A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

The ancient Takumi's head seemed to lower in a display of disappointment. He had to admit that it seemed foolish, and yet he honestly didn't care much for the system or the rules. Where Auset seemed content to reject him He had been fully ready to lie to the world and break so many oaths that would have only gotten them into trouble, perhaps more then he could have handled, but he had been ready. "I-i think I understand, but you know he only views you as a servant girl."

The anceant Takumi had clearly known what the answer had been, he got up from his seat on her bed. "I would dare not disrespect the wishes of the one I am to serve, but if it is all the same I think I shall have one of my men posted at your door for the night." He didn't have a temper, but rather seemed dejected as he walked away, clearly hurt though his item prevented her from feeling any of it, it had been the very thing that had allowed him to keep his feelings secret, and now that he had given them freely he knew the answer.

"Okay I think I understand, but... whats the point? I mean okay so me and Auset have a history, but i hardly know her, the truth is she drives me mad, in just two days she cost me the life I had, and this entire time all I had was this nagging feeling of hate, I am an outdated weapon because of her! So really what was your plan here? Show me how I get screwed over in both my lives, and maybe that would make me feel better?" He scoffed at the idea, but it honestly seemed like that was the lesson that Isis was trying to teach him.

She had been calm ... up until he spoke on Seto's views on her. Her eyes narrowed as she shot him a glare. "Don't say such things! If that were true ... he wouldn't have even allowed me to try to become a priestess! I'd still be his servant, his property! Please ..." Realizing her outburst, she took a deep breath to calm herself. "Do be careful though. Don't let him or any of the others hear you say such things. I can only do so much to keep words and actions like those from a couple days ago hidden."

Even with the item hiding most of the hurt, some of it was still seen in his eyes. She gave a light nod as he began to leave. "Please do though .... I don't expect much. After all, this is a temple I'm in. That alone makes it one of the heaviest guarded places by default. But ... thank you all the same for your concern." Her head bowed to him and it wasn't until he left that she fell back upon her bed.

Muffled sobs were soon heard as was a single phrase being repeated, "Forgive me, Takumi .... ". She remained sobbing and lying on her stomach upon her bed. It was clear she wasn't as fond as he on the traditions; but she definitely didn't have any nerve to go through with daring to break any rules.

Isis shot Takumi a glare as she looked over to him. "Are you saying you really would have remained with them and aided out with the Shadow Realm existing? Obviously not before you experienced it beforehand ... but you're saying if that never happened ... if Kenji never nearly killed you ... you would still be aiding him out? Did - do - you take that much pride in your role? And to be fair ... you haven't tried to get to know her very well. She didn't have to save you, you know? But that was her main concern. Not her life. No .... do you know exactly what she prayed for when you two got buried underneath?"

She paused to let him think on this all so far and simultaneously trying to keep her wrath held back. Though the latter was becoming harder to go through with. "When she prayed for me ... she asked me to make sure regardless that you got out safely. Luckily, I'm not Anubis for one otherwise I may be more prone to ignore this. But moreover - two - she has been a very faithful servant to me for all the years. She almost never asks for favors so it would not have been right to deny her the one time asks for it."

She sighed, noting as she looked back the scene was preparing to change again. "No though. The point I've been trying to is what I said. I've been asking you to look at the hints so far. You do have the ability to help her out, to change this around. She can do it alone .. but you've already seen before anyone else this will be much easier said than done. Like I already had to tell her ... the previous owners of the other Millennium Items .... well getting in contact with them would be much easier said than done unfortunately. Especially as there's no guarantee it'll work and even if it does, there won't be enough time to wait for an answer. She needs to move ... and quickly. The best way I can ensure she does this alone is with as many allies as possible. I have already improved her anklet as you saw; but that alone will only do so much. I ... do not honestly know how well the other boy will be able to move anytime soon. The girl will probably be trying to remain nearby him. By process of elimination, there are few whom would begin to side with her."

She glanced away from the scenery for now as she looked back down to the modern Takumi. "Are you daring to suggest you would go back on your word to try to help her? Do you truly regret being shoved away by Akane that much? That you would try to go back to her and Kenji? Just answer honestly ... that is all I ask of you." While it would be clear that she wouldn't be the most content to hear 'Yes' from his lips ... it would be much worse if he dared to try to lie to her.

Takumi had to admit to himself a lot of things, watching the scene play out he could already tell that he was reading to much into the emotional and like she said not watching the scenes for the clues. He was her guard in that time line, but in the modern day she had protected him. He gave a heavy sigh he didn't like it, but he was starting to know where this was all going, and hearing Isis's angry rants he wasn't sure what his answer was.

"I lost a lot today. Even if I wanted too i couldn't give you a strait answer. Their is no reason why I should want to stay with Akane and her team, they never gave me a reason to care about them, and they clearly gave me a reason to dislike their methods. At the same time, Has Auset given me a reason to stand beside her? Like you said I hardily know her, I hardily know any of them, and you can bet that by morning ill be just as alienated from their group, as I was from Akane and Kenji's little club of blues, and this... isn't going to help me make a conclusion. I can't trust these people anymore then I could trust Akane." Takumi said with a shake of his head. It wasn't that would go back on his word, or that he wanted to be back with Akane it was that he was lost, He didn't have anything to fall back on, and he was being forced into a situation that he couldn't stand with. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The scene around them seemed to take another shift, this time fading back to the academy early morning with no others awake the two of them were left back standing over the sleeping forms of the others, despite the fact That Takumi hadn't slept he did feel rejuvenated. He did however have a headache from the use of time distortion, he looked over the other four. his voice quiet. "Time will tell me where I stand, it could be with them, it could be with Akane, or it could be on my own, but that will be my choice to make, and it's not a choice I can give you right now."

As he spoke he sat back on his bed stretching before laying down. "That is all you get from me. I have and always will do what is best for me." His voice was a low his as he closed his eyes and faked sleeping till someone else woke up.

