Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I tossed a glare at the ground while i waited for the next person to walk in through the door. It didn't take to long though before the man showed up and i watched as the door shut and locked behind him. He'd only just made it over to me, having lowered to my level when he looked to the door with a smirk. "Call for him. I want to know who he is." He told me as he stalked off into the next room.

"Damn you Matt." I snapped, as i only sunk there. I didn't like the idea of it, and so i didn't bother calling for him.

Tallen glanced at the door when he could hear somebody calling for the two. His gaze then fell to the boy when he could hear him perk up.
The boy just looked at Tallen for a second. He hadn't known the man's name, other then for the fact of Shade having told him he was a bear. "OVER HERE!" I finally called out suddenly, but then gripped his own mouth as Tallen pulled the gun from it's holster at his side and seemed to just wait.
Two men stopped just outside of the door though, waiting for Snake to make his way over here.
Snake continued to call for the two he had no idea where they could be until he heard Shade yell out from one of the rooms, he knew exactly where her voice came from and he could see two large men standing in front of the door. "Get out of my way unless you want to end up like your buddies outside" ,Snake said softly. He waited for one of them to make a move and he could tell they were thinking about what they should do first. It made Snake smirk under his cloak again, these guys were amateurs and wouldn't be too much of a problem. "Ah fuck it" ,Snake stated. When he went for the first one the second caught him in the side with a blade but he soon found himself on the ground with a gun at his head, Snake didn't hesitate to shoot the guy point blank. He then pointed his gun at the other and shot him before kicking the door in.

When he got inside he looked to the boy and then to Shade, the two were alright and that gave him a sense of relief one he didn't expect. He then looked to the man in the chair, "Let them go" ,Snake stated simply. His tone was dangerous and threatening and it wasn't hard to tell he was ready to kill nearly anyone to free Shade and the boy.
Tallen didn't move his gun, until Snake came into the room, and pointed it at him first. "Why not, be calm about this? After all, i'd kind of like to know who it is that would be so willing to help these two out." Tallen smirked but then figured it might be better to aim at the kid, and so he did as his eyes lingered on Snake. "Care to talk, or would you rather push your luck?" He asked, as he cocked the gun.

"He's a bear, so don't mess with him." The boy spoke for him, since he didn't really know Snake's name anyway.

"Bear?" Tallen chuckled, his eyes never leaving Snake. "Name? Now!" He stated one last time.

The rooms has been right next to each other, a large bullet proof glass between them, to only help torment each side given the right situation. Tallen was only meant to keep him talking, distracted more on him then anything else, while in the next room, Matt came back and shook his head lightly down at me. "And i would have thought you would have been the first to call for this man." Matt said as he lowered next to me, his eyes on Snake for a moment
When the gun pointed to the boy Snake's eyes followed it then looked back to the man pointing it, "You're a real scumbag to threaten a kids life ya know then again most people around here are scumbags" ,Snake began. His tone calm but unafraid, "You want to know who I am fine but I can guarantee you won't like the out come you see as soon as I show my face I'll have to kill you". Snake then removed the cloak and stared the man in the face, "Let's talk asshole" ,Snake stated. "You want to point that gun at someone you point it at me mother fucker leave the kid alone".
Tallen gave a smirk at seeing face. "Ah, Snake huh." He shifted as if he was going to point it back at Snake again. "I'll take my chances. You shot me, then i pull the trigger. So, as long as it keeps you on some what of a leash, then i'm cool with that." He stated as he leaned back slightly. "You might have been wiser though to have gone for the girl first though, even if the kid did call for you." He pointed out, using his head to point to the glass for him to see. "I'm not the scum if you really want to get down to it though. He's more of the person you might refer to. Enjoys getting to torment people before having his way then killing them." He gave a faint chuckle. "Care to learn about the girl some? Or has she already told you any reasons as to why she's out here again, when she could have had it so she wouldn't have any need to be here today?"
When the man mentioned Shade then motioned to the other room Snake looked briefly to the glass then back to the man. He was curious as to what he was talking about he couldn't help but look at the gun that was pointed directly at the kid. "He's an innocent boy leave him be and I'll put my guns away" ,Snake stated. He did as he said he was going to and placed his guns back into the holsters, he still had a few throwing knives within reach if the guy tried anything stupid. "Tell me about the girl, I barely know her I helped her out and she followed me home that's all I know" ,Snake stated. He then reached into his pocket putting a hand up so the man knew he wasn't trying anything Snake pulled out a cigarette then lit it. After taking a drag he offered the man a smoke trying to buy time and make him think that he was on his side for the moment.
Tallen watched him for a second. He knew Snake had to be up to something if he was so willing to put his guns away like that. He would play the game for now though as he lowered his gun, pointing it to the ground keeping it in hand just in case. "Sounds just like her to be the stray puppy. I bet she barked her head off later as well." He smirked a little more. "You don't strike me as one to help her our others out though. But, let's see now, since we are on the topic of her." He stopped and looked over to the boy, as if thinking on how to word something with little ears close by.

