Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Evangeline sighed and shook her head. "Scor, come on, you don't have to make breakfast," she said gently, walking over toward him. Reaching around, she moved to grab his hands and pull them away from the pan, but right as she did, he was attempting to flip a pancake. The hot pan caught her forearm, making her jerk back and curse. "Shit!" she winched, pulling back and examining her arm. She felt so clumsy around Scorpius when they weren't talking. (Well, when they were avoiding each other's gazes.)

"I know, but you needed the rest..." Hugo complained, slumping down on the door at her feet. He rested his head on her knee and sighed. "Will it ever get easier? I mean, I love them more than anything in the world, but they are running their Mommy and Daddy ragged. I've forgotten what a full night's sleep was like." He pouted and looked up at her. It was always a beautiful sight to see her feeding his children. It was just... so natural.
Scorpius yelped as he burned her, tossing the pan back on the stove, turning it off, ignoring the burnt pancake as he turned to take care of her arm, "Sorry. I'm sorry."He said looking so very anxious,fear of her being angry with him showing on his face as he anxiously muttered healing charms, looking slightly relieved though when it stopped burning becoming just a small strip of red skin, agiated but not burned.

"I know, but you do to."She said smiling shifting harrison into his arms so he could burp the baby, smiling tiredly. "Well, probably when they're old enough to go to hogwarts."She said looking sleepily amused, yawning as she nudged him."Come on, we'll take them to bed with us. Lay them in bed, and we can all nap."She said smiling softly, reaching down to gently stroke his hair."Well, I remember what it's like,even if it wasn't a great night sleep."she said blushing a little because despite sleeping longer, she'd been so anxious about the twins waking up she'd not slept well, listening for the kids as she was sleeping.Amused because she knew her husband had made sure she'd sleep through them crying a few times, just so she'd get some real rest."You shouldn't be the only one getting up, hugo."
"It was my fault," she insisted, wincing as he began to heal it. Evangeline swallowed hard, looking up at him and sighing. They were really bad at being angry with each other, or fighting in general... Leaning into him, she sniffed and pressed her face into her chest. "Please, Scor, don't be mad at me. I can't handle it when things are so tense," she cried, because she was taking his bitter silence as confirmation that he did not want the child. "I love you so much, and I'm so sorry... I should have told you sooner. Better yet, I should have been more careful with the birth control..." Her emotions, obviously, were running wild due to her hormones. However, it was clear that she was very upset at the idea of making him so angry with her.

Hugo sighed. "I know, I know," he grumbled, closing his eyes. It was peaceful to have the babies calm and her stroking his hair.... Looking up at them, he smiled. Both of them seemed very content with their mother. "And you were worried about being a good mother... Look at them, love. They want nothing more than to be with you." He turned his head and kissed the inside of her knee.
Scorpius sighed softly when the woman started to cry, wrapping his arms around her as he lowered his head, burying his face against her neck.Holding onto her tightly he shuddered,closing his eyes."I'm not mad...well I am, but more that you hadn't trusted me to not freak out...."He muttered scared of being a father again, because despite being so very good with leo, he was so very scared of being as bad a parent as his mother, "Your running wild darling.I never said I didn't want it, just annoyed at not being told sooner."he sighed softly.

Feyn smiled softly looking down at the babies resting so peacefully in her arms, amused that both had fistfuls in her hair, as if making sure that she wouldn't try and get away from them. "Hmm they are being awfully quiet."She muttered shivering as he kissed her knee, giving him a half glare for doing it as she squirmed a little.sighing quietly she looked down at the twins, calming, their peacefullness with her calming the fear of being horrible as bad as astoria. After all, since her only true example of a mother had been astoria, despite knowing other mothers were different, she had been deathly afraid of being like astoria.Just as afraid of it as scorpius was...not that either cousin ever admitted that was their true, darkest fear.
Evangeline sniffed, closing her eyes and relaxing in his arms. She should have known that he'd be understanding, just scared like she was. "I'm sorry," she whispered, buried her face into his chest. "I just didn't want you to worry about me. With what happened to Beth, and the curse still not broken..." She leaned back and bit her lip, taking a deep breath. "I'm going to take a shower and call Beth's father. Maybe he'd be willing to get me in at the last second. Will you call you Beth and see if they mind keeping Leo for a little longer today?"

