Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Sounds good to me" ,he told Shade in response to her suggestion. He looked to the boy again then placed a bowl of soup next to him, "Eat up it'll keep you warm" ,he stated. Snake began to eat his own food after giving the boy his, when he was finished he leaned back and lit up a cigarette and took a drag of it. "So kiddo what were you plotting before?" ,he asked before blowing the smoke out of his mouth. "I'm gonna give you a chance to let us know, I'll get it out of you eventually" ,Snake stated. He looked at Shade to make it clear he was joking with the kid.
I watched Snake for a second, along with the boy as he ate, eating along with them. The boy gave a rather stubborn look up at Snake when he spoke, and shook his head again. It was then that i slide my eyes over to where the pad was, just next to the boy. I could tell he was up to no good in his own way. I handed Snake a smirk though when he looked at me. I could tell he was joking, was nice to know he could do so with the boy.
Taking another drag off of his cigarette Snake laughed a little when the kid shook his head again, "You're a hard one to crack, that's a good thing" ,he stated. "But I'm not gonna give up until I get an answer from you". Snake looked at Shade when she took a look at the pad, he gave her a look as if asking if she had seen anything on the pad that would let her know what the boy had been plotting. Snake didn't really care too much what he was plotting too much but he was having fun messing with the kid.
I shook my head lightly at Snake. I couldn't see much from where i was. Alli could figure was the boy had a diagram of something. But that was only running off a guess from my angle anyway. I watched as the boy puffed up slightly and gave him a smirk. "I like you better when you are asleep. You look more your age then." I chuckled lightly at him. At least i didn't have to be the only one who got to pick on the boy now. Made things a little bit more interesting. Even more so since it ended up being Snake compared to anyone else.
Snake took another drag of his cigarette and sighed then stood up and placed his finished cigarette into the fire pit then made his way over to where Shade and the boy where and sat down in between them. He looked over at Shade and smirked then turned to look at the boy, "I'll fight you for it, your paper I mean" ,Snake told the boy. "If I win you give me the notebook if you win I let you have whatever you want in this place". Snake turned and looked at Shade then leaned in close to her, "I'm fucking around don't worry" ,he whispered so that only she could hear him.
"Don't have to tell me twice." I whispered back to Snake. "Screw with hims mind until your heart is content." I added and just watched.

The boy moved the pad more into hiding when Snake sat down and then shifted to lean back on it arms crossing over his chest. "I bet i could win." He said, with a slight smirk trying to act like he was big and bad at least. "Makes it unfair though if we are stuck in her for it. I'll let you try though if we get a chance to go outside." I said. Oh how i hated how the boy sounded older then he was, but i still couldn't help but give the boy a smile. In a way he was a little devil, but at the same time he wasn't
"Oh so you wanna take it outside huh? We can do that" ,he said in response to the boy. He gave him a look that could scare the fur off of a real bear. The man stood up and cracked his neck then his knuckles, "Get up kiddo let's go outside" ,he stated. "Let's see if you can fight in the rain, I know I can I'll even put one hand behind my back for ya". Snake began to make his way towards the exit of the cave looking back to see if the boy was following, he gave Shade a wink telling her if the boy actually followed he'd let the kid win.
The boy seemed to sink into the seat some as Snake got up. He waited for him to start moving before he slid the pad more into the crack of the couch and got up to follow. I simply rolled my eyes at the two. "Just don't stay out to long to get sick. Either of you." I sighed as i followed but only stopped just at the door where i'd end up staying. The boy stopped some what behind me for a second as he looked at Snake, waiting for him to go outside first before he would.
When he noticed the boy sink into his seat a bit Snake laughed a little and continued to the exit. He was surprised the boy followed and was actually gonna go through with it the kid had guts and the man liked and respected that. When Shade told them not to stay out long enough to get sick Snake shot her a look, "Yes mommy" ,he stated sarcastically before stepping outside. The man looked at the boy and raised his fists then put one of them behind his back like he had said he would.
I tossed a glare at Snake for a second. It was something i would have expected the boy to joke about, but not Snake. With that i turned and walked back in some, but not to far so i could keep an eye on them, mostly the boy though. The second i moved, the boy seemed a little more reluctant before finally stepping out to join Snake, taking up the same stance, but leaving both hands in front of him. I couldn't believe the boy though when it looked like he'd possibly done something like this before. His face went blank for a second, his eyes on Snake, planting his feet in place where he was.
The man couldn't help but laugh at how the boy stood looking ready to kick some ass, he stepped toward the boy and when he got close enough he messed up the kids hair. "Come on tough guy hit me" ,Snake stated. "Free shot". He patted the side of his face then leaned down to the kids level so the boy could reach his face without jumping. It was hard for the man to keep a straight face while looking at the boy waiting for him to hit first.
The boy just looked at Snake as he got closer. I waited though but then seemed at the same second to tossed a grin on his face, he dropped, swinging his foot around at Snake's legs, aiming to take them out from under him before getting back up and waiting in the same stance again. The boy was quick, and that alone gave me a chill at suddenly knowing he had to have had a few run ins with some people when i'd gone out to raid for food for him in the past. I didn't like the thought in my head.
Snake watched the boy try and sweep his legs he knew the kid wasn't going to take him down so when he felt the kid hit the back of his legs Snake threw himself to the ground. "Oh no he got me" ,Snake stated as he pretended to be hurt. The man got to his feet then looked at the boy and motioned for him to bring it. "Is that all you got" ,Snake asked holding onto his back still pretending the sweep had an effect on him. Snake would have to ask the kid where he learned how to do that later on.
Boy hadn't even seemed to notice Snake's bluff on going down, but the second Snake spoke he moved, running at him letting his shoulder be the first thing that would hit into Snake. I gave a smirk at seeing Snake let the boy take him down but then headed back more into settle on the bed, listening to them out in the rain. Wasn't like i needed to keep an eye on the two for it.
When the boy tackled him again Snake dove back and slammed himself to the ground again and let out a mock yell of pain. He noticed Shade had went inside and looked at the boy. "I think you broke my back kiddo I can't get up" ,Snake said in a hurt sounding voice. He laid there looking into the boy's face. "I think you've won you're a tough little son of a bitch now you're gonna have to pick me up and carry me inside I can't walk". The man was faking it and he wondered if the boy would even attempt to try and pick him up or if he'd just go inside and get Shade to help.
The boy just looked down at Snake for a second, practically sitting on his stomach, eyes almost seeming to go wide at the fake news. "You're pulling my leg, aren't you?" I asked, watching him closely for a second yet seemed to think it was the truth anyway as i moved to the side. "You better be kidding. I think Shade would bite my head off i did." He said, looking him over for a second, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or just messing with him.
"No kid I'm really hurt you kicked my ass" ,Snake stated. He pretended to wince then looked at the boy, "Hurry kid if you don't help me inside I might die of pneumonia out here" ,he stated. He stayed still looking at the boy as he continued to pretend to be hurt, "Then again if you can't pick me up I won't make you get inside before you get sick just....just tell Shade....I love her" ,Snake stated trying not to laugh at the boy's expression.
The boy seemed to stop for a second, looking at Snake and then moved to try and pull him. He couldn't even get him to budge an inch. Instead he dropped over in his place and looked over to the cave for a second. "SHADE!?" He called as he sat up and tried pulling again. "Won't leave you out here." He told Snake.