"She followed his father home one day as well, after helping him out. Though, she didn't get to stay long either. Seemed like she was rather interested in joining us, until he'd said she couldn't make the cut he was going to offer her and get to live." Tallen explained slightly. "He'd played her though, got her to follow. But, it was when she found the little runt she seemed to only act up more. A handful that he seems to enjoy getting to torment." He said just as his eyes reached the glass again to watch the two going at it. Matt trying to get some kind of information out of her, while she only kept him running in circles no matter how often he would bring the back of his hand to her face.

Tallen just gave a chuckle. "I'm not boring you yet am i?" He asked, at the same second the gun in the other room went off next to her head, pointing up so that it left a hole in the ceiling before he seemed to walk off. Tallen had turned the offer for a smoke down before he'd even started talking. "I'll let you get the rest from her though as to why she didn't kill him while she had the chance to, if you want to bother with trying to help her first, and the kid later." He wasn't as cold as Matt was, it was clear, if he'd been willing to try and get Snake to simply talk instead of going after him or just shooting the kid to start with. He was still just as bad though, but he wasn't about to let on about it. "I promise not to move until you get back."
He put his pack away when the man turned down the offer when he started talking Snake listened and when he mentioned him not being the sort to help people he sighed. "I'm not I just didn't like seeing what I saw when I found her I didn't expect to be followed" ,Snake stated simply. "As for her barking her head off if you mean talk my fucking ear off then yeah she did it was fucking annoying" ,he continued. Snake was trying to make it seem as if he didn't like the woman and that he was only taking care of her because he had to.

When the man mentioned him going to save Shade and leave the kid with him Snake looked over to the other room and seen the man slapping her. Even though it made him angry he had to act like it didn't affect him, "I don't care about her I just want the boy he's a kid he doesn't need all this bullshit" ,Snake stated. He took another drag of his cigarette then leaned up against the wall of the room, he was being very casual as if he were talking with an old friend.
Tallen just raised a brow at him and smirked. "Very well then, you can have the kid then. Take him if you wish. I was only here to slow you down anyway while he tried to pry information about where she'd been staying for so long anyway." He said, but then with a grin he took a shot just next to the kid. Not hitting him, but only hitting the wall a foot from him, as his eyes went back to Snake just to see how he would take it. "Kid or not, he's stuck with it no matter where you might take him." He added on as he got up from his seat.
When the guy shot at the kid Snake discreetly gritted his teeth it pissed him off but he wasn't going to show it. Snake knew why the man was trying to slow him down as well, whoever the guy was slapping Shade around was trying to get her to tell them where she had been. He knew the woman would be able to hold out for a little while he just didn't know how long so he was going to have to do something and fast. As the guy went to leave Snake grabbed him by the arm that was holding the gun and snapped it at the elbow causing the guy to drop his weapon. He then threw the guy against the wall and grabbed him by the throat, "Good night" ,Snake stated right before hitting the man in the head with the butt of his gun, knocking him unconscious. Snake then walked over to the boy and picked him up, "Come on let's go get Shade, when we get into that room I want you to go straight to her you understand?" ,he told the boy. He knew there were a few guards in there and there might be some gunfire so he wanted the boy out of harms way, plus the boy would probably cause enough of a distraction for Snake to take out at least a few of them. "Take this I know you know how to use it if you have to hurt someone do it don't think twice or they'll kill you" ,he told the boy as he handed him one of his throwing knives. It was a bigger knife then the kid was used too but it would work none the less.

