A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

"I could say the same when I read that note. That wasn't the you I thought it was either." Not seeming to heed his other words, she drew her next card. "I activate the magic card Lightning Vortex, discarding a card to make it work. Next I play Monster Reborn and bring back what I discarded. Wingweaver, show yourself!" A female seraph barely clothed in an elegant yellow robe with a halo over her head appeared. "And that is another six hundred gone ..." Her eyes went to his life point gauge as it dropped yet again.

She studied his field carefully .. and then slowly nodded. "For good measure, I summon Gellenduo." His life points dropped yet again and finally, she went in for the final blow. All the monsters - upon doing quick math - were much more than the 6200 life points he had left. She pointed a finger forward as she gave out her command with no hesitation. "Everyone! Go in for a direct attack!" Lest he had a Wall of Ivy out already or something to cease it like her own face down, she had just won. And all the hits he was about to take would be ten times worse than the mere wind blade he'd felt weeks ago. In fact, he may have wished it were only that but no. This .... may do more than knock him into a coma even.

Hitoshi breathed as he took another 1800 bringing him down to 6200, and he grit his teeth. Her attack comming in would have killed him, but instead he activated his trap card and smiled "Mirror force. Last time you saw that card coming a mile away." He smiled as her attack was halted by an invisable shield and the monsters striking died. He breathed as he looked over his hand and drew his card.

"Why? Why would I have done it? What did I gain from it? more to the point... Why would I be standing here if I did? If I wrote that letter then im not the man you knew, so why would I be trying to desperately save you from a mistake." Making his turn he shook his head determination in his mind, as he played his cards."First ill play miracle fertilizer, and use its effect to select a plant type in my grave yard, bringing back my queen of thorns to the battle field."

Hitoshi's breathing was becoming more erratic he was pushing himself through the pain and gritting his teeth as he held his chest. His body seemed like it could give out just on her effect damage alone. "And then I end my turn..."

Hana inwardly cursed at her reckless mistake. How could she have forgotten a card even she had in her own deck? Watching her monsters fade, she glanced down to her field and smirked. "Hmph, this still is far from over." As he ended, she blinked. Had he known what her face down was? Impossible ... She tried to convince herself, shaking her head. If she had heard his words, she didn't acknowledge them.

"Well, since you helped me - in a way - I'll use Valhalla's effect once again. The Splendid Venus! Appear!" Though Athena had been her guardian, it could easily be argued that the strongest card in her deck was this one. Even from the life points that left her, she didn't seem to notice them. "I then summon the Light Effigy in attack." She found herself staring at Hitoshi whom seemed barely conscious as it was. Even breathing was becoming a chore.

"The Splendid Venus! Go and get rid of his Queen!" This one wouldn't yet be enough; but it would get him close to losing if this hit. At her command, the Splendid Venus raised her staff at the Queen of Thorns. A bright light would engulf her and soon she would be gone. "The Light Effigy! Go for a direct attack!" With nothing to protect him, he would take an additional 1500, making him now at 4100 life points; barely over half of the original he began with. She, on the other hand, had 6000 still.

Hitoshi grimmiced as he activated plant food chain raising his queens attack to 2700, and then watched her die, he only took 100 life points, but it cleared his feild, and then he felt her second attack, and actually felt it. He gasped falling to one knee his grip slipping on his hand of cards. He breathed coughing for a moment as he knelt down he spat out small drops of blood. even so he only stood at 4600 lp, plant food chain having saved him an additional 500 to what he guessed was her best estimation. He smiled defying her even a little felt good.

"Hana... I want you too see..." He got slowly back to his feet, breathing was hard, standing was harder, but he didn't care, he slowly started to undue his Slifer red jacket, he hadn't worn a shirt, just so he could show her the scar she had left on him. Their were two, one through his shoulder from Akane, and another, right through his center of mass his sturnum, the one where Hana had struck home. It was healed but the tissue had clearly left a scar. "This is what you have in common with Akane. She isn't a good person. She is evil, and if you can't see that you have been hurting people on campus then you are already lost! The Hana I knew would never have done any of it... and so I end my turn."

He held his arms out. He was reaching now, his feild was empty and he knew what was coming. "Because the Hana I knew would draw her card and end her turn, five turns... five draws, and then we can call it a draw, that's what my Hana would do. Instead of hurting other students."

