Asylum RP

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Arya laid there loving the licks from Danica but then the two guards came and she manged to say "do not hurt her she was only playing she needed this do not hurt her". she was trying to get up but was too weak as she fell back into her blood. she soon felt hands carefully getting stuff to apply to the wounds and even starting to pick her up.
Danica's eyes widened. She did not want them to take away her knife it was presious to her. She got up with the help of Herald and felt his hand tighten, she could have sworn she felt herself turn red.
"I hope you understand why it is that I'm doing this." He turned to the guards and nodded signalling for them to take a hold of her. It took four guards to pull her away, she fought ferociously but they eventually subdued her. This place is getting worse everyday, he thought. He turned to the guards and looked at them angrily. "What are you doing!? Take Ms. Stone to the old hospital damnit!" The guards nodded and helped Arya to the old hospital where they situated her in a bed and mended her wounds.

Danica was taken to a special place. A sensory deprivation room where they fitted her with a straight jacket, a pair of noise canceling headphones, and a blindfold. After about 40 minutes Herald came to join her. He pulled off the blindfold, turned on the lights and sat on the ground across from her. His legs sprawled out and his back pressed against the wall. He leaned forward after much contemplation and pulled the headphone from her head and tossed it aside. "Why did you act up like that Danica?"
Danica didn't look at Herald and instead at the floor. "Because I feel like it. I'm a psycho remember? A torturous killer."
Arya had gone out cold thinking this is the end for her she was finnely going to die. She soon came to and realised they had fixed her up again keeping death at bay. she cursed under her breath but felt happy for she could still feel the pain. she tried to sit up but the pain caused her to lay back down. She looked around the room she was in and saw they did not strap her to the bed but just left her laying there. she manged to push herself up more on the bed so she could of sit up half way with out much pain .
"No your not Danica there's one of the important criteria you miss with psychopathy at least in the psychological sense and that's lack of emotion and we both know you don't lack any of that now do you?" He determined. "Tell me how you feel, you may not want to be helped but that doesn't mean you can just run amok in my hospital Danica. How about this if you tell me a secret I'll tell you a secret, deal?" He suggested.
"Alright," He cleared his throat, "People don't know this but I got into psychology and psychiatry because of this idea I have. That at certain levels of psychosis, especially in violent untempered behavior, and in some cases of deep mental illness cause by trauma or just genetics all stem from one thing. Evolution." He knew by her face he was losing her so he attempted to simplify it. "Ok when our brains or our bodies are missing something it tends to build something to compensate for it, in mental illness it's the chemicals shift so our consciousnesses shifts.

That shift it really our mind growing. . .evolving so to speak. We treat some cases like those people should be shunned but I think instead of neglect and deniable that we honed these unique individuals because they will be the ones who will live without limitation. Imagine a world like that where we shed ourselves from all of our inhibitions and do what we want. The people who can do that are special but instead of encouraging them we stifle them creatively. I'm assuming you understand that I'm not talking about people with palsy and other brain defects but those that are suffering from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia,more psychological defections instead of the neurological form."

He looks up at Danica and realizes his been babbling, "Have you ever seen this movie called the King of Hearts. Well if you haven't it's actually quiet good, a french film. It explains what I've been talking about exactly in a kind of romantic comedy sort of way. . . anyway the point is I think you're one of those chosen people, those evolved individuals. But don't tell anyone otherwise they might throw me in here with you." He laughed and then stared back at her waiting for a response, "What's you secret Danica?"
Danica nodded, "your secret is safe with me. Alright, my turn. Here is the main reason for my "killing sprees", my secret. It wasn't because of the horror film my parents thought, it was something else well more like somebody. I couldn't get him out of my mind so in my "madness" I started attacking things then animals then of course, people."
Herald's curiosity had been piqued, "Hmm. . . tell me more who was this person? This somebody? I promise your doctor won't hear about this I don't have anything I can write this down with anyway and you've been here long enough to know how I am about my patients Danica. So who was it and why did they evoke these homicidal tendencies?"
Danica nodded "well he talks to my parents often and um isn't my doctor." Danica could feel herself go red. Oh why did he wanted to know about this man? She took a deep breathe. "I'm sorry but...the man is you."
Herald laughed, "Oh well I'm sorry to hear that and I'm quite flattered but it's not easy running a hospital. I can only take so many patients for myself but I think we could arrange something for the both of us. In fact there's a new exclusive therapy I want to try. It would let you spend more time with me but it might be too intense. Depends if your interested?" He walked over to her and loosened the straps of Danica's of her straight jacket, "But I want you to be a good girl. No more tantrums otherwise you won't be able to see me and you definitely won't have anymore privileges like socializing with the other patients and I will raise the dosage of you medicine as well. Too be honest I don't care if you're pretending or not you have to be good. Promise?"
Ashley had been sitting by the window in the activities room, looking outside. She had been in this place for close to 6 years now, and hated every minute of it. She didn't belong here! She sat there, holding on to her favorite stuffed animal and just rocked. It brought her comfort. She was remembering her arrival, and it wasn't a pleasant experience. She had begged her parents not to leave her. She fought every step of the way, but she was sedated to calm her. Upon waking up, she was in a padded room with a straight jacket. She must have appeared to be threatening. She sighed and brought her mind back to the present.

