Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"You mean nobody bugged yo until we showed up huh?" I couldn't help but asked. before we got back tot he main area and i went to sit on the couch, watching the two from there.
The boy gave a nod as he watched the box open and scanned it over be fore looking at Snake. "What did you have in mind for us to make?" He asked before turning his eyes back to the box, making it seem like he'd just found a gold mine or something.
"You guys don't bug me anymore" ,Snake admitted. When the boy asked what he had in mind to make Snake looked at him before taking a drag off of his cigarette, "Well I gotta cook the rest of that meat up before it goes bad and we can have whatever you pick out to go with it" ,he stated in response to the boy. He then looked over at Shade who was sitting on the couch and gave her a subtle smile before bringing the cigarette to his lips again.
"What'cha got?" He asked pulling a few smaller things out from the box to start with, messing around with it as he looked back up at Snake.
I simply gave the man a smirk as he turned to look back at me for a moment. "Seems you helped that boy strike oil." I chuckled watching the boy for a second, but then settled my eyes back on Snake again.
Snake let out a small laugh at what Shade said before turning to answer the boy's question, "Well I've got shelves of food in here and a little deeper in you can look through them and figure something out I'll go with you i you want to go to the shelves that are a little deeper in" ,he told the boy. "Just let me know when you're ready and we can go alright". He got up and made his way over to the couch where Shade was and sat down next to her and took another drag off of his cigarette.
The boy simply nodded, not to sure if he was ready to up and possibly get lost again in the cave just yet, with or without the help on it. "You sure you've never dealt with kids before?" I asked as he joined me. The man seemed like he knew some of what he was doing with the boy, even though the other night he'd said he wouldn't. I was glad i'd stayed though, instead of just leaving him to come back and then going off on my own.
"I haven't dealt with kids but I've observed some and learned a bit over the years" ,he admitted. Snake placed his arm around her shoulders then kissed her cheek softly before taking yet another drag from his cigarette. "He isn't gonna get mad that I'm touching his woman will he? I don't wanna get my ass kicked again" ,Snake teased with a small laugh. His hand began to gently massage the woman's shoulder as he sat there with her.
I gave a chuckle at his words, leaning slightly into him. "He's a kid, i'm sure he knows i'm not exactly his to start with. Though i'm sure if you do so in the wrong way he might get after you." I teased slightly. "I think he knows you won't harm me in any way, or i'm sure he would have made more of a fuss earlier about me having to share the bed with you." I pointed out to him.
"I would never touch you in the wrong way" ,he stated in response. He knew that Shade and the kid knew he wouldn't hurt them in any way, "Well I'm glad he let us share the bed earlier" ,he stated with a smirk. "I really enjoyed sharing it with you, too bad the kid will probably want his spot back tonight" ,Snake teased. He enjoyed holding the woman and being close to her but he wasn't going to take the kids spot on the bed if he wanted to sleep there.
"We both know you won't." I smiled referring to touching me in the wrong way. By eyes then went over to the boys for a second then back again. "If he takes the bed, then i'll probably share the couch with you for a while before taking post back with him so he's not catching on to anything." I whispered so only he could hear it. "It might just be getting him to settled down for the night though seeing how you put his attention on that box."
"Sounds good to me" ,he stated in response. He pulled her in closer to him even if he only got a little bit of time with her later before falling asleep he'd be happy. Snake finished his cigarette then threw it into the fire pit, "I better add some wood to that it looks like it's getting low again" ,he stated before getting up and walking over to the pile of wood against the wall. He grabbed a few logs then put them into the pit and made sure they caught fire before sitting back down.
The boy was rather entertained for the while before i got up and looked at Snake. "So, um. I'm ready to go look when you are." He said, a hand over his stomach, trying to hide it's sounds it rumbled at him. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the boy for a second before pushing slightly at Snake's back to get him up and moving. "Off with you two." I smirked with a slight tease in my words for them.
When the boy got up and said he was ready Snake nodded then got up he shot Shade a smirk at her words before walking over to the boy. Snake could tell the boy was hungry even if he was trying to hide it, "Come on kid let's get some food in that belly" ,he stated before messing up the kid's hair. He led the way deeper into the cave until they reached a section that had shelves of canned and boxed food in it, Snake looked to the boy, "Pick out whatever you want kid" ,he told him.
The boy simply stuck his tongue out at Shade before following after Snake. I looked only for a second before pulling out a can of peas. "What do ya' think?" He asked, wanting to see if it was something he wouldn't mind also eating as well. He'd always got to enjoy playing with them while eating them when he could, mostly playing first though.
