Asylum RP

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Arya nodded her head and was behind him working at the knots of the jacket and said "I will come as well for i do not fear you Danica i rather like you and trust me that is odd for someone like me to like someone rather then keep them away ". she did not care if the girl wanted to hurt her in fact she rather wanted it.
Danica stood in front of Arya in case a guard comes by. When one did, Danica whispered ot them where her roof is and for Arya ot hold onto the back of his jacket, to make it look like he still had it on. "What are you doing?" The guard asked as he came over. Danica looked up at him and guided him out into the center of the room. She exhaled and yelled out "I will slice that face of your and feed it to the dogs! I will tears your limbs apart and eat them! The remainings of your body will go inot a wood-chipper! That is a promise!" The guard was tkaen aback and called for back-up when Danica shattered a glass and ran after him full furry and stabbed him. She winked at the two to go while back-up came to try and stop her from further stabbing the guard.
He felt the knots lose grip and decided to stay with his arms behind his back like he was still strap in "Shit, I'm down for whatever you got in mind girl." He soon got up and went to the roof, with Arya "So demon girl, Do these demons talk to you cause if they do they will tell you I'm a bad influence to be around.
Arya was laughing from the site of things and how fun things got that she shifted into panic mood of having a daemon keep her from dieing so she took Shawn by the hand and said ";come lets run to her room now";.
As the two ran, Danica kept going until they were long gone before calming. Thst gave the guards the opertunity to hold her down and cuff her, they took the glass away from her hand an threw it on the ground. The two guards guided her inot her room while the rest and a doctor tended the the guard she wounded. Danica hoped they made it to her room before they did.
Shawn followed Ayra to Dania room and he soon looked around 'man I kinda like them they crazy, but I bet they are a handful in bed too.' the other voices complain but he quiet them saying he was the only one that can handle crazy chicks. They quiet waited in her room.
Arya sat in a cornor and said "oh i hope she will do what iam thinking i would love it very much the pain the blood the feel of it running down my body";. She wanted to pace the room but decided to stay quite and wait on Dania.
Danica and the guard came ot her room. The guard opened the door and didn't bother acknowledging them, he kicked Danica in and it caused her to moan slightly. "Could you kick me again, only harder?" The guard groaned and shut the door, locking it. The girl smiled and turned to them, "now, time for fun" she walked over to where Shawn was sitting and placed her hands on her hips, waiting. "You're sitting on the spot."
Danica smirked and knelt down. She dugged her arm in the cusion of her bed and searched deep. "Almost got it. Ah ha!" Danica got her hand out of the ned and showed them her serraded knife. "I use it to kill people and also to bring whoever wants it pleausre. No one knows I have it, except now. You two so you both better keep it a secret or you'll be in my Bloody Game"
Arya walked closer and smiled and said "I wont say a word i promise i love the fact you have that gives me some ideas so what are we going to do ". Arya could keep secerts and she was bound to keep this one no way was she going to let a knife get out of her hands again.
Danica carressed the blades. "And it stilll has it's dry blood on it." She licved the blade. "I love the taste of silver and blood"
Herald had been sitting in his office meticulously crunching numbers on his calculator. He let out a sigh being the only psychiatrist in the hospital as he liked to call it that didn't walk around the place in total fear of his patient. He found great comfort in that most of them respected him. He leaned back in his padded leather office chair and let out a distasteful sigh. Damnit I'm a doctor not an accountant! I shouldn't be trapped in this office making a budget I should be helping those people out there, he thought. He began to rub his temples feeling a headache start to resonate.

If we weren't so short handed maybe this place would run smoother. He was feeling overworked and rather tired. He shakily reached for his coffee mug and took a swig. He turned his chair and pointed his body towards the window that looked over the entire facility. He drummed his fingers tips together and stared over the facility deep in contemplation. After a while a thought resonated in his mind, I need to take a walk that will most definitely clear my head. He stood up and patted the wrinkles on his blazer and made his way to the door but before he could open it a winded orderly had barged in.

"Doctor Crowely we have a situation with Ms. Danica again." He explained.

"Oh our self-proclaimed jigsaw. Let me guess she severely hurt another doctor." He deducted.

"Y-yes, how did you know?"

