A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

Takumi blinked the scene around him was thick with smoke, and he breathed heavily it seemed like they had walked into a war zone. the once elaborate and glorious temple had lost much of its feature's to the flames."Don't worry, It's a memory... were ghosts while this plays out." He spoke trying to reassure her. The smoke had no effect on them, but that didn't mean it wasn't affecting their ancient counter parts.

The ancient Takumi walked up to his Auset. He caughed as he took her by the hand at first, but after giving her a look over. "Forgive me my lady, But im going to need to break the laws again." As he spoke he touched her waist only to lift her over his shoulder. He held her and ran, Making his way through the smoke and flames.

Kenji stepped back dropping Hana as Akane re entered the room. He scoffed as he looked her over. "Really Akane-chan? After all I have done for you. You would really go so far as to strike me." The shadows slowly encroached over the two of them conjured by Kenji's item. His duel disk activated as he looked at Akane. "You shouldn't have come back without the Egyptians head, I told you I would kill you myself, but... that's just not good enough, you know what they say, live by the sword die by it... well welcome back to your graveyard."

Hitoshi could hear all of the weakness in Akane's voice, but was thankful when she said that she would make amends. He was still with her even as the shadows enveloped her. "Thank... Thank you Akane. when all is said and done, if... rather when you make it out of this, I will help you where I can. You have my support... You won't be dueling alone."

Her head shook. She was obviously confused. "But ... how are we two places at once?" A low sigh left as she decided to go silent and watch.

The only thing concealing the slight smirk on the ancient Auset's face was the smoke. "With ... all due respect ... I'd say Seto-sama ... is.... way too busy to .... bark orders .... anyways ...." A hand went over her mouth after she spoke to keep anymore smoke from getting into her system, especially near her lungs.

As Hana got dropped, she looked up in time to see ... Akane had heeded her? Her eyes widened as she tried to reach out to her. "W-wait ... you .. you don't have to ... for me ..." But that was as far as she got before the shadows engulfed her and Kenji both. A shaky hand remained over her mouth as she found herself able to do now was wait. It felt like forever but finally the Shadows left ... and as they did, a very shaky Akane was left.

Right before the Shadows fully engulfed herself and Kenji, she felt a few stray tears fall upon hearing Hitoshi believed in her. Y....you do? But this is fucking Kenji! There's a reason he's at the top! Hitoshi ... I've never beaten him before! But ... thank you. Swallowing nervously, she shot him a glare as she activated her own duel disk. "No fucking guarantee this is going to be my grave. I'm done! Why the fuck should I have to risk my soul? Fuck that shit! No ... this does end .... now!"

Hitoshi's words must have been dead serious because she actually had one of the best hands ever against Kenji. By the time the shadows left, only Akane was remaining, albeit very shaky. Her body gave in as she collapsed to her knees. "....I ... what did I just do?" She murmured, allowing his to be heard in Hitoshi's head and in front of Hana. The voice - to Hitoshi - would signal that somehow ... she had pulled through.

A weak smile crossed Hana's face as she hesitated ... before hugging her gently. "You ... I didn't think you'd listen. But ... thank you again." She murmured softly. For the first time in years ... Akane began to break down and Hitoshi could definitely hear the soft sobs. It seemed all Athena had hinted on her was - had been - true. "But .... but Eri! I .... I don't know how to .... if I can .... " Her head shook as she stammered, shaking as everything dawned on her as harshly and quickly as a painful slap across her face.

Takumi blinked slightly at hearing Ausets question why where their two of them? He shook his head. "Their are only two of me, but last time I counted there was actually three of you." He said with a small smile he didn't want to confuse her, but he could also only speak in riddles, which didn't have use for much else when it came down too it.

Anceint Takumi did his duty and protected his Auset as best as possible taking her out of the temple and crashing through to the outside, he almost fell into the cold nights sand, as he caughed out the smoke in his lungs. Laying down next to Auset he smiled looking at her. "There I managed to save the most precious item in the temple." He said with a small smile, only to stop when he felt Something hard his back and keep him pinned to the sand.

"Oh and what a fantastic job you did at that!" The man said with a vile bout of laughter. "Not only did you save an Item from the fire, which I will be taking thank you, but a woman too."


Hitoshi bowed his head slightly as the healing process worked on him, with all that had happened he gave a heavy sigh of relief it seemed like it was over. He could now rest sleep and be done with this hell, Kenji paid for his crimes, and Akane could be rehabilitated. he did his best to maintain his connection which was oddly easy for him to do. I'm still here Akane just like I promised. also is that Hana... tell Hana I said Hi, also I'm sorry... I don't think there is a way to heal Eri... I mean I could ask around, but... I am sorry."

Eri's eye's opened slightly, he had been moved, or rather he wasn't laying in the same place he had been, Two people he didn't recognize were asleep in the room as well. He turned over, something was wrong he could tell, but he couldn't tell why. His mind was actively trying to think of what had happened, but everything was a fog or a haze to him. his subconscious mind however was still very well and functioning, and his mental voice panned out, to the only person he remembered... even though he didn't have a clue who she was, he could remember a face and feel her prescience. His eyes closed as he drifted back into his sleep, his powers transferring a message without him even being aware of it. Aka-chan?

".....Three?" Wow this was confusing as hell. Her head shook and by the time she looked back, she shivered to hear and see a new figure. There was just something ... unnatural about the man. All she knew was she was glad to be a 'ghost' at the moment.

Even from where the modern versions were, both could easily see a slight blush begin to form across the ancient Auset's cheeks. "I ... I'm not that ...." Her eyes widened in horror as she knelt down at Takumi's side. "...Takumi?!" If they could see past her skin, they would see not only did her skin try to pale, her heart tried to stop. Actually, more like for a few seconds, it did as she heard the laugh.

