A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

Auset nearly jumped, fearing Seto had finished delivering the letter and had come to check up on her. "I'm sorry I --- " A sigh of relief left as she found and heard it to be Takumi only. A hand rested on her heart as she gave him a playful shove. "Gods don't do that! You scared me for a bit there!" Her smile slowly faded as her head shook no. "...Alas, no it didn't. I can't say it amazes me ... but I can say I wish he'd hear me out. He swears he'll inform Ishizu but ... I ...." Her head shook in a no direction before finally stopping.

Her eyes slowly gazed up to Takumi as she asked softly, "...Do you think I'm over-reacting to all of this? I ... I want to believe it's but a nightmare. But I ... I just can't. Not yet. I'm .... I'm sorry if I sound borderline mad to you but ... " She hesitated, unsure of whether to go through with this or not. Deciding to temporarily break the law for a bit, she gently hugged him, laying her head upon his chest. "I .. I can't help it. I've never felt this scared before but gods ... I am, Takumi."

Hana gave a light nod. She wouldn't need long to explain herself. Looking slowly up to Auset, she gave her a soft smile. "The owner is about to join us. He was part of the 10% Takumi mentioned." And it wasn't much longer after she spoke those words that he walked in. Hana bowed her head but stayed upon the bed. "Thank you again .... um .... " She looked over to Auset, giving her the hint that she didn't have a chance to read it yet, including the front page that had his name.

It took Auset a few second but she got it after a bit. Flipping to the first page, using a finger to mark where she had been, she glanced up and hesitantly repeated the name, " ... Eri Hyoumitsu-kun, yes?"

Hana's head tilted at the surname. "...Hyoumitsu? Wait ...." That made her sit up as straight as she could while remaining in the bed. "Akane-san's ... brother?" That seemed to get Auset's attention too as she looked over. "....Is... that true?" It seemed Auset had been busy mainly with copying the names more than anything.

Takumi held Auset closely feeling an odd comfort by the hug, he held her closely and leaned down looking into her eyes as she spoke her peice. "Why didn't you bring this to me before Seto? Auset I am your personal guard, If you feel something is wrong it is my job to protect with you with my life." He held her against him enjoying the rare moment of closeness far more then he should have.

"It's not insane, and if you are concerned then I will put all my resources to finding whats wrong." He moved his hand along Ausets face affectionately holding her close. He gave her a small smile as held her against him trying to calm her. "I can help if you will let me."

Eri gave a slight nod as they said his name, and then they brought up his sister, Auset probably could have felt the odd mix of emotions as they mentioned her. He swallowed lightly as he thought about how to wave that off, he looked at them, his eyes did have a familiar look to them as they were the same color as Akanes. "Yes I am Akane-san's little brother, Eri Hyoumitsu, but try not to focus on that fact... she certainly doesn't" He spoke quietly, and gave a slight shrug.

Akane had changed since she had first arrived on the island, part of the reason that he had signed up here was to find out what had been going on, but ever since he had arrived, his sister had hardly said a word to him. "It's a long story, and not one I intend to tell."

"....Because .... he's still technically my immediate superior. It's part of the chain of command. Even if you are my guard, he has to be informed of things first. Come now, you know this." She knew she shouldn't be ... but she was relaxing from the contact. Even his hand going along her face. She gazed down a bit before continuing, "The problem is ... all I said back there was true. No face or name has been revealed. The most is a laugh and from that I can figure it is certainly a male. But ... that's it. I haven't seen anything else. So it's not like I'm holding back anything .... I really don't know anything more." A defeated sigh left as she let her head fall back on his chest.

Hana stayed silent then gave an understanding nod. "That's fine. But .... " She looked back to the journal then Eri again. "Do you need that and to be able to head back with it?"

Still working on adding the last couple names to her PDA, Auset chimed in. "I'm nearly done if so."

Takumi Felt her relaxing and knew he shouldn't knew he was pushing his luck, but he gently pushed her chin up. He looked into her eyes a soft flush comming over his face as he moved slowly pressing his lips against hers in a kiss. He knew it was wrong and didn't know how she would react, but he held his lips against hers for several moments before pulling away. "Then we will discover whats wrong together." He said with a light smile.

The ancient Takumi sat back watching the display for a long moment his body tensed he knew that time was still progressing but he refused to wake up. He had to know everything that was happening.

Eri shook his head. "I wanted to make sure that I found out the faces and names of everyone that I would be working with. The journal was my way of keeping tabs on their actions, Names of their top members, their victims, missing students. Everything i could find. Really I took a chance making it, and right now once your done with all it has to offer, its probably best destroyed."

He gave a strong sigh as he looked at Hana. "I also wanted to appoligize to you for all that my sister has caused."

In the modern world Takumi's eyes shifted open in a light Daze he looked almost confused and he stretched for a long moment giving a very loud yawn. This time there was an odd calmness about Takumi that he didn't have before, and if Auset or anyone else looked closely towards him he notticed he would have a slightly darker eye color then when he had fallen asleep. "What did I miss?"

Panic quickly overwhelmed the poor priestess. Even without him being an Empath, it was easily seen in Auset's eyes. She was horrified Seto had taken his turn to watch ... to spy and if he did. Gods just that possibility made her shiver. Slowly though, she allowed her arms to wrap around his neck and return it. By the time he pulled away, tears had formed in her eyes. "...T-takumi .... you ... you shouldn't .... " But it was beyond too late and they both knew that. A light nod left as she stayed close to him. "Thank you ...." She murmured, the scene fading away for now.

Both noted on what he wanted done with the journal. But when his words went to Hana, she gave a small smile. "Well ... thank you though it's definitely not all your fault. Being ... able to end this will suffice for an apology. This .... may not be any of my concern but ... has Akane-san always ... been like this?"

As Takumi finally woke up, Auset glanced over. "....Takumi? Um ...." Her head shook, deciding to dismiss the matter for now. She'd ask when they were alone maybe. But now ... was not the time. Holding up her PDA and journal, she offered him a small smile. "We got the names. Now the process to end this can begin." She glanced down before beginning to use the databases in their PDAs to look up duelist information, handing the journal over. "Since we have Eri-kun's consent, can you destroy this somehow? I'm doing research before I go and challenge these people .... as much as I can anyways."

As the scene fadded away Takumi found himself back in the modern world, he blinked and scratched at his eyes for a moment as they readjusted to their proper color, his voice changing to his own, and confusion eminating from him as the ancient Takumi fadded from his body. He was handed a book and he looked at Auset for a moement, a light blush comming over his face. "Yeah I can get rid of it no problem." He said a small sigh escaping him as he looked at Auset.

