A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

Hana looked down, biting her lip as she thought over the announcement repeatedly. This ... wasn't at all organized and very unlike the Academy. Why the change? Or rather, why so abrupt? As if this had to happen. It was bothering her and just from the look on Hitoshi's face, it was him also. Holding her head and massaging it, she finally looked back up to Hitoshi. A weak and very anxious smile was on her face as she finally spoke. "I ... am not honestly certain what I'm going to do. Go on and go ahead but ... do be careful. I ... I need to figure myself out in that regard."

She didn't know how to bring up the odd feelings her mind had caught. It was one of the main reasons she wasn't sure if Takumi should be her main concern. It hadn't been too long after she'd moved out from him so she had wondered ... if he had been the 'anger' she had felt. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to prove or disprove this. Leaning against the ladder to the bunk bed, she tried desperately to think. The feelings were definitely not a coincidence or figment of her imagination. Not with this new tournament coming into play. Somehow, what she had felt plus this .... were connected. But how? She tried to figure out, closing her eyes to try to think.

After checking and seeing Hitoshi had already headed off, she used his window and hurried out. Thankfully, not enough of the other Reds had gotten out of their rooms. Most were probably still getting dressed or something of the like. A mental curse ran through her head as she realized ... she had no idea which direction Hitoshi had gone off to. Frowning lightly, she found herself in the Forest and couldn't help but shiver. Trying to shove off the eerie feeling of being watched - stalked even - she continued trying to look around for Hitoshi.

"Doubt, uncertainty, a bit of fear even." Her eyes were right upon Takumi's the entire time he was looking at her or the PDA. "....You truly don't really know what you're doing do you? Or, worse off, what you're allowing do you?" The same energy part of her easily recognized as hints of the Shadow Realm was starting to slowly blanket the Academy. It wasn't overly bad ... yet. But if too much time was allowed, there would be almost nothing left of this place or the students. Her free arm grabbed onto the bed as she kept glancing at him. "Stop and think for a second. Assuming whom just contacted you can use the Shadow Games ... have you never considered they won't use that against you? You have no protection of any kind against those games or realm. Once you get shoved into it .... "

Her head shook no as she held on as tightly as she could. The last time she'd gone for a walk, she wound up here. She dreaded doing this again. She would give a hint on the answer to his 'Why' question ... but definitely not the 'Whom' parts. The knowledge of another person with a connection to the Millennium Items ... wasn't meant to be known. Unfortunately, most of the former people whom used to possess an item were ... well not here for sure. As far as Auset knew, she could be the only one to stop this from repeating.

If hana paid attention their was a small amount of laughter in the air. She most certainly wasn't alone as she wondered, and as the two men stalked her. Jin and Yuu stepped out from the tree line Jin in front of Hana, while Yuu stood behind her. "Why if it isn't our favorite Ra Yellow Hana-chan pleasure meeting you again." Jin cracked out with a small laugh.

Yuu picked up his own laugh. "And this time no Akane-Sama, we really can do all of those nice things we talked about the last time we met." The two predators stepped forward walking towards Hana.

Jin's duel disk activated holding it up as a sheild knowing that the hana they had to deal with last time would shoot first. "How about a game Hana-chan?" The two of them snickered as if they had a plan between them.
Hitoshi walked away from Hana and left the dorm with his jacket on. Not needing to fear the other students he walked with a high spirited after glow, and cared to not explain anything. With classes cancled he didn't have anywhere to go, but at the same time had no reason to sit in a dorm where the slifers would spend most of the day challenging each other to duels.

Walking into the forest as it was, he decided that he needed to give Hana some time to herself. it was a sad fact but what they had just done was confusing, and he could bet that it wasn't just confusing to him, and he could bet that Hana would need some time to herself, with that in mind however walking into the forest he quickly found himself lost, and he silently glared at himself as he walked around the trees. "Of course."

Takumi shook his head as he held her by the wrist. She was already starting to get into his head just by telling him what he felt she unnerved him more. "Shut up!" His voice gave an echo around the room as he forced her to her feet. He knew what the the society had planned, it wasn't good, and it wasn't kind but it was needed, but how had she known about those games? his mind only regestered on that thought for a second before he shook his head.

"They can't go against me they need me." his grip tightened his knuckles whitening as he held her his hands crushing hers as he held the wrist that was attached via the handcuffs pulling her up. If she had wanted to see an angry Takumi she had succeeded. "In this age where people can invade someones else's mind I am unique, anyone can know what your thinking when you have people like Akane out on the field, but no one, no one will ever be able to know what i think.. that makes me a weapon more valuable then Akane. So I have all the protection i needed..."

Till she showed up. He was facing a weapon that by his own logic was more valuable then he was... he swallowed hard realizing why he had felt so uncomfortable around her, she scared him.... because by his own logic he was now replaceable.

Hana quickly took a step back, her head shaking in disbelief. "...Do you two ever stop?! Haven't you had enough?!" She then stopped .. realizing she was many things. One, however, was not the same girl that had faced them last time. No ... she wouldn't run. She'd confront them; both if needed. "....Fine then. This time ... things will be different though." A mix of anger and fear, though a bit more the first than the latter, surged up in her as she activated her own duel disk.

Akane smirked as she took her cue and stepped out. "Morning, Hitoshi-kun." Not allowing him a chance to run, she pulled her bangs away to reveal her hidden eye - crimson in color - then made direct eye contact with him. Soon, a dark void encircled them. "No one here can hear you. It's just us. I've been relatively nice .... up until now. Between this being a payback for the humiliation you gave me in front of Kenji-sama and some other factors ... allow me to introduce you. Welcome ... to the Shadow Realm. I'll give you the bad news and good news for you."

She began to pace around in the void, knowing neither were going anywhere. "The good is this is, somewhat regrettably, a double-edged blade. Meaning I get consequences from these duels also. If, that is, I lose any life points to begin with. The bad is not only can no one hear you ... but the damage we both may or may not receive will be very permanent. However ... it may be a favor for your body." Smirking to him, she opened her Duel Disk. "That being said, every 2000 life points we both lose, a joint will break. But with all you have endured prior to this ... you may have more than a few broken joints to worry about."

A sadistic smirk crossed her lips as she stopped pacing and turned to face Hitoshi. "...So, Hitoshi-kun. You ready?" She put a hand upon her deck, ready to draw. Not like he would have a say ... they were already here. Even she couldn't merely dismiss the Realms. Nor would she want to. She'd waited too long ... and gods did she want revenge.

