A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]


Takumi heard her question and nodded a little his hand pressed her against him a little more as he shivered, and the sun offically sank from view. With the first few stars out in the night sky, Takumi nodded to Hana. "Your right it is cold lets go back inside." his own body had a case of the shivers and as he got up his legs shakes in an unkindly fashion telling him that he had been sitting too long. He held out his hand to help her get up, and he held her hands as they walked back inside.

"I had a nice time Hana-chan. I hope we can do this again." He gave her a kind smile the school duels would be starting soon, and he doubted either of them would have the time too do such a thing again for a while. Though he didn't want the night to be over he wouldn't dare challenge a psychic to open her legs. She had let him in, which was plenty, but still part of him wanted more and he wasn't going to have a better chance then this.

Grabbing her tray as she stood, she gave Takumi a smile. "Oh don't worry. There will certainly be more dates; make no mistake." Pressing another soft kiss to his lips, she pulled away after a moment. "I'll see you later. Take care." With that, she headed to turn the tray in and then went right to her room. The inter-school tournament was soon and she would need every ounce of strength she could keep. This was not, it seemed, the only reason that she would need that however.

~Three days before the tournament ..... ~​

Hana was feeling incredible. New power, a new lover ... nothing seemed as if it could go wrong. The Professor, for once, was a bit late it seemed. It certainly intrigued her, mainly because he was much more punctual than this. Finally when he did show up, he did so with another woman. To be more exact, a very exotic looking one. In fact, were it not for the uniform, it was very obvious this woman was definitely not from here.

After her introduction, Auset gave a light bow to the others before taking her seat. The teacher had decided - conveniently enough or otherwise - to put her in front of Takumi and Hana. She tensed as she sat. So many emotions from those two .... She had been having very weird dreams as of late and wondered if it traced back to them. She had, Auset knew, a link to the very first ancestors of the game. So when she had heard rumors that lots of students were getting wounded from duels, she had gotten her application approved then and there.

She knew perfectly well there could only be one reason why students were getting hurt from duels at all; the Shadow Games. She had never seen the first ones but with all she had been taught, she was glad for this. Still, if this was truly repeating ... it had to be stopped. Though she was forbidden to wear her typical Egyptian attire due to a dress code, she had managed to convince them of the most important item; her anklet. That, they had allowed, her to keep on; which she was glad for. It would be her way of solving this 'mystery' of sorts at a much faster rate.

Though Auset's eyes were in front of her during the class, her mind was mainly upon the two behind her; especially the boy. The very strong and negative emotion of deceit was constantly flowing through him; she would need to be careful of him. But the girl beside him.... did she know? There were no hints of this. There had been a source of sorrow somewhere; she would need to find it and try to speak with this person on these two. Once the bell rang, she got up and wasted no more time. Her eyes closed as she concentrated for a bit and focused. When her eyes opened, she began following ... the sorrow had been easy enough to find. But it wasn't just sorrow; it was depression. Not yet to the point of suicide, but she couldn't risk it getting there.

She didn't run but Auset certainly didn't walk either. Going as fast as she could without getting yelled at, she would eventually find herself at Hitoshi. Assuming, that was, no one knew what she was doing and tried to stop her.

Takumi sat next to Hana, she had been happy as of late, and part of him was enjoying it, not for the same reasons that she had however, and he smiled as he took a small break from writing notes to lightly place his hand on thigh during class. They hadn't become anymore physical over the last three days, but Takumi was enjoying occasionally touching her body.

Seeing the new girl in Ra Yellow and her slight Egyptian look and most certainly Egyptian name he blinked. Takumi wasn't one to worry to much about such a thing, but he considered Akane-sama's plan to re create the shadow duels, and just had a bad feeling still their was no prof and at best the girl was just a late entry into the school year. nothing very weird about that. He turned and gave Hana a pleasant smile before pulling back to his notes, though his writting hand was still very much on her leg.


Hitoshi was indeed the source of depression. The boy of slifer red had a lot taken from him in those few weeks, and now due to his last duel with hana he was worse then he had been even during his weeks of seclusion. Though the doctor had told him nothing was wrong Hitoshi walked with a cane now to support himself. He had been limping ever since the second duel with Hana when one of her monsters had struck him in the right leg. He hadn't been able to run, and his doctor had told him had the right to avoid the school duels, but how could he.

"Yes?" He asked looking at the student who had briskly chased up to him. He could only imagine she had some kind of reason. He sighed it didn't matter to him, but he would hear it out. He sat on a bench out side of the academy his cane in his hands, his duel disk at his back. His deck had been heavily modified since the last time he had dueled, which had been against Hana.

He looked over the Ra yellow, but his eyes were staring at her jacket, he coughed lightly. "I don't talk with Ra yellows. come back wearing a red, or blue uniform we may be able to have words."

Auset hadn't been the only one doing her own 'mind readings' of sorts. Before the Egyptian had left, Hana had been trying to get into the new girl's mind. The lack of being able to feel much was already a sign for her; it meant she had a strong will power and had probably felt her trying to use her Psychic powers upon her. The feeling of Takumi's hand on her thigh reminded her she was still in class, despite how bold her roommate was being. The desks weren't the best at concealing actions like he was doing, after all.

Still, she hadn't minded. In fact, she had encouraged this a bit after their first date. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she murmured softly to Takumi, "She's trouble. I couldn't pinpoint how; just that she definitely is." Her breathing got a bit heavier as Takumi's hand continued moving along her skin. She was glad they were doing notes at the moment for class, otherwise her gaze being down would have all but given away what was truly going on.

Auset gave the boy a slightly annoyed look; mainly with how rude he had come off as. "....That is how you greet someone you've never met before? Rather hasty aren't you? Now look, I came here because I could sense your presence and that you've had a history with two others; though especially a young woman. The boy she sits beside is like a serpent; waiting for the best time to strike. But from what I felt ... she has no idea. The fact I could feel you were a link of sorts at all ... is vital enough for me to have come and try to talk to you."

Her arms went in front of her chest as she kept looking right at Hitoshi. "After all you've heard, do you still want to shoo me away? Or will you start talking to me now?" While waiting for an answer, she knelt down in front of his wounded leg. Gently laying a hand upon it, she cringed. "....This isn't good. They're beginning ... again. Your wound is proof of that. It's filled with malice; the same that has consumed that girl. She is - with or without knowing it - beginning to cause history to repeat." If her words couldn't get to him ... she wouldn't know what could. All she could do was hope the boy would heed her now.

Takumi nodded as Hana said that she was bad news. he gave her a light smile his hand rubbing a little more of her thigh and slightly curving upwards to wards her skirt line, but going no further than that. "You don't need to be psychic to tell me that Hana-chan. She has trouble written all over her." His voice was low and alluring as he spoke waiting for the class to dismiss.

He half wondered where she had gone off too, but yawned so far it didn't feel too important, and his job was to watch Hana not this new girl. he could let someone else handle that for a while, without powers of his own he probably wouldn't be able to keep track of her anyway, and so he focused on Hana if the girl tried to do something he would stand here, and intercept. It would become his word against hers, and not even Akane had ever been able to read his mind.


