Lightening Strike

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he smiled a little with a shake of his head a little. "i was in love with you, even then." he murmured smiling a little. "and besides, you saved my life during the games... doesn't that make us even?" he asked, smiling at her. "now go to sleep so i can sleep. your so exhausting." he teased giving her a slow lingering kiss before laying down, sighing a little.

he smiled as she got as close to him as she could get, snuggling into her happily, shocked as she started to cry. "Lea? Lea sweetie whats wrong?" he demanded, panicked as he stroked her hair, eyes wide, swallowing thickly. "did i hurt you? i'm sorry i didn't mean to..." he complained, holding her close. "i'm sorry Lea... do you need anything? i can get you something... uhm... pills? painkillers!?" he asked, staring at her with wide eyes, worried about her, biting her lip a little.
"Hmm I guess.And I haven't done anything to you to be exhausting."She pouted out before yaning,raising a eyebrow. Looking...curious. While she was tired, she was interested in exploring those lingering kisses. Closing her ees she smiled snuggling into him, willing to sleep if thats what he wanted from her.

gale sighed softly sniffling as she buried her face against his chest before shaking her head."N-no.I'm not hurt."She reassured biting her lip going quiet for a few minutes before answering his question."You got hurt...for me...I...I'm sorry."She muttered sniffling and holding onto him tightly."I'm so sorry.."
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "yes you have, your just too oblivious to know it." he teased chuckling a little as he kissed her again before settling down into sleep, breathing slowly.

he relaxed as she assured him that she wasn't hurt, kissing her forehead gently. "i love you... i was prepared to die for you, you know and your upset because i was hurt a little?" he asked smiling. "i love you." he murmured softly, kissing her gently. "i'm safe now... that's all that matters..." he mumbled softly to her. he softly comforted her until she fell asleep and smiled as he slept with her. in the morning though she was woken by a soft sound, a deep hiss that was falling out of his mouth. a deep, hiss... like something a snake might make. "peetaaaa." he growled, fidgeting on the bed. "gotta... kill... Peeta..." he growled, his eyes snapping open, sitting up. "PEETA!!!" he leaped out of bed, turned to Leanna. "stay here! lock the door! turn off the lights!" he ordered before leaving the room and racing down the hallway, smacking one of the emergency sirens, slamming into Peeta and Katniss's rooms. "THE MUTTS ARE HERE!" he screamed, dragging them both out of bed. "we have to run! The Mutt's are here! their going to kill Peeta! RUN!" and then, the floor above them, the ground floor... the screams started.
Katniss stumbled out of bed looking surprised and shocked before her head whipped out at the sound before looking at gale."Go back to lea. Protect her.Take peeta with you."She ordered shoving both men towards the door, wincing as she saw the pregnant woman coming up the hallway looking just as frantic."Nevermind. All three of you stay here.I'll go upstairs and see what's happening."She said already reaching for the bow she had stolen from the armory, glancing up as haymitch watched down the hallway."Going upstairs?"She asked walking towards the elevator with him, "Stay there you three!"She yelled over her shoulder, hoping the two men would stay, because if they stayed lea would stay, and the pregnang woman would e safe.
Gale was pale, and trembling, his eyes wide and terrified. "the Mutts are here..." he muttered softly. "the Lea Mutt is here... she's going to eat me..." he whispered. "Peeta Mutt is going to eat Katniss..." he whispered, lost in his terror now that he had warned his freinds. "Katniss..." Peeta whispered, worried. "be careful... i'll get them out of here." he promised. "Lea, help me, he's stiff with Terror i can't budge him..." Peeta complained. Gale was bigger and heavier than him, he really didn't want to have to drag the bastard. "Lea Mutt is gonna eat me. Lea Mutt is gonna eat me.. Lea Mutt is gonna eat me..." he mumbled, over and over, but his feet where moving now, walking to where Peeta ordered him to walk to.

Haymich rushed along side Katniss, holding his own weapon of choice, a large pick as he ran up the stairs and froze in horror at what he saw... they where Mutts indeed. large brutish two of them. they where covered in thick feathers, with huge wicked Talons for hands and feet, thick grotesque beaks that where thick and stained with red blood. but that wasn't the shocking part... the shocking part was who they looked like. "...son of a bitch..." Haymich hissed softly. "it's Peeta!!" it was, the two Mutts looked exactly like Peeta and Leanna. they both hissed, making the same sound that Gale had made, and leaped through the air, one of them landed on Haymich, the other landed in front of Katniss, cutting deep marks into the stone floor as it's massive beak lunged for her face.
Katniss noed."I'll be careul."She muttered watching them go for a moment before heading upstairs. Lea swallowed hard as she nudged gale into peeta and katniss's room, opening the closet door and soving him in, and making him sit down efore sitting down with him."Shh sweetheart, she's not going to get you.I promise. me an peeta'll protect you."He muttered gently stroking his hair looking up at peeta with wide panicked eyes. Trying so hard to be calm.

