Slender Hope(blair/lady)

"Sounds good." Evangeline nodded and let out a yawn. Leo started to cry from the other room, and she sighed. "You know, I got to thinking last night... Maybe it shouldn't be a surprise," she said, "Because if it is, we won't be able to have Feyn and Hugo as our bridesmaid and groomsman, and my father won't be able to walk me down the isle." She left the room, picking up the cranky baby boy and returning to their bedroom. She laid back down and settled the toddler - which incredibly messy dark hair- between them in the bed. "Besides, helping my plan the wedding will give Feyn something to do. Just don't think you are getting out of too much." She smirked and leaned over to snuggle her son.

Narcissa rubbed his back, looking down at the blood on his hands and swallowing. "Sev? Will you bring us a couple cups of coffee and a damp towel?" she asked, then looked her son in the eyes. "You did not kill him, Draco. He drove you to kill him, and with in mind, he killed himself. Never forget that. He had a choice in all of this." She hugged him close, not worrying about getting dirty from the blood, and kissed his head. She had no idea that this meant the curse was over. It had not even occurred to her. However, she felt an immense relief. This was one step closer to a more peaceful world for the family.

Hugo walking into the restroom and looked surprised to see Feyn there. When he realized her was crying, his expression grew concerned, and he kneeled before her. "Feyn? What's wrong? Did I do something? Are you hurt?" He grabbed her hands and kissed his wife's palms. It always made him nervous to see her upset... Thankfully, both babies were asleep, but that was rarely the case. Hugo and Feyn was so tired, it was hard to stay awake during the day anymore. The twins had them running around constantly, trying to keep them happy, comfortable, and fed.
"Hmmm that's true."HE said biting his lip to keep from crying. While he knew his cousin would nevre go for it of him dumping all the wedding things on her, he knew she'd love helping evangeline plan. Looking amused as he nodded, absently ruffling leo's messy hair. "You two should go today then."He muttered gently straightening Leo's hair."Hey sweetheart. how are you?"He muttered looking amused.

Severus winced before nodding as he walked in,towel in hand and setting the coffee cups on the table. Kneeling down he gently took Draco's hands, looking worried when the man didn't even seem to notice. Cleaning him up he sighed softly. Draco whimpered quietly pressing his face into his mother's shoulder, trembling harder, starting to cry harder. "I...I shouldn't have..."he muttered so very confused and upset before closing his eyes, drifting back to sleep, feeling safe in his mother's arms.

FEyn sniffled rubbing a hand over her eyes before smiling waterly at her husband."N-no.i'm not hurt."She sighed quietly, shifting leaning into his arms, resting her head on his chest. "I'm tired, and sore, and feeling so...useless.You're mother's so much better at getting the twins to quiet, and to sleep.And..."She rambled a bit, the poor first time mother had just been tearing herself up with feeling like a failure, without taking in the fact that hermione was older, and had already raised her own kids. She was just so tired from having taking care of the twins, the woman was so overly emotional
Evangeline grinned a looked down at Leo. The little boy looked sleepy, but he didn't have a fever yet. Considering he wasn't saying anything, it was clear that he wasn't ready to be awake. "I think he may have had a bad dream or something," she said, wrapping her arms around the boy. She kissed his forehead, and Leo snuggled down into his mother's chest. "We will," she said, "As soon as it's a decent hour in the morning. Way too early to function." She smiled, looking content to rock her son back to sleep.

Narcissa continued to hold her son, even as he drifted to sleep. Looking up at Severus, she sighed. Her eyes were full of tears, but not for her late husband. She was sad for her son. "Go next door," she whispered to her lover, "Tell Beth that Draco is home and safe." She swallowed hard and murmured a sleeping charm, hoping that it would help Draco get some proper rest before he had to face the world again. However, she didn't move. She stayed with him, sipping her coffee and rubbing his back.

Hugo frowned and shook his head. "You are not useless, Sweetheart," he whispered, "You're their mother, and my mum is good with the babies because she has experience. It's nothing you should be ashamed about. You just need a little rest, maybe some time away from the house too." Leaning up, he kissed her lips, then pulled back. "Come back to bed for a while... Don't worry about the babies. They are well taken care of. You need to take care of yourself for a while, okay?" Standing up, he took her hand and led her back to the bedroom.
Scorpius loked amused that leo wasn't really awake yet,shifting them all to lay back down and sleep, closing his eyes as he yawned."it is.Now sleep."He said smiling softly as he snuggled back against her, and went back to sleep. A few hours later Scorpius yawned, smiling as he felt his son patting his cheek,"Morning kiddo.You awake now?"He said looking amused.