Hitoshi blinked hearing her words Hana sitting next to a snake? the thought of her dream came back to him, and for a moment he honestly considered just letting the cards fall into place, hana had been so quick to believe the worst of him, and even after he had tried to talk sense into her she had only hit him with an even stronger attack. He was bitter and cold shut off from the outside world. "And your just a good civilian doing your duty? You have my ears Ra yellow, but considering that history of which you speak, perhaps I am content to let this snake have his way with her?"

He remembered the thought of Hana's smiling face, and for a moment he sat silently confused. Then he remembered her powers, and how she had first chosen to use them along with a flash of anger that she had been manipulated. their was nothing he could do to prove himself, and although she was sitting next to a snake, she had caused him not just physical pain, but emotional, perhaps this snake could do the same? And then he heard the cry as the small creature appeared from his deck. Cosmobeet glared and huffed at Hitoshi, but he dismissed the delusion of grandeur as his guilt for wanting to stay away from hana.

He looked at the Ra yellow slightly more seriously. "well... I guess you came to me for a good enough reason so says the voice that lives inside my deck." he commented with a roll of his eyes. "Here's the story up to now." he started with a recap telling her everything from the moment he first met hana, to the letter, and then to his first and second trips to the hospital.

A low sigh left her lips as she felt Takumi getting bolder. "...That supposed to be a silent question for me, Takumi-kun?" She murmured in between soft but heavy breaths. If the boy had been trying to get her very turned on, it had definitely work. Her panties were beginning to get drenched and soaked from anticipation. Having been introduced into these subjects from the affair between their parents had not helped. She knew exactly what was being done to her; and what she could do back. Not here, obviously; but now it had definitely made her all the more eager to get out of class.

"....A bit more than merely 'civilian' duties. But that's close enough." She wouldn't give everything about her away, including her past life which held a very close and vital role to the times when the card game had first been truly made. Few knew of the Ancient Egyptians and all they did regarding the game. She also knew, however, she was one of the younger links within these sets of past lives; all the others had believed this to be done and over with. So it was, in Auset's eyes, her duty to stop it.

She blinked, astounded he would seriously allow the girl to remain in danger. "... You would dare let such things happen to her? Even though you obviously still care about her despite all she's done to you? Unless you're hiding it really well, I don't feel 'vengeance' as a typical reaction from you. Or anything close to it at that matter." Her eyes glanced down to see Cosmobeet and she knew this boy also had his own ... abilities of sorts as she did.

She gave a nod. "Of course I did. You don't really want to give up on her, do you? It was faint ... but shoved behind all the negative emotions is a shy, scared part of her. She isn't fully lost. I can help get her back; but not alone. I'm not yet that good with my own abilities. Sometimes a ... visual aid is all one needs. I realize you've already been through a lot as it is; but with the link you two have ...." She let her voice trail off, knowing easily he could put two and two. "That, however, is merely an offer. If nothing else, I will do this myself. But the Shadow games can not be allowed to repeat; it is my obligation to ensure this."

Unfortunately, Hitoshi and Auset weren't as alone as they had thought. Akane had began to walk towards where they were .... but stopped before either of them could see her. A few things had gotten her ears, but the last was the last sentence. "But these Shadow games can not be allowed to repeat .... " Her fists angrily clenched as she took a detour. How?! How had someone already figured it out?

Waiting to be far out of earshot from the two, she let out an infuriated hiss. "....The Egyptian needs to be dealt with ..." She murmured lowly, now outside in the courtyard. She pulled her PDA out ... and sighed. She hated contacting him but he was probably one of the best bets. Though she never got along, Akane had to focus most of her powers and energy upon Hana and ensuring the Shadow games didn't get ruined. Still, sometimes she felt he went too far; whereas Akane would threaten to break a bone, he could and - if he felt it necessary - would actually do it.

Akane continued to stare at the name for a long while, still a bit hesitant on doing this. He was one of the few people whom could actually make her anxious, even with her Psychic abilities. But after some mental convincing of herself, she nodded and began to send him a text.

The preparations for the Shadow games have been going smoothly for now. However, we may have a slight .... issue. Her name is Auset, a new student in Ra Yellow. I wouldn't care normally ... but she already knows of the Shadow games and what they are. She already knows too much and with me needing to keep my attention upon our new vassal ... I'm sending this in hopes you wouldn't mind dealing with her. I don't care how; but do not let her screw this up. We have come too far for a mere Egyptian to ruin this.


Her legs swung as she sat on a bench outside. The fact she almost never asked favors from the higher ups was one good reason she hoped this would work. Another was she hated exposing her Psychic abilities to those whom didn't know she had it. However, this was becoming desperate enough; if need be, she would figure something out. Come hell or high water - both if needed - she would figure this all out.

Takumi smiled as the bell finally rang and they were allowed to leave for the day, he looked at Hana as she asked if he was asking her a silent question, and he simply nodded. "Only if you would let me in of course."' He spoke in a low wisper, his hand moved quickly up her skirt and only lightly touched against her wet panties, and then quickly retracted having only brushed a finger against her for a few seconds. He was tempting her, and he got up from his desk.

"If you want, im gonna go to our room, your welcome to follow." he said in a low devious tone as he started walking towards the door the finger that had touched her giving her a gesture for her to follow.


Hitoshi blinked hearing part of hana was still alive, she knew that? He got up breathing a moment as he leaned on his cane looking at this woman, his face was suddenly on the verge of tearful. He had thought that he had lost Hana, to something much darker, he thought that the girl he had called a friend was gone, but now he just simply got up a slight amount of hope returning too his body. "You can bring Hana back from Akane has done to her?"

He honestly didn't even know who this woman was but he welcomed her. He had tried and failed to reach her. He had been wrongly accused of setting her up, and he would do anything to clear his name, but this wasn't just about clearing a name any more this was about saving her. "Tell me what i need to do." he said calmly looking determined after all that had happened his face sobering slightly from his misery.

He leaned heavily on his cane he looked older then he had been when he had arived on the island, two rounds with a psychic would do that to a person and even as he walked he limped awfully because of that even if she ran he wouldn't be able to make the same pace, and if this was a race against time they were bound to loose.


"Hello again Akane-chan." the voice was low quiet and barely adiable as a young man stood over the bench leaning against it rather casually. He showed no signs of running or fatigue yet he had arrived out of no where, his chin rested lightly on his hand as he watched the Egyptian girl and Hitoshi starting up. He was not a tall man, actually he was rather short only 5'3" but he had a presence of command and his voice was hardly ever above a soft spoken whisper.

"So the girl knows about shadow games, it almost makes me wonder who she is. Your right Akane-chan I have done a lot of work to assure that this goes without a hitch, So I think I will step in if you don't much mind, but since they are going after your vassel, we shall count this as... you owing me for later." He gave her a cold smile his light red eyes narrowed to a point. as he brushed some of his white hair away from him.

