A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

As his hands pulled away for a bit, she had expected him to realize his mistake and shove her away. Instead, he pulled her closer. She stared up in astonishment, barely able to believe what she was even hearing. " ... I ... " Continuing to gaze right into his eyes for the longest time, she finally managed a small smile. "...doubt I deserve this; at all. But ... " Her head rested on his shoulder as she exhaled deeply, closing her eyes to think it over. Knowing his feelings had been much more genuine than Takumi's was making this easier. Her sins, however, weren't leaving her alone; nor would they it felt like.

After a lot of silent contemplation, she nodded. "You obviously believe me worthy enough to allow another shot." Her eyes opened again as she moved fingers gently through his hair. "...T-thank you." Swallowing nervously, she leaned closer. Her heart raced and the hesitation lasted only for a bit before she kissed him deeply, her arms gently wrapping around his neck.

A light wince left as her nipples began moving across the floor. It wasn't the worst possible surface ... but it was not the most gentle one either. Panting and wincing, she continued squeezing around Kenji, her hips moving back faster. "T-thank you .. Kenji-sama ... ohhh...." Even with his words, her mind hadn't really bothered to think about them. Not until she felt her ass cheeks being spread.

...Wait is ... is he ... ? A cry of mixed agony and pleasure left. True it was - thankfully - only a finger; but she hadn't expected it. Even her rear was about as tight as her cunt, maybe a bit more. Her panting and breathing got even harder and even with the slight discomfort, she still fucked back against. Whether it had been from the double penetration innuendo of sorts or something else, it had definitely helped Akane get even more turned on. She was close ... about as much as Kenji was to hitting her peak.

Wake up! A low groan left from the Egyptian's lips. It was Isis; that she knew for sure. The Goddess had always watched over her as long as she could recall. But sometimes, she wished the deity would leave her alone. Wake up! Even in her sleep, Auset managed to murmur a weak "Why?" as a retort. She hadn't given Hana all of her abilities; but most of them. She still had enough, however, to feel anger -- lots of it. She had begun to ignore it, until she could feel it getting closer ... towards ... her?

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. By the time they finished adjusting, she scoffed. "What do you want, Hebi?" She murmured, standing slowly up. Just the look in his eyes ... suggested talking might not have been the thing Auset should have done. No, she needed to run. Something was more off about the boy than usual. Not waiting for an answer, she broke off in a run, trying to dart by him.

Hitoshi's eyes widened as she kissed him so passionately. she had been through a lot, but at the same time he hadn't expected her to move so quickly with him, feeling her tongue inside his mouth he quickly found himself returning her kiss. his arms holding her body close as she kissed him. His mind blacking out of rational thought picked up into a small whirlwind of happiness. He pulled Hana closer, for a moment but then pushed her down lightly resting his body on top of her as he stretched out laying her out on the ground as they kissed.

The light filtered softly through the tree's the island winds were warm around them, and the garden had light about it, it was a secluded grove away from the dorms and the school, birds and other such sounds of the forest could be heard around them. He pulled away from her with a smile "Your welcome."


Hearing Akane's cries he pressed her down harder with his finger while pressing against her pussy with his cock penetrating her both ways and moving them in tandem as he heard Akane's heavy moans he was enjoying this too as he pressed his cock in deeper too her body. playing with her ass he extracted his finger only for a moment as he stuck both his index and middle finger in her to further stretch her body and penetrate her a little harder.

Finally he let out a hard sigh of pleasure as his penis twitched inside her releasing a load of thick cum into her body, he gave her no warning, and he continued to thrust through his orgasm assuring that every drop went into her pussy.


Takumi breathed seeing her try to run past him, he didn't even care, his hand and foot caught her as she tried to run his foot slamming against her ankle, and his arm hooking around the woman's neck as he went to throw her to the ground. His eyes twitched as he looked at her part of his true darker nature showing as he did it. He glared at her as he shut the door behind him.

"What I want is answers, and you are going to give them to me." He said walking up to her. and stepping on her stomach. To date no one had been able to read his mind, what ever she had done it wasn't purely psychic, and he was about to learn what it was.

Slowly and gently, she felt herself guided onto her back while remaining in the embrace and kiss. Even when he pulled away, she kept herself close to Hitoshi's body. Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensation of everything, especially being forgiven. It'd take time ... but already the start and progress she was making was very nice. Carefully guiding them both to their sides, she let her head rest against his chest. A light frown crossed her lips as she was reminded she would need to figure something out regarding where she would sleep tonight. "Um .... Hitoshi? I know I'm not technically a Slifer but .... do you think any of the others would care if I snuck over there? At least for tonight until I can get something permanently figured out. I ... don't really feel safe going back to Yellow though." In fact, not but seconds after she spoke those words, she felt for a few seconds .... desperation and anger. She looked over ... but before she could fully trace anything of it, everything had faded.