Her head - and body - slowly turned to take the new figure in. Just from the few words the new man spoke hinted she should be running, not staying here. But .... could she really leave Takumi like this? It felt wrong to do so ... and she dreaded leaving him not only like this but with the same person whom had been giving her nightmares for weeks now. Her head slowly went back to Takumi again as she murmured softly, "Forgive me ... " lightly before her staff dug into the sand. It wasn't meant to be strong or damaging; merely a distraction as a wall of sand flew up before the priestess to temporarily hide her. While it was up, she ran .... ran as fast as she could. She had to get back-up, help ... if not for herself, definitely for Takumi.

Fuck! I ... I feared as much. Damnit I .... She stopped, pulling Hana carefully up as a familiar voice rang in her head. Eri-ototo?! Teleporting the two in the Infirmary, allowing Hana to take an unoccupied bed, she walked slowly beside Eri. Grasping a hand gently, she looked down into Eri's eyes. "....Ototo? Eri-ototo?" She murmured weakly. Had defeating Kenji undone everything maybe? It was hopeful .... but she was more than willing to pray for it.

A soft smile crossed Hana's face as she more than eagerly took an empty bed. Her eyes closed as a low yawn left. Today had been a damn tiring day. Hitoshi-koi .... I'm glad you're okay. I think... we should let Akane try to do research on a possible reversal. I ... am so tired though. I used most of my abilities sneaking and obtaining the journal. I have enough for this ... this talk ... but that's about it. As her eyes reopened, her smile widened. For the first time, Akane was acting like an actual human -- trying to anyways.

Takumi sighed as he looked at The modern Auset. It was confusing honestly. He no longer knew what his feelings for her were supposed to be, did he feel the same way as the ancient Takumi had felt about his Auset? Or were things different between them? Ancient Auset and takumi had known each other for years, and were stronger because of it, while he had only just met the modern version. He shook his head deciding not to over analize before he went cross eyed. "Yeah it has been a little difficult to keep track, I am sorry i couldn't say anything before, but I literally couldn't, also if were here, chances are were sleeping out there." not knowing how much of those rules still applied he kept his answers as short as possible.

Takumi smiled as he watched Auset run, He was her body guard, but more then that he wanted her to run. Takumi Turned the tables on his attacker, as the theif king went to give chase he grabbed the mans foot and pulled back throwing him to the ground as he got to his feet. "Want her? you will have to go through me!" He said quickly. Run, get away safely, please stay safe... for me."

"Well if you insist." The two of them clashed for only a short while, Takumi's weakened state was no match for the much stronger man, and after two or three rather hefty blows, Takumi found himself being held at the neck his life being strangled out of him. "You should have played dead, instead of becoming it."

There was a snap and The modern Takumi turned away holding his neck. That didn't feel right. he had just watched himself die... His arms clasped around Auset holding her closely more out of need and shock then anything else.


Hitoshi gave a small sigh he could sleep through the night now. Hearing Hana's voice he gave a small smile. The doctor says Ill be ready to go by tomorrow Hana-koi, but im gonna take my time I have one last thing I want to do while im here.

He turned his head to Athena giving her a small smile "Laying here was probably the hardest thing I have ever done, but I have one thing I need to ask you. The scar on my chest, the one from when Hana stabbed me? I have seen the way Hana looks at it. It would be a constant reminder of a time she doesn't want to be reminded of... any chance you could remove it? They are out of danger. So im willing to stay put to get it done."


Eri moved but perhaps not in the way that Akane had wanted. He awoke, looking up at her face. There would have been a chance of reversal now that Kenji was gone, had it not been by Akane's own magic that the shadows had been called upon. Awake he looked into her eyes, and found an odd familial feeling, it hurt him, but he couldn't actually think as to who she was. "I-I'm sorry... I don't know... You look like someone I should know, but I can't..."

As his eyes looked up into hers. they scanned her. His mind scanned her fully reading and diving through her memories. Perhaps a little more then he should, perhaps more then Akane would have liked, but after experiancing his life through her eyes he breathed. falling back onto his bed. He panted from the taxing use of his powers. "Aka-Oneechan?

The modern Auset gave a silent nod, her body trembling as she watched the scene before them. Thankfully, she was smart even so long ago ... and ran from this mad man. The more she saw, the more grateful she was to be a ghost; she shuddered what would happen if they were actually seen here and now. He seemed anything but sane. The snaps and cracks made her whimper and hold Takumi closer. "....Oh my gods ...." That was all she managed to stammer out. Were it not for the fact she wanted - and simultaneously dreaded - to find out if she met the same fate or not, she would have focused on getting them out. But .... she felt like she wanted, no, had to know. This bastard didn't really get her in the end .... did he?

Thankfully or otherwise, the ancient Auset was too out of earshot to hear the tell-tale signs of Takumi's status. With the Temple ablaze, she ran towards the next best place; the Palace. "Atem-sama! Seto-sama!" Oh did she ever have words should she find her mentor; namely those of 'I told you so'. But those could wait till this man was taken care of. Glancing back only for a few seconds, she didn't see herself being chased. Did ... did I lose him? For the moment, at least, yes. But she didn't want to assume completely just yet. Her head turned, her hair whipping against her back as she resumed running frantically. By now, her eyes were gazing quickly around for someone, anyone to get to follow her back for help. She wasn't meant to fight ... she was meant to heal.

Hana gave another nod then yawn. You ... you do that. Take care ... I'll be waiting for you. We all will it seems .... Whether she had meant to or not, the real Auset gave a whimper in her sleep, making Hana look over in anxiety. Still, she said nothing aloud either as she remained upon her bed.