"Bloody..."Katniss trailed off in surprise as she stared at the mutt, her bow already rawing back as she fell back, tossing herself backwards to avoid the strike as she loosed the arrow, watching it hit the bird mutt before reaching for her hunting knife and diving for haymitch.Battering the mutt away she hesitated a moment looking into peeta's face before swallowing and shoving the knife through bone and skin, the explosion of blood covering her even as she killed the mutt, already turning to deal with leanna. ut... it was killing her and her leg hurt where the mutt had gotten her. And as she fought she realized that one of the others from 13 were fighting. adn when the mutt fell she stumbled and fell, panting as she felt weak from bloodloss. To weak to think about what needed to be done.
Gale crawled into the Closet and wrapped his arms around his knees and rocked, back and forth, back and forth. too terrified to even babble now at the sounds of the shrieks and screams coming from upstairs. "too many... too many... too many Peeta's... too many Lea's... all gonna die... we're all gonna die..." he whispered, babbling again as he rocked back and forth even faster. it was no wonder he had so many issues about Lea and Peeta... had those Mutts tormented him? was that why he had tried to kill Peeta? been so afraid of Lea? "it's alright Lea." Peeta whispered softly, looking up as the sounds all stopped, swallowing thickly. "see, it's already stopped, i'm sure everyone's alright, we'll just wait here until someone comes to get us."

the mutt screamed as the Arrow struck it, jerking back as the Arrow struck it's heart, shrieking as it convulsed, scratching along the floor as it bled everywhere. the Peeta mutt seamed to be full of blood, spraying blood all over everything as it writhed, bleeding over everything as it died, Haymich gasping as he nursed thick claw marks down his arm and across his face and chest. he was going to need a lot of stitches. so was Katniss for that matter. medics rushed onto the scene, dragging District thirteen guards out from the bloody mess and administering first aid to everyone. one of the doctors started carefully wrapping up her cuts. "their not poisoned at least." one of the doctors promised. "but how the hell did they get in!?" one of the Guards demanded, nursing a broken arm. "how the hell did they get in!?"
Katniss looked relieved to hear they weren't posioned looking at the claw marks goind down her side and her thigh.Glad that while they looked bad, they weren't deep otherwise she'd be worried about bleeding out."Someone let them the fuck in. Now stop freaking out, find coin and start asking everyone.I have to go check on the invalids."She said hobbling to her feet and making her slow way to her bedroom, knocking on the door but not trying to go inside."Peeta?Lea?Gale?Its me."She said but not trying to go in afraid to scare gale even worse
they all stared at her, wide eyed and shocked, horrified even as they watched her get bandaged. someone let them in!? who would do that!?... someone either who didn't know any better, a child who accidentally left a door open... or a spy. the doctors looked a little annoyed that she was up and moving already, but their medicine had already stopped the bleeding. "you need to come to the medic office for stitches! and bring Gale! he's going to need to be examined by the Doctors to make sure he isn't back sliding." she stated before turning her attention to the people who where still bleeding. Gale shrieked when she knocked on the door, and something heavy slammed into the door, Gale, trying to hold the door shut. "gale, it's alright, it's Katniss... Katniss isn't a Mutt, right?" there was a long hesitation and then. "no... no Katniss isn't a Mutt..." Gale mumbled softly. "Katniss isn't a Mutt...." "that's right, so you have to move away from the door..." "no! no the Mutts will get in! their waiting! Lea Mutt is going to eat me!...." it took ten minutes for Peeta and Lea to calm Gale down enough to get him away from the door and let Katniss in. he was too frightened to let Lea or Peeta touch him though, the return of the Mutts had made him nearly crazy again, and Katniss was the person he clung to, muttering that the Mutts where going to get them, they where going to kill them all... the entire way to the doctors who gently drugged him to sleep so he could calm down.
"I will.I promise as soon as I get them."She promised before leaving. Looking relieved when gale opened the door, and looking worried as she stood stiffly, swallowing the pain of gale clinging to her as she got him down to the doctors before leaning into peeta as him and lea were outcasted once again to the observation room. "He'll be okay."she muttered pressing a kiss to lea's head and ignoring the doctor that as trying to get her to leave the two of them.She was fine, these two weren't. Not with gale reaking out again.
Peeta stared at Gale, turning to look at Katniss as the doctors gave up and stripped her shirt off and started stitching her up right there since she was being so stubborn. "holy shit Katniss!" Peeta hissed, shocked as he examined the marks. "what the hell did that!?" "you did." the doctor stated simply, looking disgusted. "or at least something that looked exactly like you... it's no wonder that poor boy is so damn panicked..." she growled. "those Capital bastards are so SICK!" she growled looking at Lea and Peeta. "there was one of each of you... we're still trying to figure out how those things got in..." she admitted shaking her head a little. "unless Seneca Crane ended up talking... but i doubt it..." she admitted shaking her head. "poor Gale..." Peeta muttered as he held Katniss' hand, closing his eyes as he swallowed thickly. "at least he didn't attack us again... i think he's able to tell us from the Mutts now." he admitted smiling at Lea. "when he wakes up and the doctors clear him we'll go see him." he promised, turning to look at poor Gale who was drugged to sleep, and still struggling against his nightmares and against enemies who weren't there.
Katniss shook his head.She hadn't known him long, or well,but there had been something about seneca that said he'd be loyal, and not yield no matter what."He'd committed suicide rather than yield.There's another reason they ended up here."She muttered shifting a little.

