Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"I mean, to hide him on the way back." I stated but then looked around for a second. "Never mind." I sighed as i'd found a blanket, of sorts, to use. The second i put it around him he stirred and i gave a smirk to him. His eyes darted to Snake though, as if rather unsure suddenly. I quickly took the knife back from him before he'd possibly have a the idea to try and use it. His face was hard, he almost looked to be a teenager suddenly. "Alright, time to go." I told him, pulling him up to his feet and then glanced at Snake the second i could have sworn i'd heard the door to the back move. I'd only looked to him as if thinking maybe he'd already started heading back out and on the move.
"Get him back to the hideout" ,Snake whispered as soon as he heard the door. "Keep low and make sure no one follows you, I'll be there in a little while" ,he told her. He knew that somebody was there and he didn't want the kid put in any danger and that why he told Shade to leave. Snake didn't wait for an answer or response before he made his way toward the back door when he got there he was quickly surrounded by a group of Free Men, "Hey there stranger got any goodies for us tonight?" ,one of the men asked. Snake looked at the men before speaking, "Go fuck yourselves" ,he stated simply. "Oh looks like we've got a tough guy on our hands, tough guys like you get special treatment" ,the man continued. The man then motioned for the others to grab Snake but when the first one reached his hand out Snake shot him in the chest. Then as the other three came at him he fought them off killing two of them then getting shot in the leg while dealing with the third. The third man then went in for the kill but as he went to grab Snake he got a knife stuck in his throat.

