A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

So .. he had seen quite a bit of her past without even her realizing it till now. Her own cheeks were becoming more and more red with each passing second as she nodded lightly to herself. A low chuckle was heard as she finally spoke up, "True... I could very easily just use the anklet. But .... I've been thinking on it honestly. I ... I'm not sure if I can rely on it forever. So I'm going to try to not use it all the time. It's definitely still secured to me; that I've felt. But I can activate and deactivate it easy enough; so ... I think I'll keep it mostly off, unless I feel I need to have it otherwise on. But my main duty and reason for having come to the Academy has been deal with for now. So .... I'm going to try to live a bit normally."

She did turn it off; but not before feeling the last several emotions, including ... desire? Her head tilted at that. "...Hm? You ... want me to ... do something?" She asked something. "Mind you the main problem with my abilities is they only detect emotions. Those alone can only hint so much. Otherwise .... I'm not Psychic. And now it is off so no .... I can't feel what you' are anymore. You're as blank as Kenji was."

Takumi blushed as she asked if he wanted her to do something. He kept his mouth up until she said that she had deactivated her one advantage the one thing that made her better then him. He blinked thinking it over and decided that it really couldn't hurt to ask. After all the ancient Takumi had often pushed the more conservative Auset in these matters, he had to wonder how close she was to her other incarnation.

"I want to know if you would like to join me?" He hid his blush as he asked the question standing naked in a bathtub, he honestly expected her to say no, to yell at him that it was inopropreate, or deny him simply on the grounds that they both needed sleep. "I mean I know you just took a shower, but it was hardly a long one, and... I would enjoy your company."

Her own cheeks quickly reddened. The grounds for sleep would have been her excuse, except she had to remain conscious for at least an hour or close to it with her laundry. "Well .... I do need to remain awake. Moving around plus food ... probably will do it." She had wanted to add in 'along with some other factors' after food .. but decided against it. Walking inside, she folded the borrowed top and sweatpants away. Whether it had been because he'd technically seen this before or some other unknown reason, she wasn't feeling as awkward as she definitely should have. After a quick contemplation of whether to get behind or in front of him, she decided behind for one simple reason. Even if it hadn't been long, she already had her shower. She'd allow him to take his turn ... or try.

"I thought you hated me." She finally teased as his last words had registered and echoed in her mind enough times. "On a more serious note ... what do you think of me now? Considering all we've seen and been through together?" It was weird ... being unable to immediately guess and assume how someone was feeling. But it was making her feel more human, more normal. And she was glad in a way. It'd be as unnatural as ... well quite a few things she had seen lately. But her best analogy, she supposed, was indeed the Shadow Games.

Gently moving his head aside, she leaned down to inspect his own bite marks. It seemed as if the Vampire Lord had been rougher on him than herself. She bit on her lower lip. "... Sorry. I'd be able to help that heal faster but this is the wrong body." She teased, her voice soft. She stayed behind him though not so close her body was against his. Soft exhales did hint she hadn't tried to leave though and probably from anticipation more than anything, the nipples on her 46Cs were hardened slightly.

Takumi blushed slightly as she actually joined him he watched her take off her clothing. it was odd, he wasn't as embarrassed as he thought he should be. He felt her hand against his neck as she shifted his head. Her breath on her neck caused his hair stand up slight on the back of his neck. He turned on the water making sure it was warm as he turned it to shower, He didn't know how to directly answer her question, and so he stalled for as long as he could.

"I guess I did at one point, but it wasn't hate, not really. just anger. When we first met the situation was different, I worked for people, and you could have easily, and almost did cost me my life. A lot has changed in three days." His voice was quiet as he laid out the situation that guided those initial feelings of dislike and anger, he turned slightly taking note of her body as he revealed his body was slender and rather lengthy flexible, and didn't have the same toning as the ancient version of him did. This was the more nimble body of a trained thief.

His arms rested lightly on her shoulders. without her checking his emotions he could honestly say what ever he wanted and no one would have been the wiser, he could have lied to her face, but at the same time he had too much respect for her to actually do that. " so In a word what I feel towards you now is, affection. You saved my life, and I don't think I can repay you any time soon, I am happy if yet slightly confused by the turn of events, and well in the end."

