Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Mm....I want you to cum" ,he whispered against her breast before he went back to sucking on it. He moaned softly as she continued to moved in circles on his cock, "You feel good Shade, want me to get on top and fuck you now....make you cum" ,he asked before again returning his mouth to her nipples teasing at them with his teeth and tongue.
I listened to his words, a smirk pressing on my face as i kept moving on him, not stopping just yet. I waited for a moment before i lifted myself back up from him as i still moved my hips over his. "Take over." I told him just past a breath, my hands running down his stomach then back up to his chest.
As soon as Shade told him to take over he laid on top of her and slid his cock back inside her and began thrusting in a steady pace. She was so wet and warm and she was tightly wrapped around his cock. Snake let out little sounds of content as he slammed into her one of his hands working on her breast again, he leaned down and kissed her lips while he continued to thrust into her hard.
I leaned back on the bed under him, hands moving above my head for the moment as i kissed him back. I gave a nip at his lip though when i brought my hands back down to run along his back before coming up to run through his hair. I moaned just against his lips before i put my legs around his waist.
When she wrapped her legs around his waist he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him as he picked up his pace a bit with his thrusts. He broke the kiss to look down into her eyes for a moment and to catch his breath, "Cum for me Shade....Please....I wanna feel you cum" ,he whispered before kissing her lips again.
I could already feel my body getting tight, but had been keeping myself from letting go as my nails trailed down his back lightly but still leaving a few trails there. My body gave a slight shiver at his words before he kissed me again. As i kissed him back i moaned against his lips the same time i let myself have the release it had been looking for over his cock.
Snake groaned against her lips as she moaned against his, he could feel her walls clamp down on his cock and he loved the feeling. He thrust his cock into her even harder as he felt her cum all over it. "Mm yeah that feels so fucking good Shade, I want to make you cum again" ,he told her after breaking the kiss. He knew that he was going to release if she came again it was almost a sure thing.
I moved my hips with his, matching his pace, or really as close to it as i could anyway. My body was starting to reach it's limit for the night and i could feel it with each shiver my body gave as he hit certain points, or even at points where i moved with him as well. I shut my eyes for a second as i arched up against him some before settling my self back on the bed again. It didn't take long this time as i hit a release again over him, my hands gripping at the bed under me.
"Fuck" ,Snake growled out as he felt her release again. His body then tensed up and he shoved himself into her as deep as he could and came hard inside her, he was enjoying himself so much that he hadn't even thought to ask if she wanted him to cum inside her. When he finished he rolled onto his back then pulled the covers over them both before he pulled Shade into him, "Damn I need a cigarette" ,he breathed out with a small laugh before he gave her a kiss.
I couldn't stop the moan that came out with his name when I'd felt him release inside me. I settled myself against him as he pulled me over to him as laid there. A small chuckle managed to pass my lips at his remark while I managed to find my breath that had gotten a bit heavy from being so worked up with him.
After Snake caught his breath he grabbed the pack of cigarettes that were on the table next to the bed and lit one taking a long drag off of it then blowing the smoke out slowly. He then offered one to Shade just in case she wanted one, the man had a satisfied grin on his face as he laid there, he was indeed satisfied with how the night turned out. Snake's felt tired but he wanted to hold Shade for a bit before falling asleep.
I let my head come to rest on his chest after a while, but then took his offer on the cigarette, well worth the need to calm the nerves to really settle my body back down for the night. I lit it up, taking a drag in the proses as my free hand then trailed circles over his stomach to let my hand mostly have something to do as well for the moment.
Snake put his arm around her as she trailed circles over his stomach, he let out a sigh of content as she did so then took another drag off of his cigarette. "That was fucking amazing" ,he finally said after a few moments of silence. He still had a smile on his face it was the most the man ever smiled really.
I smiled over at him, shifting my head to better see him. My fingers never stopped though as i watched him while i took another drag. "I do hop i won't be the only one feeling it for the next for weeks." I teased him a bit jokingly before i placed a kiss over the center of his chest.
"Oh trust me hon I'll be feeling it too" ,he stated back jokingly. He knew that he would most likely not be ready to go again the next night but he wasn't going to tell her that. Right now his knees did feel weak and his body was drained, no one but Shade had ever made him feel that way after sex everything was just so intense and filled with passion between the two and he loved it.
"Good to know i won't be on my own with it then." I smirked as i pulled my hand to a stop as i took another drag before putting the cigarette out before i'd noticed the cloths where still over on the couch. I slumped slightly as i glared at the cloths just for being all the way over there before i finally got up to go and get them. He really only needed the pants, while i on the other hand could use the full set, in case the kid decided to wake early or not.
Snake let out a laugh at Shade comment then finished off his own cigarette and put it out, he watched as she got up and made her way over to get the clothes his eyes following her ass all the way to the couch. "Well isn't that a beautiful sight" ,he stated teasingly as he looked at her ass. He then rolled back onto his back and relaxed a bit.
I tossed a look over at him, a slightly wicked but teasing smirk for him. "I can bet it is." I said as i tossed his pant at him before i started getting dressed. "Don't need you walking around in the morning without those." I Pointed out as i slid my pants on first, then the shirt after i'd already gotten myself back in the bed.
When she threw the pants at him he smirked then put them on, "I suppose you're right I wouldn't want to traumatize the boy" ,he joked as he buttoned his pants up. After Shade was fully dressed and back in the bed he rolled onto his side and put his arm around her before giving her a kiss on the lips.
"Please no. Don't need him shutting himself into hiding from such a sight. I'd probably even join him in hiding." I joked back with him. Ok, so i wouldn't hide from him, though i could still joke about it anyway. I kissed him back, pressing myself up close to him for the moment, enjoying the closeness before i pulled back only slightly to get more settled into place there with him for the night.
"After what we just did I doubt you'd hide after seeing me naked you like it too much" ,he teased back. He moved a bit so that Shade could get more settled then when she did he wrapped his arms around her again, he liked being so close to her hell he liked just being with her. He definitely felt a lot different about the woman now then he did when they first met.
"You're right, I wouldn't. I might enjoy having you off looking for me though, despite anything you might have for me after that." I smirked with a tease before kissing him before pulling back to look at him again. "So, about those thoughts on getting off this planet? Think we should wait a while before we start really thinking and planning on it?" I asked after a while of silence.
He let out a laugh at Shade's first comment then when she asked about the escaping the planet idea he lit another cigarette, "I think we should start at least thinking about things as soon as possible" ,he began right before taking a long drag off of his cigarette. "It won't hurt to think about our resources and options".
Alright, so I had to admit, I wasn't the best when it came down to planning things out. I had always been the kind of person to just play as I moved along. I wasn't exactly going to just up and admit this though, even if it might have been clear already on that much or not. "Well, the main part is getting our hands on a way off, you know, like a space ship or craft of some kind. Then, work from there on other things we might need and such like that."
"Well I know a few people that used to work for NASA before the earth was turned into a prison I also know that there's still space ships on this earth the only thing is they need repairs to work and that means we'll need to go through people to get to people if you catch my drift" ,he began. Snake took another long drag of his cigarette before continuing, "If we can get the right connections we can definitely figure a way off this planet I think".
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