A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]

Hitoshi blinked listening to her story he actually understood the slightly outlandish claim knowing his own relationship with his deck, and Cosmobeet. He thought it over as he looked at her beware of snakes? he shrugged. It could have been people but this was an island where students who went inot the forest didn't tend to reappear, So he took it more towards its literal meaning. "I don't know, i mean the Island has a few snakes indigenous, last year someone shoved one into my bed, but no I can't say I know anything, but listen if you honestly think it was your deck talking too you."

He sighed not quiet sure he knew how to bring up the duel spirits he saw on a day to day bases. he frowned not in doubt but in trying to think of words, eventually he settled on shaking his head. He would just come off as crazy if he talked about Cosmobeet, and the last thing he wanted to appear as was crazy to her. He scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly trying to pass off his pause as his own stupidity. "You really had me going for a second, Listen if you honestly think their is some validity to the warning then chase it, and follow it up, but it's just a game you need to relax your deck can't really talk to you."

It was what he told himself every day when he looked in the mirror now, his deck can't really talk to him, Cosmobeet was just his imagination telling him that he was lonely, and to get a life outside of this game. that was it! there was no mysticism to it he had a floating flower pot around him because he the youngest of a family of five older brothers and sisters, of which he was the weakest and the one most disliked. Of course he had an imaginary friend and that was it all Cosmobeet was just his imaginary friend. he shook his head viggurously trying to get any semblince of connection between the floating creature and her dream out of his head, but was snapped back at her question.

"oh... i got a dorm room to myself. That's weird though Ive never heard of a male and female rooming together, what special condition caused that?" he asked curiously, trying to regain some of the sanity from his earlier small tweaks, Great now shes gonna think im crazy for sure.

She gave a light nod at his admitting there were some actual reptiles on the island. But it was his next words that had honestly bothered her. She knew the idea sounded ... borderline insane. But he didn't need to rub it in her face all the same. Still, Hana supposed she couldn't blame him. "I...I suppose so." She murmured, knowing at the moment, she couldn't prove it. "You're.... you're right. Yesterday wasn't the best ... welcoming day. I've probably just been overthinking." She hated lying to herself but he had made it clear enough that she could say few things to convince him otherwise.

"Ah ... I see. Hm? Condition?" Her head tilted a bit before shaking no. "I ... I'm not sure really. That's ... just how we found our rosters." Her eyes gazed down as she ate a bit more of her lunch. She had lost a bit of her appetite from having been told she had no idea what was speaking of. But still, Hana knew she needed the energy to get through the rest of the day so she made herself eat.

Hitoshi sighed he had clearly just ended up hurting her feelings. and he heard a small ethereal shout that he could have sworn was Cosmobeet calling him stupid. His eye twitched lightly and he shook his head. he didn't need his own imagination calling him an idiot when he already felt like it, but at the same time he didn't or rather couldn't know how to talk about all of this stuff. He closed his eyes for a moment thinking. Sighing he poked at some of his food and sighed unsure of what too say. Though it seemed odd that this was she had meet her roommate. Perhaps something wasn't sitting right in Ra Yellow. but that was just a gut feeling and he had no evidence. "Listen there is some stuff im no good at talking about, at least not here. I have a place i like to go when I need to think, Maybe you could meet me their?"

He sighed unsure of what he was even saying having her meet him at his garden just sounded odd, but it was a place where he could think more freely than in the crowded lunch room of the academy for one it was much more quiet and secluded. "I have a garden I tend too, outside the Slifer Red dorm building, and just a tad into the forest, If you can meet me there... I think I can talk a little more freely." He spoke with a smile and then got up once he had finished his food. holding out his hand. "What do you say?"

Just from the sight of his body language and the sigh, it seemed as if Hitoshi had quickly realized what he had said. Well that was certainly a step in the right direction as far as Hana was concerned. By now she had made herself finish eating all that had been on her plate when he spoke. She went silent upon seriously thinking about this. Had he not just heard her dream? The word 'forest' alone had already made her a bit uneasy. Maybe it's in a different part. Besides he is trying to make up ...

Deciding that if he wanted to make up by trying to speak to her, even if in an unusual place, she would take up the apology. She gave a nod as a smile crossed her face. "Alright then. Sure." She took his hand, allowing her body to register the sensation for a bit. If she hadn't gotten looks before, she certainly got some now. Ignoring them all, though not without slight blushes crossing her face, she stood up as well. With a bow of her head, she rushed off and headed to the last of her classes.

