Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"He mentioned you following Sei Ten's father home, being interested in joining them, now why would you want to join a gang of scumbags like that? As for you not asking for my help if I hadn't shown up you'd be dead stop with your fucking attitude towards me already it's pissing me off" ,he snapped. Even if her tone was calm he could still hear the attitude in her words he sighed and took another drag off of his cigarette, "You know what forget it I don't give a fuck" ,he stated before turning and walking away. Snake walked back into the cave and laid down on the bed again, he knew it was a stupid idea to even try and talk to the woman and he didn't know why he even bothered to in the first place.
I tossed him a glare at his snapping. As far as i had seen it, just yet i hadn't really given him any attitude. Well, just yet i hadn't anyway. I'd given him his silence until now. Before i could really give him much of a word though he turned and had already started back for the cave. "it beat, having to be out on my own. They turned me down though, just the same as the others had." I said in a softer voice, but figuring he hadn't even heard it as he stormed off. My eyes fell back to the sky once he was gone. I'd started to become enraged as he left. He'd started a conversation, but hadn't let it get any place. And he thought me rude before. I didn't even know why i'd bothered with staying here, yet i had. Though with the boy here, i knew at least it was safe for him anyway. The thought of leaving the two there and just get myself moving, seemed to linger on my mind suddenly but i was keeping myself from doing so as i made myself just sit there, letting the darkness of the night cover me, taking me into its shadows to hide me there.
Snake continued to stare at the ceiling as he smoked his cigarette he thought for a moment that he may have acted a little harse towards the woman but the thought was quickly pushed away when he remembered just how the woman had treated him before she left. He also thought about what would've happened if he hadn't followed, that thought made him cringe. He kept looking to the boy sitting at the table wondering if he was tired at all, "If you want to go to bed at anytime just let me know, I'll move to the couch" ,he told Sei Ten.
"Thanks. But, i'll probably end up waiting on her to come back though." He said, sounding as if he was some adult waiting on this chick to come back to them. He was worried about her, but he also knew to let her have her space when something was on her mind.

I waited for a while longer before getting up and stretching. I looked to the way the town was, then to where the hideout was at. I headed for the hideout, but passed it up and kept walking. There had to be some other town farther out there some place to possibly tuck out for a while. If there was, i knew it more then likely wouldn't be any better then the one behind me. But, at least it would mean working with a clean streak if there was.
After a while Snake sighed then sat up, "Stay here I'm gonna go look for Shade alright" ,he stated. He didn't want her to get into anymore trouble he didn't know why he kept on trying to keep her safe seeing as she pretty much asked for trouble. When he got outside he didn't see her where she had been standing so he looked around until he heard someone walking in the woods behind the cave. Snake followed the sounds keeping his hand on one of his guns just in case it wasn't Shade. He soon realized that it was her when he caught up to her, "Stop just stop now alright" ,Snake stated loud enough for her to hear him. "Where are you going?" ,he asked when he caught up to her.
I glanced back at him for a second when he called over to me, but i didn't bother with stopping though. "He's safer here with you, then he would be with me. Was going to find another town to hide out in. If i don't find another one, i'll just end up going back to that one." I said jabbing a thumb over my shoulder. "Im only giving you more problems just by being here." I explained, still walking. I finally stopped though and looked at him. "I can't stand the fact that you've helped me enough and gotten hurt over it for doing so. I don't even understand why you help me out like you do, when all i can see if that you don't even like me. Just because i followed you, doesn't mean you have to make it into a chore just to keep me safe." I told him, unsure of why i was even being so open with him at the moment.
"You're staying with me and Sei Ten stop being stupid you're safe here" ,Snake stated. He grabbed her arms and looked into her eyes this time his grip more soft and less threatening he didn't know why he was trying to get her to stay as far as he was concerned she didn't like him and she was annoying at points. "It's not a chore to me I just....don't....I don't want you to get hurt because you decided to make a stupid decision" ,he continued. "Now let's go back you need to lay down and go to sleep you're not thinking straight".
What was there to not think straight about? Other then having somebody fire a gun right next to your ear and having to deal with knowing that sooner or later, it would be worse when they found me gone, and where to try finding me again. They wouldn't be nice about it either, and i knew it. I put a hand up to his chest for a second, keeping my eyes on my hand as it settled there for the moment. "I know it's safe there. But-" I stopped and stepped back from him slowly. "You asked me a question about what the guy had meant." I stated keeping my eyes off of him.

"I'd tried joining both of the gangs out here. Anything to do better then having to be trying to work without one of them to be there to back me up for any reason. One didn't want me because they thought i was to much trouble. And the other, thought i wouldn't make the cut for them. Even if they did let me hang around for a year to try and prove myself. And despite the trouble it gave me from the boy's father i ended up going through. It was when it got to being even more of a problem and having find the boy, i changed my mind on it all." I looked up at him suddenly.

