Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"I don't wanna get fat" ,Snake stated jokingly. He watched the boy play with his food while he ate and thought it was kind of funny. Most kids would just play and not eat but he seemed to just enjoy playing with his food opposed to playing with it with no intention of eating it. When Snake was finished with his food he leaned back in his chair to relax and looked at the boy, "When you finish your food I got something for you, well Shade does" ,he told the boy. He looked at Shade and smiled knowing she probably knew what he meant.
"I can't seem to see you letting yourself get that way. But, you know, push that leg, and i'll enjoy getting to try and tie you down if i can." I teased slightly but then looked at the boy when he glanced over at me. I glanced back at Snake for a second and sighed with a nod to the boy's questioning look he gave me.
Snake smirked at her comment about tying him up he gave her a look then pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "I have a funny feeling I wouldn't mind that so much now" ,he stated hoping that the boy wouldn't catch on to what he meant. He took a drag off of his cigarette then got up to boil a pot of water for tea so they could warm up a bit more.
I simply gave him a smirk for his comment but then left it at that when the boy finished his food. I had him help me clean up some before i handed him the box of cookies. "Go easy on those will you." Told him. "Or i'll have you out running with Snake tomorrow." I smiled. The boy didn't seem to mind that though and i sighed before turning my look over to Snake.
"I planned on bringing him along anyway" ,Snake admitted after Shade told the boy she'd have him running. "He could probably use a cleaning too I'll leave that to you, you know where the spring is so show him tomorrow he's starting to smell funny" ,he said jokingly. After the water started to boil he made everyone a cup of tea and handed them out, "Drink it you'll warm up" ,he stated before sitting down next to Shade, putting a blanket on himself.
The boy looked at Snake for a second for his comment but then tossed a faint glare at him. "Yeah, you're right on that." I smirked at the boy for a second. "He's missed a few days it seems." I added on teasing the boy as i gave a sniff at him but then leaned back there. "I wouldn't mind taking one with you though." I whispered to Snake at the thought of it, knowing both of us could also use it.
Snake laughed at the look the boy gave him, when Shade leaned in and whispered what she wanted he smirked then bit his bottom lip. "I'd like that a lot babe" ,he told her in response. He placed the blanket on her then cuddled up to her right before taking a sip from his cup then placing it on the table next to him. "Get yourself under a blanket kid I don't want you catching a cold" ,Snake stated looking at the boy while he did so.
"Oh yeah." The boy said as if he'd forgotten and moved over to the couch, and snagging up the blanket he had there and curled up in it.
My hand slide just over his leg under the blanket before moving to get up, heading for the bed. I'd figured he would join, or probably end up staying there for a while before joining me. Reaching the bed, i cured up there, watching the boy for a while before looking back to Snake to see if he planned on joining me there or not just yet.
When the boy got up and curled into the blanket Snake was happy he did so and when Shade got up and moved over to the bed he sat for a moment then stood up as well. Before making his way over to the bed he grabbed the box he had gotten for the boy and brought it over to him so he could go through it some more. "You want the couch tonight or the bed?" ,Snake asked the boy. He looked to Shade briefly then back to the boy as he waited for his response.
"I'm cool with the couch." The boy smiled slightly. I gave Snake a smile when he looked over then tossed the boy a smile as well before rolling to my back and watching the ceiling for the while, the way the light in here seemed to almost dance off of it. It was interesting to watch at times, trying to make shapes out of the ever moving lines that where made there.
"Alright kiddo you got it" ,Snake said in response to the kid before patting him on the shoulder. The man turned and looked at Shade as he made his way over to the bed when he got there he got in the bed and pulled the covers onto himself and cuddled up to the woman. He just laid there and looked at Shade, watching the light from the fire dance on her face. The woman was beautiful and he could just lay there and look at her for hours.
I turned and looked at him as he joined me in the bed. I was careful though about how i moved with him as i gave him a kiss before pulling back only to move forward again so i'd be be closer to him, a hand trailing over his side for a while as my eye held on his, before i shifted so i'd be able to keep my eyes on the boy for a while.