When they got to the room Snake held onto the boy tight being careful not to drop him while he kicked the door in he put the boy down as soon as they got in there and he was right about the distraction one of the guards looked directly at the boy. Snake took him out quickly with one of the other throwing knives he had, it stuck directly into the man's neck and the guy fell quickly. "Close your eyes kid" ,he told the boy unsure of if he had ever seen someone die before. He realized the boy probably had after saying what he did and he felt kinda stupid. When the other guard came at Snake the two ended up fighting a bit hand to hand, the guy was kinda tough but Snake could tell his weakness right away. He kicked the guy in the right knee making it snap, "You're too top heavy" ,Snake stated before slitting his throat. He then looked to Shade and the boy, "Let's get the fuck out of here".
Sei-ten just sat there, and watched, after having flinched away from the firing that had been close to him. He seemed a bit shocked though that Snake hadn't killed him. It was clear it was a question he wanted to ask, but simply did without on it, having recalled how he didn't like to many questions. Or so he'd been told anyway. He gave only a faint nod as he got up, looking the blade for a second before looking back to Snake, he was ready to go. The second he was set down, he'd made a run for Shade, coming to a sliding stop just next to her, looking at the chains that held her to the wall before tossing his gaze up to keep an eye for anyone that would try making a move over to them. "The other guy must have the keys." He stated when Snake made comment on getting out of there.

My head had been hanging the hole time, even from before they'd come in, a ringing still heavy in my ears. All the sounds around me where just muffled, and i didn't bother looking to see what was going on. I had a clue as to what it was and who. But, the fact of having to see him helping again just had me not really wanting to look up at them. The second it seemed to stop though i simply pointed to the room where Tallen was at. "He's got a spare set." Was all i said, my words seeming a bit slurred, or maybe it was just how it sounded to me at the time. At this point, i didn't seem to mind the help as i pointed out to them just where a set of keys where at. I knew well enough that the next time Matt would come back, if i stayed it would only mean more trouble if i didn't speak for him.
"Stay here with Shade, kill anyone who tries to come in" ,he told the boy before running over to the next room. Snake went through the man's pockets and found the keys then ran back over to where Shade and Sei Ten were. He made quick work with the keys and found the right one within seconds. After he finished unlocking the chains his eyes met Shade's for a brief moment, "Let's go we gotta move quickly" ,Snake told her right before he helped her up and let her lean on him. "Sei Ten stay close and keep an eye out alright let's get to the parking lot we're getting a car" ,Snake stated.

He led them to the parking lot and found a black chevy and opened the back door and put Shade in the car, "You got shotgun kid get in" ,he stated looking at Sei Ten. He wanted Shade to lay down after the beating she took and he also wanted her out of sight until they got out of the place. Snake knew it wouldn't be long before they noticed she was gone so he didn't hesitate to get into the car and speed off in the direction of his hideout. When they got there he drove past the cave and deeper into the woods to hide the car. "You two go inside I'm gonna clean the tracks up so they can't find us" ,Snake stated as he got out of the car. He was holding his side where he had gotten cut he didn't want them to see it but he knew it was going to happen eventually but for now he would keep it hidden.

After Snake finished cleaning the tracks up Snake made his way back to the hideout, he had gone a long way away from the place to clean up the tire tracks the car left behind. He sat down just outside the door and looked down at his side trying to figure out the best way to hide it from the two.
Sei-Ten practically stood over Shade, in front of her, keeping an eye on the doors while Snake went after the keys. He moved out of the way though when he came back, but still kept his eyes pealed. "Car? Won't that leave tracks though?" He asked suddenly as he stuck close to them both. He didn't really expect an answer from him, and had just about jumped into the back with Shade before he'd been told he could have the front seat. He almost beamed at the news, and jumped into the front, but looked back to her a few times. She's been silent the entire ride out of there, it seemed a bit unsettling to him more then anything that had happened so far.
Once stopped, he helped get Shade up and moving, pushing her to the hideout, and ended up watching her drop just behind the couch, sitting there, he joined her there and waited for Snake to show up.

I gave a sigh at having Sei-ten sitting next to me. It was all still muffled, but not as bad now. Despite the look he gave me, i only pulled him over into my arms, not a word leaving my lips as i did so, my chin coming to rest gently at the top of his head. It seemed like a while before the ringing had stopped, and i hadn't heard any other sounds just yet to help hint that Snake had come back yet. I simply looked over the coach, making sure he hadn't already been there and i hadn't known it yet.

