Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Hugo looked at Feyn like she was crazy. Surely her mood swings were intentional, but he was starting to wonder... "If you deserved it, you would have had it the past six years," he quipped, opening his books and getting his stuff in order. He pulled out his notebook, which was already filled with notes he had taken over the summer while reading from his textbooks. Maybe they wouldn't let him be a legal auror, but dammit, he was going to be just as good as one. "But it's not like it matters. If it did, I would have gotten Head Boy," he murmured, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. I don't need that unwanted responsibility."

"I'm not going to run away," Evan snapped, "I'm not my mother." She shook her head, listening to her father's advice with a smirk. "Well, he's not getting in my pants... I'll come by tonight after dinner." Blushing, Evangeline sighed and nodded, walking across campus just in time to make it to class. She moved to the back of the class room, sliding into her seat with a sigh. She swallowed hard, rubbing her cheeks and hoping no one would realize something was wrong. As she was getting her stuff out of her bag, she noticed Scorpius in the corner of her eye. Coincidentally, she had managed to sit right beside Scorpius Malfoy.
"Well, if it helps, I'm not the one who stole head boy from you. I wouldn't look good in boy's clothes."She muttered wrinkling her nose a little as she rested her chin in her hand as she listened to McGongall's lecture, absently taking notes with the air of one who already studied it all, even if she was neurotic enoug that after reading everything, she forgot some to. Quiet and withdrawn as she took notes, the woman appeared for all the world to be ignoring the man sitting next to her, even if she kept glancing at him, as if she wanted to ask him about what they were learning. Scorpius didn't care, wouldn't care to experiment, but the man sitting next to her, she had a feeling had the same thirst for knowledge she did, to even a obsessive need.

Snape smiled looking amused as he watched his daughter leave, for a moment believing that it would be okay....and laughing out loud at the idea of Scorpius Malfoy for once, not getting what he wanted.

Scorpius smirked slightly as he looked at the girl sitting next to him, "Page 23."He muttered nodding towards the transfiguration book she'd just pulled out, before settling in to listen to the lecture. While he wasn't the best student, his father still demanded he try, and if he didn't...well things could be unpleasant. So Scorpius malfoy studied hard, to avoid a worse punishment. Willing for the moment to set aside his pursuit of the woman sitting next to him, after her rude dismissal, he was rethinking his stragety for getting her to sleep with him. For once, the malfoy heir was actually having to work for something.
Hugo listened intently to the lecture, following along with his pre-made notes. He was trying not to pay attention to the girl beside him, but it was hard. She was really attractive when she was looking interested in something... "I don't even know why we take this class anymore. They outlawed most transfiguration," he whispered, mostly to himself, but admittedly to her too. Honestly, he loved transfiguration. He practiced it a lot, and it was his own person secret that he actually was a self taught animagus.

Evangeline nodded, turning her book to the right page. "Thanks," she murmured, remembering what her father aid. Scorpius wasn't the real threat, because he was on a mission of getting laid, not to find out her secrets. "I... I'm sorry for being so rude," she whispered, not paying attention to the lecture. It wasn't that she wasn't a good student, but she hated transfiguation. She bit her lip and looked down at her lap. Mid thigh to mid calf was bare thanks to her skirt and knee high socks she was wearing. She broke school codes and wore garters. They were all the rage in France, but they were considered risque in England, apparently.
"Because you took a bunch of death eaters and put them in charge of the laws. They like having a excuse to crack down on a student, if needed."she muttered because she knew that wasn't it, but because most of the had attended hogwarts, and seemed reluctant to change things when headmaster snape was doing well taking care of things. Blushing slightly when she noticed he was looking at her she focused on the book in front of her before nearly jumping out of her skin when McGongall announed practice, turning her wand a little and with a smirk transfigured his notebook into a cute kitten."There, now tht will be better then a notebook."She muttered smiling happily as she reached out a stroked the kitten's head.