Time always seemed to go faster when you had something to look forward to. Soon, Hana found the end of the day to have arrived. She was still a bit nervous ... but her head shook no as she tried to convince herself it would be a mere coincidence. He's not like that ... She kept trying to reassure herself. Grabbing the last of her things, she then began to try to navigate her way around. It would be a bit easier said than done given she didn't have exact coordinates of the location. Gazing around, she kept her eyes opened for any hints of a garden.

"Now what do we have here Jin-san?" As Hana wandered around the forest Jin and Yuu two of the Obelisk blue perverts from the day before, one of which still had a bruise on his face from Akane, walked out from behind the tree's they smiled at each other as encircled around her walking as they did to make sure that she couldn't escape.

"A Ra Yellow out alone, but oh we know this one don't we Yuu-san? I mean she looks familiar." Jin as he had just been called was the one with brown hair, both males were tall, but Jin was the one with the bruise on his face. He had light brown eyes while Yuu had silvered hair and slightly blueish eyes. Both towered over Hana, and both seemed predictable as they approached.

"Oh that's right shes from yesterday... the Ra Yellow who was with Hitoshi-kun... Now what to do with her?" They stopped walking around her mere inches from her one standing on either side as they glared, Yuu stood in front of her, while Jin guarded her back, neither giving her a chance to run.

Jin's arms latched out and grabbed Hana attempting to hold her hands behind her back as the two started to laugh.

Hitoshi sat back in a small garden, the Slifer dorm was just visible from the tree line as he was covered in dirt, He was replanting the few things that the school allowed him to keep from last year, and planting seeds for this year. He looked around and checked his watch. Hana should be arriving shortly, He didn't know what he could say to her aside from sitting down and apologizing.

And then she will think your making fun of her even more when you tell her you talk to duel monsters. He sighed it wasn't right, but he certainly wouldn't have blamed her for saying that. Even so he had given her dream more thought, and it not only sounded similar, it sounded odd. The first card he had touched of her deck was Athena which had caused him to introduce himself... and then it had also won her the duel. If a card could watch over someone? did that mean Athena was her guardian spirit? and he should have taken the warning more seriously? He shook his head all of that would be explained when she got here.

Hana had made her way into the forest easily enough though still no sign of Hitoshi so far. Two voices did, however, resound and as the faces showed themselves, Hana's face paled a bit. "I ... I'm just going to meet someone that involves heading this way. I ... I'm not ..." She had been ready to add 'trying to cause trouble' but their words and gestures were scaring her. Her head turned constantly as she looked behind her every so often and noted that one had a bruise. It then hit her; it had been the same one Akane had punched! Her heart raced more as she took a step back.

"I...I'm sorry about yesterday. But really I ... I didn't call her over." She had been turning in circles while they were too, trying to not let her guard completely down. She suddenly felt as if she had been surrounded by two sharks ... ones she direly needed to get away from. But taking steps behind or in front of her obviously wasn't a wise idea ... so she gazed beside her. A scream left as she felt air brush behind her and she darted as fast as she could to her right!

Talking was obviously not an option it seemed. Her body shook as she ran. Even if she had the type of deck worthy of being in Blue, she was steadily being more and more grateful she wasn't. It seemed like a scary dorm to be in. I don't understand! Why?! Why is this happening?! What did I do?! Too horrified to look back, she kept her eyes forward. She would use her ears to try to gauge how fast they truly were. She was hoping it wouldn't be too much though. What Hana lacked in physical strength, she greatly made up for in speed. Hopefully they weren't equally good in those two attributes.

Jin and Yuu smiled to each other as they gave chase, they kept a pace fast enough to let her know that she was being chased and keep her in sight, but they weren't trying to catch her. They were waiting till she ran out of breath, or tripped, made some kind of flaw as they conserved their energy. They didn't want too be out of breath when they caught her after all. Yuu let out some laughter as they followed her.

"Where are you going? We just want to properly introduce ourselves." Jin called out as they ran after her, guiding her direction by chasing her away from the Slifer red dorm, and towards obelisk blue. She would think they were taking her towards their home, if she wasn't feeling lost by the woods and panic. The two could practically smell her fear as she ran it enticed them and made chasing her so much more fun.

"No need to run we will treat you kindly." Yuu called out with another harsh laugh. They didn't need much of a reason, but the fact that they had some orders made it all the sweeter. They made sure to be light footed as they ran trying to avoid any mess ups that could cost them to loose her.