Hana watched Hitoshi fall, her head shaking. She had tried to talk him out of this duel and now he was going to pay for it. As he undid his jacket, she couldn't help but wonder what he was intending to do. It seemed the answer was try to send her on a guilt trip of sorts. "....What do you want from me? An apology?" Her head shook no adamantly. "That's not true! She's been helping me, she understands me! What ... has awakened in me, how to embrace it." Her fists trembled as her hand raised up.

"Shove it!" She hissed, a smaller but still similar air blade going for his cheek as she made the motion to slap him from across the gap that stayed in between them. "Your Hana?! Don't jest. I'm no one's ..." Her head shook as she drew. "I summon Freya, Spirit of Victory who will give my angel's an additional attack boost. Enough to finish this. The Splendid Venus! Light Effigy! Freya! All of you, go!" With each being increased by 400 more, the attack power of them all was at 5600 now. Unless he had something he could discard to halt the damage - like a Kuriboh - this really would be over now.

Hitoshi closed his eyes, hearing her words he felt her slap and his head turned with it, only to turn back. he honestly didn't know what he had been expecting when he had done all of this, but he seemed to have failed it all. He lost the duel, he lost the fight, and most importantly he lost Hana. Akane's grip on her was too strong, and for the moment he seemed to know that, he wouldn't give up, but he knew he lost the day when she announced the attacks. "I guess I was wrong you arn't in there after all..."

The three creatures clashed down and Hitoshi's life points dropped like rock, as for hitoshi he was tossed aside like a rag doll hitting the ground and seizing up in pain. He didn't loose consciousnesses, but he didn't move either twitching with pain as he breathed he looked up at Hana, looking at her. His eyes saddened. He breathed still feeling it hard to move his muscles were stiff and it felt like he had just been hit by a slow moving truck. He coughed as he spoke. "You are not... the person... I thought you were.." He looked at Hana, his eyes loosing some of the hope he had for her. He breathed knowing that ultimitly he had just acomplished nothing, and slowly he started to get up, his legs shaking and his breathing ragged as he limped away defeated.

Takumi clapped his hands from the audiance, as he walked up. "Well done Hana-chan, how did it feel?" He had been keeping a close watch on Hana as these weeks had passed, trying to grow closer so that he could do what Akane told him and monitor the situation. but in all reality Akane, and Hana now scared him. Still he was a well trained liar and he put on a good face as he walked onto the stage.

"Honestly who does that, standing wide open for an attack... Any way you must be tired after that, come lets get to class." He shrugged dismissively towards Hitoshi as he walked away. "You loose again slifer slacker."

"...Aren't in there? Hmph, you sound more insane than when I told you of my dream now. Hebi ...." She murmured the last word, a very venom-like feeling added to the word. She had been ready to send another Psychic lash for his last retort but stopped. He was already having enough trouble, for one. Besides, she doubted this would be the last time they would duel. They probably just wouldn't for a long while now that she'd given him more reasons to remain in the infirmary. The sounds of footsteps approaching behind her made her turn.

"...The victory was nothing." In both aspects, she quite literally meant it as in it hadn't taken much to achieve nor was it a difficult feat for her to have achieved. She sighed lightly as she began - resumed rather - heading to her classes. "....It's hard to explain how it feels. I can definitely say though I'm nowhere near even tired. I could probably do several gauntlets before beginning to break a sweat."

Another thing she seemed to have picked up from Akane was being less ... shameful. Though she had been honest on not having even broken a sweat, her uncontrolled powers were making her warm again. "Damnit ...." She murmured, unzipping her jacket as she began fanning her face as best as she could. Even with a bra supporting her chest, her breasts still bounced with how harsh and heavy her steps were at the moment. She knew what the cause was ... but not why. And she was trying to figure out what was happening to her body.

Takumi almost laughed as she called him a snake, oh if she only knew the reality behind the web of lies. Still he watched her intreagued by the way she had said she wasn't tired at all, but he hadn't directly meant how her powers felt and so he shook his head. As the two Ra yellows walked together he patted her on the back slightly, trying to show the fact that he wasn't afraid of her. "No i meant how did it feel too have some revenge? You just beat that guy down to the ground for the second time in a row."

As Hana unzipped her jacket, and complained about being hot, Takumi pulled out a cold water bottle from his bag and handed it too her. He blinked wondering if her powers were causing some kind of over clocking on her body, she may think she could run a gauntlet, but it seemed she had a weakness after all. "You certainly look like you need this more then I do. I just got it from a vending machine, and so it's still nice and cold for you."

