A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

"...True enough, I suppose." She gave him a light chuckle as her head shook no. "It's all still at yours technically. I ... need to figure out what to do about that later." She added the last part softly, a low sigh leaving her lips.

Akane's eyes widened as she stood quickly, her head shaking no. "N-no. Definitely not me .... someone more worthy. But that's not me. Even if I do repent .... for the Shadow Duels .... I ... still don't deserve anyone for something that .... special." Her head continued to shake no adamantly as her body trembled, her back turned to Eri. "I ... I'm not mad at you. Just ... no. Don't waste that on me. Not only because you deserve better ... but we can't. We're siblings .... remember? Just that alone ...." She let her thoughts trail off, her head bowing slightly.

Hitoshi and hana arrived at the ra yellow dorms, and hitoshi gave a small nod. "Yeah that does sound inconvenient. considering who your having to sleep around, maybe you should put in a transfer to red?" his voice was hopeful though he knew that she wouldn't, being a red was a black spot on your resume, no one truly wanted to live in their tool shed of a dorm.

"Still you should probably go in if only to collect Auset." he said calmly. He left out the fact that Takumi was also there partly because he didn't want to have takumi around, and partly because He didn't think that they would be in the same area.

Eri blinked as Akane stood up he had crossed a line it had seemed, and when she said that they were siblings part of that did make him blush heavily, but he also didn't really know why that was so taboo. The other part where she said he deserved better. He simply nodded. "Sorry Aka-Onee. I... I don't know what got into me."

He got up stretching out as he felt his joints popping back into their proper place. He gave a small sigh. Oddly the last thing on his mind was regret for his actions. "actually, No... I hardly remember anything at all Aka-chan really The only memories I have were pulled from your head, and with so many gaps in between them... I honestly don't remember... I... just get.. these feelings... and when I look at you...im sorry it's nothing."

".... Did you ask one of the angels to pry into my mind?" She teased. "Because I was wondering about that honestly." Still, she gave a light nod at his request. "Alright, I can go do that real fast then. Though .... from what I saw, Takumi-kun really is trying to change. Besides, you're giving Akane chance .... can you not try the same for him?" Allowing him to think on those words, she carefully headed off.

When she got into the room that should have been hers, she peeked in and saw .... not her there. Her eyes blinked in confusion. Why isn't she there? Her eyes closed as she tried to focus on pinpointing the Egyptian's thoughts which were .... interesting. Things about 'feeling good' and 'so sore' and .... wait a second. Her cheeks went red. ...Oh dear ... As she came in front of the door she felt the girl's thoughts coming from, she peeked slowly in .. and quickly had to cover her mouth to keep from gasping and simultaneously chuckling aloud. Closing it gently, she half-ran and half-limped away, unable to believe it. Her ... and .... Takumi?! What?! She'd seen more than ample bare skin from the former Hebi - mainly around the shoulders - to know her thoughts matched what Hana had concluded had indeed been accurate. Continuing to lightly hobble away, she couldn't help but keep thinking back to what she'd really just seen.

"It .... it's fine. I could have sworn I addressed you as ototo a few times ... even without your memory ..." Her head quickly shook. "It ... it doesn't matter. I got my karma in that aspect already. Just .... pay no heed to me for that. I'll help you with other things. But ... I ... I can't with that. You really do deserve much better than me." Her voice lowered to barely above a whisper before she added, "Hell everyone does ..."

Takumi gave a soft grown his eyes opening as he saw the door open, He could have sworn he saw Hana for a moment, but then she ran or rather limped away. He poked Auset "Auset... I think... Hana just saw us." he was still groggy and still unable to see past his own hands, but he was almost certain that the shadow at the door had been Hana.

Hitoshi sighed waiting outside the dorm for them. It wasn't that he was unwilling to give Takumi a chance, it was just that he didn't trust the snake in the grass. something about him set everything he knew wrong, but if hana was willing to cut him a deal he wasn't in the position where he could say anything about it. instead he just tapped his foot waiting on Hana, he wondered if she really would set up a transfer. with only one place left to house a student in the red dorms, he could already guess where Hana would end up.

Eri blinked hearing his sisters words, she had often reffered to him as Ototo this was true, and he should have known that these boundries existed between them. But oddly the emotional side of his brain the one that hadn't lost its connection to those close to him, told him that it was what he wanted. Still he gave a small bow towards akane. "Sorry Aka-Onee. I will try to keep things less confusing." He said with a heavy sigh. He turned walking towards the door.

His head was down low for some reason his cheeks burned red. He couldn't hide his shame all that well. he sighed deeply not knowing what he could say. Akane was going through a lot and he had to let her take her time. "Either way I need you Aka-onee." his voice only a faint whisper.

A small smirk formed on the Egyptian's lips, a low groan leaving. "Well ..... to be fair .... over anyone else, I'd rather it be her. After all, we're in an alliance of sorts now." She murmured softly, opening one eye to gaze up at Takumi. "Does this mean you're completely awake now?" She asked, a low yawn leaving as her arms remained gently wrapped around his waist.