A loud wince left as she felt one finger become two. "Fuck sakes ...." She groaned, her body trembling harder. If he had meant to find and hit her g-spots, he had done his job. But what'd really taken her aback was he had done so in both holes. Biting down on her arm again to keep her scream of pleasure muffled as she came, her eyes widened. "Kenji! What ... why ...?!" Terror swept over Akane as he came in her. "But .. but ... what if ...?!" She felt herself shudder. Getting pregnant at the Academy ... scared her. Knowing whom the father would be ... made it a bit more nerve-wracking. Still, she didn't dare try to pull away even as they both reached their peaks.

Her hands went up to her throat, keeping them from constricting too tightly. With an "Ngh .... ", she found herself on her floor. A wince left as his foot rested upon her stomach. She shot a glare up as she looked right into Takumi's eyes. "I ... owe you ... no such thing ...." She managed to get out in between heavy breaths and winces. Once her body began to register how much more annoying it was becoming to breathe, it made her instincts kick in faster. Her hands went from to her sides to upon his foot as she tried to move it away and off. The last thing she'd dare want was something being badly wounded, namely a lung, or anything that would make breathing more difficult for her.

Hitoshi nodded rolling off of her he smiled sitting up. He undid his jacket taking it off he was wearing a whit T-shirt underneath the red jacket which he tossed to Hana. "Put this on, and we will hide your jacket here. when night falls we will walk up into my room. It's a boys uniform, but its also bigger then what your used too so it should cover up your breasts... if we go at night we should have a good chance of not being caught. I am a second year so people will just recognize me, and ill say that I was just walking back from the washrooms."

He gave a small shiver to the island breeze Slifer was much closer to ocean then any of the other dorms, and tended to have a colder draft, but even so it was a warm day. It wouldn't be as warm when the sun went down, but he wouldn't complain. He smiled to her lightly. "Hope you don't mind bugs. If you ever heard a rumor about the red dorm... it's probably true."


Kenji smiled as he slowly retracted his cock after feeling her orgasm, he breathed hearing her words but only gave a slight shrug. "My body won't work in that way." was all he said to alleviate her fears on the subject. Walking around her body he pulled on Akane's hair and brought her face level to his still standing cock. "Now if you will be so kind as to clean your mess from my body." He spoke with a satisfied smile as he looked down at Akane's face.


Takumi had to disagree, and he shook his head simply having enough to deal with on the subject. Feeling he hands against his foot, He kicked her hard in the side with a narrowed shoe, and laughed lightly as he did it. "Oh you owe me plenty." he said bending down lower to her he grabbed her arm and hand cuffed her to him. shaking his wrist to show that they were locked together. "So why don't we go take a walk together, so we can have a nice... long... conversation" His eyes were on the side of crazy as he stared at her intense hate emminating from her.

"I had one job, watch a bitch, and push her towards Akane, and myself. And you fucked it up... So now i got to save my own head, and your gonna be how I do it."

"..Y-you sure?" But by the time she had finished asking, his jacket was off. Deciding she may as well ensure the jacket would hide her breasts well enough, she put it over her yellow one and zipped it up. It definitely, if nothing else, kept her warm from the chilly air. This felt so weird ... but not in a bad way. More like a .. 'first time' sort of experience. Her hair was easy enough to figure; some guys did let theirs grow as long as hers was. "Well .... alright. I guess I'll let you do the talking then with that being the main thing that would otherwise suggest I'm definitely not a male."

Her head shook no as she looked up to him, smiling. "No I don't, though even if I did ... you're giving me too much. I don't really have much a right to complain." Pressing another kiss to his lips, she panicked as she pulled away. "....Crap!" She pulled slowly at her skirt, looking nervously up to Hitoshi. "..How .. do we explain that?"

Won't work in that way? She understood what he meant; it was just interesting to hear it worded in that manner. A wince left as she found herself glaring up into Kenji's crimson eyes. "....The pulling was not needed you know?" She murmured lowly in annoyance. Still, she moved closer. Her mouth opened as she began cleaning him off, making sure to get every drop off.

Her hands grabbed at her side, wincing from the impact. As her right got taken, she had expected ... something more violent to happen to it. Maybe the threatening of it getting twisted or worse. Instead, cold metal wrapped around it, making her quickly look up. "...W...what the?!" Gods he really was as insane as he had looked. Did he even have a key?! Had he thought at all about this?!

Her head shook no adamantly. "No ... I ... don't! And more than me, it sounds like you need a psychiatrist if you're becoming this insane so fast. I'm many things; a shrink, however, is not one." Her head turned in annoyance as she went silent, her arms ready to shield herself if needed.

Hitoshi blinked feeling the kiss and seeing her in red, he honestly thought she would have looked good in the red uniform, and even looking like a male she was still rather cute, but only because he knew that under so many layers she was still a she.

Hitoshi almost hit his head when she lifted up her skirt slightly. Getting up he waved a hand. "Wait right here ill be back with a solution." he said quickly he limped towards his dorm and room making his way as fast and as he could. breathing heavily it took a few minutes for him to return a small bag around his back as he walked back towards the garden.

