Lightening Strike

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Peeta relaxed as she started to talk and frowned a little, looking astonished. "oh no..." he muttered, horrified. "oh Katniss i'm so sorry... shh Love." he muttered, holding her close. "it's not his fault, and it's not your fault either." he muttered. "like he said in the Games... it's the Capitol's fault." he promised kissing her forehead. "we'll fix him, you'll see. nothing keeps Gale down for long." he promised kissing her cheek. "he'll pull through, we just have to keep Lea calm..." he muttered shaking his head a little. "come on love." he muttered slowly sitting up, kissing her forehead again. "we'll go into our room, and we can all cuddle each other." he promised, smiling at her. "ok? you, and me and Lea, we'll keep each other calm."
Katniss sniffled clinging to him before swallowing hard."Okay."She said softly realizing that he was right,even if it didn't feel like it. Shuddering a little she helped him get up,wrapping a arm around his waist as they walked"We have to grab lea.She's hanging out in gale's rom."She said smiling sadly as they paused in the observation room, looking so sad at the sight of lea sitting on the chair by the glass, pressing her forehead against the glass as she watched gale. "Come on,chickadee." "What=Peeta!peeta."Lea gasped walking across the room quickly wrapping peeta up in a tight hug, nuzzling his neck.
he smiled as he kissed her gently, shaking his head a little. "of course she is..." he muttered softly as he sighed a little smiling as he watched her watching Gale, who had woken and was staring blankly at the ceiling again, muttering about the cookies and the hunting. Peeta grimaced as he was hugged, but held her tightly and kissed her temple. "I'm alright Chickadee." he promised softly. "i'm alright." he murmured smiling a little as he watched Gale mutter as one of the doctors moved in and carefully removed his restraints, Gale looking confused, but sitting up and eating the meal he had been given, eating slowly, wary of poisons. "... He needs something to do... something he's good at, something he enjoys..." he muttered softly. "... doesn't he like to whittle? we could give him a small knife, keep a very close eye on him..." he mused staring at Gale who looked lost as to what to do now that his meal was done, and there was no one trying to restrain him. he cautiously stood up and the doctor smiled at him and nodded before leaving. so Gale paced, back and forth, back and forth, muttering about cookies and hunting.
Lea bit her lip watching the dark haired man pace before nodding."I'll go get his things."She said already scampering out of the room. "She needs watched.She's not doing as well as she pretends.And she's not taking care of herself, not like she needs to while pregnant."Katniss muttered looking amused as the doctor stepped back in look a little shell shocked hmself, well being pounced on by lea would leave anyone feeling odd, before handing gale his whittling things. Lea stepped back into the room smiling at peeta."You should be resting."She said moving on to her second favorite person to fuss over.
Peeta smiled a little and shook his head a little. "she will be watched. i know how to make her eat." he promised smiling a little as he watched her scamper off. "she needs to fuss over something, over someone..." he admitted looking impressed at the collection of knives, chisels, and picks that Gale had. the boy looked so shocked to have them, running his fingers over them hesitantly, as if expecting a trick, and then he selected a sturdy knife, a piece of red wood, and settled into his chair with an almost peaceful look on his face as he started to carve on the wood, shaving off small pieces with a guard and a doctor in attendance to make sure he didn't try to hurt himself. he ignored them, focusing on the wood in his hands with an intensity that was almost frightening. "you should be eating." Peeta countered when Lea complained at him, smiling as he watched Gale. 'he looks happier." it was true, there was a small smile on the boys face now as he worked, calm and at ease as he worked the wood in his talented hands.
Katniss nodded."Good.we'll make her eat, and she can fuss over you."She said looking worried about him even more than gale, cause that head concusiion had scared her badly. Lea frowned at him,"I'm not hungry."She said looking thoughtful as she rested her forehead against the glass as she watched gale, looking happy that he looked better. Katniss smiled a little, before gently wrapping a arm around lea's waist, pulling her away from the glass despite her protests,"Come on you two.We're going to go eat now."
