Asylum RP

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Herald nodded his head and rubbed his chin in contemplation. He sat there in silence for a moment before he asked his next question. "What do the Demons look like and how often do you see them?"
Now he had her attation now and she smiled and said "The daemons look pretty black with red horns and tails and red eyes but they change their look often to different colors its so pretty and i can see them any time i spill my blood or someone else spills my blood ".
"Hm." Herald began to frivolously jot down some more notes. "So any type blood get spilled? So in times of very violent situations? Do they come out when you're watching movies with blood or does is have to be real?" He just started throwing questions at her not realizing he was probably overwhelming her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to give you so much at once. I was getting overzealous. Alright, answer however you want."
Arya thought about it for a mintue and said "I dunno its only ever been when my blood was spilled never tryed watching a movie with blood being spilled and see if it works can i try it useing blood on tv to make them come". she blushed when she realized she was asking him questions now.
"It sounds like a good experiment yet that would not be up to me but your assigned doctor." He closed the manila folder and placed his notepad to the side. Herald leaned in out his chair and rested his chin on his hands, his fingers crossed, and he stare at Arya for a brief and awkward moment. He was gauging her, examining, and it almost appeared like he was judging her. After a moment he broke that trance and nodded.

"Alright I think I have everything I need to make my assessment. Remember this place isn't a vacation or a getaway. This is a facility to help you get better but only if you want to. We as trained professionals can't force you get better but if you don't mind I have a lot of people taking up space in this facility and not contributing to their rehabilitation. If you don't mind I want to assist you however I can. So welcome to your temporary new home and I hope we can help you relax and find that girl that was taken by the demons. " He said mixed with a comforting yet scolding tone of voice. When he finished he shot her his charming smiled. He welcomed her graciously. "You can go back to the ward now."
Arya stood up and nodded her head then headed to the door then stopped and turned to him "I wounder who is my doctor"? she then walked out the door before he could answer her. she went looking for shawn for she wanted to spend some time with him now that she seemed free to go where ever she pleased.
Ashley had been sitting by the window for a while talking to one of her spirit friends and holding her stuffed animal. Between her friends and her teddy bear, those were the only things here that brought her comfort. This was a hard place to be in, and she didn't have any human friends. She looked around the room and noticed some other patients coming into the activity center. They all seemed to be a bit quiet today, and moved rather slow. She turned her attention back to her spirit friend and continued to converse with him.

She noticed a few nurses walk in with trays of pills for the patients, and she shook her head. There was no way she was taking pills again. They did weird things to her, and she didn't like it. She got up and ran out of the room, knocking a few patients out of the way as she did. A few of the nurses tried to catch her, but failed. "Leave me alone!!" She screamed at them. She was tired of the people here, and just wanted to break free.
Arya was one of the patients she knocked over. Aray got up and yelled after her "hey thanks for the pain come back and do it again please". she saw she was pushed aside again and the pain came back as the nurses ran after the girl . she let out a sigh and went on her way looking for shawn.
Sean heard the commotion and ran over towards Ashley. He had to admit, even though she was admitted as an insane person, he thought she was kind of cute. "Ashley! Hold up! Hold up! Calm down." He said, grasping both her arm and pet her hair with the other. "Calm down, no one's going to hurt you."
Ashley tried to break free from Sean's grip, thrashing and screaming. "Damn right no one is going to hurt me! I'm not letting you guys shove those brain washing pills down my throat!". She began to cry and trembled with fear. "I just want to go home. I don't belong here."
Sean pulled Ashley into a tight hug and stroked her hair and instead placed a calming pill in her mouth. "It;'s to help you calm down, not to brain-wash"
Ashley felt herself grow tired, her head went fuzzy and her body went weak and a bit limp. Her voice calmed down but she was still arguing. "No! How could you? Why did you have to do this to me?!". She gave up the fight and relaxed into his arms
Sean pet her head. "You've left me no choice. We'll not put you in a straight-jacket though." He pressed a glass a water to her mouth a gently tilt it so the pill could slide down. "You'll wake up soon"
Ashley could barely speak anymore. She gladly sipped at the water, enjoying the refreshing feel of the moisture trickling down her throat. She mumbled something about damn doctors and their brain washing drugs.
"This is not braining washing. This is to ease you're body of some time. Numb. And yes, damn us and our pills of brain washing" He explained with a chuckle, taking the glass away from her lips after she had enough.
Ashley glared at the doctor, annoyed at his mockery. She so wanted to fight her way out of his grip, though he was attractive. His arms were a better place to be than the straight jacket. She tried to take a step back and lost her footing, slumping forward into the doctor more. She seemed a bit stoned.
Sean caught Ashley before she hit the ground. Be lifted her up and carried her to his office/room. He laid her down on a bed and set a cold glass of water beside her in case she wanted a drink. "You are able to move your upper body. Your lower body will take a little longer." Sean walked towards his office and closed the door behind him.
After a few moments she reached over and grabbed the glass of water, eagerly chugging it down. She was feeling very dehydrated. "Stupid drugs! " she muttered under her breath as she put the glass back on the table. She had a small headache, and couldnt feel much of her legs. She watched as the Dr walked across the room to the door.
Sean was an unusual doctor. He had a secret, he owned an oujia board he uses to communitate with his wife. He took it out after unlocking his drawer and started.
Ashley laid in the bed, fighting sleep. She didn't want to succumb to the effects of the drugs. She didn't want to fall prey to whatever the doctors here might be trying to do to her. She didn't feel safe in this place, and feared for her sanity. To the others, yes, she was the insane one, but really she wasn't. None of the treatments were working because nothing was wrong with her.