Severus nodded as he stood, pressing a kiss to her forehead."I'll be back."He mutterd heading next door.In a few hours Draco stirred despite the sleeping spell, which should have kept him asleep longer, but the man was to stressed to sleep. "Mother? Did someone tell beth?"She muttered struggling to get up worried dabout his girlfriend now that he was starting to think clearer again.Though he was still hurting, he was trying to think about something else.

Feyn sniffled rubbing her eyes before sighing quietly."O-okay...Maybe i'll call evan, see if she wants to go out."She muttered smiling tiredly as she leaned into him, letting him take her back to bed. Snuggling against her husband, content to be held and sleep. In a few hours she groaned, nuzzling her face against hugo's neck,smiling as she realized that the twins were still asleep, and her husband looked so very peaceful. Leaning down she kissed him lightly,smiling as his eyes fluttered."Sleep well?"She muttered looking better then she had just hours ago, a few hours of uninterupted sleep had down wonders.
Leo smiled up at his father, obviously in a better mood, and nodded. He crawled up into Scorpius's lap and cuddled against him. Pointing down to a still sleeping Evangeline, he looked up at Scorpius and pouted. "Momma," he said, clearly demanding that his father should wake his mother up. "Up," he said, "Up, up." He bounced a little in his father's lap. "Momma, up!"

Finally, Evangeline stirred and looked up at her two boys. She rubbed her eyes and grinned. "It's obvious that you two couldn't survive five minutes without me. How am I supposed to leave you alone today?" Sitting up, she leaned over and gave her son a smacking kiss, then leaned up to kiss her lover.

Narcissa nodded and reached up to brush his hair out of his face. "Beth knows. Her father is with her right now, but he has to be at work for the night shift," she murmured, kissing his cheek. "Are you going to be okay? Do you want Severus and I to come over for a while? We can make you two dinner and clean up a bit around the house. I'm sure Sev won't mind." She was so worried about her son, but deep down, she knew he'd be okay. She knew his father's death would be beneficial for them all.

Hugo nodded and leaned over to kiss her back. "I did," he said, smiling, "Come on. Why don't you do get dressed and see what Evan is up to? I'll tend to the kids and see how my parents are doing. Hopefully Mom made breakfast." He smirked at that, then got up and left her to her own devices. He moved down to the nursery and scooped up both babies, taking them down stairs to feed them with the bottles that Feyn had pumped the previous evening.
Scorpius laughed softly as his son bouned in his lap, so amused at the fact that he was talking that he didn't try to wake Evangeline until she was already moving."Hey, we can survive. We'll do something fun wont we buddy?"He growled playfully as he kissed his lover before tickling Leo, giving him a smacking kiss on the stomach as he played before smiling, tilting his head as the phone rang, leaning over to grab the cell phone his grin widened as he handed it over,"Feyn's demanding attention."he said smiling.

Feyn rolled her eyes a little looking amused as he got up."You enjoy your mother's breakfasts to much.I'm going to learn how to cook while she's here!"She yelled after him laughing as she dialed scorpius' cell, smiling when Evan picked up."I've been told to take a day for myself, would you want to go shopping today?I'm probably not up for a all day shopping trip yet, but a few ours would be okay."She grinned as she started dressing.

Draco smiled a little as she brushed his cheek, his ever agile mind already turning over the words that needed said, the choices that needed made."I'm fine."he said after a moment before nodding."But I do want you to come for dinner. With the kids. And ron and hermione."He looked thoughtful."Because its going to effect them all, I should be the one to tell them..."He said biting his lip a little as he thought, a nervous flutter tightening his stomach as he thought over what he wanted to ask. Not quite brave enough to do it. At dinner, he would.He'd convince himself by then
Evangeline grinned and took the phone, looking amused as his two boys played around. It was hard to hear over Leo's squeals and high-pitched laughter. "Actually, I was just about to call you," she said, standing up to go and turn on the shower. "I was hoping you'd help me plan a wedding." She bit her lip, smiling so wide that her face ached. "I need to get some wedding books and look at dresses and everything... You wouldn't mind doing that with me, would you? As a maid of honor thing?"

