Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I didn't move when i saw him coming back, and figured it was that that he probably didn't eve notice me there. Or maybe he did and just didn't pay attention while he decided to butcher the deer. I was stiff as i watched. One of those moment where you should look away, but yet you can't. It had started getting later and later though. I couldn't exactly figure if it was still considered night, or if it was getting closer to morning anytime soon. Once he was back inside, and in there for a while my eyes diverted to the knife, blade still sitting in the dirt. Picking it up and closing it, sliding it back into my pocket i headed back around inside to find him. "You know, you shouldn't really be pushing yourself with having brought something so big to bring back like that, when you've got that gash on your stomach like that." I said as i ended up sitting on the coach this time. "Should have simply asked for me to tag along if you where going to get something big like that, and i would have helped." Well, i would have helped him only to a certain point anyway, depending on how he might have asked for the help that was.
"Didn't want to bother you" ,Snake stated in response. He turned the meat over then looked up at the woman, "Go over to the shelf near the table and grab a couple cans of potatoes for me" ,he stated. His tone wasn't demanding this time instead it was quiet, "Oh and a pan". He continued to watch the meat as it cooked being careful not to burn it even though the meat would take a bit to cook but he didn't want to take any chances, he never wasted food especially after he had to kill it. When the meat finished cooking he put it onto a pate and brought it to the table and set it down. "You can start eating this while the potatoes cook if you want" ,Snake told Shade after he placed the meat onto the table. "I know it was gross to watch me butcher it but it's something to eat and I'd rather hunt then buy meat from any of those shops in town unless it's canned" ,he told her.
"I'm shocked. A man who can hunt, and also know how to cook." I joked with a slightly dry tone as i got him his potatoes and the pan. In a way i wasn't joking though, but at the same time i was. I couldn't help but picture him as some caveman in my mind, just to help lighten the mood for myself some. Well, minus the part of blabbering random words that didn't make any sense. He was easy on the eyes at least, and even more so when he had his shirt off. I had to push the thoughts to the back of my mind though just as soon as they came in and sighed as i looked over at the food. "I'm kind of shocked though that your eating habits haven't caught up to you just yet." I added on.

I was silent after that, not really looking at him so much, but instead seeming to scan the place over again, as if i hadn't already a few good times as it was, it was just a means to let him have his silence, and try to help me think that he wasn't really even there either.
Snake actually let out a small laugh at the woman's joke but quickly got a serious look on his face afterwards. When she mentioned his eating habits catching up to him he looked at her, "Even though I live in a cave I still work out the woods are pretty safe so I can do whatever I want out here, plus I have a weight bench a little further into the cave I lift everyday as well as go for a run" ,Snake told her. He didn't know why he was explaining himself but he was none the less. When the potatoes finished he put them onto the table next to the meat, "Help yourself, it's not seasoned or anything you'll have to go into town if you want any seasoning for food I can give you money for it if you want" ,Snake said as he began to make his plate and sit down.

When Snake finished making his plate he got back up and grabbed two more bottles of water and gave one to Shade then sat back down. The food was good and he appreciated every bit of it, "Don't waste any of it ok i you can't finish it I'll eat it" ,Snake told her. "And not because I'm fat or not full I just don't like to waste anything I had to kill to feed myself" ,he continued right before taking another bite of food.
I gave a slightly wicked smirk at him. I hadn't called him fat, hell, he wasn't to start with. I gave a sigh though as i couldn't find it would be all to easy to even get such a thing out of his site and out of here either. I didn't waist it though, but simply ate it, almost reluctant to do so. When i finished, i cleaned up from my place before looking back at him. "Thanks for the help so far. But, i'm going to head back into town for a bit. I've still got some things to finish taking care of before i forget. And please, don't try stopping me. I don't plan on telling anyone about you." I said, but not giving him any time to protest, if he did, as i headed for the door. I didn't think he would follow, in fact i could still see him trying to shoot me if i left, but i didn't let it bother me as i kept moving. If he followed, that was fine, as long as he didn't let me know he was there, or anyone else know either.
As Shade stood up and told him she was leaving he sighed but didn't argue with her, he was too tired and really didn't want to stress over it so he simply just let her leave. He could've did what he threatened to do earlier and shot her but he felt that was too extreme and if she was smart she would come back and stay hidden from everyone. When Snake finished his food he sat back in his chair and took a sip of his water before lighting a cigarette. A lot was going through the man's mind at the moment, if the woman did go and blab he could expect some nasty people coming after him so he wouldn't dare fall asleep just in case. Even though the woman annoyed him he didn't want her getting hurt so deep down he kinda hoped she would return but he wouldn't be surprised if she didn't he also wasn't gonna go follow her either figuring she didn't need a babysitter or anything like that.