Her head shook no, a gasp leaving as she got pulled to her feet. "Those ... whom have used it before go against their own assistants! Damnit, listen to me!" Unfortunately, that seemed to be the last thing he would do, making her bite down angrily on her lower lip as she tried to struggle against him. These cuffs were royally beginning to annoy the hell out of her. "If you let this go on, nothing will remain! Of the Academy or even many of the students. Is that what you really want?!" Between the part of her that still didn't want to walk and knowing she needed to be putting an end to this before it got out of hand before anything, she was getting frantic herself. Though definitely not for the same reasons he was becoming scared.

Jin smiled as she accepted the challenge. drawing his hand he played his first card, and a large upward draft started chilling the area as a circle was burned into the ground around them. "This card isn't your usual magic card, normally things like pain are reserved more for people of your type, but our employers came up with a few solutions to that little problem. Within this circle every monster played on either side of our freilds are so real you'll swear that they actually hurt when they hit."

Yuu nodded his head at the use of that card, and chuckled lightly. "First he's gonna beat you down, and once your too exausted and hurt to use those powers of yours, while yes, we don't tend too give up."


Hitoshi felt cold, he could already tell this situation was bad but when she explained the rules of this void he swallowed hard. knowing his body really wasn't going to be able to take this much punishment. Still this looked like a situation where He had no true choice. Drawing his cards every life point he lost cost him dearly but he felt the odd torsion from the realm its self. it started with his leg, and the moment his life points dropped to 6000 he let out a scream feeling the pop and snap of his leg as it was twisted by the shadows.

Hitoshi fell to the ground he dueled his best but this process was repeated 3 times, his limbs snapping in turn as he continued, unable to drop Akane too even 6000. The realm disappeared leaving Hitoshi's body broken in a number of ways. he coughed heavily breathing he couldn't move his arms or legs. He winced feeling his body fade in and out of consciousnesses. "Akane... what... kind..." Oh... gods... this.. is the worst pain. "of... monster...are... you?"

She had this kind of power all this time? he was sitting her open and vulnerable honesty he was surprised he wasn't dead, he bit down on his lip breathing was so hard, he felt like every breath could be his last, but he forced himself to stay awake. He couldn't escape the knowledge that if he slept he would die.

"Shut up!" Takumi repeated and struck Auset in the face with his fist. His breathing was heavy for a second thoughts were racing through his mind. Part of him knew that she was right but aside from hitting her he didn't know how or what to say to her. "I can't stop it, and as long as I stand on this side, I am immune. I move past these stages, and get to last as long as I am useful. Besides."

A second voice cut the rest of Takumi's thoughts and work off. "It's already started. The shadow games of old are starting up but with a slight twist, and it really is my kind of twist." Kenji said with a slight clap of his hands as he stepped forward. "These games are only the start of something far greater, but of course this raises the question... where did you learn so much about the shadow games?" He said passing Takumi and giving a hard stare towards Auset. his hands picking her up by the cheek and chin so he could look her in the eyes.

Hana had never before seen Jin or Yuu's decks. The manifesting idea had been bad enough; to find out he had a warrior deck and all his cards had some sort of a blade, only made her more terrified. To add onto her fear, the hand she got didn't help. Everything was timed so very badly. But the worst thing possible ... was the feeling in the pit of her stomach that said Hitoshi needed help. Something told her, made her scared even, that Akane or someone else had found him. A loud scream left as she fell to her knees, trembling and panting.

The manifestation helped the blades come to life and Hana was barely recognizable. Her uniform was barely intact along with her body. Shivers trailed down her as she held herself, the impact from the last hit making her hit against a tree roughly. A low groan left as her eyes began going through REM. And yet somehow, an idea managed to come to her. Her eyes closed as she focused on the duel. She had only drawn one Athena. Please ... tell me the other went for Hitoshi. If I can't get to him ... someone has to. The lack of a reply was, she hoped, supposed to be a hint this guess was correct.

Thankfully, she had indeed been right. The spirit had felt how dire things had gotten and all the negative energy from the Shadow Realms. She did feel bad about leaving Hana; but she knew Hitoshi was even worse off. A warrior holding a long spear clad in white appeared beside Hitoshi ... and in time it seemed. He had collapsed and his opponent had seemed ready to make another strike even with the duel being over.

"....Leave. You've done all you need to here."

Oh the revenge for Akane had been so very sweet. Even with her right arm shaking from how close it had been to breaking, she was so very content. Her smirk widened as she slowly walked towards Hitoshi. "Unfortunately for you ... a very vengeful one. You made me go through the worst possible punishment because of our last duel! One I will never forget nor forgive! So I'm taking everything else away from you ...." She paused, a smirk coming to her as she quickly scanned his memories. "Including your beloved. Shame really ... she's already going to be in Hell two days later. Ah well ... not my fault she can't defend herself."

And then, a figure clad in white made her look up ... blink ... and then laugh. "Interesting. She can do that can she? Well ... " She looked between Athena then Hitoshi, her smirk widening. "Be grateful that she's right. I've done all I needed to here. Besides, the true method of stopping these Shadow Games ... is in our custody. You all are way too late to cease any of this, any of us." Her head turned and with a low chuckle, she found herself beside Kenji and Takumi in time. Her lips leaned beside Kenji as she whispered, "Hitoshi is out of the equation and as far as I can assume, Hana is too."

Waiting to ensure that Akane actually left and wasn't just pulling a fast one, Athena then put the spear across her back. Kneeling down carefully, she sighed sadly as she picked Hitoshi easily up in her arms. Being the goddess of war - among other things - seemed to aid out with her physical strength. "I am sorry ... I was too late. Hopefully Apollo will aid out with the recovery." Her head bowed slightly as she began carrying Hitoshi to the infirmary. She didn't have it in her to admit Hana had lost her own duel.

The same boy she had dueled and beaten soon appeared. Just his presence made her forget about the smack from Takumi. In fact, she tried to take a step back, only to nearly drag Takumi with her. Scoffing in annoyance, her head turned before it was grasped by Kenji. Her eyes were forced to gaze into his crimson ones and she couldn't help but tremble. Still .... there was no emotion from him. So that ... hadn't been her imagination last time. She couldn't get any read off of him.

Why not?! How is this possible?! Her head shook no in his hand and in the midst of it, she found the same girl whom Hitoshi had beaten. But ... the very sadistic smirk on her face suggested this time... she had beaten him. Her heart sank ... it meant unless Hana had won ... she really wouldn't get found. Still, she couldn't give up; not yet. Things were definitely looking bad, yes. But that meant, if anything, she had to do everything in her power to avoid letting them know what they wanted.

Still, it didn't get rid of any of the anxieties she was now seeing and facing. Her heart raced as she found herself in no doubt the absolute worst scenario ever. Finally, she managed to find her voice. It came out a bit shaky but more determined, "I ... am not .... saying that." She replied, taking trembling breaths from her nose.

