Lightening Strike

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Lea blushed a little as she took the test disappearing into the woods. When she was shot lea fell, landing awkwardly to the ground, yelling as she heard the snap of bone as well as felt the sting of whatever the dart had been posioned with. Screaming, "GALE!GAle!"She yelled trying to hobble, getting to her hands and knees, because she'd snapped her ankle, trying to crawl back to the others. Knowing that she was never going to be abe to defend herself unless she got back.

Katniss paled a little before nodding, swallowing hard."OKay."He said because she couldn't leave without them. Following him before lookng at the man."Really?"She said looking startled, having not considered they'd have such a strong ally before paling, realizing what was happening before looking at peeta."Can we move now?We have to get them out of there. Now.She needs attention."Katniss growled swallowing hard.
Gale sprang to his feet and rushed to her side, leaping through the trees as he shot out to her, standing over with a Bow and Arrow, waiting for the attack, his eyes fixed and Focused as he checked to make sure that it was safe before dropping next to her, stroking her face as he checked her wounds, biting his lip as he scowled a little. "shit..." he whispered looking worried as he picked her up and carry her over to the others, clutching her in both arms, the pregnancy test in the other, the red + sign showing the world what was the truth. Lea was pregnant, poisoned, and hurt.... and would no doubt be dead by morning.

Peeta swallowed thickly as he looked at her. " soon as the announcement goes, we need to be gone." he ordered softly, taking her hand and holding it tightly. "go get our things... go to the launch pad, Cinna will be there." he muttered softly. "i'll follow you as soon as i hear the announcement." he promised softly.

it wasn't a half an hour before the loud trumpets sounded, informing everyone of a Feast, telling them all that there was going to be something they needed. Gale stroked Lea's face and hair, kissing her, and telling her that he would be right back before he took off into the trees before Mint could yell for him to stop. "oh son of a bitch..." she hissed softly, turning to Lea. "this is going to hurt." she warned softly, Kina was already cutting into Turnip's arm, the boy grimacing, but letting her do it as Mint started cutting Lea's arm. "we;re cutting out the trackers." she explained softly. "we'll get Gale in a second, you need to stay here, and stay still when they lift you out." she ordered firmly as the barrier that had been keeping them in, flickered and failed. immediately a Hovercraft materialized. "stay still." Mint ordered as a claw came down and clamped carefully around Leanna, Mint hopping on top of it. another one was going after Gale and the others who had been silently assisting the rebels during the Games.

Peeta joined Katniss with Cinna and he took her hand as a ladder appeared in front of them, he sent Cinna up first, and then Katniss, and with a last look around he smirked, and grabbed the ladder, letting them drag him up as well. in the hovercraft was occupied by a very surprising person, Claudius Templesmith... the announcer! "Glad you made it! Leanna and Gale have just been pulled into the hovercraft." he promised, Peeta nearly sagging in relief. "thank GOD!" Peeta hissed, wiping his brow. "it worked... it worked! we're free!!!" he purred happily, smiling at Katniss. "get ready Katniss... we're going to Sector Thirteen." he admitted smiling at her. "Leanna will be getting medical treatment already." he promised. "Gale too, all of them. their on a specially designed medical hovercraft." he admitted shaking his head. "let's get out of here." the cloaks where up, and the four hovercraft vanished just as Mutts came out of holes in the ground and swarmed the people who where still fighting over the packs. "oh my GOD! GALE!!!" Peeta screamed, shocked as he watched Gale fighting against a huge pack of Monkeys, who where dragging him down into the earth to god only knew where. "what!?" Claudius demanded, shocked as he moved over to the window... oh no.."
Lea lay trembling in gale's arms, feeling so sick that she couldn't even think to offer words. Cursing as they cut out her tracker, but she was feeling so shaky and in pain, that she couldn't even focus. Katniss cursed as she realized what had happened, swallowing hard as she watched it."Go!Go. He wont want us to stop. He wante to get Leanna away, and we're doing that. Go."She demanded even as tears choked her she demanded that they do what gale would have wanted. Clinging to peeta she cried holding him tightly as they flew. Knowing that someone was going to have to tell Leanna if she survived the flight, and wondering just how much they were going to have to fight to keep the girl from killing them.