She sat there in silence for a while alone, staring up at the ceiling, thinking about her days before the asylum. It was then that she heard a voice, a woman's voice. She called out to it. "Hello?" There was no answer, only whispers. "I can hear you! Where are you? Who are you?" Normally she could see the spirit whose voice she heard, but this time, nothing. It made her wonder if it was in a different room, but why would it be?? She couldn't get out of bed to check it out, all she could do was listen. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here!!"
Sitting up in the bed and looking around, Ashley decided to try and get up, though she could still barely feel her legs. They were shaky, and felt like jello. Upon standing up and putting all her weight on her lower extremity, she fell down to the floor with a loud thud. She grumbled and groaned as she tried to crawl to where the voices were coming from. "Hello??" She said louder this time. She didn't make it far before she felt rather dizzy and collapsed, a side effect of the drugs she assumed. "Damn doctors!!" She practically yelled it, hoping one of the nurses or doctors heard her. She was fond of expressing her distaste of this place, as well as the staff here. They gave her no reason to dislike them, since they were nice, but she felt that they were the ones holding her here. She wiped off the sweat that was glistening her brow and laid her head on the floor. "ugh..." she groaned. She wasn't sure how long she'd be down there, perhaps until the medicine wore off.
Herald sat at his desk combing piles of paperwork, becoming aggravated, and overwhelmed. This definitely wasn't something that he has signed up for. He sat there feeling hopeless and decide to take a break. He stood up from his chair, walked over to the window, and stared deep into stricken with a contemplative demeanor. His mind wandered about thinking about his past and the things he regretted never doing in his life in order to insure his dream. He felt like he need a vacation but his work would never be done and he could never leave this hospital. It wouldn't function without him or at least not in the way he wanted it too.

He let out a sigh and soon Danica popped into mind. She definitely should be out of the deprivation room at this time. A smile surface to his lips as he turned away from the window and began to grab his coat and hat and made his way out of his office. He was calling it a day the sun was setting and the patients seemed to be in capable hands. An orderly, doctor, nor a nurse was in sight and it appeared that order was restored. He closed his door gently behind him, inspecting the halls as he crossed the threshold, and sighing in relief when he saw that they were vacant. He sneak passed a few nurses and dodged a few doctors before saying goodbye to his favorite security guard standing like a statue at the entrance way of the hospital with a cigarette clamped between his lips.

Once he got outside he noticed it was starting to pour, so he tossed his jacket over him, and popped the collar over his face. He raced through the parking lot to his designated area where his car was waiting for him drenched but secure. He shuffled in his pocket for his keys and unlocked the door but before he could enter he froze. He could feel the piercing eyes of someone watching him. He looked around the parking lot to see if someone else was there with him, then he looked up to hospital, surveying each window that was visible to him, and noticing that no one was looking back at him. He shrugged and entered his car and then started the engine.
Shawn founded arya and smiled though he struggle with the personality to come out. In the end it was his mastermind that came through. "Arya ], how was your talk with the doctor?"
Arya just shurgged her shoulders and said ";boring nothing like yours i wish i could be that creative you know candy clouds cholocate rivers but all i can talk about is pain and deamons";. she touched her side and let the pain flood thou her with a smile something she kept doing which was making the wound bleed out a little bit and make it harder to heal.
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