Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

The boy had woken up first this time, glancing back at Shade, still out of it. His eyes scanned around for a second as he wiped the sleep from his eyes, pulling out of my grip as he looked at Snake just as he came back in. "What's up?" He asked looking at the lanterns for a second but then back to Snake, and quickly moving out of the way when Shade seemed to move to try and pull him back down in her sleep, and put the pillow in her reach before getting up. He'd learned quickly enough if he wanted to sneak away before, then to have something replaced in her grip so he could move around as he wanted to.
"It's gonna get nasty outside I can tell by the clouds that we've got a storm coming, I covered all the areas water can get in and I'm lighting the fire and anything else to keep warm, it gets pretty cold in here when it rains" ,Snake told the boy. He made his way to another part of the cave and came back with a stack of blankets. and placed them onto the couch. He grabbed a couple then brought them over to the bed and put them onto Shade just in case she slept into the storm. "Here kid if you get too cold wrap up in this it wool and will keep you warm and there's extra too if you need more".
"You must have been out here a while to know where to put everything then huh?" He asked as he looked at the blankets for a second. "Thanks for the help mister." He added on suddenly, looking to the door for a second then back to Snake. "I never did get to know your name though." He finally said, in more of a hushed voice. He didn't know anything of the man, not even any stories that had been spread around. "I know she called you a bear before," He pointed over at Shade for a second. "But, i'm not to sure i'd get use to calling you that." He said, with a smile on his face.
"I've been out here a long time" ,he told the boy. It was true he had been out there a long time long enough to make the place his home and figure everything out about it. He nodded when the boy said thank you the kid was kind and Snake seen no reason to be nasty to him. When he asked his name then talked about Shade calling him a bear before Snake let out a small laugh then looked at the boy, "Call me Snake" ,he stated with a smirk. "You hungry kid?" ,he asked. "You'll stay warmer with a full stomach".
"Snake? Huh. Cool." He smiled and gave a faint nod. "Better to keep warm then i guess. Think we should wake her to do the same?" I looked over at Shade for a moment. He figured she could use the sleep though, but then the idea of getting to have fun just waking her up was also a fun idea to play with as well. He'd noticed the tattoo on his chest and then figured it worked at least with the name he had anyway. He didn't feel like bothering with asking if he was going to get cold himself or not, but simply, seemed to eyeball Shade. It was clear by his face that he was thinking of a few ways to wake her up if given the ok to do so.
"Yes it is" ,he said in response to the kid's comment about keeping warm. When he mentioned waking up Shade a smirk came across Snake's face, "You're right you should probably wake her up" ,he stated. He could only imagine what the kid would do to wake the woman up but it would probably be amusing. After he told the kid to wake her up he walked over to the shelves by the table and grabbed some hot cereal and the stuff to make it in and brought it over to the fire and started to cook it, he also put on a pot of water for coffee and other warm drinks to keep their bodies warm while the storm came over them.
The boy tossed a grin on his face at getting the ok, and seemed to move like some animal hunting it's prey as he came up behind her. I blinked, looking at her for a second. He tested himself though, giving her a poke to the face and side and tucking back some. The grin only grew when she didn't move. She'd managed through the night to get a little more deeper into her sleep. He started by shaking her before coming up next to her and. He waited for a second then as loud as he could he shouted as, "BANG!" moving quickly out of the way.

I jumped at the sound and looked around as i sat up straight, finding the pillow instead of Sei-Ten before finding him behind me laughing. I tossed him a glare before moving to pull him to the bed, and wrestled with the boy, getting a good laugh out of him before i let him go as i sat there. "Your are such a brat at time, you know that." I told him, watching him as he made his way out of the room.

"Yep, but you love me." He tossed over his shoulder as i watched him with a smirk before i looked at Snake.

