Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

When the woman left Snake didn't follow he still needed some time to himself for a little while before facing the kid again. He would never hurt the boy no matter how annoying he got but if he went too far Snake might try and scare him a bit. After about another half an hour Snake headed back to the cave when he got there he walked in and didn't say a word to either Shade or the kid. Instead he walked right past them and grabbed a bottle of water and opened it he then chugged half of it down before putting the cap back on it. Snake sat down at the table and just stayed quiet not wanting to really bother with anything.
The boy was silent as he sat there, still kicking his feet, while i lay behind him. My eyes stayed on the ceiling when Snake came back. I'd heard him coming back, so that was good enough for me and didn't bother with anything else, not even the smallest comment for him. The boy's eyes though came up and landed on Snake. He'd stopped kicking his feet for a second, but then went back to it before laying back against me, finding a hand and playing with it, where my eyes then drifted over to see what he was doing with it. He traced random patterns with his fingers, and i just put my gaze back to the ceiling.
When the boy looked at him Snake growled and gave him a dirty look then turned away, if he was going to be called a bear he might as well act like one around the boy at least. After a little bit Snake stood up and grabbed his cards again and set up another game of solitaire to pass the time, he was enjoying the peace and quiet but he knew it probably wouldn't last too long not with a kid now in the mix. Snake opened his bottle of water and took another sip while he played his game he was just waiting to see who would talk first out of the two on the bed.
My eyes dropped to the boy when he stopped, i could tell he was thinking about something. Normally he didn't keep things to himself, and just up and said it. He was only this way because i'd spoken to him about it. "Does he-" I stopped the boy from talking, as i put my hand over his mouth calmly. "plan on sleeping in here to?" Where the rest of his words, but they where well muffled by my hand. He'd been referring to the bed. The fact, i could still hear some of the words just from having been this close i only shook my head no to him, so he would have his answer, then pointed to the coach to help him figure just where Snake was sleeping in the nights. I had to admit, even that comment put me a bit on edge, but instead i lifted my hand and let him go back to what he'd been doing before.
Snake looked up briefly when he heard the boy speak he wondered just what the boy was going to ask before Shade covered his mouth Snake let out a small laugh when he seen her cover the boy's mouth. When he finished his game he sat back for a little bit before putting the cards back into the pack and placing them on one of the shelves. "So you gonna keep kicking your feet like that all day?" ,he asked the boy suddenly. "Don't you have anything better to do"? The boy's kicking was getting a little annoying and Snake was being as nice as he could be with letting him know that.
"Actually, i'm use to really doing nothing all day. We get kind of stuck inside allot to start with." Sei-Ten replied as he stopped kicking his feet. I didn't bother stopping the boy from talking this time. After all Snake had been the one to bring up the conversation this time to start with. "She doesn't like it to much when i try going outside to try and do other things." He'd been referring to me, and all he got in a response from me was a sigh as i sunk into the bed some, as if trying to disappear on that note. "Gets worried allot when i tend to vanish on her to. But, i find it kind of fun some." He gave a faint laugh while i tossed a glare down at him.

"Don't get any bright ideas either, while you are out here." I told him.

