Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

Snake nodded when she mentioned heading for the spring and when she thanked him for his offer, he wasn't used to people genuinely thanking him for anything so he wasn't really sure how to respond so he simply nodded then took a drag off of his cigarette. He then walked over to check on the water and noticing that it was boiling he poured it into one of the cups then mixed some of the instant coffee into it along with some sugar and creamer. After he was finished making his cup of coffee he sat down and sipped on it slowly while he puffed on his cigarette and waited for Shade to return.
"You know smoking that much isn't exactly healthy for you." I said, as i walked in, already smelling the smoke before i'd even stepped back inside. I looked at him for a second, but no longer as i headed over and took up making my own cup of coffee, fixing it up. Sipping on it i glanced back over at him. "So, tell me. If you don't have a problem doing so that is. What do you normally do in the day?" I asked, leaning against a wall, watching him just sit there. Shirt or no shirt, i still couldn't help but let my eyes wander over his build and trying to figure just how he might take my words. I'd only been asking so i'd be able to try and get a figure on what i'd possibly end up doing myself for the day as well. Maybe head out and visit an older friend, or pester the living day lights out of Snake, just to pass the time. I smirked at the idea, seeing how i'd already been able to do that, without even meaning to, or trying though.
"Who cares if it's good or not we all die eventually and living in the world we do why not try and speed up the process" ,he stated in response to her statement about him smoking so much. When he finished his cigarette he put it out then sipped on his coffee, when the woman asked what he normally did in a day he looked at her and let out a small laugh. "Nothing other then the normal workout to stay in shape unless of course I need supplies then I go into town and get what I need" ,he told her honestly. It was true there wasn't much he actually could do there wasn't exactly any corrupt government to send him on missions that could kill him anymore so he pretty much just laid low now a days and lived as normal a life that he could.
I shook my head at his ideas on smoking and speeding up the proses. Granted, i'd lied to him before about not smoking, at least i did what i could to not do it so much. That was when it had hit me i'd already gone a full night without one. I gave him a sigh though when he said it mostly consisted of working out for him. I would have told him he should have thought about getting out more often, but it wasn't like there was to much to really go out and see any more around here, so it stayed as a thought and nothing more. "I guess that leaves me to figure something else out on my own then." I said, thinking out loud. It wasn't like there wasn't a forest out here anyway that i couldn't waist my time in for the day, and being able to stay out of his way all the same. "Don't let me stop you from doing your things though." I took another sip of the cup of coffee.
Snake just gave her a look after she spoke he wondered exactly what she had meant by figuring something else out on her own, he took another sip of his coffee he looked at her for a few more seconds before finally getting up to refill his cup. "Not that you need it but maybe you should work out some yourself ya know build some strength or work on stamina just a suggestion if you have nothing better to do" ,Snake stated as he stirred the creamer and sugar into his coffee. He then sat down again and looked at Shade yet again as he took a sip from his cup, "So what exactly are your plans for today?" ,he asked curiously.
I gave him a shocked look at his response, biting my tongue for the moment. I couldn't believe he'd just brought those words out for me to hear. I couldn't exactly see where he thought i didn't work out or anything like that. "I planned on paying the forest a little visit for the day, until the sun goes down, or unless there might be any reasons i'd have to leave it early." I explained. "Care to take your little work out to the forest? Or do you plan on being a cave man and staying in here to do so?" I asked as i put the now empty cup down on the table and clanged to the door for a second then back over to him.
He looked at her again when she called him a cave man he couldn't really argue but it still came as a bit of a shock, "You really have a mouth that don't quit don't ya? I don't mind walking around the forest today but don't piss me off or I'll tie you to a tree and leave you there" ,he stated. His tone sounded a little more joking this time when he threatened her, after he finished his coffee he stood up and looked to the woman once again. "Well let's go if you want to" ,he said before turning and walking outside. When he got outside he stood and waited for Shade to join him.