Seneca crane smiled slightly as he moved to the bars of his cage, looking at the dark haired man the' just dragged in, resting his arms on the bars."She's gone you know. I got her out."He muttered because he knew it was little consolation,but he had made sure leanna and the others were gone, before he'd turned himself in.Yes, he hadn't been captured,but he figured if the head gamemaker turned themselves in, then the captiol wouldnt bother looking for anyone else.
Peeta swallowed thickly as he watched the other male get dragged into the hole, thinking it was another part of the game, slashing and fighting viciously. "he's so strong..." Peeta whispered, watching Gale take down three or four of the beasts before they dragged him away, swallowing thickly as he wrapped his arms tightly around Katniss, holding her tightly. "i'm sorry... i'm so sorry..." he whispered softly. "i am so... so sorry Katniss." he whispered, kissing her forehead as Claudius hesitated, setting a hand on her shoulder. "i'm so sorry Katniss... but they won't kill him, or torture him i'm sure." he promised, smiling at her hesitantly. "they'll find out very quickly that he doesn't know anything... especially where he was at the Feast instead of getting picked up like the others where..." he licked his lips nervously, looking at the pilot and nodding, watching the hovercraft follow the others.

Gale was covered in thick scratches and he was bleeding sluggishly as he was dragged in by the Mutts and handed over to Peacekeepers, Gale turning to blink at Seneca. "...she's out?" hope in his eyes now. "she's out of the games!?" he sagged, so relieved that the peacekeepers nearly collapsed when Gale passed out, too relieved, and in too much pain to stay awake, one of the peacemakers rapping on Seneca's bars, demanding he shut up.Gale was dragged into a cell of his own and abandoned on the floor to sluggishly bleed all over the floor, but doctors came in to patch him up before he bled to death. they needed him alive at least. in the morning, the torture would begin, Gale had an unfair advantage... he honestly didn't know anything.
Katniss cried swallowing hard as she buried her face against peeta's chest, 'he's going to be the weapon they'll use to draw lea out. You know they will."She muttered."They wont stand idly by and let his torture be in private. They'll broadcast it and hope she sees. We have to keep her away from tvs."She said already thinking things through because if she gave int her grief, then it'll keep her from thinking clearly for days. She needed to stay on top of things."They wont kill him, because a dead prisoner is useless."

Seneca nodded looking at gale."She is."He promised giving a look at the peacekeeper as his bars were rapped, moving to the back of his cage to complate just how screwed he was. He had intended to die to protect the others, he just hadn't realized that he was going to have to live long enough to get gale out. Which he could.It'd just take time and he didn't know if he was strong enough to withstand the torture to do it.
he growled a little. "they will try... but we can't let her go." he growled shaking his head a little. "but it's not just her Katniss... he's been your best friend for years." he muttered softly. "this is going to be hard for you too." he admitted holding her tightly. "we'll rescue him... i promise we will." he whispered, stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. "Katniss... look at me." he ordered taking her face in his hands, his eyes staring into hers. "do what you need to do... i will get him out if you can't." he promised. "it's alright to be upset... it's alright to cry, and rant and rave, for however long you need to..." he promised, kissing her slowly, savoring the kiss, because he knew when she regained her sanity she was going to punch him for it.

two days had passed since then, and Peeta was in Lea's room as she woke, her ankle was mostly healed, and the poison was out of her system and she was cleared to get out of bed for short periods of time. "good morning Chickadee." he stated, smiling at her, his lips thin. "we almost lost you there..." he admitted, not willing to admit how many times they had to restart the girls heart because of the viscous poison. "they checked on the baby and it's perfectly fine." he promised swallowing thickly as he pondered how to tell her that they had lost Gale, and that Katniss was watching him be tortured on the Television right then and there. arching off the bed he was strapped too as they ran electric currents through his body... and he confessed, god how he confessed, confessed to every little thing he could remember since he was a child. he stole the cookies from Peeta's store when he was six, he went hunting in the woods since his father died, he didn't love Katniss the way he thought he should... screaming as they tortured him more because he didn't tell them what they wanted to know.
Katniss stared at him,closing her eyes as she kissed him back.Because she couldn't do anything else. Watching gale and lea, she'd realized just how much she'd fallen in love with her boy with bread.Not that she was ready to tell him yet.

