Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I was a bit tense at his grip for a moment as he pulled me closer to him. I was sure he could tell just when i'd gone tense as well before i relaxed again. I didn't say anything on it for a moment as i seemed to proses just what he was getting at. I'd let my mind linger on the fact of getting warm when he brought it up, but it was his next words that had me tense up for a second and relax again as i looked up at him. "You do need to keep in mind, we aren't exactly alone in here." I said once i'd figured it out, helping him remember the boy over on the couch.
"I know and trust me I wouldn't ever do anything with those eyes watching us" ,Snake told her. "For now I just want to keep you warm that's all". He had felt her tense up a couple times and thought about backing off but then he felt her loosen up again so he kept his hold on her. The man wasn't being rough nor did he intend to be and he didn't plan on going too far with Sei Ten awake and close by. He moved his hands up and wrapped his arms around her, "Feeling any warmer Shade" ,he asked quietly as he rubbed her back with one of his hands.
I gave him a soft smile for his words as i let out a soft breath as i carefully rested my head against his shoulder. "As warm as i can get." I whispered back to him. "Can't believe it though. I'd managed to see the heart past your stubbornness." I said as i was calm there. I was calm though as his hands moved over my back. With not having a long shirt, it left my back and stomach bare. And i'd left my back rather hidden as often as i could because of it. If he payed attention there was a large scar there, close to the waist, running from one side tot he other in a rather straight line there.
As he ran his hands over her bare skin he was gentle, he smiled at her words and when she mentioned seeing the heart past his stubborness he gave her another smile, "It's not an easy thing to do that's for sure" ,he stated. His tone still quiet so that the boy wouldn't hear him he didn't know why he was being so quiet it wasn't like he was doing anything wrong he just felt it necessary not to be loud. After a few moments he felt the scar at her waist, he looked into her eyes as he ran his fingers over the scar. "What happened?" ,he whispered.
He didn't have to tell me it wasn't an easy thing, i'd kind of figured it out first hand after all. I'd kind of hoped to have kept that hidden from him for some reason. I wasn't sure why i'd wanted it out of sight, when i'd clearly showed it off if people had the chance to get behind me to see it. I gave a sigh when he asked about it though, having hoped he would have simply skimmed right over it for the while. "One word, and it's a name." I told him, hoping he knew just who i was talking about, all the same trying to keep from having to explain to much of it.
He could tell she didn't want to talk about the scar so he left it alone he had an idea of who she was talking about when she mentioned a name. "I'll leave it alone" ,he stated as he continued to rub her back. The man knew when to leave things alone and this was one of those things he figured that she'd tell him when she was ready to. He took one of his hands and moved it up to her face and ran his finger down her jawline before leaning towards her and brushing his lips against hers he didn't want to go all in wanting to give her room to push him away if she didn't want it.
I gave him a smile in a thanks like manner for not pushing to know about it this time. I'd have to tell him at some point, just wasn't fully right to leave him trying to figure this one out on his own. Well it was that, or i was sure he'd end up forcing it out of the man and end up getting the response from in in a way that would probably piss him off. I froze at his rather unexpected gesture but didn't stop him, instead i was the one pushing my limits suddenly as i gently kissed his lips.
A sigh of content escaped his lips as he felt her return his kiss he deepened it and parted his lips to allow her access to his mouth if she wanted to. Snake hadn't kissed a woman in a very long time so he may be a little rusty with his skills but he wanted it so badly that he didn't care. His hands didn't go anywhere in appropriate he caressed the side of her face with one hand while the other still rubbed her back gently. Snake was enjoying the feeling of her lips against his and he didn't want to stop even though he knew they'd have to due to the fact that they weren't alone.
I enjoyed his touch as i kissed him back. Though i pulled back from him after a moment only to give him a gentle smile to replace it. I couldn't see why he'd been left out here with everyone else when it came to seeing this side of him. Knowing how he was before though, i knew just why they had left him here. I didn't know if they had hoped that he would clean up some of the mess or not, but i didn't think even if it had been an order to do so he would bother with it. And i wouldn't blame him for not doing so. I shifted in his arms though, turning so that i'd had my back more against him, but not pulling away from him either, just simply putting my back against his chest so i'd be able to keep an eye on the boy a little better now.
When Shade shifted in his arms he let her then cuddled up to her when she was finished moving, he knew she wanted to keep an eye on the boy and he didn't blame her after all the boy had been plotting something earlier. Snake still wondered exactly what it was the boy had been plotting and wondered if they were going to figure it out anytime soon. He took a look at the boy before discreetly kissing the back of Shade's neck as he now ran his fingers over her stomach, the softness of her skin felt nice on his fingertips.
I took a breath just after he'd kissed my neck, and tossed him a look from the corner of my eyes for a second before putting them back on the boy suddenly. My stomach seemed to move under his fingers, as if either shivering or acting as if it almost seemed gentle enough that it gave a faint tickling like feeling on the skin. I wasn't to sure myself what one it was so i'd let him figure it out on his own. Only shortly after i watched as the boy rolled over, his back to us, and sliding the pad more under him. He looked to have gotten tired from having to stay there for so long. I couldn't help but smile at it. I wasn't going to try and pry and see what he'd been up to though. I knew well enough that at some point or another we would end up finding out just what it was.
He gave her a smirk when she shot him the look over her shoulder his gaze then shifted to the boy again, "Looks like the kid's getting tired" ,he stated before laying his head back down. "Either that or he's trying to fake us into thinking he is, we both know he's a bit sneaky". His hands continued to move over her stomach as he buried his head into the the back of her neck. The man was very comfortable where he was and didn't plan on moving until he absolutely had too.