Hitoshi blinked he thought he heard a scream for a moment, but it was faint and in the distance. He thought of running after it, but taking a look at his watch, he knew Hana could be arriving any second. He looked worried for a moment, it didn't seem to make sense. "What was that?"

He heard an ethereal shriek as Cosmobeet appeared, giving him a curiously worried glance. He stood up looking at the small creature. He looked around, should he stay or should he go? if he left then Hana could think that he stood her up, but if he didn't then someone could be hurt. looking at Cosmobeet he blinked. "stay here!" He yelled back he knew it was stupid the duel monster was a card, but at least he could leave a living delusion to take a message for him if Hana arrived.

He charged after the noise unsure of where it was directly coming from, but hoping that his sense of direction would lead him to where he needed to be, instead of where he wanted to be.

As her dream began to replay, Hana wondered ... were they the snakes? But ... Athena had only mentioned one, not more than. Still, this was feeling a bit more as if this was the case. And at the moment, they had attitudes of a snake, especially in the sly factor. The only thing she was sure of was with them contemplating on what to do, they were not going to treat her kindly. Definitely not. And it was one major thing that ensured she continued to run. Gazing from side to side every now and again, she began to realize .... now she was lost.

Patting her sides, she realized the map Hitoshi had given her was back at her dorm. Oh no! Um ... By the time she had finished her third circle, she found herself facing the two boys again. Just the looks in their eyes only made her more certain the words they had tried to reassure her with were anything but true. Her mouth had tried to open a few times to speak but words failed to leave her. Her muscles, thankfully, hadn't forgotten how to work though they weren't as stable as usual either.

Taking steps back, Hana finally found her voice again. "....W...what do you two really want?" Though it was terrifying to gaze at them, she didn't dare look away. They had proven to be faster than she'd wanted. Her body lightly bumped against something. Her peripheral vision helped her see that 'something' had been a tree apparently. Pushing herself so she wasn't at least against it but not right in front of the two either, she began to see another certain thing. Running was out of the question. Not when she would merely get herself more lost or continue to fail in losing the two boys.

Jin and Yuu both smirked as she asked what they really wanted. The walked over her towering over her. They cackled between each other as they heard her question surrounding her, this time she couldn't get away. It was Jin who made the first move his hand clasping her shoulder as he pinned her to the tree as he smiled cheerfully. "Well after chasing her down like that Yuu-san, what do we want with her?"

Yuu cackled his retort as he walked up to her his hands clasping around her Ra Yellow jacket. unduing the button and slowly pulling down the zipper. "I thought we wanted her Jin-san? As in we wanted her to beg, and cry, and scream while we played with her." Yuu worked on pulling apart her jacket not trying to save her Ra Yellow uniform, as they tried to see what she had on underneath it.

"Oh your right Yuu-san, i guess that is our goal." Jin spoke as the two burst into another fit of laughter his strong hands still pinning her to the tree. She wasn't about to escape this time. "And the best part is no bitch to save you this time, not even Hitoshi-kun." this time instead of speaking loudly their voices hushed to a wispier when they spoke of Hitoshi and Akane. They licked their lips as they pinned her, it was clear that they would enjoy this, her probably not as much.

With a semi-rough shove, she felt herself against the tree she had backed up into. As the jacket began getting worked on, her head shook no quickly. "W-wait please!" Her hands instinctively went up to keep her uniform in tact, struggling against Jin's grip. By now her heart was racing faster and her head was beginning to spin. But she quickly bit down on her lower lip. This would definitely get worse before better if she dared let herself pass out. As the mention of no Akane nor Hitoshi being able to help reached her ears, her head lowered.

...Why? Why me? Her fists and entire began trembling as tears of anger and frustration began forming. What did I do? Her body was quickly beginning to get warmer but she wasn't sweating. If that didn't get the two boys' attention, a foreign feeling around her would for sure. It was like an invisible force began to push - shove even - them away from her. For a few seconds even, they could have sworn her normally hazel eyes switched to a deep red, crimson-like, color.

Whatever force seemed to be surrounding her was growing .... quickly with each passing second. But still, nothing visible was around or near her save their own bodies. So the cause was beyond any of them. However, what Yuu and Jin also didn't know was they were not the only ones watching this event.