"Those are fine with me kid" ,Snake told him. He then grabbed a can of white potatoes, "We'll have these too, if you want anything else go ahead and grab it before we make our way back out there" ,he told the boy. While Snake waited to see if the boy would grab anything else he looked around to see if he wanted anything else as well. He noticed a box of cookies on one of the shelves and grabbed it while the kid wasn't looking. "Ready to go?" ,he asked after a few more moments.
The boy gave a nod as he looked for a moment but didn't grab anything else. "Yep." I smiled playing with the can some as he waited.
I waited there, leaning my head back on the couch, listening to them. Well, as much as i could anyway. The rest of the time was spent listening to the storm outside, and anything else my ears would possibly catch on to.
"Alright let's go then" ,Snake said in response to the boy. He led the way back into the main area stopping only once to grab the meat on the way. When he got back to the main area he began to grab everything they needed to cook the food, he then checked to make sure the boy wasn't looking before throwing the box o cookies to Shade giving her a look then mouthing the words, "Hide them" before placing the meat onto the pit.
I was startled slightly by the box coming at me, but grabbed them before they hit and looked at Snake giving him a smirk as i slid them into hiding. My eyes fell on the boy for a moment and the can in his heads. I shook my head with a slight smirk at it, knowing well enough he enjoyed playing with his peas before finally getting around to eating them.
After he put the meat onto the pit he grabbed one of the pots and placed it onto the fire as well then grabbed a knife and stabbed it into the top of the can and opened it. "I'll teach you how to do that soon, some cans don't have the pull tabs and I don't want to buy a can opener" ,Snake told him with a smile. He looked to Shade and smirked, "I'm also gonna teach you how to hunt soon but for now I'll wait until you two are ready, you ever shoot a gun kid?" ,he asked curiously.
The kids eyes went wide when Snake stabbed the can. "I thought the can was already dead." I chuckled slightly but then gave a nod over the idea of him teaching the boy how to hunt.
The boy shook his head lightly. "She won't let me have anything to do with guns." He said. "Held one before, but, never used one." He admitted, getting a look from Shade for it.
He looked at Shade after she made her joke about the can when the boy told him about how he had never fired a gun he nodded then looked to Shade briefly before looking back to the boy. "Now I want you to listen to me because what I'm about to say is very important" ,Snake began. "Guns are not toys and you need to handle them with caution and you need to know how to use one properly, before you learn how to hunt I'm gonna teach you how to hold and aim your gun properly and safely you're also gonna learn how to clean it as well, I won't tolerate you fucking around with a firearm if I catch you being reckless I will take your gun away and you won't get it back until you learn to respect the weapon and be careful with it, you understand me?" ,Snake continued. He looked to Shade to see what her reaction would be to his little lecture to the boy the man meant every word and it was clear he was serious with everything he said to the boy.
The boy just looked at him for a second listening but almost not to sure what he'd meant on some of it just yet. "Does this mean, i get to help you and Shade out if you plan on going back out there after my father again?" He asked, looking at Snake first then over at Shade.
I'd been fine at first with Snake's lecture on the kid, though the kid's questions sent chills over my body at the thought of him going with us, let alone thinking we would possibly end up going back out there like he id.
When the kid mentioned going out with them when they went after his father Snake let out a sigh, "I'll talk to Shade about it later then think about it" ,he stated. The man didn't wanna out right tell the boy no but he also didn't want the kid going into something like that even if he knew how to use a gun. Snake looked at Shade again briefly before finishing up with cooking the food. When the food was finished he grabbed plates and set them down on the table before bringing all the food over.
I sighed as i got up and moved over to the boy, and giving him a hug at first then messing his hair up. "I hate to break the news kid, but i'd rather you stay here. Out of sight, and well hidden." I told him. The boy grumbled lightly but that was about it before he sighed. "Be happy i'm letting him teach you how to hunt though." I smiled at him before giving a smile to Snake as well.
Snake gave her a smile back relieved she had told the boy no, he didn't want the boy to go but was stuck on how to tell him that. After Snake set up the table he motioned for the boy to sit down and eat his dinner, "Get it while it's hot kid because in this place it'll cool quickly" ,he stated. He sat down and made his own plate and began eating while he waited for the other two to sit down. "I'm gonna have to run extra tomorrow as soon as the storm passes" ,he said. The man didn't like to skip workouts but today he had no choice he planned to lift some weights later on but he really enjoyed his runs outside in the woods.
The boy sat there and started eating. My eyes fell on Snake as i joined them. "Sounds like you're planning on pushing that leg some there." I said, taking a bite before noticing the boy use one hand to play with his peas while he ate the meat in front of him. I didn't plan on getting on him for it since he was at least eating while he played and then would just eat the peas after that.
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