I raised a brow at him, watching as he headed out. "I'd like to see you try." I mumbled under my breath, before following after him. I didn't bother waiting on him to move once i came out, but simply started walking. "Should have brought some rope or something." I smirked back at him, when i was a nice distance ahead of him, tossing a rather slick smirk over my shoulder and added on, "Old man." and made sure to keep my distance until we reached the forest where i picked a rather random tree and climbed it, heading for the middle branch and perching there, as if watching prey stalk by. It made it a little harder with the left arm being out of the picture for the most part. I didn't want to push it to far. I'd gotten a little a head of him, and instead of just waiting there, i lowered on the branch, letting my right hand grip the branch firmly, pulling myself up, then letting myself dropping slightly and doing it again before just hanging there and watching to look and see where he was at.
Snake gave her a sharp look when she decided to be a smart ass and when she called him an old man he shook his head. He could admit he was getting up there in years but he was by far not an 'old man' he was probably in better shape then most teenagers now a days. He stayed behind her on purpose and as she made her way into the forest he watched her climb the tree. While she had decided to play in the tree Snake walked around the area and looked around for a little bit before climbing the tree that Shade was in. He climbed up to one of the thicker branches and sat there and watched her do what she was doing, "You having fun?" ,he asked.
I'd been looking more to the ground for him, i hadn't even payed attention enough to listen for him to climb the tree as well. I jumped at his voice above me and glared up at him. "Not bad for somebody your age." I smirked at him, lifting myself slightly to flip and let my legs grip on the tree. "Don't tell me though, that all you plan on doing, is sitting there for the day. I thought you said, you enjoyed getting to work out most days?" I asked, doing push ups the way i was. "Or you just planning to watch me do my own working out? I'd only asked you to join me out here to possibly have somebody to work with, not have to worry about you sneaking around me and watching instead." I stopped just as i reached my knees and looked at him. "You don't have any rope in your pockets or something there do you?" I asked looking him over before going back to my own thing.
"You talk a lot" ,Snake said in response simply. He then let his body fall while his hands gripped the branch, "I don't like it so if you could please keep your mouth shut" ,he stated as he began to do some pull ups. "As for rope no I didn't bring any because I thought I could trust you not to piss me off guess I was wrong" ,he continued. He didn't lose his breath at all while he talked while doing pull ups it showed just how in shape he really was. After doing about a hundred of them he climbed down from the tree when he got down he looked up at Shade, "I'm gonna do some push ups now then go for a run then after that I'm gonna head back to the cave to lift some weights, think you can keep up....youngin' " ,he stated before dropping to the ground and beginning his pushups.
I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes as i didn't bother stopping this time. "You will have to learn to live with it." I said, referring to the fact of him getting after me for talking again. If he didn't like how much i talked, it only made me question it more on telling him about the kid. If he wanted to learn just to the fact that i didn't talk to much, and learn just how much, was truly allot. "Youngin'? You've got to be kidding me." I groaned looking down at him as he hit the ground. "Please, i'm not that young." I snarled at him. "And besides, if you even tried tying me up, if you had brought rope, you would have been in for a hell of a problem buster." I said, saying it as if talking to some little kid who was about to get into trouble. "Go run your run if you must when you are done. But, like i said, i'll be out here until the sun starts to go down." I reminded him just before moved go back into the pull ups. I'd planned on switching back and forth from the two for a while, not planning on stopping. That and this was something that didn't really need both arms to be in use, like it would if i did bother with going back with him to lift weights or not.
"What would you have done talked me to death? That's the only thing I'd see you doing if I attempted to tie you up kiddo" ,Snake stated in response. If she was trying to be intimidating it wasn't working he could see how the woman may be intimidating to others but he had seen and been through way to much to be intimidated by nearly anything. After he finished doing his push ups he got to his feet and looked at Shade, "Guess I'll see you later or not either way doesn't bother me" ,Snake stated before running off. He ran for about an hour before heading back to his cave. When he got there his body was covered in sweat so he removed his shirt, seeing the he was alone for the time being he didn't see a problem with it. He made his way deep into the cave to where he had his weights and some other stuff, he worked out for about an hour before making his way back to the main area of the cave. Snake cleaned up his wound and rebandaged it before grabbing a bottle of water and sipping on it while he made his way over to the bed and laid down for a little while.