By the time i'd reached the town i glanced back to look for any signs of being followed, only to find none and gave a smirk at the idea. At least i didn't have to worry about him trying to help out if anything might happen. I was more careful as i stalked around the town, making double sure this time not to get spotted, or heard from when i ended up going in after some food before making a round trip to a more abandoned building. It wasn't easy to hide the fact that i'd been in there not long before Snake had showed up the first time. And it only meant a matter of time before people came looking around.

I stopped just short from the place, hearing movement from inside, and some just on the outside as well. I moved quickly, putting my back to the door and looking around the side of the one story small house of a building to find some thung there, as if searching. He couldn't be alone, but i didn't see anyone else outside with him, so he became target practice as i pulled the blade out, tossing it so that it landed in the back of his head and moving quickly enough to catch him just before he hit the ground so that he wouldn't make to much noise going down.

As i pulled the blade out with only a small struggle i used his shirt to clean it off before heading inside. I could see two in here, one closer to the hiding place i was looking for, the other, on the other end of the house. I made quick though to take the one down that was closer to where i wanted to be, before turning and keeping an eye on the other as i backed up until i moved the blanket that was hanging over where a cabinet door should have been and smiled lightly as i put a finger over my lips.
After a while Snake made his way outside but he wasn't going off in search of Shade he just liked to sit outside during the night sometimes and just look at the sky. It helped him clear his head and relax and while it was quiet he figured he would do just that. He laid down in a grassy area and puffed on his cigarette as he looked up at the sky. Snake wasn't positive if the woman was going to come back but he had a feeling she might and if she didn't it wouldn't bother him much he was sure he'd probably see her again in town sometime if he really wanted to.
I handed the food to the boy, along with the bottle of water i'd not opened that Snake had given to me. The boy seemed rather content hiding there as i slide the sheet back over in front of him as i passed up the guy on the floor, taking my knife back from him and looking to see where the other guy was. I'd been so intent on keeping an eye on him, his back to me as i got closer, that i hadn't payed to much attention to the small piece of wood in front of me, until my foot hit against it. "Crap was all i had to say, and the man's last words he would hear as i closed what gap there was left and managed to slide the blade right into the center of his neck just as he had enough time to return the favor to my left arm. I bite back the pain as he went down, cleaning my blade on his shirt as i broke the handle on his, just after ripping a piece of his shirt off then pulled the blade out, glade it was a strait cut blade and not one with all the jagged edges like mine was, only to quickly wrap my arm up tight and headed back over to the boy.

He was only around the age of eight or nine. Wasn't mine, but i'd been helping him out for the past two years now, trying to keep him hidden, even though it meant moving him each night. I didn't think Snake was one to want a kid, no matter what the age, running around him. That and i wasn't sure about how well the boy was with secrets, i'd never given him any to really keep before. I waited for him to finish what food i'd given him before giving him the spare pocket knife i'd had on me and then getting him to a new place to hide in. It didn't take to long though, but then i'd told him i'd be a while before i'd end up getting back to him though. That wasn't until i'd made sure the place i'd had him in had enough food to last at least a few nights, and making sure to fix things up so nobody would know anyone has or was there then left out the back.

I felt bad for leaving him there, but, for know i'd have to, until i might figure out better just how well Snake might handle such a thing like that to deal with.
I was careful to stay out of sight on my way back, and that nobody would follow. When i could see the faint outline of the place just ahead i gave a sigh, and hoped he would more then likely be out of it so i could go in without any questions, or looks that he might give me.
After a while Snake could hear someone walking towards him so he sat up and placed his hand on one of his guns, when he realized that it was Shade he let his guard back down a bit then made sure no one had followed her before making his way into the cave after her. When he got inside he looked at the woman for a moment before noticing that she was hurt, he simply shook his head then walked over to one of the shelves and grabbed the stuff he needed to clean her cut and bandage, possibly stitch up if needed. "How did you manage to get hurt? Run into trouble while you were out?" ,Snake asked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. He knew she had obviously ran into some kind of trouble and got cut it wasn't hard to tell that the wound she had was from a knife. "Sit down and let me fix you up" ,he stated. His tone wasn't angry or annoyed in fact he genuinely sounded like he wanted to help.
"There is always trouble for me." I said. "I'd hoped you would have been out of it already so you wouldn't ask about it either." I said, tossing a slight glare at him. "It's fine though. I'd say im good with what handy work i've already done to it." I said, actually rather happy with simply the pressure wrapped around it instead of anything else. "Either way, i'm good for a few days." I added on, meaning about having to go back out again, but figuring to him it might sound like i was talking about my arm, but he didn't really kneed to know what i was really talking about anyway. I took a seat at the table, stretching my arms out on it some, my right hand coming up to rest on the left, while i put my chin in my right, tossing a blank look at the wall. I didn't exactly tell him he couldn't help if he really wanted to, though it wasn't like i didn't already know that i was more then likely going to end up only getting into more problems later on down the road.