After dealing with the four assholes Snake limped out of the building and headed towards the cave, he was in pain and needed to get the bullet out of his leg and stitch it up quickly. The walk back to the cave felt much longer then usual and that was probably because Snake had a bullet in his leg. When he finally got back to the cave he made his way inside not bothering to look and see if Shade and the boy had gotten there yet. He took his cloak off and threw it onto the couch as he walked towards the table to fix his leg up.
I didn't exactly like leaving him here on his own, but only gave a nod as i moved with the kid, getting him out without being seen. It took a while to get back, what with looking over my shoulder from time to time to see if he was coming or not, and being sure nobody was following. I only had to deal with one guy, who'd been out walking around at the edge of town, and then had a rather clear shot to the cave. Once there i gave a sigh when he proclaimed that he was tired, and put him into the bed, getting him settled there before i waited for Snake to come back, though it seemed to take a while. "I wouldn't have mind helping you out you know." I said when he came in as i looked at his leg. "I can help with that, if you'd like." I offered calmly, walking over to him, trying to be quite not to wake the now sleeping boy.
"Shut up you had a kid with you" ,Snake growled out as he pulled his pants down and poured water over the wound on his leg. He then took a knife and dug the bullet out, blood began to gush everywhere. Snake gritted his teeth as he poured rubbing alcohol directly into the wound to clean it, he had ignored the offer from Shade, being used to doing things himself he would've felt odd with someone else helping him. After he finished cleaning the wound he stitched it up then looked at Shade. "I haven't been shot in years or stabbed I've known you for two days and I've gotten both" ,he stated sarcastically. He didn't intend to insult the woman with what he said and he hoped she knew that, after he cleaned his hands off he lit a cigarette and put his head down for a moment.
"Yeah, but he would have been hidden from sight." I snarled lightly, looking away for a second when he pulled his pants down to work with his leg. I didn't bother watching. And i only looked at him when he spoke again. "The first time i never asked for your help. The second time, you kind of asked for it, with not letting me help you." I tossed back at him, but in a way, i'd been grateful for him showing up the first time, even if he didn't exactly like the idea of me having followed after him. "I am sorry thought that you've gotten both from it." I said, moving over to sit next to him. "You could have stayed here instead of going with me you know. I wouldn't have thought any less of you then what i did before i would have left." I was being honest about it, and at the same time, trying to joke a little with it.
"I couldn't just let you go out on your own not at this hour all the crazies are out at this time of night it would've been wrong of me to let you go knowing exactly what happens out there" ,he stated in response. "I may not like you that much but....but I'm not a complete asshole despite popular belief" ,he continued. He took a drag of his cigarette then slid the pack over to Shade, "Go ahead and take one I won't tell". Snake looked over at the sleeping boy then back at Shade, "We're gonna have to make more trips into town for food and I'm gonna have him hunting whatever meat he wants well at least helping for now, just thought I'd let you know so you didn't freak out when I hand him a gun".
I gave him a faint smile before letting it vanish as he slid the pack over to me. With a sigh i just gave him a look before taking one. "Alright, just no telling. I've been trying to stop while around him." I said, poking my thumb over my shoulder to the boy. His comment on having him help with hunting got me rather tense as i watched him closely. I wasn't exactly the biggest fan of guns. Hell, i didn't really know how to work them myself, other then simply aiming and pulling a trigger and hope like hell i'd hit the target. "As long as you can teach him how to use it right, and not let him get hurt, then it's fine with me." I finally told him as i light the cigarette up and leaned back in the chair. "If you are done with your leg. Please, pull your pants up, or something." I told him, hoping he would understand some as i got up and moved over to sit on the couch.
A little smirk came across his face when she took the cigarette when she mentioned teaching the boy how to use the gun right he looked at her, "Don't worry he won't get hurt on my watch" ,he stated. He looked down when she mentioned his pants then pulled them up, "Oops, not really used to people being around but you already know that" ,he stated in response. He wasn't embarrassed with himself whatsoever but the woman was right when she told him to pull his pants up. Snake took another drag of his cigarette and looked at Shade who was now sitting on the couch, "So you can share the bed with the kid I don't mind sleeping on the couch but I'm not taking the floor" ,he told her.
"Didn't think you where. Kind of why i said something about it." I told him as i took a drag of my own cigarette as i watched him. "As for being on the floor. I didn't think you would. I'd rather sleep on the floor myself anyway, but i guess i have no reason to really lie about not wanting the bed now." I sighed as i finished off the cigarette and put it out into the fire pit. "I don't mind though if you go without a shirt though. But i do have a problem when those pants go down." I smirked over at him then headed over as i took to curling up in the bed with the boy, pulling him into my arms as he slept. My eyes still watched Snake for a while though, as i lay there before finally shutting my eyes for the while.
Snake didn't know how to react to the comment about the shirt currently he was wearing one so there wasn't really a reason for her to mention him being shirtless. When she smirked at him he sighed then shook his head, was the woman making a pass at him? He was used to women hitting on him and he would normally turn them away without a second thought but none of those women lived with him half of them didn't even speak to him for more then a few minutes so it wasn't too much of an issue. He took another drag off of his cigarette then grabbed his deck of cards and began a game of solitaire he wasn't tired and he didn't feel like laying down at all so he sat quietly and played with the cards while the other two slept.
I listened to him with his cards for a while. I figured he would think i was hitting on him. I guessed in a way with that comment i was. But that was all. While i didn't mind getting to have something to look at, i didn't really plan on flirting with him any, i had no reason to. It took me a while before i passed out though, listening to the boy as he breathed, and Snake with his cards. It wasn't a heavy sleep, but enough that if given the right reason, or sound i'd be up in a second. I didn't figure i had reason for not letting myself into a heavy sleep, but i never did let myself out that much. It'd been habit when held the boy while he slept, to also pay some attention to Listen to any movement just in case the need to move
After about three games of solitaire and about five more cigarettes Snake finally stood up and made his way over to the couch he looked to the two on the bed before laying down and pulling the blankets onto himself. It wasn't long before he fell asleep he too didn't sleep very heavily but he slept enough to be rested in the morning. When Snake woke up in the morning he stretched then limped over to the shelves and grabbed some oats and a few bottles of water and a pot then brought everything over to the fire pit. He started the fire then began to cook the oats he was making enough for everyone that was there even if they were still asleep.
The boy had still been sleeping in the morning, while i'd made sure not to wake anyone when i woke and had gone off to keep myself busy for a while, finding a tree to work with, and waisting a while out there before heading back. "Oh, you're up." Was all i had said when i spotted him, as if having hopped to be able to come back while they where both still out of it and not having been made to the fact i'd left, even if for a little while. I looked over to the boy still out of it, having been his first time in a bed in a while now then looked at Snake. "And no cigarette yet?" I asked, even if i knew it was going to get on his nerves or not.
Snake looked up when he heard the woman speak, "I'm cooking" ,he stated in an aggravated tone. Even if he smoked a lot he didn't need it pointed out every few minutes. He wondered where she had run off too but he didn't bother asking not really wanting to talk. When the oatmeal finished he brought the pot over to the table and set out some bowls then looked at Shade, "When he gets up he has food to eat so do you" ,he stated as he made his own bowl. He then put a pot of water on the fire for coffee if she wanted any he figured he could make the kid some tea or he could have water if he wanted.
I sighed at his comment but then pushed it back to the side for now and let him have what silence he would get for the moment that was. I'd found some water for him though and set it out. I didn't plan on letting the kid sleep to long though and figured he wouldn't sleep though with the smell of something new to him. I was wrong though when he didn't seem to budge and instead went in and woke him up and moving him to sit and eat, joining him, as he got the water.