Akane had followed them and kept herself at a distance. True, she had given the two orders. But as she had told them and Takumi, she would only allow so much. Still, this was definitely getting interesting, making her inwardly smirk. She was almost ready to intervene .... but not quite yet. She wanted to try to pinpoint what seemed to be giving her this. Keeping herself hidden behind a nearby tree, she watched in amusement. From afar, she could see Hana's fists angrily clenching. Her tears had given in as they began to fall and she winced as a loud "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" rang in her ears. Whether her scream had been an intentional cue or otherwise, she could almost feel that had seemed to make the force around her even stronger. She inwardly chuckled as she continued to watch, very curious to see how Jin and Yuu would deal with this.

Jin's eyes widened as the push kicked up. It was the start of year still practically spring this wind was much to strong for the season, and far too sudden for the cloudless day that had existed. "What the hell?" Their mirth was lost as they wiped the hair from their face still pinning her to the tree. They exchanged a worried glance they hadn't even gotten to see the good parts yet.

Not caring any longer about orders since they felt their own safety was at risk it was yuu who grabbed her shirt and while Jin had her pinned tore it from her body expending a great amount of effort to make sure that the shirt was unwearable as he ripped it open to expose her bra. "What ever your doing, your gonna have to cut it out now."

Their voices were dulled by the wind as, jin through a heavy punch at her now fully exposed stumach. He didn't care if Akane-sama had said not to hurt her, they were not gonna stand by and be gunny pigs to her plan and earn nothing for it. They would knock her out, and have their way with her. At least that's what they thought.

Another scream helped him to try and pin point the location, He had gotten lost for a few moments, but as he heard the second scream he knew this time in the pit of his stomach that it was Hana who was screaming. He was an idiot why had he told her to meet her? why not bring her to the place himself? He felt sick with worry Hana had only been on the island for a day, and now she was in danger.

He could only guess who it was that was hurting her, but from the urgincy of the screams he knew that it didn't matter, he just had to get to her, but he was just as lost in this forest as she was, and finding her was a shot in the dark. He would almost certainly arrive too late to change anything. The ethereal screech of Cosmobeet harreled his arrival as he pointed in a different direction. "Really? you think shes that way?"

He shook his head Cosmobeet couldn't be any worse then he was at finding his way. "Okay then little buddy lead the way!"

"I ... don't know what I'm ..." That was as far as she got before she felt wind taken away from her as a rough punch landed in her stomach. She hadn't even seemed to notice or care her breasts were now exposed to the two. In fact, her usually calm nature had completely vanished, along with the rest of her more typical attitude. Her eyes shifted again but this time they remained crimson. The wind had died down while she regained her composure; but once it returned it picked up.

"STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Not only did the wind begin to pick up but it was now much stronger than it had been mere moments ago. Now ... it was as if the wind had gotten faster, even for them to begin to lose their footing even. And with each passing second and minute, the harsh breeze was getting much worse before better for Yuu and Jin.

Then again, the wind would become even less of a concern. Luckily for them, it had taken a lot of effort to even focus upon it and after a few more minutes - before it could feel as strong as a hurricane - the Ra Yellow student passed out, her back still against the tree. Now with no wind to worry about, Akane would take her cue. Stepping from behind her hiding spot, she appeared behind Jin. "You two are pushing your luck!" She hissed angrily in his ear. Oh gods was she glad Hana was unconscious, otherwise she would have picked upon the real reason why; which had been they'd gone against her orders.

"You both have till five. If you're not away from her by then, I'll make you! One ... two .... three ...." By now, her fists had gotten ready, her arm ready to throw a punch. She may not have been the absolute strongest within the Obelisk Blue; but she was among the women. Anyone whom knew her had knowledge of this - whether from rumors or 'personal experiences'. Jin was a perfect example of the latter and with seeing them go against her, she was ready to make Yuu another example of why it wouldn't be wise to not listen her.

Jin struggled to keep His hands on Hana as the wind picked up they practically tripped as they lost their footing, they could hardily take the time to notice that Hana's breasts were exposed now ordinarly they would have cackled with joy but with her giving another scream and the wind picking up they were shitting bricks as they fell back.

Jin and Yuu looked at each other as they heard the voice of Akane. They looked down at the girl already terrified and sliding slightly as their legs lost composure. The two saw Akane threaten them and they scrambled over eachother to get away from Akane and Hana, running as they left, they hardly even noticed that Hana's body was exposed between the fear and adrenalin pumping through them allowing them to run away as fast as they could.

