Asylum RP

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Arya felt better so she walked the halls of the Aslyum. but one could tell from the look she was in that she was still in pain . she no longer bleed out even if she picked at her scabs. she came across shawn and his doctor and wished she could know her own doctor but sense she been thou a few she glad to not have one at the moment. she stood by the door way listening and noticed shawn did not sound the same.
"I be good uncle Johnny I promise!" he said with mock excitement. "they aren't going to let me out, I keep telling everyone that I'm fucking fine and want to go. They aren't going to let me leave cause I am a "Danger" to myself and others. You shouldn't lie to me doctor last time that happen the old man had to go to the hospital after I gave him some glass shards to eat. Man could shit right for a week."
Arya had to hide a laugh at what shawn said about making someone eat glass shards. she wanted to feel more pain so this side of shawn interested her. she put pressure on her side where Dancia cut her good and let the pain run thou her body with a smile on her face.
Sean leaned in closer. "Oh I'll give you a time off and your friends, Arya and Danica. When I make a promise I hold onto it until I die. Look outside, what do you see?" He asked gesturing towards the window.
"What do I see, huh. I see a world without limits, and crazy possiblities. I see peace, freedom and happiness. You know what I really see out there sheep. Idiots how believe that hard work means something, that luck and a a small piece of paper holds more power over anything else in this world. Morons who ling to ways that show nothing positive but drag them down further into the hellhold that they themselves created. That is was I see out that window. That and clouds make out of candy."
"Good." Herald said as he finished loosening Danica's straps freeing her from her immobility. He turned and walked towards the door. "I'll schedule the therapy and we'll schedule it as your disciplinary action. It may take some time to set up but I should have it ready for you sometime next week." Before leaving he turned to the door and pulls out shiny bloody object from his pocket.

"And if you don't mind I'll be holding onto this for the time being." He motions to her prized knife shining in the faint glow of the florescent lighting. He places it back in his pocket and makes his way out the room. "You'll need to stay here a little longer but you'll be out in a few hours." He states before closing the deprivation room behind him and making his way out of the room.