"Welcome."Scorpius smiled sligtly as he looked over at her, looking startled at her words. Having not expected a apology despite her rude dismissal he was amused."It's okay. I'm known to be rude every now and then."He said mlooking amused before swallowing as he followed her gaze, a heated look entering his eyes as he looked at her bare legs before looking up, fousing on paying attention to the lecture, then practicing the transfiguring spells, intent on not feeling up the girl next to him. He got the feeling that doing so would probably get him smacked.
Hugo looked over at her kitten with amusement, watching her petting it until it purred with satisfaction. He smirked a bit a rolled his eyes. "Cute," he murmured, "I honestly thought you'd probably make something like a snake... Something more cunning." He pointed his wand to his notebook and turned it in to a puppy. It wagged it's tail and bounced around on the desk until it caught sight of then kitten, then chased out of the classroom and down the hall. Hugo leaned back in his chair and laughed a bit. "That's not why they outlawed transfiguration," he murmured, "They out lawed it because an animagus is hard to trace."

Evangeline pursed her lips together. It was hard to not only have no friends, but have no one to confide in. Her secrets were simply too deadly. "It's just been a hard transition," she murmured, trying to decide what parts of her life she should clue him in on. Obviously, nothing about her parents. "I just found out the nanny that helped raise me passed away. It was bitter pill to swallow. I spent more time with her than my own parents." She tucked her black hair behind her ear and helplessly tried to get some sort of result out of the new spell. Nothing.
Feyn smiled shuddering at the thought of a snake, freaked out at the thought of snakes. She sooo hated snakes."Only snake I care for is my uncle."She muttered so deadpanned and serious that if you hadn't been looking at her to see the wicked teasing glint in her eyes you wouldn't have known she wasn't serious. She just liked making fun of her uncle, even if he wasn't there. the elder malfoy was one of the few people she would do anything for, and he understood her, sometimes. "True.Though if you look, most of them are animagi."Feyn said looking thoughtfull before shaking her head at the puppy and kitten, giving him a look."Did you have to chase off the kitten?"

Scorpius winced a little at her words, tilting his head slightly."I am sorry. I shouldn't have been pressing into your privacy then."He said looking truly sorry. And he did. After all, the young malfoy understood all about nanny's who you spent more time with then your parents. in his case, it had been his grandmother who had raised him more then his mother. Him and feyn were closer to lucius and narcissa because the elder malfoys had raised them, instead of astoria and draco."No no, you're doing to wand flick wrong. And saying it wrong. Its like this."He said before flicking her wand, before repeating the words slowly.
Hugo smirked and shrugged. "Yea," he said simply, then looked up at the Professor as she dismissed the class. No homework. Nice. He moved to get all of his things, calling the dog back with a flick of his wand and turning it back into a notebook. He was amused by her words about her uncle because he knew that he was exactly as she described - a snake. He hated Hugo's mother and father, and they hated him right back. However, his mother had often expressed a twinge of sympathy for Malfoy, saying he was only the way he was because he was raised that way. It always made Hugo feel a little guilt for hating the Malfoys so much... but it also didn't stop him from doing so.

Evangeline looked at him with an arched eyebrow. "You never pressed into my privacy. You just want in my panties," she murmured, "Well... Jokes on you. I don't wear them." She smirked a bit, surprised at herself. What was she doing? She promised her father that she would watch her back, and aside from that, who was she trying to be? She was as virgin as a virgin could be... She blushed and let him help her flick the wand. Her eyebrows creased into determination and frustration as she repeated the words, eventually (after many attempts) turning a sheet of paper into a canary. "I didn't take you as a transfiguration expert," she said with a little surprise in her voice as they began to pack their things. "According to your cousin, you do very little that doesn't require being between someone's legs."
Feyn smiled a little as she changed the kitten back, sliding it into the bag she was carrying, moving towards the door with a sigh. she hated potions with a passion, but at least snape wasn't teaching anymore. "Come on Weasley, we have McKinize next." She said sulking a little because she hated potions, and while she hated the man standing next to her, she felt comfortable with him. Which confused her and made a even worse tangle of complicated emotions. Walking down the hall she was careful to make sure he was walking a little ahead of her, just so she could follow him to class instead of leading the way and embarassing herself.

"That's true, but I-"He said before his words stuttered to a stop at her words. Eyes widening slightly, surprise showed in grey blue eyes. Smirking he tilted his head towards her."Well,I do enjoy jokes, even if they are on me."He said amused before shifting in his seat a little, ignoring the effect her words had on his body. Shifting a little he smiled as she turned thepaper into the canary, before starting to pack her things."Just because I don't spend as much time buried in a book as ms. little obsessive and the weasley brat, doesn't mean I don't study."He said making a face as they headed for the door.
Hugo was a little confused at her insistence to stay close to him, figuring she was going what she usually did - observing. After years of competing with her, he knew her almost as well as her friends and family did. He knew that when she was threatened or interesting in something, she stayed close to it and analyzed it. "So when is this dance that Aunt Cissy thinks is so necessary?" Hugo asked in small talk, her aunt's name coming out like a curse word. Reaching up, he attempted to smooth out his messy hair while waiting for her answer.

