Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

He could tell by the look in her eyes she was mad about something and it wasn't something small. When she mentioned 'that man' Snake knew exactly who she was talking about and he didn't blame her for being mad. "We'll take care of him as soon as the storm passes I promise and don't give me none of the you don't want me to get hurt bullshit I'm helping you out whether you like it or not" ,Snake told her. He looked directly into her eyes as he spoke the look on his face told her he was being sincere and wanted to help. Seeing the man hit her and the other one shoot at Sei Ten didn't sit well with him and he wanted to kill him too his hatred may not be as strong as Shade's but he still hated the man and his buddies.
I gave him a look about helping, but didn't argue with him on it. I knew i was just about to cross the line i'd already told myself nobody was to cross, as i reached out to him, not really paying much attention to him, but simply my hand so i wouldn't have to give him the glare i'd wanted to. "I want stop you from helping this time if you really want to." My hand landed at his chest just as it hand before, and holding there. I figured if he didn't like it then he could move it on his own accord this time. "Just as long as you don't get in my way when i start going after him." I added on, yet knowing he might end up having a problem with that much, at least i was letting him know i really wanted first shot at the man.
When Shade put her hand on his chest he looked down at it for a moment but didn't complain instead he let out a sigh and this time it wasn't out of annoyance or anger he sighed with content. It was as if he liked the fact that the woman placed her hand on his chest, "It's your fight I won't get in the way I'll just be there to help that's it" ,he stated in response to her comment. He looked at her again his gaze fixed on her for the moment he was feeling odd but it wasn't necessarily bad he didn't really know how to feel about the closeness of the woman but he knew he didn't want to push her away this time.
I'd managed a smile at his words and not objecting to my hand where it was. My eyes stayed at my hand though, in case he might have looked possibly upset about it. I stayed there for a while, not moving or saying anything about it. "I can live with that." Was all i finally told him, not fully able to grasp around the word 'thank you' for him this time before i pulled my hand back slowly and turned to look to the boy, almost having forgotten he was there with him being so silent for the moment anyway. "If you're tired though, i won't keep you from getting your rest." I spoke over my shoulder at him before returning my eyes to the boy.
"You're not keeping me from getting my rest I only dozed off because it's the only thing to really do during a storm" ,he admitted. Snake looked to the boy when Shade did he was being quiet and Snake got curious as to what he was doing as well. He placed one of his hands behind his head then lit up another cigarette, Snake sometimes smoked when he was bored and it ended up with him smoking nearly a pack a day because of it. "What's the kid doing? I can't really see him from here?" ,Snake asked curiously. He could see that he was there but not what he was doing exactly if he wanted to see what he was doing he'd have to sit up but figuring Shade had a clear view of him he figured he'd just ask her.
I glanced at him when he lit his cigarette but then back tot he boy. "I think he's plotting. I'm not to sure. I've never seen him so quite before. But, he looks to just be doing whatever it is with that paper. If it's writing, or doodling, i can't really tell." I stopped, leaning part way out of the bed to try and look, only to see him try to hide it even more so and so i pulled back into the bed. "Oh yeah, i think he's plotting something over there." I chuckled lightly when i could see a smirk grow on the boy's face suddenly.
Snake smiled a bit when she said the boy was plotting, "I'll bet he is I can tell he's a sneaky lil guy" ,he joked. His voice was calm but by the way he made the comment it was easy to tell he was trying to be funny. He wondered what the boy was doing and what he could possibly be plotting. Finally Snake sat up and looked over at the boy, "What you hiding kid?" ,Snake asked before getting out of the bed. He walked over to the boy with an angry expression on his face but when he got to the couch he passed the boy and went to grab two large logs and put them on the fire. "Gotta keep this thing going right kiddo?" ,Snake said right before grabbing the blanket at the end of the couch and putting it on the boy, "Keep that on you alright". When Snake got back into the bed he was shivering from the cold but he didn't want the boy getting up and freezing and the fire was dying down a bit so he had to get up to fix it. "Fuck it's cold outside the blankets" ,he stated as he pulled the covers up and took a drag off of his cigarette.
"Sneaky doesn't exactly fit. But, he sure knows how to hide things well enough." I chuckled as i watched the two when Snake got up.