Hugo laughed a bit. It was true. He'd even gained a couple pounds since his mother had been in town...

Narcissa nodded. "Of course, Sweetheart," she said, "I'll let them know." With that, she went up stairs to get dressed, then headed into the room where Severus was reading the paper. They still managed to get an owl to drop of the Wizard paper every morning. "We are having dinner at Draco's tonight. I figured I'd make something special since everyone will be there," she said, handing him a cup of coffee before sitting next to him. "You've been awfully quiet this morning, Sev..." she murmured worriedly.
Feyn smiled as she paused, squealing happily as she laughed."Oh!I love that!"She laughed happily grinning as she started to dress quicker, eager to have a girl day. "I would love to.I'll be ready in a few minutes, if you want the boys to come here for the day.Or I can meet you at your place."She smiled happily, so very happy to have a new sister as she headed downstairs, leaning down to kiss Hugo's cheek as she sat down to start eating.

Draco smiled as he headed back to his place, stepping into the house quietly, he leaned back against the closed door, closing his eyes for a moment before heading up to the bedroom, smiling softly as he let himself in, walking towards the edge of the bed and sitting down, quiet and trying not to wake beth if she was sleeping.

Severus looked up at her, sighing quietly as he sipped his coffee,"I'll help you make something then."he sighed before shrugging."It was a family thing Cissy...I thought he would do better if it was just you two."he said pain flickering though his eyes, he loved his godson like a true son, but sometimes it hurt to know they'd never be truly blood family. "And I was trying to figure out just how his ex-wife came off as a raving lunatic, while Draco seems calm and ordinary in the paper."He said holding up the paper he was reading. And it was true. The remaining death eaters had been quickly dealt with, not killed by taken out of power once their most powerful ally was revealed as dead, the opressed wizards and witches reclaiming england for themselves.
Evangeline hung up and came out of the bathroom dressed for the day. "You two are scheduled for a play date at the Weasley's," she said, looking down at father and son. She giggled when they both gave her the exact same look. "I'll worry less with Hermione and Ron being there." She actually wasn't worried at all, but she loved giving Scorpius a hard time. Leaning over, she picked up Leo. "Come on, baby, it's time to get dressed." He hugged her neck as they walked to the toddler's bedroom. "Da! Da!" he called, even as Evangeline was pulling his shirt over his head. It seemed that Leo never liked being without one parents. He always thought they should all be together. When Scorpius had to take classes, it took a while for Leo to get used to it. "Da is right down the hall," she cooed, "And you get to play with him all day while Momma shops with Aunt Feyn."

Beth stirred as she felt the bed shift, then turned over. Immediately, she sat up and gasped. "Oh, Draco, I was so worried. Are you okay?" She leaned in and pressed and hard kiss against his lips. She was already feeling a lot better, which was definitely not a coincidence. It seemed the curse was what made Beth feel so awful, and now that it was broken, she felt like new.

Narcissa frowned. "You ARE family, Sev. You always have been... You were a better father to that boy than Lucius ever could have been." Leaning in, she kissed him gently, then glanced down at the paper. Her eyebrows raised, and she settled against his side to read it all. It took her a moment to process it all, but it was worth it. She had a smile on her face. "One step closer to peace," she whispered, nuzzling him. It seemed everything was falling into place... She just hoped Draco would be able to move on.
Scorpius pouted a little, sulking."I'm perfectly fine taking care of us both."He whined before laughing at Leo's call,"Leo!Leo!"He yelled as he dressed, smiling happily. It made his heart hurt sometimes to see his son so attatched to him, because he knew his father had been the same with him, and yet had been deprieved of being allowed it with his own father. It would forever confuse him on how Draco had become the man he had. "See, we didn't want to go shopping anyways did we, leo?"Scorpius grinned as he walked into leo's room, smiling as he piced him up."Come on, lets go get uncle hugo. If your nice, he might give you a bite of grandma hermy's eggs."He said grinning as he headed downstairs to go next door.

