Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Are you sure?" ,Snake asked. "Because I'm pretty sure I seen a bag of stuff by the shelves over there that's yours, I know it isn't mine or Shade's so it has to be yours". He gave the boy a smile before taking another sip of his coffee then a drag from his cigarette, he then looked to Shade, "So Whenever you want to lay down I'll follow" ,he told her.
I gave Snake just about the same questioning look the boy had given him. The boy's look at been for the bag, mine had been for the following part. As if i'd really planned on him just following. I'd kind of hope to try and push or pull the man over, but then again following would work at the moment anyway. The boy got up for a second, the question still on his face as he moved over to check it out.
After Snake finished his cigarette he put it out in the ashtray that was on the table and watched as the boy walked over to the bag then looked over to Shade again. "Need any help walking back to the bed?" ,he asked teasingly giving her a cocky little smirk afterwards. He was definitely gonna mess with her at least a little bit today over the fact that she was sore he would just have to be really good at hiding the fact he was too so that she didn't have anything to bite back with.
I tossed him a smirk for his question. Well, he knew how to work nerves alright. At least, not all the time was it on the bad side of the slope anyway. I just leaned on the wall for the moment. "Come on, i've dealt with worse things and managed. Really think this one will keep me from moving so freely?" I teased some right back before my gaze moved over to the boy for a second looking in the bag before my eyes moved back to Snake.
Snake let out a laugh then looked at her, "Yeah I guess I can give you that" ,he said in response to her comment about dealing with worse things. "I didn't think it would keep you from moving around completely but it sure did slow you down, tell me if I were to offer a round two later would you deny it?". He was definitely testing her now to see just how far he could push things, he had to admit though he wasn't even sure if he would be up for another round.
I just tossed him a look over his teasing. If you want to get any work done, might be better, to know offer out rounds, unless you plan on bringing them out here." I teased as i pushed myself away from the wall, moving over behind him. I waited until the boy was out of the room, having started for his with the bag before i slide my hands over Snake's shoulders and down his chest, stopping only inches above his waistline. I acted as if i was going to bite or nibble on his ear, but simply let my breath play on his skin there. "Sadly though. Yes, i would deny it. I know my bodies limits. And i don't think pushing any farther would do to well." I told him as i gave him a kiss before pulling back.
He let out a small laugh at her first comment then got chills when she ran her hands over his body before whispering into his ear after she kissed him he let out a sigh of relief then looked at her as he made his way over to the bed. "It's good you know your bodies limits I was kinda scared that you would say yes I don't know how the fuck I would've done it if you had" ,he finally admitted before climbing into the bed and putting the covers on.
I tossed him a smirk for his words. I knew he had been trying to hide the fact from me that he had also been feeling it. Hell, if he'd wanted to head strait to work on those plans, i might have bout into it for the while. I watched him as he moved into the bed, and i ended up being the one to follow him over where i joined him. "Knowing you, i'm sure you would have found a way. After all, you can be stubborn enough to pull through things." I teased lightly as my hand moved to his side where there was already a scar at, my fingers tracing over it slowly before they pulled back as i settled my head against him.
It was true he was stubborn enough to push through certain things and he damn well might have if the opportunity to lay in bed with a beautiful woman all day didn't come up. Snake knew he had plenty of time to plan and prepare what he wanted to do and he knew Shade would help with whatever she could so he figured one day of rest wouldn't hurt. When she laid her head against him he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead, "Mm this is much nicer then running around in pain all day" ,he stated.
I smiled at his words as i rested there with him. My mind was more settled as well at knowing really to the fact he wasn't out and doing anything hurt, or more the the fact, if anything seemed to come up, and him getting hurt trying to keep me or the kids safe. I didn't really approve of him getting hurt over me, even if he did know if i could handle myself or not. Could have just been me though, i figured it was for now. "It is." I said in response to his comment.
When she responded to his comment he smiled glad to know she felt the same way he did, he held her even tighter wanting her to be closer to him. "If I could I'd lay here with you for the next three days" ,he stated with a small laugh before kissing her forehead again. Snake was completely comfortable where he was and didn't plan on moving anytime soon unless he absolutely had too.
I gave him a smile just against a small laugh of my own. "I'm sure you would. Though i think that would be a long time just to lay there." I teased slightly. Well then again it wasn't like we'd already waisted a week before just laying around to heal a little bit quicker without anything opening up on either of us. I still figured that was slightly different though then it was right now.
"Yeah it would be a long time to just lay here, I think both of us would end up going crazy" ,he stated in response. He knew damn well with how active they both liked to be laying around for more then a day would drive them nuts and they'd end up getting up eventually. Snake gave her a smile before kissing her lips softly it was nice to be so close to her.
Well, 'crazy' was one way to put it i figured, and i only gave a nod and a slight smirk over it for the moment. If he tried though to try anything that might need anymore then a day i'd rally think about tying him down just so i could get some things done. "And here i thought you where already crazy." I teased after kissing him back.
"Well jeez thanks, well I guess I can be a little crazy at points" ,he stated in response with a laugh. He looked into her eyes and smiled letting her know he liked being right there with her for the moment. "I think we should start planning stuff out tomorrow then when we've got everything all thought up we can start talking to people I figure it's best not to rush any of this I mean escaping New York and LA were different they were on the same planet but now we're talking about escaping earth, and going into space and flying to another fucking planet" ,he stated. Snake had to admit he was a little nervous about the idea even if he thought it was possible.
I smiled back at him as i nodded slightly. It might just be a pain to have to think most of it over before really talking to others, let alone then having to get things settled and all that. As if we hadn't been through just about everything though. He did have a point on his end to say the least on getting out of places. I hadn't been there for either though, so i couldn't really talk about it, nor did i really feel like it. "It will be different, i'm sure." I said, as if already thinking some of it over in my head. "First thing is just knowing with this other planet is at." I pointed out.
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