"Well, my whole life is a joke," Evangeline murmured, slipping her book bag onto her shoulder. She smirked at him and tilted her head to the side. "Don't get defensive. I never said I didn't think you were intelligent. It's common knowledge, I think, that the Malfoys are quite smart." She shrugged a bit, proud of herself for slipping in a reference to make herself feel look more normal. She pulled out her schedule, pursing her lips slightly. Then her eyes lit up. "Oh! Good, potions. Something I'm good at," she murmured with a genuine smile. "Are you headed that way? I'm not sure I could find that room on my own..."
Feyn sighed a little looking thoughtful as she followed him. While she was enjoying her favorite hobby of observing people and most espically hugo-since he was a constant threat to both her mind and at home when Draco raved about how she let hugo beat her despite trying so hard to win- she really was just wanting him to take her to the classroom. Before frowning slightly as her attention was caught by the two following after them, watching her cousin and evangeline as they walked. "Aunt Narcissa, to you."She corrected with a snap before giving him her full attention again."This weekend, to celebrate the opening of the last year I have to disgrace myself by losing to you."She muttered wrinkling her nose a little as they moved through the cool hallways.

Scorpius tilted his head a little, wondering if he'd met her before. Surely despite rumors and everything about his family, no one could claim they were all intelligent. At least not like Feyn or his father. Spending time with either made his head hurt, and listening to them talk to each other was a lesson that he'd avoided suffering through as he got older. Sometimes he wondered his father would have rather had feyn for a daughter then him. "I am.All of 7th year takes the core classes together, like potions and transfiguration, or defense. While the electives, the ones we get to choose to take, sometimes get the lower years in them, but mostly you get a smaller group of your year taking them."Scorpius explained as they headed for the potions room, ignoring Feyn's look, before his head snapped around again to stare at her. She was voluntarily spending time with Weasley?Surely she was up to something. He'd have to talk to her later. After her public meltdown his father had told him to watch her, and make sure she didn't embarass them or do anything she shouldn't. And getting along with weasley was definately something feyn shouldn't be doing.
Hugo laughed a bit. "Sure, sure. Aunt Narcissa," he murmured, turned down the hall toward Potions. They had a few minutes to spare, so he started to walk toward the snack area (a new area of the castle they put in about ten years ago that sells coffee, pastries, pumpkin juice etc.) to grab a cup of coffee, putting in lots of sugar and no cream. It took him a moment to realize he followed her there instead of going straight to class. "You needed some caffine too, eh?" he murmured, tilting his head to the side. He noticed Scorpius eye them over Feyn's head, and out of instinct, he glared right back.

Evangeline nodded to his words, holding her bag close to her. Reaching up, she tucked a piece of her raven colored hair behind her ear. Even as they walked the halls, she could see how popular Scorpius was. Every girl that passed by either winked, licked her lips, or looked him up in down. It made her nervous. She wasn't used to being around men, let alone having sex with one. It was intimidating. "You seem to be well-liked among the girls in school," she murmured, biting her lip. "They all look like they want to scratch my eyes out for walking beside you."
Feyn for a moment looked startled that they were walking into the snack room instead of the potions lab, before she recovered, and the cool expressionless look showed on her face, though amusement shown in her eyes as she started to make her coffee, though to be fair, it couldn't really be coffee. More like flavored ilk do to how much milk she poured into it along with sugar. "Yea, well, seeing as talking to you puts me to sleep I need caffine."she quipped as she sipped it giving a soft sigh in pleasure at having her coffee perfectly done how she liked it.