I looked at the opening of the cave when i heard my name. "Yeah?" I couldn't help but asked my eyes falling on the two once i'd reached the door, watching the boy pull on Snake some.

"He can't get up."

"Oh?" I said with a smirk. "Maybe we should leave him out here to crawl his way back in." I chuckled as i reluctantly joined them in the rain, stopping just next to the boy and looking at Snake. "Alright, go in where it's dry. I'll bring him in." I told the boy and waited for him to head on inside before looking down at Snake. "Don't tell me you are going soft on him all the sudden." I smirked.
When the boy yelled for Shade the man chuckled quietly and when the woman came out Snake gave her another wink while the boy was telling her he couldn't get up. He watched as the boy went inside then looked at Shade after she made the comment about him going soft. "No I'm not going soft the kid really kicked my ass" ,he stated jokingly. "Well maybe he didn't but I kinda wanted to earn some points with his beautiful lady friend" ,he continued as he sat up and looked at Shade. Snake gave her a smile then sighed, "I'd like to know where he learned that stuff and why" ,Snake admitted to the woman.
"Well, you've got your points for it, i'll give you that much." I smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss just before getting up. "But, that makes two of us there. Not sure if i want to know the answer to it either." I sighed but then raised a brow. "So, do i kneed to drag you inside, or help you limp in?" I asked a bit teasingly. "Or, am i letting you walk in there to face the little man's wrath at knowing you let him win?" I added on, giving him another kiss.
"Maybe you should help me limp in just to make the injury seem real" ,he stated in response. He got to his feet the looked to the woman, "Don't wanna break his confidence, kid's got moves he just needs to learn to execute them better maybe I can teach him some stuff eventually if you'll let me" ,he continued. Snake waited for the woman to pretend to help him inside the man looked at her as he waited a smile on his face.
"Considering the fact he already knows what he does, it will only do better i guess to help him learn how to do so properly." I said getting one of his arms over my shoulder, and making him put the other over his own stomach as i then moved with him to head back inside. "If you ask him about it, be sure i'm not around to hear it from him. Thinking i might already know, i don't want to have it confirmed for a while." I explained just before we reached the door.
"Alright I'll make sure not to ask him around you" ,he agreed. He let her lead him inside and when he got inside he sat down and looked at the boy, "A deal's a deal as soon as I feel better I'll let you pick something out to keep" ,he told the boy. He then pulled a cigarette out and lit it, the man was soaked from head to toe and was freezing cold at this point but he couldn't exactly just get up and go change if he wanted to keep the illusion that he was hurt.
The boy seemed to have a faint smirk on his face while i went around to grab a blanket and then go back over to Snake putting it around him, sitting under it with him to try and get him a little more warmed up, even though him being so wet, didn't exactly help my matter of not getting to much wetter in turn. The boy was already under a blanket of his own, while i hung more next to Snake for the while. "I'm sure you will be better tomorrow. Can't seem to keep you down in the end." I chuckled next to Snake.
When Shade brought the blanket over and covered him he smiled at her, it was a smile meant only for her and it showed. He laughed after she made her comment, "New York, LA, hell both of those places should've killed me and the people in those places knocked me down a few times but I got up so I guess you're right babe" ,he stated in response quietly so that only she could hear him. Snake then pulled the blanket over both of their heads and pulled Shade in for a kiss, he didn't want the boy to see them kissing even if he was old enough to understand Snake just felt odd kissing in front of the boy. "As soon as he falls asleep again I'm changing out of these wet clothes" ,Snake told her after breaking the kiss.
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