Jin and Yuu booked it past Hitoshi not saying a word, they seemed terrified of something they were running for, and Hitoshi breathed a sigh of relief anything that had them running away from Hana was a good thing from his books. Hitoshi sighed slowing to a walk, he knew it was urgent, but he couldn't pull himself together enough to run anymore, he had been around the forest, and now was his delusion being useful.

Cosmobeet let out a sound that meant for him to hurry, but all he could do was sit back for a moment breathing heavily. "Give me a second to catch my breath... shes... out of.. danger." He didn't just assume it, for some odd reason he could feel it. It wasn't her in danger anymore but he had a nagging feeling that things weren't all right.

Akane shook her head, chuckling as she glanced down to the still semi-nude Hana. She would give credit where it was due; the girl had a lovely body indeed. It was enough to almost tempt her and get a nice grope or two in. But with no definite idea on how long she would be unconscious, Akane wouldn't dare push her luck. Besides, she still had work to do once she awoke. Thankfully, that didn't seem to take long as a weak groan signaled Hana was coming to.

"...What ... happened?" She looked around, then at herself ... and quickly covered herself. As she looked around again, her eyes met Akane and she began to try to move away.

"Now now ... it's okay. I'm with you. If anything, a combination of myself plus your ... powers is what kept you pure." A sly smile crossed her face as she knelt before Hana, a feigned look of concern on her face. "That was incredible by the way. How'd you do that? You're lucky to have such a gift."

"S-so that ... was real?" That had felt like a dream almost but now that Akane hinted she had seen this, she knew it hadn't been a dream. Keeping her breasts covered, her head fell on her knees. "I ... I'm sorry. Thank you but ... why? What did I do?" Her eyes stayed downcast, too embarrassed to look up in the elder girl's eyes.

Though she couldn't see it, Akane shook her head. "Save being a bit too naive, nothing. But I don't know about Hitoshi-kun." That had gotten Hana's attention as the hazel eyes looked into her revealed blue orb. Silently, she handed Hana a forged letter that made it look like he had arranged for this all to happen. "One of the idiots dropped it on the floor so I followed them after I found it. That's how they found you so fast." She began to gently stroke Hana's hair gently, as if she were an elder sister. "I'm sorry, Hana-chan. I really am. Some people .... " Her head shook as she continued the sisterly gesture.

Hana took her turn to shake her head as she read the note over and over again. "But ... but why?!" A sigh from beside her was heard. "It could be jealousy. After all, it was you who won, not him in the exhibition match. Anyone with more than ample pride can have it killed in a matter of seconds you know? You're a first year, he's a second. He, by default, should be better. Or just for his own sick pleasure. Not sure. But alas ... some people just never show their true colors."

Oh if only the girl knew the true irony of that very statement. Smirking inwardly at the truth, she continued comforting Hana. "You know though ... however you did those powers of yours .... I would embrace them. After all, I'm still in Blue when all is said and done. I'm not gonna be able to keep doing this all the time you realize right? So I'd use that to ensure you remain safe."

Hana looked down to think on this. It had helped ... and she was right. She was in Yellow, Akane in Blue. She couldn't always be here. "I...I'll see about it." She murmured, trying to think over how she even did ... whatever it was to begin with. Her trembling hands kept a hold of the forged note as she stared out, at nothing in particular.

"There you go. Just take your time. I'll help you get back when you're ready." Deep inside, she was feeling incredible. Not only had she found an easily, manipulative target but one who could revive a sub-goal she had had in mind for a while; the Shadow Games. But these ... would make all that Bakura and Malik had caused look like a joke. Why? Because these would be oh so very real. The pain wasn't just going to be a figment of one's imagination; the source that was from the card would be 100% real. And now that Hana had shown she had this new ability ... dueling around the Academy was about to get so very interesting. It was taking a lot of will power to keep from chuckling aloud. She silently stayed beside Hana, moving fingers gently through her hair to keep up her 'older sister' act.

Hitoshi walked up to the grove where he could now hear Hana, and Akane he turned to Cosmobeet, and shook his head he didn't know how the small creature had known where she was going to be, but now he pushed it away, dismissing it as he often did. it was just his subconscious that's what he told himself at least, and he walked out into the area looking at Hana and then to Akane with a slight glare to Akane, but a look of worry when he saw Hana. She was covered by her Ra yellow Jacket but the look on his face worried him the most.