Pulling her body against his as he felt the warmth of not just her flesh, but also the heat of the water as it fell on them now that she had been pulled against her, his lips pressing against hers in a kiss. He pulled back hiding his blush. "I am not the other Takumi, but in time I could come to know you as he did." He said with a small but honest smile.

So he truly had been as confused as she'd felt when he snuck into her room and cuffed her. Well, at least he was finally admitting it now. That change was definitely nice to see. Giving him a nod of understanding, she felt herself blush more as it dawned on her he was facing her and able to see every inch of her body. Almost like back at the oasis ... It was ironic; save the temperature in the water and the face he was more directly under the water now, this truly did seem like back then.

Were this anyone else, she probably would have smacked his hands away as they rested upon her shoulders. A low sigh left, if anything, as if she'd been waiting for this. Noting he was studying her body, she took the time to try to do the same. Then again, she never cared on appearance; this was ... more for her knowledge than anything. She wouldn't have cared if he seemed like the ancient version or not. It never seemed right that so many would seriously deem others 'attractive' by their body type and so she had never been for that.

A soft smile crossed her lips at his words. "You were as much a victim as me. Even without being Psychic, that fact was as clear as day to me when I saw you. It only got stronger when ... we got dragged into the Shadow Duel together." Her head lowered slightly. "You do know I didn't mean to make it appear like I threw that match right? Because that was the last ---" And that was as far as she got before he leaned forward and kissed her deeply.

Her eyes closed as she returned the gesture. Her arms draped lightly over his shoulders as a soft moan escaped. She felt herself nearly whine as he pulled away. But then again, this was meant to be a shower anyways. She nodded with her own smile as he spoke. "To be fair, I'm not the other Auset. But ... I fully understand what you're saying. Simultaneously, the same can be applied to me too though. You've never really known much of the real me. I think ... we can give one another time and chances to learn. If you would desire that."

With that she went silent and ... well ... allowed him to try to focus on his shower. Hopefully she hadn't tempted or distracted him too much. Her head tilted back as she helped the water cascade better down her body, sighing softly as a few drops found her somewhat sore neck and erect nipples. Gods that'd felt so good.

Takumi had to admit Auset had a cute moan, He stepped back and turned his body to the shower letting the water fall on him as he he wet his body, and then stepped around Auset as he grabbed the shampoo and started to clean himself. His body was a little more then aroused thanks to the kiss, and he was slightly embarrassed because his cock had began to harden from looking at Auset.

"Kenji was a hard man to defeat, and he was pretty much insane, even now it's hard to believe that he's actually gone. So no i don't think you threw the duel." He said with a sly smile. as he lathered himself his eyes temporarily closed as he faced Auset. He did now have an erection and his entire body was on full display for her, he felt slightly embarassed especially since with his eyes closed he couldn't really see a thing.

"I will admit I like the idea of getting to know you a lot more in the coming days. is very satisfying. You leave so many questions in my head its kind of odd, and I am more then happy to move at any pace you would so like." He continued to wash himself paying little to no mind to Auset, he was honestly wondering what she would want, and well he didn't want to move to fast so he was more or less leaving himself open for her to take the lead.

Even with Auset's head tilted up, it didn't leave everything out of view of her eyes. That included Takumi's body hinting he had enjoyed everything as much as she had, despite it being simple in concept. Her cheeks got more red as she tried to focus on the water falling upon her. But it made her unable to help but wonder ... did their former selves only kiss? Did they ever get further before ... that man showed up? Not far enough that Takumi was her first; his words had made that clear. But ... groping? Fondling? Had any of that been done? Her cheeks got even more crimson at her own thoughts.

"Y-yeah .. he is." Though Takumi wasn't alone, she wouldn't let the mere possibility of him somehow coming back overwhelm her. No one else she'd heard of had done this ... so ... that wouldn't be a worry. Not to her knowledge anyways. "Thank you though. I know it could have easily looked like it with how fast it went." Her head shook as she decided to avoid thinking of that. Aside from nearly watching herself get raped by the Thief King, that had been one of her other not-so-fond memories.