"This... should... do... it." he said tossing her the bag, a pair of pants and a belt inside the bag. He was breathing heavily from the running He leaned back against the tree. he held his chest awkwardly feeling his heart jumping inside his body he was holding the scar that she had inflicted him the first time, the finer hairs of his body standing on edge from a mix of the cold and pain.


Feeling Akane's mouth cleaning his cock he smiled as her tongue sent shivers up his spine. He slowly started to push more of his cock into her mouth enjoying the oral contact, pushing and pulling her head by the hair he was holding with the back of her head. "unnecessary but still so much fun." he said with a small sigh of pleasure his cock re hardening from the warmth of her mouth. He looked down at Akane his red eyes focused on her body. As she was still on her hands and knees she was cute this way.

"I think next time ill bring a friend. Or at least some toys for you to play with." he commented nonchalantly at the possibility of a tag team or other devices designed to torture her in one way or another, but also very much confirming that this was just a first time for her.


Takumi snarled at Auset hearing her defy him yet again. he pulled on arm he had handcuffed to him pulling her up from the ground as he stepped behind her. pulling the arm up and behind her back. "If you screamed too much here it would just gain the attention of others, so as i said were going for a walk." As je spoke he twisted her wrist and pushed her towards the window of her room. they were on the first floor of the Ra dorm, so opening it was easy enough as he shoved her towards the outside.

"I don't need a shrink, I need you to shut up and walk."

A sigh left as Hana noticed the limp. It had been reasons like that which she was mainly referring to when asking him if he would be ready. If he got matched up with Akane ... she would not hold back. She would hurt him with all she had, moreso if he really did beat her earlier. She blushed at the pair of pants that got tossed at her. "You ... I ... " Her head shook lightly as she smiled. "Thank you. Um ..." She glanced down at them for a bit then stood up.

Deciding that she'd merely wear them over the skirt for now, she slipped into them. The belt definitely helped them remain around her waist, otherwise they were easily way too big. Looking back up to Hitoshi, a concerned look crossed her face. "... Maybe ... we should head back to your room so you can rest and recover a bit more. It's obvious your body isn't done and ... you're going to need all your strength for the tournament." Also, she was very nervous on the mere fact of this plan working; she wanted to get the more difficult parts out of the way sooner as opposed to later.

Low growls of frustration left as he continued gripping her hair. Her patience was really dwindling and the fact she had been having tons of mixed emotions since he took her innocence away made her usual ability to think much more difficult. Her eyes closed quickly at the hint, a shiver trailing down her back. Her head shook no as she finished cleaning him off, panting. "That ... won't be necessary, Kenji-sama. That first victory ... will be Hitoshi's last one. I will make certain of it."

"...Son of a ... urgh!" She bit down on her lower lip quickly, wincing at the hammerlock. Her head lowered as she thought over his logic and realized, regrettably, he was right. She knew she had gotten herself into this mess and she did not intend to get others involved. She decided to do half of his request and it began to show as she voluntarily moved her muscles, helping herself climb out the window. She would walk ... but not talk as he'd asked. Even while waiting for him to get beside her, she turned her head away, remaining still. ".... Yes, you do. Some sort of professional; maybe an anger management expert. Regardless, it's not my fault if you have a weak enough will that I could expose to Hana." With that, she went quiet and allowed herself to be led.

Hitoshi blushed when she put the pants on over the skirt, the secret image he had held of seeing her take off at least some of her clothing in front of him, making him turn his head away in a slight nod of disappointment. He did his best to stand up hearing that she wanted to get to his room as soon as possible. "Your right. I do need to recover." He said standing on his own. He tried his best to shurg off any actual pain he was feeling.

He disliked that he was having trouble moving, but he was sure that over time his body would loosen up, and he would be able to move without that, for now however his injuries were just a little too fresh, he still had some bruises from his and hana's last encounter so clearly not everything had healed yet. "Remember don't speak to anyone, and." he paused thinking about what would happen if she needed to use the washroom, or take a shower. Deciding that was a bridge neither of them needed to cross right now he just shook his head and started walking confidently towards his room, he wasn't holding Hana's hand for obvious reasons as they approached the Slifer dorm.


Kenji smiled and patted Akane's head releasing her hair and putting away his cock satisfied as he was he leaned down lifting her chin and pulling her up slightly bringing her eyes to his crimson eyes, he stared at her for a few seconds. "See that it is, my dear Akane-chan. I would so hate to have you seriously hurt in the future."

He pressed his lips against Akane's stealing a kiss before he walked away from her. "Don't forget that we will be watching Akane-chan. You are one of us, and that means their is nothing off limits, and no where you could hide or run." he said opening her door and leaving shutting it behind him.


Takumi held her arm hammer locked pushing her into the woods. their was one place he knew that he could take her. As she spoke about his will he slapped the back of her head. "Your a dumb bitch if you honestly think that. I don't know what you did, but no psychic has ever been able to read my mind, and soon as I have found a way to make you talk... Ill have myself protected against what ever the hell it is you do."