Hugo turned to sit up on his knees, looking at the babies with a smirk. Rose opened her eyes, but Harrison fell asleep while feeding. "Hey there, Sweetheart," he whispered as she began to squirm. Reaching out, he gently took the baby girl and stood up, pacing around the room as he rubbed her back and tried to burp her. It seemed that he had become a natural in the past couple of weeks. "You want to go visit Draco and Beth today? Give Leo another chance to get used to the twins?"
Scorpius smiled softly, nuzzling her slightly."I know, but now that it is."He said looking relieved at the knowledge, that he never again had to worry about his grandfather taking his family away from him."He probably will."He muttered snickering a little. "My father?Minding taking care of his grandson?I'm pretty sure father'll be carting him to work soon enough."He snorted looking amused because he knew that even the idea of a job wouldn't keep draco from spending time with his grandson.

Feyn smiled slightly as she watched the tins, looking amused as father and daughter bonded. She had known the moment that she'd seen the girl, that hugo would be as obsessive as scorpius was over his little girl. "yea, we can. it'll be fun."She nodded looking amused before biting her lip a little. She loved having his parents here,in the house, but she knew that eventually they had to learn how to take care of the twins without constant observance.
Evangeline smiled back at him, so happy that he seemed to not be irritated with her anymore. "I know, but you should still call so they don't worry," she said, "They will think we are dead if we don't go get Leo the moment we wake up." She giggled a little, because it was true. They were a bit to possessive of their child. Moving up stairs, she called Cal and thankfully got an appointment, then got dressed in a casual sun dress, cardigan, and a pair of flats. She pulled her hair up into a pony tail before moving back downstairs. "We're in," she said, letting out a sigh. "Why am I so nervous? We've done this once before..."

Hugo grinned, bouncing Rose a little and watching her smile. He looked over at Feyn and arched an eyebrow. "What are you thinking about?" he asked curiously, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket to dial Draco. Rose looked at the phone with interest, making him chuckle. "This is Daddy's toy, Baby," he murmured, kissing the little girl's head.
Scorpius smiled nodding."True."He snorted looking amused at the idea as he headed for the bedroom to get ready. Glancing at her as she came back downstairs he stretched out on the couch before getting up."Well, it wasn't a really normal pregnancy that time."He pointed out kissing her lightly."Draco said they'd be fine.He had plans."He said rolling his eyes at ihs father's dorkiness as he headed outside to the car.

Feyn smiled looking up at her husband from her chair, content to sit there with harrison as he slept."Hmm just thinking about how we're eventually going to be doing this by ourselves.Just neverous."She shrugged laughing a little as the baby tried to reach for the phone.

"hello, your talking to draco's wild world of animals, draco speaking."Draco said snickering as he talked looking at the small transfigured dragon toy he'd made for leo, smiling a little as the animated toy roared and reacted as leo pulled on its tail and ears.
Evangeline got into the car and leaned back against the seat. Once he was on the highway, she grabbed his free hand as he drove. "Yea, I know," she said, "We didn't deal with Muggle doctors or anything. Just a healer when needed... But Leo was an easy pregnancy for the most part. What if this one gives me trouble?" she said, putting her hand on her stomach. "Or what if he's not as healthy as Leo? It's just a scary thought, I guess."

When they pulled up to Cal's office, they walked in and Evangeline stripped down to a hospital gown and got up on the table. Cal walked in shortly, smiling at them both. "Congrats," he said, setting the file aside. "We are just going to check and see if everything is going smoothly, okay? Any morning sickness yet?" Evan shook her head, and Cal smiled. "Every pregnancy is different. It doesn't mean a thing. I promise."

Evangeline put her legs up on the stirrups, and Cal when to work on getting the sonogram machine on. Within a few minutes, the two young parents were able to see the tiny baby on the screen. "Well, the heartbeat is strong and the development is spot on. The baby is a little small for my liking though, so I'd like you to up your calorie intake, okay?" Evangeline nodded, reaching out for Scorpius' hand as she watched the baby on the screen.

Hugo laughed a bit. "Hey, we were going to come by and visit with the twins. Think that will be okay? I thought Leo might need some more exposure to them... Poor kid is just like Scorpius." He smirked a bit at that, because it was true. He could never see Leo being at peace with sharing attention with another child. "I figured we'd be over in a few minutes?"
Scorpius was quietly as they walked in, looking vaguely uncomfortable as he looked around the office, very,very aware of just how....much feminine crap was in a office like this. Poor guy despite spending most of his teenage years as a playboy, the man was still uncomfortable considering things like this. "Well, that just means no allowing the malfoy men near the stove, and letting grandmother cook for you. I think we can handle that."He said snickering a little, knowing that the minute narcissa found out she was pregnant, the older woman was going to be feeding them all.