A few hours later katniss sighed softly as she eased into the bed with peeta, wincing because her body hurt."Lea went down to see gale. Do you you think they used them on him?It would make sense..."She sniffled startign to cry because she couldnt imagine what her friend had been through.

"Gale?"Lea said as she crossed the room, looking worried as she balanced a tray of food on her hand, before reaching out and gently shaking gale's shoulder, stroking his hair."Gale. You need to wake up.You need food."She said fussing over him.
Weeta nodded a little. "Gale saw him die." Peeta admitted simply. "Seneca crane bit through his own tongue so he wouldn't talk... drowned in his own blood." the doctor winced at such a terrible death but nodded. "he was a wonderful man..." she muttered softly. "maybe they followed scent? i know that you have been out hunting... maybe they tracked your scent?" Peeta asked blinking at Katniss, lookign worried. "i know those damn Dog Mutts can do that..." he admitted shaking his head. "we'll figure it out... i know we will..." in the morning he looked at Katniss with a troubled expression. "i think they may have..." he admitted softly, holding her close. "but their dead now... we'll show him that their dead and maybe he;ll calm down... the Doctors have them in autopsy, their curious about how they... you know.. work." he admitted. "and how it is that they look like us..."

Gale blinked, blinked again, rolling onto his back to stare at the ceiling, a small whimper falling from his lips as he muttered about stealing cookies and hunting in the woods. reacting as if he thought he was back in the Capitol before he seamed to focus on her, looking confused. "...are you Lea... or Lea Mutt?" he asked softly, his voice afraid as he stared at her, blinking slowly. "t...tell me something only Lea would know..." he thought and then. "...sing me the song she used to sing by the water." no mutt or capitol man would know that, it would prove to him that she was who she said she was, and then he wouldn't be afraid.
Katniss sighed softly ashe rested her head on peeta's chest, shivering a little as she considered that."It's...weird. I know they're different, but they still look like you."She muttered looking disturbed before raising her head to look at him, ear lickering through her eyes."There's another way they could have known we were here peeta..."

"Lea,"Lea muttered raising her shirt a little."See?Round and pretty pregnant."Seh muttered before swllowing before staying where she was."Kind friends and companions, come join me in rhyme, come lift up your voices, in chorus with mine, let us drink and be merry, all grief to refrain, for we may and might never meet here again. Here's a health to the dear lass that I love so well, her style and her beauty sure none can excel, there's a smile on her countenance as she sits on my knee, sure there's no one in this wide world as happy as we...."Lea muttered sotly gently, that soft voice that had stopped mockingjays wihisered through the room.
Peeta frowned a little as he shuddered violently. "i wonder how they do that?... they did that with the other tributes in the seventy fourth too... it's... it's disturbing." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i don't like that there was a... thing, that looked like me running ar..." he paused, blinking at her, looking almost confused. "what do you mean there's another way they might have known where we are?... you not suggesting that Gale showed them? let them in!? no. that's not possible, Lea would have woke up if he'd tried to leave the bed." he protested, shaking his head before hesitated. "...unless you think... he still has the tracker in his arm?"