Athena nodded after looking down to Hitoshi. "Healing isn't usually my domain ... but yes, I can. That I will also do before you leave. I haven't used up this much strength in ... quite a while. But I promise that when the morning arrives, I will do this for you." Her own yawn left as she laid upon her back. "That ... sound fair to you?"

Akane's head bowed in shame, anger at herself, and agony. Her tears fell silently down her face, mentally cursing herself for all she'd done but especially to Eri. Her mixed eyes had been closed, her fists and body all trembling. Finally, he spoke her nickname. A low gasp left as her eyes quickly opened. She gave an affirmative nod as she hugged him. "Yes. I'm so sorry. I've been a real idiot. Please .... not right away but eventually .... forgive me. I'm so sorry .... Eri-ototo ...." Her body shook harder, her tears beginning to fall down her clothes and upon his arms and some of his skin now that she was holding him close to her.

Takumi held onto Auset as the world seemed to get so much worse around them. following the other Auset he hoped that she could get free. He found himself hoping that his sacrifice wasn't in vein. He was really hoping that she got free he really wanted Auset to live through this, but then that laugh broke out, and the theif king remade his entrance.

"Oh Im sorry I was just in the area, and had to wonder? does this belong to you?" As he spoke he tossed the body of Takumi carelessly towards Ausets feet. "Right now little girl you have several things that belong to me... the most important of which being your item and your life." He let out another cackling laugh as he walked forward slowly towards her, giving her a little time to lement the loss of her body guard and friend.


Hitoshi nodded he had already asked a lot of athena and the other duel spirits that had gathered around here. when all of this was said and done the academy had a hot spring, and hell if he wasn't going there and making sure everyone else came with him. everyone seemed to need time to relax. Laying back he closed his eyes and let the night go on for him. Trapped in the world of duel spirits, He still had to deal with his own spirits... after all he now had two decks he was forced to contend with.


Eri blinked at his best he had only really reclaimed the shared memories he had of him and his sister. However The emotions he had for her were clearly his own. Sure a good chunk of his life was missing, and it was confusing but he knew who she was, and he had a good idea of the why. Hearing asking him to forgive her, was odd, part of him told him that he already had, but for the life of him he couldn't remember what it was for."It... will take Time Aka-Onee. First I have to find out why I need to forgive you, and then we can work on the forgiving part." He gave her an odd look as he felt her tears on his skin his arms wrapped around her in an instinctive hug. "It's okay Aka-chan... your free now." The words came from his lips, but he didn't know why he said them. It seemed odd yet very right.

Both the modern and ancient Auset cringed - though the latter more obviously - as that cursed laugh echoed in her ears. The ancient's shook no frantically. How?! I ... I never heard him following me?! Why?! The sound of something being tossed before her made her head shakily glance down then gasp. Her head shook faster as she knelt in front of Takumi's body. "No no no no .... Takumi?! TAKUMI?!" Her tears fell down her robes as she closed his eyes, her body and hands trembling.

Her mind seemed to be racing the pace of her heart as she bit down on her lower lip. Isis ... is there nothing that can be done?! Nothing at all? You're not really just going to let him get away with this are you?!

Both Ausets and Takumi heard the following reply back. Alas, that is not my domain; that of justice. However ... I can keep you safe along with your anklet. He'll never truly have it; and since he did admit he needs you alive .... resorting to measures like cutting your foot off or anything similar would do him no good. Then again, I don't intend to allow it to work either.

A bright light surrounded her ankle. As it began to vanish, the anklet appeared to be shaped now like the broken link of a manacle or chain. The modern Auset had been all but mimicking her ancient self, sobbing and trembling while Takumi held her. As she saw this, however, she slid her hand down. Sure enough, as she tugged gently at it, the anklet barely moved much if at all. "Gods so ... so this all .... really did happen?!" It was clear the modern version was astounded ... disgusted ... horrified ... unsure of what to think or say after that.

Regardless of whether Bakura knew what all had happened exactly or not now, he would soon enough. When it began to dawn on the ancient Auset that this would give the man every reason to be so close to her, it caused the Priestess's head to quickly look upward. Wait ... don't let him be near me! Please! ISIS! But neither version of Auset got a reply back and both shook harder at this.

".....Why?! Why ... would she allow this?!" Her head shook in disbelief for a bit before looking to her ancient self. "Baka, run! Don't stand there! Run!" Unfortunately between the intervention that was keeping either of them from interfering and the fact the ancient Auset wasn't much better than the modern one in her composure, she did anything but run. Her tear-stricken face glanced slowly up to Bakura. For a while, she stayed silent. Her eyes remained in contact with his even as she pushed herself up on her feet. It was weak .... but they all could hear her reply, "...Fine then. It's clear testing speed out would do nothing; so I've got the next best thing to a stand still. You can have me, but never fully the anklet."

The modern Auset let out an angry growl at herself. "Idiot don't tease him! Gods run!" But she stood her ground, daring to confront Bakura and accept her fate. "....No .... " She murmured, sinking to her knees upon the sand. In both their eyes it was clear they wanted to turn away in disgust at themselves, but neither - especially the Modern - could dare try to do so. Both watched .... waiting to see how Bakura would go about all of this.

It didn't take Hana much longer to fall asleep herself. With any luck, Akane could help Auset out. Sure it would be ... very unique to know she would have to explain everything, including what happened to Kenji and that everything was now over. But she believed in Auset; the Egyptian would be able to detect she wasn't lying at least. The pain from her ankle, anxiety from all that had happened with Kenji, and exhaustion took over poor Hana as she passed out.

Her body shook more at his words. She let them echo a few times over in her mind, causing her tears to flow faster but now in happiness. "...T-thank you ... Eri-ototo." Helping him lie down, she gave him a weary smile. "You ... go on and get rest. I need to explain a few things to them when they wake up; quite a few. Nothing bad .... but nothing either knew beforehand either. S-sleep well, Eri." Remaining by his side, she watched the sleeping Auset and Takumi. Now that she had more attention upon them, she noted easily the whimpers from the girl. .... A nightmare? She went silent to better watch and listen their reactions. Something told her neither would want to fully explain anything much when they did awake.