Akane couldn't help herself. The sweet victory had made her more ... cruel than usual. And it showed as she spoke one small bit of advice to the Egyptian. "You can get away with this when speaking to Takumi. But trust me when I say ... Kenji-sama is very different. You may want to wise up and answer him, dear."

Hitoshi looked up at athena it felt different looking at someone elses duel spirit but he had the worst feeling in the pit of his stumach as she picked him up he shook his head. "What... are.. you... doing!" His body spazimed from his own anger and he felt himself curl the taste of blood in his mouth as he coughed.

"I... have... my... own... spirits, your... Hana's... guardian. You need to protect her!" He spoke angerly but he could hardly move he knew that he was already half dead with all that had happened to him, but he didn't care, his gut was telling him Athena wouldn't be here unless Hana was in danger. Though the idea of his own spirit dragging him across the field was pathetic due to the size of the small flower pot, he knew that was all that he had.


Jin and Yuu looked at eachother the spell fadding from the ground as they clapped eachother before walking over Hana's body one of them giving her chest a hard kick as they stepped on her breast. "Hay its no fun if you pass out, we need you awake, so that we can hear every little scream you make."

Jin licked his lips her body was already revealed by his swords as she was cut up. This time they could see every single one of her bodies attributes and they pulled her away from the tree, unceremoniously pulling her to her knees as they touched her body. They had won the duel and as promised they were going to enjoy their reward. Jin lowered what remained of her panties his hand rubbing her ass and spreading her pussy. "Oh thats a shame it looks like we missed the big party, was it Takumi-kun? or hitoshi-kun?" he said with an almost venomous retort.


Kenji smiled as she said that she wasn't talking. That was fine she very much didn't need too. He took a few practiced paces back facing her. "Since you know so much about them, why don't we haev one right now." it took some concentration but the world around them distorted the ground falling away to darkness as the darkness and shadows wrapped around Takumi, and Auset.

"You won't have to worry though I wouldn't dare harm a prisoner, any and all losses you take the realm will take Takumi as your payment, you are bound and thus in this place you are one... A nice loop whole don't you think?" Kenji gave a small shrug and a smile. "Of course i would end this right now if you told me everything we need to know, how you know about these games, your intent for coming to this island. tell me everything in detail and I will stop this duel right now, delay and the shadows will take us for every card discarded, or every life point lost, we will sink, below us is a solid ground and for every card lost or life point lost we will sink further and further down into that ground. the looser will be burried alive... of course if I loose Akane merely need grab a shovel and pull me from this realm, but if you loose... no one would dig up poor takumi."

Takumi's eyes widened looking from person to person. He suddenly felt very weak and powerless over his own role in this. "Wait what!"

Her head tossed back, a loud scream leaving as her breast got stepped on. Tears fell down her face from the pressure as her hands instinctively tried to shove the foot off. With her focus on that and her body being as weakened as it was from the blades her legs were easily parted. "No!" Her head tossed violently as she breathed angrily and heavily. Her head turned, continuing to work on trying to get the foot off. Just because she couldn't get pregnant didn't mean she would want this.

"S-stop! Ahhh!" Her struggles became weaker and weaker. Even though they had insisted they wanted her conscious, it would be easier said than done; especially with all the blood she'd lost. And now the pain they were inflicting was only adding on the desire to give in and let her consciousness slip. Her screams began to die down as her eyes began to close.

"....Helping you of course. She ... she asked me to. For the moment, you need it more. I didn't overly like it either; but she was persistent. I can't refuse her request." Without another word, she continued carrying him back to the infirmary, shooting a stern gaze every now and again. "...Hold still. That's going to make it much worse, not better."

"...W-wait a sec!" At that, she had been ready to give up and talk. But a sensation she hadn't felt in years circled around her ... and ... wait. Takumi too? Oh shit ... Her face paled just from hearing the consequences. How .... how did he ... ? She couldn't help it; she trembled. For the first time since Takumi had kept her his prisoner, she was showing genuine signs of fear. Akane had already hinted Hitoshi wouldn't be able to help ... and while she knew how to put an end to Shadow Games, Realms were often stronger. Namely because it highly depended on the user.

She shot Takumi a glare out of the corner of her eye, as if to give him a silent 'I told you so' look before glancing shakily back to Kenji. "....Fine then." A trembling hand activated her duel disk. Slowly ... she drew, not wanting to risk this but definitely not wanting to lose either.

Jin laughed as she screamed but notticed the fact that she was so close to passing out almost offensive. He grabbed her breasts pulling her up to look at Yuu, feeling several of her cuts smiling as he held her up. "Yuu-san... fuck her face."

as if he had been waiting for the order he dropped his pants grabbing hana's hair as he pulled her hair. Lifting her head to a semi errect cock which was quickly shoved into her mouth. to further muffle any of her screams. At the same time Jin took off his pants lowering her towards his cock he rubbed the tip against her pussy. "After all the trouble you gave us, you had best hope you can stay awake for every second of this. Otherwise you arn't gonna wake up."


Hitoshi blinked hearing that she couldn't refuse an order from Hana. Hitoshi breathed closing his eyes, and for a moment he looked like he accepted the terms. "Sorry...Hana..." He wasn't sure where the strength came from but moving a broken arm hurt, even as he through the clumsy, awkward and yet still strong punch at athena's face he could feel his entire body go ridged from the pain. his muscles forcing his sholder and wrist to bring his broken arm down on the gods face.

Rolling out of her grasp and onto the ground he landed with a spasim. and let out a small shriek of pain. "You may not... be able... to... refuse... an order from Hana... but.. I can! I will not... move... will not rest... till you have seen too hana's safety first." His eyes looked up at Athena his will much more like a warrior then he had originally thought himself to be. He was telling a greek goddess of war to fuck herself... he honestly didn't know if he was stupid, but he could feel the desperation of the situation. "So if you want to take me back.... you will... see... to hana... or I will go back... in a body bag."


The shadow duel began quickly and like all of Kenji's duels it was slow methodical and came far to close, as he and Takumi were slowly pulled down into the depths of the shadow realm, throughout the duel as Kenji's deck caused more and more cards to go to the grave yard and be drawn from the deck they sank deeper and deeper into the shadows, and As Kenji won the duel the world seemed to close around takumi his arm still attached to Auset dragging her down pulling her as he drifted into the floor.

Takumi couldn't say anything being the only one in the relm without the protection of an item the air was thick and hard to breath. it was draining being exposed to this world and as she lost the duel, he just looked back at her for a moment knowing what was coming for him... feelings of anger, fear, and hate all weakened giving away to his fears, and mistrust part of him knew this had been a long time coming, but he never actually thought he would die like this.