I tossed my pocket knife down at him, letting it land just next to his foot as he started heading off. The second he was out of sight i dropped down and picket it back up, closing it and putting it back into my pocket and ended up going back into the tree. I hadn't been paying any attention to the time though when i finally stopped and looked at the sky. "Well, damn." I sighed as i dropped back down from the tree. Making my way back, yet taking my time as i locked my hands behind my head, paying more attention to the sky for the most part until i was closer to the cave and sighed as i looked at the opening, stopping there as a smirk reached my face as i headed on inside. "Thought you didn't use the bed? What was it? I think you said you'd been about a week already without being in there?" I asked, passing him right up and moving to sit just in the same place i'd passed out last night.
"You weren't gonna use it so I decided to" ,Snake stated in response as he rolled over to face her. He could tell by the look on her face that she was trying to annoy him so he planned to do his best to ignore her completely. Snake placed one of his hands behind his head while the other grabbed for a cigarette, after he pulled his cigarette out he lit it then looked at the ceiling of the cave. The man was done playing the little kid games the woman wanted to play he wasn't going to let the woman annoy him with her little remarks or how much she had decided to talk.
"Cool, means i don't have to hear you complaining later tonight about me not having taken the bed." I told him. Id wanted to bring up the subject of Sei-Ten, though the more i watched him, the more i couldn't help but keep it from him. "So, if you don't like me being here, why haven't you tried kicking me out yet? You don't strike me as the soft hearted kind of guy to go back on his word all to often." I spoke up after a while of silence. I kind of wanted to actually know something about him. And depending on how he might actually answer this little question, if he even did, i figured id let it bring up later or not about the kid.
Snake turned to look at her again as blew smoke from his mouth he knew she was getting at something he just didn't know what. "Honestly I really have no idea why I haven't kicked you out yet, I mean you're annoying, you talk a lot, and you get on my damn nerves" ,Snake stated before taking another drag off of his cigarette. "I guess I just been feeling generous" ,he said sarcastically. He really didn't know why he was letting her stay she had already proven that she wouldn't tell anyone about where he was and he was never the type of guy to want a woman around for sex or a relationship so that question puzzled him. "Why are you asking so many questions?" ,Snake asked looking her dead in the face. He could tell when someone had something on their mind and this woman was definitely hiding something and he wanted to know what.
I tossed a glare up at him and sighed at his reply and just looked away. "Because, if i'm going to get stuck with you, then it only seems right to try and learn something about you, if i can that is." I said, not really having liked his response. "I'll leave in the morning or once night falls then, if you really think i'm that annoying then, to save you the hassle of kicking me out whenever it is you might do so." I told him. "You wouldn't understand anyway." I mumbled under my breath, thinking he wouldn't hear those words as i leaned to the side until my side hit the floor where i then rolled to my back.
"I wouldn't understand what? Listen there's nothing to know about me alright so don't try figuring anything out because you'll just be faced with disappointment, as for me not understanding whatever it is you want me to understand how are you so sure I won't if you don't tell me" ,Snake said in response. He was a little aggravated with the way the woman just judged him the way she had without giving him a chance he watched as she rolled to her back then sat up and puffed on his cigarette some more then made his way over to where she was and stood directly above her looking down into her eyes. "I have no intention of kicking you out even if you annoy the shit out of me but if we're gonna even try to get along you need to be honest with me I don't like secrets" ,he said. Snake continued to look down at her as he waited for a response.
I gave a dirty look at the ceiling when he'd picked up my mumbling. I went a bit tense though when he ended up standing over me and i just looked at him. I gave a soft sigh after a moment, having relaxed again. "It has to do with a kid alright." I told him. I figured he would more then likely change his mind now at knowing this, and be ready to kick me out without a seconds hesitation. "I've been trying to hide this kid for two years now. Trying to keep him out of this worlds horrors. And i've not wanted to bother with giving you this information since your so damn uptight about things. Hell, i mean, you think i talk to much, you probably wouldn't even be able to last with this kid around for even a second." I told him as i got up and stood in front of him, taking his cigarette away from him, not really planning on giving it back as i took a drag off of it. "And besides you've got a bad habit i don't really think should be done around him anyway." I added on, referring to the smoking as i walked around him and headed over to sit at the table.