"It wasn't until then that they found out they where wrong i guess. And the things i did pissing them off, they've only been after me ever since, even if it meant they could use the boy against me. So, like i said, he's safer here without me. If they come looking and don't find me, they should leave him alone." I explained with another step back from him.
"They won't find you here alright don't leave Sei Ten wouldn't want that" ,Snake stated in response. His gaze never left her and he took a step towards her every time she stepped back from him. "I may be a prick but I'm not the bad guy and that kid in there needs you, he doesn't need a guy like me taking care of him I wouldn't know where to start and you know it". Snake still didn't know why he was practically begging her to stay but he couldn't take anything back now, he just looked at her waiting for her response. His expression softer then usual and his tone wasn't harsh or mean at all.
My eyes shifted away from him for a second as if thinking it over. "Alright, but i plan on going back out there once things have settled back down. I've got some unfinished business to take care of with them still." I told him just as decided to go back to him again. "And, while i may be saying this now. Don't expect it again." I held my eyes on him, as if to leave him guessing what i'd say next. "I'm sorry about having treated you the way i did earlier. But, at the time, the boy was the only thing on my mind. And i just didn't want you helping and getting hurt again. But, i can't promise you that i won't get on your nerves still after this." I told him. He did have a point though on leaving him with the kid, even if he did plan on teaching the boy how to hunt or not, he wasn't exactly father savy on the subject after all.
When she apologized to him he nodded in approval, "It's understandable" ,he stated in response. "Come on let's go back you can decide what you want to do after you've gotten some rest alright" ,he told her. Snake then took a deep breath and began to walk back to the cave he made sure to walk at a pace she could keep up with. When he got back to the cave he went inside and sat down on the couch figuring the boy would want to go to bed soon. He looked towards the entrance to see when Shade came in he knew she said she was going to come back but he wanted to make sure she wasn't just telling him what he wanted to hear so he'd leave her alone.
I took my time heading back, letting him get ahead of me some and stopped just outside for a moment before finally heading on inside. My eyes fell to the boy at the table at first, with a faint smile when he looked up at me. I could tell he'd been keeping himself awake as he'd sat there. "Alright buster, off to bed." I told him, even when he tried hiding how tired he'd been. It took me only a short moment to get him up and moving for the bed. I got him settled there, only sitting next to him as he worked on passing out. I couldn't really bring myself to sleeping yet. Once he was out of it though i got up and went to gather the notebook and pen from the table, placing it just at the head of the bed about him before going back and sitting at the table for a while.
Snake watched as Shade put the boy to bed he knew the kid was tired by the look in his eyes and he needed some sleep after the day he had. When Shade sat down at the table Snake stood up and walked over to her then grabbed his deck of cards and sat down next to her, "Hope you don't mind" ,he stated right before beginning to set up a game of solitaire, he played a lot of it to pass the time when he couldn't sleep or when there was just nothing to do. "I can't sleep either, want a drink?" ,he asked her as he continued to set up the cards. He looked to her after he finished setting his game up and waited for her response to his offer.
I looked at him when he came over with his cards. Motioning with my head that i didn't mind at all. "Depends on what you consider a drink, as to how i might just reply." I told him, giving a rather faint smile, almost unable to be seen. I figured he was talking of something a little more simple, like water or something along that line. Or if he'd been hiding anything else around here, and so far i didn't think he did, would have also effected my answer. Maybe not by to much, but in one way or another at least. "If you don't mind me asking though. Just how long have you been out here?" I couldn't help but ask, hoping he wouldn't mind the topic or the small conversation for now.
"I'll be right back" ,he stated right before getting up and walking into another section of the cave. When he returned he was carrying a bottle of brandy and a couple glasses, he set the bottle and the glasses down on the table. "A drink" ,he stated simply. When she asked how long he had been there he looked at her and smiled, "I've been here since I shut the power off in LA after I shut down the world I looted a few stores then brought the supplies here and have been building it up ever since, that why I have all the stuff I have" ,he explained. Snake poured himself a drink then slid the bottle and the other glass over to Shade, "Help yourself if you want some".
I gave a slightly questioning look to him when he came back with some brandy. Though it explained when he gave me the answer to my question. "So, that was you." It'd meant to have been said to myself, as if contemplating something before i gave a smirk. "You really are just as much of a devil as i've heard then." I chuckled pouring a glass for myself then sliding the bottle back over to him just before taking a sip from my cup. "I bet it was nice to see there faces when you did that." I added on as i just seemed to watch him and his cards for the while. It seemed like he played with them often, though i didn't really care that he did. It'd so far, been kind of interesting to watch and listen to in the nights. Different, but it did well oddly enough.