Takumi tilted his head to the side as they walked taking note of the people who were stepping out of their way to avoid Hana. she had most certainly earned her reputation, and it seemed like now that very few people wanted to get in the girls way, and he didn't blame them, after all he was just a regular human under any other condition he would be right their with them. instead though he walked along side her trying to play the part of the loyal friend.

"Pathetic ... unfulfilled." She quickly replied with no second thoughts. It was true too, that duel had seemed easier to win compared to their first one. More than that, her Psychic abilities had connected easier and with even more force behind them. "I should have declined, knowing he wasn't even at half his strength, physical or mental." She added, an annoyed sigh leaving her lips. Her head shook lightly. Unfortunately, regardless of what she had felt or realized, it was over now.

Her hand instinctively took the bottle, nearly yanking it from Takumi's hands as she unscrewed the cap. Her head tilted back as she drank the liquid, getting close to half of it down in one gulp. Panting lightly, she kept the bottle held firmly in her hand as she looked ahead. Usually she looked forward to classes but now they were becoming more like a chore. Not a good one either. Unfortunately, she couldn't make herself be two places at once so she would still go and pretend to still be somewhat decent. Ignoring any gasps or stares as she arrived, she sat down in her chair.

She allowed the duel to replay in her mind, especially when Mirror Force had been revealed. She would have to remember never to be too hasty ever again. Her skirt hiked up a bit under her desk and anyone on either side of her could see easily enough a sky blue pair of panties hidden underneath. Her feet swung gently under the class, her right hand supporting her cheek. Tactics and ideas for her next duel began forming swiftly in her mind and though she did try somewhat to pay heed to the Professor's words, most of her attention was on Hitoshi and the duel they'd had not long ago.

Hitoshi had limped away not intending to go to his classes since he was still in medical leave. He was humble enough that he knew when to quit and was in enough pain that he all he wanted to do was sleep. He crawled back to his dorm room and hit his bed with his face. He was breathing heavily now, his muscles seizeing up in places, and he was pritty sure that he was bleeding in one or two places, but for the most part he would live, she had messed him up, but he would be back.

Hana had changed, he had heard the rumors and now he had seen it for himself. The cute shy girl he had known, who's deck was supposed to represent her hope was gone, the girl he had dueled reminded him more and more of Akane, and even though he had been stupid to play his last turn as he did, part of him was upset that he could barely even touch her this time. His deck wasn't cutting it, and so he got up, and pulled it out... it was time to revise what could be done.

Takumi sighed class was boring, and even though he was doing what needed to be done (watching Hana) his mind kept drifting off. sitting next to her, his eyes drifted down to the sky blue panties. He stretched out slightly trying to get as good a look as he could, it was after all still watching her to some times watch her panties. and then laid his head down on his desk. Watching was boring when nothing seemed to be happening.

The school duels are starting soon, Akane sama will have more work for me then He thought lightly. He was supposed to be the information collector, so maybe its time he collected a little information. He sighed thinking of his position and how he could best use it, and then he got an idea. He worked on the note for part of the class, and when the class ended he simply slipped it towards Hana and walked away, his usual pleasant smile on his face. He could get her mind off of what ever seemed to distract her, put himself in a better position to watch over her, and maybe even get to do something fun all with one idea.

Hana-chan I have watched most of your duels, they are always impressive, and well I am your roommate your friend, and an admirer for weeks, I admit I don't know how you feel about me directly, but i have watched you long enough, and now i want to ask you if you will go out with me? you clearly have a lot on your mind, so maybe i can help if you would let me.


Takumi's smile was almost poisonus as he left the room, He couldn't tell what her answer would be, and he didn't have Akane's direct permission, but fuck Akane, she didn't know or need to know every little detail, and if Hana accepted, who would it really hurt? Well aside from Hana if she ever learned the truth.

Hana kept the note in her lap, not wanting it to be found during class. So it wasn't until it ended she unfolded and read it. Her eyes .... couldn't help but narrow. After all the less-than-appealing attempts men had made upon the poor girl, whom could blame her? Akane had helped her become less naive and one tip she had given the girl was never to fully trust anyone. Her fingers tapped lightly against the note as she leaned against her locker in the hallways. Deciding to think on it, she found the rest of the classes seeming to race by quickly once again.