Lea looked startled to see peeta sitting in her room, before smiling slightly."Ah, well I thought you had to. Gale's going to be pissed.Let's me out of his sight for five minutes to pee on a stick, and I get posioned."She muttered before frowning looking at him."... what is it?"She said resting a hand on her stomach,wondering what more they could be waiting to tell her. Katniss cursed hating that she was stuck watching the tv, but at least they knew he was alive, at least she could plan and try to decide what needed to be done.And she needed to give peeta the privacy to tell lea, cause she didn't want to be around when lea lost her mind with grief.
he laughed weakly and licked his lips, closing his eyes. "Gale didn't make it out..." he whispered softly. "he raced off when the Feast was called, no one could stop him because he was.. well you know how he gets..." he knew better than to hide anything from her, he did. she would never forgive him if he didn't tell her the truth. "their torturing him on the TV... making us watch..." he admitted staring at his hands. "but he doesn't know anything, so he keeps confessing little things... you know i do have to apologize, apparently he was the one who stole the cookies when we where kids..." he muttered, waiting for him to attack him, or start screaming... "we're trying to find a way to bring him back... but we're short on Allies who aren't being tortured..." he admitted closing his eyes.

"Hey sweetheart." Haymish growled suddenly as he moved into the room and settled into a chair next to her. he had been driven out of his room, unable to take the screams on his own. "we'll get him back, you know we will..." Gale had fallen mostly silent on the TV, babbling his small sins over and over again. yes, they would get him back... but how whole would he be? how insane would he be?
Lea stared at him eyes widening."He thought he was getting me medicine...he thought..."But unlike the typical flashes of anger, or the screaming, the silent acceptance was always worse, because she was shutting down. She...she couldn't function."I told you it wasn't me..."She said sounding pained as she shifted, wrapping her arms around hersel as she started to sob, folding in on herself."He..he said the child was matter what...n-no...I can't...peeta.."She gasped her thoughts shattering into a million pieces as she sobbed.

Katniss nearly jumped out of her skin, because she was so edgy about the screams. Swallowing hard as she looked at him nodding a little."We're going tonight.Or I am.I have to get him back.For lea.For myself. Otherwise there's not going to be enough of his mind left to function."She said standing and dragging haymitch with her heading for her room to get ready then the weapons room of 13 to arm herself
Peeta nodded. "... he did get your medicine..." he admitted softly. "he is holding it now..." he admitted. and indeed he was, as they tortured him, he still held the medicine that he thought was going to save Lea. "the Child is his..." he whispered, pulling her carefully to him, hugging her tightly as she sobbed. "shhh Chickadee Shh... he won't be there for long i promise..." he whispered softly. "you and i both know Katniss is going to go and get him soon, and no one can stop her... they wouldn't dare try to stop her." he admitted stroking her hair. "she'll get him back for us." he promised. "he'll be back soon, and you and he can raise a perfect little baby together."

Hamish nodded. "i got some folks to go with you." he admitted smiling at her. "they'll help you get him." he promised as four men entered the room, not anyone she would recognize, all of them smiling at her. sad, grim smiles as they carried their own weapons ready and willing to die to get Gale back for Lea, and for Katniss. "lets go get that boy back." Hamish ordered, smirking at her. "it's a shame i didn't have HIM last year, we wouldn't have all these problems then." he complained in that gruff way of his.
Lea sniffled crying harder as he realzed that."He...he went for me.He's getting hurt for me."She cried harder, holding onto him tightly sobbing because there was nothing else she could do before giggling waterly, nodding a little."No...she's not going to sit around for long."She sniffled sighing softly, needing to believe that gale would be back soon.