Eri blinked thinking about his sister, and all the pain she had partly endured over the years. He shook his head at Hana's question. "She was always competitive, but never this bad... Aka-chan changed a lot these past few years." He had more then a few regrets about how things went down, and his sister had ignored him harshly, but that's why he had come to duel academy to save her.

"Eventually I would like to get her help, and try and find a way to bring her back from the way she is now, but as far as I can tell as long as Kenji is around that's not gonna happen. He gives her an outlet for her agression, and it's only making her worse... You may not think it, but Aka-chan is a victim too." He sighed getting to his feet. He gave a heavy glare at Takumi "You will have to be careful. keeping the Snake on your team may not be the best idea."

Auset couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he ... switched? What had just happened? She'd never done that before ... had she? But as she glanced down at herself, it dawned on her that she was wearing .... Egyptian clothes. W...what?! Why? What is this? Now she knew something was very wrong. Between her sudden memory loss, the feeling she'd had before his change in voice .... everything. Something had definitely happened to her and she wanted to know what.

Hana's eyes saddened as he went on to explain - somewhat - what had happened. To have heard Akane was a victim was actually reassuring. It meant there was still a chance even she could be helped. Though he was right. With or without Kenji in the picture, though more including, it had been made clear it'd be difficult to get her back. She'd proven that recently with the last duel between her and Hitoshi and just how far she'd wounded him. It made her shiver to think about.

"Actually ... I do believe you." The way he addressed her as 'Aka-chan' was rather cute in it's own sibling way. And ... sweet also. Her own sigh left as he acknowledged Takumi. "I ... I know. Trust me, I am uneasy on that. But ... she's an Empath. She'll feel if he tries to switch alignments again."

"...Yes. Um ... excuse me. I need some air to think on all of this. Forgive me if this seems a bit rash, knowing you're wounded Hana but ..." The nod in the form of a 'no' made Auset feel better about this and smile. "Thank you. I won't go too far." Pocketing her PDA away, she followed the emotions of Takumi in order to find him. There was still so much confusion ... well at least she wasn't alone. Gently laying a hand on his shoulder, she moved herself in front of him to face him.

"Who .. who are - or were - you? For a few seconds, your eyes ... they were different. And familiar somehow; moreso than ever before. Please ... between my loss of my memory and this .... I know somehow .... you're a link with me. Do ... do you know something? Please ... tell me."

Takumi blinked looking at Auset He knew what she wanted to hear, but he was still under a 'orders' of a sort to not tell her. He had to wonder what happened to the modern version of her that he had kidnapped. Something was very wrong with the fact that she was still lingering around, and well he couldn't really get to know the modern version if she was always hanging around. Still she sounded desperate and he wanted to tell her something.

"I'm sorry I don't know what your talking about, I agreed to be your body guard as of last night. anything else you will have to discover for yourself." It was the best he could do, if he tried to say anything more direct then that he literally wouldn't be able to speak.

"I know full well what she has been doing, but when it comes to our powers, she has far more then I. I don't even know how she is really doing it." He could manifest his monsters in a duel but to do so took actual effort on his part, compared to Hana the only advantage was that he had learned how to keep his voice untraceable and his sister was probably working on that.


Somewhere farther off Akane's PDA gave a ringing tone with new orders for her.
Dear: Akane chan
It seems your brother has joined up with Hana, the egyption and Takumi, though i have lost track of hitoshi. I think it is time for a family Re-union.
Kenji sama

Auset didn't quite understand ... but she didn't want Takumi to leave. The only thing that made her stop following him was remembering the names in the PDA. A low sigh left as he got out of view. The word 'bodyguard' had tried to repeat in her mind several times. It felt like it was somehow significant .. but nothing was coming to her. After shaking her head in annoyance, she pulled her PDA out. ....Time to get started, I suppose. Isis ... please keep watching over me as you have for so long. With that, she began seeking out the first name that caught her eye.

Hana nodded and rather anxiously glanced down to her ankle. It was enough to make her wonder if she should have made another manifest. ....It would have been impossible. Even now ... you have barely any strength Just that fact alone made her shiver really. Her eyes went from her wound to up as her hand covered her mouth. ... Huh?! Did she ... ?! She then stopped, not daring to allow any of her thoughts to be heard by those whom didn't need to hear. Looking slowly over to Eri, she finally murmured softly, "I hope you were expecting your nee-chan soon .... because I can feel her."

A low, almost sad, sigh left Akane's lips as she got Kenji's message. She couldn't say she hadn't seen this day coming ... but the very slightest part of her had hoped it wouldn't. Still, with all the times she'd tried to get Eri to join her and the others and he refused ... he had all but sealed his fate away in that aspect. Standing up, she sent a swift reply.

Understood. Do you want me to bring back anything after the reunion is over? Whether it be a person, object, or something else?

Leaving the message at that, she blinked her concealed crimson eye and in a matter of seconds, teleported herself outside the Infirmary. "Tsk ... you spoiled the surprise, Hana." Her hazel eye landed on Eri as she walked in, closing the door slowly. "Awww ... so cute. My ototo's growing up rather well. Impressed as I am ... that's not what I came here for, as you probably assumed." Moving her bangs away so one eye was on each individual, they soon both appeared in the same void Hitoshi found himself in not long ago. Once the blackness finished surrounding them all, she looked around. "Hm ... before this gets too far along, I will give you the option to choose the stakes. I didn't give Hitoshi-kun this chance so ... what's my ototo willing to risk in this duel? Limbs? Sanity? His soul? Something else?" Her usual sadistic smirk revealed itself more and more with each suggestion.

"I didn't give Hitoshi-kun this chance ... " As those words echoed in Hana's mind, she realized this must have been where he was and why she couldn't sense him for a while. The place was creepy ... it had a very unnatural feeling to it. Swallowing nervously, she couldn't help but glance back and forth between the siblings. The smirk only made Hana's uneasiness grow and Akane chuckle.

"Yeah ... you're very right to be nervous, Hana. What Jin and Yuu showed you ... was nothing." Glancing down to her ankle, her smirk widened. "I see. So it was you that took the journal. You know way too much now. It went around that a girl needing a wounded ankle to get checked out seemed ... suspicious. We had no proof before but now that your mind is as open as a book, I know exactly all Kenji-sama was looking for ... is right before me. Good ... I'll definitely get rewarded after this is over, regardless of the results. After all, we were mainly looking for either the journal or a leads as to where it has probably gone. However .... I do not intend to fail so easily either." As she waited for both Kenji and Eri to reply to her, she began forming her ideas. Regardless of what her brother said, she would definitely somehow make it so whatever he risked would affect the girl too. It was enough to make her silently wish the answer would involve his body somehow.