By the time they were all over, she headed to her dorm; the easiest place to find Takumi. She gave him a rather serious expression as her eyes met his, as if she were trying to gaze into his soul. "What reassurance will I have you're not just going to try to get in between my legs like the others?" She asked, a bit of a stern hint in her voice. "Ease that .... anxiety somehow and I'll accept. But for the time being, with all that has been going on as of late ... it's much easier said than done for me to not be slightly uneasy on this idea. I would agree that the fact you're not a Blue should mean something. Though neither was Hitoshi ..... and still ...." She let her sentence trail off, knowing he could finish it easy enough.

Takumi smiled seeing her in their dorm hearing her question. His eyes betrayed nothing as he looked at her even if she was gazing into his soul it was too far hidden to actually be seen. He nodded and walked to his bed, standing at it, and then taking several steps counting in his head the distance between his bed and her bed, turning to her he gave her a small bow. "The answer to your question is fifteen. Had I simply wanted to get in between your legs, that is exactly the number of steps it would have taken for me to do so in the middle of the night. I understand Hana-chan that you have been through a lot, and so I have given you distance, but I have always been here... watching."

He walked back the short distance between the two beds and sat down on his own crossing his legs. He wore a look of concern as he looked at her. "I have watched you, and I am afraid for you. Without the right guidance and a good friend at your side you could make a grave mistake... so let me be at your side, I mean we already live together so why not? I know Hitoshi tried to hurt you, but not all men are so evil." Yes some are far worse in fact.

Was it really that short? Glancing down at the gap between her and Takumi's bed, it did indeed seem to be about fifteen steps. She wasn't sure if that should make her feel better or not. And despite him having given her space - as he reminded her - even Hana wasn't quite sure if that was enough. She had contemplated on the last dream she'd had many times and wondered if Athena had meant to say snakes. But with how much she'd endured in the short amount of time, she was a bit more astonished she hadn't got paranoid or insane yet. Rubbing her forehead, her eyes remained down as they closed slowly. Athena ... what do I do?

That had been another thing that had worried her; ever since her Psychic awakening, she had seemed to have abandoned her. It infuriated her too from just the mere thought. But out of denial to want to believe it, she was trying to make other excuses up. But now that she truly was hearing nothing from Athena when normally she wouldn't have, she knew the only people whom hadn't left her side were Takumi and Akane. For the time being anyways.

As the newly revealed information continued to seemingly haunt her, she gazed back up into Takumi's eyes. For a bit, the more normal Hana that Hitoshi had been looking for returned. Fear and anxiety were easily seen as she looked up into his blue eyes. A few stray tears fell down her cheeks as she finally gave a slow nod. "I ... am holding you to that, though. If I ever get the slightest hint of betrayal, you will join Hitoshi in the infirmary. Understand? I.... I'm not enduring that again!" Parts of her blonde hair fell in front of her tear-stricken and covered face, hiding her tears that hadn't yet stopped falling. They were trying to though; but Hana was finding the task easier said than done to accomplish.

Takumi gave her a soft smile as he he got up to walk towards her. seeing the older more fearful Hana he smiled and walked forward. His arms reached around her and held her tight to his body in a hug. Takumi gave a soft sigh not wanting to say anything directly. This part all seemed too easy, and if her powers were awoken by tragedy, he just had to wonder how strong she would be when she learned what a fatal mistake she was making. if we truly want her to be at her strongest, then suffering can't be all their is to her life.

[cxolor=yellow]"I told you, I am not Hitoshi. you will never have any hint of betrayal from me."[/color] He held her softly in his arms for a moment just giving her a shoulder she could cry on. He wasn't going against orders, but he couldn't imagine Akane being oh so happy with him right now, but at the same time he didn't need Akane's permission to do everything and her orders were to keep her close, and she literally couldn't get much closer then this.

"Come let us get some fresh air." He said quietly as he finally pulled himself away from Hana. He gave a soft sigh and held out his hand for her to take as they walked if she wanted it. The day was bright and although it was almost half over, he thought Hana could use some air right now.

Her body tensed up for a bit as she felt the embrace. Slowly, however, she forced herself to relax. Her own arms wrapped around his waist as she let her head fall against his shoulder. All the tears of frustration she'd had since the first day of arriving fell upon his jacket, her body shaking against his. An abrupt grip she never used to have before formed around his waist, ensuring he wouldn't move away from her or tease her in such a fashion. After a few minutes of getting her tears out of her system, she wiped away any hints that she had been crying from her face.