"You gave him the ok to do that, didn't you?" I asked with a faint glare just for him.
Snake watched quietly as the boy approached Shade and when the boy yelled and made the woman jump Snake laughed loudly it was the loudest he had laughed in a while. When the woman asked if Snake had given the boy the ok to wake her up he looked at her and smirked, "Yup I haven't laughed so hard in a loooong time you should've seen your face it was hilarious" ,he stated in a calm tone. He stirred the hot cereal as he watched the boy walk away from Shade, "It's gonna get cold today and it'll probably last well into tomorrow, we're getting a storm so Sei Ten is gonna plant his little butt by this fire today so he doesn't catch a cold you can too if you'd like don't worry I don't bite even if I'm a bear" ,Snake stated before giving her a glare in return for the one she had given him.
It was rather interesting to hear him laugh like he had, something i hadn't even been sure was possible with him. My eyes slid away from his glare though when the boy only seemed to sink his head at hearing he was going to have to site there for the day. His face looked annoyed, while playful at the same time. I simply flashed him a wicked grin to only in turn get a tongue sticking out at me, when Snake had said i could join him as well if i'd wanted to. I tossed my look back over to Snake for a second as i got up. "Well, i'm glad we can be your amusement for something then." I told him as i headed over to sit next to the boy for a second, working on calming his sudden hyper spree down. "darn, and here i though you did bite." I tossed a wicked smirk over at Snake, hoping he would take it as a joke for now before i'd get silent again to work with the boy and getting him calm.
Snake could tell the boy was riled up and he knew that it would probably happen a lot seeing he was a kid but he would be better off sitting by the fire then freezing his ass off anywhere else in the cave. When Shade made her comment about Snake biting he gave her a look, "Be careful what you wish for sweetheart" ,he stated before making his way over to get some bowls and spoons. He also grabbed cups for everyone and brought it all over to the table near the couch. "I should probably get a shirt on before it gets too cold in here, Shade can you make him up a bowl so he can eat help yourself too I'll be right back" ,Snake stated before making his way into another part of the cave. When he returned he had a sleeveless black shirt on, it wasn't really much of a difference but he could always put the blankets on himself as well. Snake went through some of his drawers while he was getting his shirt on and found Sei Ten some hot cocoa mix, he walked over to the boy and put the packets he had found on the table next to the cups, "They're still good got them a few months ago he can have them" ,he told Shade. Snake sat down on the couch and made himself a bowl of the hot cereal and began to eat it.
I'd thought about pushing my luck when he gave comment back on his biting, but didn't feel like really pushing my luck to much with him and simply let it slide away as i got up, leaving the boy there as i fixed him a bowl and took it to him, messing up his hair before walking away from him to take care of a bowl for myself. I looked at Snake when he came back, giving him a look about the shirt, not making a difference even if he had gone without one before making the coco for the boy and setting it just in front of him. He ducked this time before i turned away, as if expecting me to mess with his hair again while i didn't but simply took myself a seat at the table and ate.
When Snake finished his food he stood up and shivered a bit as he heard the rain began to fall it wasn't because he was cold yet but he just knew how it felt when it got cold outside. "I'm stealing the bed" ,he stated with a smirk. "The couch is closest to the fire pit so you guys will be warm I'll just put a bunch of blankets on me to stay warm I don't wanna bother you especially seeing that Shade still thinks I bite" ,he teased with a small laugh. Snake made his way over to the bed and took off his shoes then crawled underneath the covers and pulled them up he then lit a cigarette and looked over at the table at Shade and the boy.
My eyes flickered over to Snake suddenly. "See, now you are just enforcing that into my mind that you might bite." I told him with a smirk. I'd plan on letting Sei-Ten have the couch though, and i'd take the floor. I wouldn't mind it, and i'd make sure that the boy wouldn't fight over it. "if i find any bite marks later though, i'll know just who to go after for it to." I said with a wicked grin at him as i finished then looked at the boy, waiting for him to finish as well before cleaning up while he seemed to flop over on his back where he was at. I could tell already he was going to fight me over it, but my look i gave him seemed to win when he sat up and moved to the couch anyway as i took place at the side where his head was resting at.
Snake returned the grin right before taking a long drag off of his cigarette he blew the smoke out slowly as he looked at the woman. "You're not sitting on the floor sweetheart so don't even think about it, couch or....." ,Snake paused for a moment he knew anyway he tried to say it that it would sound bad. ".....Or bed, but don't get any funny ideas" ,he stated trying to make it not sound too bad he knew that it may be taken the wrong way but he couldn't take it back now. He took another drag of his cigarette as he waited for the woman's response.
I tossed him a look when he paused, raising a eyebrow at him as i waited. "Sorry, but, i'm cool with where i'm at. Not like i've done without either before." I told him, but making sure he knew i wasn't being rude about it. The fact he was willing to evens hare the bed, just seemed different. And i knew i'd probably end up never sleeping, but laying there tense at the fact of somebody else being there that close other then the boy. I knew well enough he wasn't trying to imply anything, and i helped him understand i knew he wasn't implying anything with it. I'd give him a hell of a fight one way or another if he was going to pick at this topic. My mind was set though as to where i was going to be for the night or not. He'd have to hog tie me or something if he really didn't like it. And if he tried, i'd be the one biting, but i wasn't going to tell him that.
Snake let out a growl of disapproval, "You're so stubborn why do you do that? I'll take the floor you take the bed I don't want anyone getting sick, you have no idea how cold it gets in here" ,Snake stated as he began to sit up. When he was fully sat up he took another drag from his cigarette then looked at Shade and shook his head, "Get in the bed like I said I'll take the floor I don't want any arguing the last thing the boy needs is for the person taking care of him to get sick" ,Snake stated with a slightly annoyed tone in his voice.
I watched him carefully and returned the growl as i got up reluctantly and headed over to him before he had a chance to even step away from the bed. Pushing him back down on the bed i gave a sigh as i watched him before shifting to the other side, leaving some space between us, and my back to him. "Nobody gets the floor tonight then." I told him as my eyes landed on the boy's who's eyes seemed a bit wide at the scene only to quickly look away as if he hadn't been even paying attention to any of it.
When Shade pushed him back onto the bed he gave her a look but said nothing instead he just looked to the boy who had quickly turned away from them. "It's not like we're going to bed right now or anything just keeping warm if you really feel uncomfortable around me then I'll switch with the boy I just wanted him to have a warmer spot that's why I put him on the couch" ,he told her. He didn't know why he was explaining anything to her he just thought she'd outta know why he did what he did. Snake got back underneath the covers and faced away from Shade trying not to make her uncomfortable in any way.
"I don't mind the couch." The boy called out.