Takumi walked off as he needed to go and destroy the journal, he wished silently that he could have told Auset more. Isis how is this fair to her? He thought briefly, Isis wasn't his god but it seemed that this was going to be something they were gonna have to fight through.


Eri watched the shadows form around them he activated his duel disk taking out his deck. He gave his sister a look he couldn't decide if he was happy to see her, or just wanting to stop her from doing this. She gave him the option of what to choose, and he sighed, he had to put her out of commission at least for a little while.

"Aka-chan it's nice that we finally have a moment to chat, but really a high wouldn't suffice? no you have to jump right to the games don't you." He gave a roll of his eyes. He thought about it how could he really and truly stop Akane's madness, their seemed one place in particular that all her agression was faced towards. "Fine then I wager our memories, each life point we loose will be a moment from our past taken away by the shadows."

"By the end of this duel, one of us won't even remember how to pronounce their name, what do you say Aka-chan?" He gave an arrogant smile, if he had wanted to play it safe he could have easily tied the cost to their monsters, but if he was going to get Akane the treatment she deserved, he had to terminate their past.


The man that had cut off Hana walked down the stairs of the acadamy and almost walked into Auset. "Pardon me." He said at first looking over her ancient Egyptian clothing. He was still looking for the girl that stole the journal, but this was certainly one of the woman on the wanted list. He gave an odd smile. "Actually if you wouldn't mind endulging me, that is some very interesting garb you have there. Mind if we made a wager?"

He activated his duel disk as he picked up his deck to give it a shuffle. He smiled lightly. "My name is Joshua Taylor." He said with a small grin. She would easily recognize him as number five on the list the man just below Akane.

Before poor Auset could have a chance to reply or answer, he had activated his duel disk. A low gasp left and she couldn't help but shiver. ...Are they already looking for me? Or ... somehow know? The poor Egyptian damn well nearly panicked but she didn't let it show on her face. Giving a determined nod, she activated her own. "Very well ... let's do this." Each toss of a coin or roll of a die nearly made her yelp or scream in fear. Thankfully Isis - and a bit of luck - were on her side. What really helped pull it off officially, however, was drawing 'Necrovalley'. By the time she finished, poor Auset's heart was racing.

Not daring to wait for his retort or answer, she darted past him in a run. One down, two more to go ... She would purposely save Akane and Kenji for later, knowing they would definitely be the toughest ones. For now ... she needed to get someplace safe. Well, as much as possible and right now, that translated into her room. A low whimper left as she locked herself in her room, shakily sitting on her bed. She held herself, trying to calm herself. A low sigh and some more pants continued to leave as her eyes closed. Thank you ... Isis ...

Amazingly, Takumi got an answer back. Well ... consider it a more merciful version of wrath. To her? Admittingly, it isn't. But you kept sounding like you hated her so much during the first time I showed you the past ... and were rude to me in the process. So I took away your ability to speak to her of this and her memory. I didn't want her to remember ... and then realize you were the same person ... and feel nothing but hate. It ... wouldn't seem fair that the same person she fell for back then has - or had it seems - resorted to such dire and ruthless feelings towards her. She was only doing what she had to; she would have done this regardless of whom was reviving the Shadow Games. It is her personal duty. With that, she went silent to let him think on it all.

Right before the duel officially began, Akane nodded and altered her plans a bit. "Very well, ototo. Let's begin." Originally, she had wanted to include Hana in this equation. However ... she was going to take her back to Kenji after. She would need her memory. Her brother? Not so much. He seemed to seal his fate by constantly paying all the life points to summon his Dark Magician. A combination of some cards, Spirit Barrier being one of the major ones, and some equips made it easy. But what truly sealed his fate was when she drew and activated Undead World; making his monsters go from spellcasters to zombies.

A low chuckle left her lips as she stepped towards a very shaky Hana, grasping her arm roughly. "You come with me. Ja ne ...." She murmured to her brother, not addressing him as anything. She didn't want to risk somehow allowing him to remember anything, though from all she'd heard, most - if not all - from the Shadow Games and Realm were permanent.

Hana found herself unable to do more than stare in horror. The deck seemed to fit Akane perfectly; a group of monsters. Undead to be exact. "ERI!" She looked shakily down to him, tears falling down her cheeks. The only thing that made her forget temporarily of him was Akane's rough grip. It hurt like hell to walk on her wounded ankle ... but that was nothing compared to another source of pain. "How ... how could you?! That ... that was your brother!" She cried out, wincing in pain as she got dragged towards the Blue Dorm.

A light shrug left Akane's shoulders as she tightened her grip on the other Psychic. "I tried to get him with us ... alas, it isn't my fault. I knew this day would come, though not the wager. Awww did that strike a chord with you? Cute ... but too late. Nothing can save him now."

Hana shivered at the reply, more silent tears continuing to fall. She must have blinked because soon, she found herself in front of Kenji. She swallowed as Akane bowed her head, a proud and even more sadistic smirk on her face.

"Kenji-sama ... it was her that took Eri's journal. He ... has no memory anymore so she is the best bet for getting answers regarding that, especially since she must have hid it somewhere due to it not having been with her when I found her. The Egyptian, however, was nowhere to be found immediately. But I hope this will be more than enough for the time being. And .... Hitoshi I couldn't sense either."

Takumi blinked hearing the voice and explination in his head, so far he was still carrying the journal, and Even though he could think clearly, he was untraceable by akane, he was free to roam the school and thus the best option for stealth, and as soon as he could get off campus was as soon as he could burn the book that he was currently ordered to destroy.

Okay, I can understand that, but really I think you can stop punishing her at least, I mean she's already scared, and consider the odds that we have to go up against. You can keep my end of not talking to her about it, but give her back her memories so she can play at full power. Or at least let the modern Auset switch out, honestly I don't know if that one would save me like her ancient incarnation, but don't you think that is the better answer for a little while? I'll admit I don't deserve many favors, but if I annoyed you then your wrath should be focused on me!" Takumi shook his head, he was essentially asking a god to punish him, He had to admit that sounded stupid in his head. He honestly couldn't imagine how it must have sounded to the god his thoughts were centered on.

Eri fell back against the floor, The shadow realm had scrambled his memories, He watched as Akane took Hana. He couldn't remember either of them, or why this felt like a bad thing. His eyes looked up at Akane before she vanished, Her face being the first, and last thing he saw before he passed out. The shadows having taken everything else. Leaving hs mind empty of all else.

Kenji held up a hand lightly to greet Akane, and also to silence her on any further talking he required concentration to truly use his bracelet at a distance as long as the one he had intended, the bracelet glowing a dark purple as it activated.