Isis remained silent, as if contemplating trying to get him one last metaphorical slap in hopes to wake Takumi up. Her head shook ... he had made up his mind for now. "...Fine. But after having felt and experienced the Shadow Realm for yourself, know this. You will be a fool to continue to consider siding with them anymore. However ... I am not in the domain of justice and it is not my place to make you help out. I will, however, highly recommend it." As they returned in the Infirmary, she glanced over to the still sleeping Auset. She glanced silently over, not speaking up. Instead, she silently walked over to the sleeping Egyptian.

"Forgive me .... " She murmured before laying a hand upon her forehead. An aura formed around Isis's hand before pulling it away, a somewhat regretful expression upon her face. But not enough to stop what she had done it seemed. "I should do the same to you and all you just saw ... but I won't. I will allow you to remember so you can actually think on everything. With how fast things are going ... it may be wiser to do so as fast as you can."

Taking one last glance around the Infirmary, she did walk back to Takumi after a few more seconds. "While you can recall everything you just saw ... I do not want you reminding her yet. So, to ensure this ... " She placed a hand over his mouth, pulling it away after a bit. "You will go mute if you try to remind her. But only during that subject. Otherwise you can speak of anything else normally." Not allowing him time to retort, the figure of Isis finally faded away. Soon, Takumi was alone with the other sleeping figures.

And indeed one did wake up. Poor Auset had literally felt her memory of her past self removed; the fact she was in her 'reincarnated' figure hadn't helped. She sat up in her bed, a light frown on her face. "....What happened? Something ... feels very off." She murmured, looking up and down herself.

Takumi had already decided that he really hated Isis, she seemed to force his hand at every play, and now she had taken away the one way that he could have made sense of all of this. Hearing Auset wake up he shrugged giving a fake stretch as he 'woke up' "Could it be that your not tied to a bed this morning?"

He gave her a fake smile rolling his eyes at his own poorly made joke. He yawned and stretched he wanted to talk about what he had learned, but couldb't even manage to find the words about how much Isis was a bitch! He got to his feet annoyed at best but of course he hid it from everyone. Though Auset could get his annoyance, and agitation with ease as it seemed to flow from him."But the long and short of it is Yesterday sucked." he said as he gave another small grown. "So what is the plan now?"


Hitoshi gave a small gasp as he awoke coughing. His body had seized up during the night and he defiantly regretted everything that had happened to him. His body was agonized. and he was in clearly in pain as he awoke his eyes landed on Hana and he tried to move his arms to touch her, only to feel pain and a realization of just how powerless he was now. "I'll probably be shipped off the island." His voice was low and hopeless. It seemed he wouldn't be able to help at all thanks to Akane.

Auset's head quickly shook no. "No ... though that is true. But ... no. It's like my past has been completely erased. I used to remember bits and pieces of it. Now ... it's gone. But ... I had it after the Shadow Game yesterday. This ... this was done from another source." It was clear this was definitely bothering her as she gazed down at her hands, as if they could somehow fix this. The agitation and feelings of annoyance easily detected even he was hiding something from her. "...Do you know what happened and aren't saying?" She asked softly, allowing Hitoshi and Hana as much alone time as possible. She'd heard - and felt - them awaken; but she wanted to try to get this sorted before even thinking on how to begin to try to end this all.

Hana had woken up with another start, gasping and holding herself. Her heart nearly stopped as a voice beside her was heard but relaxed when she turned and saw Hitoshi. She blinked at his words as she held him gently. "...T...they wouldn't really ... would they?" She asked gently, shivering from the thought. That would be the last thing she needed. Just from the hints she'd gotten from Auset, something was wrong with her. Even with her swearing Takumi was on their side ... what proof and reassurance did she have of this? He was known to be like a snake and they were damn good liars.

Takumi could hear all that was being said, not giving much indication that he was listening to hana and Hitoshi he looked at Auset for a moment the mories he had flooding into his own mind and having already conflicted emotions towards the woamn he didn't take her question very well, and when he went to open his mouth to explain there were no words, but rather a sickening feeling like his breath being sucked out of his lungs. Shaking his head he tried to speak but instead only came out with nothing. Eventually he just closed his eyes in frustration shaking his head.

"Put it out of your mind for right now, we are gonna have bigger problems." He said shaking his head lightly. "If were gonna play kenji's little game you guys should know... well everything that I know." Takumi's voice was light, and inwardly he felt defeated and angered. Isis had taken away the one person he would have been able to use to sort out his thoughts.


Hitoshi sighed feeling Hana hold him, he wanted so badly to circle his arms around her and just hold her, but he couldn't muster the strength. Hearing Hana's voice and how weak she was he shifted himself not caring about the pain he felt as he did, and made room on his bed for the two of them to lay down together. He shook his head. "Well I don't see many ways to heal me for sure, I can't even move, But... stay with me... for as long as we can." He said smiling lightly his arms and legs were bandaged, and he couldn't move, but he wanted so badly to hold Hana.

Auset finally gave a soft sigh and nod. "I remember Isis saying something about making the penalties from the Shadow Games less ... painful on me. My anklet's supposed to be able to help me endure it all. But ... " Her head shook slowly as she sat back down on her bed. The usually optimistic Egyptian's spirits and hopes were beginning to fade. She quickly looked up, however, as Takumi offered to give hints on what Kenji knew. "Please ... tell me. I do not doubt Isis's judgement ... but honestly I'm scared on doing this alone. Speak what you know. Any bit may help."

Seeing the gesture, Hana carefully slid beside him. Her eyes closed as her head rested carefully upon his chest. "...I'm sorry I can't do more. I ... " She felt ready to cry again and nearly did. Up until a voice was heard from behind her. Hitoshi could see Athena behind her again.