Draco smiled a little kissing her back, looking amused as he looked her over. Glad that his research had proven true, that once the eldest was given up in a totally unwilling sacerfice, it had broken the beginning of the spell. Now to just undo the rest. "I'm fine. Why does everyone keep asking me that?"He whined a little, though there was sadness in his eyes he ws happy.

Severus smiled a little as he kissed her back, relaxing. "Well, Lucius wasn't capable of raising a puppy, much less his brillant son."he muttered nuzzling her a little as he wrapped a arm around her, pressing a kiss to her head."Hmm it is.Now, do you know why he wants to have dinner with everyone?"He muttered, having thought draco'd want peace and quiet.Not his whole rambunctious family in the house
Evan followed them out, holding Scor's hand as they walked next door. Once inside, she smiled and looked at Feyn. "Ready to go?" she asked, smirking a bit as the other's ate breakfast. Ron and Hugo both ate with a baby in their left arm, feeding them a bottle. Leo looked even more clingy to Scorpius at the sight of the babies, as if he was afraid Scorpius might put him down in favor of another child. It hurt Evangeline to see her son that way, but she knew it was part of the Malfoy genes to be a bit possessive of the things they loved. It also did Scorpius some good to have the child so attached to him. It reminded him that he was, in fact, a good person.

Hermione fixed Scorpius a plate and smiled at them all. Hugo nodded an leaned back to continued feeding his son. "Morning," he said, smirking at the two Malfoy boys. He immediately noticed to look on Leo's face. "You know, I've seen that look before. I think it was on his father's face the day that he lost the Quidditch match to his Uncle Hugo back in forth year."

Beth frowned. "Draco, I have a lot of hatred for my mother... but if she died? I'd still be sad. It's part of life," she whispered, wrapping her arms around him. "They are our parents, as screwed up as it is, and we always love them in a weird sort of way." She kissed his cheek and nuzzled him, so happy to have him home and safe. "Why don't you take a bath with me? I'm ready to get out of this bed and resume a normal life. I thought I'd call work and tell them I can come in tomorrow... I mean, I can't not work for forever." She blushed a little and started to stand.

Narcissa sighed and shook her head. "Not a clue, but I won't deny him of it. He has his reasons for the things he does."
Scorpius smiled a little as Leo tightened his hold, shifting the toddler in his arms a little so he could take the plate from hermione, taking feyn's seat as his cousin got up. "I've never lost a qudditch game in my life. I gracefully and let Hugo catch the snitch, since he just looked to pathetic to not be nice to."Scorpius said smiling as he ate. Feyn snorted looking amused as she nodded.

"Yea I'm ready."she said smiling at evangeline, rolling her eyes at scorpius."Your pride knows no bounds. You really do need to admit you can lose once in awhile." "I never lose." "Your hopeless.Hermione, good luck with them today.Maybe you can teach them something."she said looking amused as she smiled at her mother in law, bending to kiss hugo's cheek."Call if you need anything, okay?"

Draco sighed softly resting his head on her shoulder."Yes, it is a very weird sort of way."He said after a moment closing his eyes."I'd like that.And we'll have a normal dinner and all. The others are coming for dinner...I would be easier to just say it once, instead of repeating myself over and over..."he muttered before smirking. "Well, you could not work. I'm rich. Richer then I was, considering I just inherited not just my trust, but the whole of the Malfoy Estates."He said grinning as he picked her up and put her in the tub, and switching the tub on and getting in with her with a smile after undressing
Hugo laughed a bit and shook his head. "I hope that kid is as arrogant as you. Would serve you right," he said, shifting Harrison to his shoulder. He rubbed his son's back, and Ron snickered. "I think I wished that on Draco too. Looks like it came true." As the girls left, Leo immediately began to fuss. "Mama," he whined, his lower lip quivering. "Mama, go?"

Hermione grinned and bit and shook her head. "He's still in that stage, huh? Hugo was like that. He didn't think one parent should ever leave. He was equally attached to us, which made for some rough days. It took him a while to get used to Ron working."