Snake placed the first aid stuff onto the table then sat down next to the woman and grabbed her injured arm and untied the fabric from it. As soon as he did blood started gushing from it and he immediately began to clean the cut out and when he finished cleaning it he stitched her up, it was a lot easier to stitch up someone else then it was to stitch up himself. After he finished stitching her up he cleaned the excess blood off of her then bandaged the stitches to keep them clean so the cut wouldn't get infected. "I have to go into town in a few days as well, we can go together if you want, if not we can go our separate ways then meet back up here after we're done" ,he stated. He looked into her eyes for a brief moment before standing up and walking over to the tub filled with water to clean the blood off of his hands. He then walked over to the bed and taking one of the pillows and a blanket he put the blanket and the pillow onto the couch then sat down, "Like I said you can have the bed I'll take the couch, I don't mind it" ,he stated as he looked at her once more.
I simply dropped my head on the table when he decided to help out, and bit at my lip the first few times he worked on stitching my arm up. I lifted my head slightly though once he was done, looking at his handy work before watching him settle on the coach. "I'm fine here." I said, referring to the table since that was where i'd ended up at to start with. I slumped back over on the table, resting my head on my arm again, closing my eyes for a second. "It just wouldn't feel right, having taken over your bed anyway." I added on after a few moments, speaking from under my right arm, sounded as if i was almost out of it or something. "And don't bother trying to move me either." My legs seemed to hug around the front legs of the chair, as if to prove my point on not moving me for the night. If he tried though, then i more then likely would have thought about sleeping closer to the exit if he did.
"Do you have to argue with everything I say? Just take the bed don't be stupid" ,Snake stated in response. He wasn't going to try and move her but he also didn't want her sleeping at the table. "I usually pass out on the couch anyway so you wouldn't really be taking over my bed I haven't slept in it for about a week" ,he told her. It was a lie he had slept in it just the other night but he was trying to convince her to just take the offer and sleep comfortably, not many people got the opportunity to sleep comfortably especially if they were poor and unaffiliated with any gangs. Snake lit up another cigarette and took a drag as he looked at the woman waiting for a response.
I shook my head in a no like manner. "I can't. And i've got my reasons for it for right now." I told him. It wasn't that i was picking to argue with everything he said. But, it was more like, not wanting to, when i knew he was out there, not getting the option to sleep in such a manner. Sure, while i felt, in a way, i could trust Snake, i just didn't want to actually risk it and bring him up to a conversation about it. I didn't want to tell him about Sei-ten, didn't want anyone really knowing about the boy if it could be helped at all. "If it bothers you that i sleep here, then i'll move over to the door, where you can't see me." I finally added on lifting my head and looking back over at him laying there smoking on his cigarette. It made me wonder, just how many packs the man went through on his own, but i wasn't going to even bother with asking about it.
"Fine suit yourself" ,Snake stated blankly. He wasn't going to beg and plead that she sleep in the bed but he was curious about her 'reasons' and he couldn't help but ask, "So what reasons do you have to not sleep in a perfectly good bed and get a good night's rest?" ,Snake asked right before taking another drag of his cigarette. He placed the pillow behind his head then pulled the blanket up and got comfortable, he let out a sigh of content before taking yet another drag of his cigarette. The woman was definitely a stubborn one but so was he so he couldn't judge and with the world the way it was now he couldn't blame her for being the way she was, he admired it in a way but he would never admit it that to her.
A groan passed my lips as i buried my head more into my arms. "I just don't want to sleep in a bed is all." I said, hoping the with it being more muffled, he wouldn't be able to tell it was a lie. "Why not get your sleep already?" I asked, almost wondering why he seemed to be a little more talkative now, since only hours ago, he'd wanted silence, and had made that rather clear on his part. I was about to say something to him, but stopped before a word could even slip out and just stayed silent as i rested there, wanting to see just what he had to say about my question. Even though i hadn't meant for it to be a question, but that had been how it turned out to sound in the end and really wasn't much of a way to change it. Well that, and i didn't feel like changing how it sounded anyway, he didn't seem like one to take kindly to things if it might come out any other way.
"You're lying" ,he said plainly. "No one denies the comfort of a bed when they're offered, so why don't you cut the bullshit and tell me what your problem is" ,Snake stated. He took another drag off of his cigarette and blew the smoke out of his nose, when she asked why he didn't get his sleep already he raised an eyebrow. "Is it so wrong for someone to be a little concerned? Shit I don't even know why I care so maybe I should just get my sleep and let you do whatever the fuck you want" ,he stated before finishing his cigarette and putting it out. He let out a sigh then rolled over and pulled the blanket up to his chin and got comfortable.