"There may be one way. You will have to do two things though." By now, Athena was looking down to Hitoshi. "No more punches for one." A small smile crossed her face at those words before it got replaced with a more serious expression. "Two ... you're going to have to come with me. I can see about getting you healed in the Spirit World. There are a few entrances to there in this Academy. It will take a while, mind you, but you're not yet too far broken. Me and the other angels will be able to help. But I will only do this if you accept."

After giving a soft glance to Hana, her head shook no to Hitoshi. "She cannot join. In truth, most humans shouldn't end up there to begin with. There are times however, like now, we are willing to make exceptions. True, she is wounded. But compared to what you have ... she does not need to be brought in. This does not mean however I will forget to watch over her. I will do so ... in my own way."

Hana bowed her head before looking up. "Please.... accept it. Hitoshi I ... I couldn't stand it if Akane found you again and ..." Her body and head all shook. "Please ... go with her." She pleaded, her voice having a very desperate tone to it.

Takumi blinked seeing a second god hanging out in the hospital room. And gave a small shrug at this point it seemed devine intervention was just something that was going to happen. Takumi looked at Auset and gave a small nod as she asked for everything he knew. He breathed slowly orginizing his thoughts, he was clearly calming himself as he did. "I will be honest I don't know Kenji's end goal, I can tell you how he paid me, and no it wasn't with money or with a woman." He said glancing in Hana's direction. "Kenji has a way of gripping peoples attention and promising them what they want to hear. For some people like Jin and Yuu, those simple earthly desires are enough, and he can and does hand out prizes of that like, while people like Akane get power and servants of their own. He has many ways to control those around him, and when you work for him... its not mind control far from it, but you want too work for him... almost like indoctrination. Many will commit crimes for Kenji, and many more will happily serve him to the death..."

Takumi gave a heavy sigh trying to avoid the subject of why he was actually part of that group, or the fact that even he was struggling with his own feelings towards the group, and instead he decided to be helpful and offer up the higher ranking members. "Not every blue is a member of Akane and Kenji's little group, but thats a rare 10%, if I had to say for sure its easy to say that we have already met the top, and well as you know Akane is only the fourth in the school, but Kenji actually has a monopoly on the top five, and no Jin and Yuu aren't even close to their power. those five are like the lieutenants of his army. If we want to deal any damage to their ranks, getting those five away from Akane and Kenji, and dealing with them would have to be our main priority."


Hitoshi blinked looking up at Athena, he gave a shrug, and then immediately regretted the action. "I wouldn't have hit you if you had listened to me." Was all he said on the matter looking at Hana He kissed her head being the only motor skill he had. He looked at the goddess giving her a confident smile. "It's okay Hana, ill go with the goddess, this isn't the first time I ventured into the realm of spirits, and I have my own little guide that will be quiet helpful."

"This kind of rare occasion sounds like an honor, I say take me with you. Though any chance I can be back within three days? If I could manage that, well then I would have a chance to get back into this game." He didn't even realize it but somehow his arms had wrapped around Hana holding her closely. "And I don't want to leave her alone for too long."

It was intriguing to hear. This Kenji had charisma ... almost exactly like Hitler, in a way. Only 10% of the Nazis had willingly joined, the rest were bribed or scared into becoming soldiers for the man. To hear someone was able to pull off a very similar tactic ... was both scary and interesting to hear. After thinking carefully on his words, she gave a determined nod. "Then it seems I know whom I need to encounter. Do these five people have the ability to activate the Realms also? Even if not, it will definitely be a good start."

Hana gave a light nod to Takumi as she heeded his explanation. Even though her eyes were on Hitoshi, her ears were on Takumi and his words. It pained her ... why did Auset have to do this alone? She looked up to Athena, as if looking for an explanation. She seemed to have forgotten about it as Hitoshi agreed to go. "Thank you .... " She murmured, sighing in relief.

Athena gently pulled Hana away, scooping Hitoshi into her arms once again. "We will see. I promise I will definitely try. But I know not how fast everything will go either. Just be patient with us." Knowing goodbyes were always the hardest thing to do, she seemed to disappear from the Infirmary, appearing in the Obelisk hot tub. Despite it normally being for women, no one was using it at this hour thankfully.

Walking near the back, they appeared in what seemed like a cave of sorts. As she got in the dead center, a bright light covered the two. Within seconds, she and Hitoshi both disappeared. By the time his eyes adjusted, he could see many angels around him; some were from Hana's deck, others one knew if they saw enough cards.

Watching Hitoshi get carried away, Hana then slowly stood up and sat beside Auset. Her hands went in front of her body as she looked down to Takumi and for a long while, remained silent. Finally, she spoke. "Tell me too. Auset shouldn't be the only one to help out. I may not exactly have the ability to end these games permanently ... but it seems wrong that she has to duel all these people to begin to end it. Tell me also ... so I can help with that. Please ... "

Now that she was closer, Takumi could see a couple things. Just how badly her clothes were and barely attached. But past that were the multiples stabs and slashes her body had endured from the last duel.

Takumi watched as he was left alone with only Hana and Auset. A small awkward feeling surrounding him. These were the women he had abused in a way, and as he had said many times before he wasn't sorry about it. It was an odd feeling however being confronted by them. "The shadow games were something we all worked on, I think its safe to assume that all five have some variant of it. The lieutenants are part of the A game, though i think in terms of actual power Akane is probably the highest, but her skill is where she lacks in comparison.. though i think its safe to assume that only Kenji has an item, and Akane was our only psychic till we... they had the chance to include you among our ranks." He said looking at Hana he could note the damage that had been done to her, and nodded.