As she finished, she looked back into Takumi's eyes with her own hazel ones. Swallowing nervously, she nodded after a bit. "....Alright. Is that part of your date by the way? Heading out?" She asked, a softer tone coming into her voice. As her eyes glanced down and noted his hand, she hesitated. But only for a few moments. Soon after shoving any doubts or reasons not to accept the offer away, she grasped his hand into hers.

If her skin had merely appeared soft to Takumi, it most certainly felt it too. And this was only from a hand. Other areas were most definitely even softer than this one, and with him haven seen only a blue pair of panties was all that was hiding her innocence .... it may unable to help but get to his mind.

Takumi held her hand a soft shiver going up his spine as he realized how soft her body was, he was never supposed to touch, he was a spy for Akane, and his job was always supposed to be casual observation. Even now he knew that Akane would be furious, and that he was essentially breaking the rules their was a risk to this that he hadn't realized till the moment when she had held him, and now he was starting to realize the risks of it all.

Even so He had seen her sky blue panties and held her hand, he knew she needed him far more then he needed her powers or no powers the risks of being here now were under cut by all the advantages. "Well would you have rather we stayed in the stuffy old room?" He asked with a light joking tone. "Well I will admit, ive never been on a date before, so I am rather new to it, but i figgured we could grab some food, and eat dinner on the balcony overlooking the cliff. Ra Yellow gets a good view of the sun set after all." He gave her a soft smile.

It was odd to admit it, but he had never been on a date before. He thought over it for a second, his past was a harsh place it didn't have time for things like dating or girls. He shook his head not dwelling on his past he was who he was, and he would rather not dwell on any of while he was working towards the future, and the best way to get some enjoyment out of his new job.

For a few seconds, Hana almost swore she had felt him shiver. She decided to stop over-thinking though; she'd done enough as it was on that for one. But more importantly, she had agreed and promised to accept his date. Her focus, ergo, needed to be on that, not reactions. Taking another deep breath, she listened to his confession and soon suggestion. "...A-alright then. Though for someone who's as new to this as me, you already sound like you've got a much better idea on what to do." She replied, finally in her more typically calm state now.

Keeping her fingers intertwined with his, she looked at him as she began to head with him to grab dinner. "....Since your note said you've been watching me and my duels ... what do you think? Just be honest is all I ask really." Her eyes remained mostly upon his, only looking away to ensure neither of them ran into anything on the way to the cafeteria.

The feeling of holding someone's hand - with a potential promise of later on becoming intimate with that individual - was .... new. It wasn't like holding your parent's hands when crossing the street. No, this .... was different. You felt safe but for different reasons; all a bit better with the new personal touch too. All Hana knew was she was enjoying this. Her thumb subconsciously rubbed over his palm as she walked beside him, now knowing she was getting stares as other students saw the two and their public display of ..... affection? Was that even what this was? In terms of it being called that, yes. But still, a part of Hana was worried this would end bad.

Takumi listened to her and gave her a nod he had watched all her duels, partly because he had to know her deck inside and out, and partly because it was his job to do so. Thinking over how she had done as of late she hadn't been beaten and her powers were viscious he certainly didn't want to duel her without the right combination of cards to shut her down. "You have talent, and its clear your well studied, but well you make mistakes everyone does mind you, but that mirror force for instance would be a mistake, even so you recovered well, but against a non slifer slacker I don't know. only time will tell, but i have high hopes for you."

He tightened his grip on her hand and gave her a smile as they entered the cafeteria. feeling her thumb rubbing his hand was odd he didn't know what to think of it. Still he actually enjoyed the open amounts of affection, it was the first time he had ever really gotten to feel anything, even if it was pretend on his part. "But really? we live and breath duel monsters enough around here, I would rather we not talk about it while on a date." he said with a soft smile and a light chuckle.

Takumi's head turned slightly to the sides as he looked, he wasn't the only follower akane had, he was probably one of the highest ranking, but certainly not the only one, and he was half expecting his phone to ring any second, he kept expecting to see Akane's furious face or something worse. On edge already he looked at Hana neither of them had the best reputation around the school. "Instead of talking about duel monsters why don't you tell me about you? It doesn't surprise me that you have been so closed, but its left me curious about your past before coming to the island."