The boy looked at Snake when he spoke so suddenly, and almost seemed to go wide eyed when he made his way over to him only to pass him up. "Just messing around is all." He said as he slid the pad more to the side as he watched Snake move around. "Promise, i'm not up to anything." He fibbed as the blanket ended up around him.

"Uh huh." I murmured from where i was with a faint laugh on the words. The boy just stuck his tongue out and once Snake headed back for the bed he pulled the pad back up in front of him. I tossed a smirk at Snake though when he came back. "That's what happens when you don't have sleeves to help out." I joked with him some, taking my eyes off the boy to look at Snake.
"I know you're lying kid but it's too damn cold to do anything about it so you're lucky" ,he stated shooting the kid a look. He wasn't being mean at all just messing around trying to scare the boy in to telling him what he was doing. When Shade made her comment Snake just gave her a look, "I don't exactly have anything other then short sleeve shirts" ,Snake stated in response. He took another drag of his cigarette and ran a hand through his hair before placing it behind his head. When he finished the cigarette he put it out on the floor the pulled the covers up a little further.
Boy only gave a grin at Snake not wanting to do anything over it. "Sounds like you should change that some time, even if it's only one shirt." I said. Even though i couldn't really see him doing it, or even wearing longer sleeves, it made for a interesting tease none-the-less. I wondered just how he would take to the comment though, or if he'd end up ignoring it or not. I didn't really expect much of a response from him on it. But, it still made me wonder if he would or not.
"I think about it" ,he stated simply in response to Shade's comment about the shirt. He had no intentions on getting a long sleeve shirt but he'd let her think there was a chance that he might. Snake had been dealing with storms cooling the place down for years and even though it got cold Snake was usually able to stick it out. "Are you warm?" ,he asked wanting to make sure the woman wasn't still cold if she was he'd pull another blanket onto them to make it warmer.
I knew he was only trying to make me think on it. But, i had thought on it, and couldn't see him doing it. Maybe a jacket though, but not a shirt. I looked away from him though when he brought up the question on if i was warm or not. "Yeah, i'm good." I told him. I'd gone before with no way to really keep warm in a way, so i was use to some of the cold. It was a simple fib, one i'd hoped would go unnoticed, where i was so use to simply having to pull through it before. I'd been partly tempted to go sit closer to the storm, but that was only partly, as i'd live with just listening to it and nothing more.
"Let me know if you need another blanket at any point" ,he stated in response to her. He was being nicer then usual but seeing as they were all stuck inside for the day he wanted to keep it as stress free as possible so he refrained from any nasty comments, not that he had been tempted to throw any out but if he was he would keep them to himself. Snake looked over at the woman again and let his gaze linger on her for a little bit then he turned away hoping she didn't notice him looking.
I was silent, not giving him a reply as i didn't move, my eyes lingering more to where his leg was, even though it couldn't be seen. I couldn't say i was to thrilled about it. I figured even once the storm would pass, i'd make myself wait for a while before thinking about heading out. I'd let his leg heal a little more before hand if he really planned on helping me out. It also mean making sure the boy wouldn't try to follow, but stay here all the same. The way i'd been looking, made it seem more like i had my eyes only halfway closed for the while, not even noticing when he'd looked at me or when he turned away. I hadn't even noticed the second i turned from him that i'd given a shiver in the proses of moving.
"You lied about being cold" ,he stated quietly. Snake had noticed her shiver and he gave her a smirk he knew she probably didn't see it but he couldn't help it. He sat up and grabbed one of the blankets from the pile he had brought out earlier before the storm had hit. Snake took the blanket and put it on the woman his body was close to hers as he did so. After he put the blanket on her he moved back to where he was before only this time he laid down facing her.
I'd wanted to tell him he was only seeing things, but i wasn't going to pick at that fight it might bring in doing so if i was going to be stuck with him until the storm would pass over. I simply looked at him from the corner of my eyes when he'd put the blanket on me. My back was still facing him though as he moved back. "Seems there's now way to actually get away with a lie around you huh?" I finally spoke turning to face him, showing that i wasn't trying to pick at him on it.
Snake smirked when she turned to face him but it wasn't a mean or smart ass smirk it was more of a smile actually, "No there isn't any lying around me I'm too good at reading people, I've been doing it for years" ,he told her. "I can tell when someone's lying, for the most part anyway" ,he continued. Normally he would've looked away from the woman by now but his gaze was fixed on her and he for some reason didn't want to look away.