His eyes shifted slightly. "That would have been the work of an enchanted set of cards... Kenji made them with a fraction of the shadow realms power, but they were flawed, and far too weak, they ended up being used for training experiences, so that people could get used to playing against real monsters, at least that's what I was told, I really only just started.... so in the end this is all I know. I wasn't even an obelisk blue so i don't even know the five's names." He was being honest but He knew that he wasn't really happy with it. He looked at Auset. Isis's words echoing in his mind about how foolish joining back up with them would be, and how he would need to start thinking for himself.

He kept waiting for the two of them to turn on him, and it all left Takumi feeling confused, but at the same time they didn't know what it was like working with Kenji, and Akane. both of them would have killed him, and even now he wasn't sure how he had lived so long.

Hitoshi blinked seeing the girls hot tub, the steam fogging up his vision for a second, before they were in the spirit world. It seemed like an odd entrance, and part of him had wished that at least one girl was using the bath house, dispite how that thought would have come across. He was carried along into the world of the fary's and the spiritual world. However one plant type showed up quickly enough once he was in the spiritual world. Cosmobeet let out several noises of concern and happiness as he floated around Athena's head.

"Hehe no judging for taste, but it seems my friend actually likes you." He said with a light joke. He was still very much powerless, but at the same time Athena was the goddess of war tactics, but also poetry and knowledge he figured the woman had to have some kind of a sense of humor. "Actually i have been meaning to ask... are you actually Athena, or just the manifestation of a duel spirit? and if your the actual Athena... did you and mars ever get along?"

Greeks had a god of war, and a goddess of war, athena and mars it just seemed odd to him, that a Mars card never got made, then again Mars was also the god of rape, and slaughter so they clearly had different styles to their work... maybe he was over thinking all of this.

Both listened but it was Auset whom spoke up. "You said all of you worked on this. So what exactly was your role in it? What did you figure out?" She didn't overly like it ... but she would have to figure out a way to sneak into the Blue dorm and get the names she needed. Or ... someone. She wouldn't dare ask Takumi; not when he already was altered from their 'loyal list' to their hit one. He'd already had his close call ... she wouldn't make him do that again. But ... that leaves ... She glanced over slowly to Hana.

Hana's abilities had subconsciously activated so she already heard Auset's thoughts. She gave a light nod. "Yeah ... I will. But let me get into a more complete outfit first. I've got my own powers better under control now, including suppressing my powers and hiding them."

Auset gave her a dead serious look, resting a hand slowly upon her shoulder. "...You're certain? I ... can try to figure out a way to do ...." She stopped as she saw Hana shake her head no.

"I'm certain. You're going to need every ounce of strength for yourself. It's the least I can do to begin to help out."

A low sigh left the Egyptian before she nodded. "Very well. Thank you. May Isis watch you." Her eyes remained upon the Ra Yellow girl as she headed off to go get into new clothes. Once she had left, Auset shook her head no. "I'm not going to stab you or anything. I wouldn't dare resort to such things unless I had to. Now .... is not one of those times. At worst, maybe a slap is what you'd get or hell even a punch for what you made me endure. But nothing else." A soft but genuine smile finally crossed her face. "Want to know a secret on how to keep your emotions better hidden from me? Try to calm yourself a bit. I know after the bite and near death experience we both had, it's much easier said than done. But the more you let your emotions take over, the easier you are for me to read." Walking back over with some new bandages, she changed hers and tossed the dirty ones away before offering some extra gauze to Takumi. "I figured you'd need this?" She offered.

Hana managed to sneak back to Hitoshi's room easily enough. Inside, the dorms were deathly quiet. It was enough to make her shiver in anxiety. Swallowing nervously, she opened her suitcase and changed out of the torn and barely in one piece uniform, getting into a cleaner and neater one. Once that was done, she exhaled deeply. "How to go about this?" She murmured, looking down mainly to her duel disk. That would definitely cause too much noise. Closing her eyes, she began to focus and in little time, it altered forms into a pendant.

Smiling proudly at her handiwork, she then began heading over to the Blue dorms, simultaneously concentrating on suppressing her powers as she had reassured Auset. The second Akane sensed her .... things would go horribly. Keeping her focus, she looked up and down herself. It would be risky ... but maybe if she altered her form too ... it'd certainly be worth a shot. She inwardly sighed, knowing this all would drain her direly. But if she could get the names ... help Auset end this ... it would definitely be worth it. It didn't take long for everything to change.

Her usually blond hair became black, her eyes blue-green as opposed to the typical hazel. Satisfied with the new look, she resumed heading into the Blue dorm. She would try to use stealth when needed ... but not to get in. That'd look too weird. She'd wait to get in first then begin to sneak around. Files and information like that .... are probably with Kenji-san ... Nodding to reassure herself, she began heading inside. Hopefully, they didn't remember every single face or, if worst came to worst, she'd say she just got in due to technicalities from her paperwork. Tons of people had been entering late ... it seemed a fair excuse.

Athena looked up as she literally sensed and felt everything Hana was doing. It took a lot to keep herself from shaking her head. ....Silly girl. Be careful... Looking back down to Hitoshi, she smiled as she helped lay him down gently. Many began to come near in order to aid out with the healing process. Her head tilted at his odd questions. "...What else should I be? I'm a manifestation of course. And ... is there some reason I don't know of that I shouldn't get along with Mars?"

With a mere snap of her fingers, a card appeared floating over her palm. Lowering it down to Hitoshi's eyes, he saw there was a print ... but certainly not the version he was thinking. It appeared the mythological Athena and the card spirit were two different things.

Takumi watched Hana leave, something about letting her go alone didn't feel right, but he wasn't about to vaulenteer to go anywhere near the blue dorm, and he certainly had his own crimes to answer for. He sighed thinking over what he could say that would put the events that he had caused in a good light, but he shook his head knowing that there was no way to spin doctor anything. "During my exam to get into the school I, had to prove my loyalty like many of the group, I was put into the shadow realm against another student. the shadows left him an empty husk."