Hana's cheeks were red as she returned before Hitoshi. "Um .... now is not a good time to bother them. They're .... kinda like us in the .... 'together' sense?" She hoped the hint would make enough sense. Just the sight had been intriguing and .... forbidden, knowing she probably shouldn't have seen that.

Akane couldn't help but wonder if he even knew where he wanted to go, besides out of the Infirmary. Resting a hand gently on his shoulder, she kept him from moving out yet. "Do ... you want me to show you to your Dorm room? I ... I caused the mess you're in so I need to help out with ensuring you get out of it."

Takumi let out a low grown as he felt Auset wrap around him. She couldn't have wanted more could she? His body ached from all that had happened not just last night but in general. He leaned against Auset and kissed her lightly wishing he could not be in his body, and his eyes closed. "Yeah I think it's about time that we got up."

Takumi blinked as he looked around his voice changed mid sentence and for a moment he was confused, and sore... He had felt worse pains of course, but his body was oddly tender to Auset's touch... a touch that took him by surprise. It was not uninvited or unappreciated however it was certainly new. he couldn't think of ever having been this close to her before.


Hitoshi blinked, Auset and Takumi? He scratched his head it didn't seem right to him, but at the same time it let him breath. Hitoshi wasn't the jealous type, but on a slight subconscious level he knew that Hana and Takumi had been together. the reasons for it aside part of Hitoshi was superstitious enough to believe that meant Hana could choose to go back to Takumi even though it had all been a lie. Logic and emotions never seemed to mix, and hearing that Takumi now had something was at least convincing enough that he didn't have too keep an eye on the snake. "well... good for them."

Hitoshi smiled his attention now completely on Hana. She looked bright red, and so cute when she was embarrassed. He leaned into her quickly stealing a kiss from her lips while she was the same color of his jacket. "Right in that case lets just go to the hot springs together. I doubt we will need to wait up for them." he said taking Hana's hand.

Eri stared at the hallway transfixed for a moment. His feet were rooted to the ground. All of his memories extended to this room, and in opening the door he had entered a world completely alien to him. He gripped the handle his hands shaking, He didn't remember the layout, and in a simple action like opening a door he realized just how much he m ust have known before all of this. He could hear Akane giving an offer to guide him, but his mouth was dry and would not speak an answer. Instead he stood in the door way shaken with fear and anger... the realization of what he had lost had finally set in.

The altering of voices in mid sentence definitely made an eyebrow raise slightly. Still, she said nothing aloud of it. Realizing she only put her clothes in the dryer but never got them out of it, she inwardly cursed. Keeping her face from showing even the slightest hints of anxiety, she gave a soft kiss upon his bite mark. "I'll be right back; need to get my clothes in order to head out." She murmured softly before walking out into the hall, grabbing her uniform, and heading back into Takumi's room. Regardless of whether he watched or not, she began to strip out of the borrowed 'nightgown' of sorts and then into the school attire, starting with the blouse going on first.

Leaning into the kiss while it lasted, Hana smiled up to Hitoshi. "Alright then and ... probably not." Remaining close by his side, she followed his lead and went towards the hot springs with him.

Akane bit down on her lower lip. Shit ... Just the sight of him trembling made her very worried. Gods what did you fucking do?! Never before now had she even seen him this angry or scared. It was a new sight and sensation .... and it was beginning to terrify her a bit even. Not just to whom this had happened but knowing fully well how. He was already having trouble going into his room ... how would he be able to stay sane to find out the rest of the truths? Her hand gently rested upon his. "I'm here .... I promised you I would be. I'm not going to turn and run from you ..... " She reassured him softly.

Takumi watched as Auset stripped. He enjoyed watching her and for a moment considered stopping her again, running up to her and taking advantage of the fact that she had to change, but decided against such an action. Instead he got to his feet and started to dress himself. He let out a small sigh as he found his school clothing well enough and stretching out all the pains he had from the days past. He kissed Ausets lips and sighed for a moment as he got himself ready to leave.


Hitoshi gave a small smile as they walked it was an odd sensation after all of the danger they had faced down as of late they were finally getting a break. It was odd to feel so calm for a change, and he welcomed the shift. "... It's odd to think that everything is over for the moment. With all that Kenji was willing to do, I'm just surprised there wasn't a back up plan."

Hitoshi gave a small smile and shook his head focusing on the direction they were traveling, he had learned to stay on the roads if they didn't want to get lost, and thankfully this was a road well traveled, though the path was a little long. "Never mind, honestly classes will be starting back up soon, and we should focus more on that then anything else. No use worrying."


Eri felt reassured if only a little as he turned towards Akane. He gave a small nod thankful that she was at least standing by her words. It felt more then a little frightening to be in a world where nothing was familiar except for one person. He was lost among phantoms that he didn't understand. His hand took her's and he held her tight, She was essentially the only anchor he had. It didn't matter if she had been cruel in the past He needed her now.

"Aka-chan... who am I?" It was one of the questions that had been stuck in his mind. Not just where they were, but a much grander question. Seeing past the door he realized that he had lost much more then his location, he had lost a substantial part of himself.... and He didn't know what to do. She was the only person who knew him, and thus any insight she had would be enough to help him.
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