Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I tossed him a slightly wicked smirk on this. "If we can get a way to possibly connect to a computer, I can get us in. Use to be all over the net. Hacker. One of those that really couldn't be caught, left no traces behind to be tracked and all that good stuff." I admitted. Just tell me what needs to be done and it can be done in a heart beat."
Snake listened to her words and he had to admit he was quite impressed, he thought for a moment then took a drag from his cigarette. "I think Eddie could get us a computer with internet access if you want we can go see him tomorrow or whenever you'd like" ,he told her in response.
"Whenever you are up for it, i'm good to go at anytime after sleep of course." I smiled. I didn't really know who 'Eddie' was, but, then again i was sure to find out either way on that part. "You know, i think i'm really starting to wonder just how many people you really know out here." I couldn't help but bring it up, even if i'd really meant it to stay in my head, but still head it sound a bit more of a tease and a joke at the same time.
"Oh sleep is definitely a must after the amazing sex we just had I think we both need some sleep" ,he stated in response with a small laugh before he took another drag from his cigarette. When she mentioned wondering how many people he knew he laughed, "I know quite a bit from trading and others from LA like Eddie I've known that asshole for a while now at least he's connected and can get me the stuff I need and get this he's not part of a gang, those guys that kept a watch on us came from him they were former USPF officers that got screwed over" ,Snake explained.
I was a bit shocked at this news on the others, and the ones that had helped out as well, mostly on the guys who had helped keep an eye out for the most part before. Granted i had to admit, they didn't exactly seem like the brightest batch when they hadn't figured Snake had been screwing with them when they had been attacked with fire crackers. "Odd little bunch." I said a bid blankly as i thought about it for the moment. "Mmm, yeah, sleep hun." I finally told him as i smiled over at him before giving him a kiss as i moved to get myself comfortable for the night.
When she kissed him he kissed her back then let her get comfortable before he cuddled up to her, "Good night hon, sleep good we got work to do tomorrow" ,he whispered in her ear before kissing her on the neck softly. Snake laid his head down on the pillow and it didn't take long for him to drift off to sleep especially having Shade in his arms.
Work... I tested the word in my mind for a second. It had been forever it felt like since I'd had to do any 'work'. The feel of his kiss on my neck pulled my mind away from the thought though oddly enough or i might have been laying there for a while just thinking about it.
When Snake woke up he laid there for a little while just holding Shade close to him before he decided to get out of bed. He made sure he was slow and careful not to wake her he wanted her to be able to sleep as much as she needed to. After Snake got out of the bed he went to the shelves and picked out something to make for breakfast and made a fire then began to cook so that food would be ready for Shade and the boy when they woke up.
The boy had moved in the middle of the night, mostly due to the sudden change of where he'd been sleeping at. He'd made his way out and put himself on the couch, having been silent about it when seeing Snake and Shade where out of it, and he slept there for the rest of the night anyway. He woke though about the same time Snake had, and glanced over to him with tired eyes.
"Looks like someone snuck out here in the middle of the night" ,Snake said when he spotted the boy. He gave the kid a smile before sitting down next to him on the couch, "What happened did you feel lonely in your new room? Eh it's alright you'll get used to it eventually kid" ,he continued. "Wanna help make breakfast"?
The only gave a faint nod on his question at first about the room. His idea or excuse sounded better to him anyway, so he took that with a nod in reply to Snake. "Sure." He said with a smile though on the idea of being able to help with breakfast this time since he was awake to really be able to do so.
"Alright kid let's get cooking" ,Snake said in response to him. "I've started some oatmeal up and I'm boiling some water for coffee and hot chocolate, when the oatmeal is done we can open up some cans of fruit and mix it into it or I have sugar and cinnamon depends on what you want with it, sound good?" ,he asked. "Just keep stirring that every now and then alright". Snake then gave the kid a pat on the back before lighting a cigarette and leaning back on the couch.