Takumi breathed a small pang of regret and anger passing over him. "I get that I chose the wrong side, but you have no right to judge me. In their world it's kill or be killed, and I did what I had too. Aside from that I was removed from the majority of the group, a recruiter we needed test subjects... part of my job was finding them and potential allies from the other dorms. I don't even know anyone's names I only worked with Akane because she wanted to keep me close, after all she couldn't read my mind. " He took the new bandages and redressed his wound slowly, he didn't know why she was telling him how to hid his emotions, if he mastered that trick she would have lost the one advantage she had over him. He looked at her confused for a moment. "Why even tell me that? If I could actually do that, you would loose the only advantage you have over me. Their is no reason you should trust me with any of that information."


Hitoshi closed his eyes he hadn't known why but the idea that Mars did in fact have his own card he gave a small shrug feeling the healing process helping him move without pain. "Well I guess that makes sense. Your Hana's duel spirit, but still." He said calmly no wonder he felt okay with Having Athena around she was just the other side of Hana's spirit. much like how Cosmobeet was part of him.

As the healing process started it felt odd it wasn't painful but rather numbing. His eyes closed slightly as he let them take their time and set things right for a while. The process seemed like it could take a while, and he was not about to be impatient.


The blue dorms had an odd air about them their was almost no one around, the dorm was rich and lavish, but almost completely abandoned. the few that walked around did so silently, and though a few noticed Hana none said a word to her. One boy sat back reading a news paper He didn't say anything but took a look at Hana. He was shorter then her, but their was certainly a familiarity in his eyes, they were the same blue as Akane's, though his short hair was slightly darker then hers.

Adjusting himself in his seat. He put up his paper, but it was clear his eyes were watching Hana, but no one said anything to the girl or made any moves towards her. Only his eyes were fully locked on her.

Auset blinked then shook her head. "...I never said I was judging you. Don't bend and twist my words, please. Besides, that's Anubis's job." She teased, trying to lighten up the mood a bit. She looked up, honestly somewhat confused with herself. Why should she reveal that to him? She had an answer ... but it wasn't able to come to her mind. She knew it ... and yet didn't, just like her past so abruptly. Her head shook as she sighed. "I .... I'm not sure. I .... I know I have a reason. But that seems to have been taken away along with my memories. But ... I feel like somehow ... I ... should have said that, if it makes any sense."

A frustrated sigh left her lips as she laid back down on her back. "Urgh, what a horrible wake up call. At any rate, the best thing to do now probably is wait for Hana to get a hold of me. Assuming all goes well ... we make a move once I get the names." She didn't overly feel good about making the poor girl risk herself like this ... but she knew she couldn't do that nor could Takumi. Maybe if she was an Empath and a Psychic. But only one? No .. it wouldn't work. She'd be caught and so would he. Her eyes closed as she desperately tried to remember something ... anything. But no memories came back. It was very nerve-wracking to say the least.

Athena gave Hitoshi a soft smile. "You may as well rest up while this is going on. It ... is probably going to be a while. Besides, you're going to need every ounce of strength." She along with some of the other fairies continued to help mend the joints and bones. The fact some were indeed broken meant this would take at least two, probably three, days to even make any progress. But she didn't know how to tell him that given he'd already asked to avoid it being more than three. Hopefully, however, he would learn to be patient soon enough. Like it or not, the poor boy would have to wait.

The silence was very eerie to Hana. Thankfully, her disguise must have been working to some extent. No one questioned her it seemed. Not aloud anyways. Upon walking past a boy, she felt his eyes upon her. It made her want to rush ahead but she didn't dare. The slightest move, action, even word could cause her to reveal her true identity. And she shuddered to even contemplate on what would happen. She knew perfectly what she was doing and just how risky it was; but this was needed. Keeping her powers as suppressed as she could, she tried to focus on her main goal; detecting hints of Kenji's room. A light frown crossed her face as she couldn't get even the weakest signal.

... Why not? How ... ?? Her head shook as she decided to use something that hopefully would be better. Her eyes and ears, a bit more the latter though. If she could get even a hint on where his room should be ... she could wait for him to leave it and try to find the names they needed. Even though she wasn't strong, she was fast. That would be all she'd need ... time.

Takumi laid back hitting his head. he wanted to help her remember, but he couldn't even say a word about what had hapened last night, or what he had seen. Now it seemed however he had a chance to talk to her about her life, and that meant a chance to get some answers even if she didn't know all the information it was a chance to explore. "Well... what about your living life? before." His lips went to say last night but once again the wind was sucked from his lungs. leaving his mouth flapping for a moment before he shook his head.

" Sorry, i mean before you got to the island." His eye gave a heavy twitch, and though he hid it well. on the surface he was clearly annoyed.

The boy that was watching hana did so at a distance and as she thought allowed he was more then happy to answer in a a way that only two people on this island were supposed to be able too. It's useless, they are all better at hiding then you are. His voice echoed from several different locations inside her head even though he was sitting in front of her, he was essentually scrambling his message.

Stand strait, ignore me, and keep your voice low The boy turned a page as he continued to pretend to read no longer making any form of eye contact. His voice was fragmented it seemed to project from multiple places at once. Up the stairs and to the left, 4th room on the right don't stop for anyone, and walk with purpose. I have said enough, and don't even think, don't think.

"That ... is exactly the problem. I don't remember ... at all." It would then begin to dawn upon Takumi that since this was the ancient Egyptian form he was speaking to, she probably wouldn't share the memories of whatever life the 'modern' Auset had. Which, now that if he thought on it, was weird. Ever since the last duel with Kenji, she's only been in this form ... as if she were being forced to remain out. Her head gazed up at the ceiling as she bit down on her lip before her head shook again. "Aside from the fact it's bothering me, I feel like somehow ... it's really important. I can't explain it but ... it's a gut instinct. Besides this sort of thing doesn't just happen from waking up." Finally, she looked over, facing him. "This ... is also a gut feeling but ... I feel like before I woke you, I've known you somehow. I'm .... I'm sorry." Her head shook as a weak smile crossed her face. "Now I probably sound crazy huh?"

