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Asylum RP

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(hours before)

Danica was out of the room and in her own. Through the window she watched Herald drive off from the Asylum. She told him he drove her crazy but she didn't tell him she was in love with him. That drove her to insanity plus she got upset when he took her baby away, her knife.
Herald had been in his home office, rummaging through files, and attempting to clarify this case with Danica. He was sipping his tea and was sitting there for what seemed like hours. He was dressed very nonchalantly a white t-shirt and a pair of heart patterned black boxers. He was sipping on his favorite herbal tea, which was a blend of almond and chamomile. He stood up from his seat and stretched his legs and back. He moaned and grumbled as he made his way to his living room, files in under one, his mug of tea in his remote control in the other.

His home seemed not only spacious but empty as well. Something inside of him was feeling this backlash of repressed emotions about not marrying and having kids but he was consumed in his work and never had time to go on the hunt for that "perfect" someone. He also knew that they would be wretchedly envious of his devotion to his work and would feel neglected. He convinced himself that it was to protect this imaginary person but in reality it was a ruse and he was actually justifying his loneliness.

He turned on the television and the evening news had just started. A story of a suspected rapist surfaced that just murdered his fourth victim. He had been use to stories like that and wouldn't be surprised if the criminal ended up in his care at some time in the future. But then he turned his attention to Danica's file again. A long history of no symptoms of violent behavior then at the age of fifteen she went ballistic. No rhyme, no reason, just plain aggression and violent behavior. Seven years of being in the care of his hospital. In fact she was there way before he took on the reigns of becoming the head psychiatrist for the facility. Always an enigma that eluded him, those dead eyes, filled with hatred, and torment had glared at him as he passed through the halls of the hospital.

It doesn't make any sense. he thought as he took a sip from his tea and shaking his head silently. His face engulfed by the dull blue glow of his television screen. The news were doing a fluff piece about a dog that had beaten the high score in a video game or something like that Herald decided turned off the TV make his way to his bedroom. He had something in store for Danica the next time he see her and had just called her parents to give him the final piece to his experiment. He was expecting it to arrive by mail tomorrow morning and that reason alone he decide to go to sleep early. He dragged his fatigued body to his bedroom and flopped on his king size bed. He felt tried but felt it was difficult to sleep because a deep mixture of anticipation and morbid disingenuous curiosity. Tossing and turning it was hours before he finally fell into a child-like slumber.
Danica started to drift off to sleep when she recoiled the time she became violent. It was unusual where she got it because her parents were cautious but she developed it by her uncle when drunk, a serial killer, and constant blackmailing. She took matters into her own hand with the killer and the blackmailer but she let her uncle go as he was family. But Herald also made her mad, violent but not in a way others would. They way with Herald around is like a typical girl falling in love. She hated it at first and tried to block it now, she's reconsidering.
The next morning Herald was up early before the sun rose like usual. It was winter so he didn't get the privilege to see the sun but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. Lately he was struggling to keep the heat on in the hospital and wished that the patients understood everything he has put on hold for them. But he figured he was being selfish and got up from bed to get ready for work.

Hour later after getting he was in his kitchen, sipping on a cup of tea, and skimming the newspaper. He stood next to the toaster and lunged at the bagels when they popped up. Herald spread some jelly on them and popped them in his mouth and looked at his watched. Seeing that he was running late he raced to the door and hopped into his car.

Traffic was light because of how early it still was but he manage to see the dawn in the horizon and soon his heart was filled with content. He pulled up to the Hospital actually arriving then he predicted. He walked calmly through the front door of the hospital, greeted the receptionist, and the guard then going to his office. He closed the door behind him and locked it. He plopped his suitcase onto his desk, then he organized himself. Down the hall he could hear the orderlies waking up the patients for morning group and breakfast.
Danica woke up and followed the guard down to eat breafast. On her way, she caught a glance of Herald but had to keep walking.
Two hours or so had passed and Herald found himself on the phone with one of the health affiliates that sponsor the hospital. As they were discussing some discrepancies with the last month's grant an orderly had entered with a manilla envelop in his hands. Herald pointed to his desk and found himself struggling to get off the phone with a the hospital's financiers. The orderly had placed the envelop on the desk and walked out of the room.

Finally finishing up the conversation Herald hung up and opened the envelope. Deep inside were a jewel case with a blank CD and an old diary. He tucked the envelop away along with the items it contained in a drawer in his desk adjacent to Danica's knife. He then closed the drawer, got up from his seat, and took to the halls to scour for Danica.
After Danica finished eating, she was free to roam around without a guard. She got up from her seat and started go walk around, stretching out her legs.
Craig glimpsed as he was escorted throughout the halls by the guards. A lot of reporters were taking pictures of him. They were all a bunch of fools to him. Everyone present here was just a fool, they were all pieces of Chess controlled by their desire for power and money. Fir so long has Craig been trying to spread his ideas through the media as a famous and well known psychiatric but well it seemed that they were finally trying to shut him down. However; locking him down in the hospital was not really going to hold him back from achieving his goals.

