to know, and well with leo reacting like this, he remembered everything draco had ever said about the brilliant witch.Even if she didn't like them, she would help. He hoped anyways.

Feyn smiled a little looking up at her grandmother, leaning back into the comfortable chair."I feel fine. Tired, and sore but it's okay."She smiled up at her and flushing a little."Thanks, grandmother. I think they are to."She said. Severus smirked, looking amused as he looked at the weasley's before looking at narcissa."If you encourage her about having the twins, love, she's going to have a horde of red headed children."He said his smile said he was obviously just teasing them.

Draco grinned a little wider, amused at the eye rubbing since the two did it the same."It's fine. Being a lawyer, I'm used to being woken up in the middle of the night. At least this time I'm not being dragged down to the jail."He snikered littleas he headed back upstairs."No fever, shes fine. Sore and resting."he shrugged a little before settling back on the bed, leaning back against the headboard."You know, I do have a few rooms could just stay in the guest room. I mean if you want." Poor poor draco, had no idea how to treat what he was hoping would be someday his father in law. He'd never had to worry about treating astoria's father, because he just hadn't cared. But cal...yes he was neverous.
Evangeline nodded, letting the young father hold his son as he ate. It was always sweet to see Scorpius do such things. It reminded her of what a great father he was. Glancing up at Hermione, she knew the other woman could see how worried she was for son. Like Scorpius, Evan thought any information would be nice. Hermione bit her lip, feeling sad for the little boy. She remembered her son mentioning Greyback biting him. "Well... I know of one. Yes," she said, nodding, "I'm not sure he was bitten quite as young as your son, but I know... Well, I know that they never found a cure." She frowned a that. "However, he didn't start to actually change until about his first year at Hogwarts. If my research is correct, I'd say that you won't have to worry about a full out change until he's round ten or eleven." Evangeline paled at that. Sure, they had a while, but the idea of a little eleven-year-old boy changing into a werewolf made her sick. She didn't want this for Leo... Not at all.

Ron rolled his eyes at Severus' comment. "There is nothing wrong with a lot of kids," he said, coming from a large family himself. Hugo shook his head and placed his hand on Feyn's thigh. "I was sort of hoping we wouldn't have many more after the twins. I mean, no offense, but I don't want seven kids..." He smirked a bit. "Twins are enough for now."

Beth smiled sleepily and nodded. "Yea, Dad, just stay... You need rest," she murmured, yawning a bit. She rolled over and snuggled down intot he pillows, going back to sleep. Cal sighed, about to protest. Surely, the last thing his daughter wanted was for him to impose himself... However, their house was closer to the hospital, and he had not slept in two days. "Shit," he grumbled, "Okay. Point me in the direction of the guest room." He looked up at Draco, grateful for his generosity, even if he had nearly too much pride to accept it.
Scorpius nodded a little, sighing quietly."Well, at least we wont have to worry about that until then."He said knowing that while the boy was going to be upset and a bad few days with the full moon, at least it wouldn't be a full wolf."Good."He sighed quietly. "No there's not.Though a large family of purebloods is the oddities in a world usually with one or two children in pureblood families."Severus pointed out shrugging a little. Feyn smiled shifting, slipping her hand into hugo's, before grinning a little."Its just... a lot of kids. I love teh twins its just..."She shrugged a little. "You came from a family that had one child, for alot of years.don't feel weird."Severus pointed out looking amused at feyn's grasping to figure out what she wanted to say before smiling as he ate. They seemed to be doing well, despite how they'd all acted years ago.

Draco smiled a llittle as he got up, "Come on then."he said shrugging a little in the careless grace that said it wasn't a hardship on him to see that the man was taking care of himself. Leading him to the bedroom he showed him to the bed and where the bathroom was before heading to bed himself. In the morning Draco sighed quietly as he puttered around the kitchen, making breakfast for all three of them and trying to figure out how to ask if Cal had a day off. He knew he couldn't put off seeing to his father again, but he didn't want to leave Beth alone.
Evangeline nodded and went about eating, thinking the same thing Scor was. It was hard to picture her son with such troubles, but at least they had time. Maybe time to find a cure... "I'd like another," Evan admitted, not thinking about it. She only said it because they were on the topic of families. "Of course, I love Leo. If he's all I have, then I'll just have to spoil him rotten." She grinned and looked down at Leo, who was thankfully still asleep in his father's lap. Now she could see while Malfoy women like Narcissa always spoiled their sons. Hugo smirked a bit and continued to eat. "We will take it one kid at a time. Right now, I'm feeling overwhelmed with just two," he admitted, surprised one of the twins had not woken up yet.