He lead her deep into the forest far from the other dorms, as he walked his eyes darted around the room, his anger was starting to subside, or rather be pushed back, and a front line of fear was starting to show, and as with anything else he didn't bother to hide it.

Watching him stand with concerned eyes, she also noted ... he was blushing? It had definitely tempted her to read his mind to figure out why; but decided against it. He had a long day it had sounded like and it would only get moreso soon enough. Holding her wrists behind her back, she began silently following him back. He hadn't needed to tell her to keep quiet, she had no intentions of talking to the others. While she still did have time though she murmured softly, "Thank you ...", going silent once again.

Akane's hand quickly rubbed her scalp, rubbing away any remaining bits of pain from his grip. As he forced his lips upon hers, her head quickly lowered again. Even if the reason for it had been selfish and different, it had still been from Kenji. Ergo, it made her blush. She was confused ... tormented. Part of her had enjoyed what had just finished and the other ... hated it. Tossing her jacket back on to hide her still rather erect nipples, she buried her head in one of her pillows, muffling a mix of a frustrated groan and scream. Letting her vent, she turned her head.

Gods what am I thinking?! Admitting?! Am I going mad?! She shivered at her emotions messing with her, a sigh leaving. She would ponder on it more. Her eyes closed as she relaxed. After they stayed shut for a few minutes, she fell back asleep, the covers hiding her half-nude body.

A chuckle left at the word 'Psychic'. Though Empaths and Psychics were very similar; there was a huge difference. One that made enough to chuckle at his error. A smirk crossed as the fear began dominating the boy more than his anger. "...Be honest with yourself; you barely know what you're doing. True or false? Seriously though, how prepared were you for this? What do you intend to do after I fail to give you what you want after a certain amount of hours? It's been getting cold through the nights ... are you really intending of remaining outside while waiting for an answer, risking your safety? We both have classes and, as I've been informed, a tournament soon. Are you really going to risk missing those?"

Pausing to let her words sink in, she then continued after a bit. "I think you seriously need to stop and reconsider what you're doing ... or trying to. In the end, there is no way you're going to get away with any of this though. That much is certain." Going quiet once again, she found herself rather deep in the forest. Light winces did leave from the hammerlock ... but at the moment, the boy was amusing her more than terrifying her. Her pain wasn't nearly as huge of an emotion dominating her. At the moment, she had no reason to let that take over. He only seemed to give her incentives to laugh and smirk at him.

Trying To sneak into his own dorm room with an extra person was an odd feeling. He was assigned his own room for a multitude of reasons, and he was almost sure that sneaking a Ra yellow into their dorm was not one of them. Walking up the stairs to his dorm another student walked outside passing them by he gave a wave. "Hay Hitoshi where are you going? dinner's about to be served. You and the new kid had better hurry or you won't eat!"

Hitoshi swallowed well that was going to be a pain in the ass. He didn't have a spare Red jacket, and if he brought Hana into the same room with all the Red's men and women, and the teachers around them, she was bound to be found out. The student however didn't wait for a responce grabbing their hands he started pulling them towards the meeting room for the red dorm.


Takumi smiled as she asked just how far he had thought this out. "Oh thats right your new to the island so you don't know much, allow me to enlighten you... students who venture into these woods don't often return." His fear eased away as he recognized a land mark and continued pulling her into the forest. "Everything from evil spirits, to a masked killer has been blamed but the truth is we just needed a place to set up.. and i garenty your gonna love this bit."

Stepping out into a grove the old building looked like it should have been torn down years ago, its windows were boarded and the outside looked like no one had lived here for months. the gate however opened as they approached. "Long ago this was a fourth dorm, students disapeared however and it was deemed unsafe... history has a way of repeating its self." he pushed her up against the door as he gave a smile. "Welcome to your new home... as for your absence... you just arrived. to early to make any good friends, and your classes well Akane is good with a piece of paper and a pen... you won't be missed any time soon."

Her face couldn't help but pale a bit as one of the other Reds not only found but informed them it was dinner time. She supposed she should have thought on that. It had been somewhat late and with how late they had remained together. Baka, baka, baka ... She felt like an idiot even though she wasn't really. A slightly panicked look crossed her face as she looked to Hitoshi but then ... she felt herself and him getting dragged. Swallowing nervously, she had another reason she would stay silent; one that hopefully Hitoshi could think of. That was when an idea came to her.

Closing her eyes, she established a telepathic link with Hitoshi. Sorry in advance but this is the easiest way to talk without me doing so. Tell them I'm mute or something; a reason why I can remain silent. She hoped that hadn't startled him too much ... but with how desperate this just got, she had to do this.