Gale stared at her as she sang and he slowly relaxed, smiling as he closed his eyes and relaxed into the song, sighing a little as he reached out to her. "Lea... my Lea." he mumbled softly, happily as he pulled her into bed with him. "i love you." he whispered softly, just holding her. too frightened of loosing her to do anything else but hold her and take in all her sights and smells, smiling a little. "i'll never let any Mutt hurt you... i promise..."
"He might.We never considered it, because we ripped ours out. We were so worried about getting him healed that we never considered that they might have made sure they could find him."She said looking upset before sighing."I know he wouldn't do it on purpose but he might have accidently done it."

Lea smiled softly as she moved closer, shifting as she snuggled into him, closing her eyes."I love you to."She muttered nuzzling his neck,holding him tightly."I wont let them hurt you either. I'll protect you."she muttered reaching up gently stroking his hair.
Peeta hesitated and sat up, kissing her forehead. "you lay here and rest, your injured... i'll go ask the doctors if they removed the tracker." he muttered softly, moving to go talk to a doctor.

Gale smiled a little as he nuzzled her neck, jumping as the door opened and a doctor walked in. "i'm sorry to interrupt you but... we need to run a full diagnostic scan on Gale... we think he might have a tracker somewhere on his person..." the doctor admitted, Gale blinking a little. "Gale, did they poke you with any needles?" "yeah, a lot." Gale admitted. "they never told me what they did cept one... it made me tell the truth, i couldn't lie at all... they gave it to Seneca too but he killed himself before they could ask him questions." Gale admitted kissing Lea's forehead before stripping naked and standing so that the doctor could scan him. "good god!" the doctor gasped in horror. "what the hell did they DO to you!?" "what?... what's wrong!?" Gale demanded, worried as the Doctor shook her head. "i don't know... i found the trackers..." she admitted. "there's three of them..." she admitted, sitting Gale down and very carefully removed the one in his arm, the one in the back of his neck, and the one on the bottom of his foot. "i need to take a blood sample... i'll let you know once we're certain." she promised, taking a large amount of blood from Gale for testing, the boy looking confused. "Lea?... did i bring the Mutts here?" he asked, looking worried, frightened. " you think i'm in trouble?"
Lea looked frightened to as she sat up on the bed, her eyes wide and frightened before looking at him."n-no. I'm sure you wont get in trouble. Even if the mutts found us because they tracked you, that isn't you fault."She muttered wrapping her arms around him tightly, shaking a little. So scared that coin would punish him for something that wasn't his fault. It wasn't his fault he'd been tortured, hadn't been his fault that this had happened. "Come on. We both need rest, and I don't feel good."she muttered rubbing a hand on her stomach wanting to distract him.
he relaxed a little and snuggled into her, nuzzling her neck as he relaxed into her, sighing a little as Peeta walked in carrying another tray of food, watching Gale as he fell asleep. "Lea... we need to talk." Peeta admitted softly, setting a hand on her shoulder. "Katniss made Coin promise not to punish Gale, it's not his fault after all, and even Coin has to admit that it was a matter of her guards and doctors forgetting protocol than any fault of his..." he smiled at her. "come on, i don't want him to hear this..." he admitted tugging her carefully to her feet and taking her down to the autopsy room where Lea mutt and Peeta mutt where laying. "these are the Mutts that got in." he admitted, examining them carefully. "they have our DNA. that's why they look exactly like us." he hesitated now. "unfortunately... we've found... traces, in Gale's DNA..." he looked at her. "...they tried to make him a Mutt." he explained. "instead of mixing DNA like they do for these things... they tried to twist his DNA..." he looked at her. "have you noticed anything... strange, about him since he's returned?" like, eating shrimp when he hated sea food, hissing in tune with the Mutts who had attacked. he could smell strange things... the Capitol had not only torture him... they'd experimented on him!