Though Athena wasn't generally fast, she could be when needed. That punch was definitely a cue. She didn't like it ... but she grasped it, knowing that would hurt. Still, he'd been an idiot to do such a thing. Her eyes glared sharply at Hitoshi before she sighed. "....By the gods ...." She murmured, kneeling beside him. "....Hold still. It will not make your joints whole again. However, this will make it easier to walk and get to her." An image - exact location to be precise - of where Hana was flashed in his mind. It was only for a few seconds but his mind seemed to recall exactly where to go.

Gently laying her hands upon his shoulders, her eyes closed as she focused. Slowly ... she began to fade from existence. As she was completely gone, she had kept her word. Whether it was some form of an adrenaline rush or something else, Hitoshi could indeed stand. It hurt ... like hell. But she had kept her word and given him every bit of her own strength. If he were near Hana, he would have seen her duel disk flash temporarily as the other Athena card returned into her deck.

"Noooo ...mmf!" Feeling herself forced to take Yuu's cock in her mouth, she began to bite. The only thing that stopped her ... were the words that echoed in her head.

"Otherwise you aren't gonna wake up ..."

Her head bowed in defeat as silent tears fell down her face. She was too sore, too weak to fight back. The feeling in the pit of her stomach was getting worse and worse with each passing second. Something had definitely happened to Hitoshi .. and she was horrified. Not sure what more to do, her eyes closed. She didn't bite ... but she didn't move either. As she began focusing, the familiar sensation of link being formed rushed through Hitoshi's mind.

..H-hitoshi? Please ... please tell me you're okay ...

Her voice was trembling as hard as she was before the two ... but she didn't want to say why. She was too horrified; mainly at herself. She'd been defeated and then tossed around like a doll. It made her want to do nothing but disappear with how weak they had made her feel.

Whether or not either Kenji or Takumi noticed, Auset changed as the duel went on. Mainly in her clothing. Before the last of the dirt covered her and Takumi, both could see ... Egyptian attire? Like as if she were alive about three to five thousand years ago. The wardrobe suggested she was a high priestess. Her eyes closed as she quickly began sending up silent prayers, grasping onto Takumi's cuffed wrist.

Isis! You've kept me safe for so long! Help me so I can complete my obligations and end these games! Don't let it end like this please!

For a bit, nothing seemed to happen. More and more oxygen left the two for a few seconds, even when they tried to take slow and steady breaths. Finally, the void vanished and both appeared. Auset, however, was still in her 'Egyptian' attire. She fell to her knees, trembling, gasping for air, and coughing. If Kenji was still there, she hadn't noticed. In fact, she almost didn't notice anyone else ... until a chuckle made her glance shakily up.

"....I see. Interesting. I didn't think anyone else had that sort of link." Akane had remained in case of something like this. She hadn't expected it ... but it was nice to see the girl was definitely not ordinary. Still, she was trembling and shaking violently. Whether Auset wanted to admit it or not aloud, she was terrified. It was as clear in her eyes as daylight; they were so close to making her break down. Her eyes went over to Kenji. "Hm ... what do you think? She did survive that after all. She's definitely more useful than we're giving her credit for."

After the blessing of Athena passed through his body it did seem possible for Hitoshi to move his body. He breathed slowly at first getting to his knees he could practically hear Hana crying out calling to him, and even as he moved his body was in agony but none of it seemed to matter. All that mattered was getting to Hana, and stopping what was happening. He could hear Hana in his head and he couldn't even think to answer his mind had passed out after the first few steps and moved now more on will power then anything else.

Hitoshi burst into the clearing looking like hell. His legs didn't seem capable of holding him, his eyes had dark rings around them, his breathing was ragged. He turned to hana seeing the sight he must have looked like one of Akane's zombies. the sight of it made Jin and Yuu cringe, the cowards that they are backed up as he approached, Yuu's cock leaving Hana's mouth as the two backed away. "Get...away...from...her."

It was a simple command but it seemed to work, as Jin and Yuu ran, more from the sight of Hitoshi then his actual words. He was terrifying as he shambled slightly and fell to his knees another sharp pain rising through him as his hands wrapped around Hana holding her closely. "Im sorry."


Kenji blinked as the shadow realm fadded he hadn't moved away yet, but he was looking at the shivering body next to Auset. Takumi was still alive somehow this girl had pulled him from the shadows. though considering her state it had taken almost all of her strength, but it was in saving him that she had revealed the most interesting part of this little game. "It wasn't her life that was on the line Akane, but they both seem to have survived... even after they lost."

He smiled looking at the two of them walking up to her he walked around them analizing them. "I think I understand whats in play now. We've won this round now...So lets go as you can clearly see Auset you can't stop us... only delay. The games are vast and even now at least a quarter of the campus will have known that something was wrong. The wounded will flee, while the victors rally. The acadamy's best turned into an army that you are powerless to stop. I hope you have enjoyed this demonstration... I leave the snake with you. You won his life... so you can keep him."


Kenji disappeared but Takumi was left shivering still. the last of his memories were focused on the darkness and shadows that had almost eaten him completely and truly. He was left slightly broken. His hole body trembled and tripped over its self, and he didn't' seem to be able to stop. He coughed his lungs started to take in more air, and slowly his body began to calm its self, but little remained of his emotional state, aside from very primal anger and fear.

He seemed almost catatonic, and it wouldn't have taken much for Auset to search him for the keys, and then leave him in the middle of this forest alone.

Hana trembled, wanting to do so many things. Bite, pass out, scream ... but none of it would have done anything. In fact, for a bit, she feared her link to Hitoshi hadn't gone through from the lack of a reply. But finally, she heard his voice. Her body trembled as she slowly turned, revealing her bloody and very cut up body and uniform to him. "...Gods what happened to you?!" She weakly pulled him into a hug, holding him gently but closely. "Y-you ... you need ... to get ... to the infirmary. Gods what ... who ... ?!" Even though she had a feeling on the 'whom' part, she wanted to be wrong. But something told her she was very dead on.

Even after Kenji left, Akane didn't. Not immediately anyways. She knelt before the two, though her eyes were right upon Takumi's. She gave a soft sigh, staring at him. "Ever heard of biting off more than you can chew? Because that's exactly what you did by taking her your hostage .... without my consent. If you thought you were truly lower than me ... now you are but nothing!" She pulled out one of her cards as she stepped back, the same smirk from when she'd beaten Hitoshi across her lips.