The bell had felt as if it had taken forever to ring. But once it did, Hana more than eagerly stood up. She'd been panting a bit from the stimulation. It'd been short ... but at the same time so very sweet. And though they hadn't been dating too long, she would allow him more .. 'privileges', at least. Not quite to the point of letting him be her first yet. No, she would never allow anyone that until she was 1000% certain she was ready. However, she would be willing to let him explore her body a bit while simultaneously returning the favor.

Letting her body regain it's composure first, she then straightened her outfit out, hiding the slight hints of what she had been doing with Takumi in the classroom. With her own sly smile, she walked beside Takumi, easily catching up. "If? You're funny ... why wouldn't I go back to my own room? We still have a few more days until the tournament and I'm certain I'm ready for that. Where else would you expect me to go?" Noting he had enjoyed even the simplest actions, she intertwined their fingers together as she walked beside Takumi.

A sigh of relief left as she sent a silent prayer up to Isis and the other gods for getting to boy to come to his senses. Nodding with a soft smile to Hitoshi, she went on. "Yes, I do know that. I'm an empath ... I can feel emotions. Your friend is very conflicted even though she doesn't show it in her eyes or anywhere on her face. There is still quite a bit of malice, but that is not all there is in her."

Her head looked down as she began to think. "Unfortunately, snakes are known for being very sly. This will not, by any means, be easy. Especially with how long she has been around them. However ..." She gazed back up to Hitoshi's eyes. "She can be woken up. The easiest way to do this, though, is to make the male she's always with somehow reveal himself. He needs to be caught in a lie somehow ... so she knows his true colors, as it were." Going silent, she remembered hearing the name 'Takumi' being mentioned, mainly from when the teacher had said she needed to sit in front of him and a 'Hana'.

"Dueling may somehow reveal the true snake to her. But ...." She looked down in concern to him. "Are you going to be willing to accept any risks that may be involved?" She was astounded that he was still standing as it was, with or without aid. She was still, even while waiting, trying to figure a way out to help reveal that Takumi was certainly not whom he was pretending to be. And then .... it hit her.

"....I think I have an even simpler way. It will drain me ... but it will be worth it." Waiting for Hitoshi to regain all of his strength, she closed her eyes, focusing in on Hana. "....This way." She murmured, beginning to guide them while using Hana's emotions as a tracking device of sorts. "Even now .... she is confused. Though what of exactly, I am not sure."

The soft voice that abruptly came from behind Akane made her body quickly tense up. Slipping her PDA away, she forced herself to gaze behind her. "A-ah ... Kenji-sama. I .... expected a reply back, not a visit. Still, I'm glad to see the message got through." Her head shook no as he hinted he was curious on whom she was. "All those whom would have known that sort of thing ... have no reason to step foot into this Academy. Or so I thought anyways. But her skin does easily hint her Egyptian heritage as does her name. Still .... "

She was infuriated that she seemed to have forgotten a factor to calculate in this plan's equation. Her fists clenched at her error. Thankfully, Kenji agreed to help her deal with the girl. Of course, it came with a price; but that was to be expected. Biting down on her lower lip to keep her tongue in line whilst around Kenji, she gave a slow nod. "....Of course, Kenji-sama. Just tell me when and what you wish from me when the time arrives and it will be yours." She hated owing anyone anything; but with Kenji it was worse. She'd made a mistake once of trying to get out of a favor; he had given her ample reasons to remember why this was not a smart idea.

As her head turned back to check on Hitoshi and Auset, she found them moving. "While I do not mind, I would suggest making your introductions sooner as opposed to later. After all, moving targets are a real bitch to hit you know?" She added teasingly, finally nodding towards the two. They hadn't gotten far yet, thankfully, but it was still a precaution on her behalf to ensure they wouldn't screw things up.

Takumi smiled feeling her hand intertwine with his own. He wasn't going to ask to be her first, until she was good and ready, however it seemed like he would be getting something out of her for his troubles. The thought excited him, and he waited to see what they would have planned for each other at the Ra Yellow dorm, walking down the steps to the outside of the academy. "Oh silly me, of course you would want to go back to the room." he said with a keen almost devilish smile.

Takumi pulled her close as they walked to the outside of the academy. His mind kept wondering what had happened to that Egyptian girl. He sighed trying his best to put it out of his mind as he walked with Hana. He couldn't believe how easy it all seemed, and he licked his lips in a moment of anticipation.


Hitoshi sighed as he followed the new girl she hadn't even told him her name, and everything she had told him seemed impossible, but he put his hopes in her anyway, she had some kind of plan and he didn't care what else their was than that. Hitoshi could see them walking down the stairs, and he scoweled looking at the male who's hand she was holding, anger and jealousy both shot through him as he saw them together. before he calmed himself and breathed lightly.

"So we just need to show his true colors, get him caught with a lie... that doesn't sound too difficult." He had always noticed that lies had a way of revealing themselves in the end. As he walked his way towards the stairs however they were cut off by a young man with stark white hair. He was looking directly at the Ra yellow student. Hitoshi took an instinctive step back, recognizing the man by reputation alone. "Kenji... Thats Kenji Ueda number one in the school." He had witnessed last year when he had crushed Akane's deck with ease, He was rarely seen outside of when he had to duel, so why was it that he was standing between them and Hana.


As soon as Akane had turned his head he was gone, leaving only a cold breeze in his place. Walking lightly in front of Hitoshi and Aust he gave them a smile his red eyes on them both as he sighed. He looked over Aust and gave a slight nod to her. "Excuse me miss, but im afraid I have to cut you off from here."

His red eyes narrowed slightly looking at Hitoshi, for a moment he was such a small bit player that he hardly mattered, this new girl however oh she was a definite concern. His low voice seemed to project even at a distance both could hear him clearly. "I can't really allow you two too to run around, even though it pains me to actually stage anything myself.."

By the time they got back in their room, her hand was shaking lightly in anticipation. Closing their door, she found herself facing Takumi. Gently moving strands of his hair away from his eyes, she held him close. Her body slowly began to relax and calm down. Fear was an easy way her powers tended to get out of hand; she couldn't afford that happening then and there. Once her hand got stable, she gave her full attention to Takumi. Pulling him close, she gave him a deep kiss. Her legs parted to give him easier access. "That ... was really bold the way you teased my panties like that. But ...." She blushed as she allowed herself to finish. "T-that ... felt ... really good." She added, her lips moving off and away from his. Gently moving his head aside, she began licking and kissing the side of his neck.

"In concept, no. But he's likely to have a lot of rebuttals and ways to try to ..." She quickly stopped as a new figure approached. A couple things made her feel uneasy about this one person; the eye contact being right at her, not Hitoshi along with the Slifer's reaction. He stepped back away from the boy. That ... was a signal she should be as afraid of this one like Hitoshi. But fear wouldn't get them anywhere; certainly not closer to Hana.

As he spoke up and revealed what he was doing, a frown crossed her face. She had made certain that no one was around. "... You're very fast to have found this out given the agreement was made but a few minutes ago." That was when she felt another presence behind them.