Slowly Craig stepped into his private room which was well prepared for him. It was relatively bigger than the other rooms and had a library full of books, mostly about human physcology, and some of them were books written by him himself.

Craig picked one of the books and then sat down on his bed cross legged as he started to read. The guard then closed the door and then headed outside to help the other guards in escorting the few reporters standing on the gates away.

Obviously, a well known doctor getting sent to a madhouse was not something that a lot of people would find interesting, but still a lot of newspapers were surely going to get people interested by putting it on the third page of the paper or something.
Arya walked the halls singing haunted by Evanescence. "long lost words whisper slowly to me. still can't find what keeps me here. when all this time ,Ive been so hollow inside". She had on her normal outfit a white top and pants. she held a teddy bear that looked beat up that she had found last night while woundering the halls. She had just got done with break fest when she saw the reporters. They stopped to look at her before they left not the lest bit interested in her. she then peeked into Craig's room. "are you haunted by deamons "? she asked him.
Herald had been approached by one of the hospital staff and was informed on the new high profile patient that had been confined into one of the old cells in the old part of the hospital. "Dammit what hell is that court thinking? I wasn't expecting Craig for another week," Herald lamented to himself. He began to press his lips against the balls of his fist as he found himself in a dire contemplation. Briefly he pondered before he came to a decision and then raced outside to face the unfettered horde of journalist that awaited for his statement.

Before he stepped outside he turned to one of the guards, "I want you to do the necessary damage control. Make sure no one enters this facility or start snooping around for that matter. Position the team in the necessary locations but what ever you do make sure they don't get too close to the hospital, you got that?" He ordered sternly. The guard nodded as he radio to his fellow co-workers to tell them the plan. After they were informed he turned as asked the guard, "Is Craig accommodated to his special quarters?" Herald asked the guard.

"Yes sir we've just stripped him of all paraphernalia and placed him in a nice hospital gown in his bullet proof door cell." The guard responded.

"Okay good, make sure that that particular section is closed off to everyone unless they have my clearance. There's no need to startle any of the patients and staff." Herald order. Then he adjusted his blazer and tie and stepped out to greet his clamorous audience. Almost instantly microphones we pressed to his face and questions bombarded him from all sides. "Ok, Okay everyone calm and easy. One question at a time."

"Doctor Crowley, Vanessa Taylor, Pennsylvania times. Do you agree with the judges controversial sentencing to place Mr.Craig in the same care as the hospital he once served?" A female reported asked.

"Well, honestly I take great pride in the care we give all out patients and we are attentive to all their needs. Mr.Craig's history at this hospital will be a factor in his treatment but I do feel that he would seek better treatment at a more capable facility. We do have our share of violent patients and are well equipped to handle them but the instant I can transfer Mr.Craig I guarantee it will be to a more suitable hospital that specializes in his condition."

"Doctor Crowley, Mark Coarse, CNN. Why do you think that Mr.Craig requested to be immediately sent to this facility after this trial?" Another reporter asked.

"Well I have no information about anything the court and Mr.Craig have decided as far as his sentencing goes. So honestly until he tells me himself I don't know the reason why he asked for a speedy incarnation. I haven't had a chance to talk to the guy." Crowley answered lightheartedly. Chuckling at his own response.

"Doctor Crowley, Kevin Richards, Fox News. Do you think that your years of working with Mr.Craig, deemed 'scarecrow', by the newspapers will affect treatment or how to attend to Mr.Craig." A third reported asked.

"Well I can only be vague but when Mr.Craig was at his prime he was a wonder to work with and I can only say that for me to remain unbiased as far as the treatment is concerned I will not be assigned to Mr.Craig's case. I am aware of his crimes and will do my best to keep him from endangering anymore lives. He definitely one if not the most hostile patients we have at this facility. That is all the questions I'm going to take for today excuse me." The journalist hollered and shouted as Doctor Crowley disregarded their questions like an afterthought. He made his way back inside the hospital and now to the restricted area where they were housing Edward Craig.

His feet tapped loudly against the linoleum floor. He steady stamper over to where the hospital was detaining Mr. Craig. Passing glass enclosed cells where other drugged out and hostile patients were being confined. He walked up to the guard that was guarding Edward's cell and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, I need to talk to Mr.Craig right now, could you wait outside and I'll get when we're finished." The guard nodded and raised from his seat and walked out of the room. Herald took the place of the guard and sat in front of Edward in silence.