Auset remained silent to listen to Takumi's words. She had only heard of the forest having a reputation for students fading away though nothing more. How, why ... none of that had been heard; mainly because, as he said, no one knew. A light wince left as she was shoved against the door. Her own smirk widened as she shook her head no. "That last part .. is not necessarily true. You forget ... there is at least one person if not two who will notice. I'll give you one day to get away with this, two at most. But after that?" Her head shook no. "It may take more than two to find me but not to notice. Besides ... you don't scare me. All I need to do is bide my time and wait. That I can afford. Can you though? With what you're attempting ... I doubt. The more time you waste, the more likely things are going to get ruined - again - for you." With that, she closed her eyes and crossed her hands in front of her jacket.

Hitoshi blinked feeling Hana's voice in his head, which started a chain reaction of trying to cover up his last five minutes of thinking everything from the small hope of her having had to change her skirt in front of him, to their first kiss and the intense emotions and happynes that moment had brought him, which of course brought all of those thoughts to the forfront of his mind for Hana to see and read his blush ever apparent on his face thankful that the man in front of them wasn't paying attention to them. N-no f-f-fair! your not supposed to be inside my head! this is supposed to be the one place I can have thoughts!

Stuttering for a second as they were pushed inside the room with all of the other slifer reds. most of which turned. "Hay hitoshi who's the new guy!" Hitoshi coughed smiling for a moment still a little red as if he had been caught doing something naughty (which he had) "He's new, and also mute. I've been assigned to... show him around the dorm, His name is... Lee" Hitoshi was never a good liar, and watching him come up with information on the fly was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.


Takumi smiled opening the door and pushing her into the dusty hallway. this place was large and echo's carried as he pushed inside. "Wrong again my new friend. You see your friends Hitoshi and Hana are already on the watch list. come the school duels do you really think Hitoshi's broken body will last? and as for Hana... its a shame we always hate loosing new talent, but in three days time its the school duel... they won't live long."

Taking out a key he unlocked his wrist from hers giving her a hard shove to the ground as he held her hands forcing her onto her knee's as he locked her to an old bed frame. "As for you... you have no idea the kind of tortures we can put into your body." His eyes almost glowed as he spoke.

I ... I couldn't think of anything else! She inwardly sighed at the choice of name but didn't show it on her face. Her head bowed politely among the other Slifers. As she heard a certain thought repeat, she blinked a few times. W...wait a sec. You ... were hoping I'd ... take my skirt off in front of you? Hitoshi-kun ... Were it not for the fact she was in front of others, she would have given in and blushed in front of them. But she used every ounce of will power to keep that hidden away.

Auset bit down on her lower lip, exhaling through her nose. It was true that Takumi's body was in horrid shape. Honestly, she was amazed he had been able to stand well enough to run away from Kenji as well as he had. Hana though .... maybe she could figure something out. Just because she was on the 'watch list' meant nothing. Not immediately anyways. If she could control herself well enough, she may be able to conceal herself while simultaneously looking for her.

But ... how long would that even last? And how well? A rough shove made her snap out of her thoughts as she felt herself cuffed to the bed. Well at least she had one wrist free ... that was somewhat of a good thing she supposed. Even with the look in his eyes, she kept a strong face on as her head shook no. "... Torture has no guarantees. If anything that can sometimes make a person's resolve to not talk stronger." Oh she was nervous ... and very glad he couldn't sense it like she could. But still ... it was definitely there; just not in her eyes where it could be easily seen.

Hitoshi flushed even reder as she sent him more of her thoughts, even her mental voice sounded embarassed at the idea. Baka! why did I have to think about that, whats next confessing that you saw her panties during your first duel! He blinked having just confessed it any way. his face growing even redder as his subconcious pulled up the mental image that he remembered of the wind from an attack whipping up her skirt for a few seconds.

Wait!... damn it... Hana-chan this isn't fair! Breathing as he took a seat his face failing to hide any of the blush that had taken over he fanned himself. "Is it hot in here or is it just me?"


Takumi calmed himself stepping out of the room that she was locked into he stepped outside turning back only for a short moment to taunt her. "We will talk a little soon first I have to make a phone call or two, but once I return... we are gonna sit down for a nice long chat you and me."

Takumi walked away from the door pulling out his PDA he sent a message to Akane, she was his direct supperior and would need to know the extend of his own short commings, but at least he had some good to report.

Akane-Sama: We lost Hana, a crazy Egyptian girl, and Hitoshi broke into my room as I was about to take advantage of her... any way, im at the 4th dorm, and I have the Egyptian.


...You .. what? She had to bite down on her lower lip to keep from chuckling. With every passing second, she was finding it very hard to keep from blushing. She gave a silent nod as she also fanned her face; though the two jackets covering her body were also not helping along with all she was finding out from Hitoshi's mind.

A growl left Akane's lips as her PDA rang. Rubbing her eyes, she looked down to see it from Takumi. A low chuckle left as she re-read the message a few times before replying back to him.

Oh? She's rather strong as a duelist. I know exactly whom you speak of. She beat Kenji-sama and .... I just finished enduring punishment from that. At any rate, why do you have her? What good will it do for us? And more importantly, why did you do any of this without my consent?