"I kind of like him." Sie-Ten spoke when i moved.

I looked back down at him for a second, a slightly questioning look at him, even though i didn't voice the words to him before i slid my gaze back over to the door and waited.
After a little bit Snake walked into the cave and made a beeline for the table where the first aid stuff was still sitting there from his last wound he had received. He was silent for the most part even though he had helped Shade again he was still upset with how she treated him before they left. People knew he was still alive and the news was going to spread like wildfire he didn't know why he hadn't killed the man after revealing himself now that he thought back he should've. He lifted he shirt up over the cut and examined it, he wouldn't need stitches this time but he did need to bandage it up. When he finished cleaning and bandaging the cut he washed his hands then walked deeper into the cave as if he were looking for something. When he came back he had a notebook and some pens, he set them onto the table and looked to Sei Ten, "It beats kicking your feet" ,he stated simply. He hoped the kid had gotten the point that he could have the notebook along with the pens that Snake had placed onto the table.

Snake sat down on the couch and lit a cigarette and sighed he leaned his head back and closed his eyes for a moment to try and clear his head. He puffed on his cigarette for a bit before looking at the boy again, "Are you Hungry?" ,he asked. It had been a while since he had eaten and with how much moving around the boy did he could probably use a good meal one that he didn't have to scrounge for.
I slowly slid back down where i was, hoping to be hidden there when Snake came back in. I'd hoped i was more out of sight from his eyes then what the boy had been. I was going to have to explain for my actions to him before, and i knew it, one way or another. I watched as the boy perked up though when he could hear Snake back, his eyes seeming to watch him some, and falling on the paper and pen before Snake had spoke up to him.

He glanced back over at me, as if giving away my location, and all i did was give him a nod and then watched as he left. He moved over to the table, where he'd left the notebook and pen at, taking a seat there, but then looking back back over to Snake for a second before sitting down.

I slid even lower in my place when i knew Snake sat down, and then hearing him talk to the boy. The fact at knowing he was so close i hoped to stay hidden for a while longer, but didn't think i would.

"Can i help you make something?" The boy asked, when Snake had brought up the topic of food after giving him a nod in reply.
"Sure kid you can help I don't mind that I'll be right back we'll eat some of that deer I hunted yesterday" ,Snake stated in response to the boy. He wasn't going to tell the kid no when he clearly wanted to help out it was a good thing the boy was willing to help. Snake got up and made his way into the dark part of the cave and grabbed the meat from the freezer full of ice he sighed knowing he would soon have to go back into town to get some more ice. Now that he had a car he may be able to get some sort of generator or power source he could rig into the cave to make things easier.

When he came back out he put the meat onto a table next to the fire pit then looked over at Sei Ten and motioned for him to come over as he lit the fire. "All you gotta do is flip these every so often alright I'm gonna go grab some vegetables and rice so we can have a full meal" ,he told the boy before placing the meat onto the fire. He walked over to his shelves and grabbed a can of corn and some rice and water to cook it in as well as a pot. When he got back to the fire pit he prepped everything then set it to cook. He then walked over to the couch and leaned over it and looked down at Shade, "You're dinner will be done soon" ,he said simply before going back over to the fire pit, puffing on his cigarette as he walked.
Sei-ten looked at the meat for a second and gave a nod as if he'd just been given some kind of order for a job to do as he seemed stuck to the meat and getting to work with it.

I was content when it only seemed like Snake hadn't noticed me there, giving a faint sigh of relief. I jumped at his voice just above me and leaned my head to look up at him. It seemed like a rather blank look that i gave him before dropping my head back down when he walked off. It'd been a look of, 'I was hoping to stay hidden from you for a while,' Though i only listened to the two from there. At least they where getting along anyway.

The boy looked over at Snake when he'd spoke to Shade, and couldn't help but smirk at it, knowing she'd been trying to hide there. He put his attention back on the meat, flipping it as needed.
Snake sat down next to the boy and helped him cook the food he took a drag off of his cigarette before placing it into the fire pit. When the food was finished Snake brought it all to the table then looked over at Shade. "If you're done playing hide and seek come and eat" ,he said with a low growl in his voice. He made himself a plate then began eating hos food it was clear the man enjoyed it, "Good job kid" ,he stated as he continued to eat. When Snake was finished eating he got up from the table without a word and walked off yet again he could tell Shade didn't want to be around him so he was going to give her what she wanted besides he was still mad at her so it wasn't like he wanted to be around her either.