Takumi held Auset tight in his arms as the thief king walked toward her ancient incarnation. He shook his head. "I suppose that since its the only way I can have your item."

The thief king grabbed her pulling her closer so he could look into her eyes. He gave an unkind laugh. He looked around. "I shall make you mine here and now." He pushed her down lording his presence over her, Takumi however had seen enough still holding Auset he pried her eyes away from the scene that was happening forcing her to look at him instead of what he knew would soon happen. "no more!"

The scene faded as he yelled for it to stop and the last of his cry was finished in the modern world. Once again he found himself in his duel academy outfit. His hand was on his heart as he breathed heavily unsure of what was happening. He turned to Auset his hand holding hers almost instinctively.

It took him a few moments to look around the room before seeing Hana, Eri both sleeping, and Akane standing over them. He swallowed... she was not someone he wanted to see first thing when he woke up.

Eri shifted and made room on the bed. Litterally the only person he knew here was his sister, and considering the trauma's she had most reciently gone through something told him that he shouldn't let her be alone. "I.. think I should hear this as well don't you?" He didn't know what was going on, any and all information helped, and he also wasn't about to let his sister out of his sight. He was tired, but he forced himself to stay awake, as he knew What ever Akane had to say it would be important.

As Takumi Awoke he looked at him, it seemed he had awoken with a start, and now all they had to do was wait until the other girl woke with him. It sounded like their was going to be a lot of introductions tomorrow, and most of them looked like they could use a day of rest.

More disgust quickly filled the modern Auset. It hadn't been until Takumi guided her eyes away that she had even began to gaze away. She'd tried before ... but hadn't been able to. It was so horrifying ... but the abrupt urge to slap her former self had grown so strong. But she didn't for two reasons. One, it was supposed to be impossible. Two, on the rare chance it would work .... she did not want to be in front of this man, regardless of what form. A third came as they both woke up in the Infirmary. Her trembling hands were still around Takumi and as she followed his gaze, she found Akane. Impossible! We get out of one Hell only to .. ?! Her head shook no ... she didn't want to assume the worst. Not yet. She may very well regret it ... but she spoke, A-akane I ... " She realized she wasn't sure what to say after. 'I'm sorry' was definitely not true ... nothing was leaving. Oh gods ... she was about to be at her mercy now wasn't she? That began to fade away when she did turn and saw the usually proud - sadistic even - Blue's face ... tear-stricken.

A low chuckle left Akane as she noted both Takumi and Auset holding one another. "...Heh, sorry though I must say Irony and Fate both have intriguing ways of showing up. Seriously though .... " Her head shook in an affirmative nod to Eri. She didn't really like it .... but he did deserve to hear this. He would have found out eventually anyways. "...It's over. You don't need to stress yourself anymore. Kenji's gone ... dead."

It hadn't been until Auset looked around again until she noted Hana was here. Before the scene she had just finished watching, she remembered the other Ra student had been missing. "Wait so ... how .... ?" And then a massive migraine hit her all at once, making her hit her head. Everything came back to her; all her memories - past and present.

"...." Akane bit down on her lower lip, glancing down in shame. She didn't want to say this; especially with Eri conscious. But they hadn't seen everything after having left the Infirmary, only hints at most. "Not long after you two left .... I was given orders from Kenji. In hopes to get the journal back, he wanted me to duel Eri. I allowed him a chance to choose the wager. He .... he chose his memory. Hana's mind was a wreck ... between that and her wounded ankle, it all but gave away it had been her that stole the journal. So I took her back to Kenji in the Principal's Office. It hadn't been until he tried to order me to find and duel you - and put my soul up as a price - that I finally got my wake up call."

She paused, waving her hand in annoyance. "Go on and laugh if you're gonna. I know I fucking deserve it .... for everything." Giving each a few minutes, she wasn't amazed when Auset refused to. She was waiting for Takumi to more anyways. Regardless of whether he did or not, she continued, "So ... I confronted him before he could finish choking Hana out. And ... well ... we had our last duel. I'm .... I'm assuming anyways that he's dead. His body didn't return ... it just .... vanished along with the shadows."

She had noted the hint Eri made by making room on the bed; but now that he heard the truth, she felt even more unworthy to accept. Rather, she had been shakily remaining standing up the entire time. Fear ... of rejection from Eri, being disowned even by him, was easily felt swimming in her mind. Even though Hitoshi had forgiven her, how could they?! She'd nearly damn well turned them both ... left them to remain buried alive ... caused as much pain to them both as she did everyone else. Hitoshi, Eri, Hana .... how could she deserve any form of forgiveness?

The migraine had seemed to get a bit worse as she spoke but when she finished, it mostly faded away. Managing to glance up to Akane, she smiled softly at her. "...Truly? It's over?" Her head bowed in appreciation. "Thank you. You don't begin to understand what you've done ... but know it was definitely the right thing."

She blinked, taken aback at how easily Auset had seemed to forget everything. "....Bu-but!" A raised hand from Auset hinting for her to stop made her, for once. "It is not my place to judge; that is Anubis's. Alas, I do not follow him though. Moreover though, Kenji knew the price when you two dueled .... it is a permanent risk once you initiate it. It wasn't really murder but arrogance. After all, he must have been very certain he'd win to put up such stakes. True, his deck was powerful ... but now we've both seen it can be beaten."

Akane's head lowered more, giving a weak nod. That had been the easy part. Now ... now she turned shakily to Eri, her main concern. "I ... will understand if you don't want to see me anymore." She murmured weakly, her body and voice shaking more by this point.