Katniss nodded smirking at haymitch."Don't tell peeta that.He's liable to kill ou for that. And you know you like him."She smirked a little before nodding.Getting ready to go.

And when they returned, it had been frighteningly easy to get gale out, but she hadn't thought of it. She was just glad that they'd gotten him out, and even know he was in lea's room sleeping as peeta stayed with them both. Stepping into the room she looked relieved to see that lea was drugged to sleep, curled up against gale's side as peeta sat in the bed next to them, looking worried."How is he?The doctors told me to come talk to you?"
Peeta smiled a little. "you went in there knowing he was going to die for you, remember?" he asked smiling at her. 'he would do anything for you, anything to keep you safe... and him knowing that your safe is the best hope, and the best strength he could ever have." he promised softly as he held her closely.

Gale had been easy to catch, he had babbled nonstop the entire way back. babbling about how he took the cookies, he hunted in the woods, he didn't love Katniss, he stole the cookies, he hunted in the woods.... finally one of the doctors drugged him so he would stop babbling. Peeta was watching Gale closely, happy that the other was back. "yeah, the doc says that we should all be here when he wakes up, so he knows he's safe..." Peeta admitted smiling a little. as Gale groaned, his eyes fluttering opened, panicked, where was he!? he looked down at Lea... sleeping... not a threat, at Katniss... harmless twit... not a threat... at Peeta... AWAKE! DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!!! before anyone could react he was on the other. Screaming something about Mutts, about how they where all Mutts! they where all going to die! they where all going to die!!!! he slammed Peeta's head into the ground, once, twice, three times before the District Thirteen guards and nurses where able to drag him off of Peeta, who was still on the floor, blood seeping out of his skull as Gale roared that Peeta and Lea where Mutts, they where Mutts and they where going to kill everyone! he had to kill them before they killed everyone!!!! he was knocked out quickly, and the medical team swarmed on Peeta, whose blood was spreading across the floor like a thick red paint...
Katniss scrambled to peeta's side, holding a hand over the cut in his head, struggling to help the doctors before she to was drugged.

When everyone woke again lea swallowed hard as she swam up through the drugs, looking so worried and scared, "What...what happened?"She choked looking at peeta then at haymitch who was sitting between all his tributes beds Sitting up llooking around for gale."Where's gale?What happened?"she said starting to panic thinking he'd died and no one had woken her to let her say goodbye.
Haymish shook his head. "Gale attacked Peeta..." he stated gruffly. "kept saying that he and Lea where dangerous... they you where mutts... you where gonna kill us all..." he sighed a little. "he's under serious guard, but he's not harmed... we think they did something to his brain." he admitted. "they call it hijacking... they take all the good memories of people he loves, and show it over and over again while he's under the effects of Tracker Jacker Venom..." he closed his eyes. "there's no known cure.." he admitted softly. "he would have attacked Lea if she hadn't been sleeping, had not been a threat..." he shuddered. "he might have killed her... no ones sure what to do with him now.." he admitted hesitantly. "we don't want to hurt him, or kill him but we don't know how to help him either..." he admitted softly. "they broke part of his mind with that torture too, and i don't know if we can fix that either..." Haymish admitted, licking his lips a little. "Peeta's got a pretty damn good concussion.." he admitted looking over at Peeta, who was sleeping on the bed next to hers, his head all wrapped up in bandages. they had been changed recently, because there was no blood on the fluffy whiteness. "Lea's next to you." he explained before she could ask. "she never even woke up..."
Katniss sighed, swallowing hard."I guess there are small mercies."She said because she knew that the moment lea wasn't drugged she was going to be up and demanding to see gale, even if it was dangerous.Because she was lea, who ran headlong into things, who was carrying his child.She wouldn't,couldn't do someting different."We'll deal with it when we have to."She said looking so worried about peeta, but nodding.