(and my wicked idea, is complete^^)
Lea rubbed her eyes looking worried but relieved at the man's words. It was good to hear that they wouldn't be punishing gale but...that didn't sound good Looing at peeta worried before looking at the mutts, paling softly. "He's...he hates sea food but he's eating it now.That whistling he did when he woke up, he knew they were here before anyone else.."she looked so scared before wrapping her hands in peeta's shirt, clinging to him."You can't let coin kill him peeta. You can't!Its not hihs fault. He didn't mean to lead them here, and he's not hurt anyone but us. Please, please peeta they can't kill him."She whimpered totally breaking down.
Peeta swallowed thickly as he stared at the Mutts, looking worried, and upset. "he did know they where here... that could be an advantage..." he muttered softly, thinking of ways to make people want to keep him around. "and he did warn us... he didn't follow his brainwashing, he protected us..." Peeta muttered smiling a little as he shook his head, holding her tightly. "shh, love.. i won't let them hurt Gale... i promise... we'll leave before it comes to that." he promised kissing her forehead. "i promise... they need you and Katniss, if it makes you unhappy, Coin won't be willing to upset you over something that might be beneficial..." he muttered, trying to comfort her as she stroked her hair. "i promise... if they so much as threaten Gale, we'll leave." he promised staring at her. "i promise, alright?... now... we need to tell Gale..." he admitted softly. "do you want to tell him... or do you want me to? because we're going to have to tell Katniss too and she's going to be even more upset than you are right now..."
Lea whimpered sniffling a litttle as she clung to him, so scared about them taking gale away from her. "Okay.Okay we need to tell gale."she swallowed hard before shaking her head."Oh. No.You get to tell katniss.I'll talk to gale."She said because she was so not getting into that emotional mess."Besides, if she's to upset you can kiss her and shut her up.I can't do that."He said snickering a little tearily as she stepped back into her and gale's room rubbing her face clear of tears as she sat down next to him on the bed, gently stroking his hair,before shaking his shoulder."Gale?"she muttered needing to tell him now, otherwise she might be tempted not to tell him.
he smiled a little at her, stroking her back a little. "you won't help me stop Katniss from murdering people? your cruel." he complained affectionately, kissing her forehead. "i guess i could kiss her." he agreed smirking a little. "i haven't in a while.. maybe i'll use my tongue this time." he teased, trying to gross her out a little so she'd stop being so panicky. he watched her leave and sighed a little as he headed to Katniss, sitting down on the bed. "we where right, Gale had trackers in him... three of them..." he swallowed thickly. "we found other things too..." he admitted glancing at Katniss. "Kat... they... they experimented on Gale." he explained softly. "they... they tried to turn him into a Mutt..." he admitted softly. "that's how they knew the others where here... because he's tuned to them genetically..."

Gale whined a little but rolled over, blinking at her, looking confused and shockingly, in the half light of the room, his eyes where slitted, like a Cats, as if they where taking in the light even better than any human ever could. then he blinked again and they where back to normal, and now he looked worried as he carefully wiped her tears away. "Lea? love what is it? what's wrong?" he asked softly, gently stroking the tears away with his thumb. "come back to bed... are you in pain... is there anything that i can do?"
Lea made a face whining sotly."Peeta!Don't tell me stuff like that."She whined. When she moved over to the bed she swallowed hard seeing his eyes, paling a little but she knew her boy, he was her gale, and she wasn't going to let anything happen.Crawlig into bed with him she she tried to stop panicking. Closing her eyes as she rested her head on his chest."No,I'm not hurt."She muttered stroking his chest absently." you remember anything from the capitol?What the did to you?"

Katniss looked at him sleepily, the blood loss and pain making her slow. Before her eyes went wide as she struggled to sit up, gasping in pain."What?What?!"She growled already moving to get up and el with something even if she wasnt' physically able to do so.
Gale blinked, looking confused as he blinked at her, his head tilted a little. "Lea?" startled by the fear he had seen in her face, blinking a little as she spoke, pausing to ponder. "i remember pain." he admitted suddenly. "there was lost of pain, they would poke me, and stick me with needles." he admitted softly. "i didn't know what was happening... they wanted information but i didn't have any... they tried to make me tell but the only bad thing i've ever done was steal cookies from Peeta's house and go hunting in the woods you know?... so i thought if i just confessed those they'd leave me alone... but they didn't... they just poked me with more needles and made it hurt even more." he admitted frowning a little. "why?" he asked, giving her a puzzled look.

he set his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back onto the bed. "hush, Katniss. injuring yourself isn't going to help him." he growled softly, stroking her hair gently. "Lea is talking to him right now, telling him... i don't know what Coin's thinking is on this but we need to all four of us work together to make sure she knows that Gale is harmless, even helpful..." he explained, staring at her. "or, we might have to run away again." he admitted watching her, swallowing thickly. "i don't know for sure what they've done to him, the doctors are still working on his genes and whatever." he admitted. "you need to control yourself, because how do you think Gale is going to feel when he finds out?... if you panic, if your furious, he's going to panic and be afraid. you know he will."
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