Takumi blinked after hearing all that happened, it seemed wrong somehow to just say that was it, but at the same time, Auset was right, and he certainly didn't hold any right as to holding a grudge over Akane after all they had been on the same side. He blinked looking around at everyone else. "If they can accept a snake among their ranks, then really these people can accept anyone." He said with a shrug.

It felt so weird he was a spy, and she was a bitch, they had both done terrible things... especially to Hana. "It won't be easy for us Akane, but over time people will and can learn that we arn't that bad."

Eri blinked his sister was the reason that he no longer had any memory, and he had a journal? already he could tell that fact was important. "So where is my journal now?" He looked up at his sister that seemed like a fair question to ask, and his eyes were slightly wide, he was coming to terms with his memory loss, but at the same time he could see the shaking in her body.

"Aka-Onee... If I chose the wager then I knew the cost. I don't think I would have been happy either way, Had I won, you would have been just as lost as I am now... I... need you Aka-Onee, and well I can't think of any better redemption then having you help me recover what I lost."

Takumi looked to everyone else giving a slight sigh. In the end it had been a good decision, and the risks had payed off, but he had still lied to everyone. "I had the journal, Your powers can't track me, so they gave it to me to destroy, but well I didn't destroy it... I threw it down an old well for safe keeping. The thing was dry, and dark, and so I told everyone else it was destroyed, tomorrow, we can go and get it, it had a lot of information about Eri's movements movements over the last year, so it seemed invaluable at the time. Guess i was right."

Takumi had told Auset that he had destroyed it, and it had been a foolish move to keep it, helpful in the long run but had someone been powerful enough to tear through his mental barriers. He blinked, his voice changing slightly as it sounded slightly older, and more aged "What about Kenji's dark item! those can't be sent to the shadow realm?"

Would it really be as easy as Takumi made it all sound? A small part of Akane ... actually wanted it to be, though she doubted it. Then again, that was her pessimistic side kicking in; she knew it probably would. Hell, Hitoshi and Hana had both accepted her through Kenji's defeat. But the invisible boulder that had been on her shoulders for so long finally fell as Eri spoke up. Tears that had been halted for a while resumed as she hugged him. "I .... thank you."

Now it was Auset's turn. "Yes. Irony and Fate does have an intriguing way of showing up." She retorted softly, smiling at the genuine sisterly gesture. Her gaze had remained there, more than content to think of anything but what she had nearly watched not long ago. But the ancient Takumi took over ... and brought up a very valid question. Her head shook slowly as she looked to Akane.

Though Akane noticed, her heart stopped at the question. She hadn't even thought of that really. "Shit ...." She murmured, reluctantly pulling away from the embrace. "Um .... let me check up on that. I ... didn't even think on it honestly." She at least had enough to do the teleporting though her body was hinting by now it was getting annoyed with the repeated action. She was reaching her own fatigue. The Shadow Duel definitely hadn't helped as it took it's toll also upon her body. As she reappeared in the Principal's Office, she gazed frantically around for the bracelet.... or any indication of where it may have gone to.

Takumi looked to the number of beds in the infirmary It felt rather crowded in here. And so he got up his hand still holding Auset. He gave her an honest smile unsure of what to say to her. "Once she get's back with my item, would you like to retreat to our housings? It seems a little crowded in here if you ask me?"

Eri sighed as he watched his sister teleport. her self to another location he turned still keeping room for her when she returned He didn't know why but the boys voice felt like it had changed, and he could have sworn his eyes were slightly brighter now. He shook it off he didn't have a clue, and he had only just met this person, Honestly now that his sister was gone he was in a room full of strangers. He felt uneasy, anxious for his sister to return.

She gave a smile and nod to Takumi. She would allow herself to shift also ... but not until they were out. Poor Eri sounded confused enough as it was; it would only get worse before better if she did such an act now. "Definitely." She murmured softly, looking up slightly. Panic ... it was felt a bit away from them, hinting it was probably Akane. Biting down on her lower lip, she prayed this would be wrong. Gods did she want it to be.

"Where the fuck is it?!" She hissed, checking every inch, nook, and cranny of the room. Under the desk, in any drawer, under the turned over chair ... but nothing. It ... was completely gone. "....Shit...." She murmured, her head shaking back and forth frantically. How had this happened? She hadn't thought it possible but this day was a very emotional rollercoaster. She'd been happy being with Kenji .... until putting up her soul and life became part of the equation. Now she had been scared and upset of being accepted by anyone, especially her brother. And now .... his dark item had seemed to vanish with Kenji when he faded away.

With a defeated sigh, she reappeared in the Infirmary. Her head continued to shake as she looked up to Takumi. "Not there ..." She murmured, sitting beside Eri. "It's .... as gone as he is. I checked every freaking place. You can try to look for it yourself if you so desire but somehow .... the item went with him. I'm sorry." Not caring how wrong it may have looked, she laid down beside Eri. This wasn't in any means a sensual gesture, but a sisterly one. She did used to be this close to him, snuggling with him while clothed. She'd gladly do so again, if nothing else to ensure he remained safe. "Right now though ... I'm exhausted, emotionally and physically drained. I .... have had better days. I'll leave it at that."

Auset's head bowed in appreciation as she at least guided Takumi out of the Infirmary. If he wanted to check the Principal's Room, she would go with him. But regardless, she could feel Akane had been very honest. The poor girl was damn tired. Once they were both out and she ensured they were alone, she allowed herself to switch. She looked shakily up to him. With a very soft voice, she murmured lightly, "Back then ... can you forgive me? I .... I should have done more. I ....." This time when Takumi would try to speak on those memories, he would find his ability to do so had returned. It appeared Isis had finally lifted both of their 'curses'.