Hours later lea swallowed hard as she stood at the door to gale's room, having slipped both her keepers, including katniss and haymitch, and bribed his guards into giving her a few minutes. Glancing at the handcuffs he was wearing she looked scared but she needed to tell him. Pain lickering over her face as she moved to his side, looking down at him."Gale?"She muttered softly.Having had the process of hijacking explained to her, she still needed to try and talk to him.
he nodded a little. "something like that would have broken her, i'm sure of it." Haymish admitted sighing a little as he patted her knee. "i'm sure he'll be alright... they have some very good mind doctors here, call em therapists, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean." he admitted rolling his eyes a little. "they'll get him sorted out.

Gale was handcuffed to his chair. and he was sitting there, his head hung low, muttering something under his breath. even unable to hear him you knew what he was saying. "i stole the cookies... i hunt in the woods.. i don't love Katniss... i stole the cookies, i hunt in the woods..." he looked up as the door slid open, his eyes unfocused. "i stole the cookies... i hunt in the wood..." he muttered before blinking, focusing on her, snarling viciously. "NO!!! NO!!! you stay away from me! HELP!!! HELP!!! THERE'S A MUTT!!! THERE'S A MUTT IN HERE!!!!" he screamed, yanking on his handcuffs until his wrists bled as he jerked and twisted and writhed. "YOU HAVE TO KILL IT!!! YOU HAVE TO KILL IT!!!!"
Lea swallowed hard, but she'd braced herself fr this reaction. At least she had thought she had.But it still felt like he'd punched her. Swallowing as she steppe back towards the door, tears in her eyes."Gale.I'm having your child..I wanted to tell ou...even if you hate me."She said softl looking so miserable and hurt by his words you would have thought he really had hit her.Sniffling a little before going in search of peeta and crawling up in bed with him,snugglng close, like she had done ever since she was a child.
he snarled and screamed that she was going to kill them all the entire time she was there, he didn't even seem to notice that she had spoken. Peeta was still and calm, sleeping peacefully with his white bandaged head. the doctors had put him into a small Coma so they could control when he woke up, so he wouldn't be in pain. as soon as his concussion was healed enough to not be life threatening he would wake up. but for now... she had only a sleeping body to lay next to.