It didn't take long for Takumi to recognize it. It was Vampire Lord -- right before his own eyes. He said nothing, a hint that Akane was probably using telepathy to order him. Without another word, he leaned forward and made Takumi's head turn roughly aside. As the sight of flesh - his neck to be exact - caught his eyes, he bit .... hard. Worse off, he stayed there until he damn well nearly drained him, forcing poor Takumi to feel every second of the new physical torment, adding onto the near death experience.

Auset stared for a bit ... before doing something the snake probably hadn't seen coming. She actually tried to move the vampire off and away. But it didn't take much more than a very rough shove to make her fall on her back beside Takumi. Then again, it also seemed she didn't need to wait too long either.

As the Vampire Lord finished taking all he wanted from him, his sight went right to the Egyptian. Before she could even put her hands in front of herself, he had pinned her. Repeating the same process of moving her head, he too bit. Though he purposely took a bit longer, probably for two easy to guess reasons. Her being a female but also a virgin. By the time he seemed to fade away, Auset was barely conscious herself.

Her eyes were quickly going through REM as she shuddered, the sensation repeating as she was lying on her back. It took everything she had to make herself sit slowly up. Giving a concerned look to Takumi, she did indeed uncuff them both. However, she did not leave him like he would expect. Instead, she moved a hand in front of him, offering to help him up to his feet.

"...Do you now see what I mean?" She murmured softly to him, waiting to see if he would take this or not. She wouldn't force it upon him; but he looked like he barely had the ability to stay mentally sane. "Thankfully ... Kenji's wrong; somewhat. I do have the ability to end this all but ...." She sighed, remembering how the duel had gone. "It will definitely not be easy. Hopefully ... the casualties won't be so bad once this is said and done. Also, I'm an empath, not a psychic. That's how I got Hana to understand your true intentions; she was reading your thoughts and feelings all at the same time. When she got the sensation of lust ... it all but gave away the last thing you did for her was care ..." There was no sense, she knew, in hiding this from him anymore. He'd been betrayed as she had expected and warned him. Still, Auset wouldn't rub it in his face either.

Hitoshi held Hana in his arms He could see just how badly she had been hurt, and yet she was worried about him? His injuries seemed far more extensive yes, but She had been cut to shreds. He shook his head thinking about the who and the what only made his head hurt more. Akane had become a major pain in his ass, and he wasn't soon to forget any of what had transpired here today.

Breathing Hitoshi held Hana his chest giving small heaves which at first ccould have been mistaken for crying, his whole body shook, as he started to laugh. "I...Didn't... lost... that time." He leaned back his body still screaming as he laughed a smile on his face as he looked at Hana. "I...Had...to...punch a god..." He said with a kind smile his body shaking with pain. "But... I... got to you.... and thats... all that I care about."


Takumi let out a scream as he was litterally fed on. For a moment he did little more but pass out, only to stir slightly when the cuffs were unlocked. he thought for sure that Auset would have just left him to die and rot, but instead as his eyes opened he saw that she was offering a hand. He looked at her for a moment. Was she serious? Hearing that she was emphatic, suddenly it all made sense. However when she mentioned hana an odd feeling of remorse came into the air. "It is, or rather was, my job to not care."

He took the hand slowly worked his way to his feet, dusting his Ra yellow uniform. He had just been thrown out by the vary society he thought was his ally. He didn't know what to think anymore. He was a snake without fangs or so it seemed. Turning around to see that they were alone. He shook his head surprisingly he was calming himself both inside and out. "I'm not going to say anything else on the matter to you." He held his neck lightly. "but you were right, and so I will help you where I can, I owe you that much. For the moment I seem to be discarded."

Hana trembled against Hitoshi's chest. Something told her he was trying to lie to keep her from worrying ... but honestly that was beginning to matter less and less. Her head shook as she managed to stammer softly, "...I-infirmary ... both of us ..." She had been glad he'd made Yuu and Jin stop ... but it had still been humiliating to be found in such a position. She hoped - prayed - it'd never happen again, shame overwhelming her. Her head bowed as she managed to murmur weakly, "...T-thank you. I ... I'm sorry you had to see me ... like that ..... " A whimper left, followed by a shiver that trailed down her body and finally some tears that had paused for a bit resumed falling.

The poor boy was confused and shocked, and Auset couldn't overly blame him for either. She never could have begun to try to be in his place and dare encourage - aid out - with the Shadow Games and Realm existing. But ... she had definitely, in the past especially, made the mistake of trusting someone she had thought to be completely on her side and paid dearly for it. She gave a shaky nod to show she heard his words as she began leading both to the Ra Yellow Dorms.

She paused midway as she felt two sources .... so much pain, but alive. One with some shame added to it. "....Actually ..." She murmured softly, redirecting them to follow the sources, noting they were going to the Infirmary. "We both need those bites treated. Plus whomever is heading over to the infirmary .... has unfortunately been in their own Shadow Game. We ... can ..... see about maybe getting hints. Regardless of how, Shadow Games all need one thing in common; an item to activate them in the first place. I ... think I know Kenji's; but I haven't been able to prove it. The first step ... to ending this though ... is to figure out what it is that makes them begin at all."

Hitoshi held Hana against him, he could feel the strength he had gained from Athena starting to fade, and with it the pain of his body setting in to a dull roar, it would have been worse, but he was also starting to fall asleep, not because he wanted too, but simply because his body couldn't handle the stress. It was starting to give out and his breathing was slow match. "Sounds...good."

Hitoshi kissed Hana's cheek, as he slowly started to slide down and fall over. his eyes closing now that they were both out of danger the adrenaline had started wearing off and his body simply couldn't take it. "Your...safe now." With that his eyes finally closed and for a moment his body seemed to be still. That was until he started to snore. His chest rising and falling as he fell asleep.


Takumi bit his lip. He had been part of the plan, he knew how they accessed the shadow games, well how people like him did, people like Akane, and Kenji he didn't have a clue. But their were others that he knew of, but he said nothing. He didn't want to trust this woman, and she couldn't read his mind so there was nothing else to say on that matter.

He started to walk towards where he knew those two would be. "It would be Hana and Hitoshi your feeling. They lost and I can bet that they will be hard to move." As he lead her towards the closer area of where Hana would be the thought hit him rather suddenly. It wasn't regret but more of far more calculated fear. "If that girl has any energy left in her she won't be happy to see me again. She already threatened my life once... you can deal with her she probably won't want to deal with a man right now anyway."

"...Hitoshi?" His voice was becoming weak ... he was definitely losing consciousness. Hopefully it was only that. Her head quickly shook as she convinced herself it was only that. Laying another 'Athena' card on her duel disk, she gave a weak nod. "Help me get him back." She murmured softly, walking shakily beside Athena. Once the two arrived, she pulled the card off when he was on a bed. She would try to get some rest herself ... but not before getting some answers first.