"You're welcome. Nothing personal .... well, not too much." A smirking Akane was behind both Auset and Hitoshi, though she was studying - or trying to - the Egyptian more. "I wouldn't fight back. That is the best advice I can honestly give you. Forget what you thought of ... and go to your respective dorms." Though Kenji had agreed to deal with Auset, she would ensure Hitoshi didn't pull any 'miracles' off. Also, she hoped to try to lessen her debts to Kenji; she had hated knowing she would have to owe him for this later. Helping him out - even if only a bit - would make it easier; or so she hoped.

Auset remained silent the whole time both Blues spoke. Why did I only sense the girl? Even now .... Was the boy immune to emotion? No ... impossible. He had to have been feeling something in order to have bothered to approach her. But ... why could she not sense it? Something about him ... was unnatural, unnerving. What made this most annoying though was knowing her abilities could only do so much.

Furthermore, it had been made very clear that these two direly wanted to stop them. Her head shook no adamantly as she did the opposite of Hitoshi and stepped forward, making Akane unable to help but smirk more at the poor Egyptian. She had no idea what she was walking into, otherwise she would have been smart and copied Hitoshi's actions. "Just because you obviously have a ... network of sorts - reliable I will admit - that does not mean I will stop. I'm not only doing this to help him out .... but for my own personal reasons." Even as she spoke, there was still no indication on what this boy was thinking or feeling. Was her anklet not working. Impossible ... that's always active. What's going on? She allowed her eyes to dart up and down ... stopping on a bracelet. It looked like her anklet; it had no immediate indication that it was unique in any way. Was that why she couldn't get a tell off him? Or was he just that naturally well-hidden?

Takumi played into hana's kiss holding her closely and as she spread her legs slightly and told him that she had enjoyed his teasing, he smiled. His hand quickly taking her body language up on her offer and as he kept her close kissing her, his hand explored her panties rubbing against her wet underwear and playing with her moist pussy.

"I am glad you enjoyed it." he said smoothly as he pressed against her more. "Because their is plenty i would like to explore with you. If you will let me of course." He pressed his lips against her in a passionate kiss his tongue exploring her mouth for a moment he could feel his penis hardening more and more forming an awkward bulge in the tight school uniform. He had to admit only felt slightly lustful towards Hana mostly he was doing this because he could have fun in this way.


Faced down with two of the schools best duelests Hitoshi muttered under his breath looking at Akane, their wasn't an easy way to let them pass, looking to Auset he smiled lightly looking at Akane. "You realize of course that this won't go down the same as last year. We are going to get past you one way or the other." He said as he drew his duel disk still having to lean on his staff. If Akane even touched him once he figured he was pretty well finished.

He swallowed knowing that their would have been risks any path he looked at this situation but he slid his deck into his disk anyway. "two set one vs one, if we win you let us go on our way, we save Hana, and i don't bash your face in with my walking stick."

Hearing hitoshi's offer Kenji smiled and nodded these two were small fry, how could they possibly win? the egyptian was more of a threat, and hitoshi's record stood at 19 losses 0 wins, he was the weakest duelist in Slifer. "Akane humor the slacker, Ill take care of the woman." he said in his normal tone of voice stepping towards her.

drawing his own deck he gave a shrug. "We can agree with those terms." their victory was as good as assured.

"Lead on then ...." Even during the exchange of intimate actions, however, Hana's mind wasn't fully on all that was happening to her. No, she had been feeling as if ... something vital were going on. The more time that passed, the stronger it was getting. Finally, she knew something had happened when she felt ... a presence? No, two heading over here. She pulled away, a serious expression crossing her face. "...We're about to have company, and soon, Takumi." She would not be unprepared; not if she could help it. No, Hana would be ready ... ready to meet whomever was heading over. As she reluctantly ceased, she awaited near their door.

"Heh, we'll see." Akane merely retorted, bowing her head to Kenji. "Of course, Kenji-sama. Allow me." But ... some god must have been watching. Because in three turns, Hitoshi had somehow pulled out the best draw she had ever seen from him. Her eyes widened as she took her own step back. "...But ... but how?! She was dumbfounded ... confused. Her head shook as she looked over to the second duel.

For a bit, it seemed as if Auset had been shoved against the wall, cornered and helpless. But Isis had definitely been watching her. Even with Area Limit Level B out, she found one of the few three star monsters in her deck. That plus United We Stand powered her up and with seven cards left in her deck, she actually pulled a victory out. The uneasy feelings she had been getting from Kenji only intensified. He had, according to Hitoshi, been the strongest. Yet she had just beating him. Knowing the defeat would not sink well with either of them, she gently but still somewhat harshly took Hitoshi's arm. "T-this way!" She murmured. Not daring to give either of them a chance to go back on her word, she ran and began guiding the two towards the Ra Yellow dorms.

Once they arrived in front of the dorm room Hana and Takumi were in, she nodded towards it. With a soft sigh, she walked in .... and saw at least Hana had been ready. Knowing she would need to act - and fast - she walked right up to the girl. "Excuse me ... " She murmured. Not waiting for consent, she placed her hands on both sides of Hana's temple ... giving her some of her empathetic abilities.

"What are .... ahhhhhhhhh!" The merging, unfortunately, did come with a price. But as her scream died down, Hana could ... hear everything. Herself, Hitoshi, this woman but the one that had really gotten her attention ... was Takumi. And all that she was hearing were lust-filled desires, making her eyes narrow as she glanced at her roommate. ".....I see." Moving her head away to signal she'd heard enough, she began angrily gathering her things. "...If you know what's smart, you'll stay away, Takumi! Stay away and be glad I'm not even daring to use them!" Her head bowed in shame ... humiliation. It was soft; but not so much Hitoshi couldn't hear the next set of words, "I.... I'm so sorry." She kept her gaze downcast, afraid to meet Hitoshi's eyes. More than that, she didn't deserve to, especially after all the emotional and physical pain she had caused him. Hana wouldn't be too amazed if the Slifer wouldn't accept the apology or ever forgive her.

Panting and breathing heavily - barely conscious through much more than will power - Auset let herself fall against a wall. She wouldn't dare impose on Hitoshi; she would rely on him to get Hana out of here safely. She ... would figure something out for herself. For the time being, however, she watched Takumi silently, ensuring he didn't dare try any fast stunts while Hana began gathering all of her possessions, ready to move out.

Akane was still staring, even though the two had gone. She had been ready to assault the Egyptian with a Psychic attack ... but a quick glare from Kenji suggested she would keep true to the agreement. Her head shakily looked up to him, trying to say something, anything. All that was coming to her were excuses; none he would dare accept. With a defeated sigh, her head gazed down. "I ... I'm sorry, Kenji-sama. I ... I don't know what happened ... " She stopped, not sure what more to add. She was genuinely scared and wanted so badly to beg for mercy; but she wouldn't dare. Maybe if she'd won but even that hadn't happened. She had miserably failed Kenji ... and knew she was definitely going to pay for it, whether here or at the Blue dorms.
Takumi Erizawa, Hitoshi Ohayashi& Kenji Ueda

Takumi blinked as she pulled away, and then all that followed confused him. His eyes glared at the three of them his features becoming more dark as his true colors were found within seconds. He was unreadably mentally, but emotionally he was a mixture off fuming hate, and anger. His face however showed none of it as he popped into his smile and mearly gave a bow to Hana. "As you would."