When he went on to say all he was comfortable with, it made her unable to help and think more on her first thoughts. It was obvious she wasn't the only one getting warm from the close contact and now multiple amount of possibilities. And with the cards being put on the table, per se, it only allowed more thoughts to race through her mind. Her heart was beating so fast ... it felt like it may cease for a bit. Her head shook lightly as she helped herself stay standing. "Well ... thank you. As do I. Pace-wise ...... I.... have been wondering how ... how ...."

She exhaled to get a grip of herself. If Takumi had her anklet on, he'd feel all she was. So much confusion, arousal ... it was switching quickly between an array of feelings, not seeming to be able to remain on one for very long. Once she felt better with being able to talk, she nodded before continuing, though her voice was a bit softer than usual. "...how far we got before .... " She stammered weakly.

Takumi shook his head he didn't even have a clue as to how to answer her question. from what he had seen the other Takumi had never really managed to get very far at all, and if they did get farther then what he had seen well it was probably a more personal memory and one that he wouldn't have known. "Takumi was Ausets personal guard, there were so many laws in place against them getting together, that even though Takumi was ready to accept any and all consequences, Auset held him at an arms length, The most passionate thing they ever did was kiss from what I saw."

Takumi moved again back into the water looking up at water as he rinsed himself off. He smiled lightly as he tried to put up sincere thoughts, but he wasn't the expert, the other him would have known a lot better, but he wouldn't take a chance out of respect, he didn't know the actions of his other self and he had already seen how pressing the other him was when it came to physical matters.

"I am not an expert by any means, on what happened back then, in all sincerity I am more focused on what will happen now." There was no way to hide his own arousal, or hers for that matter, and he half wanted to pounce her right here and now. It was so tempting, and under Kenji and akane had this been hana he might have done just that, but now he tried his best to be more respectful of her wishes.

She was beautiful, and the water only helped that image of her now that his eyes were open he cloud really see her. His hand caressed her face, as he gave her a smile. leaning in he kissed her again just wanting the feeling of his skin against hers.

"True. But in a technical sense, we have rules here. Not as many nor as strict ... but they do apply. Still though ...." She gave a nod to show she understood. By the time he turned back around, everything was as revealed upon her body as with his. Her nipples and clit even were all completely hard and erect, almost silently aching to be touched. Her head lowered slightly to meet his gaze. "The here and now?" She murmured softly, as if trying to figure that out herself. She ... had no idea either. After all she'd finished going through, that merely proved history tended to repeat itself. That being said, she was horrified that Kenji really wasn't gone; not permanently.

Then again, while she had the chance to forget about the recent events, she may as well take advantage of that. A low sigh mixed with a moan left as she returned the second kiss. Allowing one hand to drape over a shoulder, her other trailed slowly down his body. They were already so close, especially in distance. It seemed more sinful in her mind and eyes to try to lie to herself. And right now, the poor girl was so damn curious; on everything. But now knowing the original feelings of anger were long gone ... she wanted to help ensure they would stay that way while simultaneously self-teaching herself sex-ed.

She'd never really masturbated before arriving at the Academy. So in every aspect, she was a complete virgin merely following instincts. Her right hand slowly wrapped around his cock, beginning to move up and down every inch gently. "Is ... is that good?" She murmured softly into his ear.

Takumi gave a small moan as she stroked him lightly. He enjoyed the feeling of her soft hand against his member as she asked if he enjoyed her touch he leaned forward and bit her ear lightly. He chewed on her ear playfully as his own hands moved around her body. he lightly put a hand on her breast using his index finger he flicked her already hardened nipple lightly and then pinched it.

Takumi was experainced, well at least that was to say he knew what he was doing. Before coming to this island he had lived a very different life as a thief, and though he didn't have anyone as important as Auset was to him, he certainly had one or two experiences. He held her close as he he stopped nibbling on her ear, and gave a small nod before kissing her deeply again.

He was enjoying the contact, and his Free hand moved slowly around her body finding her pussy he rubbed her lower lips with only a finger lightly tracing out her body before pinching her clit. "It's fantastic." His voice was almost a low purr as he spoke.

Even without being on Akane's side and aiding out with the Shadow Games, it seemed Takumi was still a bit rough. This time, though, it was much more pleasurable. Her own moans began to leave as he teased a nipple, shivering in delight. The nipping upon her ear was ... different. But somehow it was definitely a sensual act despite feeling his teeth so very close to a sensitive and tender spot. It made another shiver go down her spine, a longer and louder moan following.