Takumi blinked hearing that the item was gone it shocked him, but he believed Akane and walked out with Auset. He had something of much more value. He sighed thinking over the past with Auset, he shook his head at what she said. "You did exactly what I had hoped you would. We were out matched and exhausted, and it was my duty and honor to protect you, but in the end I failed you at the end."

Auset could finally feel his emotions, the genuine love and affection he had for his Auset. He didn't have any right to, and yet His feelings were as strong as ever. "This is embarrassing, without Mehen's bracelet I'm an open book to you... I am curious as to how Kenji got his hands on it, but I guess that question died with him."

Eri smiled as his sister came back and crawled into bed with him. The few memories he had taken from her mind indeed told him this kind of stuff had happened before, and his own feelings told him that it was more then okay for him. His arms encircled Akane as his eyes finally closed he gave one final yawn, as he fell asleep. As he walked the brink between sleep and the waking his thoughts on the day came to a close, and his subconcous started to take over. Broadcasting one more thought into his sisters mind before he went to sleep. I don't blame you Aka-chan for anything.

Her head shook no quickly. "I should have listened to my first instincts.... not left your side. Not with him and no other back-up." She sighed softly, a low shiver trailing down her before she managed to look up to him with a smile as she forced herself to forget about those days for now. "H-however ... this body ... isn't ....." Her cheek reddened but she managed to finish her sentence. "...tainted, per se. Besides, this time we don't have any annoying traditions to follow. The real question really ... is if you want to pick up where we tried to leave off without all the unneeded trauma and violence?"

She knew the memories were as painful for him as much as herself ... but she was hoping to try to lighten the mood up by joking, even if only a little bit. Intertwining her fingers with his, she began leading him back to the Ra Yellow dorms for now. It then dawned on her ... Hana was supposed to be his roommate and she ha her own separate room. "...Do you have a preference by chance which room you'd rather go to anyways?"

A very nervous swallow left as Akane forced her body to slowly relax. It'd been far too long since she had the chance to try to do this with him. Her eyes closed as she returned the embrace. It was only a bit awkward because now she had breasts. Last time ... she wasn't developed. Or if she was, she wasn't nearly as big. Regardless, he had hinted to her he wanted this. At the rate this was all going, Akane knew she had to do all she could to make up to him for the pain she'd caused him. Not just from the memory loss either; but even before the Academy.

She glanced down as his words echoed in her mind. Her head gently shook. Were it not for the fact they were related, she wouldn't mind dating a guy like him. He had the right mind set for sure, especially with how generous he was being in helping her remember his words were somewhat true. Not all of this was her fault, no. But she would take blame for all that had been her direct doings. "Thank you ... ototo .... " She murmured wearily. Exhaling softly, her body gave in and fully relaxed. Steadily - but surely - she felt herself join him and lose consciousness fully.

It was weird ... but comforting. For the first time in too long, Akane had felt like a normal human. She hoped he would keep true to those words though and not hate her when he recalled they were an orphan because - partly but still - of her. She had killed their father in an outrage from all the abuse she endured. That had been when her Psychic powers woke up; her mind had gotten sick of everything her father did and merely took initiative. With the last few thoughts being of her past and knowing she would have to help Eri remember each part, she fell completely asleep.

Takumi gave a smile at at ausets words, they sounded so much sweeter then he felt he deserved, and yet he didn't really know if he could take that offer. "These arn't our bodies. Takumi is still very new to this, and while Auset has had training and can hold you for a long time, I don't actually know how long my connection will last. You could end up waking up next to the modern version and or vice versa, and I honestly don't know how they would react to something so personal being taken out on their bodies... The modern Takumi is rather different from me." He sighed wanting to take up her offer, but not really sure if he should.

Hearing about which room he should take as they walked back towards the dorm he gave a sly smile. "Well actually my roommate is out for the night, and from the last time they talked about it she seemed pretty adamant about never coming back, so my room is free if you so desire, just know that with this second chance... comes new risks... then again... I have always been a risk taker." He put his hand on Auset's shoulder as he spoke and gave her a small nod, he was okay for them to try something... he didn't know about the modern Takumi, but he would figure something out.

Her head quickly lowered in embarrassment. She hadn't even thought of that really. While these two were more than comfortable with one another ... she realized even she herself had no idea on how her 'hostess' would have felt about this. Let alone the modern Takumi himself. "....By the gods. Sometimes I feel like such a blonde." She sighed softly, massaging her forehead with her free hand. "Hm .... you have a point there, honestly. Maybe ... we should let them figure that out first. They already know we exist; if they can accept and be willing to take those steps .... fine. But ... until then .... "

Her head shook slowly - reluctantly even. But it wouldn't be fair to just make them do something this personal and intimate. Not without them knowing nor having a say. They'd both been through enough of that as it was and she wouldn't blame herself if Auset got so angry at herself that she sealed her away forever. It was then another realization dawned on her ... and she chuckled softly. "....I ... I'm not sure if Auset is my modern or Egyptian name honestly. I remember it being used in both versions, yes. But .... it's hard to believe that it's truly my name regardless of whether I'm referring to my past self or current one. Fate can only do so much ..." Right? That had been what she wanted to believe anyways. But now ... she couldn't help but wonder about this.

Hearing that his room would be free to use, she nodded. ".... I truly do think ... we should let them take over and see if they want to begin this second chance." Reluctantly, she let go of his hand. Before she shifted back, she did sneak a soft kiss upon his lips. Once it ended, she altered back again.

"...Huh? Where are we ... ??" Auset looked around, confused. Had she walked in her sleep? It ... almost seemed like it. But something was telling her the answer - somehow - was no. She glanced slowly at Takumi, silently wondering if he had an idea what had happened.