Sei-Ten just tossed a fake pout up at me for it, and i simply gave to ignore it for the most part.
Snake listened as the boy spoke and his gaze shifted between both him and Shade, when Shade pretty much gave him permission to go outside Snake stood up and walked over to him. "Don't go wandering off towards the town, stay in this area meaning the forest, I don't need someone spotting you and coming any where near here I don't feel like killing anyone today" ,he told the boy before walking back over to the table and sitting down. He lit another cigarette then looked to the boy once more, "If you get hungry come back here and let me know" ,Snake continued before taking a drag from his cigarette.
The boy tossed a smirk on his face at Snake, but gave a nod before heading off. I didn't really like the boy going off like that, but at least, i didn't have to much of a problem with it out here, as long as he stayed away from the town. My eyes shifted over to Snake once they boy had gone. Sitting up i just seemed to wait for anything to happen, be it waiting for the boy to come back suddenly, or for Snake to say anything. "You don't really plan on teaching him to hunt do you?" I asked after a while, still sitting there, eyes more to the door this time, instead of on him.
When Shade asked if Snake really planned on teaching him how to hunt he nodded, "Yeah he'll need to learn sooner or later and it's better to teach him while he's young" ,Snake stated in response to her. He took a drag off of his cigarette then cracked his neck as he blew the smoke out his attention then went back to Shade on the bed. "Why do you have a problem with that? It's a hell of a lot safer then going into town to get food and we're all gonna put into this place get what I'm saying" ,Snake told her. His voice calm and low he had no intention of arguing so he did his best to keep his tone calm and uninviting of any kind of argument.
"Just not a big fan of guns as all." I said bluntly. "Could just be me though. Always been more fur blades i guess. It's quieter then a gun as well." I pointed out. "If you're going to teach him though, hope you don't mind me tagging along just in case." My gaze then dropped over to him suddenly with that. It was rather clear that i'd only taught the boy about knifes and such when and where i could, but not with guns, since i didn't know much on them myself, let alone the fact of having to give away locations all the time.
"You should know how to use both" ,Snake told her. "While guns may be louder they're better to hunt with and they don't go dull as long as they're loaded you're good to go". He continued to puff on his cigarette, "I don't care if you tag along in fact you should learn a few things yourself" ,he stated. Snake's eyes continued to stay on the woman as he spoke and smoked his cigarette he knew that both her and the boy had to learn to use a gun so they could hunt and have other ways to defend themselves other then knives.
I just looked at him for a second before laying back down on the bed. I wasn't going to argue with him on it though, even if i'd wanted to on the part about me learning all the same. Give me a bow, and i could hunt perfectly though, but that had been well in the past, and i hadn't bothered to pick up on it for the longest time anyway. "Alright, you win. Whenever you're ready to teach him then." I said, leaving out the part on me, not really wanting to learn on it all that much. I rolled so my back was facing him, while my finger trailed along the bed just in front of my face, my other arm resting under my head as i just waited there.
"I'll give him time to get used to the place and rules before I teach him so you have time to prepare for it" ,Snake stated in response to her. He watched as she rolled over turning away from him, "That's kinda rude ya know turning away from someone in the middle of a conversation" ,he stated right before taking another drag from his cigarette. "Guess I just can't keep your interest or is it because you usually like doing all the talking?" ,Snake asked in a not so nice way. He knew it would probably set her off but he didn't like being ignored seeing he rarely talked anyway so when he did he expected people to listen.
"Oh, i'm listening. You just can't really keep my interest is all." I said rather calmly, not bothering to look at him. "Unless you want me to face you as you talk, but not really look at you." I pointed out. "Or would you just like me to keep talking?" I then asked, even though i knew the answer was going to end up as a no on the talking part. If he wanted me to really look at him while he spoke, then he'd have to really do something about it, but i didn't think he would. "Thought you wanted your silence anyway." I added on before he could really answer the question. Ok, so i liked the man, to a point. Only to a point though. But, then again i also didn't really like him. Either way i didn't see where it mattered to much on it.
"There goes that smart ass mouth again" ,Snake stated. He stood up then walked over to the bed and stood in front of her then knelt down so that he was face to face with her. His cigarette hung from his lips as he looked her directly in the eyes, "You should really watch how you speak to people young lady others may not take it as well as I do" ,he stated before taking a drag from his cigarette and blowing the smoke out. Snake then stood up and walked away from her and out of the cave to get some fresh air and away from the woman before she said something else to aggravate him.
I gave him a hard glare when he came over to level his face with mine. I'd made sure to let him know by my face i wasn't to keen about him having come over like he had. Once he left though i gave a sigh of relief and just waisted my time laying there. I went stiff though when a sound reached my ears. It was a shrill sound, almost like a bird way to close to your head when it decided to chirp it's little head off. I sat up quickly, and headed out to the opening of the cave, not bothering to look at Snake if he was there before i gave the same whistling tone. It was load enough that it would caring for at least a mile, but it'd go farther, since there had been a mocking bird around some where to help pass it around.