The boy gave a nod, still only partly asleep but waking up as he listened to everything Snake had to say and then doing as basically told to to help out. He cleared the sleep from his eyes before starting though as he took care of the food for the most part.
Snake made sure to watch the boy as he helped cook making sure he didn't burn himself or anything, normally the boy was good at the cooking part of things but Snake still watched just in case. He took another drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly as he monitored the food he then looked over to see if Shade had woken up yet.
I groaned after a while, shifting slightly as I'd noticed Snake was already up and not in bed. I rolled, my eyes finding the boy first, a bit shocked at seeing him up and moving already as well. I watched the boy for a moment with the food before my eyes moved then to find Snake and held on him as I moved to sit up.
When he heard the groan Snake turned and looked to Shade, he gave her a smile then turned back to the food and the boy, "Alright kid I think it's done good job I'll bring it over to the table you go sit down" ,he told the boy before grabbing the food and bringing it over to the table. "Good morning" ,he said to Shade as he walked by her.
The gave a nod as he moved back and parked himself at the table. My eyes moved along with Snake at first before over to the boy then back again. Seemed a bit odd to me almost to mostly see the boy up and moving so early to start with. It took me a bit before i finally pulled myself out of the bed but only to sit back down again. Well, he hadn't been kidding anyway about being able to feel that one for a while. My body felt sore, as if i'd been out training or fighting or something almost none stop for days as i moved to get back up again.
Snake gave her a smirk when he seen her sit back down after trying to get up, "Need some help?" ,he teased. His body was decently sore as well but he wasn't going to let onto it, Shade was the first woman to ever leave him in that condition the day after sex mainly because she was the only one who lasted so long with him. He made a bowl for everyone and some coffee then some cocoa for the kid before sitting down to eat his own food.
"No, i got it." I said, tossing him a playful glare over it as i stood up and made my way over to join them, even though i'd thought about just simply laying back down anyway. "So, what did you have planned to do today anyway? Or do i get away with making you just waist the day in bed to rest with me?" I asked as i sat down.
"Hmm I did want to think about the options that I had for our plans to escape but I guess we could lay in bed while we discussed that stuff then tomorrow we could go and talk to people if you wanted" ,he said in response. Snake took a sip of his coffee then a bite of his food, he had been hungry since after he and Shade did what they did but he was too tired afterwards to eat anything.
I gave a faint laugh at first over it. "You really want to go over there feeling sore, and having them possibly question you on it?" I asked but then deiced to rephrase that question. "Or, more fitting. You want them to ask what it is you did that has me looking as if i'm in such a bad shape? And around others?" I said, meaning mostly the kid at the moment.
"I would definitely not want to have to explain that in front of certain people" ,Snake said in response before looking to the boy briefly before looking back at Shade. "Maybe we should just rest today I mean the process will take a bit anyway so what's one more day" ,he continued before finishing up what was in his bowl and lighting a cigarette.
I gave a nod with a smile at his reply. Hell the man had been out here how long again? And he hadn't gotten himself off the planet. I didn't really see where one last day would make a difference to him after all. I knew i didn't really mind though either, mainly since it wasn't like i was off trying to hide with the boy like i had before. Well that, and i enjoyed the time out here with Snake, despite the few times he'd really worked my last nerve. Like always though, the boy finished his food a little after the two of us, his normal playing while eating.
Snake took a drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly before taking another sip of his coffee, he had no issues just laying around all day with Shade in fact he'd like it a lot to just spend time with her. When the boy was finished eating Snake looked over at him, "So did you bring all of your new toys into your room yet?" ,he asked. He knew the answer was no simply because the boy didn't know that Snake had picked up a few extra things while they were out he was waiting to give them to the kid until he had finished setting everything else up in his room.
The boy just looked at Snake for a second while i moved to get up and clean up for the moment. "Ummm..." He seemed almost lost on the question at first. "Yeah." He finally said after a few more seconds and then gave a nod of the head with a smile, thinking he'd had everything in there already.
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