"Gods Takumi ....." Her eyes closed as every second of the new sensations washed over her body along with the water. "Shouldn't .... ah!" Her head tossed back and just from his finger finding her clit, she nearly fell on her knees. Panting and shuddering in bliss, she blinked. How had such a simple action made her react so strongly? She'd never thought anything could bring her down that easy.

"S-shouldn't ... we ... continue this on your bed is what I was going to ask. Goddamn Takumi .... that feels so good...." She murmured in between pants and moans, her own hand never having stopped. It'd been moving along his vein the entire time he kept working on her body.

Takumi was actually enjoying the feeling of the water as it fell on him and Auset. It was relaxing, and while the idea of a comfortable bed was pleasing he honestly would love to just continue right here, in the comfort and warmth of the shower. His brown eyes looked over Ausets body and he gave a slight smile as he saw just how much she was shaking, although her hand was still comfortably rubbing his cock and he loved the feeling. "Actually I think if I lay down im just gonna fall asleep, it's been a long day for us, so what would you say, if I said I wanted to play around here, in the shower?"

As he spoke he gave another devilish smile as he went to his knee's unfortinatly having to take his cock away from her hand as he knelt down looking up at her body. He kissed the lips of her pussy before diving in and treating her body like a meal. His tongue licked at her pussy, eating her as he licked every bit of soft flesh she had. His hands held her hips as he sucked on her clit and drank her juices.

The shower was still very warm and the water made her skin feel so much smoother his tongue glided along her body with little to no effort, as he poked and played with her body. his hands holding her hips slid backwards holding her ass and pressing more of her body into his face. He loved every second of it as his tongue played with her, He wanted to hear her pant and scream, and he found her taste delicious. "mmm tastes so good." He looked up giving her a slight wink.

"T-true. And ... I do need to remain awake to get laundry. A-alright ...." Her cheeks flushed, her body and cheeks all getting even warmer now. The heat from the shower was definitely helping out. Panting and moaning softly, she watched as he went down to his knees. For a bit, she didn't know quite what to expect. The feeling of his tongue diving along her clit and inside her made her unable to help herself.

"Oh gods!" Her head tossed back as she grasped on the rail above her. Even with him holding onto her hips, she still nearly collapsed. It'd been like a jolt of electricity trailing down her body. "Mmmm so good .... Takumi ....." Her eyes closed as her body began to register all the sensations trailing through her body. Her hips gently bucked, her body convulsing even as she held on. It didn't take much more effort for his tongue to graze along her hymen and when it did, she did scream.

"OH!" Her hand - no, body - shook hard as her grip tightened around the rail. Her right hand trailed down as it ran gently through his hair. "Please ... gods don't stop ... " She pleaded, moaning and panting as her hips gently bucked up against him.

Takumi smiled lightly as he felt her hips wanting more and he happily obeyed her order. His tongue explored her pussy more in depth. As his fingers slowly started to tease her ass, he pressed his fingers against her anus touching and playing with her openings as he licked her clit his tongue moving around that most sensitive area as he played with her.

one of his however went to her front sliding a slender finger up and into her pussy to press against her inner walls while he licked her playing with her pussy with both his tongue and a finger pushing up into her body while licking her clit, and just to make his attack more effective the finger that had been teasing her ass quickly slid inside her the water helping the motions as he played with her body.

His fingers and tongue all worked in tandem. when one pressed the other pulled, he went to the rythem of her bucking hips, sensually fucking her from both front and back at the same time. His eyes looked up to her. He knew he was being rough for her first time, but he couldn't help it, He wanted to be rough, though he was most certainly affectionate, this was just how he got his kicks. "As you command."

The more he teased her body, the harder it was becoming to control her volume. The heavy breaths had quickly become near screams as her hips bucked up faster and harder. Her eyes closed as her body convulsed, sounds of desire and lust being the only things she could seem to get out by now. So good, so good .... For a bit, she was unsure if she would even be able to keep holding onto the rail. Her limits were being tested and never had she shook so much from any emotion before, not even fear.