This was one he wasn't going to forget for a long time and this woman had just made herself a target of at least three incredibly powerful people, from this point on they would all need to be careful he leaned back against the wall his eyes surfice calm as his insides writhed at how close he had been.


Hitoshi hadn't believed it, hell i didn't think anyone would have believed it but somewhere their had been a score board that had just put his first official win of the year on the score board, not only was it a win, but he still had all 8000 of his LP Akane having only come close once, to be shut down by a trap. It was humiliating for Akane, but for Hitoshi it brought life back into his step, and he had been able too keep up with Auset.

with all that happened he didn't even know how to look at Hana. She had caused him a lot of pain, and his eyes averted from her slightly. His attention was on everything accept Hana, taking in the fact that he was standing in the Ra Yellow dorm, the fact that he was the only red out for miles, and he felt another pang of jealousy as He noticed Takumi, and was able to tell what they would have been doing had they lost.

Hearing her apology, it was like a weight was lifted off his chest. He was innocent again a free man, He wasn't the snake that Athena had spoken of, and now she knew it. Even so his chest still hurt, and he relied on a cane to walk, recovery would be slow. He felt happy, hell he had just beat down Akane he should have ecstatic! and yet Hana wouldn't even look at him, and he could hardly stand to look at her.

"It's okay... your back now, recovery will take some time, but your back." He didn't hear the cry of the creature, but he felt a shove loosing his balance and his cane he stumbled foward and hugged Hana. Cosmobeet floating behind him, before it disappeared. He held onto Hana for a good few moments unsure if he was even allowed, but afraid that if he let go he wouldn't be able to stand up any longer. his body's exhaustion was catching up with him.


Kenji gave a sigh two red eyes watching them go for a moment after a quick glare had silenced Akane. He turned around to her, his eyes neither kind nor unkind. This was a set back, but only a minor one at best, and now Akane didn't just owe him one, she had failed him as well. The Egyptian could be excused, at the last moment he didn't have the cards he had needed to give that final push, it wasn't a mistake he would make a second time, but she, hitoshi hadn't even been hit. If she was honestly thinking to take his place this was not something he could tolerate.

"I know you do not know what happened Akane chan, but I certainly do know what will happen to you." This was still only minor but he could already bet that he had lost out on their new follower. "I will be seeing you soon Akane-chan, though you should be humiliated the crowed already did that for us, So at this point further punishment will have to be in private." His voice only a hushed whisper audible to her, he took a step out of her line of sight and was gone after that.​

By now, Hana's body had been trembling in anger, disbelief ... so many emotions flooding her mind. It was taking her own will power to keep from a massive Psychic attack hitting everyone within the room. In fact, that was probably the only reason she didn't allow it to overtake her. She continued to softly repeat the words "I'm so sorry ...." over and over, even when Hitoshi hinted he had accepted it. Tears were beginning to form as she continued moving everything away. A gasp left as she felt his arms now around her.

For a bit, Hana stayed silent. Now that he was closer and she could better see and feel the damage she had done; her body - mind especially - gave in. The tears she had been trying to desperately hide finally began to fall, going down her cheeks and skin. A few had slipped in between her breasts, some going down her arms instead. As she finished gathering her things, she grasped her bag in one hand, letting Hitoshi borrow a shoulder with her other hand. She said nothing as she walked away; not until she was certain she was away from Takumi.

".....How ... how did ...??" She found herself glancing back from a very weary Auset, whom was having her own difficulty following. Still, the Egyptian also had a smile on her face as she waved a hand to the couple. "You ... two ... go on ahead. My room's not too far ahead. I will better explain when I'm feeling up to it. Right now .... I'm astounded I can still stand." More than that, the duel she had not long ago with Kenji had still been repeating in her mind. That was the most amazing thing she was remembering; and simultaneously terrifying. Giving a weak bow of her head, she stumbled into her room several doors down.

Her attention then turned to Hitoshi as did her head. For the longest time, she went quiet once again. Not only was she unsure what to say but she was terrified. He had all and every right to snap at her and though he hadn't yet ... that was what was making her the most scared. That now with Auset being gone, he wouldn't hold himself back. First thing was first, however; they had to get away into a safe place. A weak but soft smile crossed as something finally left her lips, "You ... never did get to show me the garden? Do ... do you want to now? Or .. at least know of a better place we can go to?" She hoped that would be somewhat of a decent start to make up for a hell of a bad last couple of weeks. Bad? Whom was she kidding; horrid, a living Hell for poor Hitoshi.

".....Crowd?" She managed to stammer, glancing quickly around. She didn't see one though then again, they had probably left by now. By the time her eyes went back to where Kenji had been, he too had vanished. A low whimper left as she stood up. She would need every ounce of her strength; and while she had the chance, she would take it. Her body trembled as she found herself in her dorm room. She shut the door but didn't bother locking it. For one, Kenji would find a way to get in but more importantly, she wouldn't run from her punishment. She was many things; a coward was not one. She would face Kenji the entire time though her mind couldn't help but wonder what deviant ideas her senpai had at the moment for her?

It all made her shiver hard as she collapsed upon her bed. It wouldn't be pleasant, regardless. Not much longer after her head found the pillow, she fell asleep. Luckily, however, she as a very light sleeper. Maybe not for reasons like this; but all the same for times when she would need to wake up in a matter of seconds. Whenever Kenji was ready, she would be too; as much as she could be at any rate.

Hitoshi smiled as she talked about his garden, he pulled away from Hana for a moment and nodded. "Give me a second. Final peice of buisness and then we can leave, and talk things over." He picked up the walking stick, as he leaned down slowly using it to walk, He was feeling lighter less unstable then he thought he was, he had been shaking before the duel, but now he was suddenly confident in his stride as he walked to Takumi.

What happened next happened too quickly for his own eyes to follow their was a hardy crack as Hitoshi put everything he had felt all the anger agression hate and jeallousy into one crack of his cane, the wood spliting into peices as it made contact with Takumi and knocked him down in one strike. Dropping broken stick onto Takumi he stood back for a moment his legs supporting him with only a slight limp. "Ja-ne Hebi." He left the room feeling lighter then he had in weeks. his hell was over and he took Hana by the hand leading her towards the slifer red dorms.


Kenji stood over Akane's bed, he had let her sleep for several minutes, but rest was not what he wanted from her, she could sleep when she was dead. "Wake up." He spoke with his usual soft tone but this time there was a ridged command to it, the two of them were alone and the man looked over Akane his red eyes having a slight menace to them as his hand grabbed Akane by the throat and lifted her out of bed tossing her onto the floor.