He'd said he had fought a god but ... did he really? Gently resting a hand on his forehead, she murmured softly, "Sorry ... " before closing her eyes. Slowly, she began seeing the duel between Akane and Hitoshi ... and shivered. So ... she can do that? That ... that's horrible .... She bit on her lower lip, only turning as noise caught her ears.

By the time she turned, she saw Auset ... and ..... Takumi? She said nothing to the latter though did look over to the Egyptian. And as she did, her eyes widened. "What happened?!" She then saw Takumi had his own pair of neck bites and shivered. "If .... if I didn't know better, I'd swear a vampire bit you."

A weak smile crossed Auset's face as she nodded. "Actually ... that's basically what happened. Akane made her Vampire Lord manifest ... and drain us." Helping Takumi lie down first, she stumbled weakly over to Hana. Her head quickly shook no as she felt a lot of concern from gazing over at Takumi. "He.... he's not with them anymore. We both had our own Shadow Duel ... and it nearly turned out .... not so good."

Hana found it hard to believe anything was worse than being bitten. But .... she at least could trust Auset. Giving her a slow nod after a bit, she sat down beside Hitoshi, looking over to him with concern. "...Alright. Um ..." She stood up, trying to help her look for bandages. As she found some, she handed them over to the Egyptian. "Here. You ... you two need them more than me. I ... I'll live."

She had forgotten up until now how she barely had any clothes on due to her own duel. But she was too tired - mentally especially - to argue or worry about things. Lying down on a separate bed beside Hitoshi, she easily enough fell asleep. Auset followed suit but not before wrapping her own wound up and handing the bandages to Takumi. Maybe Isis would give her a hint on how to stop all of this in her sleep. But right now, she could barely think as it was. A low yawn left her lips and soon .... slumber overtook her.

Takumi was left the only person awake, physically he was drained from all that had happened, and yet he didn't want to sleep. part of him glanced at Hana the only cloathing she had were tatters and none of it hid her body particularly well. He sighed turning away and finnishing bandaging himself. It was odd but for the first time he felt alone, even as he was surrounded by people he was alone, and useless.

He shifted uncomfortably his body wanted sleep but he found it impossible to gain. any rest. He was the odd man out, he was the snake after all. He sighed physically he was drained but it was clear that he wasn't going to get any rest for now. His eyes drifted back to Auset, hana and even hitoshi... he could have killed them all, part of him wanted too, but it seemed that he was as trapped with them as he had been with Akane and kenji. he needed them if he wanted to stay alive, but he knew that he would be the first one they hung out to dry.

Hitoshi on the other hand was still out. His battle with Akane had made him compleatly unable to feel his limbs. they were probably much worse after he had to run to Hana's aid, but for the moment he was asleep and out of the pain. hours would pass without him moving, and as day turned to night the infermery had only a few more visits, but none of them were moved or awoken during that time.

Hana stayed relatively still as Hitoshi did. Before the slight nightmares of being raped by Yuu and Jin, that was. She woke up with a bit of a start, quickly glancing around. A sigh of relief left her as did a whimper. She pulled the covers tighter over her body, as if they could protect her despite being a more fragile item than her own body. It took her a while ... but she managed to convince herself to go back to sleep. You'd feel them .... they don't have anything like you do ... At least that was what she wanted to believe. With a last shiver trailing down her spine, she fell back asleep.

Auset had been ready to wake up from the intense feeling of fear. But a seemingly invisible hand pressed her down by her shoulders to make her lie back down. Her eyes had tried to open ... but they couldn't. It's me ... She heard in her mind before she could panic. Were anyone awake, they would have seen her anklet glowing a bit. The word was soft .... but it had left Auset's lips as she murmured it softly. "....Isis? What .... ?"

She knew this had to be important. Last time time happened was when she was given the anklet. You're going to need more help. Unfortunately .... there are no more items. So none of them can do it. However .... I can make what you have a bit stronger. It won't get rid of anything from the Shadow Realm ... but it will make it less.

"W-wait ... so ... I have to do this all by myself?!" She couldn't help but panic a bit. How would this work?! She couldn't even beat Kenji and he was no doubt one of the biggest sources. Even in her sleep, she shivered. The feeling of being held was soon felt, as if a mother was trying to comfort a distressed daughter. Like I said ... there are no more items that I could give any of the others. I wouldn't say completely alone. You do, after all, have allies.

Auset went still to think on her words, the anklet still glowing even after all the power had finished transferring into it. She knew the words were true .... but she had one who may be stuck in a wheelchair if the damage was bad enough for a while - or gods forbid - permanently. One had a history of being with the group who began this from the get-go and the other .. had been through more trauma than necessary. Just as Auset could sense emotions, Isis could definitely feel her own. You rest .... I will take care of the main concern Albeit forced, Auset felt herself forced back asleep.

Deciding to reveal herself, a figure much like Auset but darker skin appeared beside Auset. Her eyes turned to the still conscious Takumi. She first looked down to his wound and then up to him. "While it is true my main portfolio and concerns are with women ... I think I know something that will help you. Your own wake up call of sorts. You ... are more like Auset than you remember. Let me show you."

Without really waiting, she laid a hand upon his forehead. The two appeared and the scenery instantly spelled out Egypt, albeit around three to five thousand years ago. They were outside and gods was the sun hot. But what he was seeing was no mirage. In fact, if Takumi didn't know better, he'd swear he was looking right at .... himself? But Egyptian and younger in age.

Takumi shifted awkwardly watching as Hana awoke, he almost wanted to call out or say something, but he doubted the girl would say anything back to him, and in all honesty it was just for the better that he not interfere with that girl's life for the moment, part of him was still very scared about having a psionic blade shoved through him, and he knew that if it wouldn't be akane's doing it would most certainly be Her. He sighed he was an ordinary person stuck in a world of fantastical others... that was starting to get on his nerves.

He blinked for a moment seeing the bright light around Auset's ankle, he had a moment of realization, that must have been what saved them, she had some kind of item. He reached for his pda for a moment, his first thought being to report it, but then he stopped, he was no longer a part of that group. He sighed keeping his pda where it was, but being shocked when a woman almost like Auset but different cloned herself.

He just gave a heavy sigh laying back in his bed. "Freaks." was all he said as they were transported.

Takumi found himself feeling hot against the desert sun. He wanted to make a joke about he hadn't packed sunscreen, but his mouth wouldn't quite open. The version of him that was in front of him, was a guard of sorts at least thats what it looked like from here, he wore little but certainly carried himself as such, and he had the weapons to fit the description.