Her eyes opened and her grip tightened as he began assaulting both her holes. "GODS OHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Somewhere in between his fingers and tongue all ravaging her two holes and her hips wildly moving back and forth, he hit her g-spots. He had good self-control given she was somehow still pure too. She knew it'd be risky if they were caught ... but he had officially made it damn well nearly impossible to even control herself. Her logical side was gone, replaced by a new lustful one.

Her grip tightened again as her body shook then got stiff. Her head tossed back as another scream left. "TAKUMI!" It didn't make much longer after he located her g-spots for her body to give in as she reached her peak. Panting and moaning heavily, her eyes closed as afterglow began to cover her.

Takumi drank up her fluids as she came. His mouth and tongue staying at her pussy, as he drank her. He swallowed after she reached her peak and wiped his mouth with a wet hand Giving Her a smile as he finished with that. He got to his feet slowly rising as he looked at her. "Was it that good for you?"

As he spoke a finger flicked her nipple just to see how sensitive her body had become after her first round. He smiled and gave a slight laugh. his hands went to her shoulders. pulling her against him, his cock now so hard it was almost painful. He kept smiling even as he pressed his lips softly his tongue entering her mouth as he kissed her deeply, as his arms slowly reached down his mouth trying to distract her as he lifted her leg up onto the edge of the bathtub, his cock sliding up against her pussy, as he rubbed the tip of himself against her soft soaking lips.

"Keep holding onto the rail." His voice was light as he dipped the tip of his cock into her pussy, not far enough for her to lose her verginity but far enough to feel the very tip of his cock inside her bodies lips. he waited for her to understand what was about to happen before actually going through on it.

"...G-good?" Her head shook no, still panting a bit heavily. "Amazing ..." She murmured, a moan following, her eyes opening slowly as she heard noises to indicate he wasn't on his knees anymore. Even before he had began to initiate the kiss, she had leaned forward to start her own. As their lips met again, she leaned forward into, a whimper mingling this time as another moan left, the first action coming after he teased her nipple. It'd already been hard enough as it was; the action of it being flicked made her body tremble.

Her gaze looked down as her leg got moved up on the closest edge. Swallowing nervously, she gave a light nod of understanding not only with what was about to happen but why letting go of the railing would definitely not be good. She'd never - to her knowledge at least - been this exposed and open to anyone before. It was weird ... but somehow, she didn't mind it. A shiver trailed down her body as the head slid inside.

"Goddamn, Takumi ... ohhh ...." Her eyes closed as she gripped the rail so tightly she would be lucky not to somehow make it fall. Her body continued to shake, the heat from both their bodies making the afterglow that was still washing over her feel even better. Her hips lightly moved along the head, her muscles lightly squeezing. With each steady movement, she allowed more of him to slip in before finally he was right against her hymen. Just the pressure alone made her wince ... but somehow, she knew to expect a bit of pain. Probably her former half ... which would explain the silent voice in her mind that was reassuring her it would be worth it in the end.

With one arm wrapped around her neck and the other supporting her by holding her ass Takumi braced Auset for what was coming next. He Pushed past her hymen, taking her virginity with a slight maon of his own, feeling her body clamping down around his cock he smiled and kissed her passionately.

He played with her moving his cock upwards into her as the hand that had been holding her ass went back to playing with her at the same time. Pressing into her ass as he played his cock further into her soft pussy as he gave a small cry of his own enjoyment. "Auset.. Ohhh" He gave a small cry as he finally got to feel her body. The heat not just from them but the water and the room as it fogged up. He wasn't a person that liked moving slowly that much was clearly apparent as he took the lead, but at the same time there was a gentleness to his motions he was violent as he adjusted her and pressed up inside her.

Instead he was steady holding her close and kissing her making her feel every movement of his cock inside her body, or his fingers inside her ass, he was exploring every single part of her body trying to find what worked and what she would like, but he had no doubt that he was stretching her in every way he could as he slipped a second finger inside her ass to add to the pressure as they worked in tandom with his cock in his pussy trying to make her feel like there were two men in this shower, not just one.

Though the kiss helped muffle her scream, it definitely didn't stop it. Subconsciously or otherwise, she gave a slight nip as the pain surged through her, a few tears mingling in with the water. Her eyes closed as her hand grasped his shoulder to keep herself supported. Pulling away from the kiss, she panted and moaned lightly as the last bits of pain subsided. Her head tossed back as he began thrusting up hard.