"So it seems. And explains why you caught on so fast the other times as well." I smirked at him. "That can get annoying depending on what it is you know?" I said calmly, letting him know i was giving a slightly joking motive behind the words. My eyes held on him for a moment before i'd managed to look away, tossing my gaze to side side, as if watching the ceiling to help pass the time, wondering just how badly it was outside, or if anyone would be dumb enough to really go out looking in it. "We won't make any moves for the town until your leg is better." I finally told him, looking back to him from the corner of my eyes.
Snake smirked back at the woman when she mentioned that him catching on quickly could get annoying, "Yeah well there's some things you do that can be annoying too" ,he teased back. He was in a different mood then normal, it was a calmer mood then usual and he had a funny feeling that it was because of Shade and the boy that his mood had changed a bit. He was still sarcastic and stubborn but he had lightened up a bit with it. When she mentioned not making a move until his leg was better he looked at her, "Alright I can't argue with that it hurts like hell and I'm not as good when I'm hurt, it should heal pretty quickly though and if it doesn't I'm still stronger at 80 percent then anyone in that shithole town is at 100 percent" ,he stated. The man wasn't trying to be cocky in any way but what he said was true most of the people in town were tough but Snake had dealt with a lot worse and knew a lot more then they did.
I gave him a playful glare on how i could also be annoying as well. I couldn't argue there, i knew i could be, but it was just kind of a part of who i was and what i did. "Well, i plan at you being at 100 percent, if i can help it." I told him, but only gave a look at him when it sounded like he was bragging. I knew what he said was true, i'd watched him a few times already deal with others that out numbered him. It was brutal in a way, having to send one man out to put him up against an army, yet knowing he could handle himself well enough with it. "Just keep in mind, i still don't like you though." I told him, letting him catch the lie if he really wanted to. Sure, while i didn't like him for helping out, i still couldn't help but actually like him one way or another, but didn't truly want to just up and admit it to him/
"You're lying again" ,he stated in response to her comment about not liking him. "You don't have to act like you don't like me". He gave her another smirk then shifted a little to get more comfortable, "You know I can admit that I like you a little bit so you should just admit that you don't hate me" ,Snake continued. The smirk never left his face and he looked her in the face as he spoke, he wasn't afraid to let her know the truth and he wondered how she would take it.
I raised a eye brow at him as i put my gaze back on him again. "Only a little huh? Figured you would catch it, it's why i did it though." I smirked at him. "But, i guess it's only fare since you where rather out with it." I shook my head lightly at him and knowing this. He was interesting, i would give him that much. Left me on my toes trying to figure just what kind of curve balls he would keep tossing at me. I'd figure him out sooner or later though. "I'll admit, i like you to a point at least." I added on. "Enough not to kick you out of the bed at any point in this storm." I smirked a little bit more.
"Well that's good because I don't really wanna leave the bed" ,he said in response to her. It was clear that he didn't just want to stay in the bed to keep warm anymore there were other reasons and he was subtly hinting towards them not wanting to out right tell her why. He moved just a little closer to her, testing his limits a bit. He continued to look into her eyes with every move he made so that she wouldn't get uncomfortable and so she would know he meant no harm.
My eyes held on his as he moved closer, testing himself. I just seemed to wait and see how far he was going to test that limit. I wasn't sure just how long i'd be able get to see him like this, knowing it had to be a side nobody had ever gotten to see from him before, so i wasn't going to push him away, unless he really trying pushing he limits though. "You better not bite, or i'll never let you live down the name of being a bear for a while." I told him with a teasing smirk.
He smiled at her comment, "I promise I won't bite" ,he stated in response. Snake moved his hands to the woman's hips and pulled her up against him, "You know we'll probably get warmer if we're a little bit closer to each other" ,he stated. His hands began to gently massage at her hips he didn't dare move them further down to her ass until she gave him the go ahead, if she did that is. "Listen I haven't felt like this in a while, nearly fifteen years to be exact but if you want me to back off you tell me and I will no questions asked" ,he whispered into her ear. He didn't know if she would understand what he meant but he was sure she'd figure it out eventually.
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