The boy walked along side a third version of Auset, and for a moment the real takumi just gave a bemused glare at Isis. "Really? you expect me to believe this?"

The anceant Takumi waved a hand dismissing a few people, and it was only then that Takumi got a look at the item around his wrist. He recognized immediately as the same bracelet that Kenji wore. "So why do you insist as dragging me into town with you? No offense Auset but we are rather too important to hang with the lower classes don't you agree? Besides... the temple is much nicer, and we are in the midst of a drought...so shouldn't you have work to do?"

Isis sighed softly as she crossed her arms across her chest. All deities had one thing in common; wrath. Some were just harder to get to that point than others and usually, Isis was one of the calmer goddesses. But she had, on occasion, been forced to remind others that she did know the feeling of anger. "Hush and listen. Know that you are like a ghost here ... thankfully. The past doesn't need to be altered with. So you can see everything perfectly ... but they can not see you. Likewise it will be useless to speak or touch anything else here." Those reasons alone had been one of the main reasons Isis was feeling rather confident about bringing the boy here; knowing he couldn't try to ruin anything.

As she caught sight of him looking at the bracelet, she gave him a soft smile. "I knew something would get your attention. Now just watch ... you would have been shown this one way or another. I'm doing this the much kinder route." In truth, she knew it wasn't even Isis herself whom was supposed to be doing this. But none of the other gods had been able to make a move ... so she took up the initiative. And what better timing then when something vital was happening?

The ancient Auset quickly shook her head no, giving a low sigh. "The people need us as much as Egypt does. Sometimes ... more than this country even. And ... this is still Seto-sama's test for me. He has asked me to prove myself to him.... after all he's done for me, do you dare expect me to disobey him?" The sand was the perfect excuse to hide the true reason crimson was painting across her cheeks. She would say it was but the heat ... but it was clear that was certainly not the only reason. She paused, going silent a while before adding a question of her own. "...Are you truly so bitter about your duties? If you want to head back, do so. But I can't ... not yet. I would rather do this alone than with someone who feels less than content with being by my side."

With that, she continued walking through the sand. As they arrived at an oasis, her crimson seemed to darken. But this time, it wasn't about thinking about Seto. Whether the ancient Takumi remained or not, she began to strip. A small - but still powerful all the same - waterfall was in the center. Setting her clothes carefully down, she began to walk towards the pouring water. Soon her entire body began to get drenched, every inch from head to toe wet.

Even as she remained standing under with the water constantly washing over her, both Takumis could see an aura of sorts begin to form around the ancient Auset. She looked confused for a few seconds ... which was quickly replaced by a content feeling. Even as she headed back to regain her clothes, a smile was on her face. "There ... now I can go to Seto-sama. Isis has given me her eternal protection ... I know exactly how to help Seto-sama now." She knelt down and began to reach for her clothes, not seeming to mind her body and hair were both still dripping wet.
Takumi that was the real takumi blinked and slightly sheilded his eyes as Auset started to strip. Had he really just been taken back in time to witness a peep show? if so... well it wasn't the worst use of time travel, but he had too admit it seemed a little redundant. He swallowed peeking through his hands, the other him didn't seem to say anything but rather he could see the other Takumi's face keep its form he hid everything, even from Auset, but Takumi knew his own tells subtle though they were he could tell that the other man was blushing under his armor of duty.

"I am your guard, it would be wrong of me to return without you Auset, and that's not fair." Takumi's hand reached down as she went to grab her cloathing and grasped her hand lightly, before pulling her close and away from the bundles. "You would honestly replace me with a goddess? Under those situations how could I not want you to disobey?"

The anceant Takumi brushed some of Ausets wet hair from her face before taking some of the wetness into his fingers and licking it as he stepped away. He gave her a smile and a wink. He had just commited several acts that had anyone witnessed would have put him to death, but instead gave only the slightest smile to them. "And I have to stay, after all an oases like this is probably teeming with snakes, and who would be here to protect you from them if not for me?"

The modern Takumi gave a nod towards Isis. "I get it now! this is a wet dream, I am unconscious, and when i wake up there is going to be a lot of awkward looks I will have to ignore." Of course he knew that wasn't the case, but he was still surprised by all of this, something felt wrong about it, there was no way of hiding that feeling, but it had an odd sense of familiarity.

His somber for a moment as a realization hits him, an ominous feeling as his eyes narrow a steady realization flashing through him. "It never ends well for me does it? Me and her, its happened before... possibly multiple times, and each time it ends with my death.... that was the other way id learn this wasn't it?"

"...Thank you." Her mouth had opened, beginning to insist she wasn't meaning to seem as if she were replacing him. But then her hand got grasped and she was guided away from her priest garbs. She gave a soft sigh as he stepped away. "....Takumi don't. I shouldn't even have to explain myself. I ... I appreciate you continued to remain beside me during this. But do not risk yourself by doing such foolish things. You know we can't ... not without blessings and consent. Neither have either of us gotten either ... " She added, sighing as she went back to her clothing, putting piece by piece on again.

Auset began leading the two both back to what the current Takumi could assume to be the Temple. It was clear, even though she didn't say it aloud, she was torn. She should report that as well upon returning ... but she cared enough to seriously contemplate not doing so, even if it would get her some form of punishment also. They were still heading back even as Takumi spoke up.

Isis .... sighed at his words. "....Foolish boy ... no. That is not what this is. Are you truly not seeing the hints? The bracelet that your former leader now wears ... are you not curious why you have it in here? This is far from done. We will not leave until I deem it." Her face saddened a bit at his last question. "....Actually .... " She paused, realizing this may not quite be her place to say. But he would eventually figure it out ... see .... maybe both.

Nodding to reassure herself of this, she went on to speak. Besides, he still couldn't do anything to alter this. "This doesn't end well for either of you, truth be told. And no ... the other way would have been your own god showing you this. However ... with him being associated with snakes, it wouldn't be as ... generous, for a lack of better wording. He probably would have just skipped right to the worst parts. I'm trying to show you the more vital parts in regards to this current situation ... the here and now. You have the ability to help Auset end all of this; you need to direly wake up though. More than that, you need to stop lying to yourself. Do you really want what happened to you and Auset not long ago to keep repeating among the rest of the campus?"

She allowed him to think her words over, glancing back in time to see Auset kneeling before Seto. It was small ... but there was a smile on the man's face. He turned around and handed her the anklet that she wore now. The atmosphere got tense as he asked if something else had been bothering her. Still, her head shook no quickly. "No ... no Seto-sama. I'm just taken aback a bit by this slightly." With a bow of her head, she left after being dismissed. It wasn't until she was out of earshot that she let out a sigh of relief.