Joshua's body at the same time began to glow, as the duel ran to the end of the line, Joshua gave a panicked yelp. "Wait Kenji sama take an IOU, don't" His words were cut off as his eyes went dark as his soul was pulled out into a dark cloud, and sealed into the coin he had been so adamant on flipping. as his body went limp and he fell down his deck fell from the protection of the duel disk, and cards scattered in every direction. His body comotos at Ausets feet.

"It seems Joshua's credit finally expired." He said turning his chair towards the two. It slowly became apparent the room that he was sitting in, wasn't part of the blue dorm, but rather the deans office, at the center of the academy. He turned his attention to Hana, this was the first time he had ever actually met her. He gave her a soft even welcoming smile. He turned to AKane for a moment. "I am of course sorry for your loss Akane, I expect however that you won't dwell on the loss of your brother for too long if at all."

"Hello Hana, my dear, sit down please, would you like a drink? Akane, fetch me and the girl some water." He spoke with his usual soft voice, as he looked at Akane, a smile on his face as he continued to talk. "I have to admit going into the blue dorm was a risky move Hana, so tell me where is the journal? does the egyptian have it, and where oh where has dear Hitoshi gone? My best tracker has told me that he vanished into thin air, their are only two people who should be able to do that, and Hitoshi was not one of them." He gave her a concerned look. He pulled out his PDA

"I would worry about the safety of your friends Hana, I can't imagine what you must have just witnessed when it comes to Eri, but I can assure you it will only get worse, unless you help me. Then I can give at least some of them safe passage home." He started to type out a small text before putting it down on the table without sending it, so that Hana, and Akane could see it.

It seems the Egyptian girl has just beat Joshua of the five, Akane is currently busy fetching me some water, would anyone else like to step forward and take care of this pesky woman?

Sometimes wrath is cast upon the innocent as well as the guilty party. You will both remain as you are until I choose otherwise. I know that when all is said and done, she can and will forgive me. After all, she is essentially my avatar; her name should reveal that much. Auset means Isis; this has been her fate for years - she merely doesn't know it yet. Not allowing him to plead anymore, the voice was gone.

Auset remained on her bed before finally standing up. She had to resume working. A firm nod of determination left. Isis just showed you she wouldn't dare leave you ... you can do this. Don't lose faith ... Slipping out of her room, she resumed walking around the campus. She looked at names for the 3rd and 2nd ranks.

Akane bowed her head and began to head off; but not before doing one last thing. She made a Vampire Lord manifest and keep Hana shoved into the chair. She didn't trust her to behave ... but she did trust her 'Master' to do that. "Hai, I'll be right back, Kenji-sama. And Eri won't be a worry; he's been dead to me for years anyways." She murmured, heading off to go get some water.

Even with her injury, Akane had made a fair assumption. It wasn't until the strong hands of the Vampire Lord made her remain sitting that she stayed there. Her head shook no. "No .... I'm not saying anything! You're all horrible ..... more monstrous than the cards you play!" The Vampire Lord behind her hissed, seeming to take offense but it made her cringe at worst. "I'm not taking that back." She murmured.

By now, Akane came back and set down two glasses of water. Noticing her Master's expression of anger, she chuckled. "Hm .... you may wanna be careful on your choice of words; to him and Kenji-sama. Nothing good will come from either of them if you anger either ... and I can not save you from either."

"Tch, like you would ...."

Another light shrug left her shoulders. "I would have honestly tried to see about you getting off easy despite the stupid act you did. But .... you're just sealing your fate more and more like Eri did .... " Her smirk widened as she tried to stand at those words.

"How can you talk of him like that?! After what you did?! You really are horrible!" Her head continued to shake no, even at the PDA message. "If Auset dealt with one already .... I know she can do so with the rest of you." Exhaling deeply, her eyes closed as she began focusing, shielding the truth from both Kenji and Akane with the last bits of her strength she still had left.

~Meanwhile in the Spirit World .... ~​

Athena had been letting the other angels work on Hitoshi. Unlike her owner, she always had a constant telepathic link of sorts. She could see and hear everything through Hana's eyes; and now that the situation over there had become as close to a 'war' as possible, it was the best time for her to intervene. She'd never be able to hide the truth ... not with her as much of a wreck as she was now. She sighed softly, looking down to the still unconscious Hitoshi. The poor boy had at least one - more likely two - days till he fully recovered. And if he left sooner, there would be no guarantee his body would remain in one piece, especially after a Shadow Game.

Nodding lightly to herself, she gave Hana almost every ounce of her strength. By the time she was done, the goddess was panting ... but smirking. There ... you go ... Hana. Your mind .. is ... as blank .... as Kenji-kun's now. They won't be able to read you ... for a while ... hopefully long enough ...

Takumi shook his head as he ran out of the acadamy's main building. He didn't stop and no one tried to stop him. He knew he had to vanish, do his best to stay out of the sight of everyone and everything, at least until he had read this whole book through and then destroyed it. It was a key to their victory he could just feel it. They wouldn't want it so badly if it didn't tell them everything, and considering who wrote it, it probably had more information then even he had access too.

Kenji picked up his water and took a sip, kindly looking towards Hana to do the same. "I assure you Akane hasn't poisoned the water it is quite safe for you to drink." He said chipperly. putting down his glass he sighed and picked up the PDA. "Tell me Hana-chan, what ever did happen to your little boyfriend? Last we saw of him, Akane had broken every limb the poor boy had, and yet two of my blues claim that he still managed to come to your aid. Loyality like that must be hard to find."

He smiled leaning back into his chair and turning it away so he could look out the window for a moment. "one hundred losses to one win, the worst of the slypher reds, what do you believe his chances of survival are? Your Egyptian friend has shown that she is more than capable, but Hitoshi you have dueled yourself, you must know he doesn't stand a chance in these games."

Turning back to Hana he put the PDA down with new orders. "You can save them both the agony and stress these games would put on their bodies minds and souls, all at the cost of stepping back now, giving me a book, and walking away." His smile widined slightly as he leaned forward to intice that dark side that he knew Hana still had. "I'll even take the snake off of your hands, Did he ever tell you that he wasn't under orders when he asked you out? It's true I caused the little mix up with your room arrangements, but Akane and I only ever had him doing information gathering, but to him you were a game. Uncaring Takumi Even though he ignored my warnings he still wen't out of his way to try to lie and hurt you... I can make him suffer for what he did to you. I mean knowing what you know now. how could you ever trust him?"


eliminate the Egyptian girl. She has been a thorn in our side for far too long, and once her soul has been stripped of her body, search the entire island, and find Hitoshi, do the same to him.

"These are your options dear Hana chan. I won't rewrite this text again."


Hitoshi awoke with a slight start when he heard Athena panting he looked at her slightly concerned. "What is happening?" He asked quietly. He knew he couldn't go back not yet, his strength was only now returning, and he had a strong feeling that he would need every second of strength he could muster for what would be the grand finally.