he smiled a little and nodded a little. "i think i might need fussing over... the world seams a little tilted today." he admitted shaking his head slowly, not wanting to make himself Dizzy. "good, i'm starving." Peeta admitted, smiling a little as he took Lea's hand. "don't worry Lea, we can come back later to check on him, but when he gets better and he finds out you haven't been taking care of yourself, he's going to be upset." he warned smiling at her. "and you don't want that do you?" he asked curiously. "not after he was oh so proud about being your baby daddy." he teased smiling a little as they moved into the cafeteria, ignoring the fact that it wasn't dinner time yet. he was hungry, he was injured, and he was tired of all the damn rules.
Lea blushe softly as she helped katniss get him down at the table, settling at the table with enough food for the three of thembiting her lip."No, but he'd fuss if I did.Then he wouldn't feel bad about trying to kill me."She said sounding thoughtful. Katniss froned a little sitting next to peeta, looking at him orried, about as worried about him as lea was about gale. While she'd never admit it, she was in love with him. "I can't eat alot."Lea sighed. "But you are going to eat, otherwise I'm going to go tell gale that your not taking care of yourself." "...he wont care.At least...not about the person eh thinks is a mutt"Lea said looking so worried as she slouched, but she listened to peeta starting to eat.
Peeta shook his head. "but he never tried to kill you." Peeta stated blinking at her. "the first time you where asleep, you weren't a threat to him and he attacked me instead. the second time he just screamed for help right? he never tried to lung at you... his mind might have separated you into two people, but his heart knows better, his heart knows who you are, and he can't bare to hurt you, Mutt or not.' he promised smiling at her. "and if you don't eat, he'll only feel guilty that he caused you pain and worry enough that you stopped eating." he shook his head. "and if you don't eat, you'll hurt your baby Lea... do you want to punish your baby because your feeling out of sorts?" he asked, frowning at her as he slid the plate over to her. "now eat, or i'll make you go back tot he hospital with me and they'll strap you down and put tubes in your arms." he stuffed a mouthful of tubers into his arm. "and Gale WILL care that your not eating. and i'll prove it, we'll send one of the doctors in there, and they'll tell him."
Lea stared at him looking unsure before nodding."He screamed for someone to take care of the mutt."She said slouching a little as she loked over at him before biting her lip as she pulled the plate closer starting to eat as she ignored the other two. Katniss snickered a little as se ate, looking at peeta."Emotional blackmail.That's mean."She muttered snickering a little before sighing."We'll go tell him your not eating, after you eat."Seh said to lea, knowing that despite eating, the woman didn't believe them about gale caring still.despite loving him, lea was to hurt to out of sorts to be seeing things clearly.
Peeta chuckled a little as he shook his head as he glanced at Katniss. "it's about the only thing that works on her." he admitted with a small smirk. "but it does work." he admitted devouring two helpings of his meal, ignoring the annoyed looks from the other District Thirteen people. they could bite him. he made her eat all of her meal, and then dragged her up to the observation deck as a doctor hesitantly approached Gale, settling next to his knee. "Gale?" Gale didn't react at first, still carving. "we have a problem about Leanna..." she whispered and immediately Gale focused on the doctor. "... Leanna?" he asked, his face filled with worry. "what's wrong with Leanna?" "she's not eating... she thinks you hate her..." "no! how could she think that!? NO! she has to eat! you have to let me out! i have to find her! she's still at the Capitol! we have to go get her!" "we already got her Gale." the doctor assured him, patting his hand. "she's here... but you don't recognize her when you see her...." Gale looked confused now. "i... i don't understand..." Peeta watched, his head tilted as the doctor very carefully explained what the Capitol id to him. "...but... but she twits!" Gale protested. "the mutt! she's not really Leanna! i'd know if it was really Leanne! you don't understand! she grows Fangs! her eyes glow red!" upset and agitated, but showing no hostility to the doctors. "HER EYES GLOW RED!" "that's the tracker Jacker effect... every time he sees you, he sees what the Capitol makes him see." Peeta explained, blinking at her. "once their sure the Venom is out of his system, their going to try showing me to him again..." he admitted smiling at her. "he loves you, even thinking your a mutt he loves you."
Leanna was quiet as she watched them,chewing on her lip as she watched gale. Before nodding looking at peeta. Turning to lean against him she buried her face against his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist with a sigh.It hurt, "It hurts peeta...I don't ike seeing him like this."She muttere holding on tight.