"its fine. I have enough animals for everyone."he snickered looking amused at the sight of all the fake magical animals he'd made. Snickering he nodded."Oh, he is definately his father's son. I'll see you in a few minutes."

FEyn smiled looking up as she stood, laying harrison down in the crib as she gathered everything they needed before heading over next door with her small family, looking amused as they walked in, staring a little wide eyed at her nephew."....did you have nothing better to do then to create animals?" Draco grinned, a small dragon curled up in his lap."Definately not. How are you guys today?"He said leaning up to look at the twins.
Evangeline smiled a little, nodding as she looked away from the screen and toward her fiancé. She squeezed his hand and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Well, I don't want to tell anyone until after the wedding," she said, blushing a little. "I refuse to be as big as a side of a bus while I walk down to aisle. I already have the dress and everything... We can just tell them when we get back from the honeymoon?"

Cal snickered at the two of them. "You two are acting like first-timers," he said, shaking his head. "Do you two want to known what your having? You are just to where we might be able to tell."

Evangeline quickly shook her head. "Oh no," she said, "I want it to be a surprise. Like Leo."

Leo giggled as he leaned over to pet the dragon, so excited to have the creature so close. The dragon let out a puff of smoke through his nostrils, making the toddler giggle even more. "Pa! Look, Pa!" he said, bouncing up and down a little. Beth walked in and rolled her eyes, moving to sit on the couch that Draco was leaning against. "The kid can get Draco to do anything..." she commented, then held out her arms to take Rose from Hugo.

Hugo smirked. "We've been good. Sleep is a rarity these days, but we are trying to do more on our own," he admitted, sitting down in a nearby chair. He pulled Feyn into his laugh and smiled down at Harrison, who was still fast asleep in his mother's arms. "I'm surprised Evan and Scorpius haven't come to confiscate Leo yet," he said, sounding amused.
"Hmm we can do that. Though they're going to sulk at not being told. You know they will."He said pouting a little but snickering. Pouting when he wasn't even allowed a chance to answer."But evan!"he whined twisting a little to try and get a better look the screen, trying to see what he was ahving.

Draco ogrinned a little as he looked down at the dragon."I see pretty boy."He said looking amused as he looked up at beth pouting a little."He can not."He grumbled sulking a little before looking at leo."hey kiddo, your cousins are here. You wanna show them yur dragon?"he said looking at the little boy sitting nearly in his lap in the eagerness to play with the dragon.

Feyn smiled a little as she rested her head on Hugo's shoulder, closing her eyes. Content to be held, just like her son. "We've been better.sleep would be nice." Draco snickered shrugging."Scorpius didn't let me sleep for months, and he was only one kid. I can't imagine twins."He said snickering looking amused.
Evangeline rolled her eyes. "Scor! It's going to be more exciting to not know," she said, pouting a little. "Please? For me? And the others will be fine... I just prefer to unveil it all once we are back home from the honeymoon. It will be more special that way." She squeezed his hand, letting Cal check her out a little further before telling her she could get dressed.

"Everything is fine. Both Mother and baby are very healthy," he said, looking at Scorpius with a smile. "Just make sure she's eating enough, okay?" He shook Scorpius hand, then patted Evan's shoulder before leaving to his next appointment. As Evan got dressed, she looked over at Scorpius with a smile. "I'm started to get excited," she admitted. "We get to do it all together unlike last time. You can be in the room with me when I'm having the baby and everything..."

Leo looked up at Draco with a furrowed brow. "My dragon..." he whined, obviously not willing to share. Beth smirked a bit and shook her head. "Sweetheart, we know Grandpa gave the dragon to you, but you can let the others look at it, right? Just look?" Leo pouted, but seemed to relent. He gave a slow nod, unsure about it all. He reached up and pet the dragon gently, obviously very attached to his new friend. There was no question that he was going to want to keep it.

Hugo snickered a little. "You are going to have a lot of explaining to do when Evan and Scorpius find out that their toddler now has a pet dragon..."
"No it wont."He whined sulking at not being able to know but let it go before nodding. "It will.And they wont fuss as much then."He said deciding before loking relieved that was okay as he walked outside with her. his smile widening, nodding."That will be fun. And maybe I wont want to be. Feyn damn near cursed hugo, I don't know if I want to be in the room with you."He teased because he knew he was going to be in there as soon as he got the chance.