"Athena... I think I need a new deck." He hated to say it, plants, at least one certian plant had been at his side for years, but his deck had also lost almost every fight he could think of, their didn't seem to be anything more that could be done with plants. "That card trick you showed me when I got here... can you do that with none fairy type cards?"

Glancing around to ensure she was alone, she pulled her PDA out and checked up on Takumi.

How are things going? Get rid of it? 5's down, seeking 3.

She would keep it simple and coded to prevent anyone else who didn't know what it meant understanding. Then again, as far as she knew, no one would - or should - be able to read Takumi's messages except himself. So it was all up to him .... if he had truly changed his alliance, he wouldn't show that to anyone who didn't need to see it. Slipping the device away, she resumed her search, her heart racing. This was very nerve-wracking ... but she wanted to believe that Isis would remain by her side in a spiritual way and help her. After all, she had beaten Kenji ... that meant something did it not?

Hana kept silent the whole time Kenji spoke, even regarding Takumi. The last part definitely made tears fall down her face, knowing he had done all of that on his own whim, not even forced to do it. Her body had tried to relax against the Vampire Lord's grip as her eyes closed. If her mind was as safe as Athena reassured her ... she would take advantage of that chance now. What should I say?

A low chuckle was heard in her head before the swift response, Don't .. be silly. What's right of course. But ask yourself this much regarding Takumi; even if he deserves it, is it something you wish to see? And know you caused? Think on all of that before speaking. He ... is recovering but .... he has at least one to two days. Hang in there till then.

She gave a light nod before her eyes opened. By this time, Kenji had re-written the text. She nearly smirked ... even if it may be out place. Hitoshi was safe from that for now - for quite a while. And for some reason .... she had a lot of faith in Auset that she wouldn't lose. Honestly she wouldn't be until even slightly a bit worried until she had only Akane and Kenji left. Still, her head shook no. "I'm not that vengeful ... even if I should be. The book may be gone by now and you definitely won't find Hitoshi here."

She wouldn't dare directly say why or where ... but maybe she could stall and distract them long enough. That would be her idea and with how things were going, that would be all that Auset and Takumi would need; time. She would give them both that, regardless of what it meant she would have to endure.

Akane sighed as she shook her head. "Do you realize how dangerous you're pushing your luck by not properly answering Kenji-sama the way you are now? I'd start re-thinking on your words ...."

Athena shook her head as she looked to Hitoshi. "....Nothing good. But no matter what, do not try to get up like an idiot and go to Hana. Not yet... wait to you are done. It pains me as much as it does you; trust me. But you'll definitely hurt Hana worse rushing back and having your soul taken, body broken, or both somehow." Emphasizing her points seriously first, she then went on to tell him the truth.

"Well, not much good rather. Takumi is indeed trying to repent so he told Auset and Hana all he knew on how exactly those that initiate the Shadow Realm work and that a small 10% are not associated with Akane or Kenji. One of those was Akane's younger brother. Unfortunately, he chose a risky price for his and Akane's duel; their memory and lost. Hana ... is in as much of an 'interrogation' as one could call it at the moment. Auset ... is slowly dwindling the top 5 as Takumi hinted in order to end this. The piece of evidence Eri allowed Hana to take to get the names of the top 5 is being burned away now that Auset has copied the names down in her own PDA. Most - if not all of these duels, unfortunately, - will involve Auset going against the realms. I don't know how strong Isis made her anklet .... but I hope it'll be enough. I also hope this will be a new incentive for you when you go back; Akane never used to be the way she is. Eri did hint that before he lost his memory and it's why he was part of the 10%. Maybe you and Hana can pick up where poor Eri failed. You did save Hana after all when it seemed most helpless; Akane needs that it seems. I know she's angered you a lot in the past ... all with very good reasons."

Setting her spear beside her, she gently moved some of Hitoshi's hair aside, a few bangs having tried to hide his eyes. "But that's not who you are either. Hana just said she's not the vengeful type even if she should be at times. Nor are you. Just that I can feel ... here." She rested her other hand gently upon his heart. "You going back and helping Hana is more than ample proof of it." She paused to think of his next question and nodded after a few minutes. "Yes. Close your eyes .. and let me see what is in your heart, per se. It could be a simple but powerful concept as a warrior, or a different Light deck similar to what Hana has ... but in order to do this, I'll need to see what is beneath here. I will also need at least half an hour to regain enough strength for this." She added, a small smile forming on her face.

Takumi felt the small rumbling in his coat, and was far enough away that he decided to check his PDA, feeling a wave of relief when it came down to it. Auset had already managed to beat one of the top duelists, and part of him had to smile at that. His own reply came quickly as he typed something up, and then went into building a small well dug area, he needed a way to hide the smoke if he was really intent on building a fire, no matter how small or controlled the fire was it would be impossible to think that no one would miss the smoke.

How are you not a blue? I'm destroying it as we speak, and good luck."

He gave the journal a small read through, he was right their was more then just names in this book, but it was dangerous to carry this with him, and he had a feeling that he was needed. Looking at the fire pit he sighed. No one could read his mind, and thus everyone would believe it was destroyed on his word alone. Tossing the book into the hole had dug, he worked to bury it instead. He got this strange feeling that they would need this book later on.

Kenji shot a glare off to Akane to silence her, and looked more towards the tears Hana had shed. It seems he was on the right track towards finding her sensitive points. He picked up the PDA. "I see I am glad to know you are so cruel. Because from this point on all that happens to your little team will be on your head. Can you live with that? Knowing that from this point on, I gave you the chance to spare them? The shadow games are taxing, and I can't imagine how it must feel for someone to go 5 rounds in the shadow realm on the same day. The poor egyptian girl... I wonder if she will even make it to round 3."

With that he simply sent the text and gave a small shrug. "I don't know what your trying to prove dear Hana-chan but if your truly okay with letting your friends die while you have every bit the power to stop it, then who is the true monster at this table, because it isn't the one offering the way out. I could even get you a nice blue Jacket I mean look where we are? Clearly I run this school." He gave a soft chuckle. "And I will till the day I die."

Hitoshi had to focus on his new goal of not getting up. It was hard, for all the layers of zen he had, he was probably the one most prone to rash decisions, and harsh actions. He leaned back knowing that he would only hurt himself but was frustrated in his powerlessness. listening to the full story it sounded like a war had broken out, but the words of Athena brought something to the fore front that he couldn't ignore. His voice was low as he spoke, "I didn't save Hana, Auset did."

It was a selfish thought, but his own attempts to save Hana had been childish and foolish, and he hadn't been able to stop her till the intervention of Auset. It had been dis-empowering to stand there and watch as Auset had done what he hardly could have. The thought that they needed to now save Akane had brought up much darker feelings of his own past failures, and dispite how much he wanted to help part of him just had this feeling that he would only get in the way.