Scorpius smiled a little as they walked, that pleasant cool arrogant smile graced his face, so much like draco's smile that it was like looking into a young mirror. smirking as he nodded a little,"Well, they might resort to scratching, but you wont have to worry about spells. They wont risk hitting me."He teased a little pausing as he glared back at weasley before looking at his cousin, trying to decide what to do before looking at Evangeline."Would you like something to snack on before we go into class?"
Weasley rolled his eyes. "Why do you think I stopped for coffee?" he murmured, taking a sip before grabbing a pastry. He watched as Scoripus walked into the snack shop with the new girl, and he tensed. A low, irritated growl came from his chest as he moved to a table in the corner of the room to finish his pastry. Normally, he wouldn't back down, but he was hungry and not in the mood. Plus there was Feyn, and he didn't feel like arguing with two Malfoys.

Evangeline winched a bit, her lips turning into a frown at his words. "Seems like you are a lot of trouble," she murmured, raising her dark eyebrows. However, she nodded. "Sure, I'll get some tea or something," she murmured, slipping into the snack shop behind him. Oh, that arrogant smirk was so.... sexy. Even if she was intimidated by his "popularity" there was no doubt that the way he carried himself was attractive. And those eyes... They made her stomach do flips, and she hated herself for it.
Feyn turned her eyes towards him at his words, frowning hard at him. Looking startled when he moved away she turned her attention to Scorpius and Evangeline, rolling her eyes before she sipped her coffee before moving over to the other two, slipping into the seat next to evangeline as she sat down."So, how was your first class?"She said genuninely curious

Scorpius smirked."Oh, I am alot of trouble, but I'm worth it."He said smirking as he got himself some coffee and paid for er to get whatever she wanted before sitting down, glaring at feyn as she joined them. "Having fun with weasley?"he said studying his cousin, resisting the urge to reprimand her in public. while his fther wouldnt have cared where they were, Scorpius knew just how sensitive feyn could be about things, so tried not to yell at her where others could see. Though the fact that she chose rooms near hugo's, and she seemed to be getting along with him made him worry.
Hugo frowned a bit as Feyn moved to talk to her cousin and the new girl. For some reason, it bothered him. It shouldn't. He didn't like her anyway. Not at all. In fact, she was the reason he was never going to be able to have to future he worked so hard for... So he needed to man up and forget about there almost bonding experience. It was nothing... Sighing, he moved to sip his coffee and pulled out a book he'd been reading.

Evangeline sat down with the other two, a little surprised that Scorpius paid for her tea and cinnamon roll. She shrugged to Feyn, taking a sip of her tea. A chill ran through her body as the tea began to warm it. "Well, it ended okay thanks to your cousin..." she murmured with a smirk. "But I was late and I could barely turn my paper in a canary." She shrugged and up to run a hand through her long black hair. Her dark eyes met Scorpius' for a second, then moved away before he got the wrong idea. This boy... he was bad news.
Feyn smirked raising a eyebrow."Well, Scorpius makes a lot of women's classes end well." "Feyn, don't you have a book to be reading or something else?"Scorpius scowled at the teasing woman even if he had the grace to blush a little. "Well, we'll work on transfiguration still want to meet after classes right?"Feyn said smiling at the woman, tilting her head a little before smiling seeing the girl's look towards Scorpius. "We'll make Scorpius go away. We'll have a girl's study time, with no distractions."She said sipping her coffee, flushing as the warmth spread through her body, glancing aross the room towards hugo. Wondering why she felt the need to go sit with him rather then Scorpius. Meeting his eyes briefly she looked back towards the other two as she finished her glass of coffee."We should go. McKinzie will have our hides if we're late."She said standing up and heading for the classroom. The new potions master was also a death eater, and scared the woman so much more then anyone else, even if no one but her knew why. Scared her badly enough that she could barely keep it together enough to get a exceptional in the class, unlike usual where things just stayed with her instead of having to work at it.
Evangeline blushed and looked down at her tea, stirring in some sugar in order to keep her eyes off the man across from her. "Oh, sure. In the library, right?" she murmured, glancing up at Feyn. She gave her a smile then moved to grab her stuff, seeing how everyone was starting to rush to class. Looking up from her bag, she glanced at the handsome blond man. "Thanks for the brunch," she murmured, giving him a smile before throwing her bag over her shoulder. The stress of hiding everything from everyone was starting to way her down, especially when they were being so friendly. It was hard to believe they were so dangerous. Or, their families were at least. She just needed to get through the rest of this day, and then she would be okay.... When they got to the Potions room, she immediately recognized the professor form newspapers. He was a Death Eater, a popular one at that. It made her visibly pale as she took her seat.