"What happened?" His voice was soft as he walked into the room. their was an air of awkwardness as he didn't know what was going on. all he could see was that Akane was here, and Hana's shirt was in pieces. He remembered seeing the other two running and he grimaced his mind filling in the blanks.

"Im gonna kill those two." he said quietly as he looked at Hana. He would never have guessed that when he saw Jin and Yuu they were running from Akane, and from this. For once he let go of the look of fear or anger that he normally had when he was around her, and gave her a thankful look. He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked from one then the other realizing that Akane had once again come to her rescue. "You saved her? Hana-chan are you okay?" His voice was still confused from walking into the emotional scene. He didn't know the full story but he had gathered enough information. His eyes fell on the letter that she was holding it seemed slightly out of place in a scene like this. "Whats that?"

His mind was racing with so many questions so many hows and why's Hana was new to the island, this was supposed to be a safe place, how did any of this happen? How far did it go? he blinked unsure of anything right now, but for once he seemed to be grateful to Akane because she stopped it... his gut however still told him that she was bad news.

Akane returned the glare Hitoshi gave with her own. "Tch, watch yourself." Her eyes then rolled at the question of whether she had saved Hana or not. "Um.... what does it look like? Duh? No thanks to you I may add." She gently pulled Hana closer, fingernails trailing along the back of her jacket. "Shhh I'm here ...." She murmured softly.

A whimper left Hana's lips at Hitoshi's voice. "Why?! I ...." Feeling the embrace from Akane, she tossed the letter in front of Hitoshi's feet and let him see it. In seemingly his exact handwriting, it was as Akane had told Hana; addressed to Yuu and Jin. It gave a time and said to intercept her before the Ra student could dare find Hitoshi. From there on, they would have consent to do whatever they so desired with the poor girl.

Hana's head remained buried on Akane's shoulder. The elder of the two girls shot Hitoshi another glare. "I'd say you've done enough, haven't you? Get away from her. The last thing she needs is you around her." Muffled but soft sobs could be heard as Hana had lost it by this point. She was crying on Akane's shoulder. It was barely above a whisper but Hitoshi could definitely hear a very soft "Why?!" continue to leave poor Hana's lips.
Hitoshi blinked this was thanks to him? He heard her say it but he didn't understand her. Then she tossed the letter, and he read it. It was a powerful read, the writting so convincing that Hitoshi himself believed he could have wrote it, but he never would have. He swallowed back bitter rage as he looked at Akane. She was the only one who could have given her a note like this. His hands trembled nervously hearing Hana's voice asking why he did it. He swallowed back bitterly. "Hana-chan step away from Akane-san and i can explain... this isn't me, you know me."

Hitoshi trembled slightly the gravity of the fact that he did cause this sinking in. He had asked Hana to meet him, he had lured her into the forest, but it had been Akane who had set this up, he didn't know how, but he had to explain this. He wasn't like this, this wasn't his doing. "Hana-chan you know me, I wouldn't do something like this." He grit his teeth not knowing what he could say, he didn't have any evidence to present that could clear his name, and he just knew that the judges gavel had already come down guilty. He swallowed bitterly glaring towards Akane. He had so much he wanted to yell, but all of it would have just made him seem more guilty. He didn't know what he would say even if Hana gave him the chance to talk it over, he needed help, but the only witness he had was Cosmobeet, and he was pretty sure that imaginary friends didn't count.

"....Step away?!" Her voice sounded panicked and astonished. "Why?! She helped me! More than that, she understands what's happening to me ..." Her voice was shaking as much as her lithe body was by now. Her sobs didn't stop but her head finally did manage to look up at Hitoshi. The same crimson eyes Jin and Yuu had seen were now gazing up right into Hitoshi's orbs. Her head shook no furiously, her fists clenching angrily. "No ... I don't know you it seems. I hardly know anyone for that matter! Who to trust .... believe ..... anything!" Another gust was forming, though this time it was around Akane and Hana.

Her tears fell faster as she looked up at Hitoshi. "Of course you'd try to make me think I'm crazy! Saying I don't know what my own dreams mean! To keep my mind off you! You were the snake! Or are rather!" Both Akane and Hana's hair were whipping violently as was Hitoshi's but that wasn't the worst part of her outburst. In fact, it hadn't even happened yet. Her body trembled more, her temper becoming less and less stable. As it began to build up, the familiar sensation began to register in Hitoshi's mind from when he had experienced this from Akane.