He made his way to the spring again and sat down to listen to it for a while along with the other sounds of the forest. He lit another cigarette and smoked it while he sat there quietly looking out into the trees. The sun was setting and soon the moon would be taking it's place Snake planned on trying to stay outside to watch the day turn to night.
I tossed a look over at his words. I didn't bother sharing the words on my mind for him over his comment. I stayed in my spot though for a moment before getting up to join them to eat. The boy only seemed to hold a rather accomplish look on his face though when Snake tossed his comment to him while he ate. When Snake was finished, i watched him leave before looking back to Sei-ten while he ate before letting my eyes look the place over for a second.

Once i was finished, i'd ended up putting some of the place back together from his little ranting and raving before i'd ended up leaving him here with his temper. Sei-ten had anded up sitting there with the pad of paper, just seeming to not know what to really do with it at first before he started tossing around random doodles in the corners of the first page while i'd worked on putting the place back together then finding myself a spot to sit and settle at again for the while.
When the night came Snake stayed outside for a little while before finally deciding to make his way back to the cave when he got there he walked over to the bed and laid down staring at the ceiling. He would get up when it came time for bed but for now he just needed to relax a bit after the last few days he had. The man didn't bother acknowledging Shade but he did notice that the placed looked to be picked up and he was sort of grateful for that but he didn't want to let on that he was. Snake just laid there and looked to see what Shade and Sei Ten were doing every now and then.
By the time Snake had come back, Sei-ten was still at the table, while i was more out of sight again, yet still able to be seen this time. My eyes where on the boy, even when Snake had come back, not faltering for even a second. Sitting just to the side of the couch, seeming even more worn out then i felt, but didn't really care about it. I watched the boy for a while who was just sitting there with the paper, seeming to let it fill up his time.

When my gaze finally moved to see Snake, i got up, taking my eyes off of him as i moved for the door. I wasn't exactly ready to come around and give him my reasons for having been the way i had to him before. I knew i should give it to him, but i wasn't in the mood for it, knowing he might either not understand it how i'd probably put it, or dealing with him possibly getting pissed again. I'd prolong it all i could though.
Snake noticed Shade get up and looked to the boy briefly before watching her leave, "Stay there alright" ,he told Sei Ten. It didn't look like the boy was going to move anyway he seemed content with what he was doing. Snake followed the woman outside being quiet as he did so he didn't want her to think he was trying to babysit her because he wasn't he just wanted to know what she was doing. "Where ya going?" ,he asked quietly in almost a whisper. By this point he was directly behind her speaking into her ear he kept a gap between them not wanting to be too close but he was close enough so that they could talk without being heard if needed.
I froze for a second looking back at him after he spoke from behind me but then kept moving. I didn't say anything as i headed for a spot a little more away from the cave and sitting up against a tree. "Not to far as you can tell." I finally told him, leaning my head back to look up at the stars instead of at him. I'd have thought he would have stayed in the cave and not bothered with me, though it seemed he'd had a way of proving me wrong rather often for some reason. "Why do you ask anyway?" I tossed the question up at him, while it seemed like i was lost in a thought, as if planning something.
"Just wanted to know if I should prepare myself to go on another rescue mission" ,Snake replied back sarcastically. He looked at the woman as she leaned up against the tree, "You got trouble written all over your face" ,he continued as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. "So I had a little conversation with the creep that was guarding Sei Ten is there anything you wanna tell me? I don't want any fucking lies either Shade I've gotten hurt helping you and you disrespected me earlier the least you can do is give me the truth" ,Snake stated. He looked her in the face wanting answers.
I glanced over at him suddenly when he brought the topic up. "I never really asked for you to help me out." I sighed with a calm voice, my eyes seeming to fall over to his leg before darting them to the ground. It didn't seem like i was going to be able to really get out of prolonging this from him though. "While i'm unfortunately grateful for your help in the end, the boy does come first on my list though." I said before looking back up to him. "And what exactly was said between you and this 'creep' anyway, so i know just what it is you are trying to get at?" I asked, even though i was sure i knew just what it was.
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