Poor Hana damn well nearly jumped at the sudden telepathic message. But she didn't dare, lest anyone else who may have noticed her by now saw it and began getting suspicious. It was scary that even in her altered form, she had been able to be seen through so easy. She had hoped at least that would have helped ... oh well. She gave a firm nod and took heed of his exact words, standing up straight. Her steps instantly became much more confident, 'with purpose' as he had worded it. ....Thank you. That would be all she'd leave it at, not explaining why or what for.

She didn't have any intentions on stopping for anyone, thankfully. Especially not if they made her. Making all the turns and climbs up the stairs, she soon found the room he had told her to head to. Her heart raced as first she pressed an ear lightly to the door. She wouldn't dare ask Kenji upfront on knowing the names; she was considered a no one in this form. And he'd probably figure the difference if she switched to Akane - or tried to. If after ten seconds she heard nothing, she exhaled softly ... then headed in slowly, quietly. If anyone was asleep or merely being quiet, she'd be screwed ... her head shook no. Don't think like that ... Leaving that to be the only thought to dare go in her mind, she gazed around, beginning to try to look for the files or names.

Takumi blinked he realized that he wasn't dealing with the auset that he had kidnapped but rather the same one that he had seen the other Takumi deal with. This was the ancient Auset. He blinked trying to think up a responce that wouldn't make him look like an idiot, but thinking over what he had seen before this, a question rose before he could think about it. "Oh really? Do I remind you of an old friend, or something else?" He asked curiously prodding. "I mean do I bring up any awkward feelings of an ex? or maybe some lover?"

He had seen the ancient Takumi be shot down, and now his ego was demanding that he know more about what had happened. Part of him wanted to know, it was like an old soap on TV, and now he had the chance to ask one of the actors for spoilers. He wasn't directly refferencing last night which was why he was sure that he could talk, only asking her about the gut feelings she was having. It could help you regain some of your time if you think it over." He spoke with a light smile.

Eri flipped through another page of his book paying no mind to the world around him, but tracking Hana and everything she did from rooms away. His voice once again boomed inside her head from all around, forming a kind of surround sound as he spoke. That's not Kenji's room, its mine, Desk drawer left hand side, you will find my journal take it. It has everything your looking for. He turned another page and gave a small sigh looking up and around him. He was half sure that by now Akane would have found him, but his surround sound trick would make it harder for her to hear the entire conversation, or for that fact find Hana. It meant however he was broadcasting far too much.

His eyes scanned trying to see if and when someone would show up to investigate. Chatter like this was closely monitored, and this was the belly of the beast. He gave a sigh hoping that they were all busy with something else.

"....Something for sure, yes. The exacts ... " Her head shook. "I ... I can't pinpoint it. It's ... frustrating." A low sigh left as her own smile crossed her face. "Thank you for not saying or thinking I'm crazy. I wouldn't blame if you'd thought otherwise." She continued glancing upward, sighing softly. "But ... I don't know. Maybe if I sleep again it'll all come back. I hope anyways. This ... is unnatural, unnerving to just wake up and everything you used to know is abruptly gone .... "

While her thoughts trailed off, Takumi heard Isis again. But given the lack of reaction from Auset, it was clear at the moment only he heard this. I see you are heeding my words on trying to get to know her. Do you want to know? What happened that is?

Her heart raced, a low sigh leaving her lips. I ... I'm grateful and all but ... may I ask why? This had to have been one of the 10% Takumi referred to that wasn't on Akane's side. But why else would he be helping her? She was trying to keep her mind calm and avoid letting it race frantically. But with each second passing, it was becoming easier said than done. Still, she didn't dare seem to ignore his words. Once she was told where to go and what to look for, she grasped the journal. She held it close to her chest, as if it were her textbook, and began walking with the same pose and steps. She could barely believe it all ... she was almost out. All she had to do was get back to Auset and Takumi and they could begin to end this all.

Takumi blinked hearing another in his head. the words of Isis he nodded slightly, though took another moment to look at Auset. "Rest will do you well, I think." He said calmly laying himself down. it was erisponcible to leave his post like this, but he gave a yawn and a stretch faking the need for his own rest. "It may be selfish but I think we both could do with some rest while Hana gets the information." He spoke calmly laying down he closed his eyes.

Yeah, she isn't so bad, and... well im curious as to what happens next. He thought back at Isis an uncomfortable feeling taking him, as the scene shifted back to ancient Egypt. He looked around trying too see which character he was following, only to see the ancient Takumi walking down a rather well lavished hallway. He looked crushed which made sense considering the problems he had witnessed on the last visit. even so he walked with purpose and hit a heavy door opening it only slightly the ancient Takumi put his eye to the crack of the entrance clearly spying on the meeting beyond.


Eri could feel Hana's panic, she was trying and failing at keeping her mind calm and it snapped him to look around, someone was bound to move on her while she acted like this, and he sat uncomfortably as he watched one of the more silent students, someone he recognized walk towards the girl. Calm your mind, everything as to why I am helping you is on the front page of that book. They know your here, so one of them must be listening, turn back to my room, and shut the door. at best you can hide for a second, at worst, well its a two story jump, but the plants should break your fall if you think you can run it. Their weren't a lot of options, she needed to get out now before someone showed up. This should go without saying, but you can't scream when you jump.

It didn't take much longer than his words for poor Auset to follow suit in falling asleep beside him. Silently, Isis obliged; however, she didn't appear this time. No he was in the memories alone; corporeally anyways. Isis would obviously have remained with him in spirit but whatever reasons one could begin to guess, she hadn't physically shown up beside him. Maybe she was allowing him to do this on his own? Something more? Only the modern Takumi could guess.