"JUST GO AWAY! I ... IT HURTS! MY MIND .... MY BODY ... MY HEART .... EVERYTHING!" And at the last exclamation, a violent and invisible blade of wind thrust forward towards Hitoshi. With her lack of control over her own powers, she hadn't bothered aiming where it would or wouldn't hit so it was going for the closest location; his sternum.

Akane inwardly smirked again as she watched, glaring up to Hitoshi. "Well?! You heard her. She wants you gone so leave. Or I'll make you like I did those bastards you sent on her." Her head went down as she continued holding Hana gently. "Shhh ...." She murmured softly, beginning to dare to gently rock the Ra student in her arms even in front of Hitoshi.
Hitoshi watched as a wind whiped forth he had seen this before, and his mind breifly flashed towards a year ago, during the first round of the school duel, back then it had been one of Akane's monsters that had delt a finishing blow, and after that duel he had ended up with a little more then a suviner of the duel, but a scar under his slifer red jacket and shirt. He breathed stepping foward at the same time when hana screamed out, and then he felt it. Hitoshi blinked for a moment feeling a cold wind flow through his body, it was like someone had stabbed him with a dagger made of ice, and for a moment he staggered back. He barely heard Akane's words, as the attack hit home.

He couldn't have explained any of it, his guilt or innocence. he thought for a moment that he had been stabbed with a knife and the world drifted fading in and out around him. "I... didn't." Hitoshi stumbled falling back the wound in his front hurting, and digging deep. He found it hard to breath for a moment, trying to speak he fell back, unable to say anything more.

Hitoshi passed out from pain, the world around him was suddenly very dark. He drifted in a place feeling almost weightless. He couldn't feel the pain of his physical body, and he panicked slightly. "Wait am I dead!?" The question echoed through his mind for a moment until he heard the sound of Cosmobloom, telling him he was still alive. "Oh right if you say it then it has to be true." he said rolling his eyes.

As quickly as Hitoshi had been glancing at the two, he felt himself picked up and hurried off to the infirmary. Bandages were placed upon his wound and in his semi-conscious state, they reassured him he would pull through. However, he was to be damn careful about moving around and it wouldn't fully heal till almost a week if not that. Every now and again, the nurse would come back to check up on him but otherwise no one else bothered him. Even as he slept, the memory of the air blade impacting him would continue to haunt him. Not just because of the fact history had seemed to repeat itself, but now this time it had been from someone he had tried to get close with, to be good friends with. But worse than that, the same girl was now obviously being manipulated and lied to by the same person whom had given him his very first Psychic wound.

Days quickly turned to weeks. It was about a week till the first inter-school tournament but everyone's mind seemed to be on Hana. Rumors were going around; some said she was a witch. Most did in fact and with her new abilities, that wasn't a complete lie. Between the rumors and the new aura that seemed to surround her though, she had gone from the shy, kind girl in Ra to one of the most feared ones. Not quite as much as Akane, but she was getting there.

Over the weeks, Hana had been learning of her abilities from Akane. She had learned the Obelisk student truly was like her and thus knew her pain and all the pressures of being a Psychic. It had made them close ... moreso than Hitoshi would have liked to know. The only thing Hana didn't quite know to do with them was control them, namely because apparently there was no way to. That, of course, was a lie. Unfortunately, poor Hana had accepted and believed it so easily.

It was now a new morning and Hana had finished getting dressed, she headed off to her classes. Even Takumi, especially him actually, was always feeling the new aura that surrounded her. Her hair bounced against her back, her breasts lightly following suit against her jacket as the clicking of her heels echoed in the hall. Ever since she had been shown the note, she tried to avoid Hitoshi as much as possible. Her head shook as the note came back to her. I still can't believe it ... With an internal sigh, she continued heading over to her classes. She hadn't been informed of any exhibition duels but then again, those were prone to change so fast.

Hitoshi had it seemed been the first of many victims. He had done his best to watch at a distance as Hana became less of the cute shy girl he had once known, and more and more like Akane, she was being shapped and molded into something that he couldn't stop, and he needed to make some kind of stand. His Recovery had been at best painfully slow, His wound made breathing difficult and say nothing of moving, but he had been determined to be back on his feet, and nurses had often had to restrain him, due to that what should have been only a week in the infermery had been weeks, all of it alone.