"It doesn't take a genius to see what happened. She tends to be very aggressive around authority. He M.O. really but that's neither here nor there. Tend to the good doctor I'll go speak with Danica herself. She's in her room I presume?"

"Uh huh." The orderly answered nodding his head to rhythm of his response.

"Well good. And if you see that new girl. . .Arya. . . yes that was her name please send her to my office for her orientation." He order sending the orderly on his way. Then for a moment he paused in the middle of the hall, slicking his hair back, and adjusting his tie before treading confidently through the halls, ignoring the ruckus and sounds of the hospital inner workings as he progressed until he came to her room. He knocked politely and cleared his throat."Danica it's Dr.Crowley. May we have a chat." He said pulling the peephole to her door open and peering into her room.
Danica heard and quickly hid the blade quickly. "Oh joy to the world! My torturer's here. Let me show you the way out." Shw sang out, making a parody of joy to the world whle trying to shoo him away.
Shawn smirked thinking that this was wild but he enjoyed it, he been locked in his room for only treatment and he was tired of it. "So, what are we going to do with that, if you have it you could have broken ot by now right? Atleast kill some of those demons here." he sat on the floor and looked around her room and saw it wasn't padded like his. He heard the Famous doctor but he kept his jacket off and sighed but still remained quiet so he wouldn't know he was there.
Arya came close to the girl and held out her arm and held out her hand saying "may i make the blade taste even better with fresh blood". she looked at Shawn hoping he could with stand blood cause she was going to cut herself for she loved to do that. When she hid the blades Arya was a bit dissappoiment but she just pulled her hand and arm back hoping the girl would pull them out again and let her play with them. she became silent at the sight of the doctor.
Danica nodded and secretivly gave Arya the blade. "Make sure they don't see it." Danica walked over to the door, "what does he want to chat about?"
Arya laid down beside the bed so that he could not see what she was doing and cut herself on the arm not bad but enoch to leave a scar then slid the blade under one pillow and stood up and walked over to Danica saying "look fresh blood to summon the demons i fell and hit the cornor of the window and look it cut me".
Herald darts his eyes around the room and laughs infectiously. "I see you have been joined by Mr. Grey and our new patient Ms. Stone. Well my don't you make friends quickly Ms. Stone. Anyway that is beside the point. Danica, darling. Don't I give you the freedom you oh so rightfully ask for, privacy in your own room, and well that trinket you tried hiding from me just now. Yes, I know about your bed buddy and I won't alert any attention to it, but please, we have situation when you turn your aggression on my staff." Herald crossed his arms and shook his head disapprovingly, "You were doing so well too."
Danica whispered to Arya ot hide the blade pronto. She turned to face Herald with a grin. "You are all fools, great great fools. I've been acting, always acting. I'm the female version of Jig-Saw, I'm always planning, always waiting, and always up for a game."
"Yea, she was clearly the work you guys do here is fan-fucking-tastic. You know doctor, I would like an upgrade my room is padded? what you like girls but when a guy comes in and tries to kill a nurse with a bed sheet you have to take away my stuff."
Arya had the blade hidden and was standing there watching the blood drip to the floor then leaned against the walls saying "I see them oh they are so pretty those daemons they are calling to me they want to feed on me they want me to join them in hell". she looked at the doctor and said "can you see them the daemons that backen me if you could you would so gladly join them too";.
Danica started going into a trance, "I can see blood all over you and your flesh hanign out." She smiled and and darted after Herald, using her torn up nails as claws to scratch his eyes eyes.
"You know that deeply saddens me Danica that you still have not given up this notion of being Jigsaw." He said slightly disgruntled. Especially when there are so many other great horror movie icons you could emulate., he thought jokingly to himself. "There's going to be discrepancies and other disciplinary procedures that are going to have to take place because of your misbehavior today Danica. But fortunately for you that won't take place for sometime. In the meantime I need to take Ms. Stone with me to my office this instance." He spoke very calmly and almost friendly as if he wasn't talking to a child but an equal. "So if you can let Ms. Stone out I promise I'll bring her back to play with you."
Danica growled and let go of him. She walked over to Arya and took the knife. "I'll have it here and ready for you baby"
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