Evangeline moved to the car that her father had bought her and Scorpius a couple months ago, for muggle-like emergencies. She was sure that Scorpius could have afforded it, but Severus and Narcissa were all about spoiling the kids. "I was thinking we'd go pick up some books, then I thought we could go look at wedding dresses," she said, getting in the driver's seat. "I really want to impress Scorpius, which is hard, because we are already pretty much married. The actual act of it is what is surprising. I really never thought Scorpius would want to do it after his parents' marriage ended so badly..."

Beth giggled and moved to sit with her back against his chest. "Not work? Draco, we aren't married. That's your money, not mine. I already feel awful that you pay for everything... I have to contribute in some way." She reached over and grabbed the razor, putting one leg up to shave. "Everyone is coming over, huh? That will be nice. I'd like to see the twins."
Scorpius laughed a little looking at Hugo."Your kids are going to be as annoying as feyn, and twice the bookworm, going to drive you insane."Scorpius smiled shifting Leo, bouncing him a little. "Mama went shopping with Aunt Feyn."He muttered bouncing his son before looking up at hugo."Hmm, well until I started school, we've always been home. So its making it hard."He shrugged before looking at leo."You want to meet your cousins, buddy?"

Feyn smiled a little as she got into the car, leaning back in the seat. Looking amused because her and hugo had a car,for the same reason Evangeline and Scorpius did. "Good idea. If we get the book first we can look through for color ideas, and dress ideas, and themes, befoe we decide on a dress."She smiled before tilting her head."I know you haven't talked to any of them, or scorpius hasn't either, but he probably wont be looking for a best man, figuring no one would want to."She chewed on her lip."You could as Alais and Imriel to come, be in the wedding. that'd surprise him, espcially if they pretend they're not interested in coming."She said before going quiet."I think he's been watching grandmother and your father. And draco and beth.I think he figures that if the two people most damaged by the marriages they'd been in, are willing to try again, there can't be any harm in it when you really love the person your with."She said understnding her cousin.

Dracosmiled kissing her head."Then marry me.Then it would be yours."He said, the words out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Flushing, maybe he was feeling worse then he thought if he was going to say random crap like this. "I mean...well.."He stuttered before smiling a little."I forgot you haven't seen the twins yet...they're cute."He muttered feeling awkward now.
Leo sniffed and calmed down, leaning into his father's chest. "No," he said, that stubborn Malfoy personality coming out. "Want Mama." Hugo snickered a bit and shifted Harrison in his arms. The little red-headed, blue eyed baby boy looked over at his cousin with wonder. Leo continued to pout.

"Leo, this is Harrison," Hugo murmured gently, leaning forward so that Leo could get a good look at him. "One day, I think you two will be best friends. The best friendships start out with bitterness." He smirked and looked up at Scorpius with a grin.

Hermione swallowed hard. Something about seeing the two boys together... It reminded her of Ron and Harry. And judging my the way Ron kept quiet, he was feeling the same way.

"See the other baby?" Hugo continued, "That's Rose. She's off limits to you and every other boy in the world." With that, he tapped Leo's nose. Ron erupted into a fit of laughter.

Leo stayed where he was, gripping Scorpius' shirt and keeping his face pressed into his chest. He glanced up at his father. "Baby?" he asked, sounding unsure.

Evangeline sighed and pulled up to the local book store, heading toward the wedding section. "I honestly thought he might ask Hugo," she said, shrugging. It was true. The men had become pretty close, oddly enough. "But you're right. I think it would really do him some good to have such a pleasant surprise." She grinned at the idea and looked through the books. "I also plan on surprising him with a honey moon... Maybe to France. It will be fun to take him to the place I was from. Not to mention, it's romantic... I thought Narcissa and my father could keep Leo while we were gone."

Draco's words shocked Beth so much, she flinched and cut her leg with the razor. She winced and put her leg in the tub, letting wound be under water. "Did you just... ask me to marry you?" she asked, turning toward him. Her eyes widened, and then after a few moments, she was smiling and looking at him through teary eyes. "I mean, were you serious? Do you really want to get married?" Her heart was thudding in her chest, wanting so badly for him to be serious. After all, she'd love to be his wife. She knew he was "the one" the day they met.
Scorpius smiled a little as he presseed a kiss to leo's head stroking his back."It's okay. The babies are going to be'll like them."He said snickering a little glancing at hermione, smirking at hugo."You know, I remember father saying something about harry refusing to be friends with him. It'll be good to see these two getting along. Father'll love it."He snorted looing amused, because he knew his father's sense of irony would love to see the two cousins getting along, a echo of the 11 year olds that just hadn't been able to get along.