"Gods Takumi ...." She moaned, her smile widening as an idea came to her. She'd speak with Hana on it later though as it sorta required her; but suddenly, she had an idea how to fix the room arrangements. Mentally noting it for later and to avoid forgetting, her focus remained on the here and now. Her muscles contracted and squeezed around his cock as fast and hard as they could, her body thoroughly enjoying the feel of him pounding her while pleasing her ass.

"Yes ... ohhh ....." Panting and moaning wildly, her body trembled. She was already close to another orgasm from a mix of the factors the shower was giving and just Takumi himself. Normally she'd be more anxious to be so roughly treated. But right now ... gods she couldn't get enough. It almost made her wish neither were too tired to pass out once their heads hit a pillow. Ah well ... Auset was as certain as he was that would be where they would use next instead of the shower. Not that this wasn't interesting by any means; but he wouldn't be as restricted if they were on a bed either. "Harder! Oh so good ...."

With how easy such naughty words and pleas were leaving her lips, it was hard to imagine the same woman Takumi was with ever used to be a priestess.

At Ausets's cries to go harder Takumi was finding himself enjoying it. the lustful motions of not just his own body but hers as well were fantastic, and the fact that she seemed to love the rough pace he put up for her only enticed him more. As he pressed in harder he wanted to do so much to her, and his own body though enjoying the pleasure wasn't close to a climax yet. He pushed into her pussy harder part of his hand sliding under her thigh and forcing her to rap her leg around him. "Mmm so good."

The hand that was holding her shoulder moved to her breasts still holding her but now he was holding her by the nipple he was pinching, and her ass that he was playing with. His mouth went to her neck sucking on her bite wound, as he played with her body like it was his own little sex toy pounding her as hard as she wanted him too. "A-auset, your body is so tight, a-and sexy I want to explore it all."

He couldn't focus on anything but the fact that he had Ausets sexy body in front of him, and more and more he just wanted to dig into her, his hand on her breast actually squeezing her perhaps too much, and the fingers in her ass slowly starting to try and stretch her out, hinting as to what he meant by explore all of her.

As her leg was wrapped around Takumi's body, she began to get an idea. Putting her right hand upon the edge of the tub, her left carefully let go of the railing. With both now on the respective edges behind her, she didn't have to stretch herself out too far. Allowing her other leg to wrap around with her other, she leaned forward to kiss him deeply, muffled moans still leaving. Her heavy breaths shifted as they went through her nose, her hips rocking up and down.

It hadn't been until he grasped a nipple that she even realized how hard they had gotten from anticipation. And now that he was tweaking and pinching one, it was making her let out cries of pain and pleasure leave her. As his lips moved to where the Vampire Lord bit her, a shiver trailed down her body, more moans escaping. "Gods...T-takumi .... mmm ....." Keeping herself held up with one hand, her right rested against the back of his head, encouraging him to stay there.

Her lips moved to one of his ears, panting and moaning softly into it. When she spoke, it was in between sounds of desire. "Do it then .... I'm all yours." Her head rested upon his shoulder as she stayed still for a bit. Finally, her lips moved upon his own wound as she began to return the favor and lick around his, her nipples and clit all hardened by now. Never once had her muscles ceased squeezing around his cock; if anything they seemed to be encouraged to keep going from his rough thrusts. He'd been hitting her g-spots so hard for so long .... she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold back.

"I'm .... gods... I'm close again ....ohhhh ....." The hand that had been staying on the back of Takumi's head guided it down, his teeth right upon the wound now. With how slow it'd been healing, it'd be easy to rip open again, regardless of whether from a human or manifested card. All that was really needed was enough strength and pressure.

As she licked his own wound he he let out a moan. He felt her body reacting to him, and the heat of the water, it was boiling him, and pushing him so far. He moaned as his nails dug into her breasts, and ass cheeks. "Oh I will Auset, all in time."

Takumi felt her legs wrapping around him, and felt her entire weight being supported by him. He pushed her back against the wall holding her hips, as she cried that she was close again he started pushing her into him more and more. his mouth pressed against her wound he bit down on her not thinking of how the wound had been healing but rather just taking her hint that she wanted him too, and he tasted some blood as he felt his bite break the wound.