"Yeah, well i'm not like the rest it seems." I sighed as i got up and moved more to the door anyway. I didn't plan on telling him anything about Sei-Ten, or why i wasn't going to take his bed. It wasn't a world to just up and let people see just oh so clearly that some where in there, there was a weakness of some kind or another. It took me a while before i got just a little more comfortable there. I could also tell just why he stayed away from people to. If it wasn't one tossing words at him, then it was him doing it here and there. I couldn't exactly manage to bring it to pass out though, and so i simply waited for any sign of him being out of it.
Snake watched as the woman made her way towards the door, "Don't try anything funny while I'm asleep, I don't care if you leave just don't let any creeps know where I am I don't feel like killing anyone right now, I'm too fucking tired" ,he stated. His eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep yet it took a while for the man to fall asleep mainly because he thought about a lot while he laid down and it was hard to clear his head enough to fall asleep sometimes. The things he did during the days he needed to travel into town were definitely tiring but his mind sometimes just wouldn't let him sleep. After about two more hours Snake finally fell asleep, his body and mind both relaxed and his hand on one of his guns just in case he needed to use it at all. It wasn't hard to tell that the man stayed alert even while he was asleep, most people did now a days with the earth being the way it was.
I rolled my eyes at his words, with a sneer of sorts as i stayed there. I played ever so slightly with the bandage for a while, but not to much as i lay there until it seemed to get rather silent. Poking my head around so that i could see him. While it sounded like he was a sleep, it didn't seem to look like he was as i watched his hand on the gun. He didn't move though and so i got up, walking over to him. I looked at him about a foot away, as if waiting for him to open his eyes and look at me, or even pull his gun and point it at me. He seemed rather out of it though and so i moved more to the side of the coach, where his feet where, and put my back to it, sitting on the floor. It was still out of site, unless he sat up and looked. It didn't take me to long to relax once i was there though, and sat there until i finally passed out, body slumping down ever so slightly, arms resting just over my stomach, a leg bent while the other was stretched out some.
When Snake woke up he stretched and yawned then looked over to where Shade was sleeping he let out a small laugh before getting up and walking outside. He went to the bathroom before gathering up some firewood, the sun was bright and the air a bit cool but still warm enough for Snake to walk around with his shirt off. Even if it was warm enough he thought it might be good if he put on a shirt seeing as he now had company. After he finished gathering wood for fire he brought it into the cave and set it in a pile against one of the cave walls he made sure he was quiet so that he wouldn't wake up the sleeping woman that was close by. He put some of the wood into the fire pit but didn't light a fire just yet he was simply setting it up for later on when he needed it. Snake grabbed a black tank top out of a trunk that he had some of his clothes in and put it on before sitting back down on the couch and lighting yet another cigarette while he waited for the woman to wake up.
I woke to the faint sound of movement, but didn't bother stirring fully, until i could smell the smoke of his cigarette and sighed as i pushed myself into more of a sitting position and glanced over at him slightly. "How long have you been up?" I couldn't help but ask as i stretched, letting my arms curl up and bend over the arm of the chair. While i waited on a response i shifted, moving so that i was still in the same place, but so that i was facing him, and able to rest my chin on the arm there, sitting sideways some, leaving only my right arm up on the sofa, and my left hanging at my side. I'd spoken, almost as if i'd been stuck with him for ever, even though i hadn't. Just seemed a little easier this way. Yet i was sure it was going to end up getting on his nerves soon enough.
"About a half and hour or so" ,he stated in response to her. He took a drag off of his cigarette, "If you're hungry help yourself to whatever you feel like I've also got tea and instant coffee if you want, cups are in the middle draw over there and you can boil water in one of those pots that are in the drawer underneath the one with the cups in it" ,Snake explained. He could actually use a cup of coffee himself so instead of waiting for the woman's response to his offer he got up and made his way over to the pit to start the fire, after the fire was lit he grabbed a small pot from the drawer and emptied a couple bottles into it then set it on the fire. "Coffee sounded good" ,he stated letting her know he wasn't trying to do things for her. As the water heated up Snake grabbed a container of sugar and one with powdered creamer in it and set them on the table. "Did you want a cup?" ,Snake asked curiously. He had taken two cups out already but he asked just to make sure that she really did want one.
"Maybe when i get back." I told him as i got up. "Was going to head over to that spring you mentioned last night. But, thanks for the offer." I added on. I took note though to the locations of things as he listed them off. "No following either." I said, as i left, and headed for the springs. Once there i stopped just at the edge. I figured he wouldn't follow after me, and so i stripped there, heading into the water making my way over to the falling water and cleaning off before moving over to pull the cloths in one at a time and cleaning them as well, putting each peace back on once it was clean before getting out. I took my time heading back, enough ring my cloths dry and enough to let my hair dry enough that it only left it slightly damp once i got back to the cave of a hideout, stopping just outside, and making sure that my cloths where actually dry enough to show no actual sign of having even been wet.
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