"A blonde?" He blinked the only blonde he knew of was Hana, and she had seemed moderately intelegent. He nodded when he heard the rest of her words however made sense, and he happily changed back after the kiss Takumi looked around falling back onto his bed, he knew full well where he was. He gave Auset a small smile.

"Ra Yellow dorms, my room to be exact. No idea how we got here, but I am more then Happy to be here. I can sleep in my own bed tonight!" It had been awhile since he had been able to do that. At least 3 days to be exact... actually now that he thought about it He hadn't bathed since he kidnapped Auset almost 3 days ago... he was starting to smell rather ripe and Auset herself had been through several shadow duels, one of which had clearly made her sweat.

He sighed looking up at Auset remembering that the last time that they had contact they had been hugging but it was most certainly his fault about everything that had happened. His eyes glanced to the other half of the room... to Hana's side. A long deep sigh escaped him. "Um... Auset... I am sorry. For kidnapping you, for hitting you... for everything, I didn't really understand what was going on. my motives were selfish, and... I wasn't a good person."

He looked up at her he didn't know what expect from her, or what he was expecting to hear. "I... Don't really deserve your forgiveness."

How Auset was even standing by this point finally began to dawn on her. Not only had she been forced to avoid a hot shower, but food. She hadn't thought on it till now though. Rather, she hadn't been able to given all the duels and 'divine interventions' she had gone through. Her hands went around her stomach as it clenched angrily. "Shush ... " She murmured lowly, looking up to Takumi as he spoke up himself. Her own soft smile crossed her lips as she listened to every single word he offered her. Sincerity ... that was definitely heard not just in his mind but voice this time. The snake-like part of him was gone and it showed for once.

Her head shook no as her smile widened. "I could try to say that honestly neither you nor Akane deserve it. It is true you were more direct with me. But when all is said and done, I had to ... endure some things from you both." A hand gently unwrapped as she then rubbed her neck. The bite marks were still there though in the midst of slowly beginning to scar up, thankfully. That would certainly be something she would never forget. Her eyes closed as a soft sigh left.

"Simultaneously, what I told Akane is true." Her eyes opened again to glance to Takumi. "It's Anubis whom judges others; or whatever equivalent you wish to believe in that translates into a god of Justice. The point is, it isn't me. If you were speaking to someone else ... you may not earn it back at all. It ... will definitely take a bit of time. But you will get a chance to redeem yourself not only to me but the others; Hana, Hitoshi, and anyone else I'm failing to mention right now."

Her eyes remained gazing into his before she spoke softly. "While I realize we were going to your room, I'm a bit confused on why exactly together. All I know is my head hurts, probably a migraine and a hot shower sounds good about now. I .... have no idea if I'll be able to sleep as well as I could but .... I'm going to damn well try." Unfortunately, her mind hadn't fully forgotten all she had seen about her past self. She couldn't fully forget the last words ... how she was so willing to give herself to a stranger. And it hadn't dawned on her till now, but it would have been close to Takumi's body. Just that alone made her shiver. How could she have given in like that? Suddenly, she felt more sick with herself than ever before in her life.

Still, it'd be rude to just turn her back and leave so she would hear him out first. He probably wanted the same - a shower at least - along with time to think on things. But she wouldn't assume either. Ergo Auset would wait to hear him out and know for sure all he did want to do or otherwise.

Takumi wasn't about to pretend that he understand the full scene he had watched things were certianly unclear at the moment and he couldn't have given Auset an honest answer. He sighed with a slight smile as she mentioned a shower, He honestly wanted one so badly, but the room only had one washroom. He looked at her not sure as to what he was supposed to say. "A shower would be really nice." he spoke without really thinking.

He looked up at Auset, she had only seen the last part of their memories, she had missed all of the good, and only seen the bad. "It was because she didn't have anything left. Takumi... the other Takumi was her best friend, loyal body guard, and well he wanted to be more from what I got to see, but i don't much know her own feelings. With him dead, I can't imagine the pain she must have felt at that moment, and with Isis's protection she couldn't die, In a way Isis betrayed her and put her in a situation where her only option was a fate much worse then her own death. Not that the other me's fate was much better. His only protection came from a snake of reincarnation."

He made a slight gesture to himself and why he even existed. "They however were creatures of another time and place, what we saw can be avoided if we learn from the past, that was the lesson Isis was trying to teach me when she started showing me all of these memories, and the reason that I couldn't answer your questions for so long... I kind of angered her during my first trip to the past."

He shook his head he was rambling now and had he been talking to anyone else he knew he would have sounded crazy. but this was Auset the same woman who had witnessed and seen as much as he had. As to his own physical needs, right now he really wanted a shower and sleep, but he wasn't about to be selfish. "I will wait for you to finish in the shower till I take mine. Your roommates probably sleeping by now... and that bed is unoccupied... chances are Hana isn't going to want this room back. That's probably why we came here." He said pointing to that bed.

The entire time Takumi spoke, she remained silent to listen to him. It was one of the easiest things she could do for him, after all. She understood that her past self must have been depressed as hell. Any typical person most likely would be, especially if the exact - or similar enough - of a situation happened before their eyes. A body tossed before them, let alone that of a good friend. But the worst parts were probably knowing it had partly been her fault. She should have remained by his side, helped him fight .... whomever that had been. Her stomach clenched and she winced lowly, shuddering as the physical and mental pain shot through her body. Finally, she gave a light nod as she looked up to Takumi.

"True ... when all is said and done, that was then and this is now. Not .... to make it seem like my - our - other halves didn't matter. If anything they do .. quite a bit. But ... dwelling on all of that probably won't matter." Even if the same man did exist in this world, the chances of running into him were low. Besides, maybe he too had changed over the years? She doubted she would have to test that theory out anytime soon.