Cal woke up the next morning, coming down the stairs in only a pair of jeans. For his age, he was pretty physically fit. He wasn't made of marble, but he definitely didn't have a gut. "Got any coffee?" he murmured with a yawn, happy that Beth was still asleep. She needed the rest, and it was nice to see that her boyfriend was taking care of her and making breakfast. Sitting down at the counter, he sighed, reaching up to scratch his growing beard. "Did she get any sleep? I know she tends to toss and turn when she doesn't feel well."
Scorpius winced a little at that before nodding."It would be nice."He muttered shaking his head a little before sighing quietly. Feyn stared a little as harrison gave a quiet sound to get their attention, moving to pick up her son, she cuddled the boy before looking at the others."Yes, two at a time is a little overwhelming. But we have family here to help."She said smiling softly as she sat back down, kissing hugo's cheek as she leaned back in her chair. Content to just listen to the others talk as she took care of her son, before sighing quietly as rose stirred a little."I think they're hungry love."She muttered at her husband, flushing a little because it was a tad embarassing to have to breast feed even if she knew they all knew what she was going to be doing upstairs.

Draco grinned a little at the sight of the other man, nodding as he poured a glass of coffee."Always. I don't wake up until I have some."He said sipping his own glass as he finished cooking the eggs and bacon before nodding."She did. Some tossing and turning, but I think it hurt to much, so she stayed pretty still. Me on the other hand, didn't sleep at all."he said snickering slightly rubbing a hand over his face.
All the sudden, Evangeline felt a little jealousy in the pit of her stomach. She bit her lip. How was it fair that someone gave birth to twins the day she found out she would never have another child, and the child she had is being put in such a horrific situation? It just seemed hardly fair at all, and as petty as it was, she couldn't seem to let it go in her mind. Sliding her chair out from the table, she ran a hand through her hair. "I need some air," she whispered, then walked out the back door on to the patio.

Hugo grinned and stopped eating, standing up to follow her upstairs. "I'll give you a hand," he murmured, having her sit down with Harrison on the bed before moving to the nursery to get Rose. Gently, he handed the other infant to her and helped her get situated enough to breastfeed both children. Leaning down, he stroked his son's head and sighed. "Your grandmother is right. They are beautiful... We did good," he joked, smiling.

Cal began to sip his coffee, raising his eyebrows. "Insomnia? I can prescribe you something to help you sleep, if you need," he offered, then began digging into his breakfast. The man was a good cook... Beth was better off than he thought... "I have to say, Draco, you are better for my daughter than I originally thought. All she has really needed is someone to take care of her, and I can see that you can give that to her. Does an old man's heart good." He smirked and bit off a piece of bacon.
Scorpius frowned watching her go before looking at his grandmother, gently shifting leo into her arms before following evangeline outside, gently shutting the door behind him, watching her for a few moments, biting his lip."We're going to break the curse Evan."He said watching her,even if he had to beat his grandfather into the ground, he was going to see that it was done.

Feyn smiled a little as she fed both children, flushing a little before smirking."Oh, we both did a good job?Well, I guess you were there for their conception."She snorted laughing a little before closing her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder as the twins finished feeding, laying them both on the bed as she laid on her side, looking up at hugo with a smile."You think evangeline will be okay?I hadn't thought about how hard it would be on them..."She muttered looking worried about her sister in law, wondering what hd upset her, assuming it was just the fact about leo's life being so hard, afraid of upsetting her cousin and his lover by having such healthy, content twins.

Draco tilted his head a little nodding."Thanks. That would be nice."he said though it was a war between dreams that woke him in a cold sweat or the inability to actually go to sleep, he just didn't sleep well anymore. Smiling slightly at Cals words he nodded."I try. When she lets me. And she gave me a good reason to stay."he said shadows in the words, because he hadn't been truly interested in surviving after he'd destroyed least until he'd met beth. She'd given him his life back. Tilting his head slightly he looked at the other man."Do you have to work today?"
Reaching up, Evangeline ran her hands through her hair. She was just so sad and frustrated, and none of this seemed fair. "I hope so," she whispered, "Because I want a better life for Leo." Sighing, she moved to sit down in a patio chair and rubbed a hand over her face. She felt a little ashamed of herself for leaving the room, but it was so hard to see Feyn and Hugo with a set of healthy twins when the only child she had was struggling with such an awful condition, along them being unable to have another child at all. It was all a little too much for the young mother. "I know I'm being selfish, but it still hurts, you know?" she whispered.

"I think she will be okay," Hugo murmured, eyebrows furrowing, "I think it's just the uncertainty of Leo's condition. They are just scared." Leaning down, he played with the twins, watching as their eyes moved around the room with wonder. They were so sweet, smart, and most importantly, healthy. Now that Feyn mentioned it, he was starting to feel a little guilty himself.

Cal shook his head, finishing off his coffee before looking up at the other man. "I'm working the night shift, so I won't go in until later this evening," he said, "Why?" He stood up to put his dishes in the sink, then leaned against the counter.
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