Snake let out a laugh, "A kid that's it? Jeez you made it seem like you were hiding something important from me" ,he stated as he pulled another cigarette from his pocket and lit it, "I thought you didn't smoke you got a lot of nerve talking about my bad habits....kiddo" ,he snapped. He really didn't like when people spoke to him the way Shade was and it took all he had not to rip her a new one, "So what about this kid? Let me guess you want to bring him here right?" ,he asked. Snake didn't wait for her answer seeing as he pretty much knew what it was already, "If you bring the kid here they go by my rules and deal with my habits if you can't handle that then walk it's a one time offer and I won't put it out there again I promise that" ,he told her before laying back down on his bed.
"This kid is important actually." I snarled over at him ignoring his comment on the smoking part. "And i thought you could tell a lie from a mile away. I'm shocked you hadn't been waving them in my face for the past day already." I grumbled as i sat there. His rules huh? I didn't exactly like the sounds of that. I glanced over at him though and couldn't help but question the idea now. "I'd rather not intrude. You'd probably be to hard on him anyway." I sighed as i got up but then gave a faint smile. "I'll be in the town, at the Old Oak home. It's boarded up, but, if you go through the back, you will find it's rather easy to get into now." I said, not sure why i'd bothered with giving him the location i was headed for. "I'll think on your terms though." I added on as i put the butt of the cigarette out and tossing it into the pit of the fire place then headed for the door. "Till then, you're on your own again it seems." I tossed over my shoulder just as i walked out. Even if it had been for only two days, i'd hoped maybe he'd end up getting to miss the talking, even if it was just a little. If not, then i guess it wouldn't matter, and i'd have to think about coming back around sometime to pester him again.
He argued with himself for a moment as he watched the woman begin to walk out of the cave, "Wait a damn minute, I'll go with you, we get this kid and we come back that's it" ,he stated. He then put on a shirt and grabbed his cloak and put it on making sure it was hiding his face, Snake wasn't sure why he was doing what he was doing but it was too late to take it back he had already agreed to let the kid come there. When he finished getting ready he made sure all his weapons were in tact and the guns had ammo before walking up to Shade, "As for being hard on him you can bet your ass I will be but I'm not gonna torture him if that's what you're thinking, hell who knows if I'll even talk to him" ,Snake stated before heading out of the cave.
"Ah, so you do have a heart after all in there somewhere." I smirked lightly at him as i waited. When he started moving though, i didn't bother with waiting to see if he would change his mind and simply stuck with him. A block before though i ended up getting more hesitant looking around for any lurking eyes as i made my way over to the building. I hadn't said a word to him other then that the entire walk out here. I'd looked, only once, as if i was going to say something but never did. I didn't stop though until i reached the back door of the building and glanced over at Snake for a second. "His tame is Sei-Ten. Kind of like, See Ten. Or so that's what he's told me anyway." I said in more of a hushed voice before opening the door and heading on in.

The place was practically empty other then the things that couldn't be taken without having to unscrew ever last little thing to get it up and out. My eyes scanned the place over, just in case before i made my way over to center of the place and into a room there, where i'd left him. I'd find him hiding behind the door, passed out and couldn't help but smile at him. He looked just what his age was when he was asleep. Eight, and if i was right, soon to be nine. It wasn't easy figuring the days anymore, but i tried none-the-less when it came down to it. "Any ideas to keep him hidden?" I asked running my fingers through the boy's dark brown hair. It was easy to see, the boy looked nothing like me, but yet i was still willing to keep him safe. Or as safe as i could anyway.
As they walked Snake kept quiet he didn't even respond to the remark about him having a heart instead he just let her lead the way to where the boy was hidden. When they got to the place Snake looked around at everything making sure no one was around to bother them or attack them. He looked down at the boy as Shade ran her fingers through his hair and when she asked if there were any ideas to keep him hidden Snake looked at her, "Bring him back with us he'll be fine unless he tries to run off on his own" ,Snake replied. "Wake him up and let's head back, he's probably hungry and he'll be more comfortable on a bed". Snake may have been a mean son of a bitch but he could never let a kid suffer the way this kid was he knew that there were millions of other children around the world in the same predicament but he couldn't save them all but he could help this one at least until he was old enough to take care of himself.
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