"Who'd the man?" He asked when he was more awake.

I couldn't help but look over at Snake then back to Sei-Ten. "A hungry bear dressed as a human." I remarked.

The boy just looked at Snake while he ate, as if what i had said was true. "You aren't going to eat us are you mister?" He asked Snake this time. All i could do was look at the boy but then back to the bowl, wondering just how well this might play out now.
When the boy sat down at the table Snake looked at him then back to his bowl as he started eating, when Shade made the comment about him being a bear he gave her a dirty look. He was really starting to get annoyed with her smart ass comments, "Only if you annoy me you're alright for now but if your friend keeps on bugging me she may not make it too much longer" ,Snake stated looking at Shade with a raised eyebrow. When he finished his food he looked to the boy then to Shade again and pulled out a cigarette and lit it taking a long drawn out drag as he looked her dead in the face he then blew the smoke out towards her with a smirk on his face.
"You can't tell me, that didn't just about make a perfect fit for you." I smirked, ignoring the fact of him blowing his smoke at me.

"Annoy you?" The boy asked, confused slightly. "But you look that way already?" He leaned his head lightly as he watched Snake blow his smoke at Shade, and let only a faint growl pass his lips. "You know, that's a bad habit." He added on, talking about his smoking.

My eyes went wide though at Sei-ten when he made comment about his smoking before my eyes darted back up to Snake. Oh please, don't shoot this kid, was all i could think about suddenly. If only he knew just who the kid's father was, and how he acted, he might understand just where this much was coming from from the boy. He didn't even sound like his age when he had made to comment. That was the only reason why it had taken me off guard to watch the two a little more closely now.
"I can tell you what you remind me of but I'll keep it to myself seeing there's a kid here" ,Snake said in response. When the boy spoke then growled at him Snake looked to him and raised an eyebrow, "I take it back you look like a very nice snack in my opinion maybe I will eat you and then I'm gonna eat Shade and when I'm done I'll let the crows pick what's left of you" ,Snake stated giving the boy an aggravated look. He slammed his fist onto the table then stood up and walked outside kicking over the pile of firewood he had gathered the day before.