His eyes scanned her for a moment sure of how he was going to punish her, he needed to let off some steam, his own loss had angered him, and now he had the perfect toy to use. "On your hands and knees."

Hana didn't need to watch to know what had happened. Thanks to the residue from Auset, she had felt what had just happened ... and cringed inwardly. Once Hitoshi returned, she returned the gesture of holding his hand. She watched him and ensured he didn't look like his leg was about to give in; or if he did, she would allow him to use a shoulder of hers. Sure it'd look out of place and slightly odd ... but she figured it was the least she could do after all he'd endured. "...How ... I mean ... are you feeling somewhat better? You're ... not too sore are you?" She looked at him with concern as she remained close beside him, allowing her to be guided. It was a bit ... embarrassing, walking in a half-aroused state. But he was forgiving her faster than she had expected. Hell, maybe he hadn't even noticed. She hoped not; she'd endured more than enough mortification and embarrassment for one day.

The words made her groan then tense. "Alright al .... agh!" The grip around her throat had definitely made her wake up, her eyes widening as instincts kicked in. Her hands had gone to grab his and keep them away from his target but thankfully it didn't last long. Coughing and choking, she looked slowly up to him. Though his voice was calm, as if nothing had happened, she knew better. He was pissed .... infuriated.

She remained silent and before she could ask, he seemed to answer her mental question. "....But!" She then sighed, knowing it would only be much worse if she dared to defy him. A defeated nod left as she slowly - very reluctantly - got on her hands and knees. The latter she wasn't too annoyed with actually; but rather feeling and looking like a bitch. Worse off to know refusing to cooperate would mean any assumptions she had would get worse in a matter of seconds. Her head lowered to the ground as she waited. Maybe it'd be fast ... but something told her that wouldn't be true.

Hitoshi caughed lightly as he walked doing his best to support himself but he did on occasion lean on Hana for supoort, less because he wanted too, and more because he had too. He wasn't sure if he had forgiven her, and hearing her. He just sighed he was feeling a lot of things, and when they were in sight of the Slifer dorm he sat back against a tree, the the area around them was a tilled plot of land, various plants grew around them most still in bloom. "I had a friend upkeep it while i was in the hospital, but the idiot didn't know a plant from a weed, and ive had a lot of work to catch up on with it." He stretched out letting out a pained sigh. The garden was slightly overgrown now. he could tell she was still half aroused and if she was getting any vibe from him it was possibly jealousy and confusion that topped among all else.

He looked at Hana now came the hard part, he didn't know what he could say to her. Instead he just averted his eyes lightly. "It hurts. I won't lie, you struck me right where i didn't think i could be hurt, and honestly it drove me mad. during my recovery no one visited me, no one thought to check in. I have never been so alone in my life, and the worst part was... I felt i deserved it, this all started because I laughed, and instead of offering to escort you, I invited you out here." His eyes were dark he looked mostly at the ground he just didn't know what more he could say aside from that.


Kenji smiled looking at Akane on her hands and knee's how many people could say that they actually got too see the great Akane like this. His hand trailed down her body as he walked around her kneeling behind her. "You disappointed me Akane-chan, not only did you loose to a slifer red that we knew was pathatic, you lost like a bitch. 8000, to 0 so since you loose like a bitch, its only fair you be fucked like one? wouldn't you agree?" He paused actually waiting for her to answer his question.

His hand trailed up her skirt rubbing her ass lightly pulling down her panties so they fell at too her knees. He undid his own pants taking out his cock as he rubbed the tip against Akane's pussy. like his build it was slender, and as he stroked it against her body he could feel it harden. grabbing her hips he mounted Akane, and his cock penetrated her in one loud slap, as he drove it into her mostly unprepared body.

With no exact idea on how long the residue would remain, Hana was feeling ... quite a bit, from both herself and Hitoshi. Even before he had admitted and explained anything for that matter. Her own head lowered a bit before it finally shook. "No ... you didn't deserve that for laughing at me." The jealousy was a constant emotion she was feeling from him .... and it was unable to help but make her curious. Why would that matter ... unless .... did he like her in that manner? Tch, maybe used to. Doubt he does now ...

Helping him carefully sit down, she wound up beside him. Her head continued to shake no. "I ... will apologize for lashing out with my new ... abilities. But not getting annoyed for feeling like ... well .... like I was thought of as insane. That hurt me also. I'd trusted you so to hear and see that reaction ... it bothered me." A weak smile crossed her face as she let her head rest against her knees as they went up to her chest. "Then again, I probably look like quite the idiot huh? I ... really almost fell for someone like Takumi ..." She sighed, her eyes closing. "....You .... didn't have to try to save me, you know? But ... thanks. If it's anyone who doesn't deserve anything ... that's me."

Now that was where she drew her line. "....N-now hold the fuck on, Kenji! I'm not gonna make excuses ... but that was once! Maybe if this was a repeated issue, I'd understand a bit better. But come the hell on .... this is too much for the first time, don't you think? So no ... no I fucking don't agree." Now she was as infuriated as he was and the stinging embarrassment that hadn't left from the duel only made it worse.

He wasn't really about to ... was he?! "O-oi ...w-wait a fucking second! You're joking .. right?!" Her body tensed and shivered as she felt him rubbing along her slit. "K-kenji hold ... hold up ... " Before her hands could reach his, he shoved through -- actually breaking through her hymen. Moving her right arm in front of her mouth, she bit down on it hard, muffling a long and loud scream of agony. A bit of blood fell as she pulled her teeth away but by now, she was way beyond caring.

Panting and shaking - in fear and anger mainly - she growled angry. "....W...why you! Even ... for ... for you ...." By then though, she found herself stammering, barely able to finish a sentence. Her head remained down for a bit as she glared at him out of the corner of her eyes. Any and all restraint she had before was officially gone. Pushing herself up, she thrust an elbow back for his gut, roughly trying to pull away. No way in hell was she staying still for this. Nu-uh ... not if she could help it.
Hitoshi Ohayashi & Kenji Ueda.

And their it was, a massive wave of guilt flooded over Hitoshi as she spoke about his dream. He hadn't been able to tell her the truth, not back then in a place so public, but now, he sighed breathing and looking around the plants. "I faked my laugh, I was nervous and scared, I thought that if I said the truth you would have looked at me like I was crazy, or worse that I was insulting you... thats why i asked you to meet me out here, it was secluded and... well I was gonna tell you the truth."

He sighed nervous and now guilty, he swallowed back, and sighed. "I sometimes hear and see duel monsters when im awake. It all started last year, during my first duel with Akane. She freaked me out, had me on the run the entire time, and then I heard its voice. Cosmobeet, i could have sworn the little guy was standing beside me, and it didn't end their. in the recovery room i kept hearing it. I thought she had somehow drivin me insane, but over the year i saw more other students with their own, eventually i just concluded that... im crazy.... so when you told me about your dream it hit close to my home." Mix of fear and anxiety as well as his own guilt mixed with one another and he just shivered for a moment.