Draco smiled a little."I know,but they'll be so happy to see it."he muttered stroking leo's head as he shifted, settling leo in his lap as he picked up the dragon, shifting them all so that leo could look at the babies along with watching rose giggle excitedly at the dragon. Draco winced having not thought about that until he'd already made the little dragon."Well, i'll just tell them its better then getting him a real one. This one wont grow, and wont flame, he'll just snort smoke. So he wont hurt anything, and he's small."He rationalized.
Evangeline raised her eyebrows as they began to walk outside. "If you don't go in their with me, then you better be at home packing your bags," she said, "I refused to do that alone again. I had never been so scared in my whole life." She frowned, getting in the car with a sigh. She was just so happy that she wasn't going to have to worry about who the father would be, or being in danger with Lucius and Voldemort this time around. "Scorpius, you still haven't told me what you've thought about having another baby..." She glanced over at him while he was driving. "You've said you're not mad, but you haven't expressed your feelings on it.... I mean, are you excited about it?" She swallowed hard, wanting him to talk to her. Deep down, she knew it was about his mother, and it still worried her that after all this time being together and having Leo, they never had a real talk about it.

Hugo snickered a bit and rolled his eyes. "Whatever you have to tell yourself," he murmured, tilting his head to the side. Leo crawled into Draco's lap when the dragon was placed on the floor, watching Rose giggle with an odd curiosity. It was obvious he didn't like it, but he wasn't going to say anything. The dragon looked up at his new young owner and let out a content puff of smoke. Leo giggled and clapped happily. "Pa, he likes me!" he squealed, grinning ear to ear. He crawled back down to the floor to pet the dragon some more.

Beth laughed a bit, shaking her head. "I have a feeling that Leo is going to be a spoiled Malfoy times two. Er, well, a spoiled Snape." She smiled and sat down on the ground with Rose in her lap, letting the baby get a closer look.
"Well, i guess I can risk life and limb to be with you."He said a smile dimpling his cheek, showing that he was ust teasing as he settled into the car. Backing out of the parking lot he was quiet at her question unable to voice the screaming, utter terror that filled him every time he thought of being a father. Despite already being one, and already being good at it, he himself, couldn't see just how good he was at it. Astoria had damaged all three, scorpius feyn and draco, to the point they couldn't see themselves clearly anymore. "Its...I never really considered having another you know?I always knew malfoys never had more then one kid,even if I didn't know about the curse, so...I don't relaly know how to feel,except worried."He said running his fingers through his hair.

Draco smiled a little looking amused at his granddaughter's curiousity, and so proud that leo wasn't throwing a fuss about his displeaement. Smiling as Leo clapped he nodded."So he does.What are you going to name him leo?"He said figuring if he endeared he dragon enough to the boy, his parents wouldn't throw to much of a fuss about having a small pet around the house. "Definately a spoiled snape."Feyn said smiling as harrison stirred at the sound of ihs cousin's happy cries, shifting down to sit next to beth so her son could inspect the dragon and his cousin at the same time.
Evangeline sighed and reached to grab his hand. "I'm worried too," she whispered, "But Scor, you are an incredible father. Leo adores you and loves you so much... It's easy for me to sleep at night knowing that he has a father like you." She rubbed his arm and gave him a smile. "You will get to have another little baby to spoil, and Leo will get to have someone to grow up with and have for life. Once the baby's born, it will all feel natural again." She placed his hand on her stomach. "Everything will be okay."

Leo thought about it for a moment, watching as the dragon rolled over and let out another puff of smoke. "Puff!" Leo said, looking proud of himself. The dragon let out little purrs as the boy pet his stomach. Beth smiled and leaned over to kiss her lover. It was just so sweet to see him with Leo. She knew that he had to have been like that with Scorpius.

Hugo shook his head with amusement, reaching down to stroke his wife's head. "So where did Evangeline and Scorpius go?" he asked curiously. "Not everyday that they let him out of their sight for this long. Not that I can blame them... I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around leaving the twins somewhere for extended amounts of time."
Scorpius smiled a lttle nodding."It's just...I know in my head I am, but I'm terrified of being like my mother."He whispered looking at her with a small smile before nodding "I'm sure things will feel more normal again when things settle."He said reassured as he parked smirking at the house."Think father's ready to let leo go home?"He said looking amused at the idea.