"He might, but even then, we should put them in the wedding. He'd still be surprised."Feyn said smiling, thinking about her husband."Bitterest enemies, best of friends. Those two are good together,though scor would never admit to actually liking him."she snorted before smiling,"I think he'd like that. Seeing everything you saw."she shrugged before laughing."The only question of you leaving leo, is which grandfather's going to claim they get to keep him."

"Yes. I mean...I...Yes."Draco said looking down at the water looking so flushed and embarassed at having asked her in the bathtub, without planning, when he'd had something so much better planned.But the poor man was so overwrought with his father's death, he'd messed up everything.Slumping a little he sighed, looking so put out."I...uh...have a ring...but...not here..."He said looking like a little kid who'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. So very embarassed.
Ron smirked a bit and rocked Rose, content on letting her sleep in his arms. "I think Harry would have liked that," he murmured, and Hermione placed a hand on his knee. Her eyes were glassy, but she quickly hid it by standing up to clear the table. Hugo smiled and watched as Harrison and Leo had a silent stand off. Their eyes never left the other's. "It looks like it might take time, thought." Hugo snorted and moved to go sit on the couch. He already had the television on, and he was reclining back to watch the news.

Leo looked up at his father and pouted. "Hungry," he said, his eyebrows furrowing like Scorpius' did when he was frustrated.

Evangeline laughed a bit. "I'll let them flip a coin," she said, rolling her eyes, "And I'll send an owl to Scorpius' friend when I get home. I'll make sure to do it before we all go to dinner at Draco's." Sighing, she sat down with a cup of coffee from the café and looked through a wedding book. "I think I'll go with a light green for the accent colors," she said, "I think Scorpius would like that..." She bit her lip and glanced at all the pictures, trying not to feel overwhelmed. "I'm pretty sure Scor is only marrying me to keep me happy about Leo's condition and not being able to have another baby." She looked sad at the thought.

Beth laughed and turned around, straddling him and leaning over to kiss him passionately. "I'd love to marry you, Draco," she whispered, kissing him harder. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her thighs moved around his waist. When she pulled back, she looked so happy that it was obvious that she was not faking in the slightest. "You have a ring? You've been thinking about this?" she asked, looking surprised.
"Hmmm,well, they are a weasley and malfoy. They cant do anything easy."Scorpius looked amused as he shifted Leo,"Okay.See?I told you uncle hugo would share his breakfast."he laughed a little as he fed his son, pressing a kiss to his forehead."You okay buddy?"he muttered.

"Tht would be good.It'll be amusing to see him surprised."Feyn said smiling as she got her own glass of tea, not wanting to get addicted to coffee again. Having found herself so much more calmer after not drinking it while she was pregnant."I think he might be doing it now,because he wants you to be happy. But evan..."She reached across the table, laying her hands over hers, squeezing slightly."He loves you. He's scared, he's facing a lifelong fear of getting married.He would have never made that choice, if he didn't love you.He wants to be happy, and married, to you."She said trying to make her feel better.

Draco smiled startled kissing her back,wrapping his arms around her waist, smiling relieved as seh said eyes.Sighing softly as she pressed against him he flushed harder,"Hmm yes.But I just....I wanted the perfect moment. An never found it..."He sighed looking down, looking so much like a little kid embarassed."Of course...I think I need sleep..."He muttered feeling overwrought with everything that'd happened
Leo nodded and leaned forward to take a bite from the fork that Scorpius was offering. He was content with his father, even if he had been rattled at first by Evangeline leaving. After he finished eating a little bit, he snuggled into Scorpius for his after noon nap. Hermione came around the corner and smiled, looking down at the two younger Malfoys. It was surreal to look at Draco's son, but his grandson? It was crazy. "Would you like me to lay him down upstairs?" she asked, leaning down to wipe the table clean.

Evangeline sighed and squeezed Feyn's hand. "Thank you," she whispered, smiling slightly. She took the last gulp of her coffee and stood up. "Let's go look at dresses." She waited for her friend, the drove down to bridal shop down town. It was a very nice wedding dress store, with thousands of dresses. Evan figured that she rarely ever spent Scorpius' money (even if she knew he didn't mind) so she thought she'd splurge on their wedding. "I'm torn on what Scor would like me in... I mean, he prefers me naked, but dress-wise? He's pretty neutral."