Looking at Hana, he knew he didn't have to save her, and for a moment he almost hadn't. He had almost called it quits, and he reached out taking her hand, and physically pulling it away from her so he could hold her. "That woman... Auset, told me that their was a chance... a chance to get you back... at first I didn't believe her, after our second duel... I thought I lost you. though that duel was ill advised."


Kenji had almost laughed hearing the anger and everything in her tones, watching as her arm jetted out to strike him he grabbed her elbow twisting it upwards so that he pushed the front part of her body down into the floor as he thrust his hardened cock against her pussy taking her virginity and pounding into her in what he could only imagine was a rather uncomfortable position to be in. She was nice and tight and he let out a small purr of pleasure as he did all of this. "Now Akane-chan I am only going to say this once, I do not tolerate failures in my top 4. You want to play the big girl on campus, then you can't go about spoiling your reputation, otherwise I spoil you, are we starting to read the same page?"

He pressed himself inside her harder using the arm that he was holding hostage he pulled her back up from the ground as he started to undue her jacket. dropping her arm and purring his hands back on her skirt he simply smiled. "You don't deserve that blue jacket right now, take it off."

Hana's head quickly shook no as she finished hearing him out. "No no no .... " She held him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she let her head rest against his shoulder, being careful to avoid any spots that may still be a bit sore. "You're not and it's why I embraced having met Athena so early on. I'm pretty sure there are others besides us that can do things like we can. But no ... no you're not crazy."

She went silent as Hitoshi explained Auset - the Egyptian - had been the main reason he had tried. She wasn't sure if that scared her or made her more grateful for the woman's abrupt appearance. "W-well then .... I really do owe her quite the amount of thanks next I see her." She looked up in concern as another thought came to her. "Are ... are you going to be ready for the tournament in three days then?"

In Hana's mind she was also trying to figure out what to do regarding her possessions. She knew she couldn't just go to Red; not without making proper arrangements. Same for changing rooms. Right now though, she refused to be around Takumi. She wouldn't dare be close to him again. So for now, she was trying to do the next best thing. But by the time it began to get dark, she knew she shouldn't be out here, lest she risk expulsion.

A wince left as he began hammerlocking her arm. "....I ... never said I disagreed with ... your logic. Just .... your punishments, especially after a first failure." Wincing and panting, she felt herself more in a sitting position now. After a bit he - thankfully - let go of her arm. Her head shook no adamantly. "Yes I do!" She hissed. "You may be top in Blue, but you do not make those types of calls! That is for the Principal to decide, not you!"

She placed her right hand firmly in front of her jacket, her left pushing her up as she tried to pull away. Were it not happening, Akane had sworn to herself this day couldn't have gotten worse. But it had; from the loss of a mere duel to her own virginity. Any logic or caring about how she'd be when this was over was way gone; it had been since he burst her hymen. She would fight back, defy him ... with everything she had.

Hitoshi blinked feeling her arms around him. He swallowed hearing that she didn't think he was crazy. Had he been wrong to think she would think what he did? He shook his head trying to clear some of his thoughts. She didn't seem to understand what he meant though, and feeling her head against him he shifted lightly leaning on her and allowing her to be closer. He didn't know what he could say to any of this. "All she did was tell me that their was a chance to bring you back... and that chance brought me back.... I will admit you weren't the only one who was lost for a little while.."

Smiling as she asked if he would be ready to partake in the tornament he looked at her. "Will I be ready for it? I got my first victory of the school year today... You should have seen the look on Akane's face. It was sweet revenge." He smiled almost rejoicing in the victory.

Leaning against her his hand intertwined with hers. He felt odd, over the last few weeks she had destroyed him physically, and yet now he was leaning on her. He didn't know if she had feelings for him, he honestly doubted it with everything that had happened he was probably just in her friend zone. He admitted to himself though that he was attracted to Hana, not yet strong enough to be love, but he certainly wondered about all that happened. He flushed for a moment at the odd closeness but then a thought occured to him. "About your powers... can you read minds?" He suddenly found himself worried they had called Hana a psychic and he had to wonder if he had to worry about her knowing about the stash of dirty mags he kept under the mattress in his dorm, or the fact that he was crushing on her, or any of the hundreds of private thoughts that would be inconvenient for others to know.


"If I make your punishment strict for your first failure, than you will not make the same mistakes again." Kenji spoke non schalauntly despite the fact that he was enjoying Akane's body he wasn't panting even after he repeatedly pushed himself into her, he was enjoying the pleasure of her tight pussy, but wasn't letting it show as he leaned over her, his hands pulling on her shoulders to keep her close as he pounded into her.

"Okay then let me make you understand in a different way. You can take off your jacket right now in this instant and put it on when im done with you, or when im ready to Finnish i will cum on it." He said his first set of wording having been misunderstood so now he went with a much more direct threat. "These Jackets are hard to clean you know."

The confession that she hadn't been the only 'lost' person ... had he really gotten that mad at her? Then again, Hana couldn't blame him really. He was perfectly justified. It's the results that matter ... She reminded herself, deciding not to ponder on the 'what-ifs'. "Well ... I'm glad you got found, as it were then." She gave a light nod as she looked up and down him. Now that she was even more closer to him ... he really did look handsome, with or without the scars. In a way though, they made him seem stronger to her, not weaker.

"...A-alright. Just .. be careful. I'll ... try to self-teach myself how to control myself better but I doubt Akane will." A smile crossed her face as he went on to say he actually beat her. "Really? That's quite a feat from what I've heard and seen. It's creepy really ... and she usually swarms people so fast they barely get a chance to do much." Her head then tilted as he suddenly blushed and asked of her powers. "Well .. yeah. But that's one of the easier parts of my abilities so I only do it when I make it happen."

A playful smirk crossed her face. "....I think I see. Just from your facial expressions alone too. There's something you're trying to keep hidden isn't there? I won't push for exact details ... but I will say it's easier to reveal some secrets than keep them hidden away." His ability to communicate with Duel Spirits would be - she hoped - a good example of this.

"....Well ...." For once, Akane couldn't find a retort. Though the act was beyond something she agreed with, Kenji actually had a hell of a point. Managing nothing more than a mere "Tch ...", her head lowered as she sighed. Her teeth sank into her lower lip as he then gave her an ultimatum. Curses repeated in her head as she slid the jacket off, the blouse now being the only thing keeping her breasts hidden.

Tossing her jacket aside on her bed, her eyes closed. The grip wasn't as firm as it could have been; but it was enough to hint to her that Kenji would definitely do all in his own powers to ensure he got to keep fucking her. Besides, she'd rather not waste all her strength .. not when she would need it soon enough. Her hands slid back on the floor as she forced her body to relax and stop struggling against him.

It hurt - damn well nearly killed - her pride to just accept this fate. But the hammerlock from earlier was but a merciful form of punishment. It'd only get worse if she kept fighting against him. And as he was having his own secret part that enjoyed this, so did Akane. But she didn't dare show it in her eyes and had been refusing to moan from the actions. Her obedience - she hoped anyways - would only be interpreted as a sign to signal she was surrendering and acknowledging her place; not that she was also doing this for her pleasure as well.

