Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I gave him a smile at how he worked to hide his sounds. My eyes where on him when he spoke as i moved. Without missing a beat, i lifted my shirt up and off, dropping it tot he side of the bed as i moved against him, changing up from time to time a simple ride, to circling him. Once the shirt was off, i reached back to undo the bra there and place it with the shirt on the floor. I lowered down to him, letting my bear breasts run gently along his chest as i moved.
"Mm that's better" ,he breathed out. He was getting better with keeping somewhat quiet as they continued his hands made their way around to her ass and he gripped it tightly as she continued to move so perfectly. Snake liked the way her bare skin felt against his and he didn't want to let her go but he knew he would eventually have to and he knew that this wouldn't be the last time they did this if he had any say in the matter. He leaned up and kissed her neck again as he moved his hips in sync with hers.
I tried often to keep from putting much of a pattern into my moves, to try and make him work to figure out just what i would do and when. I was teasing at him now, in a payback fro him having teased me before. My breath picked up suddenly before i steadied it back down again. "My question is to how long you can really keep this up though." I whispered in his ear referring to just how well his stamina would hold up. I had a feeling i knew the answer to it, but i couldn't help but just want to hear it from him, and keeping my question, of just how long i'd get to stay up here before he took charge again, to myself.
He knew she was teasing him and he loved it, when she whispered in his ear he let out a devious laugh then bit down on her ear, "I can go for hours sweetheart, think you can hang?" ,he breathed into her ear before nibbling on it again. Snake then rolled her over so that he was on top again and pinned her hands above her head and thrust into her as hard as he could, "Do you like that know I do" ,he growled into her ear.
I couldn't help but seem to purr in his ear at his reply before he'd flipped me to my back again. I'd let both legs tangle around his waist this time while he had my hands. "Depends on your pace, as to how long i might be able to hold on." I said in truth for him. His thrust this time managed well enough for me to moan out his name in his ear while i moved my hips with his. I was figuring at this pace though, i'd probably only last for another hour with him, i'd let him figure it out though, as i arched up against him, my walls tightening for a second before they loosened again, yet my breathing stayed at a normal level against him, showing i could still managed for a while with him.
He smiled at her honesty and continued to thrust into her hard he let go of her hands and moved one of his down to grab her breast again. When she moaned his name into his ear he growled, " feel so amazing baby" ,he whispered into her ear. Snake leaned down and began to lick and suck on her nipple as he thrust into her, he felt her walls tighten around his cock briefly and it made him groan out in pleasure. "I've never felt this good with anyone in my life" ,he admitted to her after planting a soft kiss on her lips.
I'd finally managed to get past my breathing to answer his question from before i'd left him to think on. "I love everything you've done so far to me Snake." I told him just against him lips, biting softly at his bottom lip as i moved my hips to his beat. When his hands left mine, i let them go back to exploring, not planning to stop them unless he didn't want them moving on him as they found there way to make a path at his sides, staying back enough that each move he made, let my hands stay there but move against his skin.
Hearing her words sent chills up and down his spine and when she bit his bottom lip he growled playfully then bit hers in return. After he bit her lip he kissed her with passion his hands roamed her body for a little bit as he took in the softness of her skin. "I'm getting can't hold it anymore....I'm gonna cum soon babe" ,he whispered. He began to thrust harder trying to throw her over the edge before he came. He looked down into her eyes, "Want me to pull out? Or cum inside you?" ,he asked her to know what she wanted so he didn't upset her by just assuming.
I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when he told me he was close. It kind of left me in a rock and a hard spot though when he tossed the question to me. I liked the man way to much, and while that was there, i didn't exactly want to have to worry about trying to bring a kid up in this world, yet at the same time, the thought lingered in my mind. Without missing a beat to let him know i was thinking on it, i gave him a kiss before pushing back down into the bed again. "Pull out," I told him in response, but didn't bother adding the last of the thought to it, of telling him 'if you want'. Well that and it would just do better i didn't let onto those thoughts.
When Shade gave her answer he nodded Snake thrust into her a few more times before grabbing his shirt, he pulled out then came onto his shirt he was wearing before. After he was finished he looked at Shade then kissed her deeply before rolling over onto his back and tossing his shirt to the floor. He grabbed his pants and reached into the pocket where his cigarettes were and took one out and lit it he then offered one to the woman next to him figuring she might want one after what they had just done.
It took me a only a few seconds to find my breath while he used his shirt. I took his offer on the cigarette when he offered it, letting it help me get a little more settled back down for the while. I couldn't help but watch him for a second before i decided to tease some. "You know, you did cross over the middle of the bed a few good times. I might have to get you for it later though." I said, taking a drag from the cigarette once i'd lit it.
When Shade made her comment he let out a chuckle, "I didn't hear you complaining" ,he stated in response with a smirk. He took a drag off of his cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly and relaxed a bit. "I have to say I think I'm looking forward to seeing just how you'll get me for it later". He placed a hand behind his head as he took yet another drag of his cigarette his chest was rising and falling heavily from his breathing and there was sweat all over his body.
"Oh, i'm sure you will find out sooner or later." I smirked, trying to ignore his comment. I had no objections to him having pass the set line, so i had no reason to complain about it. I watched him there for a while, my fingers trailing over his chest as i let the cigarette hang in my lips. "I won't let you know any heads up on it either way though." I added on as i settled next to him. After a while i got myself up, ignoring the cold air as i got myself dressed. "Don't need any questions on it later." Was all i had to say as i tossed his pants at him and waited a second before taking the blanket down reveling the boy still sleeping.
He stayed quiet while the woman spoke and simply gave her a look when she was finished. When she got up to get dressed he did as well minus the shirt he had been wearing before. His eyes followed her while she took the blanket down and he was relieved to see that he was still sleeping. Snake continued to smoke his cigarette while he waited for Shade to return to the bed, he couldn't help but look at her and admire her body as she moved around. The man never thought he would end up feeling the way he did about the woman when he had first met her but he was glad that he felt the way he did now.
I took another drag from the cigarette as i watched the boy for a second before finally joining him back in the bed again. I moved so that my side was touching up against his, where he was still warm from being under the blankets to keep from loosing any heat, while i'd gone and took care of the blanket, letting myself get wrapped into the cold air before i had joined him again. "So, how long do you think this storm will last anyway?" I found myself asking, as i knew it would be easier to keep little eyes off later if this happened again anytime.
When she got back in the bed he put his arm around her and pulled her into him then wrapped her up in the blankets to warm her back up. "It should be over by this time tomorrow" ,he stated in response to her question. He took another long drag off his cigarette then blew the smoke out slowly. Snake rubbed her back gently as she laid next to him he had to admit that he could get used to the closeness they were sharing at the moment. "Just to let you know that was amazing" ,he admitted to her with a smirk.
I gave a chuckle at his words. "Good, i'll have to be sure some time later then to treat you again. But, only if i think you deserve it." I teased him some as i took a last drag off the cigarette once it was finished then put it out on the floor before giving him another kiss just before i settled in next to him, pressing only slightly into him just to keep warm. I could feel a short wave of being tired run over me the second my body had fully calmed itself down. I was looking forward later to getting to watch him teach the boy to hunt some time now, compared to before i'd still been a bit unsettled by it. I knew what we'd done was something he'd probably not done in a good long while, and just knowing it had me feeling a little better about other things with him, even if he did know how to work my nerves at times or not.
"I guess I'll just have to behave myself then" ,he stated with a smirk. He finished up his cigarette too and put it out on the floor then relaxed under the covers and closed his eyes for a little bit enjoying the sound of the rain outside. Even if the weather made the place cold it was still pretty relaxing to listen to. After a little while the man fell asleep he hadn't meant to but with the sound of the rain and the warmth of Shade's body next to his he couldn't help but doze of, feeling completely comfortable and relaxed for once.
I smirked at him but then sighed when he managed to fall asleep. I let him though as i seemed to only join him shortly after.