"Thank you." She hadn't quite expected him to shift subjects so fast but he did have a good point. They did play and study Duel Monsters - inside and out - all day pretty much. Maybe a break from the subject wouldn't be so bad. Still, she wasn't used to attention like this and it ... had taken her aback. The last time she'd had anyone genuinely listen to her was her younger sister; which she began to think about. She had tried to convince her parents to let her join in as well but something about her being too young had kicked in. It'd annoyed her, really. If she was old enough to play the game, why was she too young to go to the Academy? It hadn't made sense to Hana.

Still, she supposed it'd be even ruder to blatantly ignore Takumi when he was clearly trying to help keep her mind off the bad memories, Hitoshi's especially. Managing a small smile, she also noted he seemed to be ... weary; as if they were being followed. Mentally noting it, she nodded. "True enough I suppose. Alright." He truly did seem to have quite a considerable amount of knowledge given he'd never been on a date, apparently. The more he was seeming to show otherwise, the more it made her wonder.

As they arrived at the cafeteria, she grabbed some food for herself though stayed close to Takumi as she began to speak, her voice lowered so only he could hear. "My dad's American, my mother Japanese. So ... that's a good reason why I may not look like I belong here. There isn't the most to say really about me. I live in a relatively typical household; usually I would anyways. I have a younger sister and .... somehow my parents haven't divorced." That in itself was a miracle as far as Hana was concerned.

Waiting for him to finish grabbing his food, she then headed up to the roof with him. Between the map she had and Akane helping her out when she could, Hana had finally remembered pretty well where most places were. "I .... heh, I'm sorry. Like you said, I'm not used to dates nor anyone really seriously listening to me. It's ... rather foreign." She paused, trying to think what more to add. "I suppose I do have a few .... hobbies outside of dueling. But I'm not overly fond of showing them off, or feeling like I would be doing that. Namely singing and drawing, especially landscapes but I've been told I can do people well enough."

As she sat Indian style - keeping her panties rather well exposed if one was at a good angle - she bowed her head and began eating. "....And yourself? I did my exchange and I'm curious as well; a blessing and a curse that runs in my family alas."

Takumi sighed lightly listening to her story. She sang? he never heard her and he gave her an honest smile suddenly thinking that would be something he would enjoy hearing. then she asked him about himself. He tried to not think about his life before the island, his father had an extensive criminal record, and he had been raised to learn most of his fathers tricks. To them thievery was supposed to be a family business, but then his dad got caught, and he had been sent away, his new parents were employees at Kaiba corp and it was through them that he had started playing this game, and met Akane.. "That is all very interesting. One day I have to force you to sing now. Someday somehow."

"I don't know what I can say about my own life it's very average, I got into duel monsters when i was young my parents work at kaiba corp, so it only seemed natural that I end up here." He said with a smile as they sat back on the roof together, he finally had to let go of her hand and he found himself having a small pang of regret for that as he ate. He looked over the edge of the roof at the long view of the island and sighed.

"It's sad to say but i don't think i have any hobbies." He spoke in almost a low hiss as he spoke his eyes suddenly darkened as he thought about it, his work had become his life, and he didn't have anything aside from that. Shaking his head however he quickly regained his composure and smiled again giving Hana his full attention. "So as you can imagine im pretty boring, only child, and such as it is."

"Y-you think so?" Her head quickly lowered as her cheeks began to get a bit crimson. "I ... heh. Good luck with trying that. I ... can't around others very well. I'm too self-conscious of myself and everything about my voice." As her head looked back up, she moved some blonde strands of hair away to reveal her hazel eyes. He had been patient with her and listened so she did the same, silently eating as she took her turn to heed his words. She almost choked as she looked back to him at the words 'Kaiba Corp'.

"...Really?! That's ... incredible." Her smile widened as she set a now empty tray down. "With Seto-san being one of the biggest names for Duel Monsters ... just being able to have any type of connection is, I'm sure, quite the honor." Her head quickly shook no as she heard his last sentence. "I ... I don't think you're boring anyways. You and Akane are two of the few who are taking me seriously .... especially as an individual." It pained her in a way but simultaneously made her feel better, if for no other reason to know there were people whom had eyes upon her.

Of course, she didn't realize they weren't in the good way yet. Waiting for Takumi to finish first, she moved a bit closer and allowed her fingers to intertwine with his again. Sure enough, the sun was in the midst of going down. It really did have quite the view as he'd noted. "...You were right; this is an incredible view. You sure you're a first year? You seem to know so much." She added teasingly. She looked over and - after mustering enough courage - gently let her head rest against his shoulder. "Um ... hope you don't mind. I can move away if you want ... " Slowly, but very steadily, she was letting more and more of her guard down in front of the real snake.