Hitoshi's eyes closed and he breathed out as he tried to focus on the good and push those thoughts away from himself. He had every bit of faith in Hana's person but the thought of her being trapped in an interrogation just frustrated him. He was impatient, and wanted to get on to the battle field even if he couldn't effect it, he had to try. Even so he tried his best, but he couldn't focus on what Athena needed, his heart was clouded with self doubt, and fears. "Sorry."

A light blush crossed her cheeks at the words. She had a reply ... but knew timing was everything. And right now, she couldn't spend it like this though she would love to. Exhaling deeply, her eyes closed as she began trying to trace her next destination through her Empathic feelings. ... Anxiety? Probably Hana though .... why? Biting down on her lower lip, she began heading back to the Infirmary. She was there with the boy Eri ... wasn't she? Or had something happened? This was one of those times she wished she were an Empath and a Psychic. Otherwise she'd have better known all that was going on.

Akane gave a light shrug to Kenji. This being nice crap approach isn't gonna do shit for her ... But she left her thoughts to herself and otherwise remained silent. In truth, she wasn't seeing what Kenji was trying really. Seriously bribes ... and trying to indulge her darker side? Against another Psychic? When someone as seemingly emotionless as Kenji knew people like herself and Hana, he should know this was the wrong way to go about things. But she wouldn't push her own luck either.

Hana's head shook no adamantly. "They won't die." Hopefully this would all be over by the time Hitoshi was healed. Auset ... she had no idea what part of her was wanting to believe those words; maybe because Hitoshi had hinted she beat Kenji once? Gods was she glad her mind was blank to them lest they hear her thoughts racing frantically. What if that was just luck? She inwardly shook her head no at those thoughts; she'd never ran into a duelist that relied purely on it. She had to have more faith in Auset than that.

A low "Tch ... " left her lips at the offer of being given a Blue jacket. "I wouldn't dare want it." Her eyes closed as she - somewhat reluctantly - made her body relax against the Vampire Lord's grip. "I just want this Shadow Realm and Games gone ... and I'm more than willing to let Auset get more than enough time to accomplish that."

A low sigh left Athena. "...Still, you didn't have to go with her. You didn't have to accept the possibility of Hana being able to be helped. You had enough faith in her. Do so in yourself and the others. Don't you dare give up!" Her head shook slowly as she felt herself unable to detect much of anything. "....While I'm recovering take your time to gather your bearings, as it were. But get out of this funk ... preferably sooner than later. It won't do either of us - you especially - any good."

A young red head received a text. He smiled at the order and was more then happy to obey it. He closed his bright green eyes for a moment breathing in a small breath and holding it, before getting to his feet and walking out to find the woman as he was instructed to do.

He had to admit she couldn't be any less conspicous against the other students. all he had to do to find her was send out a text to his underlings to see if they saw anyone who wasn't in a school uniform and that lead him right to her. "Just a thought if your really gonna take out the entire group, of us, you may want to learn a thing or two about stealth." He spoke happily enough as he approached her. "my name is Yori Yamada. my boss kind of wants you gone... don't suppose you could just leave?" He said with a half smile.

Kenji shook his head. retracting his PDA for the last time and putting it away at least until he heard what he needed too. "Okay so we know what happens to your friends, now lets talk a little more pressing matter, what happens to you Hana-chan? Obviously your not leaving this room any time soon, But what do I do with you? Do I call up Jin-san and Yuu-san and tell them that I have there favorite toy? No honestly we have had enough encounters with them, I could however hand you over to Akane She would certainly understand you a little better then I seem too, Really I tell you I am the nicest option you have Hana-chan. Now I have threatened your friends and made moves to even destroy them, so now im going to have them killed, and thats on your head... So do I let you live with that guilt?"

He leaned back what Akane didn't realize is that this was a time game, and they had all the time in the world. Eventually Hana would come to her senses, and once her hope and trust in Auset was smashed, she would simply have nothing more but to submit. Akane was always upfront, and that could make her boring at times. He got up from his chair taking his glass of water with him as he took a sip. "Sadly it seems you have put all your hope into one person, So I will take a great pleasure in taking those hopes, and stomping them out in front of you, and even if Auset wins you will remain at my mercy."

Hitoshi sighed hearing Athena reassure him that he had helped. He breathed deeply as he leaned back it helped to clear his mind and he started to think. He had always tried to duel with patience, yet in life he was most prone to impatience, even now he wanted to go and help someone, do something! but instead he was here because he had often been careless. His heart wasn't his zen like demeanor, that was what he did to contain himself, but in those dire moments he had shown his truer side.

Hitoshi was ferocious underneath his calm exterior, it wasn't so much the heart of a warrior, but it was certainly a heated flame that burned through his body. At his core there was loyalty, willpower, and a fury for when things got in his way or he didn't like. The victory with Akane, punching Athena, these were only short moments where Hitoshi had managed to scratch the surface of who he really was.

A low "Hmph ... " left Auset at the mention of her clothing not being stealthy. But even when she tried to quickly alter ... it failed. That made her worry a bit; but she had more pressing matters at the moment. Her head shook no firmly as she glared to the newcomer. "These Shadow Games will stop before me. That I will make sure of." Her left hand brought up her Duel Disk, ready to activate hers. "Then again, I could easily just ask you to go away. But I know that'd be pointless ... I need to face you according to the information I got. So ... we're at a bit of a stand-still for now."

Akane inwardly sighed. She'd done all she could regarding Hana.... she would only have to wait her turn it seemed. Her PDA beeped, hinting the duel between Yori and Auset was about to begin. "Let's see how this goes ... " She murmured as she began to prepare to watch.

Even as Kenji spoke, Hana's eyes remained closed. Only the Vampire Lord keeping her in the chair could feel and note the shiver that trailed down her body at the suggestion of getting Yuu and Jin here. Thankfully, he decided against it. Another left at being at Akane's mercy ... but that got decided against also. Her lower lip bit slightly as she heard Akane say Auset was about to start another duel. Whoever is watching over her ... don't leave her. Please .... Her head finally shook no adamantly. "I'd rather be at your mercy then betray them and give you what you ask! Like I said, I'll give her as much time ... everything ... as she needs." Swallowing softly, her head turned even though her eyes closed. She didn't want to look at Kenji when she did allow them to open up.

"There you go ... " Athena murmured, closing her eyes to focus on Hitoshi's heart. A light smile crossed her face as she nodded. "....Interesting. Dragons? Very well ... yes. I still need a bit more time but now I know what I will be able to do for you." Her hand slowly moved off his heart as she rested beside him. Her own soft sigh left as she sent up her own silent prayer for Auset. Though she was a goddess, she wasn't the one Auset prayed to so much; so hopefully that deity would remain beside her as best as she could.