Two months later Leanna swallowed hard as she looked at peeta, resting her head on his shoulder as she listened to the sound of her child's heartbeat.Tears misting her eyes as she thought about it, she wanted gale should have been gale. While he was making progress, every time he sa her he stil reacted as if he was still under tracker jacker posion, the influence so strong that while peeta had been included on the twisting it revealed that it was realy leanna that snow had wante to make sure that would never be able to be together, to be happy. She shivered whimpering softly as she shifted wrapping her arms around peeta as she cried."It should have been gale here...he should be hearing this."She muttered and she sounded so sad and tired. Because despite them forcing her to take care of her body, and make sure she eas happy, her spirit had taken a beating, and the very thing that sno had anted, had happened. Leanna was broken, and she wanted gale back.
Peeta held her closely. "i know... it hurts.." he whispered softly. "i can't imagine how i'd feel if it was Katniss in there.." he admitted softly. "but it will be alright.. i'm sure of it." he murmured smiling a little as he kissed her forehead. in the two months, Gale had slowly started to accept that Peeta wasn't a Mutt, not much, but a little. enough that he didn't try to kill the other every time he saw him. but when they brought Leanna in he started panicking and crawled the walls trying to get away from her. he didn't attack her, couldn't attack her, but him being afraid of her was almost as bad. Peeta held her hand, kissing her forehead as he watched the little baby moving around in her belly, sighing a little. "i know.." he whispered. "but he's getting better... he's just found out that Mutts can't breed." he admitted smiling at her. "did you know that? Mutations can't carry babies..." he admitted setting a hand on her slightly swollen baby. "i bet your kid is going to look like him... going to have his pretty gray eyes don't you think?" the door slid open suddenly and a person stepped in. Gale, he wasn't chained, he didn't need to be. he looked confused as he looked around and then froze as he saw Leanna, his eyes wild, panicked but he swallowed thickly. "...Mutts can't carry babies..." he muttered softly to himself, terrified, but willing to trust Katniss and the doctor he had come to rely on. "Mutt's can't carry babies..." he muttered again, slowly inching his way forward, glancing from Peeta to Leanna, trembling as he hesitantly, so hesitantly reached out and settled his hand on Leanna's belly, feeling the swollen, a glance at the screen to prove it was in there before his courage failed him, and he fled... but, he had touched her, he had sort of recognized that she wasn't really a mutt. Peeta was gaping, shocked and then he stared at Leanna. "...he touched you." he sounded astonished... he WAS astonished. "Lea.. he TOUCHED you..." the last time she had managed to touch him he had screamed himself hoarse, he had made his throat bleed... but not only had he not screamed, he had approached her, had touched her under his own will... and had made certain in his own mind... that she was pregnant. he was recovering. and even more, he had left something on her belly, a carved animal, a Chickadee with wings spread wide.... so much better than the pathetic attempt that Peeta had made for her necklace.
Lea himperedd quietly as she rested against peeta's chest before smiling a little."I know katniss was telling him."She muttered rubbing a hnd over her stomach, her eyes side."I hope he does.Gale has..."She stopped, trailing off when the door opened, looking shocked an nervous to see him there. Watching him she smiled gently."No they can't."She muttered sighing softly as he touched her, tears filling her eyes as she looked up at him.That was...amazing. Swallowing hard she laughed happily burying her face against peeta's chest as she cupped the chickadee in her hands before sitting up, wiping her eyes swallowing."We'll be okay."She said thoughtfully.

