Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

Snake enjoyed hearing her moan and wanted to hear more of it, it let him know he was doing something right and he liked that. When her walls tightened around his cock he let out a low growl of satisfaction letting her know just how good it felt. He returned the woman's kiss sighing with content as he did so, her words sent chills down his spine just knowing she felt that way made him feel amazing. Snake moved one of his hands from her ass up to her breast to fondle it a bit while he continued to thrust into her.
I smiled against his lips, only breaking it when i'd decided to nip and kiss at his neck, hands moving just behind his shoulders the same time he'd put his hand on my breast. "Gah, you can have me any day of the week." I moaned out to him as i lowered myself back into the bed, hands trailing down his arms, just after giving him another kiss, biting at his lip before laying back for him, my legs only tighting slightly around him, as if to keep him deep in me.
As she kissed and nipped at his neck he bit on his bottom lip liking the way it felt, when she told him he could have her any day of the week Snake moved his head up and nibbled at her ear. "How about any days that end in y?" ,he growled out. The man was completely content with having her any day of the week in fact she was the only woman he wanted. He found himself falling for the woman but he didn't want to let her know that just yet, not until he knew whether or not she felt the same. When she tightened her legs around him it only made him thrust harder and as deep as he could, "Want to be on top for a little bit babe?" ,he asked her right before kissing her lips.
I had to actually stop and think about his response, listing each day in my mind and couldn't help but smirk at it, keeping him from even knowing i'd had to actually play the days in my had like that. He got a nod from me over it, clear that i didn't mind his terms for it. "You're doing good hun. Kind of enjoying the view of you over me." I told him just past a moan against his lips.
"Hm alright babe" ,he stated in response. When she moaned against his lips he bit her bottom lip playfully, after a few moments he hooked one of his arms under one of her legs to get a better angle then thrust as hard as he could into her. Snake was now groaning loudly as his cock slid in and out of Shade's tight, wet pussy. The man was no where's near close to cumming yet and he was kinda glad that he wasn't because he wanted this to last a lot longer then it did earlier in the day, he wanted to hear Shade say his name more then once and he wanted to please her over and over again while he had the chance.
My moans came a little bit more after a while, but only a few where loader then the rest of the soft moans he was getting out of me. As his arm moved under a leg, i lifted it more to settle on his shoulder, while the other only pressed him closer to make up for the slack that the other had left behind when getting moved. One hand moved just over his chest, while the other landed on my stomach. The hand that had been placed at his chest slid to the side, and down his arm, stopping just at his wrist as i held to him while my walls tightened but then loosened again.
When she shifted her legs he sighed with pleasure again, "" ,he breathed out while leaning his head back slightly. His hand ran up and down the leg that was on his shoulder and he turned to kiss her leg while he continued to thrust into her hard. After a few moments he moved her leg from his shoulder and wrapped it back around his waist then pressed his body against hers wanting to be close to her. Snake leaned down and kissed Shade's lips opening his mouth to allow her full access, he then brought one of his hands up to caress the side of her face. After he broke the kiss he looked down into her eyes while his hand continued to caress the side of her face, "You're the best I've ever had babe no one's ever made me feel so good" ,Snake stated quietly before returning his lips to hers again.
I gave his name on a soft moan as he kissed my leg before moving it back around his waist again. "I'm glad to be the first." I'd managed to say just pass a breath after his kiss. My hands started to slide slowly down his back at this point while i gave a gentle nip at his lip while he was still close. Alright, so i loved the man, but i didn't want him to know just how i felt yet. It was starting to get only slightly harder to keep my breathing normal as he kept thrusting. I knew he could last for a while longer, i probably could to. But, i wasn't sure just how much longer now i'd really be able to last. "Snake." I moaned against his lips, hands only mid way down his back.
Hearing her moan his name sent chills down his spine, the woman had a hold on him and he liked it his feelings for her only growing the longer they were together. "I'm glad you're the first too, I don't want to feel this way with anyone else" ,he breathed into her ear. It was a subtle hint that he had feelings for her and he hoped she wouldn't push him away for it. Snake began to pull himself out leaving only the tip of his cock inside her before slamming back in hard he continued to do this trying to get her to cum.
I just looked at him for a second, slightly shocked at what he was hinting at to me, before i gave him a smile. "Good, i don't really want to have to worry about anyone else being in the picture. I've never liked to share." I told him. I'd thought he was just about at his end when he started to pull out, before slamming back in. Damn, it felt like a tease in a way. I arched up against him after a second, a moan working it's way out as my skin went tight. The moan wasn't alone though, letting his name fill it as i hit release just as he went to thrust in again.
"You won't have to trust me" ,he said in response to her comment about sharing. It was true the man didn't want anyone else but her, after years of having not touched a woman in any sexual way and being able to resist any woman making a pass at him it said a lot about exactly how he felt about Shade. When he felt her release he groaned and said her name quietly before he looked down into her eyes, "All of me?" ,he asked. He knew she would know what he meant seeing as she was the one who had brought it up earlier.
I'd almost hoped he hadn't asked, as it made me kind of question myself on it, but without saying a word i gave him a nod in approval for it as still moved with him, only not so able to keep with his beat, showing that i wasn't going to be able to last any longer under him. Though with his words before i gave a smile to him. "Love you." I whispered into his ear just as i gave it a nip, letting him know just how i really felt with him.