"If it's one thing i've learned over the two years with that boy. It's to know when he's faking his sleep." I told him in more of a hushed voice, just in case that was what the boy was trying to do. I'd almost wished there was no storm, so that there would be a way to get the boy to go out and play. Close by some where of course. The thoughts that entered my mind when he buried his face into the back of my neck i had to quickly push to the back of my mind. The last thing i needed at the moment was to have anything more then i already did with him. I listened though, to the boy's breathing, just past Snakes so close on my neck.
"Well from what I've learned about the boy in the short time I've gotten to know him knowing when he's fake sleeping is probably a good thing" ,Snake said in response quietly. He had his own thoughts running through his mind but he didn't want to push his luck with the woman in fact he wasn't even sure if she felt the same way he did and it drove him crazy. Snake had stopped running his fingers over her stomach and just held her, his head still buried in the back of her neck.
It seemed like forever before i'd finally been able to hear a change in the boy's breathing, knowing he was asleep and would be for a while. He was a heavy sleeper and i knew it. One reason why i'd never left him alone in the town when he was really asleep. I relaxed back against Snake, bringing a hand up behind my head so that my fingers ran just through his hair, enjoying the feeling of it before i shifted slightly to get a better view of him, but being sure to leave my back to him, since he seemed to be rather settled that way.
He leaned into her touch as she ran her fingers through his hair and looked at her when she she turned to look at him, he let one of his hands move down to her thigh and began to massage it. His grip was firm but not hard enough to hurt her he pressed his body even closer to hers and kissed her neck again. Snake smirked right before biting down gently, "Oops I guess I couldn't help it being a big hungry bear and all" ,he whispered in her ear playfully.
I tossed him a playful glare after his biting and then teased a bit it. "You know you really do know how to work a nerve." I told him, speaking so he could hear, and keep from risking waking anyone up as i couldn't help but give him a faint nudge. "Careful though. I'm not one to sleep with animals." I told him. I gave him a kiss after that though, tossing only a faintly playful nip into it. "And besides, i tend to bite back anyway." I whispered when i pulled back.
"Hm I know how to work something" ,he stated in response. He laughed at her comment about not sleeping with animals then when she kissed him he returned it then growled after she bit his lip. "Bite all you want sweetheart I like it rough" ,he said quietly into her ear. The man wasn't sure how she'd react to his comment but he figured they were way past being subtle with each other so whatever she did in response wouldn't be too surprising.
I gave him a look for his smart remark and even more so on the fact of how he liked it. It seemed interesting how a storm could bring somebody a little bit closer to a person. I hoped it wasn't that though as i trailed a finger slowly over his chest, running them in circles at points. I didn't really give him a response to his comment either, even if it wasn't exactly what i'd expected to hear from him. It was fitting for him though, i'd give him at least that much to start with.
Snake let out little sighs of content as Shade ran her fingers over his chest there was just something about the way she touched him that made him feel amazing. He looked into her eyes then kissed her lips softly and passionately when he pulled away he looked into her eyes again, his breathing had gotten heavy and his heart was beating fast. The woman had an effect on him like no one else had ever had before it was clear by the look on his face that he wanted her and not just while the storm hit.
I kissed him back just the same, pressing up against him. When he pulled back i moved to make it easier, so i was facing him filly, and not having to twist for him. My hands moved back to where i'd had them before moving to turn to him. With a hesitant look while he caught his breath, i was careful about how i moved, managing to get a leg just between his without bothering the leg he'd be shot in, not wanting to give him any pain. I was hesitant because i wasn't sure just how he would take it, while i'd seemed to quickly find my breath when he'd pulled back from the kiss.
After the kiss was broken and Shade had put her leg in between his he looked at her and smiled, he ran his hands up and down her back gently and slowly. When he had caught his breath he leaned in and began to kiss her neck again, "You have no idea what you're doing to me" ,he breathed into her ear. He didn't mean what he said in a bad way at all the woman was making him feel things he had never felt before and he didn't seem to mind it too much. She was also causing other things to happen and Snake knew that she could probably feel it pressing up against her leg.
"Speak for yourself. I'm betting it's just around the same as to what you're doing to me." I told him with a soft breath against him. I pulled back a bit reluctantly and got up from the bed, finding a blanket and fixing it up to block the boy's view just in case he might stir. I doubted he would for a while. But, i could already tell where this was possibly going to lead, and i didn't really want to take much of a chance. As i got back into the bed, getting warm under the covers again and moving back over to him, i gave a faint smile. "For just in case." I told him.
Watching as she hung the blanket up to block the boy's view Snake cave her a smirk when she came back to the bed, "Good idea babe" ,he stated in response to her. He knew where things were heading and he didn't want the boy to see it either if what he thought was going to happen actually happened. Snake was starting to get a little uncomfortable with how tight his pants had gotten due to the huge bulge that was now in the front of them.
I'd left only some what of a gap between us this time as i'd gone back to him. He was warm though, from having still been under the blankets, so it made it a little easier for me to move up to him without trying to make sure he was still ok with it. "Your weren't kidding about it being cold without the blankets." I told him. It seemed though i was just as bad as he was when it came to shirts. He was missing sleeves, and i was missing the section to cover up my stomach. I was still a bit careful about how i approached him when i moved to put my head closer to his. I'd wondered if he knew just how it felt like each time he'd touch me that it felt like there was a fire leaving a path from each touch he'd given me only seconds ago.
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