Cosmobeet hadn't appeared to him once since that day, and he had no visitors. It seemed that although Hana nore Akane had said anything of him, he was now alone, not even one of his Slifer red friends had said a word to him. The only company he had was the nurses, and he had managed to see one or two of Hana's duels by sitting in a wheel chair. He didn't know if she saw him in the crowd or not, but either way they hadn't spoken directly for weeks.

Now however Hitoshi was back, with a new scar to prove his reason for absence. And with his return the exhibition duel schedule had indeed changed, not just due to his return, but also due to a filed duel request. Breathing was still difficult as Hitoshi stood on stage. Waiting for Hana, to arrive.

"This... was... the... only way." He said calmly reminding himself of why he was having to be stupid. Even his doctors had told him that this was being incredibly foolish. "I... don't have... to win... just need..to prove.. a point."

Hana was snapped back to reality as her senses quickly kicked in. As she sensed a familiar presence, she stopped. Soon her now cold but still hazel eyes found Hitoshi. Her arms crossed in front of her in annoyance as she sighed. "...Move. I have nothing to say to you." She had originally meant to merely pass by the Dueling Stadium but fate seemed to have altered her plans it appeared. Not even waiting for him to move, she pushed herself away from him and began making her way around the wheelchair.

"Last I checked, medical leave means you stay in the infirmary, yes? That is where you should be; not here. Go back ... while you still can to begin with." Going silent once again, she began trying to walk away from him. A new venom she never used to have was now in her voice. It was very clear and obvious to Hitoshi, she was still pissed at what had happened. It was justified; just not at the correct person.

Hitoshi growned slightly as she said that he should still be in the medical bay, "That isn't gonna happen... I put up a... challenge." He said as he held his deck, and duel disk up, it unfolding into a ready for combat position with a slight glow. He looked at her slightly determined. he wasn't going to win this, he already knew it. This wouldn't be enough to wake up hana, he knew it, but at the same time, he needed to step foward, he needed to prove himself.

Drawing a hand He breathed heavily. "You have gained a reputation... that you don't deserve Hana... I know you, And if you think im wrong, then step up, but it will take more then one wound too keep me from coming back." He breathed hesitantly, unsure of what would happen next, either she drew cards, or he was about to be in a lot more pain, either way he was going through with this. He had to reach her, the real Hana, not Akane's little puppet. If even for a second.

Hana stopped in her tracks as she glanced back to Hitoshi. He ... had really gone through with such a foolish request? Then again, he was here in front of her eyes and he seemed to have his own serious tone to him. "...You're a fool to put in such a request you know?" She sighed, looking up and down him. "I should say no just because of how pathetic you look already really. However ....." She took a few steps back, giving herself space as she activated her own duel disk.

"As per typical duel etiquette, it's not overly good to refuse a duel without damn good reason. Though I technically have one, you have already shown you're going to be as stubborn as me. And if I can't beat you at being more persistent than you, I'll just win this way." And with that, she wasted no time in drawing six cards. Her head shook as she glanced down at her hand.

"I activate the magic card, Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen. Thanks to it's effect, I'll special summon Athena!" A bright flash of light went in between the two as the familiar warrior soon appeared in front of Hana. "Since that was a special summon, I'll normally summon Dunames Dark Witch. Since Athena's out, you lose six hundred life points from another fairy showing up on the field. Then I set a face down and end my turn."

A mix of emotions was now seen in her eyes. The easiest to see was anger but there was ... pity? Maybe the slightest bit of hope for Hitoshi in a way. Somewhere deep in the lies Akane had fed Hana, there were hints of the old Hana, the real one. Whatever it was, it had seemed she was trying to make him - or had tried - give up. Unfortunately with the policy that said one couldn't surrender until after the tenth turn, he had all but sealed his fate now.

Hitoshi smiled as she accepted the challenge and as she normal summoned her fairy and his life points dropped he Special summoned Naturia Cosmobeet. It appearing with an etherial cry, the small creature showing next to his shoulder. "Oh... now... you show up." He said passing his eyes over. As his turn started he breathed looking at Hana.

Athena was on the field and for that he was grateful. She had her guardian spirit, and now he just had to protect his own. "Sorry buddy, but you won't be staying long. I summon botanical girl in attack mode, and then send her and Cosmobeet to the grave, to bring out my... queen of thorns, and two cards face down."

His eyes scanned hers trying to choose what to say he swallowed back his fears. This wasn't a time or place for them. instead he knew that he would have to deal with her in a more head on approach. "Hana this isn't the you I know... You... So I am gonna do what i can to get you back.. from this."
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