"You know that I am a busy man so I'll make this quick. We've worked together for a long time Edward and I've regarded you at time not only as my friend but as my equal so it's going to hurt me to say this. This place isn't for you, you vile piece of shit! You deserve to rot in a prison cell for the rest of your life but according to the roll of the dice it didn't play like that. You're only allowed one hour of recreation time on the ward under supervision. And you will be heavily guarded. You will get one shower, everyday at about two o clock in the afternoon again with supervision. Also lights out down here is at nine pm. You will get three meals a day, and a phone call to you lawyer whenever you want. I mean this is a hospital not a prison we need to allow you some sort of line to outside. I'm going to assume you understand all this." Herald said enlightening the new arrival one the procedures that will be enforce for the remainder of this stay. Herald rose from the rusty metal fold up chair and turned to walk away but then stopped.

"Oh before I forget, if you take your medication like a good boy and show some progress with your appointed doctor I'll grant you some more freedoms and maybe a nicer room with the other patients. By the way, I know you know my secret Edward! I know you know why I am in medicine!" Herald calmly walked over to the glass pane that separated them and unpredictably began banging on it frustratedly gnashing his teeth as he did so. "And because of that I'm going to sedate you so bad that you won't even remember what the fuck your accursed mothers face looked like! I'm going to pump you so full of drugs that you won't remember your fucking name!" Herald shouted at Edward in a frenzy of rage. Herald panted as he was wound up from the intense anger he harbored. He combed his hair with his hands and adjusted his appearance before walking away without saying another word.
Sean walked out of his room to see Ashley in one of her trances. normallly he would have to go balistic and try and save her, this time, he walked over to her and sat beside her. "So, who are you talking to?"
Danica was in a diffrent room and decided to watch TV. The news was on about an unknown killer who was on a hunt for one girl he never got and wounded him. It said on the news that the girl was fifteen with black hair and she stabbed the killer in the eye and near the ribcage. "Whoever the person is he is trying to hunt down, I hope to God she is safe." Danica turned off the TV and walked out. "He'll never find me."
Herald walked out the section of the hospital and told the guard that it was alright to return to watching over Edward. He let out a sigh and then began to mutter to himself. He lowered his head and walked through the hospital not making any eye contact. In face Herald became so distraught he seemed to blend in with the patients talking to himself in this incessant stream of blurted world that were jumbled together with no real direction. Herald managed to fix himself and came to the realization that he had just passed the activity room and mostly all the other patients. It didn't bother him at first but then standing their it began to reel out and consume him in this wave of self-loathing.

"Crap, Crap, Crap!" He began to kick the walls and become out of control. After his momentarily lapse in his judgement he regain control but was still feeling the affects of his overwhelming stress. "What am I going to do? What am I going to do Dammit!?" Herald said walking around in place biting his nails.
Arya who had been by edward carious to as to what was going on. she watched Herald then walked up to him saying "well it help if you hit ARya caused her some pain like it helped Danica";. she cocked her head from side to side. She held her teddy bear she dug out of the trash the sight of it claming her and even giving her ideas at the sight of bringing deamons for her to see. she still wanted her blood spilled and pain. She then said "Bring me to life".
Danica knew this place inside out. She also knew where to go when she wants ti be outside without sounding the alarm. She decided she wanted to ho out. She walked towards her secret place which was down the halls when she grabbed a stool and stood on it, she opened the window and let the wind her face. Unbeknown to her, a guard caught her but when he tried to go after her, she jumped out of the window and off to whoknowswhere. "A PATIENT HAS ESCAPED!!!!!" the guard yelled out, sounding the alarm.
(OCC: Sorry Wildkat I missed your post, I just got it. I was really distracted by youtube and coming up with my next post. Let's just act like he didn't hear you. Sorry.

OCCC: My mistake I miss read the post. It's getting late over here and I'm feeling sleep deprived.)

Herald hears the alarms going off and looks up at the whirling red lanterns throughout the hospital. "Holy fuck!" Herald made his way to the backward where he saw the guards huddle around trying to search the perimeter for the escaped patient. He walked up to the lead guard and regained his composure. "Who escaped?" He asked.

"Seems like it was Danica, sir." The guard replied.

"You can't be serious like I didn't have enough problems to deal with today. Alright I need you to keep this on a need to know basis, keep is away from the media, and alert the authorities have you done that?" Herald asked.

"Already taken care of and if we can capture her before she disappears we can evade any negative connotations."

"For the sake of your job I hope you're right. I'm going to need the alarms turned off as soon as possible I'll be in my office if anyone needs me." Herald placed his hands in his pockets and began to walk back towards his office. His controlling personality had suddenly has gotten the best of him as his entire world came crumbling down. He walked into his office slamming the door behind him. He sat at his desk and unlocked a drawer pulling out a very rare 15 year old scotch and a shot glass and slammed it on to the table.