Yori sighed with a slight smile, as the world around them seemed to shift and be replaced, the thick clouds of the shadow however provided no counter for the intense heat that seemed to swell around them. Yori stepped forward and let his duel disk activate. "You can thank Kenji-sama for this particular game. You feel that heat? the more your life points go down, the more your body will be exposed to it, run to zero, and you can guess what happens to your body." He gave a short laugh as the game started.

The first few turns were by far the most intresting as it was a litteral back and forth of monster destruction. Yori's blace accelerator made sure that if she got a monster it didn't stay for long, however their came a time when all He could do was ping her for 300 points a round due to the cards in his deck being rather weak, and during the end game Auset made a harsh come back that took the last of Yori's life points. With his only shield from the heat gone, He held out his arms and actually laughed, as his body was ignited a vortex of flames concealing him from sight and as the shadows faded their was nothing left.

Kenji breathed as the light from his bracelet that had projected the shadow realm around them for the fight vanished. He laughed a very angry laugh shaking his head. His crimson eyes turned on Hana as he walked to her. He was actually angry and showing it, He had two of his best people eliminated in one day by the same person. He growled as he walked up to her and smacked her as hard as he could across the face the sound reverberated around the room. "You are a dumb little child do you understand that? I have played this game of good cop for long enough and you are soon to learn just what being at my mercy will feel like. We had your mind re written once, we can and will do it again."

He turned to Akane stepping back. "Your the most powerful psychic this school has ever seen, rip her mind apart and tell me what she knows, we can put her back together later." He said turning his back to the window as he gripped the rail, and looked out at duel academy island. "Make her scream."

Hitoshi could feel it before she said it, but still raised an eyebrow. "My brothers always stole those kind of cards when i got them. I chose plants because they were something no one ever really wanted. A lot like me actually... most of my deck is hand downs... Large family... don't tell anyone about that."

Auset shivered, moving past the burning corpse and towards the Infirmary. She bit hard on her lower lip as she saw Hana gone and Eri unconscious. Locking herself in, she murmured lowly, "....Damnit ...." as she pulled her PDA out.

3's down but Hana is gone and Eri - the boy we got the journal from - is unconscious. Something happened. And with Hitoshi still recovering .... I get the feeling the 3 of us are the only ones conscious that are against Kenji and his 'army'. But .... if Hana is where I'm beginning to guess .... what do we do?! I can only do so much alone ... I can't believe I'm typing this out but I'm scared. I'm locked in the Infirmary.

Akane covered her mouth quickly to conceal a laugh. This was rather amusing and she hadn't been able to get back at him for being raped. So to see Hana make him genuinely angry ... man this was priceless. Once he turned to her, Akane's hand was away and her face stoic again. She gave a light nod before laying her hands on Hana .... then blinking. "....What the ... ??" She frowned as she tried again, using more power even. This time as she stopped, she was panting and now horror was in her eyes and on her face. "....How... how did you?!" She looked slowly over to Kenji, her head shaking. "I ... I can't! Her mind's as blank as yours, Kenji-sama. There ... is literally nothing regarding any of what you want. I ... don't know or understand why ... how." Her ankle muscles tensed, ready to break into a run. She did not want his wrath shoved upon her for this.

Now it was Hana's turn to take a rather unorthodox chuckle as she watched both Kenji and Akane's reactions. Finally, she let her own smirk show. "Hmph, at the rate this is all going, this will be over later today or tomorrow. You both are taking Auset for granted. She's stronger than either of you would like to think or admit. And now .... you're seeing as your best people are getting beat, one by one. This is pointless ... you should end this now on your own whim before it's forced. Akane's right; I won't say how but no one will be able to see through my mind for a while. Long enough to be near the end of this if not at it. So whatever you have left in mind to do to me ... that's all you can resort to. Otherwise, it's checkmate for you at the moment. Over." With each word she spoke, her heart raced more. She knew this was definitely pressing her luck... but she also knew she was perfectly safe from Akane. For now, she had more advantages than disadvantages.

"There's no shame ... but still I will keep this to myself since you requested it." She inwardly cringed but kept it away from her facial expression as she heard Hana's challenges. Careful ... just because I have given you immunity to such things ... Hitoshi won't want to see you battered and bruised if not worse. She began focusing on the new cards as she gave Hitoshi a small smile. "Two down, three to go. I'm not sure if Auset is going to rest or not ... and depending on that will determine if you even need to worry about much by the time your recovery is over or not."

Takumi had already made his way back into the school the journal was safe, hidden away in a place no one else would have guessed, and only he knew its location. He got the text and made his best chance to B line towards it. Auset had been in three shadow games in the last two days, it seemed almost too much for her to take on, and he got to her as swiftly as he could, knocking on the door he let his worry and panic show. "Auset I'm here."

Kenji glared at Akane as she said her powers were worthless. their were only supposed to be two people her powers didn't work on, him and Takumi. He glared at her for a long moment the rage in him boiling over. "Get out." He could already see Akane ready to run, he glared at her his voice actually emotional. "Get out! and don't you dare come back without the Egyptian's head! In your next game you had best wager your soul, because if you come back alive after loosing, Then i will kill you myself!"

As Akane left he kicked over Hana's chair and stepped hard on her chest. "And you! If I can't have you emotionally broken, If I can't have you mentally broken, then I will have you physically broken. By the time im done with you, Hitoshi will look healthy by comparison." His crimson eyes gazed down at her, He meant every word and to show it, stomped down on her ribs, attempting to fracture her rib cage. "I will leave your body broken and ravaged in an academy washroom for all to see, and when i find him I'll bring Hitoshi in front of the display so You can watch him die."

Hitoshi felt a dark shiver down his spine. something was very wrong. He was almost certain that Athena wasn't giving him the whole picture. "Your absolutely sure I am not needed? I can move again, I have strength enough to do that, I could be with her helping Hana, or Auset."

Before Takumi arrived, she took full note on the Infirmary and how it looked. Cards were scattered ... Eri's deck she assumed. Picking them gently up, she set his cards and Duel Disk upon a mantle beside one of the empty beds. Next she picked him up and laid him upon an unused bed, covering him up to make sure he didn't get too cold. Pressing the back of her palm against his forehead, she didn't detect any fever, thankfully. But when she did go to detect any hints of emotions ... there was nothing. She would have given it benefit of the doubt that he was like Takumi were it not for the fact she' been able to sense him before. Her head shook, causing her to bite down on her lower lip more. "....Something very wrong happened." Laying two fingers upon a wrist, she felt his pulse but very weak. It may as well have been non-existent, making her shiver. With how strong the Shadow Duel must have been, she was pretty sure he'd had an unpleasant visit from his sister.