"I'm a fucking idiot" ,he mumbled as he got outside. He puffed on his cigarette as he walked into the woods a bit he was aggravated to say the least and it wasn't hard to tell. When he got to the spring he sat down on a rock close to the water and lit another cigarette seeing as his other one was pretty much filter. Snake took a long drag of it then placed his head in his hand as if he had a headache while he blew the smoke out.
The boy was up rather quickly when Snake slammed his fist down on the table, all i could do was give a sigh as he left. "Alright, eat your food." I told him as i finished up mine then cleaned the place up once he was also done. I gave him instructions to stay here and wait, leaving him there on the bed as i left. I had told the man he probably wouldn't have been able to handle the boy all that easy. It took me a while before i'd found him, thanks to his smoking, or i'd probably have ended up never finding him. I didn't say anything though as i found a place more behind him, letting him have his distance for the most part. I was sure, even if i did saying anything, it wouldn't matter since he'd left in a fuss. I waited though until i figured he was in somewhat of a better mood. "You know, chew me out if you want, i'll take it. But, he is only a kid." I said, being cal about it as i watched him. If he bothered asking why i'd come out here, i'd let him know. But, that was only if he really wanted to know.
Snake let out a low growl when he heard the woman's voice he really didn't want to deal with anyone right now and he certainly didn't want to talk. The way she almost demanded that he not say anything to the kid just made him more aggravated, "What did you come out here for? To tell me how to behave around the kid some more, reality check Shade the kid is going to have to deal with it trust me my behavior back there is nothing compared to what's out there in the fucking world" ,Snake snapped. He hadn't intended to yell but when he opened his mouth he let his anger get the better of him. He took another drag off of his cigarette before grabbing his head again and looking down at the ground.
"I know what it's like out there, and he does as well. And no, that's not why i came out here." I told him. "I'd come out here, to try and see if you where still ok, with him being here. And if not, i don't mind heading back into the town again with him." I explained. "I may not like you all that much. But, i'm still willing to let you get your peace and leave with the kid." I said, and even if he didn't like it, i still moved over to him, stopping just behind him as i carefully put my hands at his shoulders, and moved my hands, trying to relax his muscles. "It would be the least i can do since you've already helped my out enough. Well, that and i don't feel like having to worry about you putting blame on me, if you get hurt again." I sighed, eyes straying down to his leg.
Yes Snake was mad but even if he was a stubborn, hard ass, loner he couldn't just let a kid wander around in town the place was a mad house and if the boy got hurt Snake would feel responsible for not letting him stay. "No it's fine" ,he stated quietly, almost a whisper. When the woman placed her hands on his shoulders he flinched a bit not used to contact like this at all. His eyes shifted to her hands as they moved he had thought about stopping her but he didn't feel like arguing plus it was pretty relaxing. "Don't worry about me getting hurt it happens" ,he stated before taking a drag from his cigarette.
"Doesn't sound like it happens, other then just recently. But, i talked to him. He shouldn't bother you to much with his talking as much as he can." I replied, but then fell silent for him after that, but didn't pull back even when he did flinch at me for being this close. I hated seeing others get hurt for me, let alone bother with helping me out, when they did that was. I hated Snake for having taken up both so far, i wasn't going to let him know it though. I didn't stop massaging his shoulders while i sat there in the silence. He was beyond tense, and it only made me kind of try working on trying to change that for a while.
"You don't have to do that you know I know you don't like me so you don't have to be nice" ,Snake stated in reference to her massaging his shoulders. He wasn't the type to like getting this kind of attention from people so he felt pretty awkward as she continued to massage him he didn't want to be outright mean and make it seem like he didn't appreciate what she was trying to do. He finished up his cigarette then threw it to the ground he then looked at Shade briefly and decided to wait until she was finished doing what she was doing before moving or getting up.
"It's returning part of the favor helping me out the first time." I told him, not really looking at him, but instead, letting my eyes linger on some of the clouds over head. I glanced at him though after a while, having seen he'd already put his cigarette out and so i stopped, and got up, stretching some, then walking off without a word, heading back for the hideout, and finding the boy still sitting on the bed, kicking his feet slightly as he sat there. He looked bored, but at the same time, as if he was easily amused with what he was doing, sitting on the edge of the bed, just watching his feet.
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