When she nodded he leaned down and kissed her, "I'll take care of you I promise" ,he told her. Snake hoped she knew what he meant by that, he meant that if she got pregnant he wouldn't leave her alone with a kid in this world, he would take care of her and the child. When she said she loved him he looked into her eyes, "I love you too Shade....forever" ,he stated. Snake then thrust himself deep into her grabbing her hips as he filled her with his hot cum, "Oh....fuck....Shade....Shade....I love you, so much" ,he stated. His body was tense as his seed flowed into her he leaned down and kissed her lips softly and lovingly as he finished cumming inside her. When he was finished he rested his head on her chest after pulling his cock out of her, his hands caressing the soft skin of her stomach as he cuddled up to her.
I gave him a smile are his response, glad to hear it from him. I knew just want he meant with it, wasn't hard to figure it out. I'd never felt anything like it before, and couldn't help but give a moan at the feel of it. I kissed him back, hands trailing through his hair as he rested his head on my chest. I had no doubt in my mind that he would more then likely make a great father, if i did end up getting pregnant. I could tell, just by how he'd been treating Sei-Ten so far. I curled up in his arms there for the while, having to find my breath this time.
Snake cuddled up to her as he caught his breath he thought about lighting a cigarette but at the moment he just wanted to hold her and take in her warmth and the smell of her skin. He had never felt so close to anyone in his life and he was loving the closeness they shared the man never pictured himself falling in love but here he was falling for Shade and he definitely didn't mind it at all.
I stayed there with him for a while before listening after i'd found my breath. "We may have to go find the boy soon." I said, suddenly wondering just how far the boy had gone. I'd waist a little bit longer with Snake though before the idea of having to move. Well that and i'd be needing some dry cloths as well before looking for the boy. I gave him a kiss, and put my head over his chest, not really wanting to move just yet.
"Alright just let me know when you want to go look for him alright babe" ,he stated in response to what she had said. He laid there comfortably enjoying how the woman felt against him. Clothes wouldn't be too hard to get for her they would be his of course but they would work. After a little bit he rolled over and lit a cigarette taking a drag and blowing the smoke out slowly.
I gave him a faint nod, letting my fingers trail slowly over his chest. I could get use to being this close to the man any time of the day or night. I waited for him to finish his cigarette though before i sat up and waited for a second. "Whenever you're ready, then i'm up for exploring the cave with you to find the boy." I told him, placing a few kisses just over his waist line.
He put his cigarette out then got out of the bed, he walked over to Shade completely naked and wrapped his arms around her before kissing her neck softly. "Let's get some clothes on babe, maybe we can do some more later if you feel up to it or we can plan on how to get that bastard you were talking about before" ,he stated in her ear. Snake led the way a little deeper into the cave until he reached a set of drawers. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of camo pants and a tank top then handed it to Shade before pulling out a similar outfit for himself.
"Will have depend on how if the storm will let up or not." I smiled as i followed after him. "And also, depending on that leg of yours as well." I added on just as he handed me the cloths. I put them on before really looking at them and then smirked. "Almost seems fitting." I smirked some then looked him over as well. "I do plan on closing up the loose ends with the man though." I informed him on the matter. I would have thought about doing with or without him before, i was sure. But, i actually liked the idea of him getting to help out, knowing he had my back if anything might go wrong.
"The storm should be done with by tomorrow as for my leg it'll heal eventually I can bandage it so the stitches don't break open" ,he stated in response. Snake pulled the pants on then put on his shirt before taking a hold of the woman once more to kiss her lips, "Whatever you want to do with the man I'll be there for you I won't let anything happen to you" ,he told her before turning around and making his way deeper into the cave. He called for the boy as he walked hoping the kid would answer.
I gave a nip at his lip when he kissed me before he broke it as i followed after him into the cave, often calling for the boy along side him. After a while i could hear a faint shift and moved for it. "Over here." His voice finally called back. Well, the boy really had gone back into this place. I'd have to remember just how deep this place was some time, maybe do some exploring of my one to get a little more use to the place. It took a bit before i could see the light to the lantern he'd had with him, and sighed once i could finally see him. "Got lost back here." He said as he got up from where he had been sitting. I could see just how easy it was for him to get lost, after all the walls only looked the same anyway.
When they found the boy Snake looked around at exactly where he was, it was the section where he kept all of his random odds and ends that had no real organization to them. "I'll have to take you on a tour sometime kid" ,he stated. "Get you used to it so you won't get lost again". There were also a few hiding places the boy could tuck into if anyone happened to find the place and shit hit the fan Snake would make sure to show both the boy and Shade those places as well. He walked around the section of the cave until he came across a box, it was the only box that was organized and that was because he planned on getting rid of it but now that their was a kid living with him he decided to keep it and let Sei Ten have the contents that were inside. "Come on kid I got something for you and you can still pick something else out" ,he stated as he lifted the box and began to carry it back out into the main area.
The boy looked from Snake to Shade for a second before giving a nod as he followed just next to Shade for the while. His eyes glanced at the box for a second, as if trying to figure out just what it was before looking around as they walked for the while, trying to get his grip on the place this time. "The fact alone, you know your way around a cave like this, kind of makes me think you've been in here to long." I smirked lightly over at Snake.
When Shade made her comment he looked over at her and gave her a smirk back, "Been in here for a while I kinda like it though no one bugs me" ,he stated in response. He led the way back into the main area then placed the box onto the table and motioned for the kid to sit down, "After we go through the box you can help me make dinner sound good?" ,he said to the boy as he began to open the box. The box had various things a kid could occupy their time with from toys to markers and other drawing stuff. "Have a blast" ,Snake stated as he sat down and lit a cigarette.
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