"I want to leave!" He shouted to himself slamming his fist on the table and shaking his weary head.He soon realized that desire would never come to fruition because he need to remain late tonight to orchestrate the rescue committee and work with the police filling paperwork and such. He was getting tired of it all began to contemplate retirement at 35. He began to drink in his office, lonesome, and confused unable to control his grip on the bottle of scotch as he poured it shakily. Alcohol spilled all over his desk and he began to chug them continuing the process until he was halfway down the bottle.
(um okay)
Arya walked the halls feeling rather bored when she walked by Harled';s office. she stood by it listening to the sounds on the inside as she slumped to the floor. she stroked her teddy saying "people in pain all over the place how fun". she then started rocking back and forth singing a very sad song. "I can't feel my senses i just feel the cold". ";you say Iam frozen". she hummed the rest of the song till she sang the chorus over and over again".
Danica was sitting on ger tree when she hears the commotion. The windows weren't soundproof so even he could hear her from outside."My doctor. I hope your not becoming insane like the rest of us"
Herald was startled. He could swear the hospital was warping his mind. He launched from his seat and hurried towards the window, opening it, and peaking his head from it. He noticed Danica on the tree and was flabbergasted as if he saw a ghost. I must really drunk, he thought watching her staring back at him from the top of the tree.

"This place tends to take me into a dark place," He replied careful not to let anyone be aware of what was happening outside. "And I guess you could say that you need to be a little crazy to going into psychiatry but that's not important why don't you come into my office it warmer then this chilly outside weather and look at you your not even dressed for it." He said attempting to coax her into returning to the hospital. "Trust me it'd be easier if you came with me then if the security guards find you."
Arya talked to her teddy a bit more saying "Teddy you seem them don't you look at you your a very dead teddy i could help you along and rip you apart but i want to hold you close you like me and i know if you could you would hurt me";. she then stood up and said "look into my eyes like windows to my soul". she then hit her head against the wall saying "why is this place full of pain is it my doing do i need to be punsished to feel the pain to feel the daemons".
Danica thought what he said. "Hm...but I like the cold hitting against my skin. It stings against my wounds but you have a point" the tree, luckily was close to the window so she climbed into his office. "Now what madman?" She teased, crossing her arms.
"That's the thing." He walked over to his chair pulled it back and sat in it slumped. "I really don't know what's next. Either you can turn yourself back in, make my life easier, and definitely save me a lot of time of explaining what happened today to the proper authorities. Or you can hop back out that window, escape, and make the entire nation hunt you down ruthlessly. I'd prefer the latter if I was you." He looked vacuous in his chair void of all life and emotion completely uncaring to what ever choice she decided.

"Oh before I forget. You're going to need this regardless of you decision." He sat up from his chair and opened one of the drawers placing the edge of the table. "You're parent sent you this. They said it's something from your childhood I didn't open it but it came with. . . never mind they said that they hope that it would bring back that little girl they missed." He looked up at he growing impatient but his facial expression was concealing that with a vacant stare. "What are you waiting for, open it."
Danica took the small box he was holding and opened it. Her eyes widened when she took it out. It was a silver necklace with a silver watch clock attached to it. She opened up her dirary and read. She had forgotten so mny things from her childhood but when she came to the horrifying part from her past life, she threw the stuff down and headed towards the window. "Tell my parents that their presious daughter is no more and I never want to see that wretched book again!"
Arya heard Danica and ran into the office and screamed "Danica come back to me and cut me please it was so fun";. she held the teddy close and looked around the office for the knife with her blood most likely dried on it. she held the stinking smelly used teddy close to her and said "hold on teddy i will bring the deamons back for your weak and can't bring them about no more".
Herald raced to the window and pulled her away, "You can't run away from this forever!" He warned her wrapping his arms around her. "No matter where you go or where you run this will be apart of you, the joy, and the happiness you once felt. You grew into a disturbed young woman but that doesn't mean that being distant and angry and filled with disdain for society aren't as valid as your humanity. Let me help you, I will protect you I promise I will, hell I get paid to do that and if you run away not only will you hurt yourself but that hatred you have in your heart will be your only companion and trust me when I say that you'll only disappoint yourself if you walk away!" Herald struggled keeping Danica at bay, jostling her around as she squirm and struggled in her arms. "Do you remember what I said? Hey listen! Do you remember? I said you were chosen, you are strong because of your tendencies and psychosis. Let me teach you to turn into a survival tool let me help you control it that way when you are fit to return it becomes a killer instinct rather than some hissy fit!"
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