Beth grinned and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Of course," she whispered, "Let's get dried off and go back to bed until dinner." She got out of the tub, towel-dried, then slid back into the bed still naked. When he slid in beside her, she curled around him and rested her head on his chest. She was so happy, and this was even without knowing that the curse was officially broken. All she cared about was being with him, and being married was an exciting idea. "I love you, Draco," she murmured, "And I'm going to be here with you through all of this. I promise."
Scorpius smiled pressing a kiss to leo's head, looking up at Hermione with a smile. It was truly surreal, all the malfoy men looked so very much like each other,even if leo's hair was as dark as his mother's, there was no doubt he was scorpius' son."Thanks I'd love you to.Have to go convince Hugo I'm trustworthy with one of the twins."He grinned as he stood, gently shifting leo into her arms after she finished cleaned before heading into the living room.Collapsing onto the couch next to hugo he smiled leaning over to smile at rose, laughing as the girl smiled happily back at him."See, all women love malfoys. Even your daughter,weasley."He teased before squirming a little."I'm getting married.I need a best man.You know, someone to stand up there with me."He stutttered sounding nervou.

Feyn grinned as they started looking at dresses, though a little sad. She was happy for her cousin and evan, and she loved being married, but she'd planned a wedding since she was a child, and she hadn't gotten to have it, since everything had gone so wrong. Sighing shaking her head to get rid of the thought, not about to ruin evangeline's day before laughing."Well, you could get married naked."she snorted looking amused before shrugging."Something simple. Not to overdone, because you're getting married in the backyard, so you don't want to be dragging a huge dress around."She pointed out shrugging a little.

Draco smiled looking amused as he got up drying off as he towel dried his hair, the long strands sticking up every which way, making him look even younger then he was. "I love you to."He smiled kissing her before sighing as he closed his eyes, and while he wouldn't mind sex, he wanted more comfort then anything else.Snuggling down into her he yawned, nuzzling his face into her neck."We should get some rest. it'll be a busy and exciting night."he muttered looking amused.
Hugo cradled Rose in the curve of his arm while Harrison slept across his lap. When Scorpius sat down, he shifted Rose over into his arms, then began to rub Harrison's back. "Maybe she's grinning at you because you look so damn funny," he snorted, then reached over to Rose's hair. "Isn't that right, Sweet Pea?" At Scorpius' words, he went serious. It shocked him to hear that not only was he getting married, but he wanted him as a best man. "Sure... I'll be your best man," he said, nodding, "I thought you weren't getting married, though? Feyn hinted around that you weren't to fond of the idea of marriage." He shrugged, looking at his friend curiously. "Not that I don't think it's a great idea. Seriously, man, congratulations."

Evangeline bit her lip and nodded, shifting through all of the dresses until she found three that were potential winners. Leaving Feyn on the outside of the dressing room, she moved inside to try the first one on. Immediately, she felt like this could be the one. Her emotions were running wild... The only thing that was missing was the mother daughter moment she always dreamt of... It left her feeling incredibly sad, and before she could stop herself, she was dialing her father's cell phone number from the dressing room.

"Daddy?" she said when he answered, looking at herself in the mirror.

While she was getting help putting on dresses, an employee came by and offered Feyn a glass of champagne and a chocolate covered strawberry. "Welcome to Bridal by Laurie," she said, smiling, "Are you a bridesmaid? Would you like to look at our collection of bridesmaid dresses?"
Scorpius smiled a little as he cuddled his niece,"Hmm oh no, sweetheart, daddy's just silly isn't he?I'm amazing, and very pretty."He said smiling a little before sighing quietly glancing at hugo."I'm not, but Evan makes me want to try better, to not me insane.And sanity, is getting married."he said looking thoughtful before shrugging."But it'll fine."He said trying to sound sure before shrugging.

"Yes?"Severus asked his attention half on the phone in his hand and the other on the potion he was brewing. Before growing serious when he realized who it was."Evan?Is something wrong?"He asked turning his full attention to his daughter and trying not to look worried.