"I know why you had him there. And buster, good, because that's where you get to stay." I said sticking my tongue out at the boy when he looked back over at me. It wasn't that she felt uncomfortable there with him close by. I mean it wasn't like i hadn't sat next to him already at the table. But, it was just counted as different to me, that had me wanting to be stubborn over it. There was a difference in size though from the kid to him behind me. "I'd rather him be as warm as he can, even if i'm not fully use to not being close to him." I said only so that Snake could here it while my eyes just lingered on the boy.
Snake kept his back to her he puffed on his cigarette as he listened to her and the boy talk and sort of bicker back and forth. When she mentioned wanting the boy to be as warm as he can even if she wasn't used to not being close to him Snake looked over his shoulder briefly before turning away, "He's in the safest part of this place trust me if anyone happened to come in here which not many travel in the weather we're having plus no one knows where we are but if anyone decided to come in I'd get to them before they got to him" ,Snake told her. "Oh and don't worry I'm not a creep that's gonna grab at ya all day and night" ,he told her before finishing his cigarette then put it out on the floor next to the bed. He pulled the covers up and got comfortable still facing away from the woman.
I didn't think he knew just how much it meant to hear that from him about the boy, i didn't plan on telling him though, i'd just let him figure out out on his own one way or another. Though i tossed a look over at him for his comment after that. "Don't flatter yourself. I'd rather you stayed that way. Trust, me, if you so much as even touched me, i'd be sure to put you in your place for it." I told him, confirming that even if he might think about it i wouldn't hesitate to move. I knew he wouldn't even think on it, but i still let that hang out there for him to know about anyway. At least we where on the same boat as to the fact, that nobody was to cross the middle of the bed, without a problem coming up on them for it.
"Don't flatter yourself" ,Snake stated in response to her comment. He laughed a little at what she said but left it alone and just got comfortable, he wasn't going to make a move on her and she knew he wasn't. Even if Snake was rough and stubborn as all hell he had respect for those who deserved it and Shade was earning his respect, slowly but surely. The man would never let her know that but it was true he could tell she had been through a lot and she was alone through most of it the more he learned about the woman the more he respected her. It wasn't easy to gain Snake Plissken's respect but Shade somehow did it and even though she was a brat at points it didn't change the man's mind at all.
I didn't bother with looking back at him when he responded. I was actually done with the conversation. I gave him a faint smile though over it, knowing he couldn't see it only made it that much better to do. My eyes ran around the place, often going back to the boy laying there, just playing with the paper from the night before. It didn't seem to take much to keep him busy, and that was good since there wasn't much i'd be willing to let him do even if there wasn't a storm outside or not. He was a cute little brat, but it was to bad in a way i couldn't call him my own. He wasn't my kid, but i still thought of him as if he was anyway. And yet the more i watched him each day, i only wanted that much more to make his father pay for the things he'd done. Not to me or others, but simply for what had only happened to the kid. I tossed out a groan as i planted my face into the bed, covering it while i hated the idea of the storm being out there suddenly.
Snake didn't realize he had been dozing off until he heard Shade groan and then felt her plant her face into the bed. He turned so that he was on his back and he looked at her with a confused expression on his face he looked over to the boy to see if he was teasing or playing around with Shade or aggravating her by making faces or something but he wasn't, the boy was sitting quietly playing with the stuff Snake had gave him the night before. Snake tapped on Shade's shoulder to get her attention, "What's wrong? Why are you mad now? ',he asked. His tone sounded sleepy but he wasn't tired, just had nothing else to do really, he yawned then returned his attention to the woman waiting for her response he had spoken quiet enough so that only she could hear him and so the boy didn't get all worked up thinking something was wrong with the woman.
I jerked slightly at his tapping and glanced at him. "I don't really like the idea of a storm keeping me so locked up at the moment. I just want to finish some things up and have it done with now is all." I told him just before putting my face back into the bed as i listened to everything going on outside. It took me a while before i finally decided to pull my face back out and look at him. There was a fire clearly in my eyes, one i couldn't hide even if i tried to. "Just knowing that man is still out there, doesn't even set well with me." I explained in a whisper for only him to hear, and not bothering to list my voice any from there.
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