hours later, Leanna was shaken awake by a man in white. "Leanna? i'm Doctor Aurelius." he explained softly, giving her a small smile. "i'm the doctor who's treating Gale... can you come with me?" he asked softly, his head tilted as he led her back to Gales room. "there's been an interesting development that i think you might find comforting." he admitted smiling at her. "you see, Gale's mind has split you into two separate people." he admitted. "there's the person he sees, heard, and reacts to, who he is certain is a Mutt, which the Capitol wants... and then there is the part of him that can't bare to hurt you." he explained. "he's convinced that YOU, are being held int he Capitol and being hurt, and that... well, you, are a Mutt they sent here to spy and kill us all." he explained stopping at Gale's door. "we're not sure who he's talking to, but listen." the Doctor ordered calmly, pressing a button next to the door, letting Gabe's voice filter through. "i'm going to be a father you know.... Lea's baby is mine... all mine.." there was such pride in his voice. "we're going to run away... run away and live in the Deep Wild... with Peeta and Katniss, and Prim and Katniss's mother... we're going to be safe there... we just have to rescue Lea... and then we can be happy..." the doctor smiled at her. "part of him understood what you said to him, he just can't differentiate from you, and what the Capitol makes him see. it's a good sign that he can tell there's a difference..." the doctor admitted calmly. "it means we have something to work with." he promised smiling at her. "we're going to see if he reacts to Katniss the same way he reacts to you and Peeta." he admitted, waving to Katniss as she appeared. "good morning Katniss, and how are you feeling this morning?"
"..wha?"Leanna slurred a little as she was woken up blinking stupidly before nodding. Climbing out of bed he followed the doctor into the room, resting her foreahead against the observation deck.Nodding slightl."That is good."She said even if she sounded so sad because it hurt to see him like this. To unable to be in there and help him. Smiling slightly as she listened to him talk, tears sliding down her cheeks as she listened. Katniss smiled a little, though it was sad and forlorn despite knowing the good news about gale. She was just worried there wasn't enough of his mind left to heal."Like my boyfriend's in intensive care and my best friend's gone insane and I can't do anything."she said sighing a little."Let's see how this goes."She said taking a deep breath before stepping into the room with gale, smiling as she heard him talking."Your going to be a father?"
she smiled a little and nodded a little. "he'll start recognizing you eventually... i'm sure." he promised softly before turning to Katniss, smiling at her as he nodded. "Gale can be rewired..." he promised. "every mind can be rewired... we just have to figure out how to do it..." he admitted smiling at them both. "there is always hope, no matter the situation." he promised before letting Katniss into the room. for a moment Gale didn't notice her, babbling to himself how he and Lea where going to live in the woods, and she'd make wonderful dinners, like the ones at the Capitol, big fancy chickens and soft puddings, and they'd never be hungry and they would never have to worry about the Games ever again. then she spoke and he tensed, his eyes focusing on her. "whose that!?" he sounded scared. "i don't know anything...please...." terrified she was from the Capitol before he blinked, his eyes focused and he relaxed. "K..Katniss?" he asked softly, his eyes filling with tears. "Katniss they have Lea...." he whispered. "we have to save Lea... please! you have to beleive me!" he pleaded, straining against his cuffs. "why are they holding me!?..." he looked terrified. "we;re still at the Capitol aren't we?... your here to torture me aren't you... your not really Katniss...."
Katniss winced at his words before sitting on the edge of the bed, gently stroking his hair out of his face."It's me gle, I rpomise it's me."She said looking so sad about him."We went and got lea when we got you to.She's here.She's being taken care of, I promise."She muttered."We're in 13. We're safe. I promise."She muttered looking so worried about him
he growled as she touched him, jerking his head away from her, wary of the pain he thought she was going to cause him, closing his eyes firmly. " you lying... your a liar..." he hissed softly. "she's not here... only that Mutt is here... pretending to be her...." he jerked against his cuffs again, jerking again as he tried to get out, to get away from Katniss so he could find and save Lea. "LEANNA!!! LEANNA HOLD ON! I'LL SAVE YOU! I WILL!" he yelled, as if hoping he could save her. jerking and snarling viciously as he tried to get free, a doctor rushing in and giving him a narcotic to put him back to sleep. he slumped in his chair, breathing slowly as he closed his eyes, shuddering a little. "have to save Lea... Have to save Lea..." he muttered softly, his eyes closing as he sagged, the doctors uncuffing him and carefully bandaging his bleeding wrists before strapping him to the bed so he would stop harming himself. one of the doctors looked at Katniss. "Peeta's awake... he's not sure what's happened..."
Ktniss sighed looking so worried for gale before swallowing hard."I'll go talk to peeta.Watch leanna.She'll sneak in here if you give her the chance."katniss sai before walking down to peeta's room, not even bothering to pretend she was okay before she climbed up on the bed with peeta, cuddling close.In leanna it would have been a normal reaction,for katniss to be this upset....she was truly scared."How do you feel?"
the doctor nodded. "she can't get in without clearance." she admitted calmly. "and she doesn't have clearance." she admitted calmly, well aware of how upset Leanna was going to be. Peeta was blinking at the ceiling, frowning, trying to figure out what happened and why he was in the hospital. "Katniss?" he asked, startled as he watched her, and held her gently. "Katniss what's wrong?" he asked, frowning as he stroked her hair. "why am i in the hospital?... did we save Gale?" he asked, wondering if that's what was wrong with Katniss. "i feel... sore... my head hurts." he admitted scowling a little. "did i fall and hit my head or something?" he asked his head tilted a little. "Katniss what's wrong!?"
Katniss sniffled a little burying her face against his chest, not answering for a long moment until she realized she was upsetting him."We saved gale. And then he bashed your head into the floor."She sniffled before sitting up so she could look down ath im, looking so worried for him."Snow hiijacked gale. Pumped him with tracker jacker posion and made him believe his memories are false. He thinks we're all mutts, and the real us are in captiol."she said starting to cry."He nearly killed you before we realized something was wrong."She said swallowing hard."And I brought him back.I nearly gt you killed..."
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