Herald walked the halls of the hospital and noticed Arya standing nonchalantly and looking out into distance somewhere he apporached her and called out to her waving his hand to grab her attention. "Ms. Stone! Ms. Stone!" When he approached her he noticed Mr.Grey and Sean having their daily session with one another. He hummed somewhat distracted and almost recalling something Herald had forgotten. Quickly he regained his composure and turned his attention to Arya. "Ah, Ms. Stone I never got to finish out interview to full induct you to our hospital. If you would please follow me back to my office then we can continue."
Arya nodded and said in a whisper ";when Iam done can i come back here i like listening Shawn talk this is a new side of him i never knew before". she walked over to Herald and added "Is Danica okay did she get into a lot of trouble spilling my blood i hope not i had fun letting her stab me ". she touched her side again and had to bite down on her lip from the pain but then let go with a smile. she felt the blood from her lip in her mouth and smiled she still had blood in her not all of it was spilled .
"Exactly Shawn and please forgive me but "clouds made out of candy"? That is quite funny." Sean chuckled getting up. "I shall see to it that hour's and your friends time off is arranged. Thank you for your time Shawn" Sean fixed his tie and coat before walking off.
"I'm also optmistic doctor." He soon stood and nods but he dismiss the thought of actually leaving this place. As sean left Shawn whenover to the window and started mumbling argueing with himself on what he would do if he got the chance to leave.
Herald stopped Sean as he was passing by. "You'll have all the time to talk to Mr.Grey, Arya. Excuse me for a moment." He then turned to Shawn stopping him by placing his extend arm in his way. "Sorry to stop you so abruptly but I need to ask you a question doctor." He lowered his arm and smiled in a very vibrant expression. "It's nothing serious just something quite simple, would you or would you happen to know who was the psychiatrist for Danica at his facility? There are certain things that I am going to have to discuss with them."
Sean went to a nearby priest about letting them outside in the backyard of the asylum. It was huge so they had loads of room to roam. The priest was reluncant but will tell him as soon as be makes his descision. The two shook and departed separate ways.
Sean was then stopped by Herald and listened to every word he said. "Very well Mr"
Arya eyed Shawn with a smile and even pushed her robe aside for she was still wearing her hospital gown to give the nurses eaiser access to her wounds for it came time to change them. She was showing them off to shawn and said "she does a good job when it comes to cutting someone";. she droped her robe so that it fell back to where it was covering up her side. she giggled happy to have the scars once they all healed.
Shawn laughed at her scars "Well you do heal up nicely but why have scars on such a pretty body." he took his finger and trace the newly one the cut on her wrist.
"Your Danica's Doctor?" He said in a mild disbelief. "Alright then. Then there are two things I need to discuss with you. The first then is that I am going to take on Danica as my patient from now I know we usually don't shift doctors so late in a patients treatment like this but I feel that it would accelerate his recovery process somewhat faster. Seeing as she hasn't made any progress under your care, you're a astonishing doctor Sean but I want to go a different route with her treatment." That charming smile didn't escape from his lips and he had a rather jaunty attitude when discussing his next topic, "The second thing is Ms.Grey made an unusual request the other day and I felt that it should be left in your very capable hands. He wanted a room change seeing as he hasn't actually exhibited any temperamental behavior in sometime I felt that it should be granted. Yet I reiterate I leave up to you to discuss it with him and give him your decision. Any Objections?"
Arya smiled and blushed and at shawn touch she giggled saying ";maybe when we get to be alone i can show you all of them and i think they make my body look that much better". she still felt pain when they was touched but she loved pain . she then stepped closer to shawn saying "i want to get to know you better and Danica you both sound fun i mean candy clouds ". she giggled again.
he laughed at her embarrassment over him touching her "Well, scars do build character. You didn't like my candy clouds? would it be better if I said rivers of chocolate?"
She giggled and said "I love them both candy clouds and rivers of cholocate too bad they are not real i would love to eat them". she then reached up very slowly and ran a finger down his check and said "i bet you love to add to these scars or do what you want with me".
"Great!" he patted Sean on the back and began to walk off to attend to other things. "Thanks again Sean!" He said waving briefly as he walked off to rejoin Arya. He noticed that she was speaking with Shawn.

"Ms.Stone to my office please." He said gesturing her towards the direction of his office. "Oh and Mr.Grey I've talked to you doctor and he assured me he would let you know about that room discrepancy sometime soon." He assured.
Arya made a small pout but then waved bye to shawn saying "I will find you later i promise". she then turned on her heels to face Herald saying "okay lets get this over with ". she waited for him to lead the way .
he smiled and watch her go waving at herthen went back to looking out of the window and closing his eyes. he started to feel his body relax more and more as if he was in a trance. until he fell down to the ground with his eyes closed hitting his head on the ground.
"Arya will be punished for what she did," He said answering her earlier question as they walked towards Herald's office. "But don't worry about that right now and the fact that you enjoyed that pain is the reason we're here now aren't we?" He joked. He opened the door to his office and motioned for her to enter. "You should know where to sit if I'm not mistaken." He followed behind her sitting on the other side of his desk when she sat down.
Arya made her way over to the chair she sat down from before. she looked at the Doctor saying ";what else do you want to know cause i want to go see shawn ". she rocked back and forth in the chair acting like she was bored. she knew she was here cause she enjoyed inflecting pain and putting herself close to death. she also enjoyed letting others do it to her too . She used to be the only that did it till she came here and let Danica slashed her all over.
"I'm sorry to take up your time but this is an assessment to figure out what type of doctor or treatments we should take in order to help you with your condition. So bare with me, so last time you said 'yes i wish for her but then again i wish to just stay the same cause its feels so right for some reason'," he quoted reading off of his notes. "Is that right? So my question is do you feel this normal girl exist, did she get taken by the demons, what is stopping you from being her again?"
Arya listened to what he had to say then said "she got taken by the demons and left me in her place and i can't be her no matter how hard i have tried in the past cause i see the look in peoples eyes and know she is gone so i take on pain to feel alive";. she shifted in her chair she hated talking about the girl she could never be.
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