An annoyed sigh left the Blue's lips as she sat up though remained in her bed. Now that she had something to focus on, she found herself very much awake. Setting her PDA down, she grabbed her jeans and put them back on. Something told her she may have to go meet up with him .... she would do so in a decent manner. Grabbing a vial of perfume, she sprayed herself to conceal the odors that would have given away what she had finished enduring for 'punishment'.

Auset looked to her cuffs the second Takumi left. After moving her hand around as much as possible without twisting, spraining, or breaking it she sighed in annoyance. The floor was cold ... and it was making her shiver. Deciding that even if it was old, the bed was definitely better, she sat upon it. By now, whatever amounts of her powers she had given to Hana had probably worn off. Worse off, she would need to be in front of her to give her more. A slightly trembling hand moved some of her light brown hair behind her ears, she sent up silent prayers to Isis. Don't fully leave me. You haven't once ... please help me get through this ... She grabbed her hand, trying to keep it as stable as possible while waiting for Takumi to return.

Hitoshi stared down at the table as the food was brought out taking his plate and a plate for Hana he tried his best to not think, which lasted for about five seconds as he sat next to Hana. Sorry, but its not like I was trying to look... I was trying to look when we were walking in the forest the first day we met. There was suddenly a loud audaible smash as Hitoshi's head hit the table some how attracting more attention. Can you... please get out of my head... I didn't want you to know just how bad I am at keeping these thoughts down.

Part of Hitoshi knew that he was just the standard sixteen year old virgin, his body was constantly telling him that women were attractive and that he wanted what Hana could offer, it was in his nature, but due to just how lonely he always was, and hitoshi was almost always alone. He sighed taking up some food the blush fadding from his face as he started eating, and more somber sober state came over him.


Takumi blinked looking down at the message this woman had beat Kenji? that was just... he shook his head. he knew he would need to respond to the rest of Akane's message, but he didn't know how to answer any of it.

Akane-sama: She did something to hana, no one had ever been able to read my mind, not even you, and what she did to hana exposed me, what ever she is, she is a definite threat, i took only the actions I needed to take her down. As for what I will do with her... that part im still working on."

He didn't know what akane would have done with the girl, hell part of him wanted to know what was going to be done with him, but at the same time, he knew that he was going to have to find a way to make her talk. she was adamant about not giving away anything under torture, but he was sure that they could and would crack her.

Her head shook as Hitoshi felt the connection broken off. Just the facial expression alone suggested sorrow ... and she wanted to speak more on it later. For now, she needed to focus on getting through this sneaking in tactic, per se. Bowing her head in appreciation, she began to slowly eat. Maybe it had been because she had been raised to appreciate most of everything in life but to Hana ... this hadn't been as bad as the rumors or Hitoshi had said. Itadekimasu ... Glancing over with concern every now and again, she focused mainly on her food more than anything.

Pausing to think on a proper response to this, she nodded with a scoff. "Tch, well no shit she's a threat. It's why I asked Kenji-sama for help ..." She murmured softly. It didn't take much longer than that reminder for her to know what to reply back though.

Even before she dueled Kenji, I could feel she was definitely a threat. Oh? Did she now? I did get a feeling of sorts off her. She ... is similar to a Psychic but not at the same time. I couldn't pinpoint it ... but there was definitely something. Well ... start working on the figuring out then. I will begin getting preparations to ensure she remains 'missing'.

And with that, she laid back down though remained conscious just in case. She hoped he could figure something out and not need her. But ... just in case ... she remained conscious.

While waiting, Auset looked around and ... couldn't help but wonder if the word 'torture' had only been meant to scare her. There appeared to be nothing that could even begin to work with that. Psychological could only do so much. Her head quickly shook as she calmed herself, closing her eyes as she lied down on the bed. No sense in over-thinking on it. Stay focused ... calm. He can't do anything too drastic anyways. You're no good to him dead after all.... Nodding to reassure herself of this, she continued taking steady breaths through her nose.

Hitoshi sighed finishing his meal. and giving a small bow as he finnished. He sighed this was almost over, now all they had too do was get back to his room, and they could be done this dangerous ploy. He waited for Hana to finnish before standing up. "Well I am gonna turn in early! with my mute friend here! lots of sleep needed to heal my leg and body." He announced his intentions loudly as if saying it louder made it more true. He gave a fake amount of laughter as he limped towards the door. Using Hana as an akward weight to help him walk, his body seizing up slightly from having sat cross legged for so long.

Their was a short run to his room where he tossed Hana in and shut the door, locking it as he fell back against it his body He pressed a hand against his face. His face was red with humiliation. "My mind... isn't supposed to be exposed like that..." Part of him knew that Hana had too do it, but he still felt humiliated by it. Part of him felt like he had just been taken advantage of, a thought that gave him a cold shiver.


Takumi sighed thinking of what he would need to do to get the girl to talk. Regaining his sane composure he sighed opening the door and returning to the room to see Auset make her self comfortable on the bed. He licked his lips as he walked through the room. "Well it seems you will be staying with us for some time. Now lets start at the basics. Why did you come to this island?"