Draco grinned,"Puff it is."He said amused as the dragon purred, "I didn't know dragons could sound like a kitten.'He mused before looking up at hugo."You want a dragon to?"He said looking amused as he kissed beth back studying her."What?"He said flushing a little as he realized she was thinking things about him.It sometimes embarassed him to know she thought such good things about him, when he could barely stand to think about himself some days.

Feyn smiled leaning her head back into hugo's hand relaxing. Draco grinned up at Hhugo, smirking."scorpius said they were going to go test wedding cakes and get him a suit before coming over. Said it was easier to shop without leo."He said looking amused before laughing."Oh, wait until they start crawling. You'll want to send them away then.
Evangeline rolled her eyes. "Your father will be a sad sight when we are taking him home, I'm sure," she murmured, walking into the house. Leo looked up and grinned. "Momma! Daddy!" he squealed, "Look! Puff!" Evangeline walked in, looking curious as she leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead. When her eyes fell on the dragon, she raised her eyebrows. "Draco... What is this?" The dragon nudged Leo's hands, letting the toddler pet him some more.

Hugo began to laugh, shaking his head a little. "Your new pet." Beth gave her sister an apologetic, yet amused look.


A few weeks later, everything in Narcissa and Snape's backyard was set up for the beautiful wedding. Since it was a summer wedding, they opted for a light mint green instead of the dark emerald green, and all the white chairs were tied with a satin ribbon of the chosen color. Every inch of the backyard was either decorated by hand or by magic, and it was all glamored so that neighbors could not see it from the outside.

Evangeline was pacing in her dress, feeling more nervous that she had ever been. It did not hit her until that morning, but it hit her hard. She just hoped her very slight baby bump would not give their secret away before they had a chance to tell everyone... And she hoped that Scorpius' friends from England didn't have a hard time finding the wedding.

When her dad walked in, she sighed with relief. "Why am I so nervous?" she whined, moving in for a hug.

Hugo was standing up at the alter beside Scorpius, looking sharp in his brand new suit. He leaned into his friend and smirked. "How are you feeling?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
everus smiled a little as he walked in, wrapping his arms around his girl gently looking amused."because its a normal thing to feel on your wedding day?"He muttered looking amused as he leaned back to look at her."your beautiful."He muttered."But I really came to tell you both alais and imriel are here. And feyn's directing them to their spots, so your bridesmaids and groomsmen are ready."he said kissing her forehead lightly.

Scorpius smiled as he fussed at his suit, "I'm fine."He snapped feeling nervous before looking startled at the sight of the two coming down the aisle with Feyn."I thought you two weren't coming."The groom said looking at a loss for words, so glad to see his friends. "Well, your bride to be, and cousin thought that surprising you was something you deserved, since you surprise them all the time."Alais said smiling as she kissed his cheek before raising a eyebrow at hugo,but looking amused. While death eaters, the two had been more neutral and refused to bother hugo or rose when they'd been at hogwarts."I never thought I'd see the day, that you stood up for scorpius."Alais said smiling as she kissed his cheek to.
Evangeline let out a sigh of relief, leaning into her father with a smile. "Perfect," she murmured, "I hope Scor is surprised..." She reached to grab her flowers, taking a glance at herself in the mirror before turning to her father. She tilted her head to the side and took his hand. "Are you proud of me?" she whispered, "I mean... Are you happy that I ended up with Scorpius? I know it wasn't what you originally wanted." She blushed a little, because she remembered when he had specifically asked for her to stay away from him. In the background, the music started to play, signaling that she was about to walk down the aisle.

Hugo blushed a bit and shrugged. "Neither did I," he admitted, putting his hand in his pocket. Thankfully, the rings were still in there. It was a little hard to get everything together that morning with the twins, but they had managed. In fact, everything looked great, and it was worth it, considering he got to see Scorpius shaking in his boots.

Beth leaned into Draco, sitting with him on the front row. "How are you feeling?" she asked, smiling at him. Leo was sitting in his lap, thankfully calm and happy. He had just started walking (consistently) a week ago, so it was not out of the ordinary to have him run off and not be able to find him. She knew he was going to be quite the handful while his parents were on their honeymoon.
"Scorpius is probably shaking in his boots."Severus snorted looking amused as he looked over his daughter, before smiling a little."I told you to stay away because I was afraid of your discovery, no because I thought he couldn't love you. He's capable of loving deeply, as much as draco is."Severus smiled looking amused because she knew his sons could be tempermental and annoying about themselves. "But I am proud of you, for building this life you wanted."he said kissing her cheek before taking her arm, starting out with her.