He laid there with her and just took in the warmth of her body and how nice it felt against him. Snake kissed her back when she kissed him and cuddled into her even more when she shifted positions. Everything in that moment felt so right and there was no where he'd rather be. The man looked to the boy as well wanting to see how he liked the stuff that was in the box, "I never thought I'd have a use for that stuff ya know?" ,he said quietly as he watched the boy.
"Seems you put it to good use." I smiled replying back to him as i watched the boy as he played for the while. After a while though i'd told him to settle for sleep, knowing well enough that it was starting to get late about now. I watched he seemed to reluctantly do so, and had to get after him when i could tell he was trying to fake it, giving a chuckle a the face he gave me for it, before he finally settled for the night, yet i still watched him just in case.
"Yeah I guess I did" ,he said in response. When Shade told the kid to settle down and go to sleep Snake almost laughed at the look the boy gave her but didn't not wanting the boy to think it was ok to give looks like that. He watched as the boy reluctantly listened as he continued to hold the woman in his arms. "How long do you think it'll take him to fall asleep? He does have something to stay awake for and keep himself busy now" ,he stated in reference to the box he had given him.
My eyes never strayed from the boy, watching and waited for him to make a move for the box again, he didn't though. "I give him about an hour before he's possibly fully out of it for the night." I said in reply, letting a hand reach over my shoulder and trail along slowly along the side of his face while i just waited for the boy to pass out.
A sigh of complete and total content escaped his lips as she trailed her hand along the side of his face, he snuggled into her touch a bit as she touched his face. "Mm I say he fakes sleeping for a while" ,Snake stated jokingly. "I love the way you touch me" ,he stated softly as he let one of his hands gently caress her stomach.
"He can't fake it forever, before sleep finally nabs him." I chuckled lightly just watching the boy. The feel of Snake's hand on my stomach sent a chill over my body, but i only pressed back into him more, not ready to lift my eyes from the boy until i knew for sure he would truly be asleep. "If i have to, i'll double check on him in a while to make sure he's not still faking." I explained.
"Hm alright babe I agree though sleep eventually nabs anyone" ,he stated in response. When she pressed into him more he only cuddled to her more in return her body felt nice against his, like it fit perfectly and that they were made for each other. After a little bit he began to kiss her neck softly, he wasn't trying to get a rise out of her he only wanted to show her how much he truly loved her.
I smiled back at his kissing on my neck, knowing what he was up to, and it was working. I took it for the while before finally pulling away to go and check on the boy, testing to see if he was asleep or not. I smiled when he was and moved the blanket more up around him before heading back over to Snake, having a feeling just where this was going to end up before they would both end up with sleep themselves as well for the night as i placed a blanket up like i had before before joining him back in the bed. "Out like a light again." I smirked.
His eyes followed her as she went to check on the boy he watched as she tucked him in a bit more and he smirked when she hung the blanket up again. When she came back to the bed and told him the boy was out like a light again he gave her a smile then pulled her in close to him. "I missed having you next to me" ,he told her right before he began to kiss her neck again.
"Wasn't gone that long." I smiled with a small laugh as i settled there with him, leaning my head only slightly for him as he started kissing on my neck again, my hands trailing over to the center of his chest. "Though, i think i can understand just where you are coming from." I smirked slightly, kissing his forehead before giving a nip over at his ear.
"It felt long to me" ,he growled out as his hands trailed over her back. He smiled when she said she knew where he was coming from, Snake liked the closeness and just being with the woman. His hands slowly made their way to the small of her back and he kissed her lips softly then pulled away to look into her eyes, "You're beautiful you know?" ,he stated before kissing her again.
"Oh? In what way?" I asked in reply to his comment, teasing with him some on it as i gave a few nips along his skin, pressing my lower body up against his as i let a leg shift just over his, laying gently there. I teased him while i waited on his response, running my hips in a small circle up against him, being slow about it.
"Mm in every way babe" ,he stated in response. When she began to tease him it didn't take long for him to get hard, he moved his hips to press his erection into her. "You are so fucking hard to resist I swear" ,he growled playfully. His hands began to move down to her ass and when they reached it he gripped tightly and bit his bottom lip, "Three times in one day huh? You sure your body can handle more baby?" ,he asked.
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