Her smile widened slightly as he revealed he'd dared to anger a goddess. "Yes ... deities are - unfortunately - known for their wrath. I've never personally experienced it before but tons of myths will easily show examples of this. It's .... a bit more intriguing to hear of it from another on a more personal note though." A low yawn left as she covered her mouth with a hand.

Her smile widened. "It's fine. I go on at times too." She added, feeling how he was irked at himself. Common sense had helped her figure out what about. She blinked a few times as he went on to say she could go on ahead. "R-really? Well ... alright. Thank you. I'll try to avoid taking too long." Bowing her head, she found the location of the washroom to be the same as her own room. Closing the door, she began slipping out of her uniform, folding it neatly upon the sink.

The sounds of the water turning on were soon heard. The memory of her obtaining Isis's favor came back to her and made her blush. Even if it wasn't the modern Takumi whom had actually seen her do the purifying process, it was still a version all the same. He'd seen her ... completely nude. Then again, she was going by what she remembered, not realizing that had been part of his first trip. A small part of her couldn't help but wonder ... how she appeared to him? Her head quickly shook no. Don't be foolish ... he doesn't see you like that... does he? She was pretty sure no, knowing Auset had pissed him off not long after she first 'met' him. Yes, the modern him too.

A soft content sigh left as she felt the warm water cascade over her. Gods it felt so good ... but she would keep her promise. She managed to finish washing up her body and hair in a bit over five minutes, ensuring more than enough warm water would be left for him. ... Oh hell ... Another realization ... she didn't have any spare clothes. Cursing lowly at herself, she kept the towel she had used wrapped firmly around her body.

Her head was lowered as she walked out, crimson painted across her cheeks. "T-thank you. Um .... given you sort of abducted me on my first day here I never found out but ... is there a washer and dryer somewhere? So I can wash these? I don't really feel like going back to my room like this and trying to sneak a new uniform out."

Part of Takumi wished he could have joined Auset in the shower not just because he really needed one, but because the memory of Auset's naked body and the way that the other Takumi had touched her had played in his mind several times since he had first learned about it. though the thoughts had been lustful at first when he looked at Auset, he felt a pang of strong compassion towards her, and a twist of affection as he got up for his turn to hit the showers.

"Sorry the washers and driers are out their in the hall, the Ra yellow dorm has a laundry room, where we can do our stuff. either way that means you would have to walk down the halls like that, but were around the same height, aside from the obvious differences you should be able to wear some of my pajama's no problem." He gave her a smile as he got up and walked to his dresser pulling out some sweat pants and a sleeveless top, they were the loosest sets of clothing he had, and thus were the most likely things that could fit her.

"There clean, so it's really the least i could do for you." He walked up to her to give her the clothing, He knew she was naked aside from the towel... he kept drawing that parallel to the moment at the oasis, and as she reached for the bundle of clothing he was carrying his hand grabbed hold of hers instinctively pulling her close to his own body not paying attention if the towel had fallen or moved from the sudden movement, as he brushed some of her wet hair from her face taking the wetness as the anceint takumi had with a small smile. "Ra yellow dorms have a bad reputation for snakes you know. It's a good thing you have me around to help you."

He gave her a smile and this time she would be able to feel the honest affection. He sighed as he walked past her handing her the clothing, before going into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. That affection quickly turned into flushed embarrassment. That... is not gonna end well.

Her smile widened as she bowed her head. "Thank you .... " She stopped in mid-sentence though as she began to note his actions ... words even. The brushing of her hair, the holding of her hand, and even the quote on snakes having a bad reputation. An eyebrow couldn't help but raise as she watched him. How .... how did he ... ?? Was ... that just a coincidence? No ... no that couldn't be. Her head lowered as he left and it dawned on her; he had seen that. It wasn't until the tell-tale sound of the door closing was heard that she allowed the towel to unwrap.

Slipping into the sweatpants and top, she wondered if his words had been serious. Snakes ... inside a campus? That ... sounded a bit hard to believe honestly. But it wasn't impossible either. Tossing the old uniform plus her bra and panties in, she sighed softly. Ugh, I'm gonna have to remain awake at least long enough to get this all done. So much for sleep ... After adding the deodorant and adjusting the settings, she walked back in.

Remaining behind the door, she spoke up. Her voice was at least audible for Takumi to hear ... but no one else. "Your first visit ... what all did you see exactly if I may ask?" That had been so familiar, almost like deja vu. She knew she wasn't yet going insane ... so she wanted to make sure she hadn't misheard him. Were the door gone, he would see a sly smirk crossing her face as she hinted she recalled where she had seen and heard this all from.

Takumi blushed as he heard Ausets voice, he had just finnished stripping off his shirt and jacket which now laid carlessly on the ground and was about to remove his pants. He turned to the door. Why wasn't she using the anklet? she should know all of this stuff already had she used it, but instead he felt a small pang of embarrassment at the question. He decided of course that he should be honest with her.

"It was a hot day out, the ancient versions of us were walking away from the towns of egypt and into holy ground. The ancient Auset pulled off her cloathing, and the ancient takumi couldn't resist that temptation. He let some of his affections show, back then snake referred to the order of Mehen, but now aday its used to describe... well me." He gave a sigh as he slipped out his pants and underwear his cock hanging limply, he flushed slightly.

"But then you should already know how I feel. I mean why wouldn't you have checked in that moment? you don't take the anklet off I imagine, so even now you should be able to tell." He was embarrassed and still unsure of how to handle his feelings but he did the best he could with them. He was affectionate towards her after all they had been through it wasn't love... yet, he hadn't known this Auset long enough, but he appreciated her, more then enough he was naked now as he stood in the washroom.

"what can I say. im a sucker for the romantic bits." as he spoke he stepped into the shower, but didn't turn it on, he wasn't sure why but something wanted him to ask her to join him.. but he didn't dare actually ask. though his emotions were probably saying it for him.
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