That night lea swallowed hard as she glanced around her, glad that everyone had gone to bed and they'd finally taken the guards off gale's room. which meant she could do what she anted. Smiling gently as she eased the door open before shutting it behind her, easing towards the bed looking nervous but holding the chickadee and a picture from her ultrasound in her hands."Gale?"She whispered softly not getting to close until she was sure he was awake before stepping to the edge of the bed, smiling gently down at him.

"He...he touched her?I know he'd gone to see her, but I hadn't... I hadn't thought..."Katniss sniffled starting to cry because it made her so happy to hear it. Shifting closer to the man she was sleeping next to almost every night, sitting up on her elbows to look down at him.
Peeta smiled a little and shook his head a little. "you should see all the things he's been car..." he paused as well as the door slid open and watched the interaction between Gale and Leanna. smiling as he held her tightly. he never thought to keep an eye on her that night, and he smiled at Katniss as he nodded. "he set his hand on her belly." he admitted. "he panicked at the end, but he did touch her, and he left her a Chickadee carving." he admitted smiling at Katniss, his head tilted a little. "you look pretty when your crying." he admitted suddenly. "i go all red and blotchy but you don't..." he admitted handing her a tissue paper so she could blow her nose.

Gale was staring at the ceiling, muttering something under his breath. "i am Gale Hawthorn... i am eighteen years old... i am in love with Leanne Dresden... Peeta calls her Chickadee... i call her spitfire... she is not a mutt..." he mumbled, seaming to be comforted by this strange mantra, as if he was reminding himself who he, and she was. he flinched as he heard her voice, and he stared at her, wide eyed as he sat up and huddled as far away from her as he could and still be on the bed. "don't come closer.' he ordered, his voice wavering as he studied her, swallowing thickly. "...o... okay.. you... you can come closer now..." he muttered, terrified... but willing to try. "...your really Lea... right? you promise... right?" he asked softly, his eyes filled with a horrible mix of hope, and terror... but he wasn't panicking... he was letting her come close, he really was recovering.
Katniss smiled a little as she watched them, before laughing softly."Well.Maybe it's a good thing we're staying in here."She said looking amused as they watched the two before looking at peeta to give them a sense of privacy, even if they weren't aware her and peeta were on the other side of the glass."He messed up a few times.Took awhile to get a chickadee."she said before blushing at his words taking the tissue and blowing her nose before smiling at him.."I'm sure I'm blotchy and red to.And you're always cute."She sai teasing him a little.

Leanna tilted her head listening to his mantra but understanding hat it as. Wincing a little when he flinched but staying where she was until he said it was okay, "I am.I really am.I promise."She said smiling at him, pain in her eyes as she realized she was terrifying him, edging closer to the bed, but not reaching out for him or anything.Biting her lip as she held up the ultrasound picture she as holding, tears isting her eyes as she held it out towards him."I thought...maybe you'd want this..."
he smiled a little and nodded a little. "yeah. i'm just glad that they can't see us. Leanne would be pissed." he admitted smiling a little. "that thing he's doing... the doctor said it's a type of reprogramming... he repeats it enough times and it cements itself in his head. he has one for me too... it's... actually quite insulting." he complained pouting a little before grinning a little as he nodded. "i saw the butterfly he made... he gave it to Prim right?" he asked smiling a little. "and i'm not cute." he complained shooting her a slightly annoyed look. "you've been teasing me a lot lately... have i upset you somehow?" he asked, looking a little concerned... because he still didn't realize that she loved him.