I waited for a response as i took a step forward. When another one rang out, i darted. It was a different tone, but the same rhythm from before. Somebody else was out there, i could tell. Either somebody had gotten board enough to wander out this way to head for the next town over, or there had been prying eyes from the town but hadn't followed, only waited for another sign of movement closer out there. I came to a stop just half way between the hideout, and the town, finding the spare pocket knife on the ground and tossed my gaze around.
After finishing his cigarette Snake tossed it his attention turned to Shade who had come out he could tell something was wrong but he knew she wasn't going to tell him unless he asked and even then he wasn't sure if she would. He followed her around as she moved and when she found the pocket knife Snake immediately remembered the boy pulling it out in the building when they first met. "Aw fuck" ,Snake muttered. He knew he didn't have time to go get his cloak to hide his face but he had to find the boy, he couldn't just turn his head knowing that something could've happened. "Are you sure no one followed you here? Where's Sei Ten?" ,Snake growled. He hadn't realized he had grabbed the woman his hands were on her arms and he was looking directly into her eyes. It was clear he cared about what may have happened to the kid, he wasn't really sure why but he was and he couldn't hide it.
"I don't know, now let go." I snarled at Snake, pulling away from him. "But, i'd made sure more then just normal sure, that nobody had followed. So, it had to be somebody keeping tabs from the town and watching." I told him as i got loose from his grip. "You don't have to kill anyone today. So stay out of this. I've still got my own loose ends to take care of." I told him. I could tell just by the boot print in the ground just who it was. "I should have killed him the first time i had the chance to." I spoke to myself, hand running over the print, knowing it had only been put there to get to me. "Fetch your cloak if you want, i'm heading for the town." I told him. I knew the way i was talking to him might piss him off farther, but at that point, i didn't really care about it. "Just follow the noise when you get there." I added on, heading off for the town, not slowing until i reached the edge of it. They had a nice head start on me, and i knew it, and just where they would be going.
"You want me to stay out of this fine have a fucking ball....FUCK YOU!" ,Snake snapped back. "I'll be here IF you make it back". He was done being nice he was slightly concerned but he wasn't going to be disrespected like that not by anyone especially when he had been kind to her, well as kind as he could be. Snake stormed off into the cave, loud crashing noises and swearing could be heard from inside as he hit and threw things out of anger. The man was slightly hurt but he wasn't going to admit it he knew she would only use it against him if he did. He sat down on the couch and looked at his cloak then to the entrance of the cave he was mad at Shade but that didn't mean he should just let the boy suffer if he was with someone nasty.

After a few minutes of arguing with himself he finally grabbed his cloak and walked out of the cave and followed Shade, he kept a large distance between himself and the woman so he didn't have to look at her or talk to her or deal with her. She had struck a nerve, she had been striking nerves since he met her but this time it was different Snake was genuinely upset.
I watched him leave when he had. I didn't think he would understand that the boy came first for me before myself then Snake it seemed. The boy was the only thing on my mind at the moment, and i didn't think he would see that. With his ranting, i turned and left with that. I listened as i moved through the town, on guard as i moved. When some rather hard metal reached my ears along side with the sound of cars running around i moved for it, staying out of sight. It was a large place, two cars out in a fenced area, as if racing, but with guns attached to them. The man was sick, and i could see him sitting out in the bleachers watching, just smoking away on his cigarette , keeping the boy seated just next to him.

I made my way into the main building until i found the spot where they had there music coming from and set up something as i made my way back out. I'd set it just right as i went out and climbed the fence, dropping down on the other side, just as it seemed to start up.
I'd done it just to piss the man off. With him and the boy next to each other, it was easy to tell that he was the father of the kid, even though the kid didn't look happy at all about being there. I didn't even look at the two cars as they came sliding to a stop as i walked over to the open gate that would lead to the bleachers, pocket knife in hand, opened as i tossed a cold and calculated look up at the man who only held a rather twisted and sinister grin at me.

"It's been a while Shade. Been looking all over for you." He spoke.

"Yeah, well i'm here. Now let the boy go." I snarled.