Takumi smiled hearing that he wasn't boring still waters ran deep, but he wasn't allowed to let anyone near those depths, and so he just nodded at her comments. He had never seen Seto before, his adopted father had once talked about fetching coffee for the man once but that was as far as it ever went. They just picked up their pay checks from a multi billion dollar company that seemed to have the weirdest boners for blue eyes white dragons. "Wouldn't know they are all rather low on the food chain. Besides his a multi billion dollar recluse, at least that's all i know about him."

He felt her hands interlock with his as he finished his food, and as she moved close he didn't seem to bother or even flinch in fact he enjoyed it. he leaned his head slightly against her head and breathed a soft sigh of warm air onto her hair. "Your a good person Hana how could we not value you as a person." He had a slight grin, slowly as she trusting he was getting more and more prepared to hold her and lure her into a trap. "No I don't mind at all."

He watched the sun setting with her and admired the colors for a moment, but he found his eyes almost certainly on her and her body, he hid his lustful looks behind a much softer much more caring look. He had lost count as to how how many faces he actually had. and his hand went to her chin for a moment lifting her head up once he had gathered enough of his own courage to take a step, and pressed his own lips against hers a soft kiss pulling away slightly he put up a light blush. "Thank you Hana-chan."

She had stayed silent, enjoying the view. A slightly serious look went on her face as her head lowered a bit. ".... You don't worry about my new ... abilities? If what Akane told me is true .... I may never have full control over them. Wouldn't that make me a bit too .... dangerous to be around?" Her smile widened as he gave her consent to lean on his shoulder. At least that much had been approved. Still, she wondered.... why he had chosen her of all the other girls? Certainly he knew she was probably not the safest person to be around.

The feeling of her head being adjusted so she looked into his eyes got her attention and thoughts to temporarily leave. "Yes?" That was as far as she got before her lips locked with his, her own blush quickly covering her cheeks. "I .... uh .... " She found herself able to do nothing but stare in disbelief but definitely bliss as well. Finally, she allowed her actions to take over and talk for her instead.

Her smile widened as she let her mind replay the kiss in her head. Her head went back upon his shoulder, her orbs remaining either on the sun setting or Takumi though now more the latter. "....W-why are you thanking me though? Seems kinda backwards. Shouldn't it be me thanking you?" She managed to murmur, her cheeks now as red as any of the Slifer's uniforms. "R-regardless ... you're ... welcome, Takumi-kun."

Takumi smiled as she blushed and thanked him. He shrugged as she spoke about the new abilities. Akane had been feeding her lies but that wasn't what he was going to tell her, and honestly it was too amusing to tell her the truth. He was honestly surprised that she had yet to notice that Akane had full control over her powers. "Those abilities are only scary when you get mad, people like Hitoshi may need to think twice when approaching you, but I can't Imagine I have anything to fear from you at the moment."

Takumi spoke with a light smile as he returned his attention to the sun set putting a hand around her waist he pulled her closer to him. The sun was in the last few moments of setting and it was already starting to get cold. "I am thanking you, because you let me in." It made his job so much easier now that her gaurd was almost compleatly gone, and who knew maybe he could even have some fun.

He didn't want to seem like he was moving to fast with her, and so he just kept her close a small shiver running down his spine, he wasn't used to this much physical contact, and the kiss, he breathed out slowly embarrassed slightly but enjoying the sight of Hana's reddened face.

"W-well ... I suppose." It hadn't been that she hadn't noticed; more like Akane had lied on why hers had been so under control. Years of hypnotic therapy and things of the like she had said helped her out; otherwise she would have been as wild as Hana. But that option wasn't really one she looked forward to. Perhaps the more important wording, however, was it wasn't possible. No one here on this island would begin to know such a tactic, so Hana had been trying to deal with her powers as best as possible.

Were Takumi anyone else, she would have slapped his hand off her waist. But that had felt as soft and reassuring as the kiss ... so she welcomed it. The change in temperature was beginning to get noticed as Hana shivered and held herself, pushing her body even closer to Takumi's to try to stay warm. Going silent again to think on that simple fact - that she had actually let him in - she smiled softly. "You're welcome. Are... you getting a bit cold too? Or is it only just me?" The jacket was helping; but only to a certain degree. It definitely had done nothing for her nipples which had hardened under her bra and uniform.
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