As she said she was close He pressed in deeper into her, his cock pushing in and his fingers deep into her. He moaned into her neck, and pressed harder feeling her pussy clamping around him he was loving every second of this contact the water flowing down onto them and warming his body as he went wild. "Then scream, and cum." He smiled at the lude thought pressing her back further against the wall as his chest pressed against her breasts.

The hand that was holding her breast squeezed her harder pinching her hard nipples pulling on her breast as he moved against her his pants and moans covered her neck with warm hot breath as he stayed on her injury. He licked at her wound cleaning it with his tongue.

Her cheeks were beginning to turn crimson, partly from all the lewd and sensual actions with the water also aiding out. The suggestive words were definitely doing their roles also and even if it seemed out of place, she couldn't help but moan at every second of pleasure, every word that either left her lips or she heard; any and every factor was practically driving the poor Egyptian insane. If her body hadn't noticed his nails grasping her breasts and rear, it would after for sure.

With how long he seemed to hesitate, she didn't think he'd go on and bite. But that got proven wrong as he broke through. A few seconds before his command, her body had seemed to foretell he'd ask that of her because she did just that. Her head tossed back as a loud scream left. Pain and pleasure mingled again and her body tensed as her orgasm rushed through her again, now coating his entire cock this time.

Her orgasm hadn't even fully stopped when she felt him licking at her neck and teasing her nipples. "Fuck ... Takumi ..... " She groaned out, shivering at the contact. Everything had seemed to make her body more sensitive than usual. It'd been like an 'On' switch had been flipped abruptly; all she knew was she was ready to explode again. She hadn't fully forgotten the laundry; but with how much she was loving all of this, she was ready to wait until the morning. If worst came to worst, the idea of passing out here would definitely not be the worst. At least she'd be content while asleep.

Takumi enjoyed her screams and feeling her body tense around his cock was so pleasurful that for a moment he almost thought he would have came with her, but his body gave only a slight shudder, He untangled from her body easily sliding his cock which was covered in her juices. Takumi helped her regain her footing only to press her slowly down onto her knees his hands at first on her shoulders but then on her head.

"Open wide, and kiss it." He spoke his small command as he pressed the tip of his cock against her lips. He didn't know why he was being so commanding and rough, he was supposed to be her body guard, but seeing her so lude and so caught up in all these acts, he just wanted to make love to everything she had.

His cock was still very much covered in her juices, but some of it had started to wash off thanks to the constant shower, he held her hair in his hand, pulling on it lightly. He was panting heavily, his body was still feeling the pleasure of her last orgasim, and he could tell that he was at least getting close. "you best lick it up before the tastes get washed away."

Takumi wasn't the only one slightly confused on the 'role reversal'. As easily as he as embracing his more dominant side, the same was being noted with Auset and her more submissive. Or rather, she was re-accepting it for a lack of better wording. Maybe because she'd never been able to be like this willingly before. Even when Seto used to own her, she hadn't been from the same region of Egypt. She'd been elsewhere; in a portion that wound up getting raided similar to Bakura. However, she was lucky and taken a prisoner along with some others. Bakura's had no survivors beside himself.

For a bit, she stared up whilst on her knees. Lowering her voice, her head bowed. "Hai, Takumi-sama." She knew this very well may be testing quite a bit ... but unfortunately, Takumi had gotten her as intrigued as himself. A low shiver left as he grasped her hair and she didn't hesitate anymore. Opening her mouth, she pressed a soft kiss before taking his cock in her mouth. A low moan left as she began to clean him off, tasting both her blood and their mingled juices. The latter, however, was much stronger in what still remained.

Moving her head up and down, she steadily took more into her mouth. After a few more movements up and down, she took every inch inside, shuddering as she felt and watched herself. Her tongue slid along every vein it could reach, carefully noting his reactions. If she seemed to make him moan or shake, she would focus on that area. More ideas began to fly into the Egyptian's mind and as she continued to keep her head all the way down, she took her wrists and held them behind her back for him. She'd let his imagination go as wild as he'd been, wondering if that would make him more turned on even. With how rough he was being, something told her the image of her being bound and used in this manner would be incredible; especially now that it was only for him and no one else she was pleasing.
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