he studied her intently, relaxing a little as she didn't try to touch him, hesitating as he took the picture and examined it. "it' pretty?" he asked, studying it, flipping it this way and that, trying to figure out what it was. "...what it it?" he finally asked, blinking at her a little, his head tilted as he stared at his belly, abandoning the picture as he hesitantly touched her belly again. 'may i..." he paused... hesitating as he looked at her, his breath quickening, frightened again as he closed his eyes. "my name is Gale Hawthorn... i love Leanne Dresden... she is not a Mutt..." he muttered this to himself a few times before he opened his eyes, looking at her without that terror again and then touched her belly again. "may i listen? Peeta says,... that you can.. can hear a baby when it's in a belly..." he admitted softly, frightened still, but not terrified.
"She's going to be pissed if she remembers we're usually in here."Katniss pointed out nodding a little."It's good for him."she said before smirking a little."What is it?"She asked looking interested before nodding."yea. Prim's carrying it around and refusing to let it go."She said before wining at his look, blushing slightly at his words."No.I just enjoy teasing you...I can stop..."She said avoiding his eyes, because while she could admit it to herself, she couldn't admit it to him, no matter how much she wanted to.

Leanna laughed softly at his reaction reaching out and straightening it, gentle fingers holding his hand, pointing at the baby, tracing the edges of their child."It's our baby.See? Here."She said smiling gently before looking worried about him before nodding. Looking worried for him before nodding, loking relieved when he calmed, sighing softy in pleasure as he touched her stomach, even if it as such a innocent touch, it was nice.. "You can.He listens all the time. Thinks he's preparing for him and katniss."She said snickering a little at the idea,forgetting the couple sitting in the other room, before sitting on the edge of the bed, laying back against his pillows as she tugged her shirt up so he could listen. While she wasn't huge, there was a definate baby bulge.
Peeta chuckled a little and nodded a little. "it is good for him..." he agreed smiling as he watched him calm himself down, his head tilted a little. "Prim did always love him." Peeta admitted with a crooked grin. "i think she's even more upset about all of this than you are." he admitted looking over at her, shaking his head. "no, it's alright i don't mind, i just wanted to make sure that i hadn't done something to upset you." he admitted hesitating before kissing her cheek. he flushed hard though at Lea's admittance to him listening to her belly and he turned so he wasn't looking at Katniss so she wouldn't see the longing on his face... he wanted babies, but he knew she didn't. so he didn't say anything.

he blinked at the picture, frowning a little. "...that's not a baby..." he protested, baffled as he tilted his head at it. "that doesn't look like a baby at all... it kinda looks like a duck..." he complained scowling at her. " there something you need to tell me?" for that moment, he sounded just like the old Gale, his teasing accusation about her getting it on with a duck was so... normal, he nearly shocked himself. but then she was laying down, and his ear was on her belly, and he forgot everything but the deep happy feelings that filled him. and before she even knew it, he was asleep with his ear on her belly, listening to their baby.
"I think your right."She said tilting her head a little."No.I'm not upset with you."She sid shifting wrapping her arms around him, blushing softly as she studied what she could see of his face, ondering what he was thinking.And sighing softly because like lea, she knew peeta wanted kids. And it hurt to consider that he would leave her if she didn't have kids. "peeta..."she said fear sounding in the words, because she was so afraid he'd leave. She wanted....she was willing to try.She wasn't sure if she could have kids, but she could try. If given time.But she was afraid he wouldn't wait for her.

"It is to!"Lea sputtered laughing a little efore pouting, pokng him in the shoulder with a happy little smile. So happy to hear the old duck."Oh yes. Me and that duck in the arena were having some alone time while you were gettig me food."She said rolling her eyes smiling as she looked down at him resting on her stomach. Staying up all night, just stroking his hair. to sad and worried that this was all a dream to sleep.
he chuckled a little. "we should tell her that he's making progress. she's been nonstop telling him that there are no mutts here... and that she would know, being a healer and all." he admitted with a small chuckle before swallowing as he looked away from her. he did look at her when she said his name and he smiled a little at her, kissing her forehead. "it's alright Katniss." he muttered softly. "you will always be my sun, my moon, and my Mockingjay." he murmured giving her a slow kiss. "i need to go lay down... i have a headache..." he admitted with a sigh. he was still suffering from having his head nearly bashed in.