"RARW!" The boy came up from behind them, waking me and i wasn't to sure how long i'd been out, or even when he'd woken up.

I looked around for him for a second and kind of had to lead over Snake to find him having ducked out of the way of anything that might get tossed at him. I looked over at Snake for a second, seeing if he was up or not with this, then looked back down at the boy out of his spot, but was wrapped in a blanket to help keep himself warm at least.
When the boy yelled Snake's eyes opened immediately and he looked over at him, "Don't do that" ,he stated before sitting up and stretching. "I'm hungry how about you guys?" ,he asked before getting up. He wrapped one of the blankets around himself before making his way over to get a few cans of soup and a pan to cook it in. After he got everything he needed he made his way over to the fire pit and set it all up to cook he also put some more wood into it to make the fire bigger and keep it going.
The boy looked at Snake for a second. "Come on, you didn't even jump." He grumbled, having hoped to have made him jump even a little.

I shook my head slightly at the boy for a second and moved quickly to change the topic. "I think food will do this little brat some good." I chuckled messing his hair up before getting up and managing to get him to move back over to the couch. "Ready to talk yet on what you where planning?" I asked him.

"Nope, not saying yet." He told me as he made a face over it.
"I'm not the jumpy type kid" ,Snake told the boy. After what the man had been through nearly nothing scared him or startled him at all. He stirred the soup as it started to boil, the heat from the fire felt nice on his bare skin and he was warm enough to take the blanket off to finish cooking. When Shade asked the boy if he was ready to talk about what he was planning Snake looked at him waiting to hear his response. After the boy responded to the woman Snake let out a small laugh, "I think we're just gonna have to torture it out of him Shade, think he'll be able to hide it if he's being tormented?" ,Snake stated. He was joking of course the man would never hurt a kid, scare them hell yeah but actually hurt he'd never even consider it.
I looked back at Snake for a second then grinned at the boy who seemed to have gone stiff, playing like a statue who wouldn't be moved for any reason. "You know, i think that just might work. Any ideas you had in mind that we could use on him?" I asked, leaning over to the boy, as if ready to pounce on him, while his eyes shifted to look at me, seeming to wait for a move while he looked close to being ready to run and hide at the same time.
"Well we'll have to tie him down first so he won't run away, then I'll let you decide what to do from there" ,Snake stated in response to Shade. He then looked at the boy and gave him a glare it was a harmless glare of course but Snake wasn't going to let the boy know that. "Hey Shade wanna stir this really quick I gotta go grab something" ,he stated before standing up. He walked off deeper into the cave it was cold but he ignored the temperature for the most part. When he came back he was carrying a small rope, he dropped it into Shade's lap then gave her a smirk without letting the boy see it. Snake sat back down and pulled the pot of soup off the fire and put it into bowls before handing it out.
The boy relaxed as i got up, but watched Snake go farther out of sight before his gaze flickered back to me while i stirred the soup until Snake got back. Well, talk about a hell of an evil trick. He did have rope. I was rather grateful he hadn't had any on him a few nights ago to bother with tying me to the tree like he'd said he would before. I kept it out of site, sliding it under the blanket so the boy wouldn't see it. "I'll have to think of something to do to him. Maybe let him have some time to think about it while i plot against him." I smirked at the boy for a second.
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