Hitoshi blinked she could read minds, but it was something she could control that was good, though he did have a slight panic attack when she said his face told her everything she needed to know, it was in that moment that he didn't know which confession she was wanting from him, and so confused as he was and with a muddled mind he just bowed his head deciding to go with all of them. His face went beat red and he suddenly found himself unable to stop talking his voice nervious trying to get everything out before Hana's powers could read it off of him.

"I have several dirty magazines hidden under my bed that are illegal to have on campus. Last year it was I who wrote the principle licks donkeys in the boys bathroom on the fourth floor with permanent marker, and let Jin take the blame. It was I who let our poodle Mr waffles out on the night he ran away, and I have had a crush on you since I saw you on the docks because I thought you were cute." By the time he was finished he was panting lightly his hand holding a very tight grip over her hand and he was breathing heavily and incredibly flushed. He had just told her pretty much everything he had to hide because he knew that he was an open book. He wasn't like Takumi who could stand to hide everything his face told everyone when he was lying and honestly he was surprised that he had gotten away with even the stuff he had done.

His eyes closed tightly he didn't want to even know how Hana would react to hearing any of this, but something about the last line that he had said was perhaps the worst part, that was probably the one line she didn't need to hear right now. She had been with Takumi, and even aroused by him, and now he had probably just complicated everything for Hana.


Kenji felt her stop struggling and smiled enjoying himself as he played harder into her. His speed increasing as his cock rubbed against her tight inner walls. His hands left her shoulders once she had stopped and lifted up her shirt slightly revealing her breasts which his hands started to play with squeezing them hard and pulling on her nipples as he thrust inside her. He was starting to find a good pace with her pussy, and sounds of her panting. He was getting close and his actions could tell it, as he became more alive his cock hardening and twitching inside her."Thats right surrender yourself I still have a bit more I want to do to you before I Finnish."

He was loving this, having Akane like this was fun, and he made a mental note that although this would be the first time, it would certainly not be the last time he took Akane like this. Of course this was only her first time failing them, later times would require much worse then just loosing... all of her virtues.

She had been chuckling at all the secrets -- right until he confessed. Then she got a more serious expression; not overly stern but enough. "....Even ... after all I've done and, in certain degrees, nearly did?" Her hand shook as it lifted to his forehead. She exhaled deeply, murmuring a soft "Forgive me .... ". This was something she realized she should have done with Takumi. But now that she knew she wanted to avoid repeating mistakes like this, she knew the proper course of actions to take.

Embarrassment was no doubt one of the most dominant feelings in his mind. But there were no hints of deception nor thoughts of lust like Takumi had. He ... was dead serious. The grip on her hand had finally registered to her mind as she glanced down at it then herself. "....You... but ... why?! I ... I mean .... you aren't alone with thinking something like that but ...." Silent tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"You're being more merciful to my presence than I expected, honestly. You're a lot calmer ... more gentle ... even though I was the exact opposite to you. And I wouldn't blame you for it either." She kept holding his hand though turned herself more to keep her tears hidden, though a few had already stained the ground near their feet. "With all Akane told me about people like her ... us .... gods you're lucky you didn't go into a coma or worse! I ... feel like I've done more harm, too much ... to deserve someone nice like you."

Gods he .... liked this? Well that shouldn't have astounded Akane. Perhaps the better wording, really, was he was enjoying her body. She'd only kept herself pure for so long because she never really deemed anyone worthy. Despite his nerve-wracking aura of sorts that he had, she had - for a while - fallen for Kenji. But how could she say such a thing? She was the strongest female in Blue and she had to at least keep that away from the others. This mix of a favor and punishment .. was becoming less and less of a bad thing the longer it went on.

Allowing her moans to finally leave and pants to become heavier, she kept her face down towards the floor. Thankfully she never owned any mirrors otherwise he'd see her blushing and enjoying this as much as he was now revealing. Even if her actions - the moving of her hips against him to help him slide in deeper plus her muscles squeezing around his cock - would give it away, she still had to try to keep some of her guise up. "S-sumimasen, Kenji-sama .... for everything. My actions earlier ... my failure. I hope this is beginning to make it up ...." She definitely didn't understand how ... but she wouldn't push her luck with him either.

Hitoshi's eyes opened only slightly as she apologized he knew that she was digging around inside his mind, at least on some level, and although he didn't like it he understood why she would need too with all that she had been through she couldn't want to make the same mistake again so soon. He understood why she was crying after all that she had put him through he still cared about her, and he just leaned against the tree breathing out a small sigh as she her silent crying.

Slowly his hand left hers and wrapped around her shoulders pulling her closer. He didn't say anything at first, he was still gathering his reasons to feel the way he did. The bad of being around her had far outweighed the good some time ago, and yet he continued with it any way. "I'm not gonna say your abilities don't scare me, or that I forgive you for what you did, those things will only be solved through time, because if you think I have forgiven you fully I haven't, but I am not the type to express my anger lividly. Or shout and scream until im horse, those would only exhaust me. No you are going to live the rest of your life knowing what you did, knowing that you didn't just hurt me but several others as well. Your actions earned you a reputation far worse then any scorn i could give you and those are the facts. It will be up to you to undue the damage that you have done, not just to me, but to yourself..."

His hands pulled Hana into a hug resting her head on his shoulders. in the coming weeks she would be alone aside from him and Auset if he were cruel he would just turn around and leave her, but he wasn't and so his arms encircled her and patted her on the back lightly. "It will be time and your actions that redeem yourself. So I don't have to be cruel."


Kenji heard her moans and smiled as he visciously pounded into her body she was loving it more and more with every stroke so it seemed, feeling her body clench down on him harder he smiled and pinched her breasts harder then he had before. At the same time he could tell that he was getting close to his first climax, and he lifted Akane's ass up more getting his legs under her slightly, while pushing down on her body rubbing her chest more against the ground as he managed to make his cock go into her even deeper with this new position his balls slapping against her body as he did.

"You are a good servant Akane-chan.. you learn quickly what I need." As he pounded her pussy his hands stopped playing with her chest letting the ground do that for him. He sucked on one of his fingers getting it nice and moist for a second while also spredding her but. "But a punishment is a punishment, and i can only let you enjoy so much." He said as he pushed his finger inside her ass while pounding her pussy.


Waking up the snake's eyes shot open he rubbed his head slightly feeling not only neglected, but also angry and embittered by all that had happened. getting up and looking over his room, he opened a cabnet and pulled out a pair of steel hand cuffs. It seemed all that Hana owned was gone, but he hardly cared about her anymore. Walking down the halls he found the new students room. Auset, his eyes narrowed remembering how she had caused all of this. If nothing Else he could take his own revenge while she had her nap, exhausted from what ever crap she had pulled to get Hana to see the truth.

He picked the locks on her door and entered slowly, the stealth of a theif aiding him as he walked without making a sound, His smile was slightly more crazed then it had ever been, and it showed his fangs his true nature slipping as he had just been beaten.
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