The ancient Takumi saw Auset on her knees before Seto with her head lowered. "I'm sorry to have disturbed you Seto-sama .. but the past few days, I've been feeling very ... restless. Even with the drought being taken care of ... I feel like .. our attentions were on the wrong issue and a new - worse one - is soon approaching. I've only seen him a few times in dreams ... but a man who rides upon a horse keeps appearing to me. I've never really seen his face but his laugh .. " She shivered lightly, hinting he had quite the effect from even such a simple action.

"Please ... let me tell Atem about this. Or do it for me if I cannot. But I really feel as if he should know of this. Even without knowing exact reasons I just ... it feels right. But I have never once forgotten you are my superior; so I thought it fair to come to you first." Now that Takumi was listening, he would know finally the other thing that had been on her mind when she rejected him and - maybe - part of the reasons why she had done so?

The panic only got worse as he went on to say she had been sensed. Hiding seemed redundant by this point. Hana did, however, go back in his room as instructed. Closing and locking the door, she allowed her 'pendant' to shift back into her duel disk. Exhaling softly, then swallowing nervously, she thought on how to go about this. A light nod left as she placed her Wingweaver card upon it, opening the window. Handing the Seraph the journal, she lowered her voice as she spoke, "To the infirmary ... please. I will try to catch up."

The angel obviously looked concerned at the request .. but the pleading look and tone in her owner's eyes and voice was all she needed. Giving her a silent and reassuring smile, she flew out and away with the journal. She waited until she was damn well sure she would be able to get there fine. Glancing back to the door, she then stood on the sill. It was nerve-wracking just to look at ... and as much as she would have loved to make another of her cards manifest, she was almost completely drained. She would indeed have to jump.

Her eyes closed ... and she bit down on her lower lip hard to keep from screaming. At worst, a wince left but not until after she'd landed. And it wasn't till she got up that she felt it; her ankle had twisted, making her curse lowly. God she was glad Hitoshi couldn't see or hear this; he'd have had quite the fit with her. Running as fast as she could, she took the longer route back to the Infirmary. She had assumed no one heard her tell her Wingweaver where to go ... so she wouldn't risk leading anyone back. Hopefully the fact she locked the door to the boy's room would buy her more than enough time to get away. Especially because a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach was telling her the person whom had sensed her may - probably - was Kenji. And that boy scared the hell outta her.

The ancient Takumi seemed to blink Auset hadn't mentioned her nightmares to him. He shifted uncomfortably not knowing why she hadn't brought such concerns to him, he was after all her personal guard. He shook his head waiting to see what Seto would have to say, but it was clear that his mind was more focused on Auset. The dark item keeping him well hidden from both Seto, and Auset.

Seto shook his head. He clearly didn't believe her. "they are just nightmares Auset. Ishizu hasn't foreseen any of these events of which you speak, and the item I gave you doesn't connect to the future." Seto gave a dismissive glance. "You are still new too owning an item, nightmares are common while you adjust to having it, and it is far more likely that you are picking up the intentions of others. Even the deepest hidden emotion can be felt by that anklet, and so would you honestly say that their is no one that would fit that description?"

The ancient Takumi seemed to shift uncomfortably in his standing. He hoped that he wasn't hearing what he was thinking he was hearing, he and Seto didn't after all get along, but he was loyal to Auset. He sighed calming himself as he spied.


Eri got up as he felt Her leave the dorm he walked slowly towards the door leaving the dorm altogether, he started to walk towards the infirmary. He hoped Hana had a plan but was more then worried that she would be cut off. He made his haste as quickly as he could Taking the shorter path to the infirmary. he could already tell that he wasn't the only one chasing after Hana. She wasn't making it hard to track her, but at the same time he moved parallel to her, not wanting to give away that he was following her.

A young man in his second year however was far less tactful as he cut off Hana. He was wearing an obelisk blue uniform he silently flicked a lighter in his hands. His dark hair and green hair along with pale skin, marked him as an american. Now where would my fellow blue be going so quickly? Didn't you get the memo that classes were canceled?" He spoke with a smiling grin as he continued playing with his lighter not paying mind to much else.

"Say I don't actually know you," He said with a smile flicking his lighter. "Mind if i ask your business new girl?"

Auset bit down on her lower lip, nodding as she thought on her next words carefully. "With all due respect, Seto-sama, I ... thought the same thing about it being nightmares. But ... this has been too repetitive. And ... Isis has never once abandoned me since she gave me her blessings. I ... I can't help but feel like the better wording as to what is happening is she, personally, is trying to warn me of this man."

She kept her gaze down before shaking her head no. "No. No one here would dare do that. Takumi is sometimes ... eccentric, yes. But he wouldn't dare make such a move. Not to harm Atem or anyone here ... no. He's not like that. So ... no. This ... is a completely new person. And it's why I've been so uneasy on this 'nightmare'. This new person ... has full intentions on harming - worse even - Atem and anyone who gets in his way. Please Seto-sama .... I do not doubt Ishizu's abilities. But please heed this ..." She looked slowly up, enough to meet his eyes but keeping them more towards the floor all the same.

With few other excuses Hana could have quickly come up with, maybe rolling with the 'no classes' would be best to do. Her head shook no as a small - though anxious - smile crossed her face. "...Oh? They are? No ... I didn't actually. I had a lot of technical issues with my paperwork so I got in later than I should have." She chuckled, waving her hand as if to say 'How silly' upon being asked what her business was.

"Business? I'm but a student of course. I just ... sort of lost my footing and tripped. That's it though really. Now ... excuse me. I probably need to grab some ice for it." Bowing her head and hoping that would suffice, she turned and resumed heading off. Her face was hiding her true emotions; pure fear. She had gotten so far ... she couldn't dare screw this up.