he shook his head a little. "that damn duck. should have shot him when i had the chance." he grumbled playfully, smiling a little as he sighed, relaxing against her. when he woke it was morning and it took him a moment to realize that he had fallen asleep with the Mutt who was pretending to be Lea... but it hadn't hurt him... why hadn't it hurt him!? he didn't understand!!! it was touching him... stroking his hair... he struggled free of her and darted away from her, slamming into the wall, half asleep, disoriented, too frightened to scream he was unsure of what was happening. "speak quietly to him, he's confused." a doctor whispered to Lea. "you have to pull him out of his dreams and out of the Haze... he's seeing the Capitol, he doesn't realize your here..." the doctor promised, smiling at her. usually when Gale panicked like this, darting from wall to wall, they had to sedate him to calm him down... but with him accepting Lea last night, the doctors where hoping that she could calm gale down.
"I will. She'll like knowing that."She said watching him pain flickering through her eyes at his words, kissing him back."I'll see you in the morning."She muttered atching him go, looking worried.

Lea looked startled, and sleepy as she watched gale for a moment before swallowing hard, staying where she was so not to panic him worse she sat up, watching him."You're name is gale hawthorne, you're in love with leanna dresden, me, who is not a mutt... we are having a child. Who looks like a duck. Your best friend is peeta mellark, even if you wont admit it."Leanna purred softly, calmly trying to make him relax even if panic showed in her eyes, afraid that he'd try hurting her.
Peeta smiled at her, kissing her forehead. "no matter what, i will always love you." she promised softly, smiling at her before leaving to have his head examined again ad go to sleep in the hospital hooked up to painkillers.

Gale whirled as she spoke, panting furiously, wild in his terror, trembling as he hugged himself tight to the wall, but he hesitated as he focused on her words. "...i am Gale Hawthorn... i am in love with Leanna Dresden... i am freinds with Peeta... who stole Katniss, who can't hunt.. i am in love with Leanna Dresden, i am freinds with Peeta who stole Katniss and can't hunt..." he muttered, sliding down the wall, too shaky to stay standing. "i am Gale Hawthorn... i love Leanna Dresden, i am freinds with Peeta..." he mumbled, swallowing thickly, his eyes fogged over as if he was in shock. "i am Gale Hawthorn... i am eighteen... i like to carve. i am freinds with Peeta Mellark... Katniss Everdeen is my sister... i am in love with Leanna Dresden..." and this he repeated over and over again for an hour or more until he blunk a little, his eyes starting to focus. "talk to him again..." the doctor whispered softly. "tell him something only you would know..."
Lea's eyes went wide, swallowing the giggle that threatened because his words about peeta, she hadn't heard that mantra before. Smiling a little before sighing sotly watching him pain flickering through her eyes before she moved over, staying away from him but meeting his eyes."You told me you ere going to get me out of the games, because I was pregnant. That it didn't matter who's child the father was, it was yours."She muttered rubbing a hand over her stomach."We groped each other while asleep. And you got tangled up in a blanket, then we had sex. That first time....we had sex because of a blanket."She said calmly looking so worried and scared for him.
he blinked at her, blinked again and then gently touched her cheek. "..Lea?" he asked, confused, his lip trembling. "Lea? you tried to rip out my throat..." he complained, confusing the real her and the Mutt that existed only in his head as he pulled her lip up a little so he could examine her teeth. "no... not you, the other you.. the bad you... we have to leave.. they'll come for us." he mumbled, setting his hand on her belly, rubbing it slowly. "our baby looks like a duck." he muttered softly. "we have to go.. before the other Lea comes... she'll eat you... she'll eat you..." he was crying now, his arms wrapped around her, sobbing into her shoulder. "i'm so scared Lea... i can't tell what's real... i don't know whats real anymore..."
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