Feyn smiled a little as she took the glass, sipping it before nodding."I am.And I would love to."She said smiling the other woman to the collection of bridesmaid dresses, trying to shake off the feelings that where plaguing her. She was happy for them, she was dammit. But she was so hormonal, and out of sorts with the twins, that she just didn't know what to feel. Smiling slightly when she choose a few she moved back to the dressing room, knocking on the door."Evan?"She muttered.Scorpius smiled a little as he cuddled his niece,"Hmm oh no, sweetheart, daddy's just silly isn't he?I'm amazing, and very pretty."He said smiling a little before sighing quietly glancing at hugo."I'm not, but Evan makes me want to try better, to not me insane.And sanity, is getting married."he said looking thoughtful before shrugging."But it'll fine."He said trying to sound sure before shrugging.

"Yes?"Severus asked his attention half on the phone in his hand and the other on the potion he was brewing. Before growing serious when he realized who it was."Evan?Is something wrong?"He asked turning his full attention to his daughter and trying not to look worried.

Feyn smiled a little as she took the glass, sipping it before nodding."I am.And I would love to."She said smiling the other woman to the collection of bridesmaid dresses, trying to shake off the feelings that where plaguing her. She was happy for them, she was dammit. But she was so hormonal, and out of sorts with the twins, that she just didn't know what to feel. Smiling slightly when she choose a few she moved back to the dressing room, knocking on the door."Evan?"She muttered.
Hugo smirked a bit. "The women in our lives always seem to change us for the better," he murmured, looking at his friend with concern. It wasn't that he was worried that he didn't want to get married; he was just worried that with Astoria out there somewhere, Scorpius might still not be over what happened to him growing up. Of course, Hugo wasn't going to bring that up. She was sure Feyn didn't tell him with the intent of him talking to Scorpius about it. "I think it would be good for you two. With Leo's condition, I know you both have been down in the dumps."

Evangeline sniffed. "No... I mean, not really. I wasn't going to tell you like this, but I just want you here," she murmured, "Scorpius and I deciding to set a date for a wedding, and I'm trying on dresses. Will you come down here and be here with me?" She didn't want to say it was because she didn't have a mother to do those things with, but she figured he's understand. She just wanted to share the experience with at least one parent. When she hung up, she sighed. "I'm sorry, Feyn. I'll be out in a second. My father is apparating here," she said through the door, "Did you find any cute bridesmaid dresses? Anything in green, maybe?"
Scorpius frowned turning his head a little to look at the red head."Dont give me that look. I know Feyn told you. I am not in any way, still obsessed with my mother."He ground out before smiling down at the baby in his rms before nodding."But your right, it'll do us good."he said frowning slightly."Of course, lifting our spirits, matters on whatever father's got planned tonight.Cause you know he's demanding us all attend for a reason.hell, he invited your parents, so its something important."He said sighing a little.

"I found a few."Feyn said smiling as she shrugged, but I have a favorite, I jsut wanted your opinion."She said leaning against the door a little."And the dress is red, but the helper woman said we can get it in any color we wanted."She said before changing into the dress to show to evangeline, smiling a little as Severus walked in the door. "Girls. You do realize that if any of the other men find out I was here,I'm never hearing the end of it?"He said trying to make them both laugh.

Hugo raised his eyebrows a little. "Well, damn, you're right. I bet it is pretty serious if everyone is forced to attend..." He frowned a bit, smirking over a Rose. It seemed Harrison was the sleeper of the two, but Rose was calm while awake. Right as both of them started to lightly fuss for their bottles, Hugo jumped up, grabbed two bottles from the fridge that Feyn made, and handed Scorpius one. Both men were definitely a sight to see, each holding a baby and a bottle. "You think it has something to do with Lucius?" His lips pressed together in a hard line. "Maybe your mother?"

Evangeline stepped out of the dressed room, practically glowing. She grinned at her father and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I know, but you are here, and that's all the matters," she murmured, hugging him before stepping back. "What do you think?" She twirled around a little, obviously needing the approval of her father. She wanted that bonding moment that she knew she'd never had with her mother.


She smiled at Feyn. "I like that. It would be pretty in green, especially with your hair," she said, "And I think Scorpius would approve of the tribute."
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