Hugo moved to sit in the front of the class, like always, and started to get his supplies in order. He seemed completely unmoved by his odd bonding with Feyn, however, he was. And he hated it because it was just one more thing that she had ruined for him; his completely and total ability to hate her... The Professor started the lecture over Veritaserum, making Evangeline squirm in her seat. He was looking at her with suspicion in his eyes, unable to take his eyes of her. Hugo even noticed the way McKinze was staring at the new girl; he looked at her like she looked familiar, yet he couldn't place her with a name. Hugo new that look. It's the look older people give him when, at first, they think he might be his father, Ron.
"Yea, the back half has been turned to a study hall."Feyn answered smiling a little as she headed for the class. "You're welcome."Scorpius said smiling in bemusement as he watched her go. Amused as they headed for the classroom. Slipping into the seat next to evangeline he settled in to getting things ready, and unlike feyn, he did like the death eater and did fairly well in class.Feyn meanwhile took her usual seat and listening to the lecture the two cousins looked as unmoved and at ease as they ever were, even if they were both uncomfortable for very different reasons.

By the time class was over, Feyn was mentally and emotionally exhausted after listening to the lecture and having to bear Mckinze's breathing down her neck to make sure she was getting the truth serum exactly right. While most would have been happy to have the teacher fawn over them, she knew what the teacher wanted, and it made her so very uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that she walked face first into Hugo without even noticing, only startling out of her thoughts when she started falling.

Scorpius smiled a little looking at Evangeline."Are you okay?"He muttered as he started packing his things up, tilting his head a little trying to figure her out. She wasn't like most women he knew, and that intrigued him. "Are you ready for lunch? I have a free period after that, if you're not taking a class..."he said as he stood.
Evangeline tensed up a little at the sound of his voice, as if she were flinching from a beating. "Oh, uh, yea... I'm fine," she murmured, cleaning up her supplies from the potions. Slinging her bag up on her shoulder, she raised her eyebrows at him. She knew she shouldn't be hanging out with him. Not that much... To and from classes was safe, but what if he started to ask questions? She thought about it for a moment, and she almost said no, but she was just so... lonely. It sounded pathetic, and she knew he just wanted in her pants, but she needed a friend. Or as close as she was allowed to have one. "I have a free period too," she murmured, walking beside him. "I could use a good... tour, if your up to it. I still barely know my way to a restroom around here."

Hugo reached out, quick reflexes from Quidditch allowing him to grab her arm and yank her up before she hit the floor. "Whoa there," he murmured, "You breath to close to your potion or something?" He looked down at the much shorter girl, his navy blue eyes connecting with her's. After a few moments, he remembered to let go of her arm. "You, uh, you should be more careful you know. Not everyone would has reflexes like mine." With that, he smirked, the headed down the hall.
Scorpius studied her for a long moment trying to figure out what was wrong. "I'm good"Scorpius said giving her a flirty smirk, looking amused before walking with her, heading down to the great hall."So, what other classes are you taking?"he said talkng because unlike feyn, he hated silence. Hated having time to start thinking about things to seriously. Which was why he spent so much time in and out of bed, because screwing every woman around him was a way to not think to closely about his life and ambition in it.

Feyn started looking surprised as he caught her, jerking at her eyes, looking panicked at being touched."S-sorry."She stuttered a little before stepping back, watching him walk down the hall before walking quickly to catch up, wanting to make sure she didn't get lost, but mostly because she didn't want to leave his company yet. Which confused her, but she didn't mind his company as much as she used to,as disturbing as that thought was.
Evangeline raised her eyebrows. "I didn't know someone could be bad at tours," she joked, appreciating the fact that he was not asking too many questions. It's not that she wouldn't love to confide in someone, it was the fact that she wasn't allowed to. "Oh, um, Advanced Charms, Advanced Divination and History...." She sighed and tugged at her skirt a bit out of nervousness, not used to be around men, especially handsome men. "Those are the only Advanced classes I qualified for. I'm pretty average at everything else..." She smirked. "What about you?"