Takumi smiled his composure was regained and he looked calm on the surfice, but underneath he was nervous. Akane had given him the order to figgure out how to make her talk, which meant that he was flying solo for once, and now he was going to start it off.

Once Hana finished, she more than eagerly stood up; though not so fast her breasts would try to bounce under the two jackets. Bowing her head first to the others, she let Hitoshi use her to keep himself from falling over. Once the door closed, she wasted no more time. A sigh of relief followed by some slightly heavy pants left as she tossed both jackets quickly off. "Thank gods ..." She murmured, wiping a few beads of sweat off from her forehead. The pants were definitely off next and soon she was only in her blouse and skirt. Her head lowered in a bit of shame.

"S-sorry. Really, I am. But if I hadn't done that would you honestly have thought of the mute excuse?" Even when she spoke, she made sure to keep her voice soft to avoid being heard by anyone else. Even with fanning her face and having taken off the jackets, she was still warm. Her cheeks got more crimson as her head turned. "...S-s-sumimasen but ... it really is warm in here .... " And with that, she tossed her blouse off, now only in her shoes, socks, bra, panties and skirt.

Her head quickly turned as Takumi walked back in. She didn't bother hiding she was infuriated with him and the situation he had dragged her into. An eyebrow raised at the question; probably one of the few she wouldn't mind answering. "....Such a silly question you ask. To attend at the Academy, of course." It wasn't a complete lie but it also wasn't the full truth either. Still, with the fact it was partly true, she hoped it would suffice somewhat. But she wouldn't dare hint her link to the Ancient Egyptian times. No one could know; not even Hitoshi nor Hana. It had been why she hadn't directly told the Slifer that information; that sort of thing was always supposed to remain hidden away from those not linked to those times.

Hitoshi's face flushed red as she started to strip he wasn't sure if he should be averting his eyes as he watched her, he wanted to avert his eyes but at the same time it was just too much for him, he had a woman in his room stripping, he felt simultamously like a giant pervert and the luckiest man alive. His face flushed and he didn't know if he should join her though he certainly felt hot for a different reason.

Sighing he decided to fuck it. "No your right it gets unnaturally hot in this place. I hope you don't mind if I join you." He said as he started to take off his shirt. breathing from the freedom as he did. His chest still had the two main scars along them. The one hana giving him being the larger of the two as it started at his stumach and seemed to run upwards through his solar plexus a long jagged line as if someone had taken a knife and cut a line in his skin. Akane's scare seemed more like a bullet wound. like a section of his sholder was shot through. Standing he moved to the bed sitting down as he looked at Hana. He kicked off his shoes and socks leaving himself in only his pants and under wear as he looked at Hana giving her a pleasent smile.


Takumi walked silently through the room looking at Auset. His had lashed out like a snake biting down on its victim the loud slap filling the room and echoing through the abandoned halls as he connected his firm hand with her face. "Do you take me for a fool? the first day you came here you immediately stumbled into weeks of mine and Akane's hard done work, and undid everything. I want to know what you are!"

He smiled laughing slightly. "Had you waited a few days to move, i would have believed that, but you left class then you grabbed hitoshi, and you gunned for me and Hana, so I already know their is more at play here, and I will know what you know, because we have ways."

Her head shook no quickly. "W..why should I? This is your room anyways. You're .... really doing more than I deserve. I owe you quite a bit." Her mind had been thinking a bit on the slight hints of anger and fear from earlier. That hadn't been random ... but now that new ability of sorts was gone and if the feelings were there, she couldn't sense them anymore. Maybe .. she was overthinking? She'd give it a day or two and check up on Auset. She did need to thank her anyways.

Looking up with a nervous smile, her blush got darker as she found Hitoshi in almost nothing like herself. It was hard not to stare ... especially at the scare she gave him. She sighed at it, holding him slightly, making sure to be careful. Gently guiding him on his bed, she helped him lie down. "..Y-you do, as you told the others and me before that, need rest. I ... really am worried about you heading to the tournament like that." After a bit of hesitation, she lied on her side next to him, still gently holding him.

Her head reeled to the side from the impact, a low chuckle leaving. "That is an answer - truthful one too. Simultaneously ... true. It isn't the full answer. That, however, you do not need to know nor will I say." Her free hand remained by her side, not even daring to rub her stinging cheek. No ... she would hide her fear and anxieties by staying strong in front of Takumi. And she would do any and everything she possibly could to keep up the guise. Allowing him to see the slightest hints of fear would not help her out. If anything, it would but make things worse for her .... and just the idea of how 'worse' could end up make her inwardly cringe.

Hitoshi blinked as she lured him the bed hearing her words he nodded, but he found it hard to think about sleep seeing her in almost nothing and feeling her bare skin against him. He shifted awkwardly trying to hide the already forming buldge in his pants which was he imagined the natural reaction that any man would have in this situation. He shifted trying to face away from Hana, but ending up just putting his body closer to hers touching his body to her breasts he swallowed. "No offense Hana... I mean I really like you, and under other conditions this would be... well this would be fantastic, but... and i know im gonna regret saying this... Maybe you should take the top bunk."