For a few years now, she had been trying to ignore the spirits that spoke to her, but it never worked. Doctors were always baffled as to why the medicine wasn't working. They tried old world techniques with her, including shock therapy, but nothing worked. One of her regular spirit friends sat down beside her. She looked up and smiled and started talking to him. He was her only friend here.
When Herald loosened the straight-jacket, Danica could feel the cool air rushing through her body. She thought about what he said about an exclusive therapy he would like to try and how they'll ge tot spend more time together. Danica nodded in her reply. "I promise"
Arya was now able to sit up more when the nurses came in to change out her bandages . She let them clean the wounds and wash her down then put clean bandages on and even clean cloths. she still felt the pain and liked it. she soon had food brought to her and some pills for the pain. She ate the food while they was in and pretended to take the medication for the pain but as soon as they walked out she tossed the pills in her drink . she did not finish the water they had given but instead laid back and closed her eyes with a smile.
Shawn met up with his new doctor who was younger then the last he had. I guessing it was because the last guy was too old that he really could handle him. looking at Sean made him revert back rolling his neck he other personality came out "So, I will be in you're care huh. Kind of young to be a doctor, what did you have no life outside of work, or do you just like Crazy people."
Sean walked over towards Shawn and sat himself down on a nearby chair. "For your information Shawn I do have a life outside of the asylum. I work two hospitals so you better be grateful you're not in two aslyums or more"
"Well you have to pardon me, if I'm not jumping for joy at the chance to be at another home like this. So, what are you here to do really? Give me another test? I got to say I been getting fond of those ink blot test, just so I can say random shit to freak people out." he looked the doctor up and down and smiled at him while cracking his knuckles.
Sean shook his head. "Actually I'm here to talk. I know you have mpd and that isn't your true personality. So I suggest we calm down before things get ugly."
"Oh, so you read my file and that I have a disorder, and this isn't my true personality. You you feel better if you talk to the "human" me. Everyone loves him with his depressive ass, or would you rather talk to the smartass who would love to end this session short so he can get back to the chicks. I think you will find it most beneficial to talk to me doc. So please tell me what is on you're mind. How are you feeling? And what happen in your childhood?" He smiled giving out basic question that he has been asked since therapy.
"Any personality is fine with me and childhood? Alright if you must know I was once like you. So many personalities along with PTSD. I was a mess. Was sent here and in a few years time I was out once they noticed my interest in doctors. I haven't been stressed nor has my personalities come to play." Sean said, fixing his coat.
"Ah, so you do like crazy people, that explains a lot. But tell me doctor what traumatic thing did you witness to cause such a thing? it must have been horrible." he asked sitting now on the edge of his seat in kind of a mock excitement.
Sean leaned back and hesitated. His whole family died from a severe storm while he was at work. The car in which his family was in caught on fire, burning them all.
"If you want, I can tell you that I have always been like this. I don't remember a traumatic moment in my life that I have resulted in this split when the split has always been there." casting his eyes to the ground to try and remember what his childhood was like.
Sean nodded then lifted Shawn's head up. "Don't stress yourself in remembering your childhood. It is best to forget. I for one can never forget. Now if you're good for a couple of hours, you'll get to go outside, literally. No jacket, no doctor or guard right beside you though we'll be watching from a distant. Think of it as a small vacation but hey at least you'll get fresh air"
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