She damn well nearly jumped but the voice from behind the door clarified it truly was Takumi. "Thank you ... " She murmured, locking him in once he got inside. Her hands trembled before they hesitated ... and embraced him. She was hiding it ... but with her being so close to having to duel Akane and Kenji, she was terrified. She really wanted to believe her victory against Kenji hadn't been a fluke. But she had never dared once forgotten how close it'd been; 8 cards. That was all she'd had when all was said and done.

Akane didn't need to be told twice. This was one of the few times she more than eagerly left Kenji's side. Pulling her Vampire Lord card off her duel disk, she ran away. She hadn't seen this since the first time she'd gotten him angry by going against him. This ... was not only from a foreign source but over a much bigger deal. Darting to her room, she locked herself in, trembling. Her head shook no as she sat on her bed. "No fucking fair! I don't want to!" Slowly, everything was dawning on her ... with how dangerous this all was especially. But she couldn't dare just turn back. Kenji really would kill her. She was in as much of a stalemate as Kenji was now .... and she didn't know what to do. She should try to obey his orders, but Hana was right. They had taken her for granted and she had no idea if she could honestly beat her. A low whimper left and her mind subconsciously connected to Hitoshi, Takumi, and Auset's all at once. It was a simple word ... but they didn't need to see her to know just how scared the normally proud Blue duelist was at this point. Help ...

Though the pressure from the Vampire Lord was gone, it soon got replaced by Kenji. Her hands instinctively went up, trying to keep his foot from reaching it's goal. Her hands shook but she didn't dare let go; otherwise he would fracture the rib cage. And with that guarding her heart and lungs ... she wouldn't dare risk it. "...A-are you insane? Stop!" She wanted to cry out ... connect to one of the other's minds. But she wouldn't, no. Auset had enough to deal with, Takumi ... was probably still dealing with the journal. Eri .... was out of the question. And Hitoshi ... no. She wouldn't dare. Keeping herself from connecting to anyone's mind, she let out struggled winces as she kept trying to keep his foot away.

Athena's head lowered as she finished with the last of the cards. "...I'm sure that you going back now will not guarantee you or your body to survive one Shadow Duel, regardless of the outcome. I .... I know you could. But the entire reason I offered to bring you here was to make sure you could go back and not be at such a high risk anytime soon. At the very minimum, try to wait till tomorrow. But now? Please ... don't." It pained her even more to ask him not to ... but she knew for now this was the right thing to say. All the work she'd have put into everything - his deck and healing him - would go to waste if he got up now.
Takumi shook his head as he felt a voice in his head, but unlike the other characters he could only hear the voice, he couldn't send back his thoughts, and well in truth he didn't want to send his thoughts back, he didn't know what to say to someone like Akane, and he only gave a confused look to Auset. "Was that who I think it was?" He asked silently shaking his head, it seemed like this was only going to get harder.

Hitoshi sighed he knew no matter how badly he wanted to he really couldn't help Hana at all. He breath trying to think of any way at all he could be useful to her or anyone while he was trapped here needing healing. He knew knew Athena was right. He couldn't do anything, but that's when he heard Akane's voice... It was something he could latch onto, It was something he could hold onto while all of this was going on. He wasn't a psychic, but he was certainly free to talk. Akane-chan? This is Hitoshi. Part of him was surprised that His voice could even reach Akane as it was he was in another dimension all together.

Listen, I can't physically be their for you right now, but ask and you shall receive, if you can keep this link open... I will stay with you. I will do my best to help you, but I don't really know everything that's going on. Hitoshi shook his head his eyes closed, part of him still really disliked Akane, actually right now he hated her, but she was also his best hope. Right now... we need to help each other.

Kenji blinked looking down at Hana, she called him insane? he had just sentenced a man to be burned alive, needless to say sanity was already a pretty low priority. He laughed raggedly as she yelled for him to stop. there wasn't even a chance of that, Reaching down he picked up Hana by her Jacket. his crimson eyes slightly wild. "Oh no I gave you that chance, You would have been a fantastic member of my group, but I hardly care about that now. His hands gripped around Hana's throat trying to hurt her. "You aren't needed Hana-chan, and so I assure you that I will not stop."

Auset's head looked quickly up, blinking in amazement. After doing so a few times, she looked slowly back to Takumi. "I ... think it is." She murmured softly, remaining held around him. Her grip tightened slightly as .... the scene changed. "...Huh?! What's ... what's this?!" Soon they were back in the ancient's quarters, though it would be made clear as to why it wouldn't be wise to remain. Smoke could be smelled .... the Temple was ablaze?!

The modern stared in shock; thankfully they were outside to see this. But even with the smoke she could see .... herself? And ... Takumi? It sure looked like them ... up in the room in view. And from what sounds could be heard, the one she was watching inhaled a bit too much already.

Sure enough, the ancient was trying to cover her mouth with one hand, her eyes tightly shut and her body trembling. "T-takumi?!" A few coughs resounded after the struggled call for him. A weak groan left as she held her head, beginning to feel - and look - as if she wanted to faint.

Akane whimpered but calmed as she heard .... Hitoshi. ...Y-yeah, it's me. Y-you will? After all the shit I've done? Thank you. I .... look, I've got my wake up call. I fucking want out ... but Kenji will kill me! I .... I don't know what to do! I'm supposed to go face Auset with my soul as a price but ... even if I deserve the risk, I don't want to! I'm still human when all is said and done. But if I don't ... he'll kill me! Ototo .... fuck what did I do?! Her voice was trembling, hinting she was even though he couldn't see her. Were he nearby, he'd see her shaking upon her bed, gazing wildly around to ensure she didn't dare hear Kenji's footsteps.

Hana's shaky hands remained in front of her body even when his foot left. A struggled breath left as they tried to go around his own hands. Gasps, pants, and coughs left as her grip got weaker and weaker. Her heart raced as her airway became limited with being able to still breathe. It was desperate ... but she would allow herself to call out to at least one person. Akane .... onegai ....

Akane's head quickly looked up. Just the tone suggested Kenji had gotten more serious than she'd ever seen. Hitoshi could hear a soft sigh then her getting up to her feet. .... I'm sorry; for everything. I ... I wanted to get that out in case I can't say anything more to you. I wish Eri could hear this ... He could then hear footsteps. This ... this is my fault. I dragged Hana in this .... I'm getting her out. No matter what.

In the blink of an eye, she disappeared from the hallways and reappeared behind Kenji. Her own hands went for his throat, hissing lowly in his ears. "Let her go .... now."
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