He sighed sending away the half naked woman that was in his bed, that was not the greatest thing he had ever done, and yet all he could focus on was the smell of her body pressed against his own. the look of her bra and skirt, and the smoothness of her skin all wracked his mind, and his own body was reacting in the way that it should. his cock was hardening under his pants awkwardly, and his body was becoming sweaty, hotter to the touch as the blood raced through his body and his heart beat faster, if anything sleeping next too her without some kind of release would have been impossible, and after only one night he was not about to ask Hana for anything.... though he wasn't man enough to refuse if she were to offer.


Takumi smiled that was progress she already confessed that it wasn't the full answer, and instead he looked down at her taking a new approach. he leaned on the bed lightly. "Fine then how about this then. What are you? are you a psychic? spirit medium? Alien?" He pulled himself close to her face grabbing her hair so he could look at her eyes. "And just so you know, I can tell when people are lying... im a great lair myself. Your scared right now... I can smell it, and don't think I won't find a way to truly hurt you... its only a matter of time."

For a bit, Hana almost considered activating her abilities again. But she decided against it. She'd done enough of that for one day anyways. Still, she did the next closest thing. Her eyes gazed right into Hitoshi's as she silently studied him. "...Alright. If that's what you want, I understand. I .... probably am pushing my luck anyways." Giving him a soft kiss on his lips first, she carefully climbed up, gazing up at the ceiling. A light sigh left as her eyes closed. Switching rooms was always so foreign ... so weird. ... Crap. I don't know if I can sleep. She knew she should damn well try ... but actually getting any? That would definitely be easier said than done.

"Egyptian." She quickly retorted, her smirk widening. "Really though ... this is not going to go anywhere you wish. You can break my body all you wish ... but you'll never break my spirit or will." With all the words that left at and after 'Really', a more serious tone and expression had come into her voice and eyes. A light wince left as her hair got grasped. "...I never tried to deny I'm scared. Still, I can say that even if that is something I'm feeling, I am not going to let it dominate me. Not now ... not ever!" Never once did her eyes leave his as she spoke, breathing steadily through her nose.

Hitoshi sighed laying back in his bed. He was hot, and now he was bothered, but Hana a woman was just one step away from him, and he knew that if he wasn't silent, or that if he went anywhere near what he actually wanted that she would just run away. they had both been through so much, now wasn't the time to confuse the issue more, though he was right he did regret sending her away. He tossed and turned in the bed, even as he took off his pants to make himself a little more comfortable and less heated, he was still hard, and awkward, and his mind was still on Hana with her bra. He bit his lip knowing he couldn't sleep not when she had been so close, and not while he felt so awkward, and his flesh craved some form of release.

Hitoshi got up leaning foward he lifted up part of his matress pulling out one of the contraband magazines he had told hana about. flipping the pages lightly, if nothing else he was trying to get Hana's body out of his mind, and the dirty pictures of a women dressed as dark magician girl seemed to help him do that, however if hana did check... his mind was still focused on her body.


Takumi could have roared in frustration as he threw her face down to the bed hearing her words. He didn't know how but she was some how torturing him! The questions he was trying to ask were simple, and he knew that. Still.. he breathed out a small sigh. "Well then I guess your just gonna have to sleep on those answers then. I will check back tommorrow and see how you are doing without food... starving to death is quiet painful i hear, sooner or later you will crack for a bowl of moldy bread if I offered it."

He turned and walked out of the room finding his own place to sleep across the Hall he was a notoriously light sleeper, and whats more it wasn't like she was going anywhere, after all he had the keys to the hand cuffs, she couldn't go anywhere without taking an entire bed.

It was light ... but sounds of movement could definitely be heard. Biting down on her lower lip, her head tilted back as she felt herself restless. It hadn't helped she had been rather close to having gone quite far. Even if it would have been a mistake ... she was a bit frustrated; though mainly at herself. Pulling the covers over her, she slid a hand under her skirt and beneath the panties. A finger trailed along her slit and just the sensations from herself made her shiver. She bit down harder on her lower lip to keep herself silent. W..what are you doing?! Hitoshi's right below you! Still ... it felt too good to just abruptly cease. Her eyes closed tighter as her free hand slid under her bra. Her nipple ached as her fingers found their target and just from that alone she almost moaned. She knew she probably should stop ... but it really did feel so damn good.

"Hmph .... do that and you truly won't ever get your answers though yes?" She murmured, her smirk widening. A soft sigh left as she let her head fall against the pillow. Her free hand pulled covers over her body as she rested on her side. This situation definitely seemed horrid ... but not yet impossible. Her head shook no as she tried to convince herself, holding herself slightly. Allowing her eyes to close, another sigh left as she began to relax. Mental exhaustion aided her out and soon Auset was - regrettably or otherwise - asleep.
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