"Yeah that was me too bad the fuckers figured out how to restore it" ,Snake stated right before taking a sip from his glass. He then lit a cigarette to go with his drink and placed the pack between the two of them. "Their faces were priceless they pretty much begged me not to do it the fuckers deserved it but you can only hinder their progress I guess I mean look at where the world is now I didn't do shit except stall the bullshit that was happening" ,he told her. The man hated the way things were and the fact that the government had the right to choose who was worthy to live in a "perfect existence". "So what exactly have you heard about me kiddo?" ,Snake asked. He gave her a smirk knowing that the word 'kiddo' probably bugged her this time he was only playing around though he didn't want to anger her he felt she didn't really need it at the moment.
I looked over at the boy for a second to make sure he was asleep before i pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. I took a drag from it, and seemed to enjoy the relief it brought as i let the smoke bellow from my nose when he tossed the 'kiddo' word out at me. "Just about everything i've found to be true so far. Mister hard ass. One guy being sent out to go after a army on his own, almost. Being a guy who just can't seem to be moved out of his rough habits of life. No heart. The good stuff like that." I said taking a sip from the cup before following it with another drag off the cigarette. "The last one though, i'm thinking they where all lying about though the more i stay around here. Has to be a heart in there, if you really don't mind us staying here with you."
"If I didn't have a heart I'd be dead my heart just works differently" ,he stated. He too took another sip of his drink then followed it with a drag from his cigarette. Snake really didn't know why he was helping them out but it just felt like something he needed to do for some reason, the man followed his gut and his gut told him that the two needed to stay. "So you've pretty much heard the same old bullshit everyone talks about eh? I love how people think they know me so well I'm not saying all those things aren't true I just wish people would stop talking sometimes they act like I'm some kinda fucking celebrity" ,he stated before taking another drag of his cigarette. He looked over at the boy again to see if he was sleeping then back to Shade, "He sleeps like a rock huh?" ,he asked.
"Id say it works differently. That's for sure." I smirked at him. "If you get down to it, they think you are. I mean, those who would just die to have you on there side and all that crap." I pointed out. "Or they wouldn't be talking about you." I then looked over to the boy for a second and smirked. "He's had a few times that he's faked it. He's good at faking sometimes. But, when he's out of it, he just doesn't wake up until he'd ready to." I watched the boy for a while. "He's a little devil at times himself. But, he's a blast. Sweetest little thing. Kind of makes me question that his father is just who it is." I sighed but then looked back over at Snake.
"Everyone can want I'll never take a side I like to be a loner" ,Snake stated. He looked her over very blatantly, "With a few exceptions of course". Snake took a drag off of his cigarette then another sip of his drink he then got back to his cards and continued to play until he finished his game. He then put them away and stood up to place them on the shelf. Snake finished off his cigarette then threw it into the fire pit and made his way over to the couch and sat down and leaned back to relax.
I'd been just about ready to peg him for the part on being a loner, until he added to it. I gave him the faintest smirk on it as i took my time finishing my cigarette and drink while he finished up and headed over to relax on to couch. I wasn't to sure how long i'd sat there before i finally got up, and putting the butt of the cigarette out into the pit before cleaning up the cups then headed back around. I tossed a glance at him for a second. "Well, this part of the exception, doesn't want to have to worry about you getting hurt for her anymore." I told him before heading in to rest there was Sei-Ten. I still couldn't pass out fully for a while though as i laid there trying to get everything from the day out of my system.
Snake watched as the woman cleaned everything up and made her way over to the bed to lay down with the boy he knew she wasn't going to be able to fall asleep to quickly and could tell she was wired from the days events. "If you don't want me getting hurt for you then try listening to me for once it might just work" ,he stated with a smirk to let her know he wasn't trying to be mean. He kicked his boots off then took off his shirt and laid down staring up at the ceiling, he knew he wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon but he figured he might as well relax a bit seeing as Shade seemed to want to try and fall asleep and Sei Ten was sleeping.
I looked over at him for a second, tossing a slightly playful glare at him but said nothing to him over it not wanting to take to much of a chance at waking the boy up since in was so close to him at the moment. I wanted the day to just belong in the yesterday and nothing more form it for a while. I'd probably waited there for a good hour or so before i'd managed to actually pass out, not heavy, but just another light sleep once again as i'd held the boy close, as if protecting him again while i'd slept there.
Snake stared at the ceiling for about an hour before finally closing his eyes and falling asleep. His sleep wasn't that great but he was used to not being able to sleep too well. When he woke up in the morning he sat up and stretched like he usually did then looked over to Shade and the boy before putting his boots on and making his way outside. He looked up at the clouds then muttered something under his breath before making his way back into the cave and grabbing a few large tarps and carrying them outside. When he got back outside he put the tarps over any openings in the top of the cave the tarps were camouflage so they couldn't be seen plus no one came around anyway so they would be safe. When he was finished he went back into the cave and sat down on the couch and lit the fire along with some of the lanterns so the place would be warm by the time the storm hit.
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