"Do not make me lie to him again like that. I don't enjoy it ... but I will forgive you for the temporary lust earlier. Just .... please don't repeat that. Not without what you know we need." With that, she began heading to her quarters. Her clothes had dried up a bit ... but not fully and with the translucent clothes upon her, the more sensual parts of her body could still be easily seen.

The anceant Takumi gave a small bow to auset as she passed a small gulp of air as she passed him, for some reason he had almost thought she would have turned him in for his actions. He turned to Seto more to avoid staring at Ausets ass. He gave a dismissive pass to Seto choosing to walk past him, but felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Be careful of your motions snake. You are not from our order." Takumi simply gave a smile and a nod. Thou the modern could tell from the slight seizing in the back that this was a rather tense moment for his past. "Seto we both know who's house this is, the order of Mehen, has little say in your home. I am just an old friend guarding an old friend. When I stand here, I am at your service."

"Then see it remains that way." Seto released him and Takumi was left alone giving a back way glare as he turned and walked away.

The tension remained high as the modern Takumi dropped to his knees slightly breathless. It was like watching his own life be threatened, and oddly it wasn't something he was used too. "I won't say im sorry, I don't even think I am. I honestly believed in what they offered me, and I worked towards their goals because they gave me a purpose."

His voice was shaking slightly a lot had happened to break the barriers he had so carefully constructed. "I am not lying to myself, they lied to me, and even then what can I do? I am regular person. I have to use their rituals and magic if I wanted to invoke the shadow games, and those all have flaws."

Time seemed to fade the scene changing from one of a hot day, to a much colder night as the world melted around them. The other Takumi was standing on a balcony looking in to an elegant room. far too elegant for even a priestess of Auset's nature. "Your master keeping you on a tight leash I see. Tell me how many other priestesses get a room with a view, so close to the high priests room?"

"....So you are really going to just accept this? You are smart ... you can figure something out, I'm sure. You do not need abilities to be able to aid out. Sometimes, all it takes is a shove in the right direction. Consider this trip of sorts exactly what I'm giving you. If by the end of it all you still are adamant ... so be it. At least ... I tried." She wouldn't like it ... but she would keep true to her word. As the scene shifted, her sad smile widened slightly as she silently watched.

Auset's hair was now dry but slightly messy. She was in the midst of brushing it out to help get it smooth and free of tangles. A low chuckle left her lips as her head bowed quickly. "I ... suppose in a way he does. I know not why though. I started out a mere slave to him; I'm not honestly sure what he sees in me." She paused, staring at her own reflection and a bit of Takumi's from the mirror. Though with him being more near the balcony, she couldn't see all of him.

She remained silent for quite a while, turning finally as she finished brushing her hair out. "Do you see something in me I'm missing?" Even though that had been the question she chose to let leave her lips, her eyes suggested there was something else bothering her. Something she didn't wish to bring up. Sitting upon the edge of her bed, her eyes glanced to Takumi then outside to the night sky while awaiting his answer.

If Takumi - either of them - could hear Auset's thoughts, they would know she was worried. It had been a few days since Isis had allowed the annual flood to happen. The drought was over. But in her heart .... she feared, no, knew that was but the least of their worries. Something major ... is going to happen. Isis has tried to warn me in my dreams lately .... but what do I say? Who do I tell? She knew Seto wouldn't hear of it; even now he wasn't overly fond of omens or things of the like. Why would he believe in something as simple as a mere premonition? And with her not quite being as high as Seto in position, she hadn't been able to tell the Pharaoh yet; but she had wanted to.

The ancient Takumi heard her question and smiled. It was a moment that the modern Takumi took at a blindside he saw himself truly smiling one that came with ease instead of practice, and it almost caused him to loose track of his answer to Isis, in fact that act alone shut Takumi up.

"Lets see I have known you most of my life, so what is it I see when I look at you?" The ancient Takumi spoke as he looked at her. "Im surprised you have to ask me that, but ill indulge."

He took several steps forward watching her as he came up with his answers, he sat down comfortably on Ausets bed. "When I look at you, I see a beautiful young woman, powerful and intelligent, I see the woman I am forced to guard, who by the way drives me crazy, but also a woman I have come to love and respect, and frankly I don't know what grumpy old Seto thinks, in fact I rarely care, but I do know that he made a good choice in having you around."

The modern Takumi nearly gagged. "Hopeless romantic by the sound of it." He said with a rather venomous roll of his eyes. "So if this is my wake up call, Does Auset already know all of this... not that one, but mine, i mean."[/cololr] He put his face in his hand breathing looking at Isis, and giving a heavy shrug. "Why are their are 3 of you?"

"Well ... I started out as nothing but property for a while. And with how long I had to work my way up ... " She stopped, her head lowering as the word echoed in her mind. ... Love? Then ... at the oasis he ... Her stomach turned as she began realizing that hadn't been temporary lust that made him touch her so sensually. No that ... had been genuine, sincere. She hated herself even more. Had he not seen hints she saw him as only a friend for now? But worse than that .... it was where her eyes had been, even if it seemed foolish.

Her gaze remained down a bit as she stood and leaned gently against the balcony. "I ... think you're spoiling me a bit too much. I wouldn't say I'm that powerful. I know my slave days have been done for a while. But ... I can't help but feel as if I were still just that. And ... because of that ... " Her head shook no as she looked out to the stars. "I ... I do appreciate all you've done and said but .... I don't feel worthy enough to return the emotions. Please ... don't hate me for it."

Isis's hand tilted slightly. "Admittingly, she doesn't know all of this. Well ... the 'modern' side that you do anyways. The one who is lying in the bed in the real world? Yes ... she does. So I suppose it depends on whom you speak of - or which one rather. Her ... 'ancient' side has not been sure how to tell her this, really." She looked down to him a bit before over to the scene as she began explaining. "There is the Auset you first met, the one you recently met ... her 'ancient' side as it were. This ... is merely a flashback. I'm not sure I'd count it as her third. Myself ... well, all deities have a form."

As her eyes looked back up, she saw Auset still leaning against the balcony but doing so with her back to it, her eyes gazing in concern to the ancient Takumi. "I ... don't think it's even really possible for me to get consent, moreover. With the caste system and all ... I ... " Her head shook lightly. "...doubt it would ever be allowed." She murmured softly, sadly even. "I can't just ... go against it. You understand that ... right?" It was clear that even though she was being calm and using logic, she was anxious. It was enough of a suggestion that even the 'ancient' Takumi may have, at times, a temper of sorts; one that made her seem worried enough to try to choose her words carefully.
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