As the six-winged seraph arrived, she gently shook the sleeping figure of Auset. "...Hm?" She murmured wearily, then looked up and nearly did a double take. As she clasped the journal, she began to ask where the angel had gotten this. But the seraph was gone, leaving Auset with the journal. As she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, they widened as she felt .... panic and fear? Yes, that was definitely it. "....Oh gods. Hana's .... " She bit down on her lower lip but stayed on the bed. She would try to find her if she didn't arrive soon. But she had gone through so much trouble ... it would be a wasted effort on poor Hana's behalf if she didn't accept this. With a low sigh, she began opening the journal and reading it, deciding while she had a head start to start gathering names of whom would need to be dealt with in order to make this all cease.

The ancient Takumi gave a heavy sigh of relief though it was inaudible, he was grateful that Auset trusted him at least that much. Thinking over all that happened between them it seemed only natural that she was at least some what trusting of him, but he was greatful for it all the same.

Seto on the other hand didn't rethink his position at all he gave a shake of his head and dismissed her. "At best I will bring these concerns to Ishizu, to see what she can see, but the future is not your concern. Your training has always been focused on the here and now, so I will hear no more of this." He had a spike in annoyance as he turned away from Auset and started writing on some parchment. "So if that is your only concern, I would suggest you leave for now." He said giving her one last chance to get anything else off her chest.

Eri kept moving he could hear the conversation and knew the male that had interupted them, but didn't move to intervene, he was going to be in enough trouble already, and he slowed himself down to a walk, He gave a small gulp. He was thankful that Hana wasn't carrying his journal anymore, if they discovered that book it wouldn't just be Hana on trial.

"Oh a transfer? Yeah i get that." The man walked up to Hana for a moment his eyes scanning her, but when he could see that she wasn't carrying anything he gave a shrug. "Your right that ankle is bad... you should go get it looked at." He turned and started to walk away. "In the future however, you might want to keep to your own dorm... Women are closer to the shore after all."

He let Hana go and quickly sent off a text to Kenji, about how she didn't have a book on her person so their was no need for him to intervene any further.

Auset bit harder on her lower lip but gave a slow nod. As much as she admired her mentor - among other secret things - he could be very frustrating to speak to. Now was one, though she didn't dare push her luck with him. She knew better, especially from her personal slave days to him. "...Thank you, Seto-sama. I'm .. I'm sorry. I'll go back to my quarters and resume training immediately." Giving one last bow of her head, she stood up and went right to her room as she had promised. However, it was clear in her eyes she was still thinking of all she'd told him. The laugh was definitely not Takumi's. Years of being around him hinted that much to her.

As she arrived inside, she tossed herself on her stomach upon the bed. Her head buried itself in a pillow to muffle a very annoyed scream before pulling away. Now she just stayed lying down. She had half-lied; her training for the day had been done. But she knew the words would appeal to his ears and she had avoided his wrath. A low groan left as her head shook repeatedly, "Damnit all .... " She murmured very softly, barely above a whisper.

"O-of course. Thank you." Bowing her head, her poor heart nearly stopped as he walked away. Oh thank gods ... She didn't dare let a sigh leave her lips; not until shew as certain she was out of earshot from the other boy she had met and Blue dorms. It hurt so bad to make herself head to the Infirmary ... but she did it. Her body was trembling in anxiety and only when she saw Auset did she let her form shift and reveal it was really her.

Auset tensed at first upon hearing footsteps. It only got worse as it looked like an injured Blue walked in. She held the journal closer ... until the Blue turned to ... Yellow? "Gods Hana?!" The Egyptian quickly caught the girl, helping her lie back down. "Oh thank gods ... I was getting worried. Here .... " Glancing down in slight concern to Takumi, she grabbed an ice pack and handed it to Hana. "I got it ... thank you. That ... I can't believe you ..."

Hana nodded as she eagerly took the ice pack, wincing as the cold touch was pressed to her skin. "I know ... I can't either. Trust me." She too caught a glimpse at Takumi and sighed lowly. ".... He .... is he really .... going to help us?"

"From what I've felt so far, it seems. But I do understand your concerns; trust me. But ... him revealing all he did was a big step. Give him credit where it's due. I'm not saying let your guard fully down ... but .... give him time." Standing slowly up, she peeked outside before closing the door to the Infirmary. Sitting back down on the bed, she resumed going through it. Pulling her PDA out, she began copying the names into her 'Contacts' list. She would use the databases later to try to gather more duelist information on them all. For now, she'd note whom all she would need to eventually meet and duel to begin to end these Shadow Games. This alone was a miracle and a damn good start.

The ancient Takumi had to hide himself as Auset walked past him, but followed her all the same as she went to lay down on her bed, he waited outside her room taking to his post as he gave her a few moments, he then walked inside her room. He didn't give any indications of what he had witnessed but rather sat down beside her and put a hand on shoulder. "I take it the meeting didn't go well?"

He knew that he wasn't technically allowed to touch her, but the door was closed, and He was invisible to everyone except of course the physical aspects, and he knew how to hide himself well enough. He offered her a slight amount of comfort as he leaned against her unsure of what he could actually say, he had avoided her since the night before, but now seemed like a good time to just be here for her.

Eri wallked as calmly and quietly as he could to the infirmery. leaning against the door he looked once again behind him just to make sure he wasn't being tracked. He had actually done his part, he could just as easily turn around and go back to the dorm, but at the same time he didn't want too, He had helped to start something, he wanted to help see it through, and make sure he knew who his allies were.

He reached out to Hana, first his thoughts this time being direct not needing to use his tricks to hide himself. I'm just outside if you can make things less awkward for when I open the door that would be nice. He gave her a few moments and then opened the door walking in and shutting the door behind him. He took a look around the room giving them all an odd half smile, a heavy wave of relief coming off him.

His name had been on front pages of the journal, seeing it opened he simply gave a small nod. the only willing indication of who he was.
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