Scorpius gave hugo a look as if sensing why hugo was enjoying this, just to see him frazzled."You still have the rings right?"Feyn muttered as she slipped into place next to her husband, both couples making a beautiful match set for the anxious looking scorpius who looked ready to bolt when Evangeline didn't appear right away when the music started. As if he was worrying that she was having second thoughts.

Draco smiled tilting his head a little, turning his head to look at her before returning to watch scorpius."I'm fine.Glad Alais and Imriel could make it."He muttered smiling at scorpius and his friends, glad his son could have this moment, with the people that meant most to him in the world. Though he looked calm and happy, there was...something in his eyes that said he wasn't nearly as calm as he pretended.
Evangeline appeared a few moments later, walking down to aisle with a huge smile on her face. When they reached the end, she leaned in so that her father could kiss her cheek, then took her place in front of Scorpius. She grabbed his hands and squeezed them, her eyes showing exactly how much she adored him.

Hugo smirked and nodded. "Amazingly enough, I remembered to grab them," he said, trying not to let out a yawn. They did not get much sleep at all with the twins the night before, maybe two hours...

The ceremony ended up being beautiful, and within minutes, the couple had their rings on, kissed eachother, and were married - finally. Evangeline was so happy that her eyes were a bit glassy as they made their way down the aisle, heading inside to go to the reception that Narcissa had been cooking all night for. When they sat down at the table in the front of the room, she leaned into him and kissed him passionately. "How does it feel to be a married man?" she whispered, nuzzling him a bit. She was so ready to spend a week with him in Paris... She just hoped they could be away from Leo long enough to make it through the week.

Beth stood up and took Leo from Draco, resting the child on her hip. She looked good with a child, but she'd also come to a conclusion - she was perfectly happy being Draco's wife and nothing else. If he wanted more children, she'd try, but she was content with him and all of his adorable grandchildren. Draco and his family would always be enough for her. "You should know by now that I know when you're lying," she said, tilting her head to the side. "Are you okay?"
Feyn raised a hand to hide the yawn as she settled at the table, looking amused at her cousin and his wife, leaning over to talk to hugo."You know it could be worse. The twins could still be up and fussing instead of sleeping."She muttered glad that the twins were indeed sleeping in their playpen, giving their parents time to talk to adults, and maybe if they were lucky, catch a little bit of sleep.

Scorpius smiled loooking at his wife, wrapping a arm around er shoulders, kissing her back before leaning away."It feels just like being single,except now I have a reason to take a week off school, and spend it all in bed wih you."He snickered because despite his teasing, he looked even happier at being married, and knew that they would indeed be doing the couple thing in paris and not stay the whole in in the hotel."You think you'll be okay, being mrs. m-snape?"

Draco smiled as he looked up at her, eyes pained at the sight of her with leo.It was like everything he was seeing, was hurting him today, but only for reasons that the former malfoy would keep to himself. He stil hadn't shaken the training lucius had given him, in bottling everything up."I know,but I didn't want to ruin the day."he muttered as he stood, pressing a kiss to her cheek."But I'm...fine.I'll be okay."he said issing her stealing his grandson as they both headed inside.
Hugo reached over and placed a hand on her knee. "That's true," he admitted, leaning over to kiss her cheek. When the food was served, he dug in. Narcissa's food was just as good (if not better) than his own mother's food. It was certainly to die for...

Evangeline grinned and tilted her chin up. "I don't think there is anything I'd love more than to have your last name, whatever it was," she said, looking amused. She watched as Leo squirmed out of Draco's arms and waddled over to his parents. Leaning down, she picked him up and gave him a big kiss. "Hey there, baby," she cooed, snuggling the little boy before turning him around so he could eat some wedding cake. "Are you going to be okay with Grandpa while Mommy and Daddy are gone?" she asked. She was starting to feel a little nervous about leaving him, but surprisingly enough, Leo nodded. "I be okay. I be good," he said, taking a big bite of cake that she gave him.

Beth frowned and sat down with Draco. "Honey, you aren't going to ruin the day by telling me what is bothering you," she promised, taking his hand and lacing her fingers within his.
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