"He is my son. So, i don't see why i should." He said, holding up a hand to two men who had aimed there guns at me, getting them to put them down.
When Shade walked into the place Snake just stood and waited outside it if the woman needed help he'd know it and go help her. He lit a cigarette and stood there waiting a few people passing by looked at him curiously. His guard was up and there was good reason for it to be he knew the place was full of scumbags he could just tell. After years of being observant of people he learned to read them pretty easily and so far everyone he seen looked like bad news.
I came to a stop not even close enough to him as i wanted to be to get my hands on him. "You don't deserve the title he gives you." I snarled as my eyes darted to a guy who'd made his way over to me. He looked as if his intentions was to disarm me. I wasn't going to let him, and quickly put the blade across his neck, but not moving it. I didn't bother with killing him, but only getting him to stand still as my eyes flickered back quickly to the man as he got up from his seat.

"SIT!" He snapped at the boy when he was about to get up, but ended up sitting back down. He made his way down to me, stopping just as he came to stand right in front of me. His eyes moving to my hand at his man then back to my face as i didn't move.
His hand gripped mine. With that, i tried to move to drive the blade over the guy next to me, but he'd had a good firm grip, enough that he gave a nod letting the other guy back away some, but standing close by.
"Why don't we catch back up from the lost time." He said. It wasn't a question as he knocked the blade from my hand, and spun me to look out at the cars, pressing me up to the fence. "Pick a car." He whispered into my ear. "I'll let you drive one. I'd like to see just how long you can last out there."

I hit my head back against his to get loose and head up to the boy, moving to get him out while the man just held his nose groaning in pain. My path was closed by the time i was about to reach it, as i moved the boy behind me, backing up some, covering him from sight.

"Take care of her. I want her chained and ready in my room in the next hour." The man snarled as he took his leave between the men who blocked my path. "Do what you want with the boy, but, don't get her to wound up." He added over his shoulder with a faint wave, his twisted smirk on his face still as he left.
Snake stood around until he heard Shade's voice arguing with a male voice even though he heard the arguing he stayed still that was until he heard the man tell someone to chain her up in his room. He began to walk in the direction of the voices and then heard the male voice tell someone to do what they wanted with the boy Snake hadn't even realized that he began to run. When he reached where Shade and Sei Ten were he looked to the men that had a hold of Shade then to Sei Ten.

"Let them go" ,Snake yelled out. "Let them go or I'll kill every single one of you".
Two of the men just looked at Snake for a second, not being able to see his face. "Get lost stranger, or you can join them." One of the guys snarled, having others, take the girl and boy off, leaving Snake with the rest of the guys.

My eyes fell on Snake when he called out. I'd thought he had stayed back in his cave. And i didn't expect him to show up for any reason, so it came as a shock to me to even see him here. I couldn't help that they where pulling me back from the others that where forming around Snake, taking me on inside with the boy, tossing him into a room on his own and shutting him there while i struggled to go in after him only to be tossed into a room on my own. It was somebodies living quarters, i could tell, and i had a feeling just who's it was.

A albino came in just behind me as i was shoved into the room, and he was there to get me more settled into place it seemed. His twisted smile almost matched that of the other mans, and i only gritted my teeth as i struggled with him, until he'd managed enough just to put me against a wall that chains more to the bottom of the wall, to put my hands in then left. He headed around to where Sei-ten was at. He didn't bother the boy though, simply set a chair in the middle of the room, sat there and kept his eyes on the kid.
As the men came towards Snake he smirked underneath his cloak, these guys had no clue who they were dealing with and that made things so much easier for Snake. The first one came at him with a knife and aimed for his throat but Snake was quick as usual and dodged it, when the man went to lunge at him again Snake ducked causing him to stab one of the other guys that were after Snake. While the man was in shock from stabbing his own guy Snake quickly pulled out his revolvers and shot the rest of the men. As soon as they all hit the ground he ran towards where he seen the other men take Shade and Sei Ten.

When in the building he looked around, "SHADE, SEI TEN! WHERE ARE YOU?!" ,he yelled not caring who heard him. If anyone tried to stop him from getting to the two he'd kill them without hesitation. Even if the woman had pissed him off he wasn't going to let her or the boy get hurt he had offered his help and that meant he was going to protect them. Again he wasn't sure why he was doing it but he couldn't just turn away now even if he wanted to.
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