Hugo looked over at her, arching his eyebrow. "Heading to the dorms too, eh?" he murmured, letting out a sigh. He was confused by her actions. Really confused. She was no supposed to actually like him, and he was pretty sure that he hated her guts. Or atleast he thought he did.
Scorpius laughed, smirking."Well, Weasley is probably bad"He smirked, glancing towards the two walking down the hallway, glaring at hugo's back, frowning at feyn. This was going to be so bad. Smiling slightly at her he returned his focus to the woman next to him as they walked."Dark arts, magical theory, and ancient studies."He said amused, "I enjoy ancient studies only for the fact that it teaches warfare, not because I'm a history geek or anything."he said, sounding slightly defensive because it was his only deviation from a class that was truly helpful, he enjoyed history, even muggle history-not that he'd admit that- because by looking in the past, he could fix the dark order into something better. Or at least that was his idea.

feyn stopped, tilting her head a little when she realized he wasn't heading for lunch. Swallowing hard before she shook her head."No, just getting excerise by taking the long way down for lunch."She said blushing slightly as she realized her mistake in following him, heading up the stairs as they reached them, not about to admit that she had been following him to make sure she got back to where she wanted to go.
Evangeline smirked a bit, looking at him with amusement as he claimed that he not a geek. It was kind of... cute. Something that she did not expect from him. "What's wrong with being a geek?" she murmured, raising her eyebrows. "How do you know I'm not a geek? After all, the only thing you know about me is my first name... And I have a feeling you are not used to mystery in a girl." She batted her dark eyes at him, then looked away and toward the Dining Hall. Sitting down, she loaded her plate with a sandwich and a bowl of some sort of pumpkin soup.

Hugo looked at her with confusion, but nodded. "Good luck with that," he murmured, shaking his head a little. He moved toward the basement, going into his room and laying down on the bed. He needed a nap, or atleast some time away from all of the other students. It seemed the older he got, the less tolerance he possessed when it came to the Death Eaters.
Scorpius smirked a little, "Nothing, but feyn's the geek, not me."he reassured her as if it was a worry for her before laughing."true.But I would love to know more...but I think I like the mystery.The rest...I've known since I was in diapers.Kinda of ruins the whole getting to know you phase."he said thoughtfully as he sat down starting to eat. Like her he loaded his plate down, and started eating enough food to feed a whole qudditch team.Despite being rail thin like draco, the man could pack away food.

Feyn headed for the dining hall,but was so hopelessly lost that she actually missed lunch, and somehow ended up in the basement hallway. Sitting down on the stairs she sighed softly, leaning against the wall.Not so much because she couldn't figure out where she was, but because she was lost, it meant she didn't have to talk to anyone. Which was nice. "Ms. Cerelina, you are looking lost today."The potions master smirked a little as he looked down at the young red head sitting on the stairs, reaching out to gently touch her hair, tucking it out of her face as she started. Feyn jerked back, looking up at him with wide eyes as she scrambled to her feet. "N-no.Just taking a break."She said shrugging a little before brightening as she saw Hugo stepping out of the side hallway."Weasley. wait up, I wanted to ask you about history studies."She said skirting around the teacher and pretending not to notice the heated look the youngish professor was giving her as she headed for the redhead, who looked slightly...cute?if she could think that, and like a god sent gift to get her away from the creep of a teaher
Hugo paused, turning around and tilting his head to the side. Really? Her again? Hugo was silently wondering if the girl must have hit her head. Last year, she wouldn't be caught dead with him. He was about to comment on it, but he saw the look in Mckinze's eyes... He knew that look. It was of lust, anger, and determination. But why the hell would a professor be looking at Feyn like that? He shoved his hands in his pockets, looked at the professor with suspicion, then moved down the hall along side Feyn. Once they were out of earshot, he looked at her with a blank expression. "Well, we both know that you don't have any questions about history, and if you did, you wouldn't be asked me," he said in a smug tone, "So the question is, what's wrong?" With that, he arched his eyebrow.

Evangeline smirked. "Well, then I will stay mysterious... It's my talent," she murmured, reaching up to tie her long black hair up into a pony tail. It revealed a scar on the back of her jaw line, but she didn't seen to notice. Taking her spoon, she began to stir her soup and gently cool it off. Her dark eyes looked at him out of the corner of her eyes, studying him while she thought he was surely not looking. "So... you're parents are a big deal around here, aren't they? France wasn't as... evolved as England - not until now - so I only know things that my Nanny used to tell me. She liked to keep up with Wizarding news in general. Don't take my ignorance as disrespect." She swallowed hard. That was all true, but her Nanny kept up with the news to make